Knezev 2007
Knezev 2007
Knezev 2007
38 6,995
3 authors:
M. Kezunovic
Texas A&M University
All content following this page was uploaded by Maja Knezev on 25 April 2014.
A. Hardware Architecture
Circuit Breaker Monitor (CBM) hardware consist of IEDs
located at the circuit breaker cabinets in the switchyard,
concentrator PC and GPS clock receiver located in a control
house, and wireless point to multipoint network connecting
IEDs located in the switchyard with the PC located in control
house. This configuration works as the master-slave
architecture; the slave CBM units are set up at each breaker in
the switchyard and are hardwired to acquire the signals from
CB’s control circuit. The master unit (Concentrator PC) is set
up at the control house to gather the data collected by all slave
units in the substation, store and process it. The system is
designed to allow configuration with multiple slave IEDs
depending on the number of circuit breakers in a substation. From the enclosed waveform example in Fig. 2, it is
Fig. 1 shows the hardware architecture of the CBM system in obvious that a very close tracking of the changes in the signal
a substation. behavior may be observed. This allows for close analysis of
the causes of the changes and subsequently detailed
conclusions may be reached both about a single breaker
CB4 operation, as well as the sequence of breaker operations. This
CB1 antenna level of detail is not available today through a traditional
SCADA system.
Close Trip
GPS Clock Initiate Initiate
CB2 Control
CB5 DC +
52Y/b 52 Y
CC 52 X 52a 52Y/a
Control House
Switchyard DC _
B. Software Architecture
Circuit Breaker Monitor software performs data analysis and
outputs information for different users. Fig. 3 presents
software architecture. The application enables customized
views for various types of users since they may have different
interest regarding breaker performance, sequences of breaker
operations and network topology status. For some users it is
important to know precise topology of the system and status Figure 4: CBM Hardware architecture
of CBs in every moment and for some it is important to know
precise sequence of operations of a group of CBs after fault A. Signal Conditioning Module
was recognized and cleared. The input signals shown in Table I must be scaled
Further details regarding software development are presented appropriately before converting them into digital form for
in section IV. processing and storage. Most analog to digital converters
require the input signals to be in the ±10V or ±5V range. A
signal conditioning circuit must scale the signals to be in the
Event Report Event Report Event Reports range required by the A/D converter. This signal conditioning
GUI view1 GUI view2 GUI View ... board should protect the rest of the device from high voltage
transients generated during trip or close coil operation.
B. Analog to Digital Conversion Module
CBM Client GUI The analog signals must be converted to digital form with a
resolution high enough to allow an accurate analysis. A
COMTRADE FILE resolution of 12-16 bits is sufficient for most applications.
The sampling rate must be high enough to enable accurate
Entry Module
Signal Processing Expert Processing reconstruction of signals needed for the analysis. Sampling
Module Module
rate of 10 kHz is sufficient for most applications. To make
sure that the recorded data may be combined with data from
other CBMs and other IEDs installed in a power system all
signals must be sampled synchronously and then converted to
Si digital form.
Signal Processing Expert System C. Time Synchronization
Rules File
settings file settings file
All CBM slave units are synchronized to GPS time and all
Figure 3: CBM Software architecture
recordings are accurately time-stamped [9]. Time
synchronization is implemented using a GPS clock receiver
and wireless transceivers for time distribution to IEDs located
III. HARDWARE in a switchyard. The GPS synchronization signal (1PPS -
pulse per second) is distributed from the master radio
Two main functions that the circuit breaker monitoring
transceiver located in the control house to the CBM slave
(CBM) device is designed to perform are:
units at each breaker. In this way only one GPS receiver per
substation is needed. Transceivers used for CBM have an
• Data acquisition: The input signals must be option for 1PPS signal distribution from master modem to
synchronously captured and converted to digital form several slave units.
when ever CBM is triggered. Time stamp transfer from GPS to CBMs has been
• Transfer to central place: The data gathered by CBM implemented using a CBM communication protocol. This
units at breakers must be transferred to a central location setup shown in Fig. 5 achieves time accuracy better than
for further processing and analysis. 10usec, which satisfies the requirements for this application.
The sampling signal “start” comes from the local timer,
The wireless transmission solution was found to be cost which is synchronized with 1PPS signal from the GPS. Local
effective and easy to implement. If the data acquisition system timer is used as the time reference for the sampling that takes
were to be set up at each breaker in an entire substation, it place between two synchronization pulses sent by the GPS
would be very expensive to lay out the wires to connect the receiver. The local clock has a very small time drift between
units to a control house in that substation. The CBM unit the two pulses so the sampling accuracy is not affected. For
connected to a CB consists of 4 important components: signal every sample, the processor creates a time stamp using the
conditioning, analog to digital conversion, processing and GPS time code received through the communication protocol
wireless transmission modules. Fig. 4 shows the block and the actual time from the local timer.
diagram of a slave unit.
