Service Training Electric System

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The document appears to describe service and diagnostics functions for an engine or vehicle system. It includes sections on faults, diagnostics displays, fault logs, and settings that can be adjusted.

The document is a service manual that describes the diagnostics system for an engine or powertrain. It includes information about displayed fault codes, accessing service modes, querying software versions, and reviewing fault logs.

Some of the diagnostics functions described include querying the firmware version, displaying the fault log and deleting faults, monitoring inputs like oil pressure and coolant level, and displaying parameters like engine speed and DPF ash load.

Service Training

Electric Systems
Single Drum Rollers – 5

Version 1.00

Version/Status: V1.00 / 18.02.16 Page 1 of 51

Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5

Table of contents

1 Confirmation of changes ..............................................................................................4

1.1 Document ..............................................................................................................................4
1.2 Software.................................................................................................................................5
2 Displayed monitoring activities with fault reactions ..................................................6
3 Known faults..................................................................................................................7
4 The diagnostics system ................................................................................................8
4.1 Display functions ..................................................................................................................8
4.2 General facts and operation ................................................................................................8
4.2.1 Calling up service mode .....................................................................................................8
4.2.2 Entering input codes ..........................................................................................................9
4.3 Query firmware version .....................................................................................................10
4.3.1 Meaning of the firmware number......................................................................................10

5 Fault log – display and delete ....................................................................................11

5.1.1 Showing stored faults .......................................................................................................11
5.1.2 Deleting all stored faults ...................................................................................................11
5.2 Delete engine control fault log ..........................................................................................12
5.2.1 Deleting logged engine faults ...........................................................................................12
5.2.2 Deleting active engine faults ............................................................................................12

6 Settings and queries ...................................................................................................13

6.1 Adjusting the machine type...............................................................................................13
6.1.1 Procedure for initial commissioning of a control ...............................................................16
6.1.2 Procedure for changing a machine type ...........................................................................16
6.2 Driving against the closed brake ......................................................................................17
6.3 Automatic detection of surge currents in travel system ................................................18
6.3.1 Procedure.........................................................................................................................19
6.4 “Trimming” the speed measurement ...............................................................................20
6.4.1 Procedure.........................................................................................................................20
6.4.2 Explanation ......................................................................................................................20
6.5 Calibrating the speed detection (calibration of wheel diameter) ..................................21
6.5.1 Procedure.........................................................................................................................21
6.5.2 Explanation ......................................................................................................................21
6.6 Show pulses per 10 metres ...............................................................................................22
6.6.1 Procedure.........................................................................................................................22
6.7 Showing the speed of the rotary speed sensor ..............................................................22
6.7.1 Procedure.........................................................................................................................22
6.8 Showing the pulses of the rotary speed sensor .............................................................22
6.8.1 Procedure.........................................................................................................................22
6.9 Showing the direction signal of the rotary speed sensor ..............................................23
6.9.1 Procedure.........................................................................................................................23
6.10 Adjusting the vibration frequency ....................................................................................24
6.10.1 Procedure.........................................................................................................................24

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6.11 Activating/deactivating the cabin .....................................................................................25

6.11.1 Procedure.........................................................................................................................25
6.12 Adjusting the serial number ..............................................................................................26
6.12.1 Procedure.........................................................................................................................26
6.13 Activating/deactivating the measuring technology ........................................................27
6.13.1 Procedure.........................................................................................................................27
6.14 Activating/deactivating the printer ...................................................................................27
6.14.1 Procedure.........................................................................................................................27
6.15 Read out counter for “Regeneration suppressed” .........................................................28
6.15.1 Procedure.........................................................................................................................28
6.16 Delete counter for “Regeneration suppressed” ..............................................................28
6.16.1 Procedure.........................................................................................................................28
6.17 Activating/deactivating the dozer blade...........................................................................30
6.17.1 Procedure.........................................................................................................................30
6.18 Activating/deactivating the attachment plates ................................................................31
6.18.1 Procedure.........................................................................................................................31
6.19 Activating/deactivating the reversing lock for lowered attachment plates ..................31
6.19.1 Procedure.........................................................................................................................31
6.20 Adjusting the cross-slope sensor ....................................................................................32
6.20.1 Procedure.........................................................................................................................32
6.21 Flushing the double pumps hydrostatically ....................................................................33
6.21.1 Procedure.........................................................................................................................33

7 Other explanations ......................................................................................................34

7.1 Extended machine functions.............................................................................................34
7.1.1 Hydraulic oil filter monitoring ............................................................................................34

8 Replacement of components .....................................................................................35

8.1 How to proceed when replacing components?...............................................................35
8.2 Replacement of an ESX-control ........................................................................................35
8.3 Replacement of a travel pump / axle drive motor / drum drive motor ..........................35
8.4 Replacement of a vibration pump / vibration motor .......................................................35
8.5 Component replacement without adjustment procedure ..............................................36
9 Description of the signals on the ESX-control ..........................................................37
10 Description of signals on the travel lever ..................................................................43
11 Descriptions of signals in the display .......................................................................45
12 Fault codes of the ESX control ..................................................................................47
13 Input Codes for ESX Control ......................................................................................47
14 History .........................................................................................................................47
15 Terminology in connection with ESX.........................................................................48

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5

1 Confirmation of changes

1.1 Document

This document is valid for all single drum rollers (BW145-226 D/PD/DH/PDH/BVC/DI/RC) from soft-
ware version 3.00.

No. Date Description of changes resp.

1.00 23/06/2015 Created version 1.00 for small single drum rollers -5 Brand
(BW145-226 from software version 3.00)

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5

1.2 Software

Ver. Date Description of changes resp.

V 3.00 04/05/2015 First software for series. Brand
V 3.01 19/06/2015 BW211 D/PD/DH/PDH released. Brand
BW212 D/PD/DH released.
BW213 D/BVC released.
BW214 D released.
BW216 D/PD released.
BW219 DH/PDH released.
V 3.02 22/07/2015 BW213 DH/PDH released. Brand
BW226 DH/PDH/BVC/DI/RC released.
BW211 D/PD/DH/PDH vibration frequency adapted.
BW212 D/PD/DH vibration frequency adapted.
BW213 D/BVC vibration frequency adapted.
BW213 DH/PDH/BVC min. idle speed adapted.
BW216 D/PD min. idle speed adapted.
V 3.03 06/08/2015 BW216 DH/PDH released. Brand
V 3.05 21/10/2015 BW219 BVC released. Fondel
Fault 9170 corrected.
Fault teach process “Pulses per 10 m” rectified. Brand
V 3.06 11/12/2015 BW219 D/PD released. Brand
BW226 BVC without CE released.
BW226 DI without CE released.
BW177 D (Kubota Tier4f) released.
EOL-test procedure revised.
Driving in reverse with the plate lowered deactivated.
Adjustable coolant level sensor mode implemented.

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5

2 Displayed monitoring activities with fault reactions

Reaction Symbol in fault Warning Warning Engine stop

message display
Code output Code output Code output
Signal without buzzer with buzzer with buzzer

Fault in exhaust gas


Exhaust gas after-

5161 5153 5154
High exhaust gas

Engine oil pressure

(from EMR)
5100 5101
5112 5112

Coolant temperature
(from EMR)
5100 5101
5116 5116
Coolant level
5024 5025
after 5 s after 10 s
Engine air filter
5026 5027
after 5 s after 2 min.
Hydraulic oil filter
5500 5501
(ATTENTION! Delay after 5 s after 2 min.
in acceleration time.
See 7.1.1)
Water separator in
fuel filter
5028 5029
after 5 s after 2 min.
(Standard not
Seat contact

Arm rest

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5

3 Known faults
Despite the fault monitoring of inputs and outputs on the ESX control, the ESX control is not able to
detect all faults. The following list contains a selection of known fault reactions of the control, which
mostly have a different cause to the one described in this documentation.

Effect: Cause:
Error code 5100, 5140 and engine does not re- Switch the ignition off and on and restart the ma-
spond to full speed switch or travel lever chine immediately.

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5

4 The diagnostics system

The machine is equipped with a diagnostics system consisting of display unit (LC-Display) and button-
type input unit (in the travel lever) to report machine faults, display measuring values and to set pa-

4.1 Display functions

The field t in the LC-Display shows the following diagnostic readings:

Type of indication Flashing Flashing “d” Comment

Fault message
* *
* *
* *
Display, measuring Values ranging from
values 0 0 0 0 . . . 9 9 9 9 to be called up
via input codes
Parameter setting Values ranging from
0 0 0 0 . . . 9 9 9 9 to be called up
via input codes

Negative display values are identified by a “Minus sign”.

If several faults are detected, the displayed fault codes will change in a 3 second cycle.

4.2 General facts and operation

The following chapter describes the operation of the display via the travel lever buttons.

4.2.1 Calling up service mode

For this purpose the display must be switched over to service mode via input mode. This is accom-
plished via the two yellow Info-buttons “INFO 1” and “INFO 2” on the back of the travel lever. Naviga-
tion in input and service mode takes place via the green and blue buttons on the front of the travel

Change values
Werte ändern Navigieren
(green) Navigation
INFO 1 Taste (grün) (blau)
INFO 1 button
INFO 2 Taste
INFO 2 button Werte ändern
(gelb) Change values
(yellow) (grün)

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5

The travel lever must be in locked braking position in order to activate input mode!
Input mode is switched on by simultaneously pressing both INFO – buttons over a period of approx.
3 seconds.

4.2.2 Entering input codes

Input mode starts with flashing of the left hand digit. Here you have the possibility to change to the
service mode using access code “9 9 9 9 ”. The green buttons can be used to increase or reduce the
values of the corresponding digit. By operating one of the blue buttons one can jump to the next (left
or right) digit. Once the last right hand digit has been entered the code will be transferred to the control
by pressing the right hand blue button once again.
If the access code has been entered correctly, the “Spanner” symbol is displayed and the first input
digit flashes again. Individual operating states of the machine can now be interrogated by transferring
the input code to the control (as described above).
When operating both INFO buttons again for approx. 3 seconds, another input code can be entered.
The service mode is quit by entering code “0 0 0 0 ” or by switching the ignition off.
If the travel lever is shifted out of the brake lock while in service mode, all machine functions will be-
come active, with the exception of the LC-display, which remains in service mode and continues to
display the operating values requested last.

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5

4.3 Query firmware version

The firmware or software version of the travel control can be displayed using input code “0 5 5 5 ” (see
appendix with input codes).

4.3.1 Meaning of the firmware number

The firmware version is displayed in the following layout:


For example: A firmware version with the number V4.59 contains the following information:

- Version = 4
- Revision = 59

Version number:
Any change to the version number requires a change in the part number of the control.
Exchanging controls with different part numbers is not intended.
When flashing a firmware one must make sure that it “matches” the control to be flashed (part number
of raw part).

Revision number:
Any change in revision number indicates a change of the firmware while the part number remained
unchanged. The firmware is downwards compatible to firmware versions with the same version num-

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5

5 Fault log – display and delete

5.1.1 Showing stored faults

Switch on function “Show stored faults”:

• Enter code number “0 7 0 0 ” (!WITHOUT service code 9999). This code number enables the func-
tion “Show stored faults”.

The faults stored in the ESX are displayed in flashing mode. If several faults are stored, these are
successively displayed in cycles of 3 seconds. After the last fault has been displayed, the first fault will
appear again. If no faults are stored in the ESX, the display will show “- - - - - ”

Switch off function “Show stored faults”:

• Enter code number “0 7 0 1 ” (!WITHOUT service code 9999). This code number disables the func-
tion “Show stored faults”.

Apart from the stored faults the current faults are also displayed.
i Note

This function can only be activated / deactivated when the travel lever is
i Note locked in the brake gate. ( Input mode)

5.1.2 Deleting all stored faults

This function is only valid from software version 1.10!

Execute the function “Delete all stored faults”:

• The engine must not be running!
• Enter code number “0 7 1 0 ” (!WITHOUT service code 9999).
• Switch the ignition off and on again.

All stored faults are now deleted.

Stored faults can only be deleted when the engine is not running.
i Note

This function can only be activated / deactivated when the travel lever is
i Note locked in the brake gate. ( Input mode)

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5

5.2 Delete engine control fault log

5.2.1 Deleting logged engine faults

Execute the function “Delete all logged faults in engine control unit”:
• The engine must not be running!
• Service code “9 9 9 9 ”.
• Enter code number “0 7 6 0 ”.
• Switch the ignition off and on again.

