Change Management
Change Management
Change Management
I. The Concept
Change management has been defined as ‘the process of continually
renewing an organization’s direction, structure, and capabilities to serve the
ever-changing needs of external and internal customers’ (Moran and
Brightman, 2001: 111). According to Burnes (2004) change is an ever-present
feature of organizational life, both at an operational and strategic level.
Therefore, there should be no doubt regarding the importance to any
organisation of its ability to identify where it needs to be in the future, and how
to manage the changes required getting there. Consequently, organisational
change cannot be separated from organisational strategy, or vice versa
(Burnes, 2004; Rieley and Clarkson, 2001). Due to the importance of
organisational change, its management is becoming a highly required
managerial skill (Senior, 2002). Graetz (2000: 550) goes as far as suggesting.
Against a backdrop of increasing globalization