British Chess Magazine - August 2022

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Volume 142




Founded 1881

Chairman Shaun Taulbut

Director Stephen Lowe

Milan Dinic and Shaun Taulbut LIFE, STRUGGLE AND
Photo editor
David Llada
Milica Mitic

458 How BCM summarised the
Stev Bonhage, FIDE official,
London 1922 tournament:
BCM archive, Wikipedia “Despite the prophecies of
many pessimists the tourney was a
Advertising great success”
Stephen Lowe
460 BCM Endgames and Problem editor
Enquiries TR Dawson on the London 1922 tournament:
[email protected] IMPRESSIONS AND GOSSIP
ISSN 0007-0440
© The British Chess Magazine Limited
464 A contemporary look at the
Company Limited by Shares London 1922 Chess Congress
Registered in England No 00334968 By James Pratt

Postal correspondence: 468 London 1922 Openings Survey:

Albany House, 14 Shute End From classical to hypermodern
Wokingham, Berkshire RG40 1BJ By GM Aleksandar Colovic
[email protected] 480 Openings for Amateurs
12 monthly issues The Debut of the London System at
UK: £55 | RoW: £85 The London International
Chess Congress
Printed in the UK: by Lavenham Press Ltd By Pete Tamburro
Cover photography: 484 Chess problems
BCM / Chess Pie: The Official Souvenir of the from over a century ago
London 1922 International Tournament
By Chris Jones


August 2022

BCM’s view on the announcement of Magnus Carlsen

that he will not defend his world title:

A big change and challenge in chess

On July 20th, World Champion Magnus Carlsen announced that he will not defend his
world crown. The story was widely reported across the world, giving a rare spark to chess
in mainstream media, albeit a sad one.

Magnus Carlsen’s decision not to defend his chess crown has been coming for a long time.
As far back as 2018, he told the Norwegian state broadcaster that he may not defend his
title in 2020, referring to the same issues he has cited in his announcement on 20th July,
lack of motivation and fatigue. Even before he became world champion, the Norwegian
had issues with how the qualifying system works and how the title is defended, and his
unhappiness about this has grown over the years.

Instead of the announcement coming via FIDE, the international chess body, Carslen’s
decision was published on the chess24 website which he owns and in the premier episode
of a podcast he will co−host.

While there is no reason to doubt Carlsen’s word, it is a fact that this is just an announcement
and that he has not yet signed any formal letter or officially withdrawn from the match. This
has allowed space for some to speculate that Carlsen might change his mind.

Not motivated enough

In the announcement - as in many other comments he gave on this issue over the years
− Carlsen made it clear that the decision was made based on what he felt is best for him.

‘I am not motivated to play another match. I simply feel that I don’t have a lot to gain, I don’t
particularly like it, and although I’m sure a match would be interesting for historical reasons and
all of that, I don’t have any inclination to play and I will simply not play the match.’

Carlsen also noted that he informed FIDE of his decision whilst in Madrid, during the
Candidates and said there were no negotiations about whether or not he will play in the
next match.

‘As many know, I was in Madrid for the conclusion of the Candidates Tournament. After
the conclusion I did agree to meet with Dvorkovich and Sutovsky from FIDE to talk a little
bit. I did not have any demands or suggestions for that meeting. They did have a couple
of suggestions, but the gist of it was that I was there to tell them that I would not defend
my title in the next World Championship match, and we had a small discussion. They had
some suggestions, some of them I liked, some of them I did not.’

Given what he has achieved, could we ask for more?

Many will be disappointed by Carlsen’s decision not to defend his crown. However, as FIDE
Director General Emil Sutovsky noted, he is not the first to have gone down this path:



‘Every dominant Champion quit at some

stage: Morphy, Lasker (he resigned the title
in 1920 and insisted on playing the 1921
Match as a challenger), Fischer, Kasparov.
No FIDE, weak FIDE, strong FIDE. Does
not matter. As sad as it is, Carlsen is in line
with his great predecessors.’

Carlsen is just 31 and so far he has won

the championship match for the world
chess crown five consecutive times, has
achieved the highest ratng in history to date
(2882 and is aiming to set another record of
2900), has won every possible prestigious
chess tournament and has a comfortable
score against all of his contemporaries.
What else is there?

Thankfully, there does not appear to be any

reason to fear that Carlsen will follow in

Photo: Stev Bonhage, FIDE

Fischer’s footsteps and enter a long period
of self−imposed exile and estrangement
from chess. Not has Carlsen demonstrated
to date any of Fischer’s erratic behaviour
or appeared to suffer from the demons with
which Fischer had to contend.

We surely have to have an understanding

(as FIDE has noted) of the the tremendous
toll that playing five matches for the world
title may have taken on Carlsen. The
feeling among some commentators that The issue of the legitimacy of the
Carlsen’s decision not to defend his title next world champion
in 2023 is disrespectful to the traditions of
chess in general and to FIDE in particular There is, however, one issue. If
is perhaps understandable, but in our view Nepomniachtchi or Ding become the next
does not sufficiently take account of the world champion, either of them will forever
individual at the centre. be undeservedly marked by the question of
how legitimate that title is. Many feel that
Many commentators like to argue that Karpov never succeeded in lifting the cloud
chess is a sport. Well, if that is so, let of doubt in terms of over−the−board play
us listen to the voice of another hugely about the legitimacy of his accession to the
respected world−class sportsman at the top world champion title in 1975.
of his game. Reflecting on the increasing
demands on top class cricket players, Ben And the first speculative remark has already
Stokes recently pithily observed: “We are been made, by none other than Garry
not cars where you can fill us up with petrol Kasparov, who was quoted by Grand Chess
and let us go. It has an effect on you, the Tour to have said: ‘In order to be considered
playing, the travel, it does add up”. Chess the 17th World Chess Champion, you
administrators, organisers and sponsors have to beat Magnus Carlsen’. Kasparov
please take note. also sees the need for change in format of


August 2022

world championship matches by saying crusade. But, with his abdication

that he supports Carlsen’s initiative of announcement, the chess crown will pass
including rapid and blitz into the World to a player from either Russia or China.
Championship: ‘That’s what people want While there is nothing to suggest that
to see. That’s why we have millions of new Nepomniachtchi or Ding - should either
followers. Nobody wants to wait 8 hours become world champion − will act as the
for the result of the game’. voice of politicians and the ruling elites
in Moscow or Beijing, it doesn’t take a
The impact of Carlsen’s political expert to see that the separation
announcement on chess in between sport and politics is greater in the
general and chess in the West West than in the East, and that the world
chess crown would be a major symbolic
Since becoming world champion Magnus gain and boost for such countries and
Carlsen has been a great promoter of the especially for Russia.
game - giving interviews, organising events,
and engaging with the audience. Thanks What next for Carlsen?
to him, chess has become immensely more
popular not just in Norway but it has gained ‘Just so there’s no ambiguity here,
prominence and profile throughout the I’m not retiring from chess, I’m still
West. The positive impact was also felt on going to be an active player’, Carlsen
the organisational side: more experienced said following his announcement and
professionals from business, marketing and immediately went on to win the Grand
PR entered chess. That helped the game Chess Tour event in Croatia. His priority
become more attractive and gain more in terms of competitive chess will
traction in the media and with the wider public likely be to reach the 2900 rating (he
which subsequently led to more money being is currently on 2864), which has never
invested in chess and chess events. been achieved in history, and no doubt
promoting his own events and interests
Now, if Carlsen remains true to his in the wider chess world.
announcement and steps down from the
title, something of that energising power in Carlsen has been a great champion and no
the West will be lost. doubt will continue to be one, whether or
not he holds the title of world champion.
The timing of Carlsen’s He has given a lot to chess and - he is
announcement and global events still only 31 - he will undoubtedly give
a lot more.
We are currently witnessing one of the
most dangerous periods in modern history, This is by no means the end of speculation
with open talk of a world war between regarding Carlsen. In his recent podcast
Russia (and even China) and the West. Carlsen said: ‘I don’t rule out a return
In light of what is happening, enormous in the future, but I wouldn’t particularly
efforts have been made across the West to count on it either.’ So, after years of
neutralise Russian influence, and that has speculation one has ended and another
included chess. has started - when and if he will return
and what will his focus be? Whatever he
The world champion has a lot of power decides, says and does the chess world
and a strong voice, not just in the world of will surely listen. Let us hope that he
chess but beyond it. continues to use wisely and for the
benefit of the wider chess community the
Of course, it is not Carlsen’s duty to authority and respect which his massive
take part in some kind of global political achievements confer and deserve.



Central Hall, Westminster, July 31 to August 19, 1922
(Article originally published in
‘The book of the International Chess Congress 1922’, published in 1923)

To British Chessplayers in general and might be able to assist the Tournament

to London Chessplayers in particular funds but although this hope has not yet
the history of the London International been realised it was at least self supporting,
Congress of 1922 is already well known. and if the remaining stock is sold the fund
Nevertheless some permanent record of the may yet benefit. A gratifying feature of the
Tournament and its inception is necessary. issue of Chess Pie is the fact that orders
came from every part of the world. Iceland,
The indefatigable efforts of Mr. S. J. China, Japan, Central Africa, South Africa,
Holloway to raise the necessary funds for Siberia and South America, as well as all
the Tournament will be fresh in the minds the countries from which one would expect
of everyone and although the whole of the a demand. This fact proves how well the
amount required was not raised his success Tournament was advertised and how far
in this direction was unprecedented, the flung are the devotees of the game of Chess.
deficit being much less than was expected.
The Congress was so arranged that it
Two previous International Tournaments embraced the annual. British Chess
in London are within living memory and Federation Tournaments. The principal event
in the official Tournament books issued in commenced on Monday, July 31st. After the
connection with them several early pages are official opening by the Right Ron. A. Bonar
occupied with lengthy lists of donations, and Law and the Mayor of Westminster, an
somewhat dull records of the preliminaries. inaugural luncheon which the competitors,
the officials and many. distinguished visitors
These less interesting details are omitted attended, took place in the playing hall. Play
from the present work because they were commenced the same afternoon.
fully recorded in The Chess News Sheet,
which formed an unique feature of Mr. On Monday, August 7th, the Minor
Holloway’s propaganda. Six numbers Tournaments commenced and were so
of this sheet were issued—the last one arranged that all sections concluded together
giving the final results as well as a series on the evening of Friday, August 18th.
of "impressions" of the Congress by prom−
inent players and visitors—some serious, The Minor Tournaments comprised the
some humorous, but all interesting. following events :

The preliminaries in connection with this Major Open Tournament,

Tournament were unique in more ways Minor
than one for in addition to the News Sheet Women’s
a valuable souvenir of the Congress entitled First Class Tournament, 3 sections,
Chess Pie was issued, edited by the present Second Class, 3 sections,
writer. It was hoped that this publication Third Class, 2 sections


August 2022

In these events a total of 150 players took Chess Pie—the already mentioned official
part whilst the number who took part in the souvenir and consequently there is no need
miscellaneous competitions during the last to recount them again in the present book.
fortnight was very much larger. Most of the photographs which follow are
reprinted from Chess Pie.
A surprising feature, but at the same time
a very welcome one, was the very large Details of the financial aspect of the event
"gate". The number of visitors to witness are given in the British Chess Federation
the play—particularly in the masters Year Book and do not need recapitulation.
tournament was wholly unpreced−
ented and to an extent unexpected. It There is little else to place on record
shows in a way that nothing else can beyond the success of the whole enterprise,
do that Chess is becoming increasingly and its result on British Chess can but be
popular. The glamour of the title for good. British amateurs have had the
"World’s Champion" helped not a little opportunity of continued practice with the
in swelling the gate receipts. very best exponents from all over the world
and further, this International Congress
The final result of the masters tournament has resulted in the participation of several
was in no way a surprise in fact the first masters in subsequent tournaments in this
two in the order named were hot favourites Country—notably the double round contest
with Rubinstein third, but the latter was at Hastings in September and the later
not in the invincible form of old and Single Round Tourney, also at Hastings,
finished fourth. and, the meetings at Liverpool and Margate.

With the exception of Morrison and Watson A complete score table in order of
the competitors’ individual records to the merit and game index to the Masters
date of the tournament were fully given in Tournament follow.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 TT. Prizes
1 J. R. Capablanca, Cuba * ½ 1 ½ 1 1 ½ ½ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 1st £250
2 A. Alekhine, Russia ½ * ½ 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 1 1 1 ½ 1 1 1 11½ 2nd £150
3 Dr. M. Vidmar, C. Slovakia 0 ½ * 0 1 ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 3rd £100
4 A. Rubinstein, Poland ½ 0 1 * ½ ½ 1 1 ½ 0 1 ½ 1 1 1 1 10½ 4th £70
5 E. D. Bogoljubow, Ukrania 0 ½ 0 ½ * ½ 1 1 0 1 ½ 0 1 1 1 1 9 5th £40
6 R. Reti, Czecko Slovakia 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ * ½ ½ 1 1 ½ 1 0 1 0 1 8½ 6th £30
7 Dr. S. Tartakower, Ukrania ½ ½ 0 0 0 ½ * ½ 1 0 1 1 1 ½ 1 1 8½ 7th £25
8 G. Maroczy, Hungary ½ ½ ½ 0 0 ½ ½ * 1 ½ ½ 1 ½ 0 1 1 8 th
8 £20
9 F. D. Yates, Great Britain 0 0 0 ½ 1 0 0 0 * 1 1 1 1 1 ½ 1 8
10 H. E. Atkins, Great Britain 0 0 ½ 1 0 0 1 ½ 0 * 0 1 ½ ½ 0 1 6
11 M. Euwe, Holland 0 0 0 0 ½ ½ 0 ½ 0 1 * 0 1 0 1 1 5½
12 E. Znosko-Borovsky, Russia 0 0 0 ½ 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 * 1 ½ 1 0 5
13 V. L. Wahltuch, Gt. Britain 0 ½ 0 0 0 1 0 ½ 0 ½ 0 0 * 1 1 ½ 5
14 J. S. Morrison, Canada 0 0 0 0 0 0 ½ 1 0 ½ 1 ½ 0 * 0 1 4½
15 C. G. Watson, Australia 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ½ 1 0 0 0 1 * 1 4½
16 Prof. D. Marotti, Italy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ½ 0 0 * 1½



OF THE 1922
Photos published in Chess Pie
1st - Jose Raul Capablanca

2nd - Alexander Alekhine 3rd - Milan Vidmar 4th - Akiba Rubinstein

5th - Efim Bogoljubow 6th - Richard Reti 7th - Savielly Tartakower


August 2022

8th/ 9th - Geza Maróczy 8th/ 9th - Frederick Yates 10th - Henry Atkins

11th - Max Euwe 12th - Eugene Znosko-Borovsky 13th - Victor Wahltuch

14th - John Morrison 15th - C . G. Watson 16th - Davide Marotti



How BCM summarised the London 1922 tournament:



As the impressions of many onlookers of the tournament which ended with the prize
giving on August 18th, were given in News Sheet No. 6, which was issued with the
September number, we do not propose to review it at any length. Despite the prophecies
of many pessimists the tourney was a great success, and though the prize winners were
much as expected, the impetus to chess is already being felt by the makers of chess
boards and men, the publishers of chess books, and we hope will also be reflected in
the many chess clubs in the kingdom—which, after all, is the main point.

Señor Capablanca once again proved himself a champion, his method of taking advantage
of any slip by his opponent appears almost uncanny, and except against Tartakower he
never seemed to be at a disadvantage, though he had hard work to win against our
British champion, and could scarcely have done so had the latter not made a weak move
towards the end, similarly Atkins proved his fighting powers ; his mastery was specially
shown in his game v. Vidmar, also v. Morrison, and the end−game v. Wahltuch after
winning a Pawn was fine chess.

Alekhine is no believer in book knowledge, and prefers to adopt lines of his own;
the champion considers British players would be well advised to do the same,
certainly in Alekhine’s case the result is an individuality which gives unexpected
freshness to the game, the finish of his game v. Yates was a good example
of his prowess.

Dr. Vidmar is a stylist, and his end−game play exceedingly fine. Rubinstein was a
little disappointing occasionally, and suffered from nerves, but he proved himself a
stubborn fighter always. Bogoljubow and Reti played some fine games, but at times
seemed to lack concentration. Dr. Tartakower is well known as a special student of
King’s side openings, and though his experiment of Castling Q R in his game v.
Atkins failed, he brought off a fine win v. Yates in a Scotch Game, while his fight
v. Capablanca has already been referred to. Even the best players found it difficult
to beat Maróczy, and his draw with Alekhine aroused the applause of the onlookers.
Everybody was pleased to see our champion a prize winner, but except for his win
v. Bogoljubow he did not do well against the other prize winners. Atkins showed
v. Rubinstein and Tartakower that with practice can still hold his own in the chess
world, but at times he seemed to be quite bereft of ideas. Euwe was disappointing;
probably press work militated against a higher position, nor did Snosko−Borowsky
take the position we should have expected. Wahltuch, like R: H. V. Scott, is we
fear, temperamentally unsuited for tournament play, but some of his games were


August 2022

Copy from the original pages of BCM

fine fighting efforts. Morrison and Watson proved themselves dour fighters, and
with more master practice would have undoubtedly done better. Marotti tried far
too many experimental lines and we should judge has played a lot of chess with
weaker players.

The splendid attendance of the public resulted in a good deal of overcrowding round
the boards. Another room for demonstration boards would have been a god−send. The
organisers of the Hastings Tournament took advantage of the experience gained from
this congress.

In the General Congress, Mr. Berndtsson, of Gothenburg, made a fine fight and improved
on anything he had done in the past. He, however, fell off towards the end.

The Major Open proved that our strong amateurs can hold their own against those of other
countries, and some of their opponents were of master strength.

In the Minor Open Gooding improved considerably on his last year’s performance.

Miss Price’s score in the Ladies’ Championship was, we understand, the best that has been
made in B.C.F. Congresses.

A. A. Muffang, of Armentieres, was too strong for his opponents, and it is a pity that his
name had not been included amongst those of the Major Open Tournament.