All stored engine faults are now deleted.

5.2.2 Deleting active engine faults

Execute the function “Delete all logged faults in engine control unit”:
• The engine must not be running!
• Service code “9 9 9 9 ”.
• Enter code number “0 7 6 1 ”.
• Switch the ignition off and on again.

All active engine faults are now deleted.

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5

6 Settings and queries

6.1 Adjusting the machine type
Since the same control software is used for all single drum rollers of generation 5 (with electronically
controlled engines), the control must be matched to the machine in which it is actually installed (setting
the machine type).
This is necessary during first time commissioning as well as in case of a spare parts replacement.
This type setting is necessary, because different machine types/variants can have different parameter
sets, e.g. different wheel or axle drive motors (different numbers of pulses) or electrically different hy-
draulic components (valve spools), or may be equipped with attachment plates or other optional

For simple checking of the actually set machine type just enter the code “0 7 2 0 ”.

The following machine types can be adjusted:


First Last Available

Machine type serial number serial number Code from version
Standard1 - - 7200 3.00

BW211 D 101 586 08 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7201 3.01

BW211 D without CE 101 586 47 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7202
BW211 PD 101 586 10 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7203 3.01

BW212 D 101 586 12 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7204 3.01

BW212 PD 101 586 14 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7205 3.01

BW213 D 101 586 15 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7206 3.01

BW213 D without CE 101 586 48 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7207

BW214 D 101 586 24 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7208 3.01

BW216 D 101 586 25 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7209 3.01

BW216 D without CE 101 586 26 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7210
BW216 PD 101 586 28 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7211 3.01
BW216 PD without CE 101 586 29 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7212

BW219 D 101 586 31 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7213 3.06

BW219 D without CE 101 586 32 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7214
BW219 PD 101 586 35 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7215 3.06
BW219 PD without CE 101 586 36 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7216

BW145 D 101 586 54 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7261

BW177 D 101 586 49 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7265 3.06

BW177 D without CE 101 586 50 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7285

The standard machine type does not represent a real machine, but is the initial point for not yet set controls
during initial commissioning or after replacing a control.

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5

DH machines

First Last Available

Machine type serial number serial number Code from version

BW211 DH 101 586 09 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7220 3.01

BW211 PDH 101 586 11 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7221 3.01

BW212 DH 101 586 13 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7222 3.01

BW213 DH 101 586 16 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7223 3.02

BW213 DH without CE 101 586 17 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7224
BW213 PDH 101 586 18 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7225 3.02
BW213 PDH without CE 101 586 19 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7226
BW213 DH with plates 101 586 22 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7227 3.02

BW216 DH 101 586 27 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7228 3.03

BW216 PDH 101 586 30 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7229 3.03

BW219 DH 101 586 33 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7230 3.01

BW219 DH without CE 101 586 34 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7231
BW219 PDH 101 586 37 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7232 3.01
BW219 PDH without CE 101 586 38 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7233

BW226 DH 101 586 40 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7234 3.02

BW226 DH without CE 101 586 41 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7235
BW226 PDH 101 586 42 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7236 3.02

BW145 DH 101 586 01 xxxx XXX XXX XX XXXX 7263

BW145 PDH 101 586 02 xxxx XXX XXX XX XXXX 7264

BW177 DH 101 586 04 xxxx XXX XXX XX XXXX 7267

BW177 PDH 101 586 05 xxxx XXX XXX XX XXXX 7268

BW197 DH 101 586 07 xxxx XXX XXX XX XXXX 7269

BW177 DH without CE 101 586 51 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7287

BW177 PDH without CE 101 586 52 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7288

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5

DH-BVC machines

First Last Available

Machine type serial number serial number Code from version

BW213 BVC 101 586 20 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7250 3.01
BW213 BVC without CE 101 586 21 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7251
BW213 BVC with plates 101 586 23 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7252 3.01

BW219 BVC 101 586 39 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7253 3.05

BW226 BVC 101 586 43 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7254 3.02
BW226 BVC without CE 101 586 44 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7255 3.06
BW226 DI 101 586 45 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7256 3.02
BW226 DI without CE 101 586 53 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7257 3.06
BW226 RC 101 586 46 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7258 3.02

BW177 BVC 101 586 06 xxxx XXX XXX XX XXXX 7270

EXAMPLE: Machine code for BW 213 DH: 7223

• Parameter adjustments can only be made when the engine is not run-
i Note ning!

• This function can only be activated / deactivated when the travel lever
is locked in the brake gate. ( Input mode).

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5

6.1.1 Procedure for initial commissioning of a control

• The control has been installed into the machine.
• Switch the ignition on. After switching on the letters “C O D E ” are displayed for a period of approx.
3 seconds. After this the display changes and shows code “7 2 0 0 ”.
• Use the Arrow Up or Arrow Down keys to select the correct machine code from the list of codes.
• Confirm the selection with the Arrow Right key.
• After a short while (< 10 seconds) the new parameters, in accordance with the set machine type,
are loaded. Do not switch the ignition off during this time!
• After this switch the ignition off and on again to accept the configuration.
• After this the normal display will appear again.

6.1.2 Procedure for changing a machine type

• Enter code number “9 9 9 9 ” (activation of service mode)
• Enter code number “7 0 1 0 ”. This code number activates the function “Adjusting machine type”.

The display module now permanently shows the code “7 2 0 0 ”.

• Select the machine code from the table above and confirm it with the Arrow Right key. After operat-
ing the Arrow Right key the control switches automatically off and on again.
• After a short while (< 10 seconds) the new parameters, in accordance with the set machine type,
are loaded. Do not switch the ignition off during this time!
• After this switch the ignition off and on again to accept the configuration.
• After this the normal display will appear again.

A machine must not be operated with a wrong type setting, because in

i Note such a case the correct function of the control cannot be assured!

New controls are delivered with a default machine type setting “7 2 0 0 ”.

This does not enable to drive or steer the machine. It only serves the pur-
pose of commissioning.

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Service Training WZ -5

6.2 Driving against the closed brake

After entering code number “0 5 0 0 ” the brake will not be released. If the travel lever is in this condi-
tion shifted out of the brake gate and moved to any travel direction, the travel pumps will be triggered
according to the chosen travel direction. At the same time a warning (fault code “0 5 0 0 ”) appears on
the display and the warning buzzer is triggered, in order to keep the operator informed about the con-
dition. The brake control light in the LC-display remains activated.

In order to terminate this function and to release the brake you must either enter code number
“0 5 0 1 ” or switch the ignition off. After entering code number “0 5 0 1 ” the function is aborted and
“O K ” is displayed as confirmation for 5 seconds. After this the code needs to be entered again.

This function can only be activated / deactivated when the travel lever is
i Note locked in the brake gate. ( Input mode).

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Service Training WZ -5

6.3 Automatic detection of surge currents in travel system

For a sensitive and exact function of the travel system the surge currents in the travel system must be
determined for both travel directions. The surge currents are automatically determined after entering a
code number, so that no electric meter is required.
The surge currents must only be determined during initial commissioning in the factory, after a service
during which the control on a steering valve or the complete steering valve has been replaced and
after the replacement of the ESX-control.

The measurement is identical for both travel directions: after entering the respective code number the
current is increased by the control solenoid of the travel pump in small steps, starting from 580 mA.
After each current increase the system waits for 3 seconds. If a considerable axle o9r drum movement
is measured during the waiting time, the surge current is reached. In order to enhance the measuring
result this measurement is performed several times. The measured values are averaged to determine
the final surge current. This surge current is automatically stored and is valid from the next start of the

Before the measurement you should strictly make sure that the machine is parked on level ground and
has a sufficient distance for movement to front and back, because the machine will move to the re-
spective direction when performing the measurement.

Attention! First set the machine to input mode (code “9 9 9 9 ”). It must be strictly assured that the
speed sensor(s) work correctly. For function testing enter the code number “1 1 1 6 ” (sensor on axle,
available on all machines) or the code number “1 1 0 6 ” (sensor on drum, only on DH/BVC machines)
into the display module. This code can be used to display the number path pulses from the speed
sensor. The displayed value must change when the machine is driven.

If this value does not change even though the machine is moving, the measurement must not
be performed!

The state of the speed sensor must first be corrected, as otherwise the movement of the machine
cannot be detected. (See also: “Resetting the surge currents in the travel system”)

During the measurement the machine will move when the surge current is
! Danger reached!

Do not leave the machine while the measurement is progressing!

Please take notice of the emergency stop button to be able to quickly shut
down the machine, if this should be required.

During the measurement watch your environment and interrupt the meas-
urement if people come too close to the machine!

The machine can be stopped by returning the travel lever to neutral posi-

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Service Training WZ -5

6.3.1 Procedure
• The speed selection switch must be in position ECO
• If necessary enter code number “9 9 9 9 ” to access the service mode.
• Then enter “1 0 9 0 ”. This code number activates the function “Automatic detection of surge cur-
rents in the travel system”; the display now shows the reading “0 0 0 0 ” with the first digit flashing.
This code number must be entered to be able to perform the following steps. From this point the
machine can no longer be operated with the travel lever! The travel lever will only be in
function again after the teach function has been completed or the machine has been re-

• The measurements (forward/reverse) must be started by entering a code number. The code num-
ber required to teach the travel direction is as follows:

Determination of control surge currents 1091

• After the input of the above code number the display shows “F O R W ”. Shifting the travel lever for-
ward starts the first surge current measurement for forward travel.
• During the measurement the actual current is displayed (display value = current in mA).
• Once the surge current measurement in forward is finished the display will show the reading “O K ”
for a period of 5 seconds.
• After this wait time the display reading changes to “B A C K ”. Now shift the travel lever backward to
start the surge current measurement in reverse.
• During the measurement the actual current is displayed (display value = current in mA).
• After completion of the measuring process in reverse the display will show “O K ” again.
• The travel lever must now be returned to braking position.
• Once both surge currents have been learned correctly and the travel lever is in “braking position”,
the display shows the reading “D O N E ”, the values are saved and the function is completed. Now
the machine can be operated again with the travel lever. The new surge current values for the
travel system are valid from the next start.
• The teach function can at any time be aborted by operation of the emergency stop or the ignition

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Service Training WZ -5

6.4 “Trimming” the speed measurement

6.4.1 Procedure

Input Description
• 9999 Switch on Service Mode.
• 1158 Allow function “Trimming the speed measurement”.
• 1159 Start function “Trimming the speed measurement”.
• The display shows: “F O R W ”: Move the travel lever forward (or back).
• Green button up = raise indicated speed (measuring value too low)
• Green button down = reduce indicated speed (measuring value too high)
• Travel lever in braking position: “D O N E ” = FINISHED! Procedure finished.

6.4.2 Explanation
In order to adjust the speed display e.g. to the BOMAG measuring system or to reference test
benches, the machine integrated travel speed detection may be “trimmed”, i.e. adjusted.
For this purpose the input codes “1 1 5 8 ” (enable function) and “1 1 5 9 ” (start function) are used to
activate the function “Trim speed measurement”.

With the green button on the travel lever an internal calibration value can now be changed to such an
extent, that the displayed speed corresponds with the actual travel speed.

Attention! If the speed detection is extremely falsified because of operat-

i Note ing errors, this can lead to uncomfortable travel behaviour.

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5

6.5 Calibrating the speed detection (calibration of wheel diameter)

6.5.1 Procedure

Input Description
• 9999 Switch on Service Mode.
• 1160 Allow function “Calibrate the speed detection”.
• 1161 Start function “Calibrate the speed detection” for a 5 m distance.
or 1 1 6 2 For 10 m distance
or 1 1 6 3 For 20 m distance
or 1 1 6 4 For 50 m distance
or 1 1 6 5 For 100 m distance

• The display shows: “F O R W ”: Move the travel lever forward (or back).
• 1168 Load original values.
• 1169 Save the values.

6.5.2 Explanation
The function “Calibrate speed detection” offers the possibility to calibrate the internal calibration
value of the speed detection.
For this purpose the input code “1 1 6 0 ” (enable function) and “1 1 6 1 - 1 1 6 5 ” (start the respective
function) can be used to select a distance, which is then travelled with the machine (as exactly as
During travel a numeric value is displayed.
The measurement is subsequently saved by means of the input code “1 1 6 9 ” and is now a valid cri-
terion for the speed detection.

With the input code “1 1 6 8 ” it is also possible to adjust the basic value for series machines
(“1 1 6 0 ” -> “1 1 6 8 ” -> “1 1 6 9 ”).

