CASE Study

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72 years old Aging is one of the risk factors that precipitates
the development of dementia.
Male Male sex is linked to a faster rate of cognitive
daughter reports that she noticed his father has Because dementia affects the regions of the brain
progressively had problems with his mental involved in remembering, understanding, and
capacity. That the changes seems worse over a
past year processing information, it can damage a person's
capacity to make decisions.
Daughter revealed at times his father is alert, Presence of some time of alertness,
and at other times he seems disoriented, disorientation, depression and forgetfulness is on
depressed,He is forgetting things and doing the early stage of dementia.
things out of the ordinary
He could not pour his own coffee, and he seems Agitation is a behavioral syndrome characterized
to be getting more times, has by increased, restlessness, aggressiveness, and
difficulty remembering the names of family
members and friends emotional distress that is usually present to the
patients with dementia.
Neighbor found him down the street 2 days ago, Gradual loss of memory is one of the cardinal
and patient  K.B. did not know where he was.  symptom of dementia.
past medical history is significant for Coronary artery disease, which is linked to brain
hypercholesterolemia and coronary artery small vessel disease, may lead to dementia.
myocardial infarction 5 years ago In some studies, Myocardial Infarction was linked
to an increased risk of vascular dementia, and
this link was stronger in individuals who had a
Vital signs today are all within normal limits.K.B. Vital signs and well-being of the patient is within
is discharged and sees his primary care normal limits and it is a good sign.
physician 2 days later

C. Psychosocial Stage

Psychosocial Stage: Integrity vs Despair Age: 65 years old and older

Case Study 2 (copy)

In relation to the case presented, the patient has a positive resolution with the Psychosocial Stage for
the reason that he had regretted nothing. He had nurtured a daughter who had helped him during this
time and he has a neighbor who have eyes on him in times that he is out of their household. Apart from
the presence of his mental illness there is none negative resolution in terms of the psychosocial stage.


Diagnosis: Alzheimer’s Disease

Dementia's pathophysiology isn't totally known. The accumulation of native proteins in the brain causes
most kinds of dementia, with the exception of vascular dementia.

Alzheimer's disease is characterized by extensive cortical atrophy and the formation of amyloid plaques
and tangles of hyperphosphorylated tau protein in neurons, all of which contribute to the destruction of
the neurons. The intracellular deposition of Lewy bodies (insoluble aggregates of alpha-synuclein) in
neurons, primarily in the cortex, is a hallmark of Lewy body dementia. Deposition of ubiquitinated TDP-
43 and hyperphosphorylated tau proteins in the frontal and temporal lobes causes dementia, early
personality and behavioral abnormalities, and aphasia in frontotemporal dementia. Vascular dementia is
caused by ischemic brain injury (such as a stroke), which results in persistent neuronal loss.

Medication Indication Mechanism of Action Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name: treatment of The commonly accepted Hypersensitivity to Body as a  Monitor patient for therapeutic
dementia of the cholinergic hypothesis proposes donepezil or tracine, Whole: Headache, fatigue.  effectiveness: Improvement as noted on
Donepezil Alzheimer's type, that a portion of the cognitive GI bleeding, and the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment
Off-label uses and behavioral decline jaundice. CNS: Insomnia, dizziness, Scale.
include the associated with Alzheimer's are depression, tremor, irritability,  Monitor patient closely for S&S of GI
Brand Name: management of the result of decreased vertigo, ataxia.  ulceration and bleeding
vascular dementia, cholinergic transmission in the
Parkinson's central nervous system.  Monitor cardiovascular status; drug may have
CV: Syncope, hypertension, vagotonic effect on the heart, causing
Aricept Disease-associated Donepezil selectively and
atrial fibrillation, hot flashes, bradycardia
dementia, and Lewy reversibly inhibits the
hypotension.   Educate patient with Exercise caution.
body dementia acetylcholinesterase enzyme,
Dosage: which normally breaks down Fainting episodes related to slowing the
acetylcholine. The main GI: Nausea, diarrhea,
heart rate may occur.
pharmacological actions of this vomiting, muscle cramps,
5mg PO/ day at night
drug are believed to occur as anorexia, GI bleeding,
the result of this enzyme bloating, fecal incontinence,
inhibition, enhancing cholinergic epigastric pain. 
transmission, which relieves the
symptoms of Alzheimer's Respiratory: Dyspnea. 
dementia. In addition to the
above, other mechanisms of Skin: Pruritus, sweating,
action of donepezil are possible, urticaria.
including the opposition of
glutamate-induced excitatory
transmission via downregulation
of NMDA receptors and the
regulation of amyloid proteins,
which have demonstrated
significant effects on the disease
process of Alzheimer's.
Problem Rationale

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