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Design Criteria


Document No. 0000-15-DCR-0001

Quality Information
Project Name: Oyu Tolgoi
Document Company: Construction and Engineering Group (CEG) – Engineering Manager

Revision History
Revision Issue Purpose Prepared By Approved By Date
C Issued for Approval J Lamagnere D Rankin 2 August 2016
D Re-Issued for Approval M Stevenson D Rankin 26/10/16
0 Issued for Use M Stevenson D Rankin 4/11/16
Oyu Tolgoi LLC

Detailed Revision History

Document Number 0000-15-DCR-0001

Document Type Design Criteria

Document Name Design Criteria Structural

Rev Clause No. Detailed Description of Changes

C All Document created from based document DC-15-001 and incorporates
D All General
0 Grammar pgs 23 & 24

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1. GENERAL ................................................................................................................4
1.1 Summary ................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Terminology ............................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Abbreviations .......................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Codes and standards ............................................................................................. 5
1.5 Specifications ......................................................................................................... 7
1.6 Chinese material and testing standards ............................................................. 10
1.7 Chinese Building Codes ....................................................................................... 11
1.8 Technical reports .................................................................................................. 11

2. EXECUTION ...........................................................................................................11
2.1 Design loads ......................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Load combinations ............................................................................................... 19
2.3 Structural steel ...................................................................................................... 21
2.4 Concrete ................................................................................................................ 24
2.5 Special design and detailing requirements......................................................... 28
2.6 Clearances ............................................................................................................ 29
2.7 Deflection and camber criteria for design based on IBC code .......................... 29
2.8 Drift criteria for design based on IBC code......................................................... 30
2.9 Deflection and drift ratios..................................................................................... 30

APPENDIX A. MINIMUM DESIGN LIVE LOADS ..................................................................32

APPENDIX B. IMPACT LOADS ...........................................................................................33


FREQUENCY OF VIBRATION (AFTER RICHART 1962) .............................34



ROOF ............................................................................................................44


APPENDIX G. CONVEYOR LOAD COMBINATIONS ..........................................................49

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1.1 Summary

The intent of these design criteria is to compile, in a single document, the structural
criteria, codes and standards that may be used on the Oyu Tolgoi Underground
Applicable Mongolian laws, acts, regulations, codes and standards shall apply to all
design, fabrication, installation and construction work.
Design work shall generally be undertaken in accordance with IBC, ASCE, AISC,
ACI and/or ANSI (and other codes and standards referenced therein as applicable),
noting the applicable material standards for the country of origin of the materials to
be incorporated into the works. Design to other recognised international standards
will be acceptable, subject to the approval of the Engineer.
Materials and construction for steelwork shall generally comply with ASTM or
Chinese Building, Material and Testing Codes. Materials and construction for
concrete should comply with ACI and ASTM, unless otherwise approved by the
Engineer. Where supply, fabrication, installation, and erection are proposed to be
undertaken to other recognised international standards, the approval of the Engineer
shall be obtained prior to commencement of the works.
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing of any apparent conflict between
governing regulations, codes, standards, specifications, and their attachments for
resolution. The Contractor shall submit written requests for Engineer acceptance of
the use of standards considered equivalent to those listed in specifications before
ordering materials or performing works.
Any work and designs required for modifications to existing structures shall also refer
to the design criteria used for the particular facility. Any conflicts between the criteria
in this document and the criteria in previous documents shall be referred to the
Engineer for resolution.
Variations from the design criteria shall be referred to the Engineer for approval.
1.1.1 Scope of the design criteria

 These design criteria define the minimum general and technical requirements
for the structural engineering design for the Oyu Tolgoi Underground Project.
They include and define applicable codes and standards, design loads,
materials of construction and foundation requirements.

 For additional design criteria unique to hoisting plant and shaft, see
Appendix D.

 Whenever these design criteria define a requirement more onerous than the
minimum requirement of the referenced codes, standards, or project
specifications, these design criteria shall govern.

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1.2 Terminology

Where used in this specification, the following terms shall have the meanings
indicated below, unless otherwise clearly indicated by the context of their use.

 Company – Shall mean Oyu Tolgoi LLC, the owner of Oyu Tolgoi mine.

 Contractor – Shall mean the individual, partnership, company or corporation

contractually obligated to perform the work specified in this specification, and
shown on the contract drawings and in the scope of work.

 Engineer – Shall mean the Project Management Team representing the

Company in connection with the Oyu Tolgoi Underground Project.
1.3 Abbreviations

ACI American Concrete Institute

AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
ANSI American National Standards Institute /ASSA/ASME
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
AWS American Welding Society
IBC International Building Code
IFU Issued for use
SI International System of Units
1.4 Codes and standards

All works shall be designed, fabricated, installed and tested in accordance with the
latest editions of the following regulations, codes, standards, and specifications, as
The publications listed below form part of the design criteria to the extent referenced
in this document. Each publication shall be the latest revision, including the addenda
in effect on the date this document is issued for use (IFU), unless noted otherwise.
Metric versions of codes shall be used where available. In the event of a discrepancy
between the references and this specification, then this specification shall govern. In
the event of a discrepancy between references, the following hierarchy shall be

ii) Chinese Material Codes (subject to the Engineer’s approval); and

iii) Chinese Design Codes (subject to the Engineer’s approval).

The use of alternative codes, whether nominated (e.g. GB 50204) or not, is subject
to written request by the Contractor and approval by the Engineer.

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The International System of Units (SI) shall be used for all measurements on all
contract drawings and in all documentation. The following codes and standards are
to be used for the Oyu Tolgoi Underground Project in order of preference.
a) International Building Code (IBC)
b) ACI (American Concrete Institute)
 ACI-301 Standard Specification for Structural Concrete
 ACI-318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete
 ACI-313 Standard Practice for Design and Construction of Concrete
Silos and Stacking Tubes for Storing Granular Materials
c) AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction)
 AISC 360 Specification for Structural Steel Buildings
 Steel Construction Manual
 Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges
d) ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)
 ASCE 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
e) AWS (American Welding Society)
 AWS D1.1 Structural Steel Welding Code
f) Construction Standards and Rules of Mongolia
 CNR 2.01-01 Climatic and Geophysical Parameters for Construction
 CNR 2.01.07 Load and Effect
 BNaR 2.01.03 Construction Thermotechnics
 BNbD21-02 Fire Safety Code for Buildings and Structures Design Works
 SNIP 11-M.1 Construction Norms and Rules (USSR)
 CNR 22.01-01 Norms and Regulations on Construction Planning in
Seismic Zones in Mongolia by Foreign Organizations
 CNR 11-0302 Regulations Elaboration of Design Documents of the
Construction Facilities on the Territory of Mongolia
g) API (American Petroleum Institute)
 API Std 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage, 12th edition
h) NEHRP (National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program)
 Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings
and Other Structures
i) AWWA (American Water Works Association)
 ANSI/AWWA D100 Welded Carbon Steel Tanks for Water Storage

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j) ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

 B30.17 Cranes and Monorails (with Underhung Trolley or Bridge) Safety
Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and
 B30.2 Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Single or
Multiple Girder, Top Running Trolley Hoist)
k) AREMA (American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way
Association) Manual for Railway Engineering
l) AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Traffic Officials)
Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges
m) International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
 ISO 2631/1 Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole-Body Vibration
n) ANSI: American National Standards Institute
 ANSI S2.72-PT1 Mechanical Vibration and Shock – Evaluation of Human
Exposure to Whole-Body Vibration – Part 1 – General Requirements
o) OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
p) MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration) – 30 CFR
q) South African Bureau of Standards
 SANS 10208-1 Design of Structures for the Mining Industry Part 1:
Headgear Structures
 SANS 10208-2 Design of Structures for the Mining Industry Part 2:
Sinking Stages
 SANS 10208-3 Design of Structures for the Mining Industry Part 3:
 SANS 10208-4 Design of Structures for the Mining Industry Part 4:
Shaft System Structures
1.5 Specifications