Attention! If the speed detection is extremely falsified because of operat-

i Note ing errors, this can lead to uncomfortable travel behaviour.

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6.6 Show pulses per 10 metres

6.6.1 Procedure

• 9999 Switch on Service Mode.

• 1110 Show pulses per 10 metres on the axle.
• 1100 Show pulses per 10 metres on the drum (only for DH/PDH/BVC-machines).
• The display now shows a value, which represents the pulses per 10 metres on the axle or the

The pulses per 10 metres is a fixed value that does not change while travelling. (see chapt.6.5 on
page 21)

6.7 Showing the speed of the rotary speed sensor

6.7.1 Procedure

• 9999 Switch on Service Mode.

• 1115 Show the speed of the speed sensor on the axle.
• 1105 Show the speed of the speed sensor on the drum (only for DH/PDH/BVC-machines).
• The display shows the current speed in m/min.

With the machine at standstill the speed is 0. Once the machine is travelling, values unequal 0 will be

6.8 Showing the pulses of the rotary speed sensor

6.8.1 Procedure

• 9999 Switch on Service Mode.

• 1116 Show the pulses of the speed sensor on the axle.
• 1106 Show the pulses of the speed sensor on the drum (only for DH/PDH/BVC-machines).
• The display now shows the pulses of the axle or drum.

With the machine at standstill the displayed value will not change. When the machine is driving, the
value will increase continuously.

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6.9 Showing the direction signal of the rotary speed sensor

6.9.1 Procedure

• 9999 Switch on Service Mode.

• 1117 Show the sense of rotation of the speed sensor on the axle.
• 1107 Show the sense of rotation of the speed sensor on the drum (only for DH/PDH/BVC-
• The display now shows the sense of rotation of the sensor on the axle or on the drum (0: reverse,
1: forward).

For the sense of rotation signal to be displayed correctly, the machine must be moved for a few me-

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6.10 Adjusting the vibration frequency

Since the vibration motor is not equipped with a frequency sensor, both the high and low amplitudes
must be checked with an external meter and corrected, if necessary.

The drum of the machine must be standing on a rubber mat for adjusting
i Note the vibration frequency! During the input the diesel engine of the machine
must be running and the speed pre-selection must NOT be positioned at
“minimum idle speed”!

6.10.1 Procedure

• Start the engine.

• Pre-select low or high amplitude with Low High
the vibration switch. amplitude amplitude
Machine [Hz] [Hz]
• Press the red button on the travel lever
to start vibration.
• Measure the vibration frequency with an BW145 D/DH/PDH 35 31
external meter.
BW177 D/DH/PDH 32 29
• 9 9 9 9 Switch on Service Mode.
BW177 BVC 28
• 3 0 5 0 Enable function “Set vibration
BW197 DH 32 29
• 3 0 5 2 Set vibration frequency at low
amplitude. BW211 D/PD/DH/PDH 34 30
• 3 0 5 3 Set vibration frequency at high BW212 D/PD/DH
34 30
• The display now shows a 4-digit value, BW213 D/DH/PDH 34 30
which, however, does not represent the BW213 BVC 28
vibration frequency. This value can now
be changed with the green buttons.
BW214 D 34 30
Checking the vibration frequency re-
quires the use of an external measuring
instrument. BW216 D/PD/DH/PDH 36 30
• Once the correct frequency is reached,
the value can be saved with the right BW219 D/PD/DH/PDH 26 26
blue button. BW219 BVC 26
• Repeat this procedure for the low or
high amplitude. BW226 DH/PDH 26 26
• Once both frequencies have been set, BW226 BVC/DI/RC 26
vibration can be switched off with the red button on the travel lever.

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6.11 Activating/deactivating the cabin

If the machine is NOT equipped with a cabin, this software should be de-
i Note activated. Only switch the ignition on, do NOT start the machine!

On machines of generation -5 the software always assumes that there is a cabin. If a machine has no
cabin, the fault 9109 appears in the display and the cabin needs to be deactivated.

6.11.1 Procedure

Input Description
• 9999 Switch on Service Mode.
• 8821 Enable function “Activate or deactivate cabin”.
• 8822 Activate the cabin.
• 8823 Deactivate the cabin.

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6.12 Adjusting the serial number

The serial number needs to be adjusted on these machines. The serial number consists of 4 blocks
(101 586 03 1001). The first three blocks have already been set and do not need to be changed. Only
the last block needs to be adapted to the machine.

Only switch the ignition on, do NOT start the engine!

i Note

6.12.1 Procedure

Input Description
• 9999 Switch on Service Mode.
• 4010 Enable the function “Adjust serial number”.
• 4011 Adjust the serial number.
• The display now shows the value “1 0 0 1 ” which can be edited with the two green buttons.
• If the correct serial number was adjusted, the number can be taken on with the right blue button.
The display for approx. 5 seconds shows the text “O K ”.
• With the help of the input code “4 0 1 9 ” the complete serial number can be shown in the display.
• With codes “4 0 1 2 ”, “4 0 1 3 ” or “4 0 1 4 ” you can also adjust the other blocks of the serial num-
ber. However, this should only be made, if they do not contain the correct value.

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6.13 Activating/deactivating the measuring technology

During the input the diesel engine of the machine should not be running!
i Note Any change to the setting of the measuring technology will only become
effective after switching the ignition off and back on again!

If the machine is equipped with measuring technology, it most certainly needs to be activated. This
also applies for a possibly installed printer.

6.13.1 Procedure

Input Description
• 9999 Switch on Service Mode.
• 3011 Enable function “Activate or deactivate measuring technology”.
• 3012 Activate the measuring technology.
• 3013 Deactivate the measuring technology.
• The display for approx. 5 seconds shows the text “O K ”.

6.14 Activating/deactivating the printer

During the input the diesel engine of the machine should not be running!
i Note Any change to the setting of the printer will only become effective after
switching the ignition off and back on again!

6.14.1 Procedure

Input Description
• 9999 Switch on Service Mode.
• 3016 Enable function “Activate or deactivate printer”.
• 3017 Activate the printer.
• 3018 Deactivate the printer.
• The display for approx. 5 seconds shows the text “O K ”.

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6.15 Read out counter for “Regeneration suppressed”

The machine is equipped with a counter to display the number of times the regeneration has been

6.15.1 Procedure

Input Description
• 9999 Switch on Service Mode.
• 5151 Read out regeneration suppression counter.
• The display now shows the number of times the regeneration had been suppressed.

6.16 Delete counter for “Regeneration suppressed”

6.16.1 Procedure

Input Description
• 9999 Switch on Service Mode.
• 5152 Enables function “Delete regeneration suppression counter”.
• 5153 Delete regeneration suppression counter (set to “0”).
• The display for approx. 5 seconds shows the text “O K ”.

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6.17 Activating/deactivating the dozer blade

During the input the diesel engine of the machine should not be running!
i Note Any change to the setting of the dozer blade will only become effective af-
ter switching the ignition off and back on again!

6.17.1 Procedure

Input Description
• 9999 Switch on Service Mode.
• 3021 Enable function “Activate or deactivate dozer blade”.
• 3022 Activate the dozer blade.
• 3023 Deactivate the dozer blade
• The display for approx. 5 seconds shows the text “O K ”.
• After the ignition has been switched off and on again, the dozer blade is active or no longer active.
• 3 0 2 0 This input code can be used to check the status of the dozer blade (0: not active;
1: active).

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6.18 Activating/deactivating the attachment plates

During the input the diesel engine of the machine should not be running!
i Note Any change to the setting of the attachment plates will only become effec-
tive after switching the ignition off and back on again!

6.18.1 Procedure

Input Description
• 9999 Switch on Service Mode.
• 3061 Enable function “Activate or deactivate attachment plates”.
• 3062 Activate the attachment plates.
• 3063 Deactivate the attachment plates
• The display for approx. 5 seconds shows the text “O K ”.
• After the ignition has been switched off and on again, the attachment plates are active or no
longer active.
• 3 0 6 0 This input code can be used to check the status of the attachment plates (0: not active;
1: active).

6.19 Activating/deactivating the reversing lock for lowered attachment plates

On machines with attachment plates, reversing with lowered plates or locked or deactivated by de-
fault. Reversing can be enabled by using the following input procedure.

6.19.1 Procedure

Input Description
• 9999 Switch on Service Mode.
• 3077 Enable function “Activate or deactivate reversing with lowered attachment plates”.
• 3062 Activate reversing with lowered attachment plates.
• 3063 Deactivate reversing with lowered attachment plates.
• The display for approx. 5 seconds shows the text “O K ”.
• Reversing with lowered attachment plates is possible or locked after switching the ignition off and
back on again.

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6.20 Adjusting the cross-slope sensor

During the input the diesel engine of the machine should not be running!
i Note The machine must stand on level ground to adjust the cross-slope!

6.20.1 Procedure

Input Description
• 9999 Switch on Service Mode.
• 1265 Enable the function “Adjust cross-slope sensor”.
• 1266 Adjust the cross-slope sensor (set to “0”).
• The display for approx. 5 seconds shows the text “O K ”.

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6.21 Flushing the double pumps hydrostatically

On machines with double pump drive (DH/PDH/BVC) axle and drum will always rotate simultaneously.
However, sometimes it may be necessary to just drive axle or drum individually, e.g. to flush a hydro-
static circuit. This can be accomplished by entering the input code below.
However, the selected drive will in this case rotate with reduced speed.

During the input the diesel engine of the machine should be running!
i Note After switching the ignition off and on again the function will be deacti-
vated again!

This function is only available on machines with double pump system

i Note (DH/PDH/BVC/DI/RC).

6.21.1 Procedure

Input Description
• 9999 Switch on Service Mode.
• 1180 Enable function “Drum operation”.
• 1181 Start drum operation.
• The display for approx. 5 seconds shows the text “O K ”.
• The drum can now be driven by means of the travel lever.


Input Description
• 9999 Switch on Service Mode.
• 1190 Enable function “Axle operation”.
• 1191 Start axle operation.
• The display for approx. 5 seconds shows the text “O K ”.
• The axle can now be driven by means of the travel lever.

If the machine is used in “Drum operation” or “Axle operation”, the ma-

i Note chine must be lifted off the ground at the corresponding drive. If the ma-
chine is moved on the ground in this condition, the display will show and
error message and the engine will be shut down!

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7 Other explanations

7.1 Extended machine functions

7.1.1 Hydraulic oil filter monitoring

In case of low temperatures the differential pressure switch for monitoring the hydraulic oil filter may
respond just after the engine has been started.
This actually does not indicate a contaminated filter, but represents a system related triggering of the
differential pressure switch caused by the viscosity appearance of the cold hydraulic oil.
Here a monitoring delay of 5 minutes has been set.
This delay is in effect each time the engine is started and prevents a fault evaluation during this time
(engine shut-down).
Please note: Triggering of the differential pressure switch is always indicated (lamp).

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8 Replacement of components
8.1 How to proceed when replacing components?

Each machine is adjusted individually during initial commissioning. This adjustment or teaching proc-
ess is necessary to make sure that the travel and vibration functions are almost identical on all ma-
chines. Background of these adjustment procedures are the tolerances of the components used, e.g.
hydraulic pump for travel system and ESX control. These tolerances apply for both mechanical as well
as electrical functions and are unavoidable for manufacturing reasons.
To enable simple and quick adjustment procedures we have decided to do without expensive tools. All
that is needed is this manual and a bit of time. By following the described procedure it is possible to
take a machine back into operation after the replacement of one of the components specified above
and to re-establish the usual functional quality, with almost any previous knowledge. Even an incor-
rectly or incompletely conducted teaching procedure can be repeated without problems as often as
necessary. At the first glance it seems to be at bit awkward to perform this adjustment work on every
machine, but this procedure enables the operation of all machines with the same operating software.
At the end of the day this considerably increases the spare parts availability.

8.2 Replacement of an ESX-control

Since the control stores all teach values of the machine, each teaching procedure must be performed
with the new control after a replacement.

ATTENTION: Before performing one of the following steps you must first set
i Note the corresponding machine type (see chapt. 6.1 on page 13)!
When changing the machine type all previously made adjustments will be lost!

Now the teach functions must be executed.

