DGS MU 202 - Rev 2
DGS MU 202 - Rev 2
DGS MU 202 - Rev 2
Amendment History
1 Nov-15 UAF-DGS-MU-202_Rev-1 Clauses no.: 1.3, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, DDC VP(E&TSD) Nov-15
10.2, 10.3.1c, 11.3.1c, 12.1, 12.3.1b,
12.3.1c, 12.3.1d, 13.4.3, 13.4.4,
13.5.5a, 14.4.2
No Date Amendment Description Proposed Approved Incorporated
DGS History
2 Jan-17 DGS-MU-202_Rev-2 Standard Drawings numbering update DDC VP(E&TSD)
DGS Discipline Committee Member, ADRD Sushil Nanaji Thakre / Tom Sabin George
DGS Discipline Committee Member, RR-E Pradnesh Vasant Kale
DGS Discipline Committee Member, RR-W Navjot Singh / Henry Victorino Ligdao
DGS Discipline Committee Member, SCD Youaraj Nandayal Dhanapal
DGS Discipline Committee Members, CHSE&FD Naval Bhatt
DGS Discipline Committee Member, E&TSD Arun Hindurao Karande
DGS Discipline Committee Leader, E&TSD Damien Douziech
Technical Safety & Fire Dept. Manager, CHSE&FD Hamad Abdulla Al Hammadi
Standards & Quality Dept. Manager, E&TSD Abdulla Musaed Al Harthi
Vice President, E&TSD Salem Obaid Al Dhaheri
1.1 Introduction
This technical specification gives minimum requirements for the design, fabrication,
assembly, testing and installation of the fire protection foam systems. This
specification is to be used by the CONTRACTOR as a basis for issuing the minimum
requirements of project work to the SUBCONTRACTORS.
1.2 Purpose
In general, the purpose of this specification is to provide a design basis for foam fire
protection for the Project. General requirements for foam systems may be found in the
Fire Protection Design Philosophy Specification DGS-MU-200.
1.3 Definitions
For the purposes of this specification, the following definitions shall apply:
General Definitions:
CONTRACTOR – is the party that carries out the Design, detailed Engineering,
Procurement, Construction, Commissioning and Start-up.
CONSULTANT – is the party that performs specific services, which may include but
are not limited to, Engineering, Technical support, preparation of Technical reports and
other advisory related services specified by the party that engages them, i.e.
COMPANY, CONTRACTOR or its Subcontractors.
NOTE: For the purposes of this DGS, Vendor is the supplier of the equipment and not
necessarily the Manufacturer.
Specific Definitions:
FLAMMABLE PRODUCT - A medium having a flash point below 37.8 degrees Celsius
and a maximum vapor pressure of 276 kPa (abs) at 37.8 degrees Celsius.
PREVAILING WIND - The direction from which the wind is originating, having the
highest percentage of occurrence based on local meteorologist observations.
The following reference documents, to the extent specified herein, form part of this
specification. When an edition date is not indicated for a document, the latest edition
in force at the time of award of Contract or Purchase Order shall apply.
Standard Drawings:
STD-I05-001 Typical Arrangement of Fire Detection Floating Roof Tanks
STD-I05-002 Typical Arrangement of Fire Detection - Cable
STD-M03-017 Foam Pourer Nozzles for Floating Roof Tanks
STD-M03-018 Subsurface Foam Injection System for Flammable and
Combustible Liquids
STD-M03-019 Semi-subsurface Foam Injection System for Flammable and
Combustible Liquids
Any concession/deviation to the Specifications and its attachments including, but not
limited to, the Data Sheets, Drawings and Narrative Specifications shall be sought by
REQUESTS (through Design Change Authorization) require COMPANY’s
review/approval prior to the implementation of the proposed changes. Changes
Quality Management Systems shall comply with the applicable requirements of ISO
9001 and ISO 9004 with due regard to ISO 19011. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure
that the VENDOR shall have in effect at all times, a QA programme, which clearly
establishes the authority and responsibilities of those responsible for the quality
system. Persons performing quality functions shall have sufficient and well-defined
authority to enforce quality requirements that they initiate or identify and to
recommend and provide solutions for quality problems and thereafter verify the
effectiveness of the corrective action.
Quality System and Quality Control requirements shall be identified and included in
the CONTRACTOR’s Purchase and Subcontracting DOCUMENT(s). Based on these
requirements the VENDOR & SUBCONTRACTOR shall develop a QA/QC programme
which shall be submitted to the CONTRACTOR for review and approval. The
VENDOR’s QA/QC programme shall extend to his SUB-VENDORS.