1.5.1 Site specifications

 0000-15-SPE-0001 Structural Steel and Other Metalwork – Fabrication

and Erection

 0000-00-SPE-0002 Protective Coatings Specification

 0000-15-SPE-0003 Structural Concrete and Reinforcing Specification

 0000-55-SPE-0009 Mechanical Platework Specification

 0000-00-DCR-0001 General Site Conditions

 1000-00-SP-5001 Limits on Load Dimensions and Mass for Shaft 1

and 2 Service Cages
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1.5.2 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

 ASTM A1 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Tee Rails

 A6/A6M Standard Specification for General Requirements

for Rolled Structural Steel Bars, Plates, Shapes,
Sheet Piling

 ASTM A36/A36M Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel

 ASTM A47/A47M Standard Specification for Ferritic Malleable Iron


 ASTM A53/A53M Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and

Hot Dipped, Zinc Coated, Welded and Seamless

 ASTM A108 Standard Specification for Steel Bar, Carbon and

Alloy, Cold Finished

 ASTM A194/A194M Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel

Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure or High
Temperature Service, or Both

 ASTM A242/A242M Standard Specification for High Strength Low Alloy

Structural Steel

 ASTM A320/A320M Standard Specification for Alloy Steel and Stainless

Steel Bolting for Low Temperature Service

 ASTM A307 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts,

Studs, and Threaded Rod 60000 PSI Tensile

 ASTM A449 Standard Specification for Quenched and

Tempered Steel Bolts and Studs

 ASTM A500/A500M Standard Specification for Cold Formed Welded

and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in
Rounds and Shapes

 ASTM A501/A501M Standard Specification for Hot Formed Welded and

Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing

 ASTM A516/A516M Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates,

Carbon Steel, for Moderate and Lower Temperature

 ASTM A563 Standard Specification for Carbons and Alloy Steel


 ASTM A563M Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel

Nuts [Metric]

 ASTM A565/A565M Standard Specification for Martensitic Stainless

Steel Bars for High Temperature Service
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 ASTM A572/A572M Standard Specification for High Strength Low Alloy

Columbium Vanadium Structural Steel

 ASTM A588/A588M Standard Specification for High Strength Low Alloy

Structural Steel, up to 50 ksi [345 MPa] Minimum
Yield Point, with Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance

 ASTM A595/A595M Standard Specification for Steel Tubes Low Carbon

or High-Strength Low-Alloy Tapered for Structural

 ASTM A615/A615M Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain

Carbon Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement.

 ASTM A786/A786M Standard Specification for Hot Rolled Carbon, Low

Alloy, High Strength Low Alloy and Alloy Steel Floor

 ASTM A992/A992M Standard Specification for Structural Steel Shapes

 ASTM A1008/A1008M Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet, Cold

Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High Strength Low Alloy,
High Strength Low Alloy with Improved Formability,
Solution Hardened and Bake Hardenable

 ASTM A1064/A1064M Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire

Reinforcement, Plain, for Concrete

 ASTM A1011/A1011M Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip,

Hot-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-Strength Low-
Alloy, High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved
Formability, and Ultra-High Strength

 ASTM B695 Standard Specification for Coatings of Zinc

Mechanically Deposited on Iron and Steel

 ASTM C260/C260M Standard Specification for Air-Entraining

Admixtures for Concrete

 ASTM C494/C494M Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for


 ASTM C1017/C1017M Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for

Use in Producing Flowing Concrete

 ASTM C1622/C1622M Standard Specification for Cold-Weather Admixture


 ASTM F436 Standard Specification for Hardened Steel Washers

 ASTM F844 Standard Specification for Washers, Steel, Plain,

(Flat), Unhardened for General Use

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 ASTM F1554 Standard Specification for Anchor Bolts, Steel, 36,

55, and 105-ksi Yield Strength

 ASTM F3125/F3125M High Strength Structural Bolts, Steel and Alloy

Steel, Heat Treated, 120 ksi (830 MPa) and 150 ksi
(1040 MPa) Minimum Tensile Strength, Inch and
` Metric Dimensions

 Research Council of Structural Connections: Specification for Structural Joints

Using High Strength Bolts
1.5.3 CMAA (Crane Manufacturers Association of America)

 CMAA Specification 70_Multiple Girder Cranes. Specifications for Top

Running Bridge and Gantry Type Multiple Girder Electric Overhead Traveling

 CMAA Specification 74_Single Girder Cranes. Specifications for Top Running

and Under Running Single Girder Electric Overhead Cranes Utilizing Under
Running Trolley Hoist
1.5.4 American Association of State Highway and Transport Officials (AASHTO)

1.6 Chinese material and testing standards

 GB 1499.2 Steel for Reinforcement of Concrete – Part 2: Hot Rolled

Ribbed Bars

 GB 50202 Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Building


 GB 50204 Code for Acceptance of Constructional Quality of Concrete.


 GB 50205 Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Steel


 GB/T 41 Hexagon Nuts – Product Grade C

 GB 175 Common Portland Cement

 GB/T 700 Carbon Structural Steels

 GB 701 Hot Rolled Low Carbon Steel Wire Rods

 GB/T 706 Hot Rolled Section Steel

 GB 748 Sulphate Resistance Portland Cement

 GB/T 11263 Hot Rolled H and Cut T Section Steel

 GB/T 1228 High Strength Bolts with Large Hexagon Head for Steel

 GB/T 6725 Cold Formed Steel Sections

 GB/T 6728 Cold Formed Steel Hollow Sections for General Structure
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 GB/T 1229 High Strength Large Hexagon Nuts for Steel Structures

 GB/T 1230 High Strength Plain Washers for Steel Structures

 GB/T 1591 High Strength Low Alloy Structural Steels

 GB/T 5780 Hexagon Head Bolts – Product Grade C

 GB/T 8162 Seamless Steel Tubes for Structural Purposes

 JGJ 55 Specification for Mix Proportion Design of Ordinary


 JGJ 82 Technical Specification for Design, Construction and

Acceptance for High Strength Bolt Connection of Steel
1.7 Chinese Building Codes

Refer to Appendix F.
1.8 Technical reports

AISE (Association of Iron and Steel Engineers), Technical Report 13

2.1 Design loads

2.1.1 D (dead loads)

Dead loads are the vertical loads due to the self-weight of permanent structural and
non-structural components of a building or structure, including empty vessels,
equipment, built-in fixed partitions, fireproofing, insulation, piping and ducting, sand,
electrical conduits, and permanent fixtures.
Unless specified otherwise, the minimum specified loads shown in the table below
shall be used.

Material Load (kN/m )
Backfill Vertical 20.0
Concrete Mass concrete 23.0
Reinforced concrete 24.0
Steel 77.0
Wood Wet 7.8
Dry 6.3 Superimposed dead load

Dead loads will include a minimum superimposed allowance for architectural

elements, such as floor finishes, suspended ceilings, and mechanical, and electrical

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Superimposed dead load should be calculated using information from detailed

drawings. However, in the absence of such drawings, allow a minimum of 1.0 kN/m2.
2.1.2 E and Em (earthquake loads)

The earthquake load E is the combined effect of horizontal and vertical earthquake-
induced forces as defined in IBC/ASCE 7. This load is used in the standard seismic
load combinations.
The earthquake load Em is the maximum seismic load effect of horizontal and
vertical seismic forces as defined in IBC and ASCE 7. This load is used in the
special seismic load combinations.
All buildings, structures, and components shall be designed for earthquake forces
according to IBC and ASCE 7 and the following factors (as nominated in the Knight
Piesold Consulting-Report On Seismic Hazard Assessment-VA601-1/11-1):