• D or DH
• Automatic detection of surge currents in the travel system (see chapt. 18 on page 6.3)
• Adjust the vibration frequencies (see chapt. 6.3 on page 18)

• On BVC
• Automatic detection of surge currents in the travel system (see chapt. 18 on page 6.3)
• Adjust the vibration frequency (see chapt. 6.3 on page 18)

8.3 Replacement of a travel pump / axle drive motor / drum drive motor
• Automatic detection of surge currents in the travel system (see chapt. 18 on page 6.3)

8.4 Replacement of a vibration pump / vibration motor

• Adjust the vibration frequency(ies) (see chapt. 6.3 on page 18)

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8.5 Component replacement without adjustment procedure

Which components can be replaced without a subsequent adjustment procedure?

• Display
• Joystick
• Diesel engine
• All switches in the dashboard

A final function test of the complete machine is highly recommended.

i Note

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ –5 Description of Signals on the ESX Control

9 Description of the signals on the ESX-control

Wherever the value of 12 V is mentioned in the following text, it refers to the current battery voltage
under due consideration of voltage drops in the lines.

ESX ter- Signal description Nominal values (voltage / current)

X35:1 AGND = Analogue ground: Ground potential for sensors (steering angle approx. 0 V measured against ground (terminal 31)
sensor, steering unit etc.)
X35:2 Output travel motor axle Y31 active, i.e. min. displacement approx. 12 V
Digital output (max. 2.5 A) inactive, i.e. max. displacement 0V
X35:3 Output travel motor drum Y30 active, i.e. min. displacement approx. 12 V
Digital output (max. 2.5 A) inactive, i.e. max. displacement 0V
X35:4 Interface RS 232 RxD, not used for normal operation. Measurement not possible!
Communication interface for parameter changes
X35:5 Interface RS 232 TxD, not used for normal operation. Measurement not possible!
Communication interface for parameter changes
X35:6 Input hydraulic pressure travel pump circuit axle forward B234 0 bar approx. 4 mA
Analogue input (current input 4..20 mA) from pressure sensor on travel 600 bar approx. 20 mA
(only on DH-machines)
X35:7 Input hydraulic pressure travel pump circuit axle reverse B234 0 bar approx. 4 mA
Analogue input (current input 4..20 mA) from pressure sensor on travel 600 bar approx. 20 mA
(only on DH-machines)
X35:8 Input sensor height adjustment of plates B312
Analog input (current input 4..20 mA) from height-distance measuring sys-
tem for attachment plates.
(only on machines with attachment plates)
X35:9 Input D+ signal active approx. 12 V
Analogue input (voltage input 0..12 V) inactive 0V
X35:10 Input release of vibration pump for plates
Digital input active low.

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ESX ter- Signal description Nominal values (voltage / current)

X35:11 Output floating position of dozer blade Y102 active, i.e. floating position switched on approx. 12 V
or inactive, i.e. floating position switched off 0V
Output floating position of attachment plates Y60
Digital output (max. 2.5 A)
(only on machines with dozer blade or attachment plates)
X35:12 Input axle speed B60 Signal changes between approx. 0 V and approx. 12 V, when machine is
Frequency input active low (0....7.5 kHz) driving.
Frequency with travel speed m/min
Machine type:
XX m/min approx. XX Hz
XX m/min approx. XX Hz
Machine type:
XX m/min approx. XX Hz
XX m/min approx. XX Hz
Machine type:
XX m/min approx. XX Hz
XX m/min approx. XX Hz
X35:13 Input sense of rotation axle B60 Rotary direction forward approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Rotary direction reverse 0V
X35:14 Input BTS brake (from travel lever) Brake released approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Brake applied 0V
X35:15 Input seat contact switch S06 Seat actuated 0V
Digital input active high Seat not actuated ?V
X35:16 Input arm rest switch B146 Arm rest actuated 0V
Digital input active high Arm rest not actuated ?V
(only on BW145/177/197)
X35:17 Input sense of rotation drum B60 Sense of rotation forward approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Rotary direction reverse 0V
(only on DH-machines)
X35:18 Input pressure switch engine oil B06
Digital input active low
(only BW177 D/DH/PDH with Tier3-engines)
X35:19 Input coolant temperature switch B53
Digital input active low
(only BW177 D/DH/PDH with Tier3-engines)

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ESX ter- Signal description Nominal values (voltage / current)

X35:20 Output travel pump drum forward Y72 Forward travel active 600..1800 mA
PWM power output (max. 4 A) Forward travel inactive 0 mA
(only on DH-machines)
X35:21 Output travel pump drum reverse Y73 Reverse travel active 600..1800 mA
PWM power output (max. 4 A) Reverse travel inactive 0 mA
(only on DH-machines)
X35:22 Output solenoid valve plates vibration pump Y98 Vibration of attachment plates active 400..1200 mA
PWM power output (max. 4 A)
(only on machines with attachment plates)
X35:23 Voltage supply for sensors Nominal voltage = 8.5 V
Without this voltage the control cannot work correctly and will switch to Permissible range: approx. 7.65..9.35 V
override mode (emergency function). This voltage must be measured against AGND.
X35:24 Output relay engine shut-down solenoid active, i.e. floating position switched on approx. 12 V
Digital output (max. 2.5 A) inactive, i.e. engine not shut down 0V
X35:25 Output relay warning horn active, i.e. warning horn switched on approx. 12 V
Digital output (max. 2.5 A) inactive, i.e. warning horn not switched on 0V
X35:26 Interface CAN-Bus 1 Wire -, is used for communication with MESX, ESX,
Measurement not possible!
the cabin module and with the immobilizer.
X35:27 Interface CAN-Bus 1 Wire +, is used for communication with MESX, ESX,
Measurement not possible!
the cabin module and the immobilizer.
X35:28 Input potential terminal 15 Control switched on approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Control switched off approx. 2 V
This signal must be present, so that the control can work.
X35:29 Input hydraulic pressure travel pump circuit drum forward B236 0 bar approx. 4 mA
Analogue input (current input 4..20 mA) from pressure sensor on travel 600 bar approx. 20 mA
(only on DH-machines)
X35:30 Input hydraulic pressure travel pump circuit drum reverse B237 0 bar approx. 4 mA
Analogue input (current input 4..20 mA) from pressure sensor on travel 600 bar approx. 20 mA
(only on DH-machines)

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ESX ter- Signal description Nominal values (voltage / current)

X35:31 Input sensor side adjustment of plates B313
Analog input (current input 4..20 mA) from side distance measuring system
for attachment plates.
(only on machines with attachment plates)
X35:32 Input inclination sensor B57
(only on DH/BVC-machines)
X35:33 Interface CAN-Bus 2 Wire -, is used for communication with the travel
Measurement not possible!
lever and the engine EMR.
X35:34 Not used
X35:35 Input drum speed B59 Signal changes between approx. 0 V and approx. 12 V, when machine is
Frequency input active low (0....7.5 kHz) driving.
(only on DH-machines) Frequency with travel speed m/min
Machine type:
XX m/min approx. XX Hz
XX m/min approx. XX Hz
Machine type:
XX m/min approx. XX Hz
XX m/min approx. XX Hz
Machine type:
XX m/min approx. XX Hz
XX m/min approx. XX Hz
X35:36 Input fuel water separator sensor, B124
Digital input active low
X35:37 Input differential pressure switch hydraulic oil filter, B21
Digital input active low
X35:38 Input air filter pressure switch B03
Digital input active low
X35:39 Input coolant float switch B55
Digital input active low
X35:40 Input engine speed sensor B92
Frequency input active high (0....7.5 kHz)
(only BW177 D/DH/PDH with Tier3-engines)

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ESX ter- Signal description Nominal values (voltage / current)

X35:41 Input pre-heating relay K14 active approx. 12 V
Digital input active high inactive 0V
(only BW177 D/DH/PDH with Tier3-engines)
X35:42 Output levelling blade up Y379 active, i.e. dozer blade/plates up approx. 12 V
or inactive, i.e. dozer blade/plates not lifted 0V
Output plates up Y122
Digital output (max. 2.5 A)
(only on machines with dozer blade or attachment plates)
X35:43 Output levelling blade down Y380 active, i.e. dozer blade/plates down approx. 12 V
or inactive, i.e. dozer blade/plates not lowered 0V
Output plates down Y123
Digital output (max. 2.5 A)
(only on machines with dozer blade or attachment plates)
X35:44 Output relay engine speed K114 active, i.e. max. idle speed approx. 12 V
Digital output (max. 4 A) inactive, i.e. min. idle speed 0V
(only BW177 D/DH/PDH with Tier3-engines)
X35:45 Output floating position of attachment plates 2 Y144 active, i.e. floating position switched on approx. 12 V
Digital output (max. 2.5 A) inactive, i.e. floating position switched off 0V
(only on machines with dozer blade or attachment plates)
X35:46 Output travel pump axle forward Y16 Forward travel active 600..1800 mA
PWM power output (max. 4 A) Forward travel inactive 0 mA
X35:47 Output travel pump axle reverse Y17 Reverse travel active 600..1800 mA
PWM power output (max. 4 A) Reverse travel inactive 0 mA
X35:48 Output amplitude switch-over active, i.e. high amplitude approx. 12 V
Digital output (max. 2.5 A) inactive, i.e. low amplitude 0V
(not on BVC machines)
X35:49 Output vibration pump On BW145/177/197 DH/PDH/BVC
PWM power output (max. 4 A) Vibration active 400..1200 mA
Vibration inactive 0 mA
On all other machines
Vibration active 600..1800 mA
Vibration inactive 0 mA
X35:50 Output plates left Y142 active, i.e, shift plates to the left approx. 12 V
Digital output (max. 5 A) inactive, i.e, do not shift plates to the left approx. 0 V
(only on machines with attachment plates)

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ESX ter- Signal description Nominal values (voltage / current)

X35:51 Output plates right Y143 active, i.e, shift plates to the right approx. 12 V
Digital output (max. 5 A) inactive, i.e, do not shift plates to the right approx. 0 V
(only on machines with attachment plates)
X35:52 Input self-latching relay K35 active, i.e. self-latching on approx. 12 V
Digital input active high inactive, i.e. self-latching off 0V
(only BW177 D/DH/PDH with Tier3-engines)
X35:53 Interface CAN-Bus 2 Wire +, is used to communicate with the travel lever
Measurement not possible!
and engine EMR.
X35:54 Voltage supply for electronics (permanent voltage) Control running approx. 12 V
Control not running 0V
X35:55 Ground connection electronics 0 V (measured against ground)
X35:56 Voltage supply for outputs (permanent voltage) approx. 12 V (measured against ground)
X35:57 Voltage supply for outputs (permanent voltage) approx. 12 V (measured against ground)
X35:58 Voltage supply for outputs (permanent voltage) approx. 12 V (measured against ground)
X35:59 Voltage supply for outputs (permanent voltage) approx. 12 V (measured against ground)
X35:60 Voltage supply for outputs (permanent voltage) approx. 12 V (measured against ground)
X35:61 Output warning buzzer H14 Warning buzzer active approx. 12 V
Digital output (max. 4 A) Warning buzzer inactive 0V
X35:62 Output levelling blade priority Y378 active approx. 12 V
or inactive 0V
Output plates priority Y145
Digital output (max. 2.5 A)
(only on machines with dozer blade or attachment plates)
X35:63 Output operating hour meter for plates P43 active approx. 12 V
Digital output (max. 2.5 A) inactive 0V
(only on machines with attachment plates)
X35:64 Output brake Y04 Brake opens approx. 12 V
PWM power output (max. 4 A) Close brake 0V
X35:65 Ground connection approx. 0 V
X35:66 Ground connection approx. 0 V
X35:67 Ground connection approx. 0 V
X35:68 Ground connection approx. 0 V

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Service Training WZ -5 Description of Signals on the Travel Lever

10 Description of signals on the travel lever

Wherever the value of 12 V is mentioned in the following text, it refers to the current battery voltage
under due consideration of voltage drops in the lines.

