Deloitte Belgium - AI Brochure
Deloitte Belgium - AI Brochure
Deloitte Belgium - AI Brochure
December 2020
Risk management throughout the Artifical Intelligence (AI)
Types of AI Advantages of AI
Speech recognition
The implementation and use of AI brings along some important risks to consider. These risks contain both risks inherent to AI,
as well as risks related to the business processes it automates. Deloitte can help you manage these risks.
Business risk
The Deloitte Risk and Control framework can help your organization with the implementation of artificial intelligence
solutions in a secure, compliant and manageable way by making your company’s IT Governance and Risk framework AI ready.
Readiness assessed
To determine the AI strategy, it is crucial to have an objective source of information comparing the
current maturity level to similar organizations in the market. Using comparative AI Risk studies in Quick Scans
combination with the risks and opportunities identified during the readiness assessment, we help the Benchmarks
organization in the development of the automation strategy.
Strategy defined
Find out how your organization can leverage the power of AI. The Technology and digital risk team offers
the opportunity to brainstorm about the roles and risks of AI within your organization together with our
AI Risk
experts in the field. We will discuss your business and processes and identify potential AI related risks.
We will then help you develop a risk control framework and look for program and project investments
which can create value within your organization by using this framework.
Processes developed
When the AI strategy has been defined and/or the AI processes and risk control frameworks have been
designed and/or implemented, Deloitte can help in both the risk evaluation of the existing AI systems and
processes as well as develop new AI solutions to support the strategy. A couple of example domains where
Deloitte has built expertise over the years are the following: Deloitte
Prototyping – Explainable AI – Bias and Ethics risk assessments – Data anomaly and risk detection – Table extraction
All of these solutions are designed to help you discover new ways of leveraging AI in your organization or
improve the maturity of already existing processes.
Maturity increased
When your AI processes have been implemented, there are still a great deal of risks to overcome. These
can range from IT and cyber security as well as compliance and ethics. We can help you gain assurance
over the implemented IT and business cycle controls with relation to AI. We assess controls related to
AI Audit identity and access management, change management, data integrity, IT operations & processes and
business continuity. Based on this assessment we provide recommendations to improve your AI control
framework to increase the level of artificial intelligence maturity within your organization.
About Deloitte
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they need to address their most complex business challenges. Deloitte has in the region of 312,000
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