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NIP-MOP-Booklet 5

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Injection Safety
Chapter 6
Injection Safety

A. Rationale
Clients deserve quality immunization services. An essential component is safety everytime
vaccines are administered. Immunization safety reduces the risk of disease transmission
by injection; reduces the risk of preventable adverse reactions and the impact of real
vaccine reactions through proper case management; and, ensures the effectiveness of the
immunization. By adhering to immunization safety standards and protocols, clients will be
assured and satisfied and continue to trust, use and participate in immunization services
from the health facility. These are expected to help increase immunization coverage in the
catchment area.

B. Objectives
Chapter 6 covers the overall guidelines on how to ensure safety in every immunization
provided. After reading this Chapter, it is hoped that we will be able to:

1. Describe the principles and guidelines to be observed for immunization safety;

2. Identify key support systems to be put in place to ensure safety; and
3. Outline the steps in managing and responding to AEFI cases.

C. Scope and Coverage

Chapter 6 discusses the following topics:

• Components of vaccine safety and quality: safe use of opened multi-dose vials of
vaccine for subsequent immunization sessions;
• Guidelines on safe injections and proper disposal of vaccine wastes;
• Adverse events following immunization and how to establish and maintain a
monitoring and reporting system for such events; and,
• Common questions related to immunization safety.

In summary, this Chapter is comprised of three major topics:

Vaccine Safety and

 Safe Injections and  Immunization
Quality Waste Disposal Safety Surveillance

Chapter 6 | Injection Safety 139

D. Setting Up An immunization Session
D.1 Safe Cold Chain Practices

Vaccines are sensitive to heat and freezing, so they must be kept at the correct temperature
from the time they are manufactured until they are used in order to preserve their quality.

The system used for keeping and distributing vaccines in good condition is called the cold
chain. This consists of a series of storage and transport links, all designed to keep vaccines
within an acceptable temperature range until they reach the user. The cold chain is a
system of transporting vaccines within the recommended temperature range: (+2 °C to +8
°C for refrigerator, -15 °C to – 25 °C for freezer).

A vaccine that has deteriorated due to unsafe cold-chain practices:

• Has reduced effectiveness in protecting against disease; and

• Can result in higher rates of local reactions

As program managers or health care providers, we should place high priority on

maintaining the cold chain, including the equipment (refrigerators, freezers, cold boxes,
backup generators) and cold rooms in the health facility. Cold chain technicians must
receive proper training to manage this important component of the Immunization Program.
Several indicators are available to detect if the vaccines have been frozen or have been
exposed to heat. Procedures on the proper management of cold chain are discussed in the
separate Cold Chain Management Manual.

D.2 Reconstitution and Proper Use of Diluent

1. Safe Use of Diluents

1.1. Careful stock control and accurate records are basic to monitor that the correct
diluents are always kept and distributed with each vaccine type and batch. To
avoid confusion during reconstitution, it is necessary to supply, transport and
distribute diluents together with the vaccine types to which they correspond.
1.2. Only use diluents supplied and packaged by the manufacturer with the vaccine.
Do NOT use diluents from other vaccines or from other manufacturers. Do NOT
use sterile water for injection as vaccine diluents.
1.3. Clearly label and identify vaccines and diluents. Inside the refrigerator, group and
mark properly the different vaccines with those expiring first in front. Cool the
diluents between +2°C to +8°C, preferably a day prior to use. Do NOT freeze diluents.
1.4. Always read the label to make sure that it is the correct diluent provided by the
manufacturer for that specific vaccine and vial size. If the label is missing or
cannot be read, do NOT use the product.
1.5. Draw the entire contents of the diluent into a new sterile reconstitution syringe
and empty the entire contents of the diluent into the vaccine vial. Reconstitute
the vaccine to make sure the correct number of doses per vial is obtained.