 Ss = 0.27 g

 S1 = 0.09 g

 Site classification = B

 Fa = per Table 1613.3.3(1) of IBC and subject to confirmation of the site class
from a geotechnical investigation and report

 Fv = per Table 1613.3.3(2) of IBC and subject to confirmation of site class from
a geotechnical investigation and report

 Earthquake importance factor shall be as per IBC or as specified elsewhere in

these criteria.
Seismic design for circular welded storage tanks for industrial liquids (other than
water) at grade shall be according to Appendix E of API Standard 650. The effect of
slosh height on freeboard and tank roof shall be considered.
Seismic design for circular welded water storage tanks at grade shall be designed as
per the data above (of this Section 2.1.2), or according to AWWA D100.
Effective seismic weight W shall include the total dead load, applicable operating
loads, and other loads listed in Sections 12.7.2 of ASCE 7.
The design dynamic loads from vibrating, rotating and/or other mechanical
equipment shall include appropriate impact load factors. The following information
about the mechanical equipment to be supported shall be provided by the equipment

 mass and centre of gravity of the equipment;

 weight and speed of rotating/moving components;

 out-of-balance forces at the equipment operating speeds;

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 acceptance criteria for structural vibration amplitudes or velocities in response

to the out-of-balance forces; and

 manufacturer’s damping devices (if any).

The uniformly distributed live loads on the grinding area operating floor shall be
considered at 25% value for seismic calculations, unless noted otherwise.
Lateral forces shall be computed according to one of the methods permitted in
Chapter 12 of ASCE 7. Note that the method(s) permitted vary according to the
seismic design category of the structure, the height of the structure, and whether
there are structural irregularities, as defined in IBC/ASCE 7. Note that some
structures may require analysis using the dynamic lateral force procedure.
Non-building structures shall be designed as per Chapter 15 of ASCE 7.
2.1.3 F (load due to fluids)

As defined in Chapter 2 of ASCE 7.

2.1.4 Fa (flood load)

Flood load shall be designed as per Chapter 5 of ASCE 7.

2.1.5 H (loads due to lateral pressures of soil and water, or crushed ore in silos or bins)

For earth pressures, refer to parameters and guidelines obtained from a

geotechnical investigation and report. Minimum earth pressure loads are given in
Section 1610 of the IBC.
For computation of lateral and frictional pressures in silos and bins refer to ACI 313.
2.1.6 L (live loads except roof live load)

These are the loads produced by the use and occupancy of the building or structure.
They include the weight of all movable loads, including personnel, tools,
miscellaneous equipment, movable partitions, cranes, hoists, parts of dismantled
equipment, and stored material. Live loads and reduction of live loads shall be
computed according to the applicable code. Minimum design live loads for floors and
roofs shall be as specified in Appendix A.
2.1.7 Lr (roof live loads)

These are the live loads on the structure roof. Minimum design live loads for roofs
and unbalanced roofs shall be as per IBC Section 1607-12.2.
2.1.8 P (ponding loads)

Ponding refers to the retention of water due solely to the deflection of relatively flat
roofs. Roofs shall have a minimum roof slope (pitch) of 3%, unless approved by the
Engineer. Roof slopes less than 3% and approved by the Engineer shall be
designed to ensure that they have adequate stiffness to prevent progressive
deflection due to ponding.

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2.1.9 R (rain loads)

Each portion of a roof shall be designed to sustain the load of rainwater that will
accumulate on it if the primary drainage system for that portion is blocked plus the
uniform load caused by water that rises above the inlet or the secondary drainage
system at its design flow. Refer to IBC Section 1611. Rain load is 0.8 kN/m2.
2.1.10 S (snow loads)

Distribution of snow on roofs and all structures capable of retaining snow shall be
similar to that for sand and dust (refer to Appendix E, Figure 2). Rain during snow
season shall be treated as rain load. The worst-case combination of snow and rain
shall be assumed to result in a maximum load of 0.8 kN/m2.
Snow and sand loads can act together.
Snow and water loads can act together.
The ground snow load shall be assumed to be 0.2 kN/m2.
Unbalanced snow loads shall be considered as per IBC and ASCE 7.
The snow load importance factor shall be as per ASCE 7 Table 1.5-2.
2.1.11 T (self-straining and thermal forces)

Provision shall be made to manage self-straining forces due to expected differential

settlements of foundations and from restrained dimensional changes due to
temperature changes, moisture expansion, shrinkage, creep, and similar effects.
Thermal load is defined as those forces caused by changes in temperature. Thermal
load results from both operating and environmental conditions. Such forces include
those caused by vessel or piping expansion or contraction, and expansion or
contraction of structures.
Design thermal loads and displacements caused by operating conditions shall be
based on the design temperature of the item of equipment, rather than the operating
The ambient temperature ranges from a maximum of +39 °C to a minimum of
–31 °C.
The design delta temperature for the calculation of self-straining forces in unheated
structures shall be +39 °C to –31 °C. This design range will be refined once the
construction timing is established. Refer to the technical specification General Site
Conditions, document no. 0000-00-DCR-0001, for all surface and underground
average and design temperatures.
2.1.12 W (wind loads)

All buildings, structures, components, and cladding shall be designed to resist wind
effects according to IBC and ASCE 7, using the following parameters.

 The design wind speed, corresponding to a 3-second gust speed in exposure

category C at a standard height of 10 m (33 feet) above ground level, shall be
180 km/h (112 mph).
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 The Terrain Exposure Category shall be C.

 The wind load importance factor, Iw, shall be as per ASCE 7.

Structures located on ridges, hills or escarpments experience increased forces due
to increase wind speed. Wind speed shall be considered as per ASCE 7.
The design force, Fw, on structures, or the design pressure, p, on buildings shall be
determined from the appropriate formulas given in IBC and ASCE 7.
Wind loads shall be separately computed for all supported equipment, ladders, and
Wind load factors for vessels include the roughness from ancillary items (stairs and
ladders). Wind load from the ancillary items is therefore not required as additional
load for the design of vessels.
Design wind loads on vertical and horizontal vessels shall take into account
manholes, nozzles, piping, ladders and platforms. Also, insulation thickness, if any,
shall be added to vessel diameter for determining projected area.
No reduction shall be made for the shielding effect of vessels or structures adjacent
to the structure being designed.
Structural members and systems, and components and cladding shall be anchored
to resist wind-induced overturning, uplift and sliding, and to provide a continuous
load path to the foundation. Where a portion of the resistance to these forces is
provided by dead load, the dead load shall be taken as the minimum dead load likely
to be in place during a design wind event. Note that when the allowable stress load
combinations of IBC Section 1605.3.1 are used, the dead load is already multiplied
by 0.6 for load combinations most likely to produce overturning or sliding. (For
reference, note also that Section 1605.3.2 of IBC requires that the dead load must
be multiplied by 2/3 when checking overturning and sliding with the alternative
allowable stress load combinations of Section 1605.3.2. To avoid confusion, these
alternative load combinations are not permitted in these design criteria.)
Flexible wind-sensitive structures, including vessels, are defined by ASCE 7 as
having a fundamental frequency less than 1 Hertz, or a height exceeding 4 times the
least horizontal dimension.
Wind forces on flexible wind-sensitive structures shall be determined according to
ASCE 7. Gust effect factors for flexible wind-sensitive structures shall be determined
by a rational analysis procedure that incorporates the dynamic properties of the main
wind-force-resisting system. One such procedure is described in Section 6.6 of the
ASCE 7 Commentary.
Induced dynamic loads, such as vortex shedding on cylindrical shapes extending
over 30 m (100 ft) above grade, or having a height-to-diameter ratio in excess of 15,
shall be taken into consideration.

