NMMS-MAT-English-M5 18-19
NMMS-MAT-English-M5 18-19
NMMS-MAT-English-M5 18-19
1. Please write your Centre Code and Seat No. very clearly (only one digit in one block).
Before writing your Seat No. get it ascertaine from the Centre Conductor. Please see that
no block is left unfilled and even zeros appearing in the Centre Code and Seat No. are
correctly transferred to the appropriate blocks on the booklet and on the answer sheet.
Example :
For all subsequent purposes your Centre Code and Seat No. shall remain the same. Centre
once alloted will not be changed
3. Since all questions are compulsory do not try to read through the whole question paper
before beginning to answer it.
4. Begin with the first question and keep on trying one question after another till you finish.
5. If you do not know the answer to any question, do not spend much time on it and pass
on to the next one. Time permitting you can come back to the questions which you have
left in the first instance and try them again.
6. Since the time alloted is very short you should make best use of it. The rough work is
to be done in the box given under each page.
7. Remember you have to mark on your answers in “Mental Ability Test” answer-sheet
9. Do not write anything except Centre Code, Seat No. and rough work anywhere in this
10. Now turn to the next page and start answering the questions.
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 2 of 48
ÐíÔÝ¢æÓ¢è ©œ¢Úï Î¢Ðê±èü ÐéÉèH S¢êӢݢ ÜU¢fÁ¢èÐê±üÜU ±¢Ó¢¢. ¼é}¢Ó¢è ©œ¢Úï S±¼æ~¢ ©œ¢ÚÐç~¢ÜïU±Ú çH㢱²¢Ó¢è ¥¢ãï¼.
1. ÜëUв¢ ¼é}¢Ó¢¢ ÜïU´Îí S¢æÜïU¼¢æÜU ¥¢ç‡¢ ¥¢S¢Ý RU}¢¢æÜU ¥¢ÜUÇK¢}¢Š²ï S¢éSÐC çHã¢. (»ÜU¢ Ó¢¢ñÜUÅè¼ »ÜUÓ¢ ¥æÜU ²¢ Ðí}¢¢‡¢ï)
S±¼:Ó¢¢ ¥¢S¢Ý RU}¢¢æÜU çHçㇲ¢Ðê±èü ¼¢ï Ï¢Ú¢ïÏ¢Ú ¥S¢Ë²¢Ó¢è ¶¢~¢è ÜUMÝ Í²¢. ÜU¢ï‡¢¼¢ãè ÚÜU¢Ý¢ çÚv¼ ڢ㇢¢Ú Ý¢ãè
²¢Ó¢è Îÿ¢¼¢ Ͳ¢. ÐíÔÝÐéçS¼ÜU¢ ± ©œ¢ÚÐç~¢ÜU¢ ²¢´Ó¢ï ±ÚèH Ó¢¢ñÜUÅè¼ ¥¢S¢Ý RU}¢¢æÜU ± ÜïU´Îí S¢æÜïU¼¢æÜU ²¢¼èH Ðíy²ïÜU
¥æÜU ¥¢ç‡¢ à¢ê‹²S¢éh¢ ²¢ïx² Á¢¢x¢è çHã¢.
©Î¢ãÚ‡¢¢‰¢ü :
4. Ðçã˲¢ ÐíÔݢТS¢êÝ S¢éL±¢¼ ÜUÚ¢ ¥¢ç‡¢ »ÜU¢}¢¢x¢êÝ »ÜU ÐíÔÝ S¢¢ïÇ±è¼ à¢ï±ÅвZ¼ ÐíÔÝ S¢¢ïDZ¢.
5. »¶¢ÎK¢ ÐíÔÝ¢Ó¢ï ©œ¢Ú ²ï¼ ÝS¢ïH ¼Ú y²¢±Ú Á¢¢S¼ ±ïf Í¢¢H±ê ÝÜU¢. ÐéÉÓ¢ï ÐíÔÝ S¢¢ïÇ籇²¢S¢ Ͳ¢. S¢±ü ÐíÔÝ S¢¢ïDZêÝ
Û¢¢Ë²¢±Ú ©ÚHï˲¢ ±ïf¢¼ Ú¢ãêÝ x¢ïHï˲¢ ÐíÔÝ¢æ±Ú ¼é}ã¢H¢ Ðé‹ã¢ ç±Ó¢¢Ú ÜUÚ¼¢ ²ï§üH.
6. ÐíÔÝ S¢¢ïÇ籇²¢S¢¢Æè ¼é}ã¢H¢ ç}¢f‡¢¢Ú¢ ±ïf ç±Ó¢¢Ú¢¼ Í¢ïªÝ y²¢Ó¢¢ Á¢¢S¼è¼ Á¢¢S¼ Ó¢¢æx¢Ë²¢ÐíÜU¢Úï ©Ð²¢ïx¢ ÜUÚ¢. ÜUÓÓ¢ï
ÜU¢}¢ Ðíy²ïÜU ÐëD¢±Ú çÎHï˲¢ Ó¢¢ñÜUÅè¼Ó¢ ÜUÚ¢±²¢Ó¢ï ¥¢ãï.