BCM Endgames and Problem editor TR Dawson on the

London 1922 tournament:


Never having visited a chess congress before, I went with an open mind, prepared for anything I
found it. Chess congresses, I soon learned, are not really for chess, but only for chess play. There
is, however, a social side of the congress which is pleasantly good—saying “How d’you do?” to
folk you have exchanged letters with for years and never previously met, is rather exciting.

My day there covered the 5th round of the principal tournament and supplied a variety of
incidents more or less worth mentioning. The first hour or so of play was exceedingly dull.
Only the most ardent enthusiastic students of the openings can find interest, in the sound,
stolid, first fifteen moves or so of these master games. The three deep serried ranks round
the Capablanca board indicated, indeed, that a classic hero was more attractive than mere
openings. During this period I wandered about, a disconsolate lost problemist, seeking
distractions. Not being able to pursue my acquaintance with Wahltuch, Watson, and Yates
beyond nods, during their serious struggle over the board, I was glad to light upon our
genial problem editor and Dr. Schumer. The latter gave me some amusing reflections,
for referring to my predilection for the humorous and fantastic, Dr. Schemer waved his
hand toward the players with the comment: “This is serious chess, of course.” I admit the
“serious,” but beg to doubt the “of course.” I idly reflected that these masters put in some
four or six hours’ strenuous thought over one game—and it is strenuous alright, some of
them being obviously tired out by the end of the day. But we problemists think nothing of
twenty, forty, a hundred strenuous hours over one solitary problem. There are two of my
retro problems cost me six years of intermittent work—at a guess, a thousand hours−−to
complete, and I have a score of others over which I have worked ten years, and they are
still baffling me. This, “of course,” is not serious chess, I presume.

The first mild excitement of the day developed over the Marotti−Yates game. The Italian
player, apparently somewhat outclassed in this tourney, made a wretched move that lost a
Pawn and the exchange, and resigned forthwith. The game might have been very interesting
otherwise, as it exhibited a definite strategic structure. Yates was meeting a promising attack
on his K−side castled King by a vigorous counter−attack on a Q−side castled King, and the
pieces being so distinctly orientated, a rare race for the first telling blow seemed due.

Somewhere about this time the thickening of the crowd round the Morrison−Euwe board in−
dicated happenings, and the well−known, player and problemist, Mr. F. F. L. Alexander and
myself were perched on chairs at the back of the crush getting occasional glimpses of the board.

As no move transpired for ten minutes or more, Alexander and I immersed ourselves
in a pocket board and problem lore, oblivious of crowds, game, or our own precarious
elevation. The absurdity of standing on chairs to do problems, instead of sitting, occurred
to me only when running over the day’s events for this paper.

However the game went on spite of us and we awoke from dreams to the following critical
position (Diagram 1).


August 2022

Morisson v Euwe. Morisson v Euwe.

9-+-+-trk+0 9-+-+-trk+0
9+p+-+-+p0 9+R+R+-+p0
9-+p+-+p+0 9-+p+-+p+0
9+-wQ-+pwq-0 9+-wQ-+-+-0
9-+-+-+-+0 9-+-+-+-+0
9+N+-zP-+-0 9+K+-zp-+-0
9-+P+-zPr+0 9-+PsN-tr-+0
9+R+R+K+-0 9wq-+-+-+-0
xiiiiiiiiy xiiiiiiiiy
In position 1, the Canadian champion, with a Knight for a couple of Pawns, was confronted
by a stiff attack on his King. The next move or two ran 1...£g4 2.¢e1 ¦h2 3.K¢d2 ¦xf2+
4.¢c3 £e4 5.¦d3 f4. Half an hour later, I returned to witness the climax, in Diagram 2.
Evidently the young Dutch player would profit by a dose of problems for he played the
wretched move, ¦xd2, leaving the Canadian a simple mate in two and a well-deserved win.

Contemporary with the preceding events, and at the next board, two seasonal warriors, Reti
and Tartakower, were fencing elegantly in the closing stages of a delicate ending (No. 3).
Reti v Tartakower. Wahltuch v Maroczy.
9r+-+-+k+0 9-+-vl-+-tr0
9zpl+-+-zpp0 9+-zp-+p+q0
9-zp-+-+-+0 9-zp-zp-mk-+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+P+PzpNzp-0
9-zPP+-zp-+0 9-+P+Psn-+0
9+R+-+P+-0 9+-+-+PvLr0
9-+-trN+PzP0 9RtR-+-+-zP0
9+-+-tR-mK-0 9+-+Q+-+K0
xiiiiiiiiy xiiiiiiiiy
In the position 3, the play ran 1.¤xf4 ¦d4 2.¤e6 ¦xc4 3.¦d1 ¥c6 4.¦d8 ¦xd8 5.¤xd8 ¥d5
6.¦d3 ¦c1+ 7.¢f2 ¥c4 8.¦d7 ¦c2+ 9.¢g1, and agreed drawn. I watched the two players
compare notes while running rapidly over a dozen continuations and the endings lover will
find plenty of play. Black’s extra £ side Pawn. is balanced by White’s ¤ to ¥. hence the draw.

Diagram 4 gives the Wahltuch-Maroczy game at the adjournment for tea, White to play. This
complex block position resulted, in the evening, after a dozen moves so, in a draw by tacit
perpetual check. Over one tense move, Marozcy meditated 37 minutes, seeking a win in vain.
I luckily hit the moment, after the decision, when a ‘frogpond,’ if I may apply the irreverent
Americanism to our foreign visitors, of Bogoljubow, Capablanca, Reti, Rubinstein, Vidmar,
and others, dissected the position. Readers of these irresponsible notes will like to explore
one alluring attack that was propounded in Diagram 4- vi., ¦a7. followed by Pc5—when
the fur and feathers fly. But the gem of the evening, and the only bit of chess play all day
that I really enjoyed arose from another line of play, resifting in the following Pawn ending:



A Might-have been in the Maroczy: “Not, a bit. I can take it, 1…

Wahltuch-Maroczy game. dxe5.”
XIIIIIIIIY Capablanca: “2.c5.”
Maroczy: “2… ¢f8.”
9-+-+-+-+0 Capalalanca: “3.d6.”
9+-zp-+pmk-0 Maroczy: “3…¢e8.”
Capablanca: “4.dxc7.”
9-zp-zp-+-+0 Mavoczy: “4...¢d7.”
9+P+P+-zp-0 Capablanca: “5.cxb6!”
9-+P+Pzp-+0 Wahltuch: “Got him, by jove.”
Maroezy: “You think it’s won, eh? But see:
9+-+-+P+-0 5…f5”
And the frogpond chuckled, and tried
9+-+-+-mK-0 something else. Of course this sparkling bit
xiiiiiiiiy of fencing was not serious chess—it was
The ‘frogpond’ dialogue was approximately: much too pretty for that.

Wahltuch: “Could I have won this Pawn The other games in the round, which I have
ending alter changing everything off?” not mentioned, were all too dull to excite
Maroczy: “Never in your life! The ending comment. I came away from my first day
is drawn.” at a congress very glad that I was not a
Capablanca: “I’ll try 1.e5!” professional reporter of such doings.
Wahltuch: “Ha- Better not, take it. You
must, move your King back.” T. R. DAWSON


August 2022

Thomas Rayner Dawson - The brilliant

Fairy problemist and BCM problem section editor
Thomas Rayner Dawson (28 November 1889 - 16
December 1951) was a brilliant English chess problemist
and a problem and endgames editor for BCM.

Chess Pie in 1923 gave the following biography of TR



1889 in Leeds, follows the bent of his famous uncle, the
late James Rayner, who edited the problem section of the
British Chess Magazine for many years. Dawson, learning
chess at the age of 12, like Bernard was driven to problem
lore by lack of opponents at the game. His first two−mover
was published in 1907, but he soon found that chess, as
played, would not satisfy his strong bent for every form
of puzzle. In his own words, ‘appalled by the monotonous
sameness of direct maters,’ Dawson took up the study of
‘Fairy Chess,’ in which composers make their own fanciful
conditions of play, and found here so vast and fascinating a field that he has produced nearly
2,000 chess puzzles in the last 15 years. Dawson is a prominent Chess Editor and conducts
very popular columns in the ‘Chess Amateur’ and the Italian ‘L’Alfiere di Re.’

The Oxford Companion to Chess (1996) describes him in the following words:

“English composer, pioneer of both fairy problems and retrograde analysis. His problems
in these fields form the greater part of his output (about 6,500 compositions) and are
better remembered than his studies and orthodox problems. For fairy problems he
invented new pieces: grasshopper (1912) LEO (1912), NEUTRAL MAN (1912) NIGHT
RIDER (1925), and VAO (1912); he codified new rules such as the maximummer (1913)
and various kinds of series−mover; and he used unorthodox boards.”

In the period of 1919 to 1930 he wrote a column devoted to fairy problems in the Chess Amateur.
He is one of the cofounders of The Problemist in 1926. From 1931 up to 1936 he was the editor
of The Problemist Fairy Supplement and finally moving to The Fairy Chess Review (1936 until
his passing in 1951). He was President of The British Chess Problem Society from September
1931 to 1943.

He was the problem section editor of the British Chess Magazine from 1931 to 1951. In December
1947 he left the post of endgame editor for BCM parting from the readers with the following
message: “With this page I reluctantly terminate on health grounds some forty years of work in
the Endings field, and my contributions to this corner of the “British Chess Magazine”. To the
many readers of these pages, a Merry Christmas and steadily improving years.”

During his career he composed some 6,400 problems and 150 studies.

Away from chess, TR Dawson (who graduated chemistry) worked in the rubber industry
where he rose to prominence.



A contemporary look at the

London 1922 Chess Congress
All in a year when Tutankhamen’s tomb was exhumed, Capablanca
was to appear in public for the first time since winning the World
Title. James Pratt takes the lid off a fine event in our history

The London 1922 Chess Congress came at Maroczy (b.1870) the veteran of the field,
a price for British chess, but it proved to be wrote a book about the tournament. Future
worth it! World Champions – Alekhine and Euwe –
likely prize winners to match Capablanca.
It was decided not to hold the British No! Euwe finished well down the table,
Championship itself but stage an losing all of eight games, even against the
international event, 29th July to 18th August. Canadian Morrison, an unfancied player,
The World Champion was coming plus who lived until 1975 walking off with five
several challengers! Vidmar, who began Canadian Championships in his time. Was
so strongly but faded, Znosko-Borowsky, his press work, an old excuse, too much
today remembered more as author rather distraction for the future FIDE President?
than player, Réti, who here never pressed
hard enough versus Watson, Bogoljubov From an early round, the revolutionary
– who underestimated 22. ¤xf7 against opening theories of Réti were brought
Znosko. Add Rubinstein, Wahltuch … out into the daylight and tested here. (His
Modern Ideas in Chess was to be published
In all sixteen players assembled in the months later with better editing than the
Central Hall in Westminster opposite the earlier German edition.)
Houses of Parliament. They invited the
Prime Minister, a certain Andrew Bonar- Davide Marotti – Richard Réti
Law (a Conservative who died in 1923 after
just seven months in office) to open play. London International (3)
[Puncuation by Engqvist]
Looking at the crosstable it surprises that
so few of the home players were invited - 1.e4 e5 2.¤c3 ¤f6 3.f4 d5 4.fxe5 ¤xe4
only Atkins and Yates. The Italian Marotti 5.¤f3 ¥e7 6.¥e2?! ‘Passive’ – Harding
was largely outclassed but the Champions (1976).
of Canada and Australia held their own.
Donkey’s years later, Purdy annotated a 6 … 0-0 7.0-0 ¤c6 8.d3 ¥c5+ 9.d4 ¥b6
game from the event by his compatriot, 10.¤a4 ¥f5?! 11.¤xb6 axb6 12.¥e3
Watson, an 83-move marathon against Yates. Deep Fritz prefers 12.c3 ¥g6 13.¤d3 f6=.

12 … ¥g6 13.£e1?! £e7 14.c3 f6

“As I have played practically 15.¥b5?! fxe5! 16.¥xc6 bxc6 17.¤xe5
no serious chess for so long a ¦xf1+ 18.£xf1 c5 19.¤xg6 hxg6
time, I would rather not have 20.dxc5 bxc5 21.£d3 c6 22.a3?! £b7
23.£c2 c4 24.¦f1?! ¦b8 25.¥c1? £b6+
appeared at all…” 26.¢h1 ¦f8? 27.¦xf8+ ¢xf8 28.g3 £f2
[Henry Atkins, as quoted by Chess Pie, 1923] 29.£xf2+ ¤xf2+ 30.¢g2 ¤d3 31.a4!
¢e7 32.a5 ¢d7 33.¥e3?! c5 34.¢h3


August 2022

¢c6 35.a6?? ¢b6 36.¢g4 ¢xa6 37.¢g5

¢b5 38.¢xg6 ¤xb2

BCM murmured: ‘An exciting ending

furnished by Marotti and Réti; the following
position (play from move 39) arose after
Black had stopped a passed white pawn on
the queen’s wing:

39.¢xg7 ¤d1 40.¥d2 ¤xc3! 41.¥xc3 d4

42.¥e1 c3 43.h4 ¢c4! 44.h5 d3 45.¥xc3
¢xc3 46.h6 d2 47.h7 d1£ 48.h8£ £d4+
49.¢h7 £xh8+ 50.¢xh8 ¢d4 0-1.

Saviely Tartakower – Henry Atkins

London International (9)

The elemental power of rooks commanding

open lines is well illustrated In this beautiful
game - Tartakower & du Mont.
The Central Hall, Westminster
‘Tartakower castled on the Queen’s side
v. Atkins and, despite being short of time, Instead of further compromising his
Atkins chased his opponents King into the position, he should have resorted to the
middle of the board and mated him’ – BCM patient manoeuvre 23.¦d2.
09/22, p329.
23 ... ¦b8 Maroczy: All Black’s pieces are
1.e4 e5 Alexander in his Pitman handbook, now well posted for the attack.
updated even as late as Fischer-Spassky,
mentions this game as an example of 24.¦d2 ¥e6 25.£d1 ¥e5 26.¥d4
inadvisable long castling. ¥f4 27.¥e3 ¥xe3 ‘Now at last Black
exchanges in such a way as to give White
2.¤f3 ¤c6 3.¥c4 ¤f6 4.¤c3 ¤xe4 a very weak king’s position in addition to
5.¤xe4 d5 6.¥d3 dxe4 7.¥xe4 ¥d6 8.d4 other troubles’ – Hugh Alexander.
¤xd4 9.¤xd4 exd4 10.£xd4 0-0 Marcozy
commented: Black has now the advantage 28.fxe3 b4 29.cxb4 ¦ab6 30.¦d6
in development, as White cannot castle at XIIIIIIIIY
once because of … ¥xh2+.
11.¥e3 £e7 12.0-0-0 ¦e8 13.¥d5 As 9+-+-wqpzpp0
this helps Black’s counter-play (14....c6)
the best course was 13.¥f3 with level 9-trptRl+-+0
chances. A magnificent trap would be 9zp-+-+-+-0
13.¦he1 £xe4 14.¥h6 ¥f4+ 15.¢b1, and 9PzP-+-+-+0
wins. But Black coolly replies 13....¥e6,
obtaining the better game. 9+-+-zPL+-0
13...¥e5 14.£a4 c6 15.¥f3 ¥e6 16.¢b1
a5 17.¥d4 ¥d6 18.¥b6 ¥b4 19.c3 ¦a6 9mK-+Q+-+R0
20.¥e3 ¥f5+ 21.¢a1 b5 22.£b3 ¥d6 23.a4 xiiiiiiiiy

30...¦xb4 Threatening not only 31....¦xa4+, A century old analysis:

but also 31....¥b3, followed by… ¦xa4+.
Sir George A. Thomas
31.¥xc6 ¦xb2 32.¥b5 ¦a2+ 33.¢b1 ¦xa4 comments on one
34.¢c2 If 34.£xa4 £xd6 the bishop is lost.
of the best games of the
34...¦a2+ 35.¢c3 ¦c8+ 36.¥c6 London 1922 tournament
9-+r+-+k+0 Jose Raul Capablanca - Dr. Vidmar
9+-+-wqpzpp0 London London, 1922
Sir George A. Thomas
9zp-+-+-+-0 1.d4 d5 2.¤f3 ¤f6 3.c4 e6 4.¤c3 ¥e7
9-+-+-+-+0 5.¥g5 ¤bd7 6.e3 0–0 7.¦c1 c6 8.£c2
dxc4 9.¥xc4 ¤d5 10.¥xe7 £xe7 11.0–0
9+-mK-zP-+-0 b6 It is usual in this variation - and judging
9r+-+-+PzP0 from this game, probably essential-to
exchange knights before playing b6.
xiiiiiiiiy 12.¤xd5 cxd5 13.¥d3 h6 The alternative
36...¦xc6+ ‘A crowning touch’. 13...¤f6 might possibly have turned
out somewhat better; but White would,
37.¦xc6 £b4+ 38.¢d3 £b5+ 39.¢d4 apparently, have a strong grip on the
£xc6 40.¢e5 £c5+ 41.¢f4 £f5+ queenside position even then.

The veteran English master covers himself in 14.£c7

glory – ‘The Golden Treasury of Chess’ (1943). XIIIIIIIIY
42.¢g3 £f2# ‘ .. demolition job .. ’ – Neil
Hickman in ‘Memorable Games of British
Chess’ (2019). 9-zp-+p+-zp0
Capablanca emerged undefeated – 9+-+LzPN+-0
Heidenfeld wrote ‘showing initiative and 9PzP-+-zPPzP0
imagination’ - and with a £250 first prize.
Alekhine scooped £150 for coming second
and he too emerged unscathed. xiiiiiiiiy
Heavy material established as firmly
Lower down, R.P. Michell, Arpad Vajda as this on the seventh rank must, by
and Edith Price won their sections, Miss all accepted standards, give White a
Price scoring a not unimpressive 9.5/11 pronounced advantage.
and she (b.1872), like Maroczy, carried her
years lightly. She had been known to taunt 14...£b4 Black had probably relied on
Lasker in her time and, recalls Harley in this move to relieve his position. But it
‘Chess and Its Stars’ but ‘does not indulge is not very easy to see what he hoped to
in Kriegspiel’. BCM offers photos of the accomplish by it. For even if White paused
event from Messrs Walshaw’s, price 1/-. to defend his b-pawn, Black would still be
And doubtless there were takers! in a very difficult position.