Three main functions that the CBM software analysis
application is designed to perform are:
• Automated analysis of individual circuit breaker
operation in real time
• Automated analysis of an operation of a group of circuit
• Distribution of results though different GUI views and Figure 6: CBM system architecture
reports for variety of users
topology is very important for many power system V. IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION
applications like state estimation, fault location and alarm Two Circuit Breaker Monitor units are designed,
processor, which demonstrates the importance of the implemented and evaluated using:
proposed architecture for future improvement of existing • Laboratory tests
• Field tests
In general, CBs have the purpose to automatically connect
Laboratory tests involved individual module testing and
or disconnect different parts of the power system in order to
integrated system testing. The signal conditioning boards were
isolate the faults and/or re-route the power flow. In most cases
tested for both high-voltage and low-voltage signals. The A/D
they operate as a group in order to switch on/off some power
conversion module was tested with different types of signals:
system parts. To demonstrate this behavior we will consider
sinusoids, square waves, DC and scaled trip reference signals.
small part of the network shown in Fig. 7.
The accuracy of conversion was tested and appropriate
scaling factor was determined. The microprocessor module
and the associated software were tested by repeatedly
triggering the recordings using artificial trip signals. The
wireless system was tested in a lab environment with 300
Line 3 3 meters distance between the two units. The complete system
CB 2 was also evaluated in the laboratory using signals previously
Line 4 Fault recorded in the field. A digital simulator was used to replay
the waveforms using Relay Assistant software [12]. The test
setup at Texas A&M University laboratory can play back six
high voltages, two low voltage signals and more than 15
Figure 7: Example of fault present on transmission line digital contacts. The signals were captured by the CBs and
transmitted to the concentrator.
In case that fault is present on Line 3, corresponding Two Circuit Breaker Monitors have been tested in a field
breakers CB1, CB2 and CB3 shown in Fig. 7 should open and setup at Center Point Energy’s substation. The IEDs were set
deenergize faulted line. After some time they will be re-closed up at breakers, which operate on a 345kV line. Fig. 9 shows a
automatically in order to check whether the fault is cleared field placement of CBMs.
[11]. Process of reclosing can be repeated a couple of times The breakers are located at an approximate distance of
and it is initiated in order to determine whether fault, which 150m from the control house. They are connected to the
caused opening of breaker, is still present. Sequence of events Substation PC through a wireless RS232 network interface in
in case of a temporary fault present on Line 3 seen from the point-to-multipoint configuration. The master side software is
left hand substation from Fig. 7 is shown on Fig. 8. installed on the substation PC and initialized to start data
It can be easily concluded that by monitoring the CBs reception. In the normal work condition one cannot expect
status changes and recognizing operational bay groups of CBs more than few events per month because breakers in this
using synchronized data, one can infer what was the reason substation operate rarely. In the test phase one may
for initiation of the sequence and was it executed as expected. implement special features to enable efficient testing of
Detailed analyzes of possible sequence of events for the case Circuit Breaker Monitor devices. An automated log file
of breaker-and-a-half bus arrangement was performed using procedure has been set up. It assures that the CBM records
an automated software developed for this purpose. and sends a data file in equal time intervals. It is observed that
one record per day is enough to check current status of a
CBM. In this way one can collect and compare large number
of records in relatively short period of time.
The reported development was coordinated by the Mladen Kezunovic (S’77-M’80–SM’85–F’99)
Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions received the Dipl. Ing. , M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in
electrical engineering in 1974, 1977 and 1980,
(CERTS), and funded by the Office of Electric Transmission respectively. Currently, he is the Eugene E.Webb
and Distribution, Transmission Reliability Program of the Professor and Site Director of Power Engineering
U.S. Department of Energy under Interagency Agreement Research Center (PSerc), an NSF I/ Texas
No.DE-AI-99EE35075 with the National Science Foundation A&M University He worked for Westinghouse
Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, PA, 1979-1980 and the
The support for this project also comes from Center Point Energoinvest Company, in Europe 1980-1986. He
Energy (CNP) in Houston, Texas where the hardware was also a Visiting Associate Professor at
development from this project has been installed for field- Washington State University, Pullman, 1986-1987. His main research interests
testing. The CNP staff Donald R. Sevcik participated in the are digital simulators and simulation methods for relay testing as well as
application of intelligent methods to power system monitoring, control, and
reported developments. protection. Dr. Kezunovic is a member of CIGRE and Registered Professional
Engineer in Texas.