PIN Signal description Nominal values (voltage / current)

X23:1 Voltage supply (permanent voltage) Electronics working approx. 12 V
Electronics not working 0V
X23:2 Ground connection 0 V (measured against ground)
X23:3 Output BTS brake Brake opens approx. 12 V
Digital output (max. 4 A) Brake closes 0V
X23:4 Not used
X23:5 Output voltage supply for additional analogue evaluations Nominal voltage = approx. 5.0 V
This output supplies the 12-stage travel range selector switch. This volt- Permissible range: approx. 4.8..5.2 V
age is required to connect and evaluate further analogue switches to the This voltage must be measured against AGND.
travel lever.
X23:6 Interface CAN-Bus 2 Wire +, is used to communicate with ESX and en- Measurement not possible!
gine EMR.
X23:7 Interface CAN-Bus 2 Wire -, is used to communicate with ESX and en- Measurement not possible!
gine EMR.
X23:8 AGND = Analogue ground: Ground potential for additional analogue approx. 0 V measured against ground (terminal 31)
Reference to PIN X23:5
X23:9 Node address addressing 1 Connection to machine ground (0 V)
X23:10 Node address addressing 2 Connection to machine ground (0 V)
X23:11 Input travel stage selector switch The voltage signal changes with the adjusted travel speed range
Analogue input Travel stage min. ?? V
Travel stage max. ?? V
X23:12 Not used ---
X24:1 Input low amplitude Low amplitude active approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Low amplitude inactive 0V
X24:2 Input high amplitude High amplitude active approx. 12 V

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5 Description of Signals on the Travel Lever

PIN Signal description Nominal values (voltage / current)

Digital input active high High amplitude inactive 0V
X24:3 Not used
X24:4 Not used
X24:5 Not used
X24:6 Not used
X24:7 Output voltage supply for additional digital evaluations Voltage supply active approx. 12 V
This output supplies the amplitude selector switch. This voltage is re- Voltage supply inactive 0V
quired to connect and evaluate further digital switches to the travel lever.
X24:8 Output voltage supply ground potential 0 V (measured against ground)
In connection with PIN X24:7 this output enables the control of additional
components (relays, displays etc.)

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5 Description of Signals on the Display

11 Descriptions of signals in the display

Wherever the value of 12 V is mentioned in the following text, it refers to the current battery voltage
under due consideration of voltage drops in the lines.

PIN Signal description Nominal values (voltage / current)

X33:1 Not used
X33:2 Input tank sensor R03 The signal changes with the filling level in the fuel tank.
Resistance input 0...140 Ohm
X33:3 Output warning buzzer, H07 Warning buzzer active approx. 12 V
Digital output (max. 1.5 A) Warning buzzer inactive 0V
X33:4 Output vibration Telematic A124 Vibration active approx. 12 V
Digital output (max. 1.5 A) Vibration inactive 0V
X33:5 Input lighting S15 Lighting switched on approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Lighting switched off 0V
X33:6 Interface RS232 RxD, not used for normal operation. Measurement not possible!
Communication interface for parameter changes
X33:7 Interface RS232 TxD, not used for normal operation. Measurement not possible!
Communication interface for parameter changes
X33:8 Input indicator relay Direction indicator active approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Indicator inactive 0V
X33:9 Input engine speed low idle S120 Low idle active approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Low idle inactive 0V
X33:10 Input engine speed high idle S120 High idle active approx. 12 V
Digital input active high High idle inactive 0V
X33:11 Input suppress regeneration S299 Regeneration suppressed active approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Regeneration suppression inactive 0V
(only on machines with Tier4f engines)
X33:12 Input request regeneration S299 High idle active approx. 12 V
Digital input active high High idle inactive 0V
(only on machines with Tier4f engines)
X33:13 Not used
X33:14 Not used
X33:15 Not used

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5 Description of Signals on the Display

PIN Signal description Nominal values (voltage / current)

X33:16 Not used
X33:17 Not used
X33:18 Not used
X33:19 Not used
X33:20 Not used
X33:21 Interface CAN-Bus 1 Wire +, is used for communication with MESX, Measurement not possible!
ESX, the cabin module and with the immobilizer.
X33:22 Interface CAN-Bus 1 Wire -, is used for communication with MESX, ESX, Measurement not possible!
the cabin module and with the immobilizer.
X33:23 Not used
X33:24 Not used
X33:25 Ground connection 0 V (measured against ground)
X33:26 Voltage supply (permanent voltage “ignition on”) Electronics working approx. 12 V
Electronics not working 0V

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5

12 Fault codes of the ESX control

See list of fault codes.

13 Input Codes for ESX Control

See list of input codes.

14 History

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5

15 Terminology in connection with ESX

Short circuit
A direct, unwanted connection between two different cables or between machine and cables.
Two lines rub against each other until the insulation has worn off.
A conductive line rubs off the insulation at the vehicle ground.

Wire breakage
This generally means that a connection is interrupted. Possible reasons may be:

• torn (not necessarily visible from outside)
• rubbed through
• chafed mostly in connection with a short circuit to ground

Terminal, cable lug

• loosened, slipped off
• broken off,
• corroded,
• socket / plug faulty

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5

Short circuit to ground

Line, terminal has direct connection to vehicle ground, often in connection with wire breakage

There are only two permissible states, e.g. switched on or off; lamp on / off; current flows /
does not flow; valve open / closed (black-white valve)

In contrast to Digital many states are permitted within a certain range. E.g. room temperature
0° to 40°; current 4 mA to 20 mA; voltage 0 V to 8.5 V; resistance 100 Ω to 300 Ω; valve 0%
to 100% opened (proportional valve)

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5

Control system
Controlling describes the process during which an input value influences a distance (the
value to be controlled), following a fixed command. For this purpose all possible interfering
factors (e.g. temperature, humidity ...) must be known.

Disturbance variable (z)

Input (w) Cont rol u Output (y)


Closed loop control

Closed loop control is a process during which a value, the closed loop control value (e.g.
pressure), is continually measured and compared with a nominal value (guide value). The
result of this comparison will affect the closed loop control value, thereby adapting the closed
loop control value to the guide value.
This sequence occurs in a closed circuit, the co-called closed loop control circuit.

Disturbance variable (z)

Input (w) + e u Output (y)

Regulator Distance

Identification Closed loop control Control system

Operating path: closed open
(control circuit) (control chain)
Measurement and Value to be adjusted is meas- Values to be controlled
comparison of value to ured and compared. are not measured and
be adjusted: compared.
Reaction to faults Counteracts to all faults target- Does not respond to un-
(generally): ing the system to be controlled. known faults
Technical expense: Low expense: High expense if many
Measurement of the value to faults have to be consid-
be controlled, comparison of ered, low expense if not
nominal and actual value, faults occur.
power amplification
Performance in unsta- For unstable systems closed In unstable systems con-
ble systems loop controls must be used. trols cannot be used.

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Author: Brand / EE
Service Training WZ -5

Current and voltage measurement

Ohm’s law:
U =R∗I
U = Voltage
R = Resistance U
I = Current
Plausibility check
The control (ESX) runs a plausibility check on all inputs. This means the control checks per-
manently whether certain state combinations are permitted; e.g. travel lever position forward
and reverse will cause a fault message, because this condition is normally not possible.

Besides the “normal” battery ground (terminal 31) in the vehicle there is an additional ana-
logue ground, which is only to be used for sensors. (see description of the signals on the

PWM – digital output

Certain outputs on the ESX are designed as so-called PWM – digital outputs. This means
that these outputs are special current outputs. Here it is possible to measure a current, but
no voltage. These outputs are used to trigger proportional valves.

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Author: Brand / EE
FaultLocation Output brake valve Y04 1001
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1001 No or too low current flow out of this X35:64 1744
2Line breakage in current path 5
1002 The output to the valve has ground X35:64 1745
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path 5
contact, or the output current is
higher than permitted.
1003 Short circuit towards Ub X35:64 1746
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30) 5

FaultLocation Input BTS brake 1005

FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1005 Plausibility conflict in evaluation of X35:14 5
travel lever X- axis to the brake
contact signal
FaultLocation Output warning horn, K13 1015
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1015 Although the output is switched off, X35:25 1751
2Line breakage in current path 3
voltage is present
1016 The output to the valve has ground X35:25 1752
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path 3
contact, or the output current is
higher than permitted.
1017 Short circuit towards Ub X35:25 1753
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30) 3

FaultLocation Output backup warning (rear), H14 1020

FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1020 No or too low current flow out of this X35:61 1754
2Line breakage in current path 3
1021 The output to the valve has ground X35:61 1755
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path 3
contact, or the output current is
higher than permitted.
1022 Short circuit towards Ub X35:61 1756
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30) 3
FaultLocation Travel lever, S55 1025
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1025 Summarizing error X-axisError in CAN 2 3
redundant evaluation of axis
1026 Cable breakage X-axisSignal CAN 2 3
outside the valid range (see signal
1027 Parameterization X-axis CAN 2 3
1028 Direction evaluation X-axisThe CAN 2 3
direction of travel lever movement
could not be determined
1029 Differential error X-axisError in CAN 2 3
redundant evaluation of travel lever
1030 Software error X-axisSoftware does CAN 2 3
not work correctly
1031 Summarizing error Y-axisError in CAN 2 3
redundant evaluation of axis
1032 Cable breakage Y-axisSignal CAN 2 3
outside the valid range (see signal
1033 Parameterization Y-axis CAN 2 3
1034 Direction evaluation Y-axisThe CAN 2 3
direction of travel lever movement
could not be determined
1035 Differential error Y-axisError in CAN 2 3
redundant evaluation of travel lever
1036 Software error Y-axisSoftware does CAN 2 3
not work correctly
9130 Fault in CAN communication 1
9170 Fault in CAN communication 1
FaultLocation Input travel stage selector switch, S42 1040
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1040 Ground Connection faultySignal 1769
X23:7, X23:15 2Line breakage in current path 3
outside the valid range
1041 Supply connectionSignal outside 1770
X23:7, X23:15 3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30) 2
the valid range
1042 Signal lineSignal outside the valid X23:7, X23:15 3
FaultLocation Output valve travel pump (rear) forward, Y16 1050
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1050 The required control power cannot be X35:46 1772
2Line breakage in current path 2
transmitted to the proportional
1051 Output to proportional valve shorted X35:46 1773
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path 2
to ground.
1052 Supply voltage Ub is applied to the X35:46 1774
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30) 5
proportional valve output, even
though the output is not switched.
1053 The required control power cannot be X35:46 1775
2Line breakage in current path 2
transmitted to the proportional
1054 Output to proportional valve shorted X35:46 1776
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path 5
to ground.
1055 Supply voltage Ub is applied to the X35:46 1777
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30) 2
proportional valve output, even
though the output is not switched.
1056 Fault current regulator X35:46 5
1057 Fault current regulator X35:46 5
1058 Hardware initializing error X35:46 2
1059 Hardware initializing error X35:46 2
1190 5
FaultLocation Output valve travel pump (rear) reverse, Y17 1060
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1060 The required control power cannot be X35:47 1782
2Line breakage in current path 2
transmitted to the proportional
1061 Output to proportional valve shorted X35:47 1783
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path 2
to ground.
1062 Supply voltage Ub is applied to the X35:47 1784
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30) 5
proportional valve output, even
though the output is not switched.
1063 The required control power cannot be X35:47 1785
2Line breakage in current path 2
transmitted to the proportional
1064 Output to proportional valve shorted X35:47 1786
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path 5
to ground.
1065 Supply voltage Ub is applied to the X35:47 1787
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30) 2
proportional valve output, even
though the output is not switched.
1066 Fault current regulator X35:47 5
1067 Fault current regulator X35:47 5
1068 Hardware initializing error X35:47 2
1069 Hardware initializing error X35:47 2
FaultLocation Output valve travel pump (front) forward, Y72 1070
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1070 The required control power cannot be X35:20 1792
2Line breakage in current path 2
transmitted to the proportional
1071 Output to proportional valve shorted X35:20 1793
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path 2
to ground.
1072 Supply voltage Ub is applied to the X35:20 1794
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30) 5
proportional valve output, even
though the output is not switched.
1073 The required control power cannot be X35:20 1795
2Line breakage in current path 2
transmitted to the proportional
1074 Output to proportional valve shorted X35:20 1796
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path 5
to ground.
1075 Supply voltage Ub is applied to the X35:20 1797
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30) 2
proportional valve output, even
though the output is not switched.
1076 Fault current regulator X35:20 5
1077 Fault current regulator X35:20 5
1078 Hardware initializing error X35:20 2
1079 Hardware initializing error X35:20 2
1180 5
FaultLocation Output valve travel pump (front) reverse, Y73 1080
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1080 The required control power cannot be X35:21 1802
2Line breakage in current path 2
transmitted to the proportional
1081 Output to proportional valve shorted X35:21 1803
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path 2
to ground.
1082 Supply voltage Ub is applied to the X35:21 1804
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30) 5
proportional valve output, even
though the output is not switched.
1083 The required control power cannot be X35:21 1805
2Line breakage in current path 2
transmitted to the proportional
1084 Output to proportional valve shorted X35:21 1806
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path 5
to ground.
1085 Supply voltage Ub is applied to the X35:21 1807
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30) 2
proportional valve output, even
though the output is not switched.
1086 Fault current regulator X35:21 5
1087 Fault current regulator X35:21 5
1088 Hardware initializing error X35:21 2
1089 Hardware initializing error X35:21 2
FaultLocation Teach function travel pump flow controller 1090
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1090 Informative code - The teach function System 1812
1Informative code - Follow the adjustment instructions 1
for the travel pump surge currents has
NOT yet been successfully
performed. Please follow the
adjustment instructions
1091 Error in teaching the surge current System 3
forward The current limit was
reached and the function terminated.
1092 Error in teaching the surge current System 3
reverse The current limit was reached
and the function terminated
1093 Error in teaching the surge current System 3
forward The current limit was
reached and the function terminated.
1094 Error in teaching the surge current System 3
reverse The current limit was reached
and the function terminated
1099 Fault in surge currentValue outside System 2696
1Informative code - Follow the adjustment instructions 1
the limiting values 2696
8Software parameter fault, software update may be required.
5Excessive current in current path

