0000 15 DCR 0001 - e
0000 15 DCR 0001 - e
0000 15 DCR 0001 - e
Quality Information
Project Name: Oyu Tolgoi
Document Company: Construction and Engineering Group (CEG) – Engineering Manager
Revision History
Revision Issue Purpose Prepared By Approved By Date
C Issued for Approval J Lamagnere D Rankin 2 August 2016
D Re-Issued for Approval M Stevenson D Rankin 26/10/16
0 Issued for Use M Stevenson D Rankin 4/11/16
Oyu Tolgoi LLC
1. GENERAL ................................................................................................................4
1.1 Summary ................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Terminology ............................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Abbreviations .......................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Codes and standards ............................................................................................. 5
1.5 Specifications ......................................................................................................... 7
1.6 Chinese material and testing standards ............................................................. 10
1.7 Chinese Building Codes ....................................................................................... 11
1.8 Technical reports .................................................................................................. 11
2. EXECUTION ...........................................................................................................11
2.1 Design loads ......................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Load combinations ............................................................................................... 19
2.3 Structural steel ...................................................................................................... 21
2.4 Concrete ................................................................................................................ 24
2.5 Special design and detailing requirements......................................................... 28
2.6 Clearances ............................................................................................................ 29
2.7 Deflection and camber criteria for design based on IBC code .......................... 29
2.8 Drift criteria for design based on IBC code......................................................... 30
2.9 Deflection and drift ratios..................................................................................... 30
1.1 Summary
The intent of these design criteria is to compile, in a single document, the structural
criteria, codes and standards that may be used on the Oyu Tolgoi Underground
Applicable Mongolian laws, acts, regulations, codes and standards shall apply to all
design, fabrication, installation and construction work.
Design work shall generally be undertaken in accordance with IBC, ASCE, AISC,
ACI and/or ANSI (and other codes and standards referenced therein as applicable),
noting the applicable material standards for the country of origin of the materials to
be incorporated into the works. Design to other recognised international standards
will be acceptable, subject to the approval of the Engineer.
Materials and construction for steelwork shall generally comply with ASTM or
Chinese Building, Material and Testing Codes. Materials and construction for
concrete should comply with ACI and ASTM, unless otherwise approved by the
Engineer. Where supply, fabrication, installation, and erection are proposed to be
undertaken to other recognised international standards, the approval of the Engineer
shall be obtained prior to commencement of the works.
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing of any apparent conflict between
governing regulations, codes, standards, specifications, and their attachments for
resolution. The Contractor shall submit written requests for Engineer acceptance of
the use of standards considered equivalent to those listed in specifications before
ordering materials or performing works.
Any work and designs required for modifications to existing structures shall also refer
to the design criteria used for the particular facility. Any conflicts between the criteria
in this document and the criteria in previous documents shall be referred to the
Engineer for resolution.
Variations from the design criteria shall be referred to the Engineer for approval.
1.1.1 Scope of the design criteria
These design criteria define the minimum general and technical requirements
for the structural engineering design for the Oyu Tolgoi Underground Project.
They include and define applicable codes and standards, design loads,
materials of construction and foundation requirements.
For additional design criteria unique to hoisting plant and shaft, see
Appendix D.
Whenever these design criteria define a requirement more onerous than the
minimum requirement of the referenced codes, standards, or project
specifications, these design criteria shall govern.
1.2 Terminology
Where used in this specification, the following terms shall have the meanings
indicated below, unless otherwise clearly indicated by the context of their use.
Company – Shall mean Oyu Tolgoi LLC, the owner of Oyu Tolgoi mine.
All works shall be designed, fabricated, installed and tested in accordance with the
latest editions of the following regulations, codes, standards, and specifications, as
The publications listed below form part of the design criteria to the extent referenced
in this document. Each publication shall be the latest revision, including the addenda
in effect on the date this document is issued for use (IFU), unless noted otherwise.