7. Hÿ¢¢¼ Æï±¢ ¼é}ã¢H¢ ©œ¢Úï Ý¢ï´Î籇²¢S¢¢Æè “Ï¢¢ñçhÜU ÿ¢}¢¼¢ Ó¢¢Ó¢‡¢è” (Mental Ability Test) Ó¢èÓ¢ ©œ¢ÚÐç~¢ÜU¢
ç}¢f¢Hè ¥¢ãï ²¢Ó¢è ¶¢~¢è ÜUÚ¢.
8. Ðíy²ïÜU ÐíÔÝ¢Ó²¢ ©œ¢Ú¢S¢¢Æè ÐíÔÝÐéçS¼ÜïU}¢Š²ï в¢ü² çÎHï ¥¢ãï¼. y²¢ÐñÜUè ¼é}ã¢H¢ ²¢ïx² ±¢ÅïH y²¢ в¢ü²¢Ó¢¢ RU}¢¢æÜU
Ð㢠± y²¢ RU}¢¢æÜU¢Ó²¢ ±¼éüf¢¼ ¼é}ã¢H¢ çÎHï˲¢ ÐïÝ¢Ó¢¢ ±¢ÐÚ ÜUMÝ ¼ï ±¼éüf ÚﶢæçÜU¼ (ÜU¢fï) ÜUMÝ ©œ¢Ú l¢.
}¢¢~¢ ãï ÜU¢}¢ ¼é}¢Ó²¢ ©œ¢ÚÐç~¢ÜïU Ï¢Ú¢ïÏ¢Ú Á¢¢ïÇHï˲¢ OMR Sheet ±Ú ²¢ïx² ÐíÔÝ¢ÐéÉï ÜUÚ¢±²¢Ó¢ï ¥¢ãï ÐíÔÝÐéçS¼ÜïU±Ú
9. ÜëUв¢ ²¢ ÐéçS¼ÜïU¼ ÜïU´Îí S¢æÜïU¼¢æÜU ¥¢ç‡¢ ¥¢S¢Ý RU}¢¢æÜU ± ÜUÓÓ¢ï ÜU¢}¢ ²¢¶ïÚèÁ¢ ¥‹² ÜU¢ãèãè çHãê ÝÜU¢.
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 3 of 48
Mental Ability Test
Q. 1 to 3 : Directions : Which number will replace the question marks in the given series.
(1) 12 (2) 6
(3) 5 (4) 8
(1) 79 (2) 78
(3) 82 (4) 80
3. 5, 6, 9, 16, 31, ?
(1) 46 (2) 58
(3) 61 (4) 62
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 4 of 48
Ï¢¢ñçhÜU ÿ¢}¢¼¢ Ó¢¢Ó¢‡¢è
Ðí. 1 ¼ï 3 : S¢êӢݢ : ÐéÉèH ÐíÔÝ¢¼ ÐíÔÝçÓ¢‹ã¢Ó¢ï Á¢¢x¢è RU}¢¢Ýï ÜU¢ï‡¢¼è S¢æw²¢ ²ï§üH ?
1. 336, 210, 120, 60, 24, ?
(1) 12 (2) 6
(3) 5 (4) 8
(1) 79 (2) 78
(3) 82 (4) 80
3. 5, 6, 9, 16, 31, ?
(1) 46 (2) 58
(3) 61 (4) 62
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 5 of 48
Q. 7 to 9 : Directions : Find the odd figure
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 6 of 48
Ðí. 7 ¼ï 9 : S¢êӢݢ : x¢Å¢¼ Ý Ï¢S¢‡¢¢Úè ¥¢ÜëU¼è ¥¢ïf¶¢.
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 7 of 48
Q. 10 to 12 : Directions : In the following questions there is a specific relation between first
and second term. The same relationship exists between third and fourth term,
which will replace the question mark. Select the correct alternative from the
given alternatives.
10. KTS : JLSURT : : ? : MOLNJL
(1) LMK (2) PKS
(3) NMK (4) MNK
11. SPJ : XUO : : THN : ?
(1) XNT (2) TMS
(3) YNT (4) YMS
12. AMK : HUT : : JDP : ?
(1) QLY (2) QKW
(3) QYL (4) QJX
Q. 13 to 15 : Directions : In the following questions numbers are written with a specific rule.
According to that rule which alternative will be in place of question mark?
13. 4 5 141
7 2 57
3 6 ?
(1) 125 (2) 167
(3) 198 (4) 225
14. 13 61 20
44 3 ?