The Criticality Rating (CR) System outlined in Design General Specification DGS MU
013 shall be used by CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR’s designee to develop the
design checking levels and minimum requirements for shop inspection, testing and
material certification given in Design General Specification DGS MU 014.
The VENDOR shall submit certified reports of production tests as soon as the tests
are completed satisfactorily.
The SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit to the CONTRACTOR the type and quantity of
drawings and documentation for CONTRACTOR’S authorization as listed herein,
unless the type and quantity are specified by the CONTRACTOR, which case the
SUBCONTRACTOR shall be required to comply.
The Plans shall include as a minimum, the official trade name of the
SUBCONTRACTOR, drawing number, drawing title, the latest issue or revision,
Contract Package reference number and all times as specified in NFPA 11, Chapter 4.
Failure to have the minimum list of items on the Plans may cause rejection of Plans.
The SUBCONTRACTOR shall assume unit responsibility and overall guarantee for the
equipment package and associated equipment.
The SUBCONTRACTOR shall submit all relevant VENDOR drawings and engineering
The SUBCONTRACTOR shall obtain and transit all VENDOR warranties to the
CONTRACTOR/COMPANY, in addition to the system warranty.
Preparation for shipment shall be in accordance with the VENDOR’S standards and as
noted herein. SUBCONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the adequacy of the
preparation for shipment provisions with respect to materials and application, and to
provide equipment at the destination in ex-works condition when handled by
commercial carriers.
Preparation for shipment and packing will be subject to inspection and rejection by
COMPANY’S/CONTRACTOR’S inspectors. All costs occasioned by such rejection
shall be to the account of the VENDOR.
After inspection and test, equipment shall be completely free of water and dry before
start of preparation for shipment.
Equipment shall be packed, securely anchored, and skid mounted when required.
Bracing, supports, and rigging connections shall be provided to prevent damage
during transit, lifting, or unloading. All temporary bracing/supports shall be marked
Separate, loose, and spare parts shall be completely boxed. Pieces of equipment and
spare parts shall be identified by item number and service and market with
CONTRACTORS order number, tag number, and weight, both inside and outside of
each individual package or container. A bill of material shall be enclosed in each
package or container of parts.
Exposed finished and machined surfaces, including bolting, shall be given a coating of
rust inhibiting compound. Internal metal surfaces shall be sprayed or coated with a
suitable rust preventative prior to shipment. Openings shall be suitably tagged to
indicate the rust preventative applied.
Mechanical seal assemblies shall be fully protected from rusting and entry of moisture
and dirt.
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One complete set of the installation, operation, and maintenance instructions shall be
packed in the boxes or crates with equipment. This is in addition to the number called
for in the contract.
Equipment and materials shall be protected to withstand ocean transit and extended
period of storage at the jobsite for a minimum period of 18 months. Equipment shall be
protected to safeguard against all adverse environments, such as: humidity, moisture,
rain, dust, dirt, sand, mud, salt air, salt spray, and seawater.
All equipment and material shall be preserved and export packed in accordance with
Preservation and Export Packing, DGS-MU-002.
10.1 Purpose
Fixed roof storage tanks higher than 10 meters, containing nonwater miscible,
combustible or flammable products (both having a viscosity up to 100 mm2/s) and a
maximum operating temperature of 95°C), shall be equipped with subsurface foam
injection systems to effectively extinguish a full surface tank fire.
10.2 Operation
Upon detection of a fire in the tank the foam injection system should be operated with
adequate manpower as per NFPA 1710.. If a First Intervention Team can supply foam
within 10 minutes after raising the alarm, the foam solution shall be supplied by means
of a foam concentrate carrying fire truck equipped with a proportioning system.
If the foam cannot be supplied after raising alarm within 10 min. fixed automatic
system shall be considered.
For this purpose, the truck shall carry portable high back-pressure foam generators
(HBPGs). At the foam solution supply connection for a particular tank, a sign shall be
provided stating the following information:
a. Number and size of HBPG to be hooked-up (in case portable HBPGs are
In order to be able to check the foam supply during application a foam sampling
connection shall be provided outside the bund wall.
The normally "dry" piping system shall be flushed clean with fresh water after
testing or use.
10.3 Design
a. Foam Application
For details on foam application rate and time, see DGS-MU-200. The foam
solution rate (m3/hr) for a particular tank is the product of its fixed inside liquid
surface area (m2) multiplied by the foam solution application rate (dm3/m2/min).
Thus the foam solution rate is constant for a typical tank.
As the expanded foam operates against the tank static head and piping friction
losses, a High Back Pressure foam Generator (HBPG) having an expansion
ratio of between 3:1 and 4:1 shall be used.
As foam has only a limited travel distance the amount of foam inlet nozzles
varies according to the tank diameter.