Metric versions of codes shall be used where available. In the event of a discrepancy
between the references and this specification, then this specification shall govern. In
the event of a discrepancy between references, the following hierarchy shall be
The use of alternative codes, whether nominated (e.g. GB 50204) or not, is subject
to written request by the Contractor and approval by the Engineer.
The International System of Units (SI) shall be used for all measurements on all
contract drawings and in all documentation. The following codes and standards are
to be used for the Oyu Tolgoi Underground Project in order of preference.
a) International Building Code (IBC)
b) ACI (American Concrete Institute)
ACI-301 Standard Specification for Structural Concrete
ACI-318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete
ACI-313 Standard Practice for Design and Construction of Concrete
Silos and Stacking Tubes for Storing Granular Materials
c) AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction)
AISC 360 Specification for Structural Steel Buildings
Steel Construction Manual
Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges
d) ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)
ASCE 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
e) AWS (American Welding Society)
AWS D1.1 Structural Steel Welding Code
f) Construction Standards and Rules of Mongolia
CNR 2.01-01 Climatic and Geophysical Parameters for Construction
CNR 2.01.07 Load and Effect
BNaR 2.01.03 Construction Thermotechnics
BNbD21-02 Fire Safety Code for Buildings and Structures Design Works
SNIP 11-M.1 Construction Norms and Rules (USSR)
CNR 22.01-01 Norms and Regulations on Construction Planning in
Seismic Zones in Mongolia by Foreign Organizations
CNR 11-0302 Regulations Elaboration of Design Documents of the
Construction Facilities on the Territory of Mongolia
g) API (American Petroleum Institute)
API Std 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage, 12th edition
h) NEHRP (National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program)
Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings
and Other Structures
i) AWWA (American Water Works Association)
ANSI/AWWA D100 Welded Carbon Steel Tanks for Water Storage
GB/T 1228 High Strength Bolts with Large Hexagon Head for Steel
GB/T 6728 Cold Formed Steel Hollow Sections for General Structure
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GB/T 1229 High Strength Large Hexagon Nuts for Steel Structures
Refer to Appendix F.
1.8 Technical reports
2.1 Design loads
Dead loads are the vertical loads due to the self-weight of permanent structural and
non-structural components of a building or structure, including empty vessels,
equipment, built-in fixed partitions, fireproofing, insulation, piping and ducting, sand,
electrical conduits, and permanent fixtures.
Unless specified otherwise, the minimum specified loads shown in the table below
shall be used.
Material Load (kN/m )
Backfill Vertical 20.0
Concrete Mass concrete 23.0
Reinforced concrete 24.0
Steel 77.0
Wood Wet 7.8
Dry 6.3
The earthquake load E is the combined effect of horizontal and vertical earthquake-
induced forces as defined in IBC/ASCE 7. This load is used in the standard seismic
load combinations.
The earthquake load Em is the maximum seismic load effect of horizontal and
vertical seismic forces as defined in IBC and ASCE 7. This load is used in the
special seismic load combinations.
All buildings, structures, and components shall be designed for earthquake forces
according to IBC and ASCE 7 and the following factors (as nominated in the Knight
Piesold Consulting-Report On Seismic Hazard Assessment-VA601-1/11-1):
Ss = 0.27 g
S1 = 0.09 g
Site classification = B
Fa = per Table 1613.3.3(1) of IBC and subject to confirmation of the site class
from a geotechnical investigation and report
Fv = per Table 1613.3.3(2) of IBC and subject to confirmation of site class from
a geotechnical investigation and report
These are the loads produced by the use and occupancy of the building or structure.
They include the weight of all movable loads, including personnel, tools,
miscellaneous equipment, movable partitions, cranes, hoists, parts of dismantled
equipment, and stored material. Live loads and reduction of live loads shall be
computed according to the applicable code. Minimum design live loads for floors and
roofs shall be as specified in Appendix A.
2.1.7 Lr (roof live loads)
These are the live loads on the structure roof. Minimum design live loads for roofs
and unbalanced roofs shall be as per IBC Section 1607-12.2.