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2.1.13 Wi (wind-on-ice) – based on design in accordance with Chapter 10 of ASCE 7

Atmospheric ice loads due to freezing rain, snow, and in-cloud icing shall be
considered in the design of ice-sensitive structures.
2.1.14 Sd (sand load) – load due to accumulation of sand dust on roof

A uniformly distributed design load equivalent to 100 mm of sand shall be applied to

all roof areas, and roof design shall allow for the accumulation to 300 mm maximum
in valleys and on lower roofs in high roof to low roof transition areas. (Refer to
Appendix E, Figure 1). (Note: These loads are for 1 (vertical): 12 (horizontal) roof
slopes. For steeper roofs, the 300 mm maximum in valleys should be increased.)
Sand loads shall have the same load factor as live load, except for seismic mass
calculation, where 25% of the sand load shall be used.
Sand loads shall apply to all structures in open spaces if not covered by a specific
Sand and snow loads can act together.
2.1.15 Other loads

The following loads shall be considered as either live loads or dead loads as
appropriate and as indicated below: TI (traffic loads)

Bridges, trenches, and underground installations accessible to truck loading shall be

designed to withstand truck loads based on Chinese or Mongolian trucks. Truck
loads shall have the same load factor as live loads. Axle load combinations shall be
100 kN at 1.2 m axle spacing, or 140 kN at 1.4 m axle spacing.
Higher axle loads shall be considered by the designer when appropriate for heavy lift
platforms and abnormal loads. I (impact loads)

For structures carrying live loads that induce impact, the design live load shall be
increased to allow for increased stresses and deflections. The increase shall be not
less than the percentages presented in Appendix B, unless specified otherwise. The
increase in load does not need to be applied to supporting columns.
Vertical, transverse, and longitudinal impact forces are normally not considered to
act concurrently. Load factors shall be the same as for live load.
Crane runways shall also be designed for crane stopping forces. Refer to CMAA
Specification 70, or CMAA Specification 74, or approved equivalent. V (vibration loads)

Vibration loads are defined as those forces caused by vibrating machinery, such as
mills, crushers, screens, conveyors, pumps, blowers, fans, and compressors. Load
factors for surge forces shall be the same as for live loads.

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Supports and foundations for vibrating equipment shall be designed to limit

vibrations to acceptable levels for equipment operation and human tolerance. See
Appendix C for charts showing general limits.
The ratio of operating equipment frequency to the natural vibration frequencies of
equipment support structures shall ideally be outside the range of 0.5 to 1.5. If this
condition is not satisfied, the dynamic response should be calculated explicitly and
shown to be satisfactory. Fatigue mitigation procedures and detailing should be
considered if the stress fluctuation is significant.
Vibration limits for areas occupied by personnel shall be established on the basis of
duration of exposure, in accordance with International Standard ISO 2631/1
Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole Body Vibration, or American National
Standard ANSI S3.18-PT1-2002 Mechanical Vibration and Shock – Evaluation of
Human Exposure to Whole-Body Vibration, Part 1, General Requirements. C (construction/erection loads)

Construction/erection loads are temporary forces caused by erection of structures or

equipment. Construction/erection loads shall be assumed to have the same load
factor as live load. Fr (friction loads)

The following friction coefficients shall be used for determining restraint (force) due
to temperature change or lateral force on sliding surfaces:

Surface Friction coefficient

Steel to steel 0.30
Steel to concrete 0.50
Proprietary sliding surfaces or coatings (e.g. “Teflon”) Per manufacturer’s
Lubricated steel on steel 0.15
Graphite to graphite (for temperature limits, see manufacturer’s 0.15
Concrete to ground 0.40

Friction force due to expansion and contraction of pipes shall be determined in

accordance with applicable standards.
2.1.16 Conveyor belt material loading (live load, spillage load and seismic mass)

LLn (nominal belt live load) is based on conveyor maximum design capacity (t/h) and
belt speed (normal operation).
LLmax (maximum belt live load) is based on full cross-sectional capacity of the belt
(zero belt edge clearance), maximum wet bulk density and maximum surcharge
Ds is spillage around conveyor loading points and on gallery walkways, and shall be
taken as the equivalent of a 50 mm (2 inch) depth of material of the same bulk

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density as the material being transported. This is the minimum load. The engineer
designing the structure should confirm the maximum spillage load with the materials
handling engineer. Spillage load shall be treated as a dead load, and added to the
dead load of the structure for all load combinations with a dead load factor greater
than or equal to 1.0.
Seismic mass is the effective weight used for the calculation of seismic forces and
shall be 80% of LLn.
2.1.17 Conveyor belt tension loads

Bop = belt tension under normal operating conditions (including impact factor)
Bsd = belt shutdown tension
Bst = belt tension at start-up (including impact factor)
Bmax = belt breakdown tension
The factor for obtaining Bst or Bsd from Bop shall be 1.5. Actual Bst or Bsd values
obtained from dynamic analysis can be used, but they shall be no less than
Bop × 1.5. An impact factor of 1.5 shall be applied to all belt tensions except Bmax,
to account for dynamic and impact effects of the moving conveyor belt. The impact
factor is additional to any load factors applied for strength design. Do not apply this
factor to Bop combined with seismic load.
Bst, Bsd and Bmax are not to be considered as acting at same time as W or E or T.
In place of Bst or Bsd, Bmax shall be used for design of conveyor drive terminals,
where Bmax is maximum belt tension, which could theoretically be developed and
calculated based on the maximum torque which the drives can deliver (including
service factor), i.e. at breakdown of the motor.
2.1.18 Pg (plug loads)

Where it is possible for the equipment, particularly conveyors and transfer chutes, to
retain “LLmax”, and a “plug/blocked” load of material, the supporting members shall
be designed for this load in combination with other loads as appropriate, given the
transient nature of this event.
The structural design shall not rely on control instrumentation (such as high-level
alarms and plug/blocked chute switches) to prevent the overfilling of equipment. For
column design, the simultaneous effects of general floor live load on other floors
need not be considered in conjunction with the plug/blocked chute load, but all
permanent loads and normal operating loads shall be considered to apply.

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2.1.19 Earth loads

Earth pressure loads shall be included for all earth retaining structures. Refer also to
Section 1610 of the IBC.
Unless noted otherwise, the following typical values shall be used:

 density 18 kN/m3; and

 shear angle 28 degrees.

Structures designed for loose backfill shall be designed to resist active pressure
Structures designed for compacted backfill shall be designed for at-rest pressure
The minimum surcharge load shall be 5 kPa.
For retaining walls located within the height of the wall to a trafficable area, vehicle
loads shall be included in the design of the retained structure. The minimum
surcharge load from standard public road vehicles shall be 10 kPa. For vehicles
such as earthmoving equipment and haul trucks, loads specified by the
manufacturer shall be used.
2.2 Load combinations

The following load combinations are to be used as a guide for strength and stability
design of general structures. This is not intended to be a definitive list, and the
design engineer must consider what other additional load cases may be applicable.
2.2.1 General load combinations for use with IBC and ASCE 7

 For strength design, use the load combinations of IBC and ASCE 7.

 For allowable stress design, use only the basic load combinations in Section
1605.3.1 of IBC. Note that load reduction factors should be used for
combinations of transient loads.

 The alternative basic load combinations of Section 1605.3.2 of IBC are not

 For both allowable stress design and strength design, the special seismic load
combinations of IBC Section 1605 shall be considered when required. These
combinations use the maximum seismic load effect, Em. Em is the maximum
effect of horizontal and vertical forces, as set forth in Section 12.4.3 of
ASCE 7, when allowable stress design is used. Allowable stresses are
permitted to be determined using an allowable stress increase of 1.2, as per
Section of ASCE 7.

 Load factors may also be varied where load case combinations are considered
inappropriate. Any modification to load combination factors shall be agreed
and approved by the Company and the Engineer.