FaultLocation Output valve travel speed range selection front, Y30 1100
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1100 No or too low current flow out of this X35:3 1817
2Line breakage in current path 3
1101 The output to the valve has ground X35:3 1818
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path 3
contact, or the output current is
higher than permitted.
1102 Supply voltage Ub is applied to the X35:3 1819
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30) 3
valve output, even though the valve is
not switched.
FaultLocation Input speed sensor travel motor B59 1105
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1105 No pulses from the speed sensor are X35:35 1820
2Line breakage in current path 3
detected, ven though the travel pump 1820
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
is actuated.
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
1106 Plausibility of the sense of rotation X35:17 1821
2Line breakage in current path 3
does not match 1821
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required

FaultLocation Output valve travel speed range selection rear, Y31 1110
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1110 No or too low current flow out of this X35:2 1822
2Line breakage in current path 3
1111 The output to the valve has ground X35:2 1823
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path 3
contact, or the output current is
higher than permitted.
1112 Supply voltage Ub is applied to the X35:2 1824
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30) 3
valve output, even though the valve is
not switched.
FaultLocation Input speed sensor travel motor, B60 1115
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1115 No pulses from the speed sensor are X35:12 1825
2Line breakage in current path 3
detected, ven though the travel pump 1825
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
is actuated.
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
1116 Plausibility of the sense of rotation X35:13 1826
2Line breakage in current path 3
does not match 1826
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required

FaultLocation Input inclination sensor, B57 1201

FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1201 Ground Connection of sensor/switch X35:32 3
faultyThe voltage applied to the
input is outside the specified range
(see signal description).
1202 Supply connection Connection of X35:32 3
sensor/switch faultyThe voltage
applied to the input is outside the
specified range (see signal
1203 Signal faultSignal outside the valid X35:32 3
FaultLocation Input pressure sensor travel pump (rear) forward, B234 1210
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1210 No or too low current flow out of this X35:6 1830
2Line breakage in current path 3
1211 Signal rangeThe current signal is X35:6 3
outside the valid range (see signal
1212 Pressure sensor does not measure any X35:6 3
1255 The sensor is not correctly connected, X35:6 2042
14Sensors not correctly installed or not adjusted 2
it may be mixed up with another 2042
1131Sensor mixed up by mistake
FaultLocation Input pressure sensor travel pump (rear) reverse, B235 1220
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1220 No or too low current flow out of this X35:7 1833
2Line breakage in current path 3
1221 Signal rangeThe current signal is X35:7 3
outside the valid range (see signal
1222 Pressure sensor does not measure any X35:7 3
1256 The sensor is not correctly connected, X35:7 2043
14Sensors not correctly installed or not adjusted 2
it may be mixed up with another 2043
1131Sensor mixed up by mistake
FaultLocation Input pressure sensor travel pump (front) forward, B236 1230
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1230 No or too low current flow out of this X35:29 1836
2Line breakage in current path 3
1231 Signal rangeThe current signal is X35:29 3
outside the valid range (see signal
1232 Pressure sensor does not measure any X35:29 3
1257 The sensor is not correctly connected, X35:29 2044
14Sensors not correctly installed or not adjusted 2
it may be mixed up with another 2044
1131Sensor mixed up by mistake
FaultLocation Input pressure sensor travel pump (front) reverse, B237 1240
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1240 No or too low current flow out of this X35:30 1839
2Line breakage in current path 3
1241 Signal rangeThe current signal is X35:30 3
outside the valid range (see signal
1242 Pressure sensor does not measure any X35:30 3
1258 The sensor is not correctly connected, X35:30 2045
14Sensors not correctly installed or not adjusted 2
it may be mixed up with another 2045
1131Sensor mixed up by mistake
FaultLocation Input seat contact switch, S06 1300
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1300 Informative message, no fault! X35:15 1842
2Line breakage in current path 0

Driver's seat not occupied (driver not

seated!) or cable breakage in signal
FaultLocation Input armrest right, B146 1330
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
1330 Information message, no fault! X35:31 0

Right armrest raised Machine does

not pick up throttle and is braked to
1331 Signal faultSignal outside the valid X35:31 1854
2Line breakage in current path 2
range 1854
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
1332 Short circuit X35:31 2
1333 System fault, replace control X35:31 2
FaultLocation Output vibration pump, low amplitude, Y08 3000
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
3000 No or too low current flow out of this X35:49 1858
2Line breakage in current path 2
3001 Output to proportional valve shorted X35:49 1859
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path 2
to ground.
3002 Supply voltage Ub is applied to the X35:49 1860
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30) 5
proportional valve output, even
though the output is not switched.
3003 No or too low current flow out of this 2
3004 Output to proportional valve shorted X35:49 1862
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path 2
to ground.
3005 Supply voltage Ub is applied to the X35:49 1863
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30) 5
proportional valve output, even
though the output is not switched.
3006 Fault current regulator System 2
3007 Fault current regulator System 2
3008 Hardware initializing error System 2
3009 Hardware initializing error System 2
FaultLocation Vibration frequency controller, low amplitude 3011
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
3011 Frequency adaptation, saved control 1868
8Software parameter fault, software update may be required. 0
values are outside limiting values
3012 Frequency adaptation, controller has System 1869
8Software parameter fault, software update may be required. 0
reached upper limiting value
3013 Frequency adaptation, controller has System 1870
8Software parameter fault, software update may be required. 0
reached lower limiting value
3014 Frequency/speed to high System 2
3015 Hardware initializing error System 1872
9ESX hardware defect, hardware replacement may be 3
3016 Hardware initializing error System 1873
9ESX hardware defect, hardware replacement may be 3
FaultLocation Output vibration pump, high amplitude, Y07 3020
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
3020 No or too low current flow out of this X35:49 1876
2Line breakage in current path 2
3021 Output to proportional valve shorted X35:49 1877
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path 2
to ground.
3022 Supply voltage Ub is applied to the X35:49 1878
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30) 5
proportional valve output, even
though the output is not switched.
3023 No or too low current flow out of this X35:49 1879
2Line breakage in current path 2
3024 Output to proportional valve shorted X35:49 1880
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path 2
to ground.
3025 Supply voltage Ub is applied to the X35:49 1881
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30) 5
proportional valve output, even
though the output is not switched.
3026 Fault current regulator System 2
3027 Fault current regulator System 2
3028 Hardware initializing error ystem 2
3029 Hardware initializing error System 2
FaultLocation Vibration frequency controller, high amplitude 3031
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
3031 Frequency adaptation, saved control 1886
8Software parameter fault, software update may be required. 0
values are outside limiting values
3032 Frequency adaptation, controller has 1887
8Software parameter fault, software update may be required. 0
reached upper limiting value
3033 Frequency adaptation, controller has 1888
8Software parameter fault, software update may be required. 0
reached lower limiting value
3034 Frequency/speed to high 2
3035 Hardware initializing error 1890
9ESX hardware defect, hardware replacement may be 3
3036 Hardware initializing error 1891
9ESX hardware defect, hardware replacement may be 3
FaultLocation Vibration system 3040
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
3040 Fault in vibration frequencyValue 2697
1Informative code - Follow the adjustment instructions 1
outside the limiting values 2697
8Software parameter fault, software update may be required.

FaultLocation Output vibration pump plates, Y98 3051

FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
3051 Signal faultSignal outside the valid 1
3052 Hardware initializing error 1
3053 Signal faultSignal outside the valid 1
range (see signal description)
3054 The required control power cannot be 3309
2Line breakage in current path 1
transmitted to the valve
3055 Hardware initializing error 3311
2Line breakage in current path 1
3056 Fault current regulator 1
3057 Fault current regulator 1
3058 Hardware initializing error 1
FaultLocation Input plates position measuring system height adjustment, B3123060
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
3060 Cable breakage or sensor defective 3314
2Line breakage in current path 1
3061 Signal faultSignal outside the valid 1
range (see signal description)
3062 Hardware initializing error 1
FaultLocation Input plates position measuring system side adjustment, B313 3063
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
3063 Cable breakage or sensor defective 1
3064 Signal faultSignal outside the valid 1
range (see signal description)
3065 Hardware initializing error 1
FaultLocation Attachment plates potentiometer, S139 3066
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
3066 Cable breakage or sensor defective 1
3067 Cable breakage UB 1
3068 Hardware initializing error 1
3069 Hardware initializing error 1
FaultLocation Backup alarm 3077
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
3077 Information message, no fault! The 1
machine travels backwards with
lowered attachment plates.
FaultLocation Output amplitude changeover relay, K43 3090
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
3090 No or too low current flow out of this X35:48 1893
2Line breakage in current path 3
3091 Output to relay shorted to ground. X35:48 1894
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path 3
3092 Supply voltage Ub is applied to the X35:48 1895
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30) 3
relay output, even though it is not
FaultLocation Input exciter position, B97 4001
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
4001 Cable breakage UB X88:9 2159
2Line breakage in current path 2
4002 Cable breakage GND X88:9 2160
2Line breakage in current path 2
4200 Signal faultSignal outside the valid 4
4201 ADC initialization 4
4202 Hardware initializing error 4
4208 Sensor 1 software error 2
4209 Input initialization error 4
FaultLocation Input switch amplitude adjustment, S107 4010
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
4010 Cable breakage UB X88:32 2163
2Line breakage in current path 2
4011 Cable breakage GND X88:32 2164
2Line breakage in current path 2
4012 Signal lineSignal outside the valid X88:32 2
FaultLocation Output valve exciter up, Y140 4021
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
4021 Fault current regulator X88:47 2
4022 Fault current regulator X88:47 2
4023 Cable breakage or sensor defective X88:47 2
FaultLocation Output valve exciter down, Y141 4026
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
4026 Fault current regulator 2
4027 Fault current regulator 2
4028 Cable breakage or sensor defective 2
FaultLocation Input acceleration transducer, B62 4101
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
4101 Signal faultSignal outside the valid X88:29, 2
range (see signal description)
4102 Signal faultSignal outside the valid X88:29, 2
range (see signal description)
FaultLocation Input acceleration transducer, B171 4106
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
4106 Signal faultSignal outside the valid X88:7, 2
range (see signal description)
4107 Signal faultSignal outside the valid X88:7, 2
range (see signal description)
FaultLocation Metrology controller 4121
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
4121 Hardware initializing error 2
4122 Hardware initializing error 2
4150 Software incompatibility metrology 2
software to machine software
4210 Incorrect parameter setting 2
4211 Incorrect parameter setting 2
4212 Incorrect parameter setting 2
4213 Incorrect parameter setting 2
4214 Incorrect parameter setting 2
4215 Incorrect parameter setting 2
4251 Machine type conflict After replacing 4
the control the machine type does not
match the old one.
4252 Machine type conflict After replacing 2
the control the machine type does not
match the old one.
4253 Machine type conflict After replacing 2
the control the machine type does not
match the old one.
4260 Software incompatibility metrology 2
software to machine software
4261 Software incompatibility metrology 2
software to machine software
4271 Fault: Overvoltage 8.5 V supply 4
4272 Fault: Undervoltage 8.5 V supply 4
4990 Measuring technology not compatible System 1
FaultLocation Input D+ detection 5017
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
5017 Engine running but no D+ signal X35:9 1900
2Line breakage in current path 0
present 1900
27Generator or charge regulator defective