2.1.8 P (ponding loads)
Ponding refers to the retention of water due solely to the deflection of relatively flat
roofs. Roofs shall have a minimum roof slope (pitch) of 3%, unless approved by the
Engineer. Roof slopes less than 3% and approved by the Engineer shall be
designed to ensure that they have adequate stiffness to prevent progressive
deflection due to ponding.
Each portion of a roof shall be designed to sustain the load of rainwater that will
accumulate on it if the primary drainage system for that portion is blocked plus the
uniform load caused by water that rises above the inlet or the secondary drainage
system at its design flow. Refer to IBC Section 1611. Rain load is 0.8 kN/m2.
2.1.10 S (snow loads)
Distribution of snow on roofs and all structures capable of retaining snow shall be
similar to that for sand and dust (refer to Appendix E, Figure 2). Rain during snow
season shall be treated as rain load. The worst-case combination of snow and rain
shall be assumed to result in a maximum load of 0.8 kN/m2.
Snow and sand loads can act together.
Snow and water loads can act together.
The ground snow load shall be assumed to be 0.2 kN/m2.
Unbalanced snow loads shall be considered as per IBC and ASCE 7.
The snow load importance factor shall be as per ASCE 7 Table 1.5-2.
2.1.11 T (self-straining and thermal forces)
All buildings, structures, components, and cladding shall be designed to resist wind
effects according to IBC and ASCE 7, using the following parameters.
Atmospheric ice loads due to freezing rain, snow, and in-cloud icing shall be
considered in the design of ice-sensitive structures.
2.1.14 Sd (sand load) – load due to accumulation of sand dust on roof
The following loads shall be considered as either live loads or dead loads as
appropriate and as indicated below: TI (traffic loads)
For structures carrying live loads that induce impact, the design live load shall be
increased to allow for increased stresses and deflections. The increase shall be not
less than the percentages presented in Appendix B, unless specified otherwise. The
increase in load does not need to be applied to supporting columns.
Vertical, transverse, and longitudinal impact forces are normally not considered to
act concurrently. Load factors shall be the same as for live load.
Crane runways shall also be designed for crane stopping forces. Refer to CMAA
Specification 70, or CMAA Specification 74, or approved equivalent. V (vibration loads)
Vibration loads are defined as those forces caused by vibrating machinery, such as
mills, crushers, screens, conveyors, pumps, blowers, fans, and compressors. Load
factors for surge forces shall be the same as for live loads.
The following friction coefficients shall be used for determining restraint (force) due
to temperature change or lateral force on sliding surfaces:
LLn (nominal belt live load) is based on conveyor maximum design capacity (t/h) and
belt speed (normal operation).
LLmax (maximum belt live load) is based on full cross-sectional capacity of the belt
(zero belt edge clearance), maximum wet bulk density and maximum surcharge
Ds is spillage around conveyor loading points and on gallery walkways, and shall be
taken as the equivalent of a 50 mm (2 inch) depth of material of the same bulk
density as the material being transported. This is the minimum load. The engineer
designing the structure should confirm the maximum spillage load with the materials
handling engineer. Spillage load shall be treated as a dead load, and added to the
dead load of the structure for all load combinations with a dead load factor greater
than or equal to 1.0.
Seismic mass is the effective weight used for the calculation of seismic forces and
shall be 80% of LLn.
2.1.17 Conveyor belt tension loads
Bop = belt tension under normal operating conditions (including impact factor)
Bsd = belt shutdown tension
Bst = belt tension at start-up (including impact factor)
Bmax = belt breakdown tension
The factor for obtaining Bst or Bsd from Bop shall be 1.5. Actual Bst or Bsd values
obtained from dynamic analysis can be used, but they shall be no less than
Bop × 1.5. An impact factor of 1.5 shall be applied to all belt tensions except Bmax,
to account for dynamic and impact effects of the moving conveyor belt. The impact
factor is additional to any load factors applied for strength design. Do not apply this
factor to Bop combined with seismic load.