The foam solution supply connection and HBPG shall be installed outside the
bund wall at a location upwind of the prevailing wind direction. From this point
separate piping systems, containing their own HBPG, check-valve, bursting disc
and stop-valve, run to each inlet nozzle. In order to supply foam evenly to each
tank foam inlet nozzle, the design of the system shall be hydraulically balanced
(approximately equal flow to each nozzle).
b. Piping System
Normally foam solution from the fire truck is supplied to the portable HBPG. If a
foam station is used, a permanently installed HBPG shall be applied.
across the HBPG is 60 or 75% of the inlet pressure. The HBPG's minimum
operating inlet pressure is 7 kg/cm2g, resulting in a minimum HBPG outlet
pressure of either 2.4 or 1.8 kg/cm2g to overcome friction losses and static liquid
tank head. For expanded foam friction losses refer to NFPA-11. In case higher
downstream pressures (for the outlet piping head) are required, the HBPG inlet
pressure shall be increased.
In the HBPG, located outside the bund wall, air is mixed with the foam solution
to form foam.
The foam piping is connected to a dedicated tank nozzle just above the highest
possible water level. Upstream, as close as possible to the tank nozzle, a stop
valve, bursting disc and check valve shall be installed.
The bursting disc shall prevent tank product entering the check valve. The
check valve is required to prevent product back flow in case of a possible fire
hose burst. A site glass is to be provided prior to the bursting disc.
If an existing tank has to be equipped with subsurface foam injection and the
tank cannot be made available for the installation of the system described
above, product lines may be used for injecting foam. The minimum bursting disc
break-pressure is governed by the thermal relief pressure.
c. Material Selection
All dry piping components shall be hot dip galvanized after prefabrication (refer
to DGS-MX-002).
For inaccessible areas, such as the inside of the weld after a flange is welded
onto a galvanized pipe, galvanization shall be achieved in accordance with
DGS-MX-002 section 9.5.
11.1 Purpose
Dehydration tanks (which have highly fluctuating water levels) and fixed roof storage
tanks containing slops, deballasting water, combustible or flammable products that are
water miscible (e.g., polar solvents, alcohols, gasohols with more than 15% alcohols
by volume) shall be equipped with semi-subsurface foam injection systems to
extinguish a possible full surface tank fire effectively.
Ensuring that such a system functions effectively, the above products shall have a
maximum viscosity of 100 mm2/s and a maximum operating temperature of 95°C.
11.2 Operation
Upon detection of a fire the foam injection system shall be operated with minimum
manpower. If a First Intervention Team can supply foam within 10 minutes after raising
the alarm, the foam solution shall be supplied by means of a foam concentrate
carrying fire truck equipped with a proportioning system. For this purpose the truck
shall carry portable high back pressure foam generators (HBPG).
a. At the foam solution supply connection location for a particular tank, a sign
shall be provided stating the following information:
The normal procedure of starting-up a foam solution supply system, (i.e., by first
introducing water into the piping system) will also assist forcing the hose out of
the container and mixing the top hot fuel layer with colder product.
In case operation of a foam carrying fire fighting truck is not viable, the use of a
foam station shall be required.
In order to be able to check the foam supply during application, a foam sampling
connection shall be provided outside the bund wall.
The normally "dry" piping system shall be flushed clean with fresh water after
testing or use.
11.3 Design
a. Foam Application
For foam selection and details on foam application rate and time, see
DGS-MU-200. Application rate and time for a typical product shall be confirmed
by the foam concentrate supplier.
The foam solution rate (m3/hr) for a particular tank is the product of its fixed
inside liquid surface area (m2)multiplied by the foam solution application rate
(dm3/m2/min). Thus the foam solution rate is constant for a typical tank.
As the expanded foam operates against the tank static head and piping/hose
friction losses, a High Back Pressure foam Generator (HBPG) having an
expansion ratio of between 3 and 4 to 1 shall be used.
As foam has only a limited travel distance the amount of foam inlet nozzles
varies according to the tank diameter (refer to STD-M03-019).
The foam solution supply connection and HBPG shall be installed outside the
bund wall at a location upwind of the prevailing wind direction. From this point
separate piping systems, containing their own check-valve, isolation valve, hose
container, bursting disc and stop-valve, run to each inlet nozzle. In order to
supply foam evenly to each tank foam inlet nozzle, the design of the system
shall be hydraulically balanced (approximately equal flow to each nozzle).
b. Piping System
Normally foam solution from the fire truck is supplied to the portable HBPG. In
case a foam station is used a permanently installed HBPG shall be applied.
case higher downstream pressures (for the outlet piping head) are required, the
HBPG inlet pressure shall be increased.