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2.2.2 Conveyor load combinations (allowable stress design)

The following load combinations shall be used in addition to the standard load
combinations of IBC, Section 1605.3.1. Refer also to Appendix G for detailed
information in tabular format.
i) D + (Bop, Bst, Bsd or Bmax)
ii) D + Bop + LLn + L + (Lr or S)
iii) D + 0.75 [(Bst, Bsd or Bmax) +LLn + L + (Lr or S)]
iv) D + 0.75 Bop + (0.6W or 0.7 E or T)
v) D + 0.75 Bop + 0.75 [(LLn + L + (Lr or S) + (W or E or T)]
vi) 0.6 D + 0.75 Bop + (0.6W or 0.7E)
vii) 0.6 D + (Bop, Bst, Bsd or Bmax)
2.2.3 Conveyor plug load combinations (allowable stress design)

The following load combinations shall be used in addition to the standard load
combinations of IBC Section 1605.3.1. Refer also to Appendix G for detailed
information in tabular format.
i) D + Pg + LLmax
ii) D + Bop + Pg+ LLmax
iii) D + 0.75(LLmax + Pg + L +(Lr or S))
iv) D + Bop + 0.75(LLmax+ Pg + L + (Lr or S))
v) 0.6D + 0.75[(LLmax +Pg + (Bst or Bsd)]
2.2.4 Conveyor load combinations (strength design)

The following load combinations shall be used in addition to the standard load
combinations of IBC Section 1605.2. Refer also to Appendix G for detailed
information in tabular format.
i) 1.2 D + 1.6 Bop+ 1.6 LLn + 1.6 L + 0.5 (Lr or S)
ii) 1.2 D + 1.6 Bop + 1.6 LLn + 0.5 L + 1.6 (Lr or S)
iii) 1.2 D + 1.0 Bop + 1.6 LLn + 0.8 W + 1.6 (Lr or S)
iv) 1.2 D + 1.0 W + 1.0 Bop
v) 1.2 D + 1.0 W +1.0 Bop + 1.0 LLn + 0.5L + 0.5 (Lr or S)
vi) 1.2 D + 1.2 (Bst, Bsd or Bmax)
vii) 1.2 D + 1.2 (Bst, Bsd or Bmax) + 1.0 LLn +0.5L + 0.5 (Lr or S)
viii) 1.2 D + 1.0 E + 1.0 Bop
ix) 1.2 D + 1.0 E + 1.0 Bop + 1.0 LLn + 0.5L+ 0.2 S
x) 0.9 D + 1.2 (Bst, Bsd, or Bmax)

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xi) 0.9 D + 1.0 W + 1.0 Bop

xii) 0.9 D + 1.0 E + 1.0 Bop
Note: For concrete structures where load combinations do not include seismic
forces, the load factors shall be adjusted to match ACI 318, Part 2, Chapter 5.
2.2.5 Conveyor plug load combinations (strength design)

The following load combination shall be used in addition to the standard load
combinations of IBC Section 1605.2. Refer also to Appendix G for detailed
information in tabular format.
i) 1.2 D + 1.2 (Pg+ LLmax)
ii) 1.2 D + 1.2 (Pg + LLmax) + 1.2 Bop +0.5 L+ 0.5 (Lr or S)
iii) 1.2 D + 1.2 (Pg + LLmax) + 0.5 L + 0.5 (Lr or S)
iv) 0.9 D + 1.2 (Pg + LLmax) + 1.2 (Bst or Bsd) + 0.5 L + 0.5 (Lr or S)
Note: For concrete structures where load combinations do not include seismic
forces, the factored load combinations of ACI 318, Part 2, Chapter 5, shall be used.
2.2.6 Notes

 For process equipment, the operating load is considered as dead load in the
above load combinations. Other load combinations given in ASCE, ACI 318,
shall be considered when applicable and when approved by the Engineer.

 Wind and earthquake forces shall not be assumed to act concurrently.

 Maintenance loads shall be considered as temporary, and shall not be

combined with wind or earthquake loads.

 Self-straining loads shall be considered permanent and shall be combined with

wind or earthquake loads (see ASCE 7).

 Design for stability (to prevent overturning, sliding and uplift) shall conform to
the applicable code – IBC, ASCE 7.
2.3 Structural steel

Structural steel design, fabrication, and erection shall be according to the following
AISC manuals and specifications, materials, and general requirements.
2.3.1 Materials

Materials US or equivalent Chinese-sourced

ASTM A572-S5 Grade 50,
AISC (WWF(1), W, or WT ) GB/T1591–Q345
1 ASTM A588 S5
GB (WH(2). H. T)
ASTM A992 GR 50, (345 MPa)
2 Angles, channels, bars and plates ASTM A36 (250 MPa) GB/T 700–Q235

1 WWF refers to welded wide flange shapes that are fabricated by welding plates together
2 WH refers to H shapes that are fabricated by welding plates together
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Materials US or equivalent Chinese-sourced

3 Structural tubing ASTM A500 GB/T 8162
4 Pipe handrail ASTM A53 Type S, Grade B GB/T 8162
5 Cold-formed sections ASTM A1008/ A1008M GB6723, GB 6725
6 High-strength bolts ASTM F3125/F3125M, Type 1 GB/T 1228 Grade 8.8
7 High-strength nuts ASTM A563, Grade DH GB/T 1229
8 Hardened steel washers ASTM F436 GB/T 1230
9 Common bolts ASTM A307, Grade A GB /T5780 Grade C
10 Common nuts ASTM A563, Grade A GB 41 Grade C
11 Common plain washers ASTM F844 GB/T 95
AWS D1.1, E480XX (E70XX);
12 Welding electrodes
Fu = 480 MPa (70 ksi)
13 Crane rail ASTM A1
ASTM A1011/A1011M
32 mm × 5 mm, bearing bars at 30 mm o.c., cross bars at
100 mm o.c.
14 Steel grating (1-1/4” × 3/16”, bearing bars at 1-3/16”o.c. with cross bars
at 4” o.c.)
Serrated bars shall be used where a non-slip surface is
Same as grating – serrated, with yellow grit-impregnated
15 Steel stair treads
non-slip/abrasive nosing
16 Steel floor plate ASTM A786, 6 mm (1/4”) checkered plate
Mesh shall be G3045 Ornamesh by Trussforte or similar
Engineer-approved expanded mesh. Mesh guarding for
17 Brattice mesh
conveyor belts shall be as specified in the Mechanical
Design Criteria, document no. 0000-55-DCR-0001.

2.3.2 Lifting lugs

For consistency of lifting systems and safety, lifting lugs shall be Reid Swift Lift
anchors. Other systems are not permitted. A minimum of 2 anchors shall be used for
all lifts.
2.3.3 Handrails

Monowills handrail systems (or similar Engineer-approved handrail systems) with

mid-rail and toeplate (except at stair flights) shall be used for all handrails. Handrails
shall comply with local governing codes, and shall be fabricated from pipe as
detailed, with closed ends, heated and bent smoothly without distortion. Ends of
wall-mounted rails shall return onto the wall. Transitions shall be smooth and
continuous around turns and bends, and mitred, welded and ground smooth where

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Oyu Tolgoi LLC Horizontal load

Handrails shall be designed for a horizontal concentrated 0.9 kN load applied at the
top rail in any direction, and a 0.73 kN/m uniform load applied at the top rail in any
direction (loads are not to be combined). Toe plate

A bar 100 mm by 6 mm shall be provided at the platform handrails. Balusters and posts

Balusters and posts shall be fabricated from pipe. Refer to the design drawings for
the maximum spacing. Removable railings

Railing connections shall be detailed to allow removal with simple hand tools, e.g. an
open-end wrench.
2.3.4 Connections

Connections shall be designed and fabricated in accordance with the specification

Structural Steel and Other Metalwork – Fabrication and Erection, document no.
All structural bolt assemblies shall conform to ASTM F3125/F3125M, Type 1 (or
GB/T 1228), Grade 8.8, minimum diameter 20 mm UNO, consisting of a bolt, nut and
hardened washers.
Platforms and walkways grating shall be serrated for all applications. Grating and
checkered floor plating shall not be regarded as providing lateral restraint to the
compression flange of beams. Where checkered plate is required, it shall be 6 mm
thick, and fully field seal-welded to the supporting steel.
Refer to specification 0000-15-SPE-0001 for grating clip fixation details.
Structural tees are preferred instead of double angles for horizontal bracing
members. Vertical bracing shall be double angles. If corrosion between the back-to-
back angles can develop, hollow structural sections (tubing) shall be used.
Guardrails shall conform to OSHA Part 1910, Subpart D. Every open-sided floor or
platform 0.3 m (or where this is not practical, up to a maximum of 0.6 m) above the
adjacent floor or ground level, shall be guarded by a standard railing.
Structural design and detailing for the support of overhead cranes shall be in
accordance with CMAA Specification #70 or #74.
Gusset plates shall be of 10 mm minimum thickness.