Bst, Bsd and Bmax are not to be considered as acting at same time as W or E or T.
In place of Bst or Bsd, Bmax shall be used for design of conveyor drive terminals,
where Bmax is maximum belt tension, which could theoretically be developed and
calculated based on the maximum torque which the drives can deliver (including
service factor), i.e. at breakdown of the motor.
2.1.18 Pg (plug loads)
Where it is possible for the equipment, particularly conveyors and transfer chutes, to
retain “LLmax”, and a “plug/blocked” load of material, the supporting members shall
be designed for this load in combination with other loads as appropriate, given the
transient nature of this event.
The structural design shall not rely on control instrumentation (such as high-level
alarms and plug/blocked chute switches) to prevent the overfilling of equipment. For
column design, the simultaneous effects of general floor live load on other floors
need not be considered in conjunction with the plug/blocked chute load, but all
permanent loads and normal operating loads shall be considered to apply.
Earth pressure loads shall be included for all earth retaining structures. Refer also to
Section 1610 of the IBC.
Unless noted otherwise, the following typical values shall be used:
The following load combinations are to be used as a guide for strength and stability
design of general structures. This is not intended to be a definitive list, and the
design engineer must consider what other additional load cases may be applicable.
2.2.1 General load combinations for use with IBC and ASCE 7
For strength design, use the load combinations of IBC and ASCE 7.
For allowable stress design, use only the basic load combinations in Section
1605.3.1 of IBC. Note that load reduction factors should be used for
combinations of transient loads.
The alternative basic load combinations of Section 1605.3.2 of IBC are not
For both allowable stress design and strength design, the special seismic load
combinations of IBC Section 1605 shall be considered when required. These
combinations use the maximum seismic load effect, Em. Em is the maximum
effect of horizontal and vertical forces, as set forth in Section 12.4.3 of
ASCE 7, when allowable stress design is used. Allowable stresses are
permitted to be determined using an allowable stress increase of 1.2, as per
Section of ASCE 7.
Load factors may also be varied where load case combinations are considered
inappropriate. Any modification to load combination factors shall be agreed
and approved by the Company and the Engineer.
The following load combinations shall be used in addition to the standard load
combinations of IBC, Section 1605.3.1. Refer also to Appendix G for detailed
information in tabular format.
i) D + (Bop, Bst, Bsd or Bmax)
ii) D + Bop + LLn + L + (Lr or S)
iii) D + 0.75 [(Bst, Bsd or Bmax) +LLn + L + (Lr or S)]
iv) D + 0.75 Bop + (0.6W or 0.7 E or T)
v) D + 0.75 Bop + 0.75 [(LLn + L + (Lr or S) + (W or E or T)]
vi) 0.6 D + 0.75 Bop + (0.6W or 0.7E)
vii) 0.6 D + (Bop, Bst, Bsd or Bmax)
2.2.3 Conveyor plug load combinations (allowable stress design)
The following load combinations shall be used in addition to the standard load
combinations of IBC Section 1605.3.1. Refer also to Appendix G for detailed
information in tabular format.
i) D + Pg + LLmax
ii) D + Bop + Pg+ LLmax
iii) D + 0.75(LLmax + Pg + L +(Lr or S))
iv) D + Bop + 0.75(LLmax+ Pg + L + (Lr or S))
v) 0.6D + 0.75[(LLmax +Pg + (Bst or Bsd)]
2.2.4 Conveyor load combinations (strength design)
The following load combinations shall be used in addition to the standard load
combinations of IBC Section 1605.2. Refer also to Appendix G for detailed
information in tabular format.