140 National Immunization Program Manual of Operations

1.6. After reconstitution, insert the vial in the foam pad of the vaccine carrier. NEVER
immerse the vial in water.
1.7. Do not leave the reconstitution needle in the vial. This leaves the vial open to
contamination. Discard without recapping the used reconstitution syringe and
needle into a safety box.
1.8. Discard all reconstituted vaccine at the end of the session, or within six hours,
whichever comes first.
1.9. Do not reconstitute vaccine until it is ready to be used. Handle diluents with the
same care as vaccines. Review and practice the proper way to reconstitute each
of the vaccines being used.

2. Safe Use of Opened Multi-Dose Vials of Vaccine in Subsequent Immunization

All opened WHO-prequalified multi-dose vials of vaccines should be discarded at
the end of the immunization session, or within six hours of opening, whichever comes
first, UNLESS the vaccine meets all four of the criteria listed below. If the vaccine
meets the four criteria, the opened vial can be kept and used for up to 28 days after
opening. The criteria are:
2.1. The vaccine is currently prequalified by WHO.
2.2. The vaccine is approved for use up to 28 days after opening, as determined by
2.3. The vaccine is not past its expiration date.
2.4. The vaccine vial has been, and will continue to be, stored at WHO at
manufacturer-recommended temperatures. In addition, the vaccine vial monitor-
if one is attached- is visible on the vaccine label and is not past its discard point,
and the vaccine has not been damaged by freezing.
a. It is good practice to write down the date of opening of vials to which
the multi-dose vial policy applies. Also note which will be kept for use for
subsequent sessions.
b. Other examples of vaccines to which the multi-dose vial policy applies are:
• Td
• Hep B (Monovalent)
c. Examples of vaccines to which multi-dose vial policy does not apply:
• BCG vaccine
• MR vaccine
• MMR vaccine
• JE vaccine

Chapter 6 | Injection Safety 141

d. For vaccines without VVM, excess unopened vaccines not used during an
immunization session shall be marked with a check mark () before storage
to the refrigerator. The mark shall indicate that the vaccine vial was taken out
from the refrigerator. This vial shall be for use first in the next immunization

Multi-Dose Vial 1. Multi-dose vials of OPV, PENTA , Td and Hepatitis B from which one or
more doses of vaccine have been removed during an immunization session,
Policy may be used in subsequent immunization sessions for up to a maximum of
28 days, provided that all the following conditions are met.
• The expiry date has not passed.
• The vaccines are stored under appropriate cold-chain conditions (+2°C
to +8°C)
• The vaccine vial septum has not been submerged in water.
• Aseptic technique has been used to withdraw all doses.
• The VVM, if attached, has not reached the discard point.

2. Note: The revised policy does not change the recommended procedures
for handling vaccines that must be reconstituted. For example, for BCG
and MMR vaccines: once a vial is reconstituted, it must be discarded at the
end of each immunization session or at the end of six hours, whichever
comes first.

3. Check if Vaccines are Safe to Use

Observe the following rules:
3.1. Check the vaccine and diluent labels. If the label is not attached, discard the
vaccine or diluent.
3.2. Check the expiry date. If the item is expired, discard it.
3.3. Check the vaccine vial monitor (VVM). If it indicates that the vaccine has passed
the discard point, discard it immediately.
3.4. If the temperature monitoring device indicates exposure to sub-zero
temperatures, or if you suspect that a freeze-sensitive vaccine (PENTA, Td
and Hep B vaccine) has been frozen, perform the shake test. For the detailed
procedure, refer to the Cold Chain Manual.
3.5. For each vaccine used, health workers must know the following:
• age of client at which each dose should be given;
• number of doses required and minimum intervals between doses; and,
• correct dosage

142 National Immunization Program Manual of Operations

FIGURE 14. Cumulative heat exposure
How to Read the VVM
VVM start colour End point


The starting color of the square inside the

VVM always has a bluish-gray tinge; is never End point
perfectly white. The inner square remains lighter exceeded. Square
than the outer circle until the temperature and/ colour is darker
or duration of heat reaches a level known to than the outer
degrade the vaccine beyond acceptable limits. circle.