8 80 5
(1) 29 (2) 31
(3) 33 (4) 37
Only for Rough Work
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 8 of 48
Ðí. 10 ¼ï 12 : S¢êӢݢ : Ðçã˲¢ Ð΢Ӣ¢ ÎéS¢&²¢ Ð΢æà¢è Á¢S¢¢ S¢æÏ¢æ{ ¥¢ãï ¼S¢¢Ó¢ S¢æÏ¢æ{ ç¼S¢&²¢ ± Ó¢¢ñ‰²¢ Ð΢¼ ¥¢ãï. ¼¢ï
ࢢï{êÝ ÐíÔÝçÓ¢‹ã¢Ó¢ï Á¢¢x¢è ²¢ïx² в¢ü² çHã¢.
10. KTS : JLSURT : : ? : MOLNJL
(1) LMK (2) PKS
(3) NMK (4) MNK
7 2 57
3 6 ?
(1) 125 (2) 167
(3) 198 (4) 225
14. 13 61 20
44 3 ?
8 80 5
(1) 29 (2) 31
(3) 33 (4) 37
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 9 of 48
15. 56 39 22
40 38 36
61 ? 29
(1) 45 (2) 47
(3) 53 (4) 59
16. It was monday on 1st Aug. 2016. Then which day will be on 1st Aug. 2025?
(1) Monday (2) Tuesday
(3) Thursday (4) Friday
Q. 17 & 18 : Directions : The folded figure of a square paper is given below. If it is unfolded,
how will it look like? select the correct alternative given.
17. Question figure
Answer figures
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 10 of 48
15. 56 39 22
40 38 36
61 ? 29
(1) 45 (2) 47
(3) 53 (4) 59
16. 1 ¥¢òx¢C 2016 Ú¢ïÁ¢è S¢¢ï}¢±¢Ú ã¢ï¼¢ ¼Ú 15 ¥¢òx¢C 2025 Ú¢ïÁ¢è ÜU¢ï‡¢¼¢ ±¢Ú ¥S¢ïH ?
(1) S¢¢ï}¢±¢Ú (2) }¢æx¢f±¢Ú
(3) x¢éL±¢Ú (4) à¢éRU±¢Ú
Ðí. 17 ± 18 : S¢êӢݢ : ¶¢Hè çÎHï˲¢ ÐíÔÝ¥¢ÜëU¼è¼ ΢¶±Ë²¢Ðí}¢¢‡¢ï »ÜU¢ Ó¢¢ñÚS¢¢ÜëU¼è ÜU¢x¢Î¢H¢ Í¢¢¼HïHè Í¢Çè çÎHè
¥¢ãï. ¼¢ïÓ¢ ÜU¢x¢Î ©Hx¢Ç˲¢Ýæ¼Ú ÜUS¢¢ çÎS¢ïH ¼ï в¢ü²¢æ¼êÝ à¢¢ï{¢.
17. ÐíÔÝ ¥¢ÜëU¼è
©œ¢Ú ¥¢ÜëUy²¢
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 11 of 48
18. Question figure
Answer figures
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 12 of 48
18. ÐíÔÝ ¥¢ÜëU¼è
©œ¢Ú ¥¢ÜëUy²¢
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 13 of 48
22. 218, 66, 345
Q. 23 & 24 : Directions : In the following questions there is a specific relation between first
and second figure. The same relationship exists between the third and the fourth
figure which will replace the question mark. Select the correct figure from the
alternatives given below each question.
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 14 of 48
22. 218, 66, 345
Ðí. 23 ± 24 : S¢êӢݢ : Ðçã˲¢ ¥¢ÜëU¼èÓ¢¢ ÎéS¢&²¢ ¥¢ÜëU¼èà¢è Á¢S¢¢ S¢æÏ¢æ{ ¥¢ãï ¼S¢¢Ó¢ S¢æÏ¢æ{ ç¼S¢&²¢ ± Ó¢¢ñ‰²¢
¥¢ÜëU¼è}¢Š²ï ¥¢ãï. ¼¢ï S¢æÏ¢æ{ ࢢï{êÝ ÐíÔÝçÓ¢‹ã¢Ó¢ï Á¢¢x¢è ²¢ïx² в¢ü² çHã¢.
©œ¢Ú ¥¢ÜëUy²¢
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 15 of 48
24. Question figures
Answer figure
26. Tushar faces North-East direction then he turns left making angle 135 o. and then did
‘Shirshasan’. Which direction he faces now?
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 16 of 48
24. ÐíÔÝ ¥¢ÜëUy²¢
©œ¢Ú ¥¢ÜëUy²¢
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 17 of 48
27. In a row Jaswandi is standing at 5 th place behind Nilima. Jaswandi is standing at 6th place
from behind and she is 20th from the front then Nilima is standing at which position?
28. In a code language if EARTH = DBQUG then in the same language VENUS = ?
(1) 59 (2) 58
(3) 57 (4) 56
30. In a code language RIO = QSHJNP then in the same code language how to write word
net ?