i) 1.2 D + 1.6 Bop+ 1.6 LLn + 1.6 L + 0.5 (Lr or S)
ii) 1.2 D + 1.6 Bop + 1.6 LLn + 0.5 L + 1.6 (Lr or S)
iii) 1.2 D + 1.0 Bop + 1.6 LLn + 0.8 W + 1.6 (Lr or S)
iv) 1.2 D + 1.0 W + 1.0 Bop
v) 1.2 D + 1.0 W +1.0 Bop + 1.0 LLn + 0.5L + 0.5 (Lr or S)
vi) 1.2 D + 1.2 (Bst, Bsd or Bmax)
vii) 1.2 D + 1.2 (Bst, Bsd or Bmax) + 1.0 LLn +0.5L + 0.5 (Lr or S)
viii) 1.2 D + 1.0 E + 1.0 Bop
ix) 1.2 D + 1.0 E + 1.0 Bop + 1.0 LLn + 0.5L+ 0.2 S
x) 0.9 D + 1.2 (Bst, Bsd, or Bmax)
The following load combination shall be used in addition to the standard load
combinations of IBC Section 1605.2. Refer also to Appendix G for detailed
information in tabular format.
i) 1.2 D + 1.2 (Pg+ LLmax)
ii) 1.2 D + 1.2 (Pg + LLmax) + 1.2 Bop +0.5 L+ 0.5 (Lr or S)
iii) 1.2 D + 1.2 (Pg + LLmax) + 0.5 L + 0.5 (Lr or S)
iv) 0.9 D + 1.2 (Pg + LLmax) + 1.2 (Bst or Bsd) + 0.5 L + 0.5 (Lr or S)
Note: For concrete structures where load combinations do not include seismic
forces, the factored load combinations of ACI 318, Part 2, Chapter 5, shall be used.
2.2.6 Notes
For process equipment, the operating load is considered as dead load in the
above load combinations. Other load combinations given in ASCE, ACI 318,
shall be considered when applicable and when approved by the Engineer.
Design for stability (to prevent overturning, sliding and uplift) shall conform to
the applicable code – IBC, ASCE 7.
2.3 Structural steel
Structural steel design, fabrication, and erection shall be according to the following
AISC manuals and specifications, materials, and general requirements.
2.3.1 Materials
1 WWF refers to welded wide flange shapes that are fabricated by welding plates together
2 WH refers to H shapes that are fabricated by welding plates together
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For consistency of lifting systems and safety, lifting lugs shall be Reid Swift Lift
anchors. Other systems are not permitted. A minimum of 2 anchors shall be used for
all lifts.
2.3.3 Handrails
Handrails shall be designed for a horizontal concentrated 0.9 kN load applied at the
top rail in any direction, and a 0.73 kN/m uniform load applied at the top rail in any
direction (loads are not to be combined). Toe plate
Balusters and posts shall be fabricated from pipe. Refer to the design drawings for
the maximum spacing. Removable railings
Railing connections shall be detailed to allow removal with simple hand tools, e.g. an
open-end wrench.
2.3.4 Connections
Steel exposed to low-temperature service and subject to high impact and or cyclic
loading shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A516, ASTM A572-S5 Grade 50,
ASTM A588 S5 (or Chinese Q345-D grade steel), and the Charpy V-notch test
requirements or approved equivalents.
Metal deck formwork for elevated slabs shall have a minimum depth of 38 mm and
minimum thickness of 0.76 mm (22 gauge), with Z275 zinc coating. When floors are
subjected to vibrating loads, composite metal deck shall be used to prevent
separation. Metal decking should not be designed for diaphragm action. Lateral
loads shall be resisted by a positive bracing system.
Siding panels shall have a minimum thickness of 0.61 mm (24 gauge).
Roofing panels shall have a minimum thickness of 0.76 mm (22 gauge).
2.4 Concrete
Concrete design and construction shall be according to the codes and specifications,
materials, and general requirements as specified in Section 1.0 above.
2.4.1 Materials
The minimum 28-day compressive strength f’c shall be as follows, and indicated on
drawings as CXX concrete compressive strength in MPa based on 150 mm cube
testing, and (YY MPa) – ASTM equivalent cylinder strength:
Manholes, drain boxes, ditch lining, end walls, curbs C30 (25 MPa)
The cement type for all structures shall be regular or sulphate-resistant where
required and indicated by a geotechnical report.