How to Perform
Shake Test Shake the vial vigorously for 10 seconds and place them on a flat surface

D.3 Safe Injections

Injection safety is the safe handling of all injection equipment; routine monitoring of the
availability and use of safe injection equipment; and, correct disposal of contaminated
injection equipment.

Chapter 6 | Injection Safety 143

1. Observe Safe Injection Practices
Important Things to
Administer vaccines using safe injection practices and Remember
equipment. To avoid harm to both the client or recipient
and the health worker, the following safe injection Unsafe Injection can:
practices must be observed and carried out: • harm the recipient
1.1. Inspect the packaging very carefully. Discard • expose the health
the needle or syringe if the package has been worker to avoidable risk
punctured, torn or damaged in any way. • result in contaminated
wastes that are a
1.2. Use a new sterile AD syringe and needle for every danger to the community
1.3. Use a new sterile syringe and needle each time a
lyophilized or freeze-dried vaccine is reconstituted.
1.4. Do not touch any part of the needle. Discard any AD syringe that has touched
any non-sterile surface (such as hands or other surfaces) before injection.
1.5. Prepare the injection materials on a clean, designated surface (table or tray),
where blood and body fluid contamination is unlikely. Prepare each dose
immediately before administering. Do NOT prepare several syringes in advance.
1.6. Never recap the AD syringe. Dispose of it immediately after use into the safety
1.7. Protect the fingers with a small gauze pad before opening glass ampules.
1.8. For multi-dose vials, always pierce the septum with a sterile needle. Never leave
a needle stuck in the stopper of the vial.
1.9. In cleaning, use cotton balls wet with sterile water. There is no need to use
1.10. Follow product-specific instructions for use, storage and handling of vaccines.
1.11. Hold the child firmly. Anticipate and prevent sudden movement during and after
injecting the vaccine.

2. Select Safe Injection Equipment

2.1. Types of Injection Equipment

Different Equipment Used to Administer Injectable Vaccines

Equipment Remarks

Auto-disable (AD) syringes Equipment of choice

Prefilled AD injection devices Available for some antigens only
Reusable syringes and needles Not recommended
Single use disposable (non AD) Use for mixing purposes only
syringes and needles

144 National Immunization Program Manual of Operations

Main Characteristics of AD syringes:
• Designed as self-locking syringes for single use
• Sterilized and sealed by the manufacturer
• Automatically rendered unusable after they
delivering a full dose
• Available in 0.5 ml and 0.05 ml units and
impossible to refill by drawing back the plunger
forcibly or by applying back pressure to the
needle of the syringe

2.2. Prevent needlestick injuries and infections

Needlestick injuries
a. Minimize handling of needles and syringes may occur:
• Place a safety box close to the person doing
vaccinations so used syringes and needles • When health workers
recap needles or walk
can be disposed of immediately. around while carrying
used syringes and
• Avoid recapping the needle. If recapping is needles;
necessary (for example, if the injection is
• If clients, especially
delayed because the child is agitated), use a children, are not
single-handed scoop technique. positioned securely while
being injected;
• Do NOT manually remove the used needle
• If unsafe disposal
from the syringe. procedures leave people
• Do NOT carry used syringes and needles or animals exposed
to used syringes and
around the immunization area or work site. needles.
• When ready to inject: draw up the vaccine,
inject, and place the syringe in the safety box,
Do NOT put the syringe down between steps.
• Seal securely and dispose of the safety box
when it is three-quarters full.
• Do NOT manually sort needles and syringes.
b. Handle syringes and needles safely


Parts of a Syringe and DO NOT TOUCH:
Needle That Must Not Be

needle shaft

IMPORTANT: If you touch any of these parts, discard the syringe

and needle and get new sterile ones.

