Using Skeleton Model To Recognize Human Gait Gender
Using Skeleton Model To Recognize Human Gait Gender
Using Skeleton Model To Recognize Human Gait Gender
Corresponding Author:
Omar Ibrahim Alsaif
Department of Computer Systems Technologies, Northern Technical University
Mosul, Iraq
Email: Omar.Ibrahim [email protected]
Now, growing interest in identifying individuals effective to prevent terrorist attacks led to proposed
biometrics techniques. These techniques have appeared to identify and verify individuals such that concern:
face, palm print, fingerprint, iris, deoxyribo nucleic acid (DNA), walking, or a mixture of these characteristics
[1], [2]. It is worth mentioning, people can be classified using most biometrics, like gender classification by
analysing voice, face, and gait [3]–[7]. Generally, gender classification plays an important and big role in many
fields of life. Gait recognition is defined as an ability that existing for most people. When a computer can
recognize gender, it will increase work robustness, such as, gender classification which can analyses clients for
administrators, employ people with proper works, and so on [4]. Unlike current recognition methods, like
facial, iris, and fingerprint recognition are physical information that requires characteristics or traits for people,
therefore there challenging to distinguish individuals use remote methods. Nevertheless, walking as a feature
of people does not have these limitations. In recent times, gait is a good biometric feature. As many researchers
have increasingly interested in this topic. So, walking has become a serious issue in advanced computer
technologies [8]–[10]. Additionally, gait classifications have many effective parameters such as age,
pregnancy, and sick. Human gender gait recognition has become an important topic for researchers [11], [12].
In 2001 Tanawongsuwan and Bobick studied learning to walk via the bottom parts of the human body [13].
Some researchers provided a clear process for estimating the place of compensation in flat form between signs.
The given displacements that researchers used to calculate common angle pathways aimed at compensating for
systematic time differences. This study recognition was applied in databases of 18 people who performed
further than 150 places of walking by the adjacent neighbor procedure and Euclidean space as assessment
procedures [13]. In 2009 Ming et al. discussed the descriptor-based silhouette and explained the area of the
border was suggested in a way that describes the shape of the walk [14]. The wavelet transformation was
applied on the boundary area and extracted the parallel descriptors concurrently. Xiao et al. [15], proposed a
strategy in 2010 based on the use of skeletons to determine walking. This skeletal structure allows us to express
every gait. Consequently, a recognition rate of 96.21% was reached. In the same year, Li and Yang, [16]
introduced a recognition system based on the legs and ankles. These two types of optimal characteristics were
addressed by using the feature incorporation strategies, where the test outputs in the gait database were showed
reasonable results [16]. In April 2013 Arai and Andrie described a method for extract features from the skeleton
human body using support vector machine (SVM) that estimates average foot angle, where reached
classification accuracy is about 85.33% [5]. In 2020, suggested analysis in the time domain of many features
using classifier [17], [18].
Basically, this paper has proposed a method for gender classification based on the skeleton model. It
depends on trusty Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA) database gait, class C, with kinds of walking views
of images and many changes for silhouette pictures [19]. Figure 1 explain the framework of the proposed
method that used in this paper.
In the proposed method skeleton model have been used on reliable silhouette image CASIA database that
depends on the following steps:
a. Applied several morphological operations.
b. Create three lines to get a triangle.
c. Determine gait cycle.
d. Distinguished between two legs.
e. Estimated points between two legs of the body.
2.1. Pre-processing
The proposed human gait model is a specific feature of the proposed model using many operations.
At first, silhouette images have been converted to a binary image. Then applied morphological operations for
the creation of a skeleton. By using close operation (dilation, erosion), and removes (prunes) all branches
shorter that specified length [20].
Using skeleton model to recognize human gait gender (Omar Ibrahim Alsaif)
976 ISSN: 2252-8938
cos(θ)= |𝑎|.|𝑏| (2)
θ = cos −1 (|𝑎|.|𝑏|) (3)
principal component analysis (PCA's) purpose is to minimize the data's dimensionality while keeping as feasible
in the original huge data. It's a technique for discovering patterns in data and explaining them in a way that
emphasizes their resemblances and differences in fact, PCA is extremely closely related to means Figure 5.