General reinforcing steel: HRB 400 (400 MPa yield, 60 ksi) for all reinforcing.
Deformed (ribbed) bars are available in the following diameters: (mm) 10, 12, 16, 20,
25, 28, 32 and 36.
Welded wire fabric: ASTM A185.
Tie wire: ASTM A82 black double annealed wire.
Refer to the specification Structural Concrete and Reinforcing, document no. 0000-
2.4.2 General
concrete floors on grade: 150 mm. (Joints in concrete shall have continuity of
either dowels, keys or reinforcement to prevent lipping. Slab design shall also
consider the effects of frost heave.)
Water-reducing admixtures, superplasticizers (water-reducing high-range
admixture), and accelerating admixtures shall meet the requirements of ASTM C260,
ASTM C494, ASTM C1017 and ASTM C1622, or approved equivalents. Calcium
chloride, and any admixture containing calcium chloride, shall not be used.
The thickness of elevated concrete slab is measured from the top of the concrete to
the top of the supporting steel. When removable forms are used, the underside of
the concrete shall be flush with the bottom of the top flange of the supporting steel.
Steel decking for elevated concrete slabs shall be used as formwork only (i.e. non-
composite design) unless approved by the Engineer.
Metal deck formwork shall be designed to support the weight of wet concrete and a
minimum construction load of 2.5 kPa, or 3.0 kN/m knife-edge load at mid-span,
whichever is most severe.
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All cast-in anchor rods shall be ASTM F1554 Grade 248 (or Chinese Q235-B and
Q235-C for non-vibrating cold area steelwork na Q235-D for vibrating cold area steel
work), unless specified otherwise on the design drawings.
Nuts shall be American Standard Hexagon Heavy Series conforming to ASTM A563
(or GB/T 41).
Hardened washers shall conform to ASTM F436 (or GB/T 1230).
Anchor rods and nuts exposed to low temperatures shall conform to ASTM A320, or
approved equivalent.
All anchor rods 20 mm and larger in diameter shall be cast into the concrete.
Anchor rods smaller than 20 mm shall be drilled into the concrete, and shall be
expansion type or chemically set adhesive rods.
Equipment anchor rods shall be equipped with Wilson sleeves, or approved
equivalent. Miscellaneous steel
Embedded miscellaneous steel shall conform to ASTM A36 (250 MPa) (or GB/T 700
End-welded stud anchors shall conform to ASTM A108, or approved equivalent.
Floor and wall sleeves shall be galvanized steel.
A geotechnical consultant has been retained by the Company for the project. If a
geotechnical investigation has not been carried out at the particular site, and a report
produced, these will be undertaken. The geotechnical consultant's brief for
investigation, reporting and recommendations for the project site (when requested)
shall include the items listed below, which are essential to perform foundation
i) The types, depths, and foundations for the different structure or equipment
ii) IBC soil profile type.
iii) Site-specific ground motion spectra, if developed for the project site.
iv) Frost penetration depth.
v) Pipe or caisson capacities, if such foundations are used.
vi) Soil corrosion potential for buried steel and concrete elements.
vii) Allowable soil bearing for both vertical and lateral loading.
viii) Allowable increase in bearing pressure for the load combinations with transient
loads, such as wind and earthquake, and short-term loads.
ix) Active, passive, and at-rest earth pressures.
x) Site classification and shrink swell test results.
xi) Cold-weather design recommendations, including effects on high-level and
deep footings (such as bored piles, and driven piles) where applicable, and
estimated foundation movement due to frost heave for loaded and unloaded
slabs on ground and recommendations on soil and foundation treatment.
xii) The water table height for buoyancy computations.
xiii) The use of passive and frictional forces to resist active and lateral forces.
xiv) Settlement data and its relationship to load magnitude and foundation shape
and size.
xv) Dynamic soil properties.
xvi) Modulus of subgrade reaction for computing soil springs. Spring values
normally vary according to the size of foundation, and whether foundation is
subject to vertical load or moment. Note that, for a large foundation over a
deep layer of soil, the soil spring model may underestimate the stresses in the
foundation mat. In this case, a three-dimensional settlement analysis may be
more appropriate.