FaultLocation Input engine oil pressure monitoring, B06 5020

FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
5020 Warning: No oil pressure X35:37 0
5021 Fault: No oil pressure X35:37 5
FaultLocation Input coolant level monitoring, B55 5024
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
5024 Warning: Coolant filling level too low X35:39 0
5025 Fault: Coolant filling level too low X35:39 1904
1Informative code - Follow the adjustment instructions 5
725Check the coolant level, top up if necessary

FaultLocation Input air filter sensor, B03 5026

FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
5026 Warning: Air filter dirty X35:38 1
5027 Fault: Air filter dirty X35:38 1906
1Informative code - Follow the adjustment instructions 5
25Check filter, if necessary clean or replace as per service
FaultLocation Input water separator, B124 5028
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
5028 Warning: Water in fuel filter X35:36 0
5029 Fault: Water in fuel filter X35:36 5
FaultLocation Input level switch for fuel filling level, R03 5050
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
5050 Signal faultSignal outside the valid X33:2 1917
2Line breakage in current path 1
range (see signal description) 1917
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required

FaultLocation Engine speed detection 5061

FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
5061 Cable breakage or sensor defective 2698
2Line breakage in current path 0
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5062 Cable breakage or sensor defective 2699
2Line breakage in current path 0
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required

FaultLocation Engine control unit 5100

FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
5100 Info message - Engine control unit System 1918
1Informative code - Follow the adjustment instructions 1
reports a warning
5101 Error message - Engine control unit System 1919
1Informative code - Follow the adjustment instructions 1
reports an error
5102 Error message - Engine control unit System 1920
1Informative code - Follow the adjustment instructions 1
reports a severe fault and has
switched off
5110 Throttle pedal position Motor 1
5111 Engine oil level not correct Motor 1922
2Line breakage in current path 1
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5112 Fault: No oil pressure Motor 1923
2Line breakage in current path 0
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5113 Turbo charger pressure not correct Motor 1924
2Line breakage in current path 1
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5114 Fault: Intake manifold temperature Motor 1925
2Line breakage in current path 1
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5115 Fault: Ambient pressure sensor Motor 1926
2Line breakage in current path 1
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5116 Fault: Engine temperature sensor Motor 1927
2Line breakage in current path 0
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5117 Fault: Diesel temperature sensor Motor 1928
2Line breakage in current path 1
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5118 Fault: Engine speed sensor Motor 1929
2Line breakage in current path 1
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5119 Warning: Water in fuel filter Motor 1930
2Line breakage in current path 1
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5120 Communication fault with engine System 1931
715CAN communication fault 1
control unit 1931
2Line breakage in current path
5121 Communication fault with engine System 5
control unit
5123 Communication fault with engine Motor 1
control unit
5124 Communication fault with engine Motor 1
control unit
5125 Communication fault with engine Motor 1
control unit
5126 Communication fault with engine Motor 1937
715CAN communication fault 1
control unit 1937
2Line breakage in current path
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
5127 Fault: Coolant filling level too low Motor 1938
2Line breakage in current path 1
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5128 Fault: Injection pressure in rail system Motor 1
5130 Fault: Oil pressure sensor Motor 1940
2Line breakage in current path 1
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5131 Fault: Turbocharger pressure sensor Motor 1941
2Line breakage in current path 1
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5132 Fault: Ambient pressure sensor Motor 1942
2Line breakage in current path 1
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5133 Fault: Engine temperature sensor Motor 1943
2Line breakage in current path 1
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5134 Fault: Engine speed sensor Motor 1944
2Line breakage in current path 1
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5135 Fault: Water in fuel filter Motor 1945
2Line breakage in current path 1
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5136 Fault: Ambient pressure sensor Motor 1946
2Line breakage in current path 1
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5137 Fault: Coolant level sensor Motor 1947
2Line breakage in current path 1
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5138 Fault: Sensor for injection pressure in Motor 1948
2Line breakage in current path 1
rail system 1948
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5139 Fuel pump Motor 1949
2Line breakage in current path 1
3Current path has connection to +Ub (15 or 30)
4Short circuit to ground (31) in the current path
5Excessive current in current path
11Hardware defect sensors, replacement required
5140 Error message - Engine control unit Motor 1
reports a fault, which has not been
classified. Engine diagnose required.
5142 Fault pressure limiting valve 3
5143 Fault: Injection pressure in rail system 3
5151 Information code - Regeneration level Motor 1
5152 Information code - Regeneration level Motor 1
5153 Information code - Regeneration level Motor 0
5154 Information code - Regeneration level Motor 3
5155 Information code - Regeneration level Motor 3
5156 Information code - external Motor 3
regeneration required
5160 Information code - automatic Motor 1
regeneration active
5161 Information code - parked Motor 1
regeneration active
5170 Communication fault with engine Motor 1
control unit
FaultLocation Exhaust gas after-treatment 5180
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
5180 Information message, no fault!The Motor 1
EndOfLine test (EOL test) has not
been performed.
6064 Fault: No DEF system pressure Motor 0
building up!
6068 Fault: DEF system pressure outside of Motor 0
limit values!
6069 Fault: Regeneration requirement Motor 0
ignored too long!
FaultLocation Input hydraulic oil filter 5500
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
5500 Warning: Hydraulic oil filter dirty X35:37 1978
25Check filter, if necessary clean or replace as per service 1
5501 Fault: Hydraulic oil filter dirty X35:37 1979
25Check filter, if necessary clean or replace as per service 5
FaultLocation Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) 6000
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
6000 Fault: Differential pressure below Motor 0
limit value!
FaultLocation DEF quality sensor, B222 6001
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
6001 Plausibility error, DEF tank fill level Motor 0
6002 Fault: DEF tank temperature has Motor 0
exceeded upper limit value.
6003 Fault: DEF tank temperature has Motor 0
dropped below lower limit value.
6009 Supply connection Connection of Motor 0
sensor/switch faultyThe voltage
applied to the input is outside the
specified range (see signal
6010 Ground Connection of sensor/switch Motor 0
faultyThe voltage applied to the
input is outside the specified range
(see signal description).
6011 Fault: Temperature too high! Motor 0
6012 Fault: Temperature invalid! Motor 0
6013 Warning: bad DEF quality! Motor 0
6014 Supply connection Connection of Motor 0
sensor/switch faultyThe voltage
applied to the input is outside the
specified range (see signal
6015 Ground Connection of sensor/switch Motor 0
faultyThe voltage applied to the
input is outside the specified range
(see signal description).
6016 Fault: DEF quality invalid! Motor 0
6023 Supply connection Connection of Motor 0
sensor/switch faultyThe voltage
applied to the input is outside the
specified range (see signal
6024 Ground Connection of sensor/switch Motor 0
faultyThe voltage applied to the
input is outside the specified range
(see signal description).
6065 Fault: CAN message failed! Motor 0
6066 Fault: CAN message failed! Motor 0
FaultLocation Diesel particulate filter (DPF) 6004
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
6004 Plausibility error, DPF differential Motor 0
6005 Fault: Differential pressure below Motor 0
limit value!
6060 Fault: Excessive ash load! Motor 0
6061 Fault: Excessive soot load! Motor 0
FaultLocation DEF metering valve, Y293 6006
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
6006 Short circuit towards Ub Motor 0
6007 Cable breakage or sensor defective Motor 0
6008 The output to the valve has ground Motor 0
contact, or the output current is
higher than permitted.
6062 Fault: Valve blocked! Motor 0
FaultLocation DEF supply module 6017
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
6017 Fault: Pressure too high! Motor 0
6039 Fault: Temperature invalid! Motor 0
6040 Fault: Temperature invalid! Motor 0
6041 Signal outside the valid range Motor 0
6050 Fault: Temperature has dropped Motor 0
below lower limit value!
6051 Fault: Temperature implausible! Motor 0
FaultLocation Temperature sensor upstream of SCR catalyst, B223 6018
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
6018 Fault: Temperature has exceeded Motor 0
upper limit value!
6019 Fault: Temperature has dropped Motor 0
below lower limit value!
6020 Fault: Temperature implausible! Motor 0
6021 Fault: Temperature too high! Motor 0
6022 Fault: Temperature too low! Motor 0
FaultLocation DEF pump, M41 6025
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
6025 Supply voltage Ub is applied to the Motor 0
output to the pump, even though the
output is not switched.
6026 Output to pump shorted to ground Motor 0
6027 Cable breakage or sensor defective Motor 0
FaultLocation DEF suction valve, Y291 6028
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
6028 Supply voltage Ub is applied to the Motor 0
output to the pump, even though the
output is not switched.
6029 Output to pump shorted to ground Motor 0
6030 Cable breakage or sensor defective Motor 0
6063 Fault: Valve blocked! Motor 0
6067 Fault: Valve blocked! Motor 0
FaultLocation Temperature sensor upstream of OXY catalyst, B214 6031
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
6031 Fault: Temperature too high! Motor 0
6033 Fault: Temperature implausible! Motor 0
6034 Fault: Temperature has exceeded Motor 0
upper limit value!
6035 Fault: Temperature has dropped Motor 0
below lower limit value!
FaultLocation Temperature sensor downstream of OXY catalyst, B215 6032
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
6032 Fault: Temperature too high! Motor 0
6036 Fault: Temperature implausible! Motor 0
6037 Fault: Temperature has exceeded Motor 0
upper limit value!
6038 Fault: Temperature has dropped Motor 0
below lower limit value!
FaultLocation Temperature sensor upstream of SCR catalyst, B224 6042
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
6042 Fault: CAN message failed! Motor 0
6043 Fault: CAN message failed! Motor 0
6044 Fault: CAN message failed! Motor 0
6054 Cable breakage or sensor defective Motor 0
6055 Short circuit Motor 0
6057 Fault: Lambda has exceeded upper Motor 0
limit value!
6059 Fault: Lambda has dropped below Motor 0
lower limit value!
FaultLocation Temperature sensor downstream of SCR catalyst, B225 6045
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
6045 Fault: CAN message failed! Motor 0
6046 Fault: CAN message failed! Motor 0
6047 Fault: CAN message failed! Motor 0
6052 Cable breakage or sensor defective Motor 0
6053 Short circuit Motor 0
6056 Fault: Lambda has exceeded upper Motor 0
limit value!
6058 Fault: Lambda has dropped below Motor 0
lower limit value!
FaultLocation Pressure sensor upstream of SCR catalyst, B305 6048
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
6048 Fault: Pressure has exceeded upper Motor 0
limit value!
6049 Fault: Pressure has dropped below Motor 0
lower limit value!
FaultLocation EndOfLine test (EOL test) 6186
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
6186 Warning: Error before EOL test has Motor 0
started (read out error log)!
6187 Warning: Diesel engine not running! Motor 0
6188 Fault: Excessive soot load! Motor 0
6189 Warning: Check OXY cat sensors! Motor 0
6190 Warning: Error during EOL test (read Motor 0
out error log)!
6191 Warning: Check parking brake (travel Motor 0
lever in brake gate?)!
6192 Warning: Diesel engine no longer at Motor 0
operating point!
6193 Warning: Temperature downstream Motor 0
of Oxy catalyst too high!
6194 Warning: Differential pressure too Motor 0
6195 Warning: EAT system not warmed up! Motor 0
6196 Warning: Diesel engine not warmed Motor 0
6197 Warning: Stationary conditions not Motor 0
6198 Warning: SCR system not ready! Motor 0
6199 Warning: Check NOx sensors! Motor 0
FaultLocation Machine type management 7012
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
7012 Machine type conflict After replacing System 2
the control the machine type does not
match the old one.
FaultLocation Setup operating hour meter 7013
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
7013 Operating hour meter not yet System 1987
1Informative code - Follow the adjustment instructions 1
FaultLocation Software Approval System 7020
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
7020 Software Approval Missing System 4
7021 Software release incomplete System 3
7022 Software release incomplete System 3
7029 Software release incomplete System 4
FaultLocation Immobilizer A67 9107
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
9107 Fault in CAN communication 1
FaultLocation Cabin module 9109
FCode FaultDescription Terminal Possible Cause Diag Reac
9109 Fault in CAN communication 1
Functional System500Output brake valve, Y04
Input Description Category ValueRange
500 Start function "Drive against closed brake" 1 [bar]
501 Quit function "Drive against closed brake" 1

Functional System554BMESX Module

Input Description Category ValueRange
554 Display of serial number 1

Functional System555System
Input Description Category ValueRange
555 Display of the firmware version of the travel 1
control (ESX)
556 Display of firmware version in display 1
720 Display of machine type 1
4010 Enable parameter change serial number 2
4011 Start parameter change serial number - xxx 2
xxx xx XXX
4012 Start parameter change serial number - type - 2
xxx xxx xx XXX
4013 Start parameter change serial number - high 2
number - xxx xxx xx XXX
4014 Start parameter change serial number - works 2
number - xxx xxx xx XXX
4019 Display of serial number 2

