2231a Manual

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The Model 2231 low frequency loudspeaker provides The 2231 has a low-loss magnettc structure that weighs 13

accurate, solid low-frequency reproductron Designed with pounds (5 9 kg), consrstrng of a large Alnrco V magnet and
free air resonance below the range of hearing, the 2231 has top plate The pole piece and magnetic return casting are
exceptional deep bass response and requires very little constructed of high conductivity Iron alloy and each com-
enclosure volume. Compared tdother loudspeakers having ponent IS precisely machined to concentrate a maximum
similar sensitivity, its frequency response is unusually linear, amount of magnetic energy in the voice co11gap
varying only *2 dB from 40 Hz to 800 Hz. When housed
The combination of this powerful magnetic structure, a
in a properly constructed enclosure, the 2231 will exhibit
rugged cone assembly and 4-inch (100 mm) diameter
exceptional. efficiency and transient response as well as the
edgewound copper ribbon voice co11enable the 2231 to
ability to handle sustained signals at high power levels without
achieve 100 W continuous program power capacity,
danger of mechanical damage or excessive distortion.
- exceptional sensitivity and smooth acoustic output
Architectural Specifications

The low frequency transducer shall have a nomrnal diameter

of 15 Inches (380 mm), overall depth not greater than 5%
Inches (145 mm), and weigh at least 16% pounds (75 kg) The
frame shall be of cast alumrnum to resist deformation, and
the magnetic assembly shall use Alnico V encased In a heavy
cast iron return crrcurt for maximum efficiency and suppres-
sion of stray fields The voice coil shall be 4 inches (100 mm)
In diameter and shall be made of edgewound copper ribbon
operating In a magnetrc field of not less than 1 2 T

Performance specrfrcatlons of a typical productron unit shall

be as follows Measured sensrtlvrty (SPL, 1 W at 1 m, averaged
from 100 Hz to 500 Hz) shall be at least 93 dl3 SPL on axis
As an indication of electromechanical converslon efficiency,
the BI factor shall be at least 21 Tarn

Usable frequency response shall extend from 25 Hz to 2 kHz.

On-axis response, measured at a distance of 6.6 feet (2 m)
or more under free field conditions, shall be *2 dB from
40 Hz to 800 Hz. Nominal impedance shall be 80. Rated
power capacity shall be at least 100 W typical program
material. The transducer shall be the JBL Model 2231. Other
loudspeakers will be considered for equivalency provided
that submitted data from a recognized independent test
laboratory verify that the above performance specifications
are met.

JBL continually engages in research related to product improvement New

materials productIon methods and design refinements are Introduced Into ewt-
~ng products wlthout notlce as a routine expression of that philosophy Forthis
reason any current JBL product may differ un some respect from Its publIshed
descrlptlon but IS always warranted to equal or exceed the original design
speclflcatlons unless otherwIse stated

JBL Professional Products are not Intended for household use


Professional Division
James B. Lansing Sound, Inc., 8500 Balboa Boulevard, Northridge, California 91329

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