31. In a code language CUSTMER = SUCTREM then in the same code language
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 18 of 48
27. »ÜU¢ Ú¢æx¢ï¼ çÝHè}¢¢Ó²¢ }¢¢x¢ï ТӢò¢ RU}¢¢æÜU¢±Ú Á¢¢S±æÎè ©|¢è ¥¢ãï. Á¢¢S±æÎèÓ¢¢ RU}¢¢æÜU à¢ï±ÅêÝ S¢ã¢±¢ ¼Ú ÐéÉêÝ ç±S¢¢±¢
¥¢ãï. ¼Ú Ú¢æx¢ï¼ çÝçH}¢¢Ó¢¢ RU}¢¢æÜU çÜU¼±¢ ¥¢ãï ?
(1) ÐéÉêÝ S¢¢ïf¢±¢ (2) ÐéÉêÝ S¢¼Ú¢±¢
Ðí. 28 ± 31 : S¢êӢݢ : §æx¢íÁ¢è ±‡¢ü}¢¢HïÓ¢¢ ©Ð²¢ïx¢ ÜULÝ ÐéÉèH ÐíÔÝ¢æÓ¢è ©œ¢Úï çHã¢.
28. »ÜU¢ S¢¢æÜïUç¼ÜU |¢¢¯ï¼ Á¢Ú EARTH 㢠à¢ÏÎ DBQUG ¥S¢¢ çHãè¼¢¼ ¼Ú y²¢Ó¢ S¢¢æÜïUç¼ÜU |¢¢¯ï¼ VENUS ã¢
à¢ÏÎ ÜUS¢¢ çH㢱¢ ?
29. »ÜU¢ S¢¢æÜïUç¼ÜU |¢¢¯ï¼ Á¢Ú BEL = 19 ¥¢ç‡¢ TIME = 47 ¥S¢ïH ¼Ú SMILE = ?
(1) 59 (2) 58
(3) 57 (4) 56
30. »ÜU¢ S¢¢æÜïUç¼ÜU |¢¢¯ï¼ Á¢Ú RIO 㢠à¢ÏÎ QSHJNP ¥S¢¢ çHçã¼¢¼ ¼Ú y²¢Ó¢ S¢¢æÜïUç¼ÜU |¢¢¯ï¼ NET 㢠à¢ÏÎ ÜUS¢¢
çH㢱¢ ?
31. »ÜU¢ S¢¢æÜïUç¼ÜU |¢¢¯ï¼ CUSTMER 㢠à¢ÏÎ SUCTREM ¥S¢¢ çHãè¼¢¼ ¼Ú y²¢Ó¢ S¢¢æÜïUç¼ÜU |¢¢¯ï¼ PRODUCT
㢠à¢ÏÎ ÜUS¢¢ çHã¢H ?
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 19 of 48
Q. 32 to 34 : Directions : The adjacent figure is folded to form a cube. Observe the figure and
answer the following questions.
33. Which of the following figure is the figure obtained by folding the paper to form a cube.
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
34. What sign will be on the surface opposite to surface having sign ?
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 20 of 48
Ðí. 32 ¼ï 34 : S¢êӢݢ : ¶¢Hè çÎHï˲¢ ¥¢ÜëU¼èH¢ Í¢ÇK¢ Í¢¢¼Ë²¢ ¼Ú »ÜU Æ¢ïÜUf¢ ¼²¢Ú ã¢ï¼¢ï. ²¢ ¥¢ÜëU¼èÓ¢ï çÝÚèÿ¢‡¢
ÜULÝ ÐéÉèH ÐíÔÝ¢æÓ¢è ©œ¢Úï çHã¢.
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 21 of 48
Q. 35 to 37 : Directions : A cube having dimensions 3 u 3 u 3 is painted with violet and
yellow colour. The four vertical faces are painted violet and the remaining two
are painted yellow. Then the block is cut by 1 u 1 u 1 unit dimensions in small
blocks. Answer the following quiestions.
35. How many blocks are there painted yellow an one surface ?
(1) 3 (2) 9
(3) 27 (4) 18
36. How many blocks are there which are not painted by any one colour ?
(1) 0 (2) 1
(3) 3 (4) 9
37. How many blocks are there having two surfaces violet ?
(1) 3 (2) 9
(3) 10 (4) 12
38. Observe the following figure and choose the correct alternative to replace the question
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 22 of 48
Ðí. 35 ¼ï 37 : S¢êӢݢ : 3 u 3 u 3 »ÜUÜU }¢¢Ð¢Ó¢¢ »ÜU H¢ÜUÇè Æ¢ïÜUf¢ Úæx¢±¼¢Ý¢ Ó¢¢Ú ©|²¢ ÐëD¢æÝ¢ Á¢¢æ|¢f¢ ± ©ÚHï˲¢
΢ïÝ ÐëD¢æÝ¢ çбf¢ Úæx¢ çÎH¢. y²¢Ýæ¼Ú y²¢Ó¢ï 1 u 1 u 1 »ÜUÜU }¢¢Ð¢Ó¢ï Æ¢ïÜUfï ÜïUHï ¼Ú ÐéÉèH ÐíÔÝ¢æÓ¢è
©œ¢Úï çHã¢.