The stop valve, being a gate valve, shall be able to "cut" the hose for
replacement after use. The bursting disc shall prevent tank product entering the
hose container. The check valve is required to prevent product back flow in case
of a possible fire hose burst. A site glass is to be provided prior to bursting disc.
c. Material Selection
The material selection of the tank isolation valve is determined by the tank
product (see DGS-PU-003) and the "hose cutting" requirement. The bursting
membrane assembly shall be made as per MANUFACTURER’S
recommendation, and approved by the CONTRACTOR.
For the expanded foam all dry piping components shall be hot dip galvanized
after prefabrication (refer to DGS-MX-002).
For inaccessible areas, such as the inside of the weld after a flange is welded
onto a galvanized pipe, galvanization shall be achieved in accordance with
DGS-MX-002 section 9.5.
12.1 Purpose
Automatic Rim Seal Fire Protection System shall be provided for both IFR and FR
tanks in accordance with DGS-MU-200. Automatic actuation system shall be linked to
the Alarm System of Fire control room and DCS. Proper tank engineering including an
independent "high-high" level alarm, and proper tank maintenance, including the seal
system, will result in a full surface tank fire to be considered a noncredible event.
Internal Floating Roof (IFR) tanks are considered as floating roof tank for the purpose
of designing foam protection system.
12.2 Operation
Upon detection of a fire by means of a heat/fire detection system, the foam system
should be operated with minimum manpower.
If a First Intervention Team can supply foam within 10 minutes after raising the alarm,
the foam solution shall be supplied by means of a foam concentrate-carrying fire truck
equipped with a proportioning system. In all other cases the use of a foam station shall
be required.
If a fire truck is used, a sign board shall be provided at the foam solution supply
connection location. This sign shall state:
The foam solution riser installed near the access stair's top platform at wind
girder level shall be equipped with two hose connections upstream of the HBPG.
An isolation valve is required on the foam branch pipe supplying the foam hose
After use/testing the system shall be flushed with fresh water. In addition it shall
be checked that the system is drained.
12.3 Design
a. Foam Application
For details on foam application rate and time, see DGS-MU-200. Generally, the
minimum foam solution application rate is 12 dm3/min/m2 at the target area
between tank shell and foam dam; the foam solution application rate shall be
20 dm3/min/m2 at the foam pourer nozzle outlet, to be maintained for at least
30 minutes.
Fixed surface area (m2), between tank shell and foam dam,
Solution application rate (dm³/m /min).
Thus the foam solution application rate is constant for a typical tank.
The foam dam drainage holes shown on STD-M03-017 are larger than normal
in order to avoid blockage and possible subsequent sinking of the floating roof.
To compensate for undue foam escape through these holes, the HBPG solution
capacity shall be at least 54m3/hr.
Hydraulic calculations for foam system shall take into consideration all
b. Heat/Fire Detection
The tank shall be equipped with double loop linear heat sensor type (24 V)
insulated wire conductors, intrinsically safe. A single loop activation will activate
the alarm system.
Linear heat sensor wiring (see STD-I05-001) shall be installed in the rim area
where credible fires (excessive heat) may occur, i.e., the rim seal area. All
sensor wiring shall be well supported. Construction drawings shall be submitted
for approval by SUBCONTRACTOR to the CONTRACTOR.
Activation in the single loop shall result in a fire alarm. The alarm shall be
visually and audibly enunciated on the fire and gas detection panel located in
the control room.
c. Piping System
Rim Fire Protection System shall be provided for both I FR and FR tanks and
shall be in accordance with DGS-MU-200 as modified by DGS-MU-200,
"Amendment to Design General Specification Fire Protection Design
Depending on the MANUFACTURER and type, the pressure loss across the
HBPG is 60 or 75% of the inlet pressure. The HBPG's minimum operating inlet
pressure is 7 kg/cm2g, resulting in a minimum HBPG outlet pressure of either
2.4 or 1.8 kg/cm2 to overcome friction losses. (HBPG's turndown ratio is
maximum 90%)
The HBPG shall be installed horizontally for easy access, and to avoid fouling of
the air inlet and venturi assembly.
Inside the bund horizontal "dry" piping shall be installed with a slope of 1:200 or
steeper and it shall be equipped with a low point drain. Foam solution risers to
be provided with bottom blind flange plus weephole.
The foam dam shall have a height at least 50 mm above the seal arrangement;
however, the minimum height shall be 350 mm. The dam shall be fully seal
welded to the roof and it shall be provided with water drainage openings
(65 x 25 mm) at approximately 3 m pitch.
d. Material Selection
All dry piping components shall be flanged hot dip galvanized after
prefabrication (see DGS-PU-003).