2.4.5 Ground freezing depth
The base of any concrete foundation, as designed, shall be below the frost
penetration depth, unless an appropriate allowance or soil treatment permits
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Based on the Mongolian standard, the freezing depths for soil for the Oyu Tolgoi
Underground Project are:
2.6 Clearances
Deflection limitations for structures shall conform to IBC Section 1604 and ACI
318M, Chapter 7, or Chapter 8 and Chapter 24.
The maximum deflection of grating and floor plate due to live load shall not exceed
6 mm (¼ inch).
Lateral deflection of crane support runway girders for cranes with lateral moving
trolleys shall not exceed L/400, where L equals the span length.
Vertical deflection of crane support runway girders shall not exceed the following
limits due to maximum wheel load(s), excluding impact, where L equals the span
Vertical deflection of jib cranes shall not exceed L/225, excluding impact, where
L equals the maximum distance from the support column to the load location.
Camber requirements to ensure proper roof drainage and to control deflection of
large-span trusses and girders shall conform to IBC and AISC 360-10 Specification,
Chapter L.
2.8 Drift criteria for design based on IBC code
Allowable wind drift limits for pipe racks shall not exceed H/150, where H equals pipe
rack height.
Allowable wind drift limits for process structures, pre-engineered metal buildings, and
personnel access platforms shall not exceed H/200, where H equals structure
Allowable wind drift limits for buildings with bridge cranes shall not exceed H/200 or
50 mm (2”), whichever is less, where H equals height to the top of the crane runway
Allowable drift due to crane lateral forces shall not exceed H/400 or 50 mm (2”),
whichever is less, where H is the height of the building or structure at the level of the
crane rail.
Inter-storey seismic drift limitations shall conform to Section 12.12 of ASCE 7.
2.9 Deflection and drift ratios
Ratios of deflection, live load only to span (L), shall not exceed the following values:
Process crane girders, vertical, dead plus live loads without impact See 2.7
Shop crane girders, vertical, dead plus live loads without impact See 2.7
Conveyor supports vertical, dead load (without material) and live load 1/500
Ratios of depth (D) to span (L) of steel supporting beams and trusses shall not
exceed the following, unless a detailed deflection analysis of the member proves that
the actual deflection is not detrimental to the structure or its function:
Vertical D/L= 1/17
Horizontal D/L= 1/24
(1) Refer to IBC Section 1607.9 or ASCE 7 Section 4.8 for live load reduction.
(2) Load placed upon any space 0.76 m × 0.76 m square, not combined with uniform live load according to IBC Section 1607.4.
(3) Load is applied on area of 2,580 mm2.
(4) Consult local building code and Owner specifications for more severe requirements.
(5) Wheel load not to be combined with uniform live load – railroad surcharge, where applicable, shall be considered according to
(6) Wheel spacing, type, pressure, and footprint are required from the manufacturer.
(7) Use weight of equipment or stored material when greater.
(8) For design of individual elements and support members, use 2.5 kPa.
(9) Uniform and concentrated loads need not be combined.
(10) Komatsu forklift DX20 Model FD70-7.
(1) Sum of weights of rated capacity of hoist and of the crane trolley, cab and hooks. Load shall be assumed to act horizontally
in either direction perpendicular to the runway beam, and shall be distributed according to the net lateral stiffness of the runway
beam and supporting structures. Lateral impact loads are for powered trolleys only. Zero impact load for hand-geared trolleys.
(2) Longitudinal tractive force shall, if not otherwise specified, be taken as 10 percent of maximum wheel loads of cranes,
applied at top of rail. Longitudinal impact loads are for powered trolleys only. Zero impact loads for hand-geared trolleys. Crane
runways shall also be designed for crane stop forces. This is the force resulting from the crane’s hitting the stop at 40 percent of
rated speed for the loaded bridge crane.