Φi = xi-x̅ (5)
A confusion matrix can be used to evaluate models for binary (male and female) classification in
overall. In the confusion matrix, the percentage value of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and precision must
be considered. With true positive (TP), true negative (TN), false positive (FP), and false negative (FN), the
calculation in the confusion matrix is (8)-(10).
Accuracy = (8)
Precision = (9)
Sensitivity = (10)
Using skeleton model to recognize human gait gender (Omar Ibrahim Alsaif)
978 ISSN: 2252-8938
PDF is probability density function
V is input feature vectors,
𝜇 is mean of features.
𝜎 is the standard deviation.
Figure 7. The histogram comparison between two classifier and all measures
The recognition for human gender has used two techniques neural network (NN, and Gaussian Bayes). The
analysis of classify gender into one of two groups (male, female). It has reached amazing result in NN Table 1
for the measures.
Figure 8. Represent CASIA Class C images all movement (a) Normal walking, (b) slow walking, (c) fast
walking and (d) walk with carried bag
(a) (b) =
(c) (d)
Figure 10. Neural network confusion matrix for gender classification; (a) training confusion matrix, (b)
validation confusion matrix, (c) test confusion matrix, and (d) explain a good summery for confusion matrix
Using skeleton model to recognize human gait gender (Omar Ibrahim Alsaif)
980 ISSN: 2252-8938
This classifier has been evaluated by using the confusion matrix according to Figures 11 and 12, were
the percentage of accuracy being (75%). Rock curve (ROC) as shown, depicting the performance of a
classification model. Table 2 involve of a 2×2 Confusion Matrix combinations of expected and real values. It
is usefully and importantly to use the ratios: Precision, sensitivity, specificity and accuracy.
True positive rate (TPR),
𝛴 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑇𝑃
= = (12)
𝛴 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑇𝑃+𝐹𝑁
Table 2. The four results can be found in 2×2 confusion matrix [36]–[43]
Total population Predicted condition positive Predicted condition negative
Condition positive True positive TP False positive FP (Type I error)
Condition negative False negative FN (Type II error) True negative TN
The confusion matrix as Figure 12 and Roc. curve as shown in a graph depicting the performance of
a classification model is Figure 13 which indicates the performance measurement for Gaussian Naive Bayes
confusion matrix. Table 2 involves a 2×2 confusion matrix combination of expected and real values. It is useful
and important to use the ratios: precision, sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy.
The rock of curve (ROC) is designed with TPR as y-axis against the FPR and x-axis represent
threshold value, according to (12) and (13). ROC explains the capacity of presentation for grouping difficulties
at several thresholds (1,0) is represented (male, female) respectively as mentioned before. Figure 13 is the
optimal case, at a point when two arches don't intersect, the model has an ideal of distinguishable. It is quite
capable of recognizing positive and negative classes. Figure 14 shows the overlapping between the two classes,
it presents mistakes. At the point when the area under the curve (AUC) is 0.7, it implies that there is a 70%
possibility that the model will be isolated between positive and negative classes. Figure 15 shows the most
extremely terrible states, at the point when AUC reach to 0.5, so the model has no ability to separate between
positive and negative classes.
Gender classification based on the gait features are very important subject. The proposed method
satisfies a proficient result under the effects of many conditions such as carrying bag, slow gait, fast gait, and
normal gait. By applying a few morphological operations and skeletons in 20 videos that opened as frames in
each one, the reliable database CASIA class C have been got angles between two legs. The gaits for each video
have been discreated to seventy-five frames for each 20-person (10 male and 10 female) that have values of
(1,0) respectively, so the result will be 1500 frame, and applying PCA on these angles, it is given ideal linear
dimensionality reduction. Successful two classifier gaussian bayes, ANN is accuracies 75%, 95.5% were
achieved respectively. The latest results in ANN for gender classification in human gait is more remarkable
and superior. ANN have a very good result more than gaussian bayes by an amount of (20%).
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Using skeleton model to recognize human gait gender (Omar Ibrahim Alsaif)