For inaccessible areas, such as the inside of the weld after a flange is welded
onto a galvanized pipe, galvanization shall be achieved in accordance with
DGS-MX-002 section 9.5.
13.1 Purpose
13.2 Location
The foam concentrate storage facility shall be situated in a safe and easily accessible
location for road transport operations. Generally this location is in the vicinity of the
site's fire station; however, on large sites more foam concentrate storage facilities may
be required to facilitate logistics during emergencies.
13.3 Operation
Filling of foam concentrate carriers should be by gravity. The bottom of the foam
concentrate storage vessel shall be installed at an elevated level such that foam
concentrate carriers and/or fire trucks can be filled by gravity. Gravity discharge shall
be achieved by a fixed six inch nominal bore pipe. The end of this pipe shall be
equipped with a piece of fire water hose to avoid frothing of the concentrate while it is
being discharged. Such a hose shall terminate just above the bottom of the foam
The circulation pump shall also be used to fill the storage vessel from a bulk supply
source or from drums. In the event that a bulk supply cannot be guaranteed, a drum
unloading facility shall be provided.
The entire facility shall be provided with a concrete slab, which drains, via a normally
closed valve, into the NNC (Normally Not Contaminated) drain system.
13.4 Design
To avoid foam concentrate deterioration due to contact with air, the vessel shall be
equipped with an expansion dome having a volume of at least 2% of the nominal
vessel capacity. Such a dome may be combined with a manway having a nominal size
of 24 inch. The vessel shall be filled to the intersection of the manway and the vessel
shell. The vessel is to be accessible for easy maintenance and inspection. Heat
tracing is not required.
A breathing valve shall be connected to the cylindrical section of the manhole shell.
The valve shall be set for typically 0.005 kg/cm2g overpressure and 0.005 kg/cm2g
vacuum. The capacity of the breathing valve size is governed by the largest
filling/discharge rate. The sizing shall also take into account a possible liquid overfill.
As the concentrate will foul sight glasses, a membrane type construction shall be
applied. Refer to Appendix 3. The top of the standpipe shall be provided with a
breather. As an alternative a magnetic type level gauge may be used where the top of
the standpipe shall be connected to the vapor space in the dome. Provide tank level
gauge at ground level. Heat tracing is not required.
A heat shield shall be provided against sun radiation, as this may heat the foam
concentrate and cause accelerated deterioration. A panel mounted low temperature
alarm shall be installed. Integrating the heat shield into the insulation shall be
Cage ladder plus access platforms are required for operation, inspection and
maintenance of all tank accessories.
The foam concentrate circulation pump should be sized to achieve a vessel hold-up
time of approximately two hours. The preferred method of driving the pump is by
means of an electric motor. Refer to DGS-EU-001. Alternatively the pump may be
driven by a reliable source of compressed air.
For bulk supply filling a 2½ inch nominal diameter suction hose connection shall be
provided. For topping up the foam concentrate vessel from drums by means of a
diaphragm pump, the circulation discharge to be provided with a ¾ inch nominal
diameter hose connection.
For foam drum unloading facility, a drum storage/unloading rack with pump system
shall be considered. The drum storage rack shall be sized to accommodate at least
three pallets of 1000 liter drums or ten pallets of 200 liter, drum handling equipment
and sufficient space to maneuver drums. The gravity discharge facility shall be six inch
nominal diameter.
Depending on the type of foam to be stored, the following metallic materials may be
All piping components in permanent contact with foam concentrate shall be stainless
steel (DGS-PU-003).
For the testing of the foam concentrate circulation pump refer to DGS-MG-001.
Material selection shall be as below:
The air driven diaphragm pump shall be of a standard supply type with adequate fresh
water flushing and draining facilities.
13.5.1 Purpose
A foam station is required either to supply foam solution to a particular area of the
installation to extinguish the fire entirely in the estimated time, or to supply foam
solution during the time required for the First Intervention Team to line up the foam
concentrate supply.
The design of the foam station shall be such that the foam application solution is
supplied within two minutes after activation of the station. Refer to DGS-MU-200.
13.5.2 Location
The foam station shall be installed at a safe distance from the credible fire area. For
this reason heat radiation calculations are required. Such calculations shall be
approved by CONTRACTOR.
13.5.3 Operation
See Appendix 4.
A local control panel and logic system shall be included to start and stop foam solution
supply to user. The foam station shall only be permitted to start after the firewater flow
to the user has been established. The suction valve shall be opened before the
concentrate pump is started against a closed discharge valve.
Preferably the opening of the foam concentrate discharge valve shall be automatic.
