Ucl Visual Identity Poster
Ucl Visual Identity Poster
Ucl Visual Identity Poster
our brand:
Visual identity
We are colourful… Our extensive colour
palette allows for maximum flexibility
when creating communications.
For accessibility, use black or white text
as shown on the colour blocks below.
Dark Blue Mid Blue Bright Blue Light Blue Blue Celeste*
Pantone 548 CP / 548 UP Pantone 295 CP / 295 UP Pantone 7711 CP / 3135 UP Pantone 550 CP / 550 UP Pantone 635 CP / 635 UP
CMYK 100 21 28 76 CMYK 100 69 8 54 CMYK 98 0 28 4 CMYK 42 7 8 8 CMYK 30 0 7 0
RGB 0 61 76 RGB 0 40 85 RGB 0 151 169 RGB 141 185 202 RGB 164 219 232
Hex #003D4C Hex #002855 Hex #0097A9 Hex #8DB9CA Hex #A4DBE8
Type is an integral element
Using just one typeface can
in successful communication. be elegant, modern, vibrant
Stick to a maximum or understated…
of three type sizes or weights. It just depends how you use it.
Black or condensed weights Keep it left aligned, never mix
should be used sparingly. alignment styles and never use
Leave some clear space. justified text.
Our general rule is: if it’s
from UCL, use the banner.
If it’s with UCL, use the logo.
The banner and logo are
rectangular blocks with
the letters UCL cut out
of the shape. Strapline Portico UCL letters
These blocks have been
hand-drawn. The letters
are not the logo.
We use the logo when it’s not
possible to use the banner, or
when working with partners.
Introduction to the banner
The UCL banner is not designed to work
as a standalone logo, instead it should
span the width of the page.
Any full tint colour from our colour
pallette can be used.
10mm 115mm 17mm
10mm 80mm 12mm
10mm 100mm 12mm
8mm 60mm 9mm
8mm 70mm 10mm
Banner variants
Variants of the banner are
available for some applications.
Contact [email protected]
for assistance
When used on a busy background image, place on When used on a busy background image, place on The standalone can be any colour from the palette
a bounding box. Use the portico as sizing guide. a bounding box. Use the portico as sizing guide.
Don’t change the shape Don’t use colours not in the colour palette Don’t change the size or position of the portico
Department title
Don’t add a line below Don’t infill the UCL letters Don’t write inside the logo
Logo sizes for standard paper formats
These sizes have been calculated to be To download logo artwork
most appropriate relative to the page size. visit the brand site
Minimum sizes are extremely important ucl.ac.uk/cam/brand
in maintaining the legibility of the logo
and should be strictly adhered to.
Remember, the logo should be used only
when communicating with partners.
1.5 x logo width
A3 A maximum of
three lines of text
are permitted in the
department title.
1.5 x logo width
30mm 20mm
TO THE LOGO Logo minimum size
[email protected]
Strong images are key to the look and
effectiveness of any communications that
you produce. Imagery should be vibrant,
engaging and relevant – it is important to
look through the letters of the UCL banner
and see something interesting.
It is important when using digital imagery
in printed publications, PowerPoint and
online that you are aware of the file size of
your image and also the image resolution.
Less is more – be selective. Images should Apply caution when using close-ups of
always add value to your content. people unless you are sure that you have
their consent to be photographed.
Try cropping an image to create a more Use vibrant, strong images. Avoid dull,
interesting composition. dark muddy images as they may not
reproduce well on screen or in print.
Public events at UCL:
May–July 2017
CHINA 2017
Full bleed photography Cut out image Duotone photography Full bleed illustration
Don’t use the letters reversed Don’t add a logo inside the banner Don’t change the shape of the banner Don’t change the size or position
of the strapline or portico
Don’t add effects such as Don’t use colours not in the Don’t fill the banner with a pattern Don’t use a dark coloured banner
a drop shadow colour palette over a dark image
All UCL websites should Benefits of Indigo Externally-hosted websites
be built in our content It’s responsive: it provides Websites not hosted on
management system multi-device support, from ucl.ac.uk should not carry
(CMS) and use the UCL smart screen to desktop. the UCL banner.
domain name (ucl.ac.uk).
It’s fast: rapid prototyping is
For further information, contact
The Digital Presence team easy with dozens of elements,
[email protected]
in UCL Information Services styles and patterns to use.
Division can assist you.
Creative: it allows for creative
Indigo is UCL’s responsive design while retaining
design language and front- consistent user experience
end development framework and UCL brand identity.
for rapid development and
deployment of UCL websites
and applications.
Working with partners
UCL works with many When we work with partners,
types of partner in a host the way we use our combined
of different ways. branding depends on the weight
of balance in the relationship.
It is in the interests of all parties
to be represented properly, and
For more information
for the relationship to be clear
on partnerships, visit
in the minds of your audiences.
Scenario 1
UCL as lead partner
This is the most common
partnership type at UCL,
usually where funding bodies
who need to be credited by
adding their logo to your
UCL communications, or
when projects have been
undertaken with help from
another organisation.
Place the partner logo away
from the banner, preferably
in the lower right corner.
Scenario 2
UCL as equal partner
This type of partnership
is usually for research
projects when more than
one university is involved.
Place each logo side by
side, side and at approximately
the same size.
“One of my favourite
subjects is Physics.
I like to share my ideas
and techniques with my
friends during group
practical. It helps when
I work in groups as
we teach each other
techniques that we can
apply in our final exam.”
Mohamed Sufi
Scenario 3
UCL as multiple/ DISCOVERY
minor partner WITHOUT
Provide the lead partner
with the relevant UCL logo
in eps for print and png for
digital. Never use jpegs.
The lead partner will use their
visual identity and place the
UCL logo appropriately.
Ask for a proof to check that
you are happy with the result
before it is published.
Branding your UCL social
media channels Considerations
Naming your channel Profile icons work in both
Use UCL as a prefix in the circular and square formats.
name of the channel,
Choose two colours from the
e.g. UCL News, UCL History,
UCL palette – or one colour
UCL Art Museum.
and a tint.
Profile icons If you use multiple social media
UCL has official social channels, use the same icon
media icons. Use these for all your accounts, so that
to reassure your audience you are easily identifiable as
that they are following an the same source.
official UCL channel.
Video is a powerful tool
through which we can
excite, inform and engage
with our audiences.
Through a combination
of sound and visuals, all our
video content should be
lively and engaging.
The style should be
uncluttered, clear and direct The banner should be used on film title sequences: If there isn’t a title, the logo can be used as
– using high photographic and always use the pre-built Photoshop templates. a watermark for the first five seconds of the film.
production values, simple,
clear graphics and captioning
that don’t get in the way of
the messages.
It is an essential requirement
that all UCL video content
uses subtitles. Templates
are available as pre-built
Photoshop templates.
As with name captions, subtitles should be placed The logo should be used at the end of the film as
on a 70% transparent holding panel. a sign-off. If the film is in partnership, the rules for
working with partners should be followed.
Branding your department
Use the strapline inside the banner
to create your official faculty/institute FACULTY OF ENGINEERING (TIER TWO)
/department logo.
This is your department logo:
do not create any other logos.
Two tiers of type can be used, both
should be set in Arial uppercase,
left-aligned. Tier one should be Arial
bold, tier two should be Arial regular.
You can choose any colour from
the colour palette for your
department logo.