Chapter 6 | Injection Safety 145

Parts of a Syringe and
Needle That May Be
Touched OK TO TOUCH:
barrel plunger top

You may touch the barrel and the plunger top.

c. Position children correctly for injections

For all patients- If
Unexpected motion at the time of injection can a needlestick injury
lead to accidental needlestick injuries. To prevent happens:
this, position the child securely before giving the
injection. • Reassure clients and
• Have the adult sit and place the child on her
• Consider referral to
/ his lap. Make sure one of the adult’s arms is Infectious Disease out-
behind the child’s back, and one of the child’s patient clinic.
arms wraps around the adult’s side. • If unavailable at time
• The adult may tuck the child’s legs between of discharge from
department, follow-up
her/his own to secure them, or hold the child’s hepatitis B serology.
legs. The adult should also hold the child’s Arrange for booster
free arm. vacation if required.

• Health workers cannot hold the child because

they need both hands for the injection.
• Even though the child is securely positioned,
always warn the adult when you are giving
the injection.

Correct Position for Child Receiving injection

146 National Immunization Program Manual of Operations

2.3. Management of Accidental Needlestick Injury
If accidental needlestick happens, the health worker should perform the

Needlestick Injury Protocol

Initial washing of area with soap and water

Dispose needle/syringe safely

Document a detailed history, including:

• Time, date, location of incident
• Type of exposure
• Appearance of needle
• Type of needle
• Immunisation history

Take blood for hepatiti B surface No to all Known source needle user?
antibody + to store (serum gel tube) Needle user known to be infected?
Deliberate assault?
Deep injection?
Large-volume injection?
Assess need for post-exposure Large-guage hollow bore needle?
prophylaxis based on Other reason for increased risk?
patient’s tetanus and hepatitis
vaccination status IF YES TO ANY OF THE ABOVE,

Unimmunised Vaccinated Vaccinated Unimmunised against Vaccinated

against tetanus against tetanus: against tetanus: hepatitis B against
last booster last booster hepatitis B
≥ 5 years ago < 5 years ago

Anti-HBs titre 10 mIU/mL

(see text for details)

Administer first Administer No treatment Administer first No treatment Administer

dose of tetanus booster dose of necessary dose of hepatitis necessary hepatitis B
vaccine and tetanus vaccine B vaccine + vaccine
immunoglobulin hepatitis B booster
if within
22 hours of

Source: Clinical Practice Guidelines: Emergency Department Management of Community-Acquired Needlestick Injury

Chapter 6 | Injection Safety 147

D.4 Dispose of Used Syringes and Needles

Sharps, specifically needles, are considered the most hazardous category of health care
waste for health-care workers and the community at large if they are not properly handled
and disposed of. These can cause serious health and environmental problems. Unsafe
disposal can spread the very same diseases that we are working to prevent.

1. Use Safety Boxes

To prevent risk of infection of service providers and the community at large, safe
disposal of used needles and syringes is a critical component of any immunization
program. Injection equipment should be discarded immediately after use.

1.1. Proper Use of Safety Boxes

Without recapping, place needles and syringes in safety boxes immediately after
administering vaccines
a. Place all used injection equipment except reusable syringes and needles in a safety
box immediately after use. These containers are waterproof and tamper-proof and
needles cannot easily pierce them.
b. Safety boxes require proper assembly before use. Different safety boxes are
assembled in different ways. Appropriate instructions are printed on each box.
Make sure there is a correctly assembled safety box in the area where injections
will be given. How to assemble the safety box is shown below.

1 3

4 5



Safety Box Safety Box Assembly and Use

148 National Immunization Program Manual of Operations

2. Dispose of sharps waste and injection equipment
a. Destroy all injection equipment. Use auto-disable or disposable mixing syringes
and needles once. Destroy them after use.
b NEVER dump used syringes and needles in open areas where people might step
on them or children might find and play with them. Do NOT dispose of syringes
and needles along with other kinds of waste.
c. Place the safety box within reach of the health worker. After each injection,
immediately place the syringe and needle in the safety box or sharps container.
d. Do NOT recap the needle.
e. If you are using needle removers or needle cutters, safely separate the used needle
and syringe immediately after each injection.
• After removing the needle with a device, Caution
immediately place the syringe in the safety box.
• Place the needle in a separate safe container. Never put the following
materials in a safety box.
• When the needle container is full, close it and Discard them with other
dispose of it by burying it in a protected sharps pit. medical waste:

f. Following the immunization session or when the • Empty vials;

safety box is three-quarters full, close the container. • Discarded vaccine vials;

g. Do NOT transfer used syringes and needles from • Cotton pads;

safety boxes to other containers. • Compressors;

h. A five litre safety box can hold about 100 syringes • Dressing material;
and needles. When these are already three quarters • IV bags or extension
full, destroy them AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE to the
immunization session site, and AS SOON AFTER the • Latex gloves; or
session as is practical. • Any kind of plastic
materials or waste
i. Find a safe place to bury or burn the box. products.

Chapter 6 | Injection Safety 149

3. How to Handle and Dispose of Syringes and Needles that are not Separated
Collect syringes with needles attached and dispose of them in:

Standard safety boxes Puncture-resistant Locally available puncture-resistant

plastic safety boxes cardboard boxes, plastic bottles
These puncture-proof
boxes are specifically These are more In cases of supply shortages of standard
designed to receive expensive and might safety boxes in small health-care facilities,
syringes with the be more difficult to find alternative solutions can be implemented,
needles attached. These for small and medium such as puncture- and leak-proof boxes,
should not be reused. health-care facilities in or thick plastic containers. These should be
Different safety boxes some areas. Capacity: labelled as containing hazardous sharps
have different nominal 100 syringes. These waste. Open boxes, bleach bottles and thin
capacities. should not be reused. plastic containers should NOT be used.

4. Dispose of the filled safety boxes

Three methods are commonly used to destroy filled safety boxes or to keep them
away from people. Any selected method of waste disposal must comply with national
and subnational environmental regulations and with specific Department of Health
instructions for your health center.

4.1. Encapsulation
A specially made safety pit is an option to dispose of loose used syringes and
needles, A safety pit is usually two meters deep and one meter in diameter so
that it can be lined with a locally made concrete pipe. The pit has a concrete
lid with a capped metal pipe set in it. Used syringes and needles are dropped
through the metal pipe and into the pit.


Safety Pit Safety Pit Using Oil Drum

150 National Immunization Program Manual of Operations

4.2. Burial in a disposal pit
Used injection equipment may also be buried in a disposal pit. Choose the site
carefully and dig a pit large and deep enough for bulky boxes. If contaminated
AD syringes are somehow removed from the box and are carried into streams or
fields, people may step on them or children may play with them.

a. Choose a site where people will not dig or build latrines in the future.
b. Fence off and clear the area.
c. Dig the pit at least two meters deep. Make sure that the material will be
removed from the pit, for example, during the rainy season.
d. Take the filled safety boxes to the pit site just before burying. Do not open or
empty the boxes.
e. Place the filled safety boxes in the pit.
f. Cover the boxes with at least 30 cm (at least 12 inches) of soil. If possible,
cover the site with concrete when the pit is full.
g. Make sure a qualified and trained staff member supervises the process. Do
NOT leave this vital task to untrained people.

Disposal Pit

4.3. Puncture-proof box management

On-site burial is an option for small facilities that cannot transport medical
waste to a centralized facility).

Safety boxes may be buried on premises in a controlled manner. The pit should
be fenced to restrict access. In unstable soils, the sides of the pit should be lined
with brick or concrete to prevent collapse. A 10-15 cm (four to six inches) layer
of earth should be placed on each layer of waste, and the pit should be filled
with soil or concrete when the contents reach 50 cm (20 inches) of the surface
of the hole. Once closed, the site should be marked to prevent any future
digging. Open dumping of boxed or bagged waste should be PROHIBITED.

Chapter 6 | Injection Safety 151

5. Supervise and Monitor the Disposal
As managers or health providers, we are responsible for implementation of safe
injection procedures and waste-disposal policies to ensure no one is exposed to the
risk of blood-borne diseases caused by unsafe injections and incorrect disposal of
injection equipment.