August 2022

15.a3! 16.h3 Purposely giving Black time to

XIIIIIIIIY move his knight, thus allowing the White
Knight to establish itself at e5.
9zp-wQn+pzp-0 16...¤f6 17.¤e5 ¥d7 18.¥c2 £b5 19.a4
£xb2 20.¤xd7 Good enough; but, as
9-zp-+p+-zp0 pointed out by Capablanca after the game,
9+-+p+-+-0 20.¦b1 would have been still more effective.
9-wq-zP-+-+0 20...¦ac8 21.£b7 ¤xd7 There is nothing better.
9-zP-+-zPPzP0 22.¥h7+
xiiiiiiiiy 9-+r+-trk+0
The commencement of a very fine and deep 9zpQ+n+pzpL0
combination, by which White demonstrates 9-zp-+p+-zp0
the inferiority of Black’s line of play
commencing with b6. Superficially, it may
seem obvious that Black cannot play Qxb2 9P+-zP-+-+0
without landing his queen in hopeless 9+-+-zP-+P0
trouble. Actually, that is not the point at all.
15...£a4 After 15...£xb2 there would be 9+-tR-+RmK-0
no way of catching the Black Queen. The
success of White’s combination would be due
to the attack he could direct against Black’s The culmination of a fine piece of play.
undeveloped pieces on the queenside, thus: White emerges with the Exchange against
16.¦b1 £xa3 (best) 17.¥b5 £e7 (If 17...¤f6 one pawn-a certain win, thogh the ending
White wins by 18.¦a1 , etc., the Black queen requires careful and accurate handling.
having no retreat.) 18.¤e5 (stronger than
18.¥c6 Now it will be found that White 22...¢xh7 23.¦xc8 ¦xc8 24.£xc8 ¤f6
must win at least not only the Exchange, but 25.¦c1 Getting the rook into play; and
also one of Black’s queenside Pawns; this is simpler than the tempting 25.£c7 ,when,
important, as if Black could maintain the two after 25...¤e4 26.£xf7 ¤d2 , the rook
passed Pawns on that win, he would have fair would not be too well placed.
value for the Exchange, but he cannot do so.)
If, for example 18...£d8 (Or 18...f6 19.¤g6 25...£b4 26.£c2+ So as to gain time
(Stronger than 19.¤xd7 ¦d8 20.¥c6 ¦xd7 presently by another check at a8.
21.¥xd7 £xd7; 19.£c6 fxe5 20.£xa8 ¥a6)
19...£d8 (19...£f7 20.¤xf8 ¤xf8 21.¦fc1 26...¢g8 27.£c6 £a3 28.£a8+ ¢h7 29.¦c7
threatening QxQ+ followed by ¦c7+ and £xa4 30.¦xf7 £d1+ 31.¢h2 £h5 32.£xa7
¥c6.) 20.¦fc1 £xc7 (If 20...¦e8 21.£xd8 £g6 33.¦f8 £f5 Of course threatening
¦xd8 22.¤e7+ wins a piece.) 21.¦xc7 ¤g4+, as well as attacking the f-pawn.
¦f7 22.¦bc1 ¢h7 23.¦xc8 ¦xc8 24.¦xc8
¢xg6 25.¦c7 If knight moves, Be8.) 19.£c6 34.¦f7 £g6 35.¦b7 ¤e4 36.£a2 e5
¤xe5 20.£xa8 and Black must withdraw 37.£xd5 exd4 38.¦b8 ¤f6 39.£xd4 £f5
his Knight, giving up his a-pawn. for if 40.¦xb6 £xf2 41.£d3+ ¢g8 42.¦b8+ A
20...¤f3+ 21.gxf3 £g5+ 22.¢h1 £h5 splendidly played game by Capablanca.
23.£b8 winning easily. 1–0



London 1922 Openings Survey:

BCM’s GM Aleksandar Colovic takes a closer look at the opening ideas
and the place the London Chess Congress of 1922 has in chess theory
The international tournament in London, Akiba Rubinstein - Richard Reti [E68]
held from 31 July to 18 August 1922 was
Capablanca’s first official event as a World British CF–15 London International London (1),
Champion. 31.07.1922

Every new champion brought something 1.d4 ¤f6 2.¤f3 d6 3.c4 ¤bd7 This move-
new to the game and in Capablanca’s case order was often used by Boleslavsky and
it was a triumph of the ideal positional Bronstein in 1950 as a way to avoid the
style, marking the pinnacle of the chess Saemisch Variation (after 2.c4 d6 3.¤c3
development that started with Steinitz’s ¤bd7).
positional revolution.
4.¤c3 e5 5.g3 g6 Reti transposes to the
When it came to openings, Capablanca King’s Indian. He could have played the
relied on trusted and tested lines, but he so-called Old Indian by developing the
was not a stranger to trying new things if bishop to e7. This set-up of pawns on e5 and
he considered them worthy. In London, d6 and ¤f6, ¥e7 and ¤d7 became quite
he mostly relied on his usual lines of the popular against 1.e4: the Hanham Defence
Orthodox Queen’s Gambit Declined and in the Philidor Defence was often used by
the Steinitz Defence of the Ruy Lopez, Nimzowitsch and is still very popular today!
but in the analysis below we will see him
venture into more hypermodern territory on 6.¥g2 ¥g7 7.0–0 0–0 8.e4 b6!?
a few occasions. XIIIIIIIIY
Looking back 100 years it is very interesting 9r+lwq-trk+0
to observe how the best players of the time 9zp-zpn+pvlp0
treated the openings and explored lines that 9-zp-zp-snp+0
are popular even today. In the following
paragraphs, I will describe some of the 9+-+-zp-+-0
developments of the opening theory that 9-+PzPP+-+0
still have relevance today.
The King’s Indian was not a popular opening This is the most curious moment. For decades
at all in those times, but the hypermodern this move would have been (and was!)
mind of Richard Reti employed this defence considered a bad positional mistake, as the
twice and with good results (and positions common understanding was that the bishop
after the opening!) – two draws against didn’t belong on b7 where it could be shut
Rubinstein and Alekhine. after d5. The usual moves are 8...c6, 8...exd4,


August 2022

8...a6. However, only last year, the Indian 12.¥f3 Prophylactic play by Rubinstein.
prodigy Praggnanandhaa started playing He forces the knight back to f6, thus
this move with great results! It turns out that preventing ...f5.
things are not that simple and this case is a
wonderful example of "everything new is 12...¤hf6 13.¥e3 ¢h8 Preparing ...¤g8
well forgotten". and ...f5.

9.h3 Here are examples of the modern 14.¤d3 ¤c5 Black would like to force an
practice based on Praggnanandhaa’s games. exchange on c5 as after ...bxc5 he would
strengthen his central grip.
9.£c2 exd4 10.¤xd4 ¥b7 11.¦e1 ¦e8
12.h3 c6 this is Black’s idea - he finished 15.¥g2 ¤h5 It was possible to play
development and the bishop on b7, while ...¤fd7, but Reti doesn’t mind repeating
limited by its own pawn on c6, doesn’t moves.
hinder the connection of the rooks. 13.¥e3
£c7 14.¦ad1 a6 15.¥f4 ¦ad8 with a 16.¥f3 ¤f6 17.b4 ¤xd3 18.£xd3 ¤g8 19.c5
tense KID position in the game: 0–1 (34) XIIIIIIIIY
Oparin,G (2655)-Praggnanandhaa,R (2608) INT 2021; 9r+-+qtrnmk0
9.dxe5 dxe5?! it seems that taking with
the knight on e5 is better, now White
gets some pressure. 10.£e2 ¥b7 11.¦d1 9+-zPPzp-+-0
c6?? blundering the e5–pawn. It was an 9-zP-+P+-+0
online game, after all. 12.¤xe5 White
is now winning. 1–0 (57) Sadhwani,R 9+-sNQvLLzPP0
(2545)-Praggnanandhaa,R (2608) Chess. 9P+-+-zP-+0
com INT 2020; 9.¦e1 exd4 10.¤xd4
¥b7 11.¥e3 c6 12.h3 £c7 13.¦c1 ¦ad8
we see the same set-up as in the game xiiiiiiiiy
Oparin-Praggnanandhaa above. 14.£c2 19...f5 Finally pushing the typical
¦fe8 15.¦cd1 a6 16.f4?! ¦e7 here 16...b5! ...f5. But White also advanced on
would have shown the hidden potential the queenside and objectively he is
of Black’s position. 17.g4 h6 a difficult better, but as typical for the KID the
KID position for both sides, in the end complexity is more important than the
Black won. 0–1 (37) Khademalsharieh,S objective evaluation. After exciting
(2494)-Praggnanandhaa,R (2608) chess24. play where the advantage changed
com INT 2021. hands more than once the game was
eventually drawn.
9...¥b7 10.d5 ¤h5 Reti tries to organise
the ...f5 push immediately. ½–½

10...¤c5 was Praggnanandhaa’s choice

and it is the better one. 11.£c2 a5 12.¥e3 Alexander Alekhine - Richard Reti [E90]
¤h5 13.a3 f5 14.exf5 gxf5 with an unclear
KID position where Black won in: 0–1 (27) British CF–15 London International London (13),
Eljanov,P (2671)-Praggnanandhaa,R (2608) 16.08.1922 INT 2021.
1.d4 ¤f6 2.¤f3 g6 3.c4 ¥g7 4.¤c3 0–0
11.¤e1 £e8 Defending the knight on h5 so 5.e4 d6 We have the standard position of
that after ...f5, exf5 gxf5 is possible. the KID.



6.¥g5 the typical 10.dxe5 dxe5 11.¤xe5? ¤xe4!

XIIIIIIIIY when Black is better.
9rsnlwq-trk+0 10.g4! But this is already modern! White
9zppzp-zppvlp0 advances on the kingside to limit Black’s
activity there, a typical development
9-+-zp-snp+0 in many contemporary lines, for ex the
9+-+-+-vL-0 Makagonov and the Saemisch.
9-+PzPP+-+0 10...e5 11.¥e3 exd4 12.¤xd4 ¤e5 13.¥e2
9+-sN-+N+-0 White obtained a dominating position as
9PzP-+-zPPzP0 he can castle queenside and launch an
attack on the kingside while Black is not
9tR-+QmKL+R0 well-placed to create any counterplay. But
xiiiiiiiiy even from this position, Reti managed to
A rare choice even by today’s standards, but use the inherent complexity of the KID
the move is a prophylactic one against ...e5. and confuse Alekhine, eventually drawing
the game.
6...h6 6...e5?? 7.dxe5 dxe5 8.£xd8 ¦xd8
9.¤d5 is White’s idea, when he wins ½–½
thanks to the pin on the h4–d8 diagonal and
the attack on the c7–pawn.
A popular choice in London was the Torre/
7.¥f4 Alekhine still plays against the ...e5 London/Colle complex. While it was used
push, but today we know that this doesn’t by the weaker players like Wahltuch and
really work. Watson, it also featured in some high-level
7...¤bd7 7...¤c6 would be a move
according to today’s standards, targeting Alexander Alekhine - Max Euwe [A48]
the d4–square.
British CF–15 London International London (4),
8.£d2 ¢h7 9.h3 ¤g8?! 04.08.1922
XIIIIIIIIY 1.d4 ¤f6 2.¤f3 g6 3.¥f4 ¥g7 4.¤bd2 c5
9r+lwq-trn+0 5.e3 d6 6.c3 ¤c6 7.h3 0–0
9zppzpnzppvlk0 XIIIIIIIIY
9-+-zp-+pzp0 9r+lwq-trk+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9zpp+-zppvlp0
9-+PzPPvL-+0 9-+nzp-snp+0
9+-sN-+N+P0 9+-zp-+-+-0
9PzP-wQ-zPP+0 9-+-zP-vL-+0
9tR-+-mKL+R0 9+-zP-zPN+P0
xiiiiiiiiy 9PzP-sN-zPP+0
Too convoluted, as the immediate 9...e5 9tR-+QmKL+R0
was already possible.
9...e5! was much better, the point being Quite modern development by the 4th and
that White cannot take on e5 in view of 5th World Champions! It has to be said


August 2022

however, that while Alekhine had a great XIIIIIIIIY

tournament, finishing second behind
Capablanca, Euwe had a very bad one, 9r+lwqr+k+0
with eight losses, many of them marred 9zpp+-+pvlp0
by blunders.
8.¥c4?! This looks natural, but it 9+-zp-sn-+-0
unexpectedly exposes the bishop and the 9-+L+-vL-+0
pawn on b2. Taking on c5 or the simple
8.¥e2 were better. 9+-zP-zPN+P0
XIIIIIIIIY xiiiiiiiiy
9r+lwqr+k+0 A positional mistake.
10...dxe5 11.¥h2 £e7 was better, but in
9-+nzp-snp+0 view of the control over the d5–square after
9+-zp-+-+-0 12.e4 White is better.
9-+LzP-vL-+0 11.¥xe5! dxe5 12.¤g5! ¥e6 13.¥xe6
9+-zP-zPN+P0 fxe6 14.¤de4 With a strategically
9PzP-sN-zPP+0 winning position that Alekhine won in
exemplary style.
xiiiiiiiiy 1–0
Euwe aims for ...e5, but it was better to aim
for queenside activity.
Jose Raul Capablanca - Richard Reti [A48]
8...cxd4! 9.cxd4 (or 9.exd4 e5! 10.dxe5
dxe5 11.¤xe5 £e7 when Black obtains British CF–15 London International London (10),
excellent play for the pawn.) 9...£b6 12.08.1922
pinpoints White’s problem with the pawn
on b2. After 10.¥b3 (10.¦b1? ¥f5 is 1.d4 ¤f6 2.¤f3 g6 3.h3 A rare way to
the main idea behind Black’s play, White prepare the London System, but White can
cannot easily defend his pawn on b2.) allow himself this frivolity.
10...¤a5 Black wins the pair of bishops
and has an advantage. 3...¥g7 4.¥f4 0–0 5.¤bd2 d6 6.e3 ¤bd7
7.c3 c5 8.¥c4 b6 9.0–0 ¥b7 Normal
9.0–0 e5?! Persisting with the plan. Here it development by both sides, without
was better to at least modify it by taking knowing the date of the game it would
on d4 first. have been impossible to say that it had been
played 100 years ago.
9...cxd4! 10.cxd4 (10.exd4 e5 11.dxe5
dxe5 12.¥h2 ¥h6!? also gives Black 10.£e2 Preparing e4 and possibly ¥a6.
good activity.) 10...e5 11.dxe5 dxe5
12.¥h2 £e7 is quite OK for Black. 10...£c7

10.dxe5 ¤xe5?


9r+-+-trk+0 With an advantage for White whose
queenside play with ¥b5–c6 is much faster
9zplwqnzppvlp0 than Black’s play on the kingside.
9+-zP-zPN+P0 Akiba Rubinstein - Max Euwe [A48]
9PzP-sNQzPP+0 British CF–15 London International London (11),
9tR-+-+RmK-0 13.08.1922

prepares to push ...e5, but as we 1.d4 ¤f6 2.¤f3 g6 3.h3 ¥g7 4.¥f4 b6
know today this is not always the best way This game was played in round 11 and
to deal with the London System. here we see Euwe change his approach
from his game against Alekhine from
10...a6 was better, preventing ¥a6 and preparing round four. He employs quite a modern
...b5. After 11.a4 cxd4 12.exd4 ¤d5 13.¥h2 set-up against the London System.
¤7f6 Black has a good position, his knights
comfortably placed to control the centre. 5.¤bd2 ¥b7 6.e3 d6 7.c3 0–0 8.¥c4
¤bd7 9.0–0 ¤e4
11.¥h2 Prophylactically moving away XIIIIIIIIY
from ...e5.
11...¦ae8 12.e4 cxd4?! Opening the c-file 9zplzpnzppvlp0
only helps White in the ensuing position.
12...e5 was better, trying to keep the position 9+-+-+-+-0
on the queenside closed in case White pushes 9-+LzPnvL-+0
d5. 13.dxe5 (13.d5 ¤h5 is an acceptable KID
position for Black.) 13...¤xe5 14.¤xe5 dxe5 9+-zP-zPN+P0
15.¦fd1 White is more comfortable here thanks 9PzP-sN-zPP+0
to the better structure (Black has a hole on d5),
but Black’s good development and control of 9tR-+Q+RmK-0
the d5–square give him acceptable play. xiiiiiiiiy
Initiating some simplifications and
13.cxd4 e5 14.¦ac1 £b8 15.d5 increasing control over the e5–square
XIIIIIIIIY - now the bishop on g7 can support the
...e5 push.
9zpl+n+pvlp0 9...£e8!? with the idea of ...e5 was
another good way to play. 10.¥h2 e5
9-zp-zp-snp+0 11.a4 a6 12.b4 £e7 with a complex
9+-+Pzp-+-0 middlegame with chances for both sides
9-+L+P+-+0 as in the game: 0–1 (51) Bisguier,A
(2440)-Kortschnoj,V (2670) Hastings
9+-+-+N+P0 1976.
10.¤xe4 ¥xe4 11.£e2 e5 12.¥h2 £e7
9+-tR-+RmK-0 13.¦ad1 ¢h8 14.¥b5 ¦ad8 Black got
xiiiiiiiiy a good position out of the opening, even


August 2022

though eventually he lost by blundering 4.¤c3 ¤c6 5.d4 cxd4 6.¤xd4 £c7
into a lost pawn endgame. 7.¥e2 ¤f6 8.¥e3 ¥b4 9.f3 This is
possible, but it allows Black to strike in
1–0 the centre.