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2.3.5 Cold-temperature steel

Steel exposed to low-temperature service and subject to high impact and or cyclic
loading shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A516, ASTM A572-S5 Grade 50,
ASTM A588 S5 (or Chinese Q345-D grade steel), and the Charpy V-notch test
requirements or approved equivalents.

 Minimum average impact energy of 20 J at –34 °C for 290 steel grade

 Minimum average impact energy of 27 J at –34 °C for 345 steel grade

Steel exposed to low-temperature service, but not subject to high impact and or
cyclic loading, shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A516, ASTM A572-S5
Grade 50, ASTM A588 S5 (or Chinese Q345-C grade steel), and the Charpy V-notch
test requirements or approved equivalents.

 Minimum average impact energy of 20 J at 0 °C for 290 steel grade

 Minimum average impact energy of 27 J at 0 °C for 345 steel grade

All the cold-temperature steel shall be clearly indicated on the drawings.
2.3.6 Metal decking and siding

Metal deck formwork for elevated slabs shall have a minimum depth of 38 mm and
minimum thickness of 0.76 mm (22 gauge), with Z275 zinc coating. When floors are
subjected to vibrating loads, composite metal deck shall be used to prevent
separation. Metal decking should not be designed for diaphragm action. Lateral
loads shall be resisted by a positive bracing system.
Siding panels shall have a minimum thickness of 0.61 mm (24 gauge).
Roofing panels shall have a minimum thickness of 0.76 mm (22 gauge).
2.4 Concrete

Concrete design and construction shall be according to the codes and specifications,
materials, and general requirements as specified in Section 1.0 above.
2.4.1 Materials

The minimum 28-day compressive strength f’c shall be as follows, and indicated on
drawings as CXX concrete compressive strength in MPa based on 150 mm cube
testing, and (YY MPa) – ASTM equivalent cylinder strength:

 Foundations: C35 (30 MPa)

 Paving: C35 (30 MPa)

 Structures: C35 (30 MPa)

 Manholes, drain boxes, ditch lining, end walls, curbs C30 (25 MPa)

 Underground electrical duct envelopes: C20 (15 MPa)

 Lean mix (blinding): C15 (10 MPa)

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The cement type for all structures shall be regular or sulphate-resistant where
required and indicated by a geotechnical report.
General reinforcing steel: HRB 400 (400 MPa yield, 60 ksi) for all reinforcing.
Deformed (ribbed) bars are available in the following diameters: (mm) 10, 12, 16, 20,
25, 28, 32 and 36.
Welded wire fabric: ASTM A185.
Tie wire: ASTM A82 black double annealed wire.
Refer to the specification Structural Concrete and Reinforcing, document no. 0000-
2.4.2 General

All drawings and calculations shall be in metric (SI) units.

All structures, foundations, and elements, except lifting equipment, shall be designed
to have strength, stability, and serviceability in accordance with IBC and ASCE 7 and
the appropriate codes as listed in Section 1.2.
Load combinations and load factors shall be in accordance with the IBC and
ASCE 7, and the appropriate codes as listed in Section 1.2.
When the exclusion of loads (dead loads cannot be excluded), results in a more
critical loading condition, the exclusion of the loads shall be considered.
Unless recommended otherwise by the manufacturer, load factors shall be used with
limit state design to comply with OSHA and MSHA.
The minimum thickness of concrete floors shall be as follows:

 concrete floors on metal deck: 125 mm;

 concrete floors on removable forms: 140 mm; and

 concrete floors on grade: 150 mm. (Joints in concrete shall have continuity of
either dowels, keys or reinforcement to prevent lipping. Slab design shall also
consider the effects of frost heave.)
Water-reducing admixtures, superplasticizers (water-reducing high-range
admixture), and accelerating admixtures shall meet the requirements of ASTM C260,
ASTM C494, ASTM C1017 and ASTM C1622, or approved equivalents. Calcium
chloride, and any admixture containing calcium chloride, shall not be used.
The thickness of elevated concrete slab is measured from the top of the concrete to
the top of the supporting steel. When removable forms are used, the underside of
the concrete shall be flush with the bottom of the top flange of the supporting steel.
Steel decking for elevated concrete slabs shall be used as formwork only (i.e. non-
composite design) unless approved by the Engineer.
Metal deck formwork shall be designed to support the weight of wet concrete and a
minimum construction load of 2.5 kPa, or 3.0 kN/m knife-edge load at mid-span,
whichever is most severe.
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Concrete structures in an enclosed stable-temperature environment shall not exceed

70 m in length without expansion joints. Concrete structures in exterior environments
shall not exceed 35 m without expansion joints. Expansion joints and construction
joints shall extend completely through the member, and shall be set and maintained
vertical. In no case shall reinforcing bars or other embedded items be continued
across expansion joints without special provision being made for the expansion.
Forms, false work, and construction joints shall be in accordance with ACI 301, and
ACI 318, as applicable. Provision shall be made for the transfer of shear and other
forces through the construction joints.
Construction joints in elevated slabs, girders, and beams shall be avoided. In cases
where this is not possible, the joints in floors shall be located near the ¼ points of the
span of slabs, beams, or girders, unless a beam intersects a girder in that location.
In such cases, the joint in the girder shall be offset by a distance at least equal to the
depth of the beam.
Concrete finish, sealants, floor hardeners, joint sealants, floor coatings and
reinforcement coatings shall be specified on the drawings.
Reinforcing shall not be welded, unless approved by the Company Representative in
2.4.3 Embedded metals Anchor rods

All cast-in anchor rods shall be ASTM F1554 Grade 248 (or Chinese Q235-B and
Q235-C for non-vibrating cold area steelwork na Q235-D for vibrating cold area steel
work), unless specified otherwise on the design drawings.
Nuts shall be American Standard Hexagon Heavy Series conforming to ASTM A563
(or GB/T 41).
Hardened washers shall conform to ASTM F436 (or GB/T 1230).
Anchor rods and nuts exposed to low temperatures shall conform to ASTM A320, or
approved equivalent.
All anchor rods 20 mm and larger in diameter shall be cast into the concrete.
Anchor rods smaller than 20 mm shall be drilled into the concrete, and shall be
expansion type or chemically set adhesive rods.
Equipment anchor rods shall be equipped with Wilson sleeves, or approved
equivalent. Miscellaneous steel

Embedded miscellaneous steel shall conform to ASTM A36 (250 MPa) (or GB/T 700
End-welded stud anchors shall conform to ASTM A108, or approved equivalent.
Floor and wall sleeves shall be galvanized steel.