1001Output brake valve Y04

Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
1001 Display voltage output brake 1 Display in V

1020Travel lever, S55

Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
1020 Display "Travel lever end positions" 1 100 = Forward0 = Neutral1 = Reverse
1021 Display of travel lever position direction X 1 -1000..0..1000
1022 Display of travel lever position direction Y 1 -1000..0..1000
1025 Display "Movement direction acc. to travel 1 100 = Forward0 = Neutral1 = Reverse
1026 Display travel direction switch 1 0 = Neutral1 = Forward2 = Reverse
1027 Display "Enabled travel range" 1 1= Driving permitted; 2= Driving disabled

1030Input inclination sensor, B57

Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
1030 Display inclination sensor status 1 0 = no movement1 = up2 = down3 = error
1260 Display inclination sensor position 1 -1000..1000
1261 Display inclination sensor value in percent 1 -1000..1000 > -100 % ..100%
1262 Display inclination sensor voltage measuring 1 [mV/ Digit]
1263 Display inclination sensor voltage measuring 1
value standardized to 1000
1264 Display inclination sensor status 1 0= Not Initialized, 1 = Initialized (Normal operation), 2 = Error
1265 Enable parameter change inclination sensor 1
1266 Set inclination sensor to zero 1

1040Input travel stage selector switch, S42

Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
1040 Display "Selected travel range" 1
1041 Display input voltage for travel range switch 1
track 1
1050Output valve travel pump (front) forward, Y72
Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
1050 Display "Actual current value travel pump 1 1 mA/ Digit
1058 Display start current valve travel pump 1 Display in mA
1059 Display final current valve travel pump 1 Display in mA
1060Output valve travel pump (front) reverse, Y73
Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
1060 Display "Actual current value travel pump 1 1 mA/ Digit
1068 Display start current valve travel pump reverse 1 Display in mA
1069 Display final current valve travel pump reverse 1 Display in mA

1070Output valve travel pump (rear) forward, Y16

Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
1070 Display "Actual current value travel pump 1 1 mA/ Digit
1078 Display start current valve travel pump 1 Display in mA
1079 Display final current valve travel pump 1 Display in mA
1080Output valve travel pump (rear) reverse, Y17
Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
1080 Display "Actual current value travel pump 1 1 mA/ Digit
1088 Display start current valve travel pump reverse 1 Display in mA
1089 Display final current valve travel pump reverse 1 Display in mA

1090Teach function travel pump flow controller

Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
1090 Release teaching surge currents travel pump 1
1091 Start teaching surge currents travel pump 1 [mA / Digit]

1100Input speed sensor travel motor B59

Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
1100 Display of pulses per 10m 1
1105 Travel speed 1 Display in m/min
1106 Pulses of speed sensor 1
1107 Display "Movement direction of machine" 1
1109 Status display travel motor 1 0: Qmax1: Qmin

1110Input speed sensor travel motor, B60

Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
1110 Display of pulses per 10m 1
1115 Travel speed 1 Display in m/min
1116 Pulses of speed sensor 1
1117 Display "Movement direction of machine" 1
1119 Status display travel motor 1 0: Qmax1: Qmin

1150Travel drive, speed adaptation

Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
1160 Release of teach function pulses from rotary 1
speed sensor
1161 Teach function pulses from rotary speed 1
sensor for 5m
1162 Teach function pulses from rotary speed 1
sensor for 10m
1163 Teach function pulses from rotary speed 1
sensor for 20m
1164 Teach function pulses from rotary speed 1
sensor for 50m
1165 Teach function pulses from rotary speed 1
sensor for 100m
1168 Restoration of default values for the rotary 1
speed sensor pulses
1169 Saving the rotary speed sensor pulses 1

1270Input pressure sensor travel pump (rear) forward, B234

Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
1270 Display travel pressure 1 [bar]
1271 Display pressure sensor current measuring 1 4..20 mA
value in mA
1272 Display pressure sensor measuring value 1 0..1000
standardized to 1000
1273 Display pressure sensor status 1 0= Not Initialized, 1 = Initialized (Normal operation), 2 = Error
1274Input pressure sensor travel pump (rear) reverse, B235
Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
1274 Display travel pressure 1 [bar]
1275 Display pressure sensor current measuring 1 4..20 mA
value in mA
1276 Display pressure sensor measuring value 1 0.. 1000
standardized to 1000
1277 Display pressure sensor status 1 0= Not Initialized, 1 = Initialized (Normal operation), 2 = Error

1280Input pressure sensor travel pump (front) forward, B236

Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
1280 Display travel pressure 1 [bar]
1281 Display pressure sensor current measuring 1 4..20 mA
value in mA
1282 Display pressure sensor measuring value 1 0.. 1000
standardized to 1000
1283 Display pressure sensor status 1 0= Not Initialized, 1 = Initialized (Normal operation), 2 = Error

1284Input pressure sensor travel pump (front) reverse, B237

Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
1284 Display travel pressure 1 [bar]
1285 Display pressure sensor current measuring 1 4..20 mA
value in mA
1286 Display pressure sensor measuring value 0.. 1000
standardized to 1000
1287 Display pressure sensor status 1 0= Not Initialized, 1 = Initialized (Normal operation), 2 = Error
1300Input seat contact switch, S06
Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
1300 Status seat contact switch 1 0 = off, 1 = on

1330Input armrest right, B146

Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
1330 Status of right armrest 1 1= arm rest up; 2= arm rest down
1331 Status of right armrest 1 Display in V

3010Metrology controller
Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
3010 Display enable metrology 2 0= Off1 = On
3011 Enable parameter change metrology 2
3012 Activate metrology 2
3013 Deactivate metrology 2
3015 Display enable printer 2 0= Off1 = On
3016 Enable parameter change metrology 2
3017 Activate printer 2
3018 Deactivate printer 2
4020 Release of change to printer language 2
4021 Printer language - German 2
4022 Printer language - English 2
4023 Printer language - French 2
4024 Printer language - Dutch 2
4025 Printer language - Danish 2
4026 Printer language - Spanish 2
4027 Printer language - Finnish 2
4028 Printer language - Swedish 2
4029 Printer language - Portuguese 2
4030 Printer language - Hungarian 2
4031 Printer language - Italian 2
4032 Printer language - Norwegian 2
4033 Printer language - Polish 2
4034 Printer language - Slovakian 2
4035 Printer language - Slovenian 2
4036 Printer language - Czech 2
4037 Printer language - Romanian 2
4040 Activating the simulation mode 2
4041 Activating the diagnostics mode 2
4050 Show exciter voltage 2 Display in V
4051 Show voltage of acceleration sensor 1 2 Display in V
4052 Show voltage of acceleration sensor 2 2 Display in V
4060 Display vibration operation hour meter 2
4555 Display of the firmware version of the 2
measuring control (ESX)
3020Dozewr blade parameters
Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
3020 Display "Enabled dozer blade" 1 0= Off1 = On
3021 Enable dozer blade parameter change 1
3022 Activate the dozer blade 1
3023 Deactivate the dozer blade 1

3047Vibration system
Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
3047 Release of change to parameter vibration no 2
travel speed limit
3048 Change to parameter vibration activate travel 2
speed limit
3049 Change to parameter vibration no travel speed 2
3050 Enable parameter change vibration 2
3052 Enable parameter change low amplitude 2
3053 Enable parameter change high amplitude 2
3058 1
3059 1

3060Attachment plate parameters

Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
3060 Display enable attachment plates 1
3061 Enable parameter change attachment plates 1
3062 Activate parameter change attachment plates 1
3063 Deactivate parameter change attachment plates 1
3068 Display actual current vibratory pump 1 Display in mA
attachment plates
3069 Display nominal current vibratory pump 1 Display in mA
attachment plates
3075 Enable adjust attachment plates if position 1
measuring system defective
3076 Enable vibrate attachment plates if position 1
measuring system defective
3077 Enable parameter change reverse travel with 1
lowered attachment plates
3078 Activate reverse travel with lowered 1
attachment plates.
3079 Deactivate reverse travel with lowered 1
attachment plates.
3080 Display attachment plates connected 1 0= Off1 = On
3081 Display attachment plates value position 1 0..1000
measuring system vertical
3082 Display attachment plates position measuring 1 0..1000
system horizontal
3083 Display attachment plates switch vibration 1 0= Off1 = On
3084 Display attachment plates value potentiometer 1 0..1000
3085 Display valve lift attachment plates, Y122 1 0= Off1 = On
3086 Display valve lower attachment plates, Y123 1 0= Off1 = On
3087 Display valve attachment plates left, Y142 1 0= Off1 = On
3088 Display valve attachment plates right, Y143 1 0= Off1 = On
3089 Display valve attachment plates priority, Y145 1 0= Off1 = On
3090 Display valve attachment plates floating 1 0= Off1 = On
position, Y60/Y144
5000Engine speed detection
Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
5000 Display of diesel engine speed 1 Display in rpm
5001 Display of diesel engine speed command 1 Display in rpm
5002 Display engine speed mode diesel engine, 1
default value of switches
5003 Display engine speed mode diesel engine, 1 0 = Low idle speed1 = Eco mode2 = Full speed position
command for EGAS actuator
5010 Display parameters min speed diesel engine 1 Display in rpm
(idle speed)
5011 Display parameters max speed diesel engine 1 Display in rpm
(full speed)
5004Engine speed default
Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
5004 Display input switch min (idle speed position) 1 0= Off1 = On
5005 Display input switch max (full speed position) 1 0= Off1 = On
5030 Enable parameter change engine speed 2
5032 Enable parameter change min. engine speed 2 Display in rpm
(idle speed)
5033 Enable parameter change max. engine speed 2 Display in rpm
(full speed)
5020Input engine oil pressure monitoring, B06
Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
5020 Display status oil pressure switch in diesel Oil pressure present: = 1 = ok No oil pressure = 0 = not ok
engine when engine is running

5021Input coolant level monitoring, B55

Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
5021 Display "Engine status - coolant level" 1 0= Coolant level OK1= Coolant level too low

5024Input D+ detection
Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
5024 Display D+ status of engine 1 0 = not Ok1 = ok

5025Input air filter sensor, B03

Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
5025 Display "Engine status - air filter" 1 0= Air filter OK1= Air filter soiled

5026Input water separator, B124

Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
5026 Display "Status water separator in filter" 0 = ok 1 = Water in filter
5055 Release of parameter change for water 1
5056 Parameter change water separator - engine 1
shut-down in case of water in fuel
5057 Parameter change water separator - no engine 1
shut-down in case of water in fuel
5040Input coolant level monitoring B55
Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
5040 1

5050Input level switch for fuel filling level, R03

Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
5050 Display input level sensor in fuel tank 1 0..255 (raw values)

5060Exhaust gas after-treatment

Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
5060 Display DPF: Ash load 1 0..100%
5150 1
5151 1
5152 1
5153 1
5160 Status display regeneration switch 1 100 = Suppress regeneration010 = automatic
regeneration001 = Request regeneration at standstill
5161 Display of DPF-load 1 0..100%
5170 Display type regeneration switch 1 0 = grid (default) 1=
grid 2=
5171 Input code enable change to regeneration 1
5172 Input code regeneration switch type switch 1
5173 Input code regeneration switch type button 1

5180EndOfLine test (EOL test)

Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
5180 Enable start EOL test 2
5181 Start EOL test 2

5600Auto-Stop system
Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
5600 Display of release of Auto-Stop-System 2 0= Off1 = On
5601 Release of parameter change to Auto-Stop- 2
5602 Activate Auto-Stop system 2
5604 Deactivate Auto-Stop system 2
5608 Release of changes to time Auto-Stop.System 2
5609 Change to time Auto-Stop.System 2
7090Immobilizer A67
Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
7090 Release to enter the immobilizer code via 1
travel lever
7091 Start to enter the immobilizer code via travel 1
8830 Release activation of immobilizer 2
8831 Activate immobilizer 2

8800Setup display
Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
8800 Enable parameter change display units 1
8801 Enable code - Display units in metric 1 Units in metric
8802 Input code - Display units in imperial Units in imperial

8820Cabin module
Functional System
Input Description Category ValueRange
8820 Display of cabin module release 1 0= Off1 = On
8821 Release of parameter change for cabin module 1
8822 Activate cabin module 1
8823 Deactivate cabin module 1

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