It was interesting to note the development
of the Sicilian Defence, in particular the XIIIIIIIIY
Scheveningen set-up. The Sicilian was 9r+l+-trk+0
first used by Tartakower in round two, but
then it was picked up by Maroczy, Euwe
and Rubinstein. 9p+n+psn-+0
Max Euwe - Saviely Tartakower [B41]
British CF–15 London International London (2),
1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 a6 9tR-+QmK-+R0
XIIIIIIIIY xiiiiiiiiy
9rsnlwqkvlntr0 The immediate 9...d5 was played by
9+p+pzppzpp0 Nakamura in an online game. After
10.exd5?! The move 10.£b3 would have
9p+-+-+-+0 been a stern test for Black’s idea. 10...
9+-zp-+-+-0 exd5 11.0–0 dxc4 12.¥xc4 0–0 13.¤xc6
9-+-+P+-+0 £xc6 14.£b3 ¥c5 Black had a good
position with no problems in the game:
9+-+-+N+-0 0–1 (26) Hevia,A (2460)-Nakamura,H
9PzPPzP-zPPzP0 (2766) INT 2022.
9tRNvLQmKL+R0 10.0–0 ¥xc3 11.bxc3 d5 12.cxd5 exd5
xiiiiiiiiy 13.¥g5 13.¤xc6!? bxc6 14.¥d4 dxe4
The O’Kelly Variation, very recently 15.fxe4 ¤xe4 16.¥xg7! is the engine’s
used on the highest level by Radjabov way to destroy the shelter of Black’s
against Caruana in the Madrid king, though after 16...¦d8 17.£a4
Candidates. When we spoke at the £a7+ 18.¥d4 ¤xc3! 19.¥xa7 ¤xa4
closing ceremony Radjabov told me he White’s pair of bishops is compensated
looked at it quite deeply and in fact the with Black’s extra pawn.
line is not that bad.
13...£e5 14.f4 £xe4 15.¥xf6 gxf6
3.c4 The most principled move, aiming for Led to an unclear position with good
a Maroczy Bind. compensation for the pawn for White,
but he misplayed the position and
3...e6 3...¤c6 was Radjabov’s move. eventually lost.
After 4.d4 cxd4 5.¤xd4 e5 6.¤f5
d5 7.cxd5 ¥xf5 8.exf5 ¤d4 9.¥d3 0–1
£xd5 10.¤c3 £d7 he got a more
or less acceptable position. 1–0 (56)
Caruana,F (2783)-Radjabov,T (2753)
Madrid ESP 2022.


Eugene Znosko Borovsky - 9r+-+-trk+0
Geza Maroczy [B42] 9+lwqnvlpzpp0
British CF–15 London International London (6), 9p+-zppsn-+0
07.08.1922 9+-+-+-+-0
1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 e6 3.¤c3 a6 4.d4 cxd4 9-zp-sNPzP-+0
5.¤xd4 £c7 6.¥d3 ¤f6 7.0–0 ¥e7 Today 9+-sNL+-+P0
the moves 7...¤c6 and 7...¥c5 are the
most popular ones. Maroczy aims for the 9PzPPvLQ+P+0
Scheveningen set-up. 9tR-+-+R+K0
8.£e2 Possible, though modern theory
Maroczy’s play is exemplary. He chases
suggests that 8.¢h1 with f4 is the most away the knight from c3 that is vital for
testing way to play. control of the centre.

8...d6 9.¥e3?! But this is already sub-optimal. 14.¤d1 ¤c5 15.¤f2 d5 The engine doesn’t
The mix of a queen on e2 and a bishop on e3 approve of this, preferring 15...£b6 or 15...
is awkward in this position. The immediate a5, but it is a typical reaction for Black - he
9.f4! was much better, when the bishop can be pushes ...d5 and lands a knight on e4.
developed on d2, thus not blocking the e-file.
16.e5 ¤fe4 17.¥xe4?! White aims for
9...0–0 10.h3? control over the dark squares, but after
XIIIIIIIIY 17.¤xe4 ¤xe4 18.¢h2 was better, though
9rsnl+-trk+0 Black is clearly very comfortable here, for
9+pwq-vlpzpp0 example 18...£b6 with ...a5 to come.
9p+-zppsn-+0 17...¤xe4 18.¤xe4 dxe4 19.¥e3 ¥d5
9+-+-+-+-0 Black is simply better - he has the pair of
9-+-sNP+-+0 bishops and play on the queenside. Black
won in 43 moves.
9PzPP+QzPP+0 0–1
Eugene Znosko Borovsky -
xiiiiiiiiy Max Euwe [B83]
A move that indicates that this game was
played 100 years ago. Today even amateur British CF–15 London International London (7),
players wouldn’t play this useless move - 08.08.1922
such is the advance in chess knowledge for
one century. Natural moves would be 10.f4 1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 ¤c6 3.d4 cxd4 4.¤xd4
or 10.a4. ¤f6 5.¤c3 d6 6.¥e2 e6 It’s worth noting
that the players saw Maroczy’s dominant
10...¤bd7 11.f4 b5 12.¢h1 ¥b7 And performance against Znosko-Borovsky in
by playing natural moves Black is better. the previous round and started using the
A typical scenario in the Sicilian when Sicilian against him! Here Euwe goes for
White plays without a clear plan and is not the Scheveningen directly.
aggressive enough.
7.0–0 ¥e7 8.¢h1 0–0 9.¥e3 ¥d7 10.f4
13.¥d2 b4! £c7 11.¥f3 ¦ac8


August 2022

XIIIIIIIIY Eugene Znosko Borovsky -

9-+r+-trk+0 Akiba Rubinstein [B84]
9zppwqlvlpzpp0 British CF–15 London International London (8),
9-+nzppsn-+0 10.08.1922
9+-+-+-+-0 1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.¤xd4 ¤f6
9-+-sNPzP-+0 5.¤c3 d6 6.¥e2 a6 The Scheveningen is
on the board again. In spite of scoring 1
9+-sN-vLL+-0 out of 2 Znosko-Borovsky’s play against
9PzPP+-+PzP0 the Sicilian in the previous two games was
9tR-+Q+R+K0 far from perfect, so Rubinstein repeats the
opening even though he usually played 1...
xiiiiiiiiy e5 almost always.
Black avoids the ...a6 move, a possible
way to play, but he gains big dividends 7.0–0 ¤bd7?!
by provoking White into the following
incorrect pawn sacrifice. XIIIIIIIIY
12.¤db5 12.¤b3 would be a typical move 9+p+n+pzpp0
today, avoiding the exchange on d4.
12...£b8 13.e5? 9+-+-+-+-0
9-wqr+-trk+0 9+-sN-+-+-0
9zpp+lvlpzpp0 9PzPP+LzPPzP0
9-+nzppsn-+0 9tR-vLQ+RmK-0
9+N+-zP-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy
9-+-+-zP-+0 Rubinstein goes for the development of
the knight on d7, just like Maroczy. This
9+-sN-vLL+-0 is considered imprecise today, the main
9PzPP+-+PzP0 moves being 7...¥e7 or 7...¤c6.
9tR-+Q+R+K0 8.f4 b5 9.¥f3 ¥b7 10.e5! This time White
xiiiiiiiiy plays the best moves.
It’s difficult to say what White’s idea was.
Black simply collects the pawn. 10...¥xf3 11.¤xf3 b4 12.¤a4? But here
he errs.
13.a4 was better, to stop Black’s queenside
expansion after ...a6 and ...b5. 12.exf6! bxc3 13.fxg7 ¥xg7 14.b3
gave White an advantage in view of the
13...dxe5 14.fxe5 £xe5 15.¦e1 £b8 vulnerability of Black’s centre and lack of
16.£d2 ¦fd8 White has nothing for the safe shelter for the king.
pawn and is just lost. But as it happened too
many times to Euwe in London, he again 12...dxe5 13.fxe5 ¤d5
blundered badly and even lost.




XIIIIIIIIY 8...¤f6 9.a3?

9r+-wqkvl-tr0 XIIIIIIIIY
9+-+n+pzpp0 9rsn-wqkvl-tr0
9p+-+p+-+0 9+l+-+pzpp0
9+-+nzP-+-0 9p+-zppsn-+0
9Nzp-+-+-+0 9+p+-+-+-0
9+-+-+N+-0 9-+-sNP+-+0
9PzPP+-+PzP0 9zP-sNL+-+-0
9tR-vLQ+RmK-0 9-zPP+-zPPzP0
xiiiiiiiiy 9tR-vLQ+R+K0
Now Black is simply better - he has a xiiiiiiiiy
dominating knight on d5 and can safely Even the strongest players of the time didn’t
finish the development of the kingside know how to play the novel opening as the
and castle. White only has problems with Sicilian was in those times. This move is
the stranded knight on a4 and the weak easy to make but is out of place here. White
pawn on e5. had to either start an immediate attack in
the centre with f4 or prepare an attack the
14.¢h1 ¥e7 15.¥d2 0–0 16.c4 bxc3 queenside with a4, for example by playing
17.¤xc3 ¤xc3 18.¥xc3 ¤b6 Black £e2 first (defending the pawn on e4).
has a clear advantage as White has no
compensation for the weak pawn on d5 and 9...¤bd7 Now Black is in time to finish
has the worse light pieces. Rubinstein’s development and obtain easy play.
technique brought him a winning position,
but he misplayed it and allowed White to 10.f4 ¥e7 11.£e2 £c7
save the game.
½–½ 9r+-+k+-tr0
Efim Bogoljubow - 9+p+-+-+-0
Akiba Rubinstein [B43]
British CF–15 London International London (10),
12.08.1922 9zP-sNL+-+-0
1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 e6 3.¤c3 a6 4.d4 cxd4
5.¤xd4 b5 In his next game with the
black pieces Rubinstein repeats the xiiiiiiiiy
Sicilian, only this time going for the A superfluous move for modern standards. It
Kan Variation. was better to castle and start central activity
faster, for example, 11...0–0 and 12...¤c5 next.
6.¥d3 ¥b7 7.0–0 Today the moves 7...¤c6
and 7...£c7 are the most popular ones. 12.¥d2 0–0 13.¦f3 A good move.

7...d6 8.¢h1 Possible, but modern theory 13.b4!? is another modern approach. White
likes the immediate attack of Black’s fixes the pawn on b5 and will continue with
advanced queenside with 8.a4! a4 next, attacking it.


August 2022

13...¤c5?! Rubinstein goes for Maroczy’s

idea of ...d5 and ...¤e4, but here White is Frederick Dewhurst Yates -
better prepared to face it. Efim Bogoljubow [C91]
British CF–15 London International London (4),
13...g6 14.¦af1 ¦ae8 was preferable, but 04.08.1922
this is obviously an advanced approach -
Black is getting ready for the opening of 1.e4 e5 2.¤f3 ¤c6 3.¥b5 a6 4.¥a4 ¤f6
the e-file after f5 exf5 as he will drop the 5.0–0 ¥e7 6.¦e1 b5 7.¥b3 d6 8.c3 0–0
bishop back to d8. 9.d4
14.¦g3 Putting the rook on h3 was even
stronger. 9r+lwq-trk+0
14...d5? Persisting with the plan, but wrong.
14...g6 again was preferable. 9+p+-zp-+-0
15.e5 ¤fe4 16.¥xe4 ¤xe4 17.¤xe4 dxe4
18.¥c3 White prepares f5, but it was much 9+LzP-+N+-0
stronger to play that move immediately. 9PzP-+-zPPzP0
18.f5! would have given White an 9tRNvLQtR-mK-0
irresistible attack. Black cannot take on xiiiiiiiiy
e5 in view of 18...£xe5 19.¥c3! and a This is the Yates Variation. White implies
catastrophe awaits on g7. that he can advance in the centre without
fear of the pin on the d1–h5 diagonal.
18...¦fe8 19.f5 ¥f8 20.¦f1 White has a
strong attack which should have been a 9...exd4 9...¥g4 is the automatic move
winning one. today, as there is no need for Black to
resolve the tension in the centre too
½–½ early.

10.cxd4 ¥g4 11.¥e3 d5

To finish this opening survey, let’s go back XIIIIIIIIY
to Capablanca. The following example
is an indicative one which shows that 9r+-wq-trk+0
Capablanca was very carefully observing 9+-zp-vlpzpp0
what the other players were doing in the
opening and if he thought the ideas were 9p+n+-sn-+0
sound enough, he was not against using 9+p+p+-+-0
them. 9-+-zPP+l+0
In round four the game Yates-Bogoljubow 9+L+-vLN+-0
saw White use what is today known as the 9PzP-+-zPPzP0
Yates Variation in the Ruy Lopez.
One of the main continuations even today.
In the next game Bogoljubow went for
the equally popular alternative, possibly
fearing an improvement by Capablanca.



12.e5 ¤e4 13.¤c3 ¥b4?! 13...¤xc3 Bogoljubow changes the line.

14.bxc3 and now either 14...¤a5 or
14...£d7 are the theoretical ways today. 12.¥c2 ¤c4 13.¥c1 c5 14.b3 ¤a5 15.¥b2?!
This allows Black to achieve good play.
14.¦c1? 14.h3 ¥h5 15.¤xd5! is the refutation
of Black’s play. After 15...¥xe1 16.£xe1 Fischer famously improved on Capablanca’s
¥xf3 17.gxf3 ¤g5 18.¢g2 White has a big play with 15.d5! ¤d7 16.¤bd2 ¥f6
advantage thanks to the avalanche of pawns in 17.¦b1 and won a crucial game at the
the centre and the strong pair of bishops (the Stockholm Interzonal, 1–0 (44) Fischer,R-
one on b3 being particularly potent). Kortschnoj,V Stockholm 1962.

14...¤e7? 14...¥xc3! 15.bxc3 ¤a5 gives 15...¤c6?! 15...cxd4! 16.¥xd4 ¤c6 17.¥b2
Black good play. ¦c8 is very comfortable for Black as his
piece activity is difficult to tame - he has
15.h3 ¥h5 16.¥c2 ¥xc3 17.bxc3 f5 ideas like ...¤b4, ...¤e5, ...¤d7, ...d5 etc.
18.exf6 ¦xf6 19.g4 ¥g6 20.¤e5 With a
solid advantage to White. 16.d5 ¤b4 17.¤bd2 ¤xc2 18.£xc2 ¦e8
Two rounds later, in his next game with the
black pieces, Bogoljubow had to face the 9+-+-vlpzpp0
same variation against the World Champion. 9p+-zp-sn-+0
Jose Raul Capablanca –
Efim Bogoljubow [C91] 9-+-+P+l+0
British CF–15 London International London (6), 9+P+Q+N+-0
07.08.1922 9PvL-sN-zPPzP0
1.e4 e5 2.¤f3 ¤c6 3.¥b5 a6 4.¥a4 ¤f6
5.0–0 ¥e7 6.¦e1 b5 7.¥b3 d6 8.c3 0–0 9.d4 xiiiiiiiiy
Capablanca liked what he saw in the previous The position is unclear now, with chances
game and is willing to repeat the variation. for both sides, but soon enough Capablanca
managed to immure Black’s bishop after
9...exd4 Bogoljubow sticks to the same
move-order as in the game with Yates. 19...h6 20.¤f1 ¤d7 21.h3 ¥h5 22.¤3d2
¥f6 23.¥xf6 £xf6 24.a4 c4 25.bxc4 ¤c5
10.cxd4 ¥g4 11.¥e3 ¤a5
XIIIIIIIIY 26.£e3 bxa4 27.f4! £e7 28.g4! ¥g6
29.f5 And won a classical game.
9+-zp-vlpzpp0 1–0
9snp+-+-+-0 It was challenging for the players of
9-+-zPP+l+0 those times to correctly play difficult
openings like the Sicilian and the King’s
9+L+-vLN+-0 Indian, but we could see that on some
9PzP-+-zPPzP0 occasions they managed to show an
understanding of chess that surpassed
9tRN+QtR-mK-0 the limits of their age.
August 2022

Source: British Newspaper Archive - The Graphic, 19 August 1922


for Amateurs by Pete Tamburro; [email protected]
The Debut of the London System at
The London International Chess Congress
Although chess opening researchers will tell £xd1+ 13.¦xd1 ¦xe4µ Euwe’s move is
you the early days of the London System sharp and logical. He uses the power of his
took place back in the 1880s with James king bishop to hit the White centre pawn.
Mason and Joseph Blackburne, London
1922 was the real coming out party for this 5.e3 Black will get the pawn back with
system. Players were looking for alternatives 5.dxc5 ¤a6 and it can get interesting: 6.e4
to the regular Queen’s Gambit Declined. ¤xc5 7.e5 ¤h5 8.¥e3 ¤e6 (which allows
What we know as the Colle-Zukertort made ¤h5–g4 if White plays g4) 9.¤e4 b6 10.£d2
its appearance in this tournament in that £c7 and now the pawn move to hit the knight
regard; however, the belle of the ball was doesn’t work - 11.g4 ¥b7 and wins.
the London System with h3. The old-timers
didn’t care as much as the modern players 5...d6 Black could exchange or castle, but
with the modernist love of the two bishops. he has plans to support an e5 thrust against
When Alekhine beat Euwe with it early on, the bishop on f4. When the London System
players took notice. Capablanca used it after started to experience a resurgence a few
that to beat Reti and Rubinstein took apart years back, a good many strong players
poor Euwe. Then, everyone took notice! This advocated the King’s Indian approach for
particular game was noteworthy because this very reason - with or without c5.
the competing plans and alternate plans are
still valid today for productive study. The 6.c3 ¤c6!? A bit of routine development
endgame also has several wonderful lessons on Euwe’s part. Today, it would not be
worthy of study. Enjoy! unusual for Black to go for the two bishops
with 6...¤h5 7.dxc5 ¤xf4 8.exf4 dxc5 9.g3
Alexander Alekhine - Max Euwe [A48] ¤c6 10.¥g2 , although the position has no
other advantage to speak of.
London (4), 1922
1.d4 ¤f6 2.¤f3 g6 3.¥f4 Capablanca,
against Reti in Round Nine, wasted no XIIIIIIIIY
time in reserving a spot for the bishop on 9r+lwqk+-tr0
h2: 3.h3 ¥g7 4.¥f4 0–0 5.¤bd2 d6 6.e3
¤bd7 7.c3 c5 8.¥c4 b6 9.0–0 ¥b7 with a 9zpp+-zppvlp0
slight edge for Capa, which he carried to 9-+nzp-snp+0
victory. This was actually Reti playing the 9+-zp-+-+-0
Reti System from the Black side. Imagine
spotting Capa the odds of the move! 9-+-zP-vL-+0
3...¥g7 4.¤bd2 c5 Perfectly acceptable
was 4...d6 5.e4 0–0 and now if White gets 9PzP-sN-zPP+0
too ambitious things can turn quickly: 6.c4 9tR-+QmKL+R0
e5 7.dxe5 dxe5 8.¥xe5 ¦e8 9.¥e2 ¤c6 xiiiiiiiiy
10.¥c3 ¤xe4 11.¥xg7 ¢xg7 12.¤xe4