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 23 of 48
40. If 7 u 9 = 56, 11 u 13 = 132 and 15 u 17 = 240 then 13 u 15 = ?
Q. 41 to 43 : Directions : Observe the pyramid of numbers and choose the correct alternative
that will replace the question mark.
6 7
8 9 10
11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25
43. 6, 5, 7 : 6, 9, 7 : : 9, 7, 10 : ?
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 24 of 48
40. Á¢Ú 7 u 9 = 56, 11 u 13 = 132 ¥¢ç‡¢ 15 u 17 = 240 ¥S¢ïH ¼Ú 13 u 15 = ?
Ðí. 41 ¼ï 43 : S¢êӢݢ : çÎHï˲¢ S¢æw²¢æÓ²¢ }¢Ý¢ï&²¢±MÝ ¶¢HèH ÐíÔÝ¢æÓ¢è ©œ¢Úï в¢ü²¢æ}¢{êÝ à¢¢ï{¢.
6 7
8 9 10
11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25
43. 6, 5, 7 : 6, 9, 7 : : 9, 7, 10 : ?
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 25 of 48
Q. 44 to 47 : Directions : In the following figure the solid cube is painted on all sides by a
single colour. Observe the given solid and choose the correct alternative for the
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 26 of 48
Ðí. 44 ¼ï 47 : S¢êӢݢ : S¢¢ïÏ¢¼Ó²¢ ¥¢ÜëU¼è}¢Š²ï ÜU¢æãè ͢ݢÜëU¼è Æ¢ïÜUfï Á¢¢ïÇêÝ »ÜU ÚӢݢ ÜïUHè ¥¢ãï. ç¼H¢ S¢±ü Ï¢¢Á¢êæÝè
Úæx¢ çÎH¢ ¥¢ãï. ¥¢ÜëU¼èÓ¢ï çÝÚèÿ¢‡¢ ÜULÝ ÐéÉèH ÐíÔÝ¢æÓ¢è ©œ¢Úï l¢.
47. ‘A’ ¥ÿ¢Ú¢Ýï ΢¶±Hï˲¢ Æ¢ïÜUû²¢Ó²¢ çÜU¼è ÐëD¢æÝè §¼Ú Æ¢ïÜUû²¢æÓ²¢ ÐëD¢æÝ¢ SÐà¢ü ÜïUH¢ ¥¢ãï. ?
(1) 2 (2) 4
(3) 5 (4) 6
Only for Rough Work
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 27 of 48
Q. 48 to 50 : Directions : Find the odd term.
98 133
49. (1) (2)
112 154
119 154
(3) (4)
136 176
Question figure
Answer figures
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 28 of 48
Ðí. 48 ¼ï 50 : S¢êӢݢ : ç±S¢æx¢¼ ÐÎ ¥¢ïf¶¢.
48. (1) 224 (2) 216
(3) 264 (4) 232
98 133
49. (1) (2)
112 154
119 154
(3) (4)
136 176
©œ¢Ú ¥¢ÜëUy²¢
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 29 of 48
Q. 52 to 54 : Directions : In the given questions there is a relation between column I and
column II in a code language. By using the code language answer the following
Column I Column II
RIM 963
MALL 7547
RULE 1726
MORE 5362
BOOM 3835
52. MAIL = ?
(1) 3486 (2) 5497 (3) 6479 (4) 5387
53. BEAM = ?
(1) 3857 (2) 8235 (3) 8245 (4) 5821
54. MORAL = ?
(1) 53647 (2) 56381 (3) 53649 (4) 57142
Q. 55 & 56 : Directions : Observe the following figure and choose from the alternatives which
number will replace the question mark ?
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 30 of 48
Ðí. 52 ¼ï 54 : S¢êӢݢ : ¶¢HèH ÐíÔÝ¢æ¼ S¼æ|¢ I }¢Š²ï ÜU¢æãè à¢ÏÎ çÎHïHï ¥¢ãï¼ ¥¢ç‡¢ S¼æ|¢ II }¢Š²ï y²¢æÓ¢ï S¢¢æÜïUç¼ÜU
¥æÜU çÎHïHï ¥¢ãï¼ Ð‡¢ ¼ï S¼æ|¢ I Ó²¢ à¢Ï΢¼èH ¥ÿ¢Ú¢æÓ²¢ RU}¢¢Ýï ¥S¢¼èHÓ¢ ¥S¢ï Ý¢ãè. ¼è S¢¢æÜïUç¼ÜU
|¢¢¯¢ ࢢï{êÝ ÐéÉèH ÐíÔÝ¢æÓ¢è ²¢ïx² ©œ¢Úï çÎHï˲¢ в¢ü²¢æ¼êÝ à¢¢ï{¢.