The spare concentrate pump shall start up automatically in case the main pump fails
to build a minimum pressure of 10 bar within 20 seconds.
Provided firewater flow to the user has been established start-up of any pump shall be
possible from the local control panel or the foam station itself.
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Upon the decision to change over from foam to water it shall be possible to close the
discharge valve at the local control panel or manually at the foam station itself. If it is
decided to shut off one or more of the users the foam concentrate pump shall continue
to run and the foam concentrate shall circulate into the foam concentrate vessel.
Except for the foam concentrate vessel itself fresh water flushing facilities shall be
provided for the foam concentrate pumps and piping to rinse the system after use and
testing with foam concentrate. The flushing connection(s) and drain(s) shall be
provided with an interlocking system to avoid flushing liquid entering the foam
concentrate storage vessel.
The normally "dry" piping system shall be flushed clean with fresh water after testing
or use.
13.5.4 Design
The foam station shall preferably be skid-mounted and it shall consist of a foam
concentrate vessel, foam concentrate pumps, foam concentrate mixer (proportioner),
interconnecting piping and a control panel.
The size of the foam concentrate storage vessel shall be based on the largest
credible fire that can occur in the area served by the foam station (see
DGS-MU-200). In addition, the size of the foam concentrate vessel shall cater
for at least one foam hose stream (12m3/hr foam solution, 7 kg/cm2g at foam
nozzle inlet) as supplementary protection against small (5 m diameter
maximum) spill fires, and a 100% spare capacity to cover aforementioned
scenario and hose stream.
At the mixing point the concentrate is added to the fire water to produce a foam
solution. The foam concentrate is transported from the storage vessel to the
mixing point by means of a foam concentrate pump. Other means of
transporting foam concentrate are not recommended because of limitations in
testing, circulation and re-filling.
Taking into account fluctuating foam solution demands, piping design pressure,
pressure loss in the foam solution supply piping and minimum operation
pressure of the users, e.g., stationary monitor(s), the use of inductors is not
recommended because their inherent pressure loss is typically 30% of the inlet
pressure and their flow rate cannot be varied outside 95 to 100% of the design
For proportioning systems it is essential that the foam system components are
checked for compatibility regarding fire water supply pressure, pump duty,
proportioner capacity and minimum inlet pressure, foam solution delivery rate to
monitors and monitor duty. A differential pressure of one kg/cm2 shall be
maintained between foam concentrate and fire water supply to the proportioner.
Therefore hydraulic calculations shall be made for the entire foam system.
These calculations shall also address pressure pulses resulting from liquid filling
of the normally dry foam solution supply lines.
The foam concentrate pump shall be electrically driven. The 100% spare pump
shall be diesel driven. Its fuel tank shall have a capacity suitable for at least
4 hours running time under full load conditions.
For foam solution demands up to 240 m3/h both foam concentrate pumps may
be driven by a water turbine (typical water consumption at 10 kg/cm2g fire water
mains pressure is 25% of the fire water demand).
a. Mechanical
The foam solution piping is normally dry. All flanged carbon steel piping shall be
in accordance with DGS-PU-003. After fabrication the piping shall be hot dip
galvanized in accordance with ISO 1461.
To avoid flushing with fresh water where manning levels are limited, 90/10
copper-nickel (ASTM B466/B467 C70600 or equivalent approved by
CONTRACTOR) or 6% molybdenum stainless steel (UNS S31254 or equivalent
approved by CONTRACTOR) may be used.
The water turbine casing should be ASTM A240-TP304; the Pelton wheel
should be phosphor bronze. MANUFACTURER’S selection to be approved by
For inaccessible areas, such as the inside of the weld after a flange is welded
onto a galvanized pipe, galvanization shall be achieved in accordance with
DGS-MX-002 section 9.5.
Non-aspirating foam systems are intended for rapid fire control (not primarily
extinguishment), as required on e.g. manned loading facilities Rapid fire control is
achieved through excellent flowing capability due to the low expansion ratio. The
throw capability (trajectory) is compatible with water spray droplets.
14.1 Purpose
Loading gantries are areas where personnel are continuously present during loading
operations and where they are exposed to increased risk from road or rail tankers
being temporarily hooked up to loading systems.
2. Heat exposure protection against engulfing fires, for adjacent equipment in the
loading area.
LPG loading facilities shall only be provided with water spray systems. With the
exception of the foam concentrate related hardware, the system requirements remain
the same.
14.2 Location
The non-aspirating foam systems shall at least cover the road/rail car, including its
heads, plus the loading (and vapor return) lines. In addition the driver's road-car cabin
shall be included.