August 2022

Alekhine decides not to take any more pawn exchanges. Take a moment with the
chances with the preservation of the bishop. position. See if you can figure it out.
Now we have a modern London System
tabiya we are familiar with, and it makes its 9.0–0 Alekhine avoids the pawn exchange
first appearance in the London tournament. again, and with justification. He wants to
keep pieces on the board. White will get
7...0–0!? Also possible, perhaps preferable, a minimal and, indeed short lived edge if
is 7...cxd4 8.cxd4 0–0 where Black has he tries the exchange. 9.dxc5 dxc5 10.¤g5
a Dragon set-up and possibilities of ¦f8 11.0–0 h6 12.¤gf3 ¥f5 13.¦e1 g5
counterplay with £b6 or £a5. It’s not 14.¥h2 ¤e4 15.¤xe4 £xd1 16.¦axd1
exactly clear what White has in terms of ¥xe4 17.¥d5 ¥xd5 18.¦xd5 b6 19.¦ed1
a plan other than meet Black’s activity and the doubled rooks will disappear on d8
to maintain equality. Both the e-pawn and or d1 when a Black rook takes up a post on
d-pawn are passively placed. The knight on the d-file.
d2 would be better on c3 and White still isn’t
castled, in part thanks to h3 being advisable. 9...e5 this is the position Euwe played
for, which is in keeping with the "hit the
8.¥c4 Alekhine probably didn’t like the ¥f4" theme.
position after 8.dxc5 dxc5 9.£c2 where
Black would not play 9...e5 (but go with 10.dxe5 Virtually forced as most other
9...£e8 10.¥h2 e5 11.e4 £e7 and it’s moves result in Black getting e4 in.
unclear what progress could be made.)
With the e5 move by Black, White could 10...¤xe5? All that planning and he takes
play 10.¤xe5 ¤xe5 11.¥xe5 ¥f5 12.¥xf6 with the wrong soldier! 10...dxe5 11.¥h2
¥xc2 13.¥xd8 ¦axd8 14.¥e2 and White £e7 and Black is solid, although White
is a pawn up. retains some slight advantage because he
has quite a few options in e4 or a4 or £c2.
XIIIIIIIIY 11.¥xe5 He keeps the knight to threaten f7.
9r+lwqr+k+0 11...dxe5 12.¤g5!
9zpp+-zppvlp0 XIIIIIIIIY
9-+nzp-snp+0 9r+lwqr+k+0
9+-zp-+-+-0 9zpp+-+pvlp0
9-+LzP-vL-+0 9-+-+-snp+0
9+-zP-zPN+P0 9+-zp-zp-sN-0
9PzP-sN-zPP+0 9-+L+-+-+0
9tR-+QmK-+R0 9+-zP-zP-+P0
xiiiiiiiiy 9PzP-sN-zPP+0
Again, 8...cxd4 would be worth taking
a look at. Either recapture pretty much 9tR-+Q+RmK-0
stifles White from pursuing some active xiiiiiiiiy
plan and the Dragon formation is ideally A sharp, nasty move that highlights the one
suited for this position. Euwe’s ¦e8 means key flaw in Euwe’s plan. The Re8 leaves f7
he’s been working toward this e5 plan as only defended by the king. White can work
we mentioned earlier. However, do you up a nice initiative in conjunction with
see a possible flaw in Euwe’s plan? It’s ¤de4, thus justifying the entire London
possible Alekhine did and thus avoided the System set-up.



12...¥e6 If, as the tournament book suggested, 21...¦b8 22.¦d3 Step Three will require
12...¦f8 White can work up a winning attack: a little work. How do you get rid of that
13.¤de4 £xd1 14.¦fxd1 ¤xe4 (Not 14...h6 other Black rook? Black is not cooperating
15.¤xf7 ¦xf7 16.¦d8+ wins.) 15.¤xe4 b6 by defending the d-file, but there are other
16.¤d6 a5 17.a4 ¦a7 18.¤xc8 ¦xc8 19.¦d6 ways to infiltrate the position - ROOK
with a decisive advantage. LIFT!!

13.¥xe6 fxe6 22...¥h8 23.a4 ¦c8 24.¦b3 ¢d7 25.a5

XIIIIIIIIY ¢c6 26.axb6 Opening up another avenue
for infiltration. Black can’t defend them all.
9r+-wqr+k+0 I hope you’re taking notes!
26...axb6 27.¦a3 ¥g7 What a sad state of
9-+-+psnp+0 affairs as the bishop has just made aimless
9+-zp-zp-sN-0 moves for lack of anything better to do.
9-+-+-+-+0 28.¦a7 ¦c7
9PzP-sN-zPP+0 9-+-+-+-+0
9tR-+Q+RmK-0 9tR-tr-+-vl-0
xiiiiiiiiy 9-zpk+p+pzp0
Ah, the key structural weakness appears.
Alekhine displays commendable technique. 9+-zp-zp-+-0
The doubled pawns are not only a headache 9-+P+N+-+0
in and of themselves, but, as the tournament
book points out, the bishop has no good 9+-+-zP-+P0
squares to go to. Thus, White will have a 9-zP-+KzPP+0
superior knight and better pawn structure.
The first step in the winning plan will be to 9+-+-+-+-0
get rid of the heavy pieces. xiiiiiiiiy
29.¦a8 Alekhine could have concluded
14.¤de4 ¤xe4 If 14...£e7 , to avoid the Step Four with the rook exchange. There’s
queen exchange, 15.¤xf6+ ¥xf6 16.¤e4 a very deliberate endgame win which we
and the Ne4 is unassailable while White give here to demonstrate, but my best
can hit either the queenside or force his guess is that he felt he could still do a lot
way along the d-file. Black is lost. of damage with the more active rook, so
he amends his plan. We can all learn to re-
15.£xd8 Also good is 15.¤xe4 £h4 evaluate as we go along. 29.¦xc7+ ¢xc7
16.£c2. 30.¢d3 ¢c6 31.¤c3 ¥f6 32.¢e4 ¢d6
33.¤b5+ ¢c6 34.b3 ¥g7 35.¤a3 ¢d6
15...¦exd8 16.¤xe4 b6 17.¦fd1 Step One is 36.¤c2 ¥f6 37.¤e1 ¥g7 38.¤f3 ¥f6
complete. The knight reigns supreme on e4. 39.¤h2 h5 40.¤f3 h4 41.g3 hxg3 42.fxg3
g5 43.h4 gxh4 44.gxh4.
17...¢f8 18.¢f1 ¢e7 19.c4 h6 20.¢e2
¦xd1 21.¦xd1 Step Two complete - first 29...¦e7 30.¦c8+ Just to get the king away
pair of rooks gone. An added bonus of from the b6 pawn.
having the knight on e4 makes itself felt:
the knight’s control and/or occupation of d6. 30...¢d7 It would end very quickly after
This is a nightmare for the Indian bishop, 30...¢b7 31.¤d6+ ¢a6 32.¦a8+ ¦a7
which had such early dreams in this game. 33.¦e8.


August 2022

31.¦g8 Now the bishop has no moves. OK, the future world champ has
had enough. This was an auspicious
31...¢c6 32.h4 Using the more active rook beginning for the London System that
to paralyze Black’s pieces, Alekhine now we are familiar with today. Dr. Lasker,
squeezes the Black kingside. at NY 1924, would play it from the
black side to beat Reti and his system.
32...¢c7 Alekhine wants his knight on c3, but It’s all a long way from Mason and
he keeps it on e4 for a while as his kingside Blackburne, and Cyrus Lakdawala’s
pawns advance, thus, though it looks like he’s "Play the London System" has been a
a little adrift in the next few moves, he has a popular tome for an increasing number
plan, as will become apparent. of London System fans.

33.g4 ¢c6 34.¢d3 ¦d7+ 35.¢c3 ¦f7 36.b3 Certainly a King’s Indian formation is
¢c7 37.¢d3 ¦d7+ 38.¢e2 ¦f7 39.¤c3 worthy of consideration for Black, but,
¦e7 40.g5 hxg5 41.hxg5 ¢c6 42.¢d3 Now as we saw, Black has to be careful. The
the king can take over duties on e4. Gruenfeld is another perfectly good
defence. As we showed earlier in this
42...¦d7+ 43.¢e4 ¦b7 44.¤b5 ¦e7 It’s column, even Nimzo−Indian players can
hard to decide whether the rook or bishop come up with a good system. Dutch
has a more woeful countenance. players will be OK with the London as
well, and playing on line has taught me
45.f3 ¢d7 46.¦b8 ¢c6 47.¦c8+ ¢d7 that a good many amateurs just follow the
48.¦c7+ ¢d8 49.¦c6 The final triumph London move order without regard for
of the active rook with the knight’s able what challenges the Dutch can present.
assistance. A pawn, followed by another Having said all that, a player who has
pawn, will be leaving the board. closely studied Lakdawala’s book will
make a good show for the White side.
49...¦b7 50.¦xe6 Again, it comes down to preparation and
understanding why you are playing the
1–0 moves you are.



problems from over a century ago
By Chris Jones
Ed. Note: Chess Pie had 28 compositions Note that now 1…¦b3 is met not by
and 28 ‘Biographies and Favourite Problem 2.¦c5 but by 2.¦xd4!, maintaining the
of the World’s Most Famous Problem guard on d6. That’s why the key can’t be
Composers.’ Brian Harley conducted the 1.¦g3, because then we’d have 1…¦b3
problem section, which also included photo 2.¦xd4+ ¦f3!.
portraits of the composers. We asked our
problemist Chris Jones to pick out some of This mutating of mating moves between
the best of the best. Here’s his selection: the play from the diagram position (the
‘set play’) and the actual play (after the key
‘Mutates’ were a popular form of two- move) can be combined with other effects,
move chess problem a century ago. as in the following example:
9-+-+-+-+0 9-+-+-+-+0
9+-zpn+-+-0 9+-sNp+-+-0
9N+ksN-+-+0 9-+-zP-zp-vL0
9zP-+R+-+-0 9+-+RzpP+-0
9-zp-vl-+-+0 9-+-+k+K+0
9+-+R+-+K0 9+-+pzp-wQ-0
9-tr-+-+Q+0 9-+-+-zp-+0
9sn-+-+-+-0 9+-+L+Ntrl0
xiiiiiiiiy xiiiiiiiiy
P.H.Williams L.S.Penrose
Morning Post 1920 The Observer, 1920
Mate in 2 Mate in 2

Black is in zugzwang. The b2 rook has to stay In the diagram position, 1…¦g2 is met
on that square in order to prevent both 2.¤xb4 by 2.¥f3 and 1…¥g2 by 2.£xe3 – a
and also moves by the d5 rook that require the ‘Grimshaw interference’, as the two
response …¦x£. Any move of the d4 bishop black line pieces mutually interfere
opens the line d3-d6 and so allows 2.¦c5, on g2. That interference is exploited
double check and mate. All black moves fail. differently after the key 1.¢h5!, which
But what can White, to move, play? The answer unpins the white queen but removes the
turns out to be 1.¦e3!. After this move, 2.¦c5 guard on the flight square f5: 1…¦g2
will no longer work after bishop moves because 2.£f3 and 1…¥g2 2.£g4. The key is
the rook is no longer guarding d6 from d3; but again one that creates no threat, but puts
now instead the line d5-d2 has been opened, and Black in zugzwang.
after any move of the black bishop 2.¦d2 both
opens the line g2-c6 and closes the line b2-g2. Spectacular keys were also in vogue!


August 2022
9-+-mK-+-+0 9L+-+-+-+0
9+Nzp-+-+p0 9+n+-wQ-+-0
9pzPP+R+ntr0 9Ntrq+-+p+0
9wq-+k+-+-0 9+P+k+-+-0
9p+R+-+-zp0 9-zPN+R+-+0
9+l+-+p+L0 9+-+Pzp-+l0
9-+N+-+n+0 9-+Kzp-trpvl0
9vL-+rvlQ+-0 9+-+n+-+-0
xiiiiiiiiy xiiiiiiiiy
A.J.Fink A.Ellerman
Pittsburg Gazette Times 1914 1st Prize, Good Companions 1919
Mate in 2 Mate in 2

The spectacular key here is 1.¦e2!!, After 1.¦g4!, threatening 2.£se4, there are
threatening 2.¥e6. Among the star variations defences 1…¤c3 2.¤xe3; 1…¦f4 2.£e5;
are 1…£xc4+ 2.¦d2 and 1…fxe2 2.£f7. 1…¥e5 2.£xe5; 1…£e8 2.¤b6; 1.£xc4+
2.dxc4; 1…£e6 2.£c5; 1…¤c5 2.¤xb6
The final example shows a profusion of and 1…¤d6 2.¤c7. Good use is made of the
mates, relying in many cases on the closing ‘half-pin’ of the black officers on b7 and c6
of lines of defence: (a fruitful area of exploration for composers
to this day); and, in keeping with the
concentration on the closing of lines, it may
be noted that 1.¦f4? would fail to 2.¥e6!.

Hardinge Simpole
is delighted to announce
the publication of

Fifty Shades
of Ray
Chess in the year of the
Coronavirus Pandemic

Raymond D. Keene

With an Introduction
by CJ de Mooi

international competitions across five


World Senior Teams

A remarkable hat-trick from England
By IM Shaun Taulbut; Photo: English Chess Federation
A remarkable success with England England 1 were able to field Michael
winning three world titles: the over 50 Adams and Nigel Short, making the team
Men, the over 50 Women and the over very strong, and this was possible because
65 Men. The team placings in the over of the financial support.
50 Open were as follows with England
1 first on 17 Points, England 2 6th with Thanks are due to the following for their
11 points and the England Women on generous support towards this event - the
9 points. English Chess Federation, The Chess
Trust, the Friends of Chess and numerous
England 1 comprised Adams with 7/8, individuals, including many of the players,
Short with 6.5/9, Hebden with 6.5/8, Emms with specific thanks to Nigel Povah, Stewart
3.5/6 and Arkell 4/5. England 2 comprised Reuben, Nigel White, Natasha Regan and
Flear with 5.5/9, Dishman 2.5/6, Duncan Chris Gant for their generous donations.
3/8, Granat 5.5/7 and Frostick 3.5/6.
England Women comprised Jackson 2.5/8, USA were also very strong because of
Lauterbach 4.5/8, Regan 3/8 and Fink− their ex−Russians and the individual match
Nunn 3.5/8. England v USA was a 2−2 draw.
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
Rk SNo Team + - = TB1 TB2 TB3
1 1 England 1 8 0 1 17 27.5 0
2 2 USA 7 0 2 16 24.5 0
3 5 Italia 1 7 2 0 14 25 0
4 4 Iceland 6 3 0 12 21.5 0
5 6 Hungary 5 3 1 11 22 0
6 8 England 2 5 3 1 11 20 0
7 9 Canada 5 4 0 10 19.5 0
8 10 Still active NL 5 4 0 10 19 0
9 11 Scotland 4 3 2 10 18 0
10 3 Georgia Winery Khareba 4 4 1 9 21 0
11 7 Germany 1 4 4 1 9 17.5 0
12 16 Wales Silures 3 3 3 9 16.5 0
13 17 England 1W 3 4 1 9 15.5 0
14 12 Oslo Schakselskap 4 4 1 9 15.5 0
15 20 Polish Amateurs 2 4 2 8 18.5 0
16 15 Sweden 2 3 4 8 18 0
17 18 England 3 3 5 0 8 16.5 0
18 13 USA 5 Brothers 2 4 2 8 16 0
19 19 Italy Asti Sempre Uniti 2 5 1 7 13 0
20 14 Ireland 1 5 2 6 14 0
21 21 England 4 2 6 0 6 12 0
22 23 Wales Cymru 0 5 3 5 11.5 0
23 22 Italia Acqui Terme 0 6 2 4 11.5 0


August 2022

England seniors, from left to right: John Emms with the trophy, Mark Hebden,
Michael Adams, Nigel Short and Keith Arkell

In the over 65 England 1 won with 15 points and England 2 scored 8 points. England 1
comprised Nunn 6.5/8, Littlewood 6.5/9, Stebbings 3.5/6, Povah 3/6 and Snape 4.5/7.
Nunn scored 6.5/7 in the actual games but did not play one and was given a default;
England won the match v Switzerland 3−1 by default; three Swiss players had Covid.
England 2 comprised Page 4/8, James 3.5/9, Bowmer 5/7, Reuben 1/5 and Wood 5.5/8.
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
Rk SNo Team Gms + - = TB1 TB2
1 2 England 1 9 7 1 1 15 24
2 3 Germany 1 9 6 2 1 13 20.5
3 1 Israel 1 9 6 3 0 12 20.5
4 5 Germany 2 9 5 2 2 12 21.5
5 4 France 9 5 2 2 12 20.5
6 6 Hungary 9 5 3 1 11 20.5
7 11 Skakklubben af 2012 9 4 3 2 10 21.5
8 7 SC Kreuzberg 9 5 4 0 10 18.5
9 13 SG Riehen 9 4 3 2 10 18
10 9 Israel 2 9 4 4 1 9 20
11 8 Switzerland 9 3 3 3 9 19.5
12 10 Steiermark 9 4 4 1 9 17
13 12 England 2 9 3 4 2 8 19
14 16 Skvat 9 3 4 2 8 17.5
15 17 Latvia Women 9 3 4 2 8 14.5
16 14 Rochade Bielefeld 9 1 3 5 7 17.5
17 15 Germany Women 9 3 5 1 7 15
18 19 Italia Alessandria 9 2 6 1 5 13
19 18 Golden Oldies 9 0 6 3 3 11
20 20 Ireland 9 0 7 2 2 8.5



White takes aim at the black king and

this move often allows White to sacrifice
a piece on g5, ignoring the attack on the
Some of the games from the England knight by...h6.
Winners starting with an excellent win by
Michael Adams 11...¤f6 12.¥d3 ¥g4 13.¦de1 c5
14.¤g5 Also playable is 14.¤e5 ¥e6
Michael Adams – Zurab Sturua 15.f3 (15.h5 c4 16.¥xh7+ ¢xh7 17.h6
g6 is satisfactory for Black) when Black
World Senior Teams +50 Acqui Terme ITA (8.2) should counter with 15...£c7 16.¥f4 ¥d6
17.h5 ¤d7.
1.e4 e5 2.¤f3 ¤f6 3.¤xe5 d6 4.¤f3 ¤xe4
5.¤c3 ¤xc3 6.dxc3 14...b5 15.f3 ¥d7 16.g4
9rsnlwqkvl-tr0 9r+-wq-trk+0
9zppzp-+pzpp0 9zp-+lvlpzpp0
9-+-zp-+-+0 9-+-+-sn-+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+pzpp+-sN-0
9-+-+-+-+0 9-+-+-+PzP0
9+-zP-+N+-0 9+-zPLvLP+-0
9PzPP+-zPPzP0 9PzPPwQ-+-+0
9tR-vLQmKL+R0 9+K+-tR-+R0
xiiiiiiiiy xiiiiiiiiy
This line often leads to White castling The critical position; Black must try..c4 to
queenside and playing for a kingside attack. dislodge the white king’s bishop.