S¼æ|¢ I S¼æ|¢ II
RIM 963
MALL 7547
RULE 1726
MORE 5362
BOOM 3835
52. MAIL = ?
(1) 3486 (2) 5497 (3) 6479 (4) 5387
53. BEAM = ?
(1) 3857 (2) 8235 (3) 8245 (4) 5821
54. MORAL = ?
(1) 53647 (2) 56381 (3) 53649 (4) 57142
Ðí. 55 ¼ï 56 : S¢êӢݢ : ÐéÉèH ¥¢ÜëU¼è¼ çÎHï˲¢ S¢æw²¢æ}¢Š²ï »ÜU ç±çà¢C çݲ}¢ ¥¢ãï. ¼¢ï ¥¢ïf¶êÝ ÐíÔÝçÓ¢‹ã¢Ó¢ï Á¢¢x¢è
²¢ïx² в¢ü² çHã¢.
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 31 of 48
Q. 57 to 59 : Directions : In each of the following questions write which word in sequence
replaces the question mark
57. KSD, LRE, MQF, NPG, ?
(1) OWH (2) OQF (3) ORJ (4) OOH
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 32 of 48
Ðí. 57 ¼ï 59 : S¢êӢݢ : RU}¢¢Ýï ÜU¢ï‡¢¼ï ÐÎ ²ï§üH ?
57. KSD, LRE, MQF, NPG, ?
(1) OWH (2) OQF (3) ORJ (4) OOH
Ðí. 60 ¼ï 62 : S¢êӢݢ : ÐéÉèH ÐíÔÝ¢æ¼ ¥ÿ¢Ú¢æÓ¢¢ »ÜU ç±çà¢C x¢Å çÎHïH¢ ¥¢ãï. y²¢ x¢Å¢æà¢è Á¢éf‡¢¢Ú¢ ²¢ïx² в¢ü² çݱǢ.
60. 17PR WY24 DF5
(1) ST18 (2) 9HK (3) BE4 (4) 13LN
61. XT RN FB
(1) NK (2) OK (3) BJ (4) SP
Ðí. 63 ± 64 : S¢êӢݢ : ¥ÿ¢Ú¢æÓ²¢ H²Ï¢h }¢¢æLJ¢èÓ¢¢ ¥|²¢S¢ ÜULÝ çÚÜU¢}²¢ Á¢¢x¢è ¥ÝéRU}¢ï ÜU¢ï‡¢¼è ¥ÿ¢Úï ²ï¼èH ?
63. a_ba_ _ab_aaab_a
(1) aaaaa (2) ababa (3) abbab (4) babab
64. cccbb_aa_cc_bbbaa_c
(1) acbc (2) baca (3) baba (4) acba
Ðí. 65 : Ú¢ãéH Á¢²ïà¢Ðïÿ¢¢ 312 çαS¢¢æÝè }¢¢ïÆ¢ ¥¢ãï. S¢¢}¢¢‹²±¯èü Á¢²ïà¢Ó¢¢ 14 ±¢ ±¢ÉçαS¢ Ï¢é{±¢Úè ¥¢H¢ ¼Ú Ú¢ãéHÓ¢¢
14 ±¢ ±¢ÉçαS¢ ÜU¢ï‡¢y²¢ ±¢Úè ¥¢H¢ ¥S¢ïH ?
(1) }¢æx¢f±¢Ú (2) x¢éL±¢Ú (3) à¢éRU±¢Ú (4) à¢çݱ¢Ú
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 33 of 48
Q. 66 & 67 : Directions : A square piece of paper is folded and cut at specific spots as shown
in the figure. The paper when unfolded will look like as shown in one of the
alternatives. Select the correct alternative.
66. Question figure
Answer figures
Answer figures
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 34 of 48
Ðí. 66 ± 67 : S¢êӢݢ : »ÜU¢ Ó¢¢ñÚS¢¢ÜëU¼è ÜU¢x¢Î¢H¢ Í¢ÇK¢ Í¢¢HêÝ ¼¢ï ç±çà¢C çÆÜU¢‡¢è ÜU¢ÐHïH¢ ÐíÔÝ¥¢ÜëU¼è¼ ΢¶ç±H¢
¥¢ãï. ¼è ÜU¢x¢Î¢Ó¢è Í¢Çè ©·°Ç˲¢Ýæ¼Ú ÜUà¢è çÎS¢ïH ¼ï ²¢ïx² в¢ü²¢Ýï çHã¢.
66. ÐíÔÝ ¥¢ÜëU¼è
©œ¢Ú ¥¢ÜëUy²¢
©œ¢Ú ¥¢ÜëUy²¢
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 35 of 48
Q. 68 : Mahesh went 18km. to East on bicycle from his house. Then he turned right and
travelled 3km. Again he turned right and travelled 6km. At the end he turned left and
travelled 6km. Now how far Mahesh is from his house and in which direction ?
(1) South–East, 15km. (2) South–West, 20km.
(3) North–East, 21km. (4) South 15km.
Q. 69 to 71 : Direction : In the following questions there is a specific relation between the first
and the second number. The same relationship exists between the third and the
fourth number which will replace the question mark. Select the correct alterna-
tive from the given alternatives.
69. 121 : 15 : : 232 : ?