14.3 Operation
In salt/brackish water service the normally "dry" piping system shall be flushed clean
with fresh water after testing or use.
14.4 Design
14.4.1 General
The use of foam and water spray appears conflicting, thus after system initiation, use
of foam shall only be maintained sufficiently long to provide time for personnel rescue
operations by means of AFFF foam application. As a nonaspirating foam system is
used, with an expansion ratio of between 1 and 2 to 1, cooling of equipment is also
achieved in the initial stage after system initiation.
Foam application should be maintained for 10 minutes; the net minimum foam/water
rate shall be 6.5 dm3/min/m2 area to be protected. The following should be added to
the aforementioned application rates: 20% due to water not reaching the equipment
(because of wind or other factors), and in addition 10% as a flow balancing factor for
discharge nozzle pressure variations. On the tanks themselves rundown shall not be
incorporated in the design. In order to minimize the grade surface area to be
protected, drain gullies with fire traps shall be provided around the vehicle/rail cars.
Due consideration shall be given to the split-up of the area and/or equipment to be
protected with a view to economize on foam and water.
Foam/spray water nozzles shall be directed radially to the vehicle/rail car; to the top,
the sides and undercarriage of the road/ rail tank cars. The number of spray nozzles
on each level and the spray angle of the nozzles depend on the road/rail car
geometry. Generally four horizontal spray nozzle headers are required (see
Appendix 1).
In case spray patterns are obstructed due to platforms, stairs, flanges, manholes etc.,
additional spray nozzles shall be provided to achieve complete coverage. Only one
type and size of spray nozzles shall be applied.
The foam/water spray system shall be arranged so as not to interfere with the
maintenance requirements of the installation.
For introduction of foam concentrate into fire water, two systems can be distinguished:
In both systems foam concentrate is mixed with water (either fresh or salt/ brackish).
The volume of foam concentrate is either automatically determined by proportioning
equipment or by venturi action and orifices.
This system consists basically of a foam concentrate storage tank, a foam pump, an
automatically monitored pressure control unit and or a venturi type proportioning
controller in the fire water line. This system offers a reliable and accurate operation
and is able to function over a wide range of flows and varying inlet pressures.
This system consists of an in-line inductor which introduces foam concentrate from a
vessel by means of venturi action. The correct operation is very sensitive to water flow
and pressure level changes. These changes will result in incorrect proportioning. The
maximum lift of the foam concentrate to the inductor shall be 1.8 m (refer to NFPA-
This system is only recommended for systems where fixed capacities are required and
the permanent pressure loss (30% of inlet pressure) can be accommodated.
For the requirements of the foam concentrate storage tank, reference is made to
Section 13.4.1.
The foam pump shall be of the electrically driven centrifugal type. The electric driver
shall be suitable for the applicable zone of the Hazardous Area classification,
however, as a minimum the driver shall conform to the requirements of hazardous
area zone 2.
For foam solution demands up to 240 m3/h a water turbine may be considered (typical
water consumption at 10 kg/cm2g fire water mains pressure: 25% of the fire water
Proportioning controller
The minimum and maximum capacity shall be based on the section with the smallest
and largest foam/water spray demand respectively.
Each foam/water spray system shall be equipped with a heat/fire detection system.
Linear heat sensor type (24 V) insulated wire conductors (intrinsically safe) shall be
installed in those areas where credible fires (excessive heat) may occur, i.e. typically
at the inlet/outlet piping flanges. All sensor wiring shall be well supported. For typical
line-up schematic see drawings STD-I05-001 and STD-I05-002. Construction
drawings shall be submitted for approval by SUBCONTRACTOR to the
Activation in a single loop shall result in a fault alarm, while activation in both loops will
result in a fire alarm (two out of two voting system). Both alarms shall be visually and
audibly annunciated on the fire and gas detection panel.
The fire alarm shall start the fire water pump(s) and it shall de-energize the solenoid
valve in the instrument impulse line to the automatic on-off valves of the
corresponding foam/water spray system. Each automatic on-off valve shall be
provided with a three position switch (open/automatic/closed) to be installed on the
smoke, fire and gas detection display in the central control room.
14.4.4 Hydraulics
The normal working pressure shall be established at the point of off-take under
conditions of maximum water consumption, i.e. for the fire case (see DGS-MU-200).
The pressure shall be at least 10 kg/cm2g.
Pressure spikes/surges may occur during initial admission of water into a "dry" section
of water spray systems. The magnitude of such pressure spikes/surges must be
investigated, and if critical, special measures must be taken (e.g. excess flow control,
The systems shall be designed in such a way that the required pressure for the best
operation of the spray nozzles is achieved by adequate dimensioning of the piping
without application of restriction orifices. The on-off valve, filter etc. shall be part of the
calculation. If pressure reduction is still required, a piece of small bore piping (max.
length: 2 m) shall be installed downstream of the on-off valve and downstream of the
manually operated block valve. The spool shall be flanged and it shall have a
minimum size of ½ inch (material to be stainless steel, DGS-PU-003, class 1303).