6...¥e7 7.¥e3 ¤d7 8.£d2 0-0 9.0-0-0 c6 16...¦c8 17.¥f4 ¦e8 18.¥e5 h6 19.£f4
10.¢b1 d5 11.h4 £b6 20.¥h7+ ¢f8 21.¥f5 ¥xf5 22.£xf5
9r+lwq-trk+0 9-+r+rmk-+0
9zpp+nvlpzpp0 9zp-+-vlpzp-0
9-+p+-+-+0 9-wq-+-sn-zp0
9+-+p+-+-0 9+pzppvLQsN-0
9-+-+-+-zP0 9-+-+-+PzP0
9+-zP-vLN+-0 9+-zP-+P+-0
9PzPPwQ-zPP+0 9PzPP+-+-+0
9+K+R+L+R0 9+K+-tR-+R0
xiiiiiiiiy xiiiiiiiiy


August 2022

White has a big edge now as it is difficult XIIIIIIIIY

for Black to defend the kingside.
22...g6 23.£f4 9zp-+-+p+-0
XIIIIIIIIY 9-wqr+-snpwQ0
9-+r+rmk-+0 9+pzpp+-+-0
9zp-+-vlp+-0 9-+-+-+P+0
9-wq-+-snpzp0 9+PzP-+P+-0
9+pzppvL-sN-0 9P+P+-+-+0
9-+-+-wQPzP0 9+K+-+-+R0
9+-zP-+P+-0 xiiiiiiiiy
9PzPP+-+-+0 30...¤h7 31.£xh7+ ¢f8 32.£h6+ ¢e8
33.£g5 ¦d6 34.£e5+ ¦e6 35.¦h8+ ¢e7
9+K+-tR-+R0 36.£g5+ ¦f6 37.£xd5
xiiiiiiiiy XIIIIIIIIY
23...¢g8 If Black captures on g5 23...hxg5
24.hxg5 ¤g8 25.¥g7+ ¢xg7 26.¦h7+ 9-+-+-+-tR0
¢xh7 27.£xf7+ ¢h8 28.¦h1+ ¤h6 9zp-+-mkp+-0
29.¦xh6 is mate.
24.b3 Also good are 24.¤xf7 ¢xf7 9+pzpQ+-+-0
25.g5 h5 26.¦e3 or 24.¤h3 ¢h7 (24...h5 9-+-+-+P+0
25.¤g5) 25.g5 but the moved played gives
the white king a flight square. 9+PzP-+P+-0
24...¦c6 25.h5 hxg5 26.£xg5 ¤xh5
XIIIIIIIIY xiiiiiiiiy
White has won a pawn but the black king is
9-+-+r+k+0 still very exposed.
37...b4 38.¦c8 bxc3 39.£e5+ ¦e6
9-wqr+-+pwQ0 40.£xc3 ¦c6 41.£e5+
9P+P+-+-+0 Black must lose another pawn; the one on
c5 is falling, so Black resigned
xiiiiiiiiy Now a powerful win by Nigel Short.
White has sacrificed a piece but Black must
return it to avoid mate.

27...¥f6 28.¥xf6 ¦xe1+ 29.¦xe1 ¤xf6




Nigel Short – Victor Plotkin A forcing move as Black must play his
rook to a7 to defend the pawn on a6 but the
World Senior Teams +50 Acqui Terme ITA (9.1) white knight has no good retreat.
1.¤f3 ¤f6 2.d4 d5 3.c4 e6 4.¤c3 c6 5.g3 13...¦a7 14.h4 h6 15.¥h3
¤bd7 6.¥g2 ¥e7
9r+lwqk+-tr0 9-+-wq-trk+0
9zpp+nvlpzpp0 9trlsNnvlpzp-0
9-+p+psn-+0 9pzp-+p+-zp0
9+-+p+-+-0 9+-+p+-+-0
9-+PzP-+-+0 9-+-zPnvL-zP0
9+-sN-+NzP-0 9+-+Q+NzPL0
9PzP-+PzPLzP0 9PzP-+PzP-+0
9tR-vLQmK-+R0 9tR-tR-+-mK-0
xiiiiiiiiy xiiiiiiiiy
7.0-0 0-0 8.£d3 b6 With the plan of ...¥a6 Preparing a sacrifice on e6; the knight
but White exchanges to prevent the pin. is going to sell itself for two pawns and
an attack.
9.cxd5 cxd5 10.¥f4 ¥b7 11.¤b5
XIIIIIIIIY 15...¥d6 If 15...g5 16.¤xe6 fxe6 17.¥xe6+
9r+-wq-trk+0 ¢h8 18.hxg5 hxg5 19.¦c7 ¤df6 20.¥e5
9zpl+nvlpzpp0 with an edge for White.
9-zp-+psn-+0 16.¤xe6 fxe6 17.¥xe6+ ¢h8 18.¥xd6
9+N+p+-+-0 ¤xd6 19.¥xd7 ¦xf3 If 19...£xd7 20.¤e5
wins the exchange so Black surrenders the
9-+-zP-vL-+0 rook straightaway.
9PzP-+PzPLzP0 20.£xf3 £xd7 21.¦c2 ¦a8 22.¦ac1 £e6
xiiiiiiiiy 9r+-+-+-mk0
11...¤e4 Perhaps best is 11...¥a6 12.a4.
12.¦fc1 a6 13.¤c7 9pzp-snq+-zp0
9r+-wq-trk+0 9+-+p+-+-0
9+lsNnvlpzpp0 9-+-zP-wQ-zP0
9pzp-+p+-+0 9+-+-+-zP-0
9+-+p+-+-0 9PzPR+PzP-+0
9-+-zPnvL-+0 9+-tR-+-mK-0
9+-+Q+NzP-0 xiiiiiiiiy
White is in command as Black cannot
9PzP-+PzPLzP0 contest the c-file and the bishop is
9tR-tR-+-mK-0 vulnerable to the white rooks.
August 2022

England’s over 65 team: Anthony Stebbings, Paul Littlewood, John Nunn,

Nigel Povah and Ian Snape

23...¦e8 24.¦c7 ¥a8 25.£e5 £xe5 XIIIIIIIIY

26.dxe5 ¦xe5 27.¦d7 ¦e6 28.¦d8+
¢h7 29.¦xa8 ¦xe2 30.h5 d4 31.¦d8 d3 9r+lwqk+-tr0
32.¦xd6 9zpp+-+pzpp0
Now two wins from the victorious over 65
team, starting with one by Tony Stebbings. 9+-zPLzPN+-0
Anthony Stebbings - Nicolas Giffard
World Senior Teams +65 Acqui Terme ITA (5.1) xiiiiiiiiy
9.d5 ¤e7 10.¤d2
1.d4 ¤f6 2.c4 e6 3.¤c3 ¥b4 4.e3
9rsnlwqk+-tr0 9r+lwqk+-tr0
9zppzpp+pzpp0 9zpp+-snpzpp0
9-+-+psn-+0 9-+-zp-sn-+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+-zpPzp-+-0
9-vlPzP-+-+0 9-+P+-+-+0
9+-sN-zP-+-0 9+-zPLzP-+-0
9PzP-+-zPPzP0 9P+-sN-zPPzP0
9tR-vLQmKLsNR0 9tR-vLQ+RmK-0
xiiiiiiiiy xiiiiiiiiy
10...¤g6 11.f4 exf4 12.exf4 0-0 13.¤f3
4...¥xc3+ 5.bxc3 c5 6.¥d3 ¤c6 7.¤f3 d6 13.£c2 is also playable, avoiding the
8.0-0 e5 potential pin.



13...¦e8 13...¥g4 14.£c2 ¥xf3 15.¦xf3 White invades down the f-file and Black
¦e8 may transpose. has no good defence as his pieces are on
the queenside.
14.¥d2 ¥g4 15.h3 ¥xf3 16.£xf3 £c7
16...£a5 is more energetic. 25...gxf5 26.£xf5 ¦e2+ 27.¢g3 £e8
28.¦f4 With the deadly threat of ¦h4.
XIIIIIIIIY 28...¦b8 29.¦df1 ¦b7 30.¦h4 ¦bb2
9r+-+r+k+0 31.£h7+ ¢f8 32.£xg7+ ¢e7 33.¦h8
9zppwq-+pzpp0 XIIIIIIIIY
9-+-zp-snn+0 9-+-+q+-tR0
9+-zpP+-+-0 9zp-+-mkpwQ-0
9-+P+-zPP+0 9-+-zp-+-+0
9+-zPL+Q+P0 9+-+P+-zP-0
9P+-vL-+-+0 9n+pvL-+-+0
9tR-+-+RmK-0 9+-zP-+-mKP0
xiiiiiiiiy 9Ptr-+r+-+0
White has good play on the kingside so 9+-+-+R+-0
Black tries queenside action
17...b5 Better seems 17...h6 18.¦ae1, with The white king has a safe square on h4 so
White still retaining the edge. Black resigns.

18.g5 ¤d7 19.¢h2 If 19.cxb5 c4 20.¥c2 1-0

£c5+ 21.¢h2 £xb5.

19...¤b6 19...bxc4 20.¥xc4 £a5 is the Paul Littlewood – Malkiel Peretz

World Senior Teams +65 Acqui Terme ITA (6.1)
20.cxb5 c4 21.¥xg6 hxg6 22.¥e3 £b7
23.¦ad1 ¤a4 23...£d7 is safer; now the black 1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 ¤f6 3.¤c3 ¤c6 4.¥b5
pieces leave the black king with few defenders. ¤d4 5.e5

24.¥d4 £xb5 25.f5

XIIIIIIIIY 9r+lwqkvl-tr0
9r+-+r+k+0 9zpp+pzppzpp0
9zp-+-+pzp-0 9-+-+-sn-+0
9-+-zp-+p+0 9+Lzp-zP-+-0
9+q+P+PzP-0 9-+-sn-+-+0
9n+pvL-+-+0 9+-sN-+N+-0
9+-zP-+Q+P0 9PzPPzP-zPPzP0
9P+-+-+-mK0 9tR-vLQmK-+R0
9+-+R+R+-0 xiiiiiiiiy
5...¤xb5 6.¤xb5 ¤d5 7.0-0
August 2022

9r+lwqkvl-tr0 9r+-+-vl-tr0
9zpp+pzppzpp0 9+p+k+pzpp0
9-+-+-+-+0 9p+-zpl+-+0
9+NzpnzP-+-0 9+-wqpzP-vL-0
9-+-+-+-+0 9-+-sN-+-+0
9+-+-+N+-0 9+-+-+-+-0
9PzPPzP-zPPzP0 9PzPP+-zPPzP0
9tR-vLQ+RmK-0 9tR-+QtR-mK-0
xiiiiiiiiy xiiiiiiiiy
White has a big lead in development and 15.b4 15.¥e3 £c7 16.¥f4 dxe5 17.¥xe5
Black is unable to free himself quickly. ¥d6 18.f4 ¥xe5 19.¦xe5 is also very good.

7...a6 8.¤c3 e6 9.¤xd5 exd5 10.d4 15...£c4 16.¤xe6 fxe6 17.£f3 White
XIIIIIIIIY decisively invades on f7 and this wins the
9+p+p+pzpp0 17...dxe5 18.¦xe5 ¥d6 19.£f7+ ¢c6
9p+-+-+-+0 20.¦xe6 ¦hf8 If 20...£xb4 21.c4
dxc4 22.¦xd6+ £xd6 23.£xc4+ £c5
9+-zppzP-+-0 24.£e6+ ¢b5 25.¦b1+ ¢a4 26.£b3+
9-+-zP-+-+0 ¢a5 27.¥d2+ and mates.
9+-+-+N+-0 21.¦xd6+ ¢xd6 22.¥e7+
9tR-vLQ+RmK-0 1-0
White opens up the centre to attack the
king; already White has a big advantage.

10...d6 11.¥g5 £b6 If 11...¥e7 12.¥xe7

£xe7 13.c4 is strong eg 13...dxe5 14.¤xe5
0–0 (14...dxc4 15.¦e1 ¥e6 16.d5 0-0-0
17.¤xc4 ¢b8 18.£h5 ¦xd5 19.£xd5
¥xd5 20.¦xe7 ¥xc4 21.¦d1 ¥e6 22.f4
g6 23.¢f2 ¦c8 24.¢e3 c4 White is better)

or 11...f6 12.exf6 gxf6 13.¦e1+ ¢f7

14.¥f4, when White is winning.

12.dxc5 £xc5 12...dxc5 13.£xd5 with a

sound extra pawn.

13.¦e1 ¥e6 14.¤d4 ¢d7



Endgame Studies
by Ian Watson
[email protected]

9-+-+-+-+0 9-+-+-+-+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+K+-+-+-0
xiiiiiiiiy xiiiiiiiiy
V. Yakovenko P. Byway

3 4
Armenian Republic Ty 1965 Original composition 2022
draw DRAw
9-+-+k+-+0 9-+-+-+-+0
9sN-+-+-+-0 9+-+-+-+-0
9-+-+-+-+0 9-+-+-+-+0
9+-+-+K+-0 9+-+-+-+-0
9-+-+-+-+0 9-zpk+-+p+0
9+l+-+-vl-0 9+-+-+-+-0
9-+-+-+-+0 9-+-+-+-+0
9+-+-+R+-0 9+-+-+-mKR0
xiiiiiiiiy xiiiiiiiiy
P. Byway P. Byway
Original composition 2022 Original composition 2022
win win


August 2022

Summer Magic
It’s the hottest English day in our history; I’m nearly naked, stripped to the bare necessities.
What to write about? Of course!... miniatures - compositions stripped down to their
simplest, barely a handful of pieces. Yes, that’s pretentious, but it really did come like
that to my befuddled brain. Here are some Summer magical miniatures composed by the
master of the genre, Paul Byway.

First, however, a study with a story. It’s a draw study composed by Yakovenko but later
found to be unsound. Black could win with a clever trick. Paul Byway decided to correct
it and found a similar position which is sound. Unbeknown to Paul, the original study
was sound after all! Joachim Reiners had found that the supposed bust doesn’t refute it;
a second clever trick saves it. The composer’s solution goes 1.¥b3+ ¢d6 2.¤xf6 ¥e6+
3.¢b7 ¥xb3 4.¤e4+ ¢d5 5.¥g7 ¦d8 6.¢c7 ¦a8 7.¢b7 ¦a5 8.¢b6 ¦a3 9.¥b2 ¦a8
10.¢b7 ¦d8 11.¢c7 ¦f8 12.¥g7 draws. A fine sequence, but what if Black plays 4...Ke6
instead? The play goes 5.vc5+ ¢d5 6¤xb3 ¢c4 "with an easy win". However, Reiners
continued 7.¥g7 ¦g8 8.¤a5+ ¢b5 9.¥c3 ¦g3 10.¥e5 ¦e3 11.¥c7 or in this line 9...f5
10.¤c6. So, Paul’s work creating a sound setting wasn’t necessary. However, who knows?
Sometimes the refutation of a refutation can itself be refuted. If so, Paul’s version may yet
be published. Such are the vagaries of chess composition.

Now to Paul’s three miniatures, which are for you to solve. ’Miniature’ doesn’t mean
easy - all three will very seriously test your solving skills. With studies like these, I try to
see how many moves of the composer’s solution I can find - expecting to find it all just
leaves you frustrated.

For some somewhat easier solving, go to, where there are now several online
study-solving tourneys available.

The solutions are on page 511.