(1) 48 (2) 16 (3) 14 (4) 49
70. 738 : 11 : : 966 : ?
(1) 15 (2) 22 (3) 16 (4) 17
71. 2 : 0.008 : : 3 : ?
(1) 27 (2) 0.27 (3) 0.027 (4) 0.0027
Q. 72 to 74 : Directions : In each of the following, question figures change in a particular
order. Find out the correct figure from the alternatives which will replace the
question mark ?
72. Question figures
Answer figures
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 36 of 48
Ðí. 68 : }¢ãïࢠy²¢Ó²¢ ͢ڢТS¢êÝ Ðê±ïüH¢ 18 çÜU.}¢è. S¢¢²ÜUH±Ú x¢ïH¢. ¼ï‰¢êÝ ©Á¢±èÜUÇï ±fêÝ 3 çÜU.}¢è. ± Ðé‹ã¢ ©Á¢±èÜUÇï
±fêÝ 6 çÜU.}¢è. ¥æ¼Ú y²¢Ýï ÜU¢ÐHï. à¢ï±Åè Ç¢±èÜUÇï ±fêÝ y²¢Ýï 6 çÜU.}¢è. ¥æ¼Ú ÜU¢ÐHï ¼Ú }¢ãïࢠ͢ڢТS¢êÝ
ÜU¢ï‡¢y²¢ çÎà¢ïH¢ ± çÜU¼è ¥æ¼Ú¢±Ú ¥¢ãï ?
(1) ¥¢xÝï², 15 çÜU.}¢è. (2) Ýñ«y², 20 çÜU.}¢è.
(3) §üࢢ‹², 21 çÜU.}¢è. (4) Îçÿ¢‡¢, 15 çÜU.}¢è.
Ðí. 69 ¼ï 71 : S¢êӢݢ : ÐéÉèH ÐíÔÝ¢¼ Ðçã˲¢ S¢æw²ïÓ¢¢ ÎéS¢&²¢ S¢æw²ïà¢è Á¢S¢¢ S¢æÏ¢æ{ ¥¢ãï ¼S¢¢Ó¢ S¢æÏ¢æ{ ç¼S¢&²¢ ± Ó¢¢ñ‰²¢
S¢æw²¢æ}¢Š²ï ¥¢ãï. ¼¢ï S¢æÏ¢æ{ ࢢï{êÝ ÐíÔÝçÓ¢‹ã¢Ó²¢ Á¢¢x¢è ²¢ïx² в¢ü² çݱǢ.
69. 121 : 15 : : 232 : ?
(1) 48 (2) 16 (3) 14 (4) 49
71. 2 : 0.008 : : 3 : ?
(1) 27 (2) 0.27 (3) 0.027 (4) 0.0027
Ðí. 72 ¼ï 74 : S¢êӢݢ : ¶¢HèH Ðíy²ïÜU ÐíÔÝ¢¼ ÐíÔÝ¥¢ÜëUy²¢ »ÜU¢ ç±çà¢C RU}¢¢Ýï Ï¢ÎH¼¢¼. y²¢Ó¢ RU}¢¢Ýï ÐíÔÝçÓ¢‹ã¢Ó²¢
Á¢¢x¢è ÜU¢ï‡¢¼è ¥¢ÜëU¼è ²ï§üH ¼ï ²¢ïx² в¢ü²¢Ýï Îà¢ü±¢.
72. ÐíÔÝ ¥¢ÜëUy²¢
©œ¢Ú ¥¢ÜëUy²¢
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 37 of 48
73. Question figures
Answer figures
Answer figures
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 38 of 48
73. ÐíÔÝ ¥¢ÜëUy²¢
©œ¢Ú ¥¢ÜëUy²¢
©œ¢Ú ¥¢ÜëUy²¢
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 39 of 48
75 : Directions : In the following question the given figure is incomplete. Select the correct
alternative which can complete the figure.
Question figure
Answer figures
Q. 76 to 78 : Directions : Observe the Venn diagram and answer the questions that follow.
= Farmer
= Engineer
= Photographer
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 40 of 48
75 : S¢êӢݢ : ¥Ð釢ü ¥¢ÜëUç¼ Ðꇢü ã¢ï‡²¢S¢¢Æè ²¢ïx² в¢ü² çݱǢ.
ÐíÔÝ ¥¢ÜëU¼è
©œ¢Ú ¥¢ÜëUy²¢
Ðí. 76 ¼ï 78 : S¢êӢݢ : çÎHï˲¢ ±ïÝ ¥¢ÜëU¼èÓ¢ï çÝÚèÿ¢‡¢ ÜULÝ ¶¢HèH ÐíÔÝ¢æÓ¢è ©œ¢Úï çÎHï˲¢ в¢ü²¢¼êÝ à¢¢ï{¢.