In all cases a detailed lay-out shall be made of the equipment and areas to be
protected and on which the arrangement of the spray nozzles shall be shown.
A foam/water spray water pipe system shall have two connections to the fire water
ring main. Connections to be in opposite locations in relation to the loading area to be
protected. The connection to be equipped with the automatic on-off control valve shall
be located downwind of the prevailing wind direction. This valve manifold shall be at
least 15 m from the periphery of the spray system, while the upwind manually
controlled block valve manifold shall at least be 30 m away from the spray system. At
both connections a filter shall be installed; for size see - Filter (below).
In the exceptional case that the distance from the fire water mains to the manually
operated block valve will be more than 100 m, the fire water supply to this valve may
be taken from the same side as the on-off control valve. In such a case an isolation
valve shall be provided in the fire water main between both branch connections (tie-
To save on filter capacity adjacent spray water systems, that may operate
simultaneously, can be served by a common filter for both fire water supplies (the on-
off control valve side and the manually operated block valve).
Horizontal "dry" piping, downstream of the block valve and of the automatic on-off
valve, shall be installed with a slope of 1:200 or steeper and it shall be fitted with
adequate drain facilities; weepholes in spray headers and automatic drain valves shall
be provided at selected locations.
At each fire water supply side (downstream of the on-off control valve and the block
valve) a 3 inch branch with valve and 2½ inch instantaneous hose connection shall be
provided for water or smoke testing and, in case salt/brackish water is used, flushing
with fresh water.
All overhead piping shall be adequately supported and fixed to prevent deflection and
vibration. This may be executed by means of supports from the loading gantry
structure. In the exceptional case that the spray water piping is supported from grade,
these supports require protection from ground (pool) fires, e.g. fire proofing or internal
water flow.
In exceptional cases where it is envisaged that the orientation of the water spray
nozzles requires adjustment after installation, a screwed double elbow shall be
The filter openings shall be at least 50% of the size of the smallest spray
nozzle orifice opening to be used, with a maximum of 4 mm diameter.
The on-off control valve shall be a UL-1091-listed butterfly fire water valve or
equivalent approved by Principal. The valve shall be tight shutoff (TSO)
against a maximum pressure of 16 kg/cm2g. When the instrument air pressure
drops to 3 kg/cm2g the valve shall be activated to fully open within
10 seconds. The actuator shall be sized such that the valve can be fully
opened and closed under the maximum occurring pressure differential or
maximum flow conditions.
Medium velocity, full cone, open-type spray nozzles with external deflectors,
shall be applied. Internal strainers are not allowed to avoid individual nozzles
The foam/water spray nozzle manufacturer shall provide full test data on the
nozzle, i.e.:
distribution rate over the area (not less than 20% of the average rate in
any area of 100 x 100 mm).
Corrosion protection:
The solenoid valve shall be electrically operated and be suitable for the applicable
zone of the Hazardous Area Classification. Instrument air supply pressure: minimum 3
kg/cm2g, maximum 7 kg/cm2g.
14.5.1 Piping
The piping/fitting material shall be selected from the applicable piping classes
(DGS-PU-003). The maximum pressure upstream the on-off control valve is
16 kg/cm2g. The "dry" pipe sections shall be flanged for all sizes and shall be hot dip
galvanized after prefabrication in accordance with DGS-PU-003 (class 1810).
The filter housing shall be carbon steel; for use in salt/brackish water it shall be
internally epoxy coated (min. 400 microns).
Valve to have carbon steel body (plus internal rubber lining) and corrosion resistant
internals. Refer to relevant MESC description.
When a skid mounted unit (comprising foam concentrate storage tank, inductor/pump
plus proportioner and interconnecting piping) is required, this unit shall be provided
with adequate access to the equipment by means of stairs and platforms with railings.
The unit shall be provided with the integral instruments and junction boxes.
Materials and equipment shall be in accordance with the appropriate sections of this
specification and shall be UL listed and/or FM approved for the services they are
intended to be used. Listings and approvals shall be a part of the documentation
required to be submitted to the CONTRACTOR.
Testing shall be in accordance with NFPA 11, Chapter 5, including Appendices, and
the MANUFACTURER’S recommendation.
Installation shall be accordance with the appropriate sections of this specification and
DGS-PU-002, and shall meet the requirements of NFPA 11, including Appendices.