Leonard di Cutri defeats Ruy Lopez in Spain,

Luigi Mussini 1886
By Grandmaster Raymond Keene OBE
The Spanish capital, Madrid, has recently as Isabella of Castile, Queen Elizabeth 1,
played host to the world championship Marie de Medici or Margaret of Parma, Vice
Candidates’ Tournament which was covered Regent of the Spanish Netherlands on behalf
in great detail in the July issue of BCM. The of her brother, Philip II of Armada fame.
June issue leads with an excellent article
by Peter O’ Brien, which adumbrates the Peter O’ Brien plumps for Isabella as the
history of chess in Spain and in particular, inspiration for the new powers of the Queen,
that country’s role in helping to establish an assertion supported by Mike Basman
the new chess, more or less the game we who wrote to me that there is a candidate
play now. for the inspiration and rapid popularisation
of modern chess (two different concerns) in
I have no intention of going over the the influence of the mighty queen Isabella
previous ground covered in June; however, of Spain, who performed the amazing feat
one might ask why the ancient piece known of marrying the man of her choice, uniting
as the Vizier, metamorphosed at that time Spain and even ruling the kingdom in
into a Queen. The probable answer is that, as equipollency with her husband Ferdinand
chess moved westward, the pieces gradually of Aragon. And all this while knocking out
took on the aspect of a royal European court, several children and sending Columbus off
where Queens tended to be more significant to discover America!
than in the more anonymous regal harems
of Islamic lands. The new Queen was Sadly this attractively romantic fable does not
so devastating, compared with the older fully hold up, since the dates do not entirely
version, that some referred to it as chess a la fit. The new chess was established before the
rabiatta, or mad chess. heyday of these celebrated female potentates.
Indeed, the Queen piece was already known
It has been variously speculated that the new and depicted as such in Viking sets from
powers of the Queen owed something to the centuries beforehand, including the Isle of
example of powerful female rulers, such Lewis morse (walrus ivory) pieces. What


August 2022

is almost certainly true is that the examples Da Cutri won the first known international
of the flesh and blood queens, especially master gathering in the history of chess
Isabella, may have reinforced the status of the in Madrid in 1575, therefore becoming
newly powerful queen piece. the strongest chess master of the time.
The remaining contestants were Boi, Ruy
Far more likely is it that the reconstructed Lopez and Alfonso Ceron. Only fragments
Queen represented the introduction of distance survive and the remnants do not seriously
weapons on the battlefield, such as the great challenge the reputation of London 1851
cannon of the Hungarian engineer Urban, as the first properly regulated and fully
famously used by Sultan Mehmet the Victorious recorded international chess tournament.
to demolish the ramparts of Constantinople Nevertheless, Madrid 1575 was a significant
in 1453. If chess is a game representing real moment in the development of modern chess
warfare, then such a game, lacking a piece as we know it. Four centuries later, Spain
possessed of long distance firepower, would was to celebrate its innovation in great style.
have seemed hopelessly outdated. Hence the
need for a piece with the vast powers conferred In 1973, almost four hundred years after
on the new style of Queen. Ruy Lopez and co had performed for Philip
II, Madrid, was host to a category XII
The part played by Madrid in chess also international tournament from November
needs to be reinforced. Arguably the first 26th to December 15th. Twelve Grandmasters
international competition in the new chess, and four masters were invited to participate
chess a la rabiatta, was fought out in Madrid in this round robin event. The year 1973
in 1575. Giovanni Leonardo da Cutri was was significant for world champion to be,
born in Cutro, Calabria. In 1560, he lost Anatoly Karpov. After tying for first with
a match to Ruy López in Rome. In 1566− Viktor Korchnoi at the Leningrad Interzonal
1572, he travelled and played chess in Rome, (1973) he added this tournament win to his
Genoa, Marseille, and Barcelona. He had laurels, not to mention the Chess Oscar at
played many times against Paolo Boi in Italy year’s end. Fischer’s nemesis was gradually
and they were regarded as being equal in their but inexorably marching towards the
chess strength. American champion’s fainéant throne.

MADRID TOURNAMENT, 1973 Final Standings:

1 Anatoly Karpov * ½ ½ ½ 1 1 ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 1 1 1 ½ 11.0
2 Vladimir Tukmakov ½ * ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 0 1 1 1 ½ 1 1 ½ 1 10.5
3 Semyon Furman ½ ½ * ½ 1 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 0 1 ½ 1 1 10.0
4 Vlastimil Hort ½ ½ ½ * ½ ½ 1 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 9.5
5 Wolfgang Uhlmann 0 ½ 0 ½ * ½ ½ ½ 1 1 ½ 1 ½ 1 1 1 9.5
6 Ulf Andersson 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ * ½ ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 1 1 ½ 1 9.0
7 Lajos Portisch ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ * ½ ½ 1 1 1 ½ ½ 1 1 9.0
8 Walter Browne ½ 1 ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ * ½ ½ ½ 1 1 ½ 1 0 8.5
9 Ljubomir Ljubojevic ½ 0 ½ ½ 0 0 ½ ½ * ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1 1 8.5
10 Albin Planinc 0 0 ½ ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ * 1 0 1 0 1 1 6.5
11 Oscar Panno ½ 0 0 ½ ½ ½ 0 ½ 0 0 * ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ 6.0
12 Ricardo Calvo 0 ½ 1 ½ 0 0 0 0 0 1 ½ * ½ ½ 0 ½ 5.0
13 Julio Kaplan 0 0 0 ½ ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ 0 0 ½ * 1 ½ 1 5.0
14 Arturo Pomar Salamanca 0 0 ½ 0 0 0 ½ ½ 0 1 ½ ½ 0 * ½ 1 5.0
15 Silvino Garcia Martinez 0 ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ½ * ½ 4.0
16 Juan Manuel Bellon Lopez ½ 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ½ ½ 0 0 ½ * 3.0


Marta Haus: An oasis of peace for the Lasker family
Well-known chess players have often, at the famed Culbertson’s work on contract
least in the public eye, been viewed as one- bridge, Lasker was there. His renowned
dimensional. Excellent at the game, yet approach to life as a question of struggle
with little else of interest about them. The was not merely a perspective on existence
colossal exception is Emanuel Lasker – it was his way of life.

Apart from being the longest-ever reigning The editors and contributors to this
world chess champion, Lasker has some magnificent work of scholarship (for that
claims to be considered as a late 19th/ is what the book is - top-class historical
early 20th-century renaissance man. As the research delivered by authors who know
title of this third and final volume on his their craft) seek to offer us the whole
life shows, his insatiable curiosity allied spectrum of cosmopolitanism tinged with
with a remarkable intellect led him into so chauvinism, Judaism yet circumventing
many areas of life. And he did not dabble. the rabbinical style, scientific precision
Although, as the authors point out, some coupled with an acute sense of its
of his works could have benefitted from a fallibility, seriousness broadly sprinkled
deeper grounding in the subjects concerned, with humour (on p.73 there is his
he did not hesitate to join the debate at delightful comment ‘the loss of my teeth
the highest level. From disputations with has had a positive effect on my French
Einstein concerning the theory of relativity pronunciation’), and an ethical outlook
to the discussion of the meaning of western derived from essential humanity rather
culture, through to critiquing some of than precept.


Kagan: A Master Mind, on and off the board

The material is presented in nine deep

chapters, each drawing on rich archival It seems possible that, among other
information and supplemented by things, Lasker contributed to the
countless photographs and other supporting design of a tank which would, had it
documents. Given that one of the chapters
is a bibliography of Lasker’s writings on
been produced, have certainly
everything which interested him, and this revolutionised the horrendous
extends beyond 50 pages, the remarkable trench warfare in WW1
range of both Lasker and his biographers
should not be in any doubt. that, among other things, he contributed
to the design of a tank which would,
Richard Forster, the justly famed Swiss had it been produced, have certainly
computer engineer, offers in Chapter 1 a revolutionised the horrendous trench
Biographical Compass which goes from warfare. Furthermore, in December 1916
the outbreak of war in 1914, when Lasker he filed for a patent concerning a method
was in his mid-forties, through to his death he had developed for the conservation of
in New York in 1941. At the very start, we fruit, vegetables and other perishables.
are given quotations from articles written He was more than alert to the dangers
by Lasker in 1914 extolling German of ‘fake news’ about events, and gave
superiority and scornfully deriding other many talks, in Germany, about the need to
cultures, especially English and Russian. bolster morale.
These pieces did not bring him any friends
in those countries and most likely lost The end of the war and the consequences
him more than a few. His initial optimism this would have for life as he had known
that Germany would emerge as a victor it were not lost on Lasker. He perceived
in the conflict did not prevent him from that a particular world was gone (a
engaging in proper scientific work to assist view superbly expressed years later by
the war effort. Indeed, it seems possible Stefan Zweig in ‘Die Welt von Gestern’


Laskers in Moscow: A haven in the storm

this whirlwind of change/destruction was

Lasker and his wife received in Madrid engulfing him, there was also the matter of
an invitation to a corrida. defending his world chess crown. Relations
The response gives another insight with Capablanca had never been good,
but suffice it to say that a match did take
into Lasker’s perception of struggle. place in La Habana in early 1921 which
He said that neither of them Lasker lost. The loss does not seem to
‘cared to attend a fight in which have perturbed him greatly, and he enjoyed
returning to Europe. In fact, he and his wife
both contestants do not have came back through Spain where in Madrid
equal arms and equal chances’ they received an invitation to a corrida. The
response gives another insight into Lasker’s
(The World of Yesterday)) and that perception of struggle. He said that neither
cosmopolitanism was under siege, and of them ‘cared to attend a fight in which
most likely destined to be swept aside, both contestants do not have equal arms and
with his own country a leader of the equal chances’.
aggressors. Yet, as always, his optimism
and capacity to adapt prevailed. Shedding the mantle of world champion
appears to have liberated Lasker in
With the exceptional support of his wife various ways, while the drawbacks were
Martha, far better versed in business affairs few. He continued travelling with barely
than her husband, the Laskers invested in a break, worked intensively on several
property in the countryside, not too far from of his non-chess activities, and rapidly
Berlin. This gave them a kind of refuge, recovered from reputational damage
though Lasker was never inclined to shirk caused by his nationalistic stance in the
any of life’s challenges, above all those early stages of the Great War. By 1924
facing a prominent Jewish personality in he was not only back in the USA but
a profoundly antisemitic world. While also the brilliant victor of the New York


Art Workers Moscow 1937: Ever the magnet of attention

International Tournament, well ahead of of business characters. In the USA he had

Capablanca. This turned out to be not dealings with Nathan Schweitzer, who
the only occasion when his tournament was busy making a fortune in the poultry
performances outstripped those of the markets (‘We sell anything with wings
Cuban. The appearance fees he could except angels’), alongside major lawyers,
command for tournament appearances university leaders and several other highly
remained relatively high, and he clearly influential people.
understood the value of scarcity by
constantly refusing to play in places Whatever dimension of his life we
which did not offer him enough. take, friction was always there. As a
person driven by fundamental ethical
Travel, even if occasioned and facilitated beliefs, by a weltanschauung which
by the passport which his chess fame gave saw no problems in the coexistence of
him, was always accompanied by countless apparently contradictory perceptions,
attempts to obtain publishers for his books, and by a commitment to dialogue
especially those not relating to chess, as whether spoken or written, friction
well as encounters with a wonderful cast was not only bound to occur but
also positively welcomed. As on the
Whatever dimension of his life we take, chessboard, so in life – struggle and
the clash of opposing ideas offered
friction was always there. everyone the chance to learn. Of course,
As a person driven by quite a few of those coming up against
fundamental ethical beliefs, this relentless pursuit of Lasker’s did
not see the clashes in the same way that
with a weltanschauung which saw he did. Animosities arose. In several
no problems in the coexistence of cases, though not all, time proved to be
apparently contradictory perceptions a healer. Relationships, whether in the
chess world or in the other worlds which



Lasker inhabited, were often repaired.

Whatever the surface appearances may
have been, I think we can say that Lasker
had the wisdom to distinguish between
the quality of the person and the specific
content of a particular disagreement.

The 1930s were a disastrous decade

for Lasker and so many other truly
outstanding Jewish figures. Both Forster’s
biography and Sergey Voronkov’s chapter
on the Laskers’ time in the Soviet Union
spell out the profound worries (never to
be dissipated) the great Master had not
only for himself but also for the whole
civilization of which he was a prominent
part. At the latest by 1932, he had
perceived that a catastrophe was about
to engulf that civilisation. And he also
sensed that the submerging wave would
move at astonishing speed.

Just before reading the book under

review, I had read a very recent bestseller
in Germany by Uwe Wittstock entitled
‘1933: Der Winter der Literatur’. This
day-by-day account of the approximately Kultur in Gefahr:
seven weeks from the end of January The never ending struggle to protect the
1933 to mid-March 1933 (by which time cultural heritage
Hitler was Reichskanzler) shows how
the whole cultural world in Germany
was literally blown to smithereens by ‘should be done’ they make themselves
unmitigated savagery. Lasker knew vulnerable to attack as times change
that refuge would have to be found. It and attitudes alter. Instead, Lasker has
is perhaps ironic that the Soviet Union transcended the phase of ‘builders of
fulfilled that function, at least for a schools’ to become the great influencer.
couple of years. The Laskers were Maybe the world we live in right now,
given a more than decent apartment in in which certain views on how things
Moscow, and while there the seemingly should be have come under the fiercest
ageless champion turned in one of his assault and the need to stand up and be
greatest tournament performances, counted has, at last, become apparent
splendidly analysed by Manuel Marin in to many, is particularly receptive to the
his chapter towards the end of the book. Lasker message. If it is not, it should be.
But Stalin’s ‘urge for the purge’ could This outstanding piece of scholarship
not be contained, so the Laskers set out proferred by Richard Forster and his
for their last abode in the USA. fellow historians spells out the message
in an inimitable style.
It has often been remarked that Lasker
did not, like many others, leave a ‘chess
school’. The problem with schools is
that by setting out specific ways things


August 2022



The Sigeman tournament, Malmo (Sweden), 3rd to 9th May

rise of
Hans Moke
To win such a short and strong tournament a full point ahead of
the rest requires a big score and Niemann achieved it by winning
three games in a row

By GM Aleksandar Colovic
Mixing youth and experience has become five. The first win was against the principal
a winning formula for a lot of events. opponent of the same age, another young
Organisers seem to have stopped chasing player on the rise, the Indian Erigaisi, who
the highest rating average and prefer to had the perfect start of 2/2 before this game.
give the young a chance to compete with
the experienced and proven players. Hans Moke Niemann - Arjun Erigaisi
27th Sigeman & Co 2022 Malmo SWE (3.2)
The Sigeman tournament in Malmo, Sweden,
took place from 3rd to 9th May. Eight players XIIIIIIIIY
played a single round−robin in a category 9-+-+-+-+0
18 event. Participants included legends
like Adams and Shirov, the best Swede
Grandelius and a crop of young talents like 9r+pmkp+p+0
Erigaisi, van Foreest and Niemann. 9zp-+-+-+-0
The young American, Hans Moke
Niemann, fresh from a triumph in Havana 9+P+-snLzP-0
at the Capablanca Memorial, continued 9PsN-tR-+-+0
with a second tournament victory in a row.
To win such a short and strong tournament 9+KtR-+-+-0
a full point ahead of the rest requires a big xiiiiiiiiy
score and Niemann achieved it by winning The players had manoeuvred in this endgame
three games in a row in rounds three, four and for 18 moves by this point and White


August 2022

couldn’t really make progress against Black’s 42.¤c4+ White improves the position of
impregnable defence, based on the strong point his knight, with tempo.
on d5. But at this moment, two moves before
move 40, the young Indian unexpectedly gave 42.fxg6 was a good alternative, with the
White a chance to make quick progress. idea of 42...fxg6 43.g5 and ¥g4 to come
next, targeting the new weakness on e6.
38...¤f5? It makes little sense to leave the
trusted defence after, let’s say, 38...¤d5, 42...¢e7 43.h5 White continues the attack
but it’s likely that Black missed the fact on Black’s kingside.
that White’s next move is actually playable.
43...g5 Black tries to keep the kingside
39.g4! White can now open the game on closed.
the kingside.
43...gxh5 44.gxh5 opens the g-file for an
39...¤e3 A sad necessity, giving away attack on the g7–pawn.
two tempi.
43...a4 is met by 44.b4! with the idea of
The tactical justification, and the line 44...gxf5 (or 44...¤xb4 45.hxg6 when
Erigaisi probably missed, is that after Black’s kingside collapses). 45.gxf5 ¤xb4
39...¤xh4 40.¥h1! the knight on h4 is out 46.fxe6 fxe6 47.¦g2 ¦g8 48.¦eg1 and
of squares, so the only move to liberate Black cannot hold the g7–pawn because
it is 40...g5; but now, after 41.fxg5 ¤g6 48...¢f8 is met by 49.h6.
42.¥e4, Black has to allow a further
wrecking of his structure after ¥xg6 fxg6 44.a4 Stopping any counterplay based on
because retreating the knight leads to a cute ...a4.
mate after 42...¤e7 43.¤c4#.
44...¤f4 45.¢a2!
40.¦e1 The engine prefers to put the other XIIIIIIIIY
rook on the e-file but this is strong enough. 9-+r+-+-+0
40...¤d5 9+-+nmkpzp-0
XIIIIIIIIY 9r+p+p+-+0
9-+-+-+-+0 9zp-+-+PzpP0
9+-trn+pzp-0 9P+NzP-snP+0
9r+pmkp+p+0 9+P+-+L+-0
9zp-+n+-+-0 9K+-tR-+-+0
9-+-zP-zPPzP0 9+-+-tR-+-0
9+P+-+L+-0 xiiiiiiiiy
9PsN-tR-+-+0 White takes time to improve the position
of his king. On a3 the king will be safe
9+K+-tR-+-0 from checks and also defends the pawn
xiiiiiiiiy on b3.
41.f5! This move is only possible because White
was given the chance to support it with g4. 45...¦b8 46.¢a3 ¦d8 Black marks time:
unfortunately, he cannot do much.
41...¦c8 Black cannot take the pawn as
he ends up mated again after 41...gxf5? 46...¤b6 is an attempt to put the other
42.gxf5 exf5 43.¤c4# knight on d5, but it fails to 47.¤e5 ¤bd5



48.¥xd5! and Black doesn’t have a good squares and liberates the second rank for
way to recapture: 48...¤xd5 (48...cxd5 ¦h2 and a further penetration down the
49.¦c2 allows a decisive penetration h-file.
along the c-file) 49.¦f2 threatening fxe6
and ¦f7. 49...¤f4 50.h6! gxh6 51.f6+ 53...¤d7 54.¦h2 ¦xg6 55.¦h8+ ¢c7
¢e8 (51...¢xf6 52.¤d7+ drops the rook 56.¦h7 Threatening ¤e5.
on b8) 52.¦h1 and White breaks through
using the h-file. 56...¢d8 57.¦eh1 Black simply cannot
defend everything.
47.fxe6 fxe6 48.¦c2 White will now
launch a combined attack on all Black’s 57...¦f6 58.¦g7 ¤g6 59.¥e4 ¤gf8
weaknesses, which are basically all his 60.¤e5 Taking on g5 was also good, but
pawns, being isolated and doubled. this is stronger.