As managers during supervisory visits, we must:

Ensure that national guidelines and standard operating procedures (SOP) for injection
safety, infection control and waste disposal are practiced in all health facilities;

As health workers, we are:

Required to provide our supervisors with evidence of carrying out the procedures
required by national policies and guidelines.

Good Practices on • Waste MUST be segregated into infectious and non-infectious waste.
Waste Management • All syringes or needles are collected into puncture-and-leak-proof
containers (color coded or bearing a biohazards sign / symbol).
Alternatively, needles are removed immediately by means of a needle
remover and disposed of onsite.
• Non-sharp infectious wastes are collected in bags (color coded, or bearing
a biohazards sign / symbol).
• Infectious waste bags and sharp containers are stored in a secure place
prior to transport for treatment / disposal.
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and facilities for hand washing must
be available and used for all persons handling waste.
• There must be regular supervision and correction of problems.

E. Adverse Events Following Immunization

(AEFI) Surveillance
An adverse event following immunization (AEFI) is defined as a medical event or incident
that takes place after an immunization, but is not necessarily caused by immunization.
AEFI surveillance includes:

• Detecting, monitoring and responding to adverse events following immunization

• Taking appropriate and immediate action to address safety issues detected
through the AEFI surveillance system to lessen the negative impact on the health of
individuals and the reputation of the immunization program.

152 National Immunization Program Manual of Operations

1. Types of AEFI
An effective immunization safety surveillance system is able to detect and
differentiate between various types of AEFI to prevent their occurrence or reduce
their impact.

Types of AEFI Description
Five Types of AEFI
1. Vaccine product- Caused or triggered by a one or more inherent
related reaction properties of the vaccine
2. Vaccine quality Caused or triggered by one or more quality defects
defect-related of the vaccine, including its administration device as
reactiondevices provided by the manufacturer.
3. Immunization error- Caused by inappropriate vaccine handling,
related reaction prescribing or administration; by its nature
4. Immunization Arising from anxiety about the immunization.
5. Coincidental event Caused by something other than the vaccine,
immunization error or immunization anxiety.

2. AEFI Investigation
Investigating an AEFI is the primary responsibility of City / Provincial level program
staff, depending on their capacity to carry out AEFI case investigations. Where the
LGU so requires, the Regional level staff shall provide technical assistance.

The DOH NIP strongly recommends that AEFI investigation be conducted by a team
composed of duly authorized representatives from the Epidemiology and Surveillance
Unit (ESU), Regional Food and Drug Regulation Officer (FDRO), EPI Coordinator and
Health Promotion Officer.

Initial response and complete investigation shall be conducted within 48 hours upon
reporting of a serious AEFI. The AEFI Case Investigation Form (CIF) shall be used in
the investigation of cases. The completed CIF for serious AEFIs, other severe and
unusual events occurring within four weeks after immunization and clusters of minor
AEFIs shall be submitted within 48 hours or after completion of the investigation to
the RESU for initial causality assessment.

During investigation, each investigating team shall have the following roles:
a. ESU – will primarily conduct epidemiologic investigation
b. EPI – assist in AEFI investigation, document immunization practices including
cold chain management
c. FDA /FDRO – assist in AEFI investigation, document registration of distributed
vaccines including specific vaccine lot and batch number
d. Health Promotion Officer – conduct risk communication

Chapter 6 | Injection Safety 153

3. AEFI Reporting
After completing primary AEFI investigation, a report form shall be sent to
the Regional Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit. At the same time, the DOH
Epidemiology Bureau shall be immediately informed about the serious AEFI case.
• Higher AEFI authorities at the Municipal, City and Province levels shall be
immediately notified about any death, severe AEFI or unusual medical incident.
• The AEFI reporting form should be duly filled up by the EPI nurse / Provincial
EPI manager. The attending doctor should enter the clinical details, sign and
dispatch the form.

For detailed explanation about AEFI, please refer to the Manual of Procedure for
Surveillance and Response to AEFI.

Regarding the specific policy for AEFI and specific roles at each level of administration,
refer to DOH Administrative Order 2010-0017 and 2010-0017-A

154 National Immunization Program Manual of Operations

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