(3) Live load crane support girders shall be taken as the maximum wheel loads.
(4) Vertical impact loads are for powered hoists only. Zero impact for manually operated (chain) hoists.
Displacement amplitude A, inches
1,000 10,000
Frequency cpm
D1.0 Headframe
D1.1 General
D1.1 General
Unless specifically stated otherwise, the design of the hoisting plant facilities shall be
based on applicable parts of the latest revision of the following codes, regulations,
standards and references:
SANS 10208-1 Design of Structures for the Mining Industry Part 1: Headgear Structures
SANS 10208-2 Design of Structures for the Mining Industry Part 2: Sinking Stages
SANS 10208-3 Design of Structures for the Mining Industry Part 3: Conveyances
Design of Structures for the Mining Industry Part 4: Shaft System
SANS 10208-4
AL = DD+ H + SM
DD= Decceleration Distance.
H= height of the arrestor gear.
SM= Safety Margin.
The minimum design loads shall be in accordance with IBC, SANS 10208-4, AISE
Technical Report 13, except as noted below:
Rope breaking conditions are not to be combined with the effects of seismic loads.
The 0.9 dead load factor shall be used for uplift and stability calculations.
D2.5 Deflection limitations
The headgear shall be designed to restrict deflections under service loads as
1.2 or 0.9 * dead loads + 1.3 * pipe contents loads + 1.6 * horizontal
conveyance operating (slipper plate action) loads + 1.6 * horizontal
conveyance operating (guide roller action) loads + 1.6 vertical operating loads
Emergency conditions:
1.2 or 0.9 * dead loads+ 1.3 * pipe contents loads + 1.05 * lateral and vertical
emergency conveyance load (on one conveyance) + loads on the other
+1.6 * horizontal conveyance operating loads (slipper plate action)
+ 1.6* horizontal conveyance operating loads (guide roller action)
+ 1.6 vertical operating loads
Appendix E. Sand, dust and snow accumulation loading diagram for roof
Figure 1
Figure 2
GBJ 3068 Code for the Design of Steel Storage Tank Ground-
Works and Foundations in Petrochemical Enterprises.
Structure/Building Type B.
Wind loads – for design in accordance with the Chinese Building Codes
a) All buildings, structures, components, and cladding shall be designed to resist
wind effects according to GB 50009.
b) Wind load shall be separately computed for all supported equipment, ladders,
and stairs, except for vessels whose wind increase factors have already been
accounted for.
c) No reduction shall be made for the shielding effect of vessels or structures
adjacent to the structure being designed.
d) The overturning moment due to wind shall not exceed ⅔ of the resisting
moment of the structure during its lightest possible condition after plant
construction is complete.
Deflection, camber and drift criteria for design based on Chinese Building Codes
The requirements for deflection limitations for flexural members shall conform to
GB 50017 Section 3.3, except as noted:
a) Maximum dead plus live load deflection of operating floor beams shall not
exceed L/400 in machine areas.
b) Maximum dead plus live load deflection for main beams and girders shall not
exceed L/400 (GB 50017, Section 3.3). Main members are defined as
connected beams and girders between columns. Deflection for beams
connecting girders shall not exceed L/250.
c) Elements supporting masonry shall be designed so that their vertical deflection
will not exceed L/600 of the clear span under total loads.
d) Deflection for purlins and girts shall not exceed L/180.
e) Camber requirements to ensure proper roof drainage and to control deflection
of large-span trusses and girders shall conform to Chinese National Code
GB 50017.
f) Storey drift limitations due to seismic loads shall conform to GB 50011, Section
g) Storey drift limitations due to wind loads shall conform to GB 50017, and not
exceed 1/400 of the storey height. Horizontal deflection at the top of a multi-
storey framed structure due to wind shall not exceed 1/500 of the total height
of the structure.
29 1 1 1 1
56 0.9 1.2
57 0.9 1.2
58 0.9 1.2
59 0.9 1.0 1.0
60 0.9 1.0 1.0