48...¦f8 49.¥e4 ¢d8 50.¤d2 Targeting 60...¦f4 61.¦h8 ¤xe5 61...¦xe4 allows
the pawn on c6. a mate after 62.¦xd7+ ¢e8 63.¦f7! with
¦hxf8 next.
50...¤f6 51.¥f3 White wants to keep it
controlled, not allowing any counterplay. 62.dxe5 c5 Notice how the rook on a6 is
completely out of play.
It was possible to exchange the c6–pawn
for the g4–pawn with 51.¥xc6 ¤xg4 63.¥f5! Threatening mate on f8.
52.¥b7! as White develops strong activity
after 52...¦d6 53.¤c4 ¦xd4 54.¤xa5 but 63...¢e8 64.¥g6+ ¢d8 65.¥f7 Again
this is too much calculation for a human, attacking the knight on f8.
who prefers to win by maintaining control.
65...¢e7 66.¥xe6+ A simple combination
51...g6 This only helps White to further to finish the game.
open the game, but Black’s position was
impossible to hold for much longer. 66...¢xe6 67.¦h6+ ¢xe5 68.¦xg5+
The unfortunate rook on a6 is lost and
51...¤6d5 52.¦e5 ¤b4 53.¦c4 wins the Black resigned. An impressive technical
pawn on g5. performance by Niemann.

52.hxg6 ¦g8 53.¤c4 1–0

9-+-mk-+r+0 It is incredible how such young players
9+-+-+-+-0 are already complete in terms of their
mastery of the game. They can calculate,
9r+p+psnP+0 attack, defend and play technical endgames
9zp-+-+-zp-0 equally well.
9P+NzP-snP+0 Niemann’s next two victories were also
9mKP+-+L+-0 in endgames. First, he beat Salem and
9-+R+-+-+0 then Shirov.
A multi-purpose move: the knight keeps
an eye on the pawn on a5, the e5 and d6


August 2022

AR Salem - Hans Moke Niemann
27th Sigeman & Co 2022 Malmo SWE (4.4) 9zpl+-+p+-0
XIIIIIIIIY 9-zp-+pmk-+0
9-+-tr-trk+0 9+L+nsNp+p0
9zpl+-+p+-0 9-+-+-+-zP0
9-zp-+p+-+0 9zP-+R+-+-0
9+-+nsNp+p0 9-zP-+-zPP+0
9-+L+-+-zP0 9+-+R+-mK-0
9zP-+R+-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy
9-zP-+-zPP+0 A nice tactical solution! Black sacrifices an
9+-+-tR-mK-0 exchange by allowing the fork on d7 but
starts a strong attack with all his remaining
xiiiiiiiiy pieces.
Black is a pawn up, but thanks to the
strong knight on e5 White should be able to The simple 29...¦c8 was also good, though
keep the balance. However, he needs to be White can play 30.¦g3+ ¢h6 and the king
precise in this moment. on h6 doesn’t look great, but Black will
start pushing back White’s pieces with ...f6,
28.¦ed1? This natural move allows Black ...f4 etc.
to centralise his king.
30.¤d7+ ¦xd7 31.¥xd7 ¤f4 A double
White had to create counterplay attack on d3 and g2.
immediately, first by pushing the black
king to the h-file with 28.¦g3+! ¢h7 32.¦d6 ¥xg2 33.¥c6 ¦g8 Black’s attack
and then by eliminating the dominating is dangerous and he wins more material
knight with 29.¥xd5! ¦xd5 so that he can now.
use the c-file and the c3 and c7 squares
left unguarded after the elimination of 34.¥xg2 ¦xg2+ 35.¢f1 ¦h2 The pawn on
the d5–knight with 30.¦c3! threatening h4 drops as White needs to defend against
¦c7. Here White has enough activity not mate on h1.
to be worse.
36.¢g1 ¦xh4 With three pawns for the
28...¢g7! Now the king gets to f6 and exchange and continuing threats against the
Black takes over. king, Black is winning.

29.¥b5? It was still better for White to 37.¦d7 ¦g4+ 38.¢h1 ¤h3 39.¦1d2 ¤g5
eliminate the dominating knight. Now the threat is ...¤f3 and ...¦g1#.

29.¥xd5! ¥xd5 30.¦c3 is a worse version 40.¦2d3 f4 Moving the pawns forward.
than on move 28, but still the better fighting
chance. After 30...¢f6 31.f4 White can 41.¦xa7 f3 42.¦b3 e5 Black wants to
hope to defend thanks to his blockade on defend the f3–pawn by ...e4 and then simply
the dark squares. mate White with ideas like ...¤h3–f4 or
...¦g2, ...¤h3xf2.
43.¦xb6+ ¢g7



9-+-+-+-+0 f-pawn. But the correct ideas were far
from obvious.
9-tR-+-+-+0 35...¥d8! was one such idea - the bishop
9+-+-zp-snp0 comes to c7 to attack the pawn on g3 and
in case of 36.¥f4+ ¥c7 37.¢d2 ¥xf4+
9-+-+-+r+0 38.gxf4 ¦h2+ 39.¢e3 ¦e2+! 40.¢xf3
9zP-+-+p+-0 ¦d2 41.¤c3 ¦xd4 the rook is active
enough to keep the balance.
9+-+-+-+K0 35...¦h2+ 36.¢d3 ¦h1 looks like a
White is defenceless against ...¤h3(e4)xf2
waste of time, but Black keeps attacking
White’s pieces and prevents him from
so he resigned. consolidating. After 37.¥f4+ ¢a7
38.¤f2 ¦b1 39.¢c3 ¥d8! Black
To illustrate: 43...¢g7 44.¦c7 ¤h3 successfully switches the activity
45.¦c2 ¦g2 with ...¤xf2 or ...e4–e3 to to the queenside, with the threat of
come next. ...¥a5, harassing White’s king. White
cannot keep everything under control;
0–1 for example, on 40.¤d3 ¥a5+ 41.b4
¥xb4+! 42.¤xb4 f2 43.¥h3 f1£
44.¥xf1 ¦xf1 Black’s compact pawn
Hans Moke Niemann - Alexei Shirov structure and the active rook should
keep him out of trouble.
27th Sigeman & Co 2022 Malmo SWE (5.1)
XIIIIIIIIY 36.¥g4 Now White should be able to keep
control over the position. Black still keeps
9-mk-+-+-+0 chances, though.
36...¦f1 37.¥f4+ ¢d8 38.¥e3 38.¤e3
9p+p+-+-+0 ¦f2+ 39.¢c3 was an alternative, with the
9+-zPp+-+-0 subsequent transfer of the bishop from g4
9-+-zP-+-+0 via f5 to d3.
9+-+-+pzP-0 38...¥f6 39.a4 Since White firmly controls
9PzPK+-+-+0 the f-pawn and the black rook is limited to
staying on f1 to defend it, White expands
9+-vLN+-+r0 on the queenside.
The middlegame was topsy-turvy, 39...a5 40.¢d2 ¢c7 41.¥h5 White targets
with Shirov missing several promising the f7–pawn but cannot really take it as
continuations, and now the endgame Black musters quick counterplay after his
keeps the sharpness of the middlegame. next move.
However, here it is already Black who
needs to be careful - if White is allowed 41...b6 Black becomes active on the
to consolidate, his two pieces will be queenside, exchanging the space-grabbing
stronger than the rook. pawn on c5.

35...¢c7? This natural move is a 42.cxb6+ ¢xb6 43.¥f2 White blocks the
mistake as it allows White to coordinate f-file and attacks the pawn on f3.
his pieces and control the passed 43.¥xf7 allows 43...¥e7! with the threat


August 2022

of ...¥b4. 44.¥f2 ¥b4+ 45.¢c2 ¥e1 9-+-+-+-+0
with counterplay. 9+-+N+-+-0
43...¥g5+? 9-+-+-+-+0
XIIIIIIIIY 9zp-mk-+-+-0
9-+-+-+-+0 9P+-zpKvL-+0
9+-+-+p+-0 9+r+-+-zP-0
9-mkp+-+-+0 9-+-+-+-+0
9zp-+p+-vlL0 9+-+-+-+-0
9P+-zP-+-+0 xiiiiiiiiy
White wants to stop any counterplay
9+-+-+pzP-0 based on the advance of the d-pawn, so
9-zP-mK-vL-+0 he transfers the knight to e5 from where it
controls d3 and can come to f3 to establish
9+-+N+r+-0 firm blockade on the d2–square.
Surprisingly, Shirov misses the 54.g4 was an alternative way, to push the
moment to create dynamic counterplay. passed pawn as soon as possible.
After this move he loses the f3–pawn
for nothing. 54...¢c4 55.¤e5+ ¢c3

43...¢c7! removes the king from the

g1–a7 diagonal and allows for a tactical 9-+-+-+-+0
defence of the pawn on f3. Black’s idea 9+-+-+-+-0
is to counter 44.¥xf3 with 44...¥xd4!
when 45.¥xd4 is not with check (that is 9-+-+-+-+0
why the king was badly placed on b6!) 9zp-+-sN-+-0
and after 45...¦xf3 Black is active and 9P+-zpKvL-+0
has the idea of pushing the central pawns
with ...¢d6 and ...c5. 9+rmk-+-zP-0
44.¢c2 f6 45.b3 The pawn on f3 won’t
escape so Niemann takes his time. 9+-+-+-+-0
45.¥xf3 was possible, as after 45...¥e3 56.¤f3! The last precise move.
46.¥xe3 ¦xf3 47.¥f2 White keeps
his pawn on d4 and has a material 56.¤d3? would be a mistake as after
advantage. 56...¦a3 White loses the a4–pawn.

45...¥h6 46.¥xf3 With no more useful 56...¦a3 57.¥d2+ This is now possible
moves White cashes in. thanks to the knight being on f3 - White
wins the pawn on a5.
46...¥e3 47.¥xe3 ¦xf3 48.¥f4 The pawn
on d4 makes a huge difference and White is 57...¢c2 58.¥xa5 d3 58...¦xa4 59.¤xd4+
winning now. is elementary.

48...c5 49.¤e3 cxd4 50.¤xd5+ ¢c5 59.¤e1+ Black loses the last pawn.
51.¤xf6 ¦f2+ 52.¢d3 ¦f3+ 53.¢e4 1–0
¦xb3 54.¤d7+



Niemann drew the remaining three games While he wouldn’t disclose what exactly
and won with an undefeated five out of he worked on, saying ‘many things’, which
seven, ahead of Adams, Grandelius and doesn’t reveal much, it’s clear that his
Erigaisi on four. stamina to win long games in a technical
manner is an important factor. He also
The second convincing tournament victory must have worked hard on his conversion
in a row brought Niemann into the top 100 technique - after all you don’t grind out
and is definitely not the end of his ambition. wins against strong players without hard
work on that aspect of your game!
I talked to Hans after his win and he shared
a few insights from this victory and also I always enjoy watching the young players
from his rapid progress in the last period. progress. How far can they go? What
problems will they encounter on their way
It was the strongest tournament he has and will they manage to overcome them?
ever played, but he didn’t feel nervous. These questions are intriguing because
He described his win against Shirov eventually they are answered by their
as ‘special’. When I asked him about careers.
his recent progress, he stressed the
importance of hard work and complete Hans Niemann is another exciting prospect
dedication. This is notable, because in the and currently the highest−rated American
past Hans was involved in other activities junior with a lot of opportunities to grow.
like streaming and chess promotion, but With youth, the sky is always the limit, but
he came to realise that they take away his not all reach it. Nevertheless, I wish them
focus and energy. all the best of luck!

Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk NAME FED Rtg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pts TB1 TB2
1 GM Niemann Hans Moke USA 2656 * 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 1 5,0 0,0 3
2 GM Erigaisi Arjun IND 2675 0 * ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 1 4,0 1,0 2
3 GM Grandelius Nils SWE 2635 ½ ½ * ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 4,0 1,0 1
GM Adams Michael ENG 2698 ½ ½ ½ * ½ ½ 1 ½ 4,0 1,0 1
5 GM Navara David CZE 2682 ½ ½ ½ ½ * ½ 0 1 3,5 0,0 1
6 GM Van Foreest Jorden NED 2715 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ * 0 ½ 3,0 0,0 0
7 GM Salem A.R. Saleh UAE 2690 0 0 0 0 1 1 * ½ 2,5 0,0 2
8 GM Shirov Alexei ESP 2695 0 0 ½ ½ 0 ½ ½ * 2,0 0,0 0


August 2022

Solutions to Endgames (See page 494)

Byway − White king on b1
1.¤h4+ ¢f6 2.¤xf3 ¦f5 3.¤e5 ¦f1+ 4.¢b2 d2 5.¤g4+ ¢f5 6.¤f2 ¦xf2 7.¢c2 ¢e4
8.¥d6 ¢e3 9.¥b4 ¦g2 10.¥a5 positional draw.

An impressive sequence of only moves, although there is a slight defect in that White can
play 8.¥c7 instead of 8.¥d6; that’s what study experts consider a ‘minor dual’.

Here goes with the (many) alternatives:

1...¢h5 2.¤xf3 ¦f5 3.¤d2 ¦b5+ 4.¢c1 ¦xb8 5.¤e4 ¦d8 6.¢d2 ¢g4 7.¢e3. 2...¦b5+
3.¢c1 ¦xb8 4.¢d2 ¦d8 5.¢e3 ¢f5 6.¤d2 (or in this line 4...¦b3 5.¤d4 ¦a3 6.¤b5 ¦a5
7.¤c3). Multiple tries on move three: 3.¢c1? ¦xf3 4.¢d2 ¢f5 5.¥a7 ¢e4 or 3.¤d4?
¦f1+ 4.¢b2 d2 or 3.¤d2? ¦b5+ 4.¢c1 ¦xb8 5.¤f3 ¢f5 6.¢d2 ¢f4 7.¤e1 ¢e4 8.¢c1
¦b1+ 9.¢d2 ¦b2+ 10.¢d1 ¢e3 or 3.¤h2? ¦b5+ 4.¢c1 ¦xb8 5.¤g4+ ¢f5 6.¤f2 ¦b3
7.¢d2 ¦b2+ 8.¢e3 ¦xf2 or 3.¥e5+? ¢e7 4.¢c1 ¦xf3 5.¢d2 ¢e6 6.¥~ ¢d5.

3...¦xe5 4.¥xe5+ ¢xe5 5.¢c1 ¢e4 6.¢d2. 6.¤e3+? ¢e4 7.¤D1 ¦xd1 8.¢c2 ¦b1 or
6.¢c3? d1¤+ 7.¢~ ¢xg4. 9.¥c5+? ¢e2. 10.¥c3? d1£+ 11.¢xd1 ¢d3.

Byway − White king on f5

1. ¦f3 ¥c2+ 2.¢e6 ¥e1 3.¦e3 ¥f2 4.¦h3 ¥d4 5.¤b5 ¥b2 6.¦f3 ¥d1 7.¤d6+ ¢d8
8.¦f8+ ¢c7 9.¦c8+ ¢b6 10.¦b8+ wins.

This was based on a study by Harri Hurme in Suomen Shakki in 1981.

Plenty of sidelines that you need to see to be able to correctly solve it:

1...¥b8 2.¦e3+ ¢f8 3.¤c6 ¥c2+ 4.¢e6 ¥h2 5.¦e2 ¥b3+ 6.¢d7 ¥g1 7.¦e1 ¥c5 8.¦c1.

2...¥h4 3.¦h3 ¥e7 4.¤b5 ¥d1 5.¦h8+ ¥f8 6.¤d6+. 2...¥b8/¥c7/¥h2 3.¦h3. 3...¥b4
4.¤c6 ¥f8 5.¦h3 ¥a4 6.¤e5 ¢d8 7.¦h8 ¥b3+ 8.¢f6. 3...¥a5 4.¤c6 ¥b6 5.¦g3 ¢f8 6.¤e5
¥a4 7.¦a3 or 3...¥d2 4.¦e2 or 3...¥h4 4.¦h3. 4...¥c5 5.¤b5. 5...¥d1 6.¦g3 ¥c5 7.¦g8+
¥f8 8.¤d6+ or 5...¥g7/a1 6.¦a3. 6...¥g7 7.¦a3, or 6...¥a4 7.¤d6+ and as the main line.

Byway − White king on g1

1.¢f2 ¢d3 2.¦b1 g3+ 3.¢e1 ¢c3 4.¢e2 b3 5.¦c1+ ¢d4 6.¢d2 ¢e4 7.¦c4+ ¢f3
8.¢e1 b2 9.¦b4 g2 10.¦b3+ wins. White’s king has to oscillate in the centre, to keep an
eye on both Black’s pawns.

Here’s the supporting evidence, in case you’re unconvinced:

1.¦h4? b3 and 1.¢f1? ¢d3 2.¢e1 b3 are draws. In the main line, 1...¢c3 ¢e2 or 1...g3+
2.¢e2 win. 3.¢xg3? ¢c3 4.¢f3 b3 5.¢e2 ¢c2 draws. 3...g2 4.¦b3+ ¢c2 5.¦g3 g1£+
6.¦xg1 b3 7.¦g2+ ¢c1 8.¦g5 ¢c2 9.¦c5+ ¢d3 10.¢d1. 4.¦c1+ ¢d3 5.¦b1 ¢c3
is simply a loss of time. 4...g2 5.¦c1+ ¢d4 6.¦g1 ¢c3 7.¦xg2 b3 8.¢d1 b2 9.¦g3+.
5...¢b4 6.¢d2 b2 7.¦g1 ¢b3 8.¦e1. 8...g2 9.¦c3+ or 8...¢g2 9.¦c1. 9.¦c3+ ¢g2.


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