= à¢ï¼ÜUÚè
= §æçÁ¢çݲÚ
= ÈU¢ïÅ¢ïx¢í¢ÈUÚ
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 41 of 48
77. How many Farmers are Photographers ?
(1) 41 (2) 12
(3) 22 (4) 10
78. How many Engineers are there who are not Photographers ?
(1) 66 (2) 27
(3) 39 (4) 46
Option Rule
(1) Obtain the square of a number and add twice the number.
(2) Half of a square of number.
(3) Subtract the number from the cube of that number.
(4) Add three to five times of the number.
79. 24 48 80 15
80. 43 23 28 18
Q. 83 & 84 : Directions : Sangeeta, Namita and Neeta like ‘Rose’ flower. Except Sarita all
like ‘Kevada’. Only Radha and Neeta like ‘Chapha’. Except Sangeeta and Radha
other love ‘Mogra’. Answer the following questions.
83. Which flower Namita does not like ?
(1) Rose (2) Mogra
(3) Chapha (4) Kevada
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 42 of 48
77. çÜU¼è à¢ï¼ÜU&²¢æÝ¢ ÈU¢ïÅ¢ïx¢í¢ÈUè ²ï¼ï ?
(1) 41 (2) 12
(3) 22 (4) 10
78. ÈU¢ïÅ¢ïx¢í¢ÈUè Ý ²ï‡¢¢Úï §æçÁ¢çÝ²Ú çÜU¼è ?
(1) 66 (2) 27
(3) 39 (4) 46
Ðí. 79 ¼ï 82 : S¢êӢݢ : ¶¢Hè »ÜU çݲ}¢¢æÓ¢¢ S¢æÓ¢ çÎHïH¢ ¥¢ãï. ãï çݲ}¢ ¶¢HèH S¢æw²¢S¢æÓ¢¢Ý¢ H¢x¢ê ã¢ï¼¢¼. Ðíy²ïÜU
ÐíÔÝ¢æ}¢{èH S¢æw²ïïÓ²¢ x¢Å¢Ó¢¢ çݲ}¢ ࢢï{êÝ ÜU¢É¢.
(1) S¢æw²ïÓ¢¢ ±x¢ü ÜULÝ y²¢¼ S¢æw²ïÓ¢è ÎéŒÐÅ ç}¢f±¢.
(2) S¢æw²ïÓ¢¢ ±x¢ü ÜULÝ y²¢Ó¢ï çÝ}}¢ï ÜUÚ¢.
(3) S¢æw²ïïÓ¢¢ Í¢Ý ÜULÝ y²¢¼êÝ ¼è S¢æw²¢ ±Á¢¢ ÜUÚ¢.
(4) S¢æw²ïÓ¢è ТӢ ÐÅ ÜULÝ y²¢¼ ¼èÝ ç}¢f±¢.
79. 24 48 80 15
80. 43 23 28 18
Ðí. 83 ¼ï 84 : S¢êӢݢ : S¢æx¢è¼¢, Ýç}¢¼¢, Ýè¼¢ ²¢æÝ¢ x¢éH¢Ï¢ ¥¢±Ç¼¢ï. S¢çÚ¼¢ òç¼çÚQU S¢±¢üÝ¢ ÜïU±Ç¢ ¥¢±Ç¼¢ï. Ó¢¢ÈU¢
ÈUQU Ýè¼¢ ± Ú¢{¢H¢ ¥¢±Ç¼¢ï. S¢æçx¢¼¢ ± Ú¢{¢ òçQUçÚQU §¼Ú¢æÝ¢ }¢¢ïx¢Ú¢ ¥¢±Ç¼¢ï. ¼Ú ÐéÉèH ÐíÔÝ¢æÓ¢è
©œ¢Úï l¢.
83. ÜU¢ï‡¢¼ï ÈêUH Ýç}¢¼¢H¢ ¥¢±Ç¼ Ý¢ãè ?
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 43 of 48
84. Name the flower which sangeeta likes but not Radha ?
(1) Kevada (2) Rose
(3) Chapha (4) Mogra
Q. 85 & 86 : Directions : Observe the following figure and answer the following questions.
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 44 of 48
84. S¢æx¢è¼¢H¢ ¥¢±Ç¼ï }¢¢~¢ Ú¢{¢H¢ ¥¢±Ç¼ Ý¢ãè ¥S¢ï ÈêUH ÜU¢ï‡¢¼ï ?
Ðí. 85 ¼ï 86 : S¢êӢݢ : S¢¢ïÏ¢¼Ó²¢ ¥¢ÜëU¼èÓ¢ï çÝÚèÿ¢‡¢ ÜULÝ ÐéÉèH ÐíÔÝ¢æS¢¢Æè ²¢ïx² в¢ü² çݱǢ.
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 45 of 48
Q. 87 to 90 : Directions : Find the odd term.
(3) MH (4) NF
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 46 of 48
Ðí. 87 ¼ï 90 : S¢êӢݢ : ç±S¢æx¢¼ ÐΠࢢï{¢.
87. (1) EP (2) JK
(3) MH (4) NF
NMMS-MAT-18 VIII M5 47 of 48
Only for Rough Work
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