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2.4.4 Geotechnical reports for concrete foundation

A geotechnical consultant has been retained by the Company for the project. If a
geotechnical investigation has not been carried out at the particular site, and a report
produced, these will be undertaken. The geotechnical consultant's brief for
investigation, reporting and recommendations for the project site (when requested)
shall include the items listed below, which are essential to perform foundation
i) The types, depths, and foundations for the different structure or equipment
ii) IBC soil profile type.
iii) Site-specific ground motion spectra, if developed for the project site.
iv) Frost penetration depth.
v) Pipe or caisson capacities, if such foundations are used.
vi) Soil corrosion potential for buried steel and concrete elements.
vii) Allowable soil bearing for both vertical and lateral loading.
viii) Allowable increase in bearing pressure for the load combinations with transient
loads, such as wind and earthquake, and short-term loads.
ix) Active, passive, and at-rest earth pressures.
x) Site classification and shrink swell test results.
xi) Cold-weather design recommendations, including effects on high-level and
deep footings (such as bored piles, and driven piles) where applicable, and
estimated foundation movement due to frost heave for loaded and unloaded
slabs on ground and recommendations on soil and foundation treatment.
xii) The water table height for buoyancy computations.
xiii) The use of passive and frictional forces to resist active and lateral forces.
xiv) Settlement data and its relationship to load magnitude and foundation shape
and size.
xv) Dynamic soil properties.
xvi) Modulus of subgrade reaction for computing soil springs. Spring values
normally vary according to the size of foundation, and whether foundation is
subject to vertical load or moment. Note that, for a large foundation over a
deep layer of soil, the soil spring model may underestimate the stresses in the
foundation mat. In this case, a three-dimensional settlement analysis may be
more appropriate.
2.4.5 Ground freezing depth

The base of any concrete foundation, as designed, shall be below the frost
penetration depth, unless an appropriate allowance or soil treatment permits
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Based on the Mongolian standard, the freezing depths for soil for the Oyu Tolgoi
Underground Project are:

 clayey soil 1.7 m

 sandy soil 2.1 m

 gravelly soil 2.5 m

The frost penetration depth should be confirmed by the geotechnical investigation,
as listed in item 2.4.4 above.
2.5 Special design and detailing requirements

Structures supporting unique equipment, such as vibrating screens, mills, crushers,

and motors, shall be designed to perform within limits specified by the equipment
Vibrating screen supports shall be isolated from other structures. The main steel
member slenderness ratio should be limited to 120. Connections of steel members
shall be slip-critical, and the natural frequency of beams supporting the screen shall
be at least 2.5 times the operating frequency of the screen. The overall structure
shall undergo dynamic analysis to ensure that the structural frequency is sufficiently
higher than the operating frequency of the screen (refer to Section “V
(vibration loads)”.
Low-tuned structures shall be generally avoided and only used after completing a
detailed dynamic analysis.
Attention needs to be given to out-of-plane vibrations, such as the effect of heavy
cross-bracing mass vibrating out of plane.
Mill foundations shall be designed for both static and operating load conditions. The
ratio of the weight of foundations to the weight of the mill + the charge weight shall
be no less than 2 on rock, and 2.5 on soil. If rock anchors are utilized to mobilize the
weight of rock, the minimum ratio considering foundation only shall be no less than
1.5. Soil bearing pressure shall not exceed 50% of allowable static pressure under
normal operating conditions, and 100% of allowable static pressure under extreme
operating conditions. Maximum pier lateral deflection under lateral operating loading,
without impact considerations, shall not exceed 0.18 mm (7 mil) or the
manufacturer’s recommended values. The centre of gravity of the machine should
be aligned with the centre of gravity of the foundation.
Rock bolts should be used for structural applications whenever suitable. Rock bolts
shall be designed to be capable of carrying a load equivalent to the steel full yield
capacity. All embedment lengths shall be confirmed and verified by the Engineer.

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2.6 Clearances

The following horizontal or vertical minimum clearances shall be provided:

a) Walkways
i) Headroom: 2,150 mm.
ii) Headroom above stair tread, measured from the leading edge of the
tread: 2,150 mm.
iii) Minimum width: 750 mm.
iv) Where doors or gates open directly on a stairway, a platform shall be
provided, and the swing of the door shall not reduce the effective width of
the platform to less than 500 mm.
b) Roads and accessways
i) Vertical clearance for primary access roads: 6,400 mm.
ii) Vertical clearance under pipe racks and for secondary roads: 6,400 mm.
iii) Width of primary access (excluding shoulders of 1.5 m): 3.65 m.
iv) Width of secondary roads (excluding shoulders of 1m): 3.00 m.
v) Clearance from edge of road shoulders to platforms, equipment, piping,
etc.: 1.5 m.
c) Stairs and ladders
i) Stairways having four or more risers, or rising more than 0.75 m,
whichever is less, shall be equipped with at least one handrail and one
stair rail system along each unprotected side or edge. The height of each
riser, including first and last, shall be identical and a maximum height of
200 mm. The maximum height variation between all risers in a flight of
stairs shall be 5 mm.
2.7 Deflection and camber criteria for design based on IBC code

Deflection limitations for structures shall conform to IBC Section 1604 and ACI
318M, Chapter 7, or Chapter 8 and Chapter 24.
The maximum deflection of grating and floor plate due to live load shall not exceed
6 mm (¼ inch).
Lateral deflection of crane support runway girders for cranes with lateral moving
trolleys shall not exceed L/400, where L equals the span length.

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Vertical deflection of crane support runway girders shall not exceed the following
limits due to maximum wheel load(s), excluding impact, where L equals the span

CMAA crane class Deflection limit

Top running CMAA Class A, B, and C cranes L/600
Top running CMAA Class D cranes L/800
Top running CMAA Class E and F cranes L/1000
Under running CMAA Class A, B, and C cranes L/450
Monorails L/450

Vertical deflection of jib cranes shall not exceed L/225, excluding impact, where
L equals the maximum distance from the support column to the load location.
Camber requirements to ensure proper roof drainage and to control deflection of
large-span trusses and girders shall conform to IBC and AISC 360-10 Specification,
Chapter L.
2.8 Drift criteria for design based on IBC code

Allowable wind drift limits for pipe racks shall not exceed H/150, where H equals pipe
rack height.
Allowable wind drift limits for process structures, pre-engineered metal buildings, and
personnel access platforms shall not exceed H/200, where H equals structure
Allowable wind drift limits for buildings with bridge cranes shall not exceed H/200 or
50 mm (2”), whichever is less, where H equals height to the top of the crane runway
Allowable drift due to crane lateral forces shall not exceed H/400 or 50 mm (2”),
whichever is less, where H is the height of the building or structure at the level of the
crane rail.
Inter-storey seismic drift limitations shall conform to Section 12.12 of ASCE 7.
2.9 Deflection and drift ratios

2.9.1 Deflection ratios

Ratios of deflection, live load only to span (L), shall not exceed the following values:

 Roof framing with sheet metal cladding 1/240

 Roof framing with built-up roofing 1/360

 Roof cladding (sheet metal) 1/120

 Wall cladding (uninsulated sheet metal) 1/120

 Wall cladding (sandwich panel) 1/180

 Floor decks (sheet metal) 1/240

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 Platform beams 1/360

 Wind sway of building columns See 2.8

 Lateral displacement of building columns (lateral crane load) See 2.8

 Trusses due to dead plus live loads 1/700

 Process crane girders, vertical, dead plus live loads without impact See 2.7

 Process crane girders, horizontal due to side thrust See 2.7

 Shop crane girders, vertical, dead plus live loads without impact See 2.7

 Shop crane girders, horizontal due to side thrust See 2.7

 Conveyor supports vertical, dead load (without material) and live load 1/500

 Conveyor supports, vertical due to material load 1/600

 Conveyor supports, horizontal, due to wind or seismic load 1/300 of height

 Girts and purlins, due to wind load 1/200

 Girts and purlins due to roof live load 1/180

The differential deflection between supports for direct-driven equipment shall be

limited to 75% of the transitional and rotational movement permitted in the coupling
between the drive and the equipment.
2.9.2 Span depth ratios

Ratios of depth (D) to span (L) of steel supporting beams and trusses shall not
exceed the following, unless a detailed deflection analysis of the member proves that
the actual deflection is not detrimental to the structure or its function:

 Trusses:
Vertical D/L= 1/17
Horizontal D/L= 1/24

 Equipment support beams (conveyor drives) D/L= 1/16

 Platforms – beams (general) D/L= 1/24

 Walkway beams D/L= 1/24

 Purlins D/L= 1/30

 Girts D/L= 1/50

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Appendix A. Minimum design live loads

Uniform load (1) Concentrated

Occupancy or use 2
kPa (UNO) lb/ft Load
kN lb
Access floor system (computer use) 4.8 (UNO)
100 (7) 9.0 s (2)
Access floor system (office use) 2.4 50 9.0 2,000 (2)
Concentrated load on floor slabs 9.0 2,000 (2)
Control rooms 12.0 250 9.0 2,000 (2)
Conveyor walkway (8)
Corridors 4.8 100 9.0 2,000 (2)
Crushing plants (laydown areas) 14.4 300 13.3 3,000 (2)
Electrical switchgear room 7.2 150 9.0 2,000 (2)
Elevator machine room grating 4.8 100 1.3 300 (3)
Grinding bay operating floor – liner storage 31.4 66 (10) (10)
and moving equipment
Grinding bay operating floor – general 14.4 300 13.3 3,000 (2)
Handrails and guard rails (9) 0.73 kN/m 5 lbs/ft 0.9 200
Laboratories 4.8 100
Laydown areas and truck aisles 9.6 200
Lobbies 4.8 100
Lunchrooms 4.8 100
Mezzanines 4.8 100
Offices and office roofs 2.4 50 9.0 2,000
Operating platforms and areas – flooring 4.8 100
Operating platforms and areas – framing 4.8 100
Ore stockpile reclaim chamber feeder floor 14.4 300 13.3 3,000 (2)
Partitions and interior walls 0.24 5
Personnel access platforms and walkways 2.9 60
Primary crusher feeder floor 14.4 300 13.3 3,000 (2)
Restrooms 2.4 50
Roofs – see IBC
Sidewalks 12.0 250 36 8,000
Stairs and ramps 4.8 100 4.5 1,000
Storage warehouses (heavy) 12.0 250 Forklift truck (6)
Storage warehouses (light) 7.2 150 Forklift truck (6)
Surcharge outside and adjacent to structures 12.0 250 36 8,000 (5)
Truck support structures ASHTO HS20-44 ASHTO HS20-44

(1) Refer to IBC Section 1607.9 or ASCE 7 Section 4.8 for live load reduction.
(2) Load placed upon any space 0.76 m × 0.76 m square, not combined with uniform live load according to IBC Section 1607.4.
(3) Load is applied on area of 2,580 mm2.
(4) Consult local building code and Owner specifications for more severe requirements.
(5) Wheel load not to be combined with uniform live load – railroad surcharge, where applicable, shall be considered according to
(6) Wheel spacing, type, pressure, and footprint are required from the manufacturer.
(7) Use weight of equipment or stored material when greater.
(8) For design of individual elements and support members, use 2.5 kPa.
(9) Uniform and concentrated loads need not be combined.
(10) Komatsu forklift DX20 Model FD70-7.

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Appendix B. Impact loads

Category Vertical load Lateral load Longitudinal load

(percent) (percent) (percent)
For supports of elevators and 100 – –
dumbwaiters (dead and live load)
For cab-operated travelling crane support 25 (4) 20 (1) 10 (2)
girders (3) and their connections
For pendant or radio-operated travelling 10 (4) 10 (1) 10 (2)
crane support girders (3) and their
Monorails, trolley beams, davits 25 (4) – 10 (2)
Moving conveyor components (5) idlers, 25
belt, pulleys
For supports of light machinery, shaft- 20 – –
driven or motor-driven
For supports of reciprocating machinery 50 – –
or power-driven units
For hangers supporting floors and 33 – –
For vibrating screens 50 50

(1) Sum of weights of rated capacity of hoist and of the crane trolley, cab and hooks. Load shall be assumed to act horizontally
in either direction perpendicular to the runway beam, and shall be distributed according to the net lateral stiffness of the runway
beam and supporting structures. Lateral impact loads are for powered trolleys only. Zero impact load for hand-geared trolleys.

(2) Longitudinal tractive force shall, if not otherwise specified, be taken as 10 percent of maximum wheel loads of cranes,
applied at top of rail. Longitudinal impact loads are for powered trolleys only. Zero impact loads for hand-geared trolleys. Crane
runways shall also be designed for crane stop forces. This is the force resulting from the crane’s hitting the stop at 40 percent of
rated speed for the loaded bridge crane.

(3) Live load crane support girders shall be taken as the maximum wheel loads.

(4) Vertical impact loads are for powered hoists only. Zero impact for manually operated (chain) hoists.

(5) Weight of moving or rotating component parts.

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Appendix C. General limits of displacement amplitude for a particular frequency of

vibration (after Richart 1962)

From Reiter and Meister, Scale for Steady-state Vibrations

From Rausch (1943), Steady-state Vibrations
From Crandell (1949), Ground Vibration Due to Blasting


Displacement amplitude A, inches


1,000 10,000
Frequency cpm

General limit of displacement amplitude for a particular

frequency of vibration (after Richart, 1962)

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Appendix D. Headframe and shaft project design criteria

D1.0 Headframe

D1.1 General

D1.2 Over travel safety devices

D1.3 Over travel clearances

D2.0 Structural

D2.1 Codes, regulations, standards and references

D2.2 Materials – crane girders

D2.3 Design loads and forces

D 2.3.1 Load combinations

D 2.3.2 Load combinations with seismic

D2.4 Headframe and hoisting plant loads

D 2.4.1 Hoisting plant operating loads

D 2.4.2 Emergency/special condition loads

D 2.4.3 Hoisting plant rope loads

D 2.4.4 Hoisting plant loading combinations

D2.5 Deflection limitations

D2.6 Shaft system structures (shaft steel)

D 2.6.1 Shaft steel design classification

D 2.6.2 Shaft steel design loads

D 2.6.3 Shaft guide lateral displacement

D 2.6.4 Shaft station structure design loads

D 2.6.5 Shaft steel load combinations

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D1.1 General

Unless specifically stated otherwise, the design of the hoisting plant facilities shall be
based on applicable parts of the latest revision of the following codes, regulations,
standards and references:

SANS 10208-1 Design of Structures for the Mining Industry Part 1: Headgear Structures
SANS 10208-2 Design of Structures for the Mining Industry Part 2: Sinking Stages
SANS 10208-3 Design of Structures for the Mining Industry Part 3: Conveyances
Design of Structures for the Mining Industry Part 4: Shaft System
SANS 10208-4

D1.2 Over travel safety devices

The headframe shall be equipped with safety devices for protection against over
travel of the conveyances. The over travel devices shall include:
a) A conveyance arrestor system. Acceptable systems are supplied by Selda,
Technogrid or Rawie. The arrestors shall be designed to retard an ascending
conveyance from 70% of full speed at a deceleration rate of 0.9g.
b) Crash beams shall be installed below each winder deck to stop the
conveyance in the event of an overwind. The crash beams shall be designed
for an upward force equal to the breaking strength of the hoist rope(s).
c) Catch gear shall be provided to seize the conveyance in an overwind situation
that results in the hoist rope breaking.
D1.3 Over travel clearances
The headframe design shall incorporate minimum clearances to allow for over travel.
The over travel clearance is defined as the distance from the conveyance in its
highest normal unloading/loading position to the underside of the crash beams, and
is the sum of the over travel allowance (OTA) plus the arrestor travel length (AL).
For friction winders, the minimum over travel allowance (distance from the top of the
conveyance in its highest normal unload/load position to the underside of the
arrestor gear) shall be calculated as follows (in mm):
Over travel clearance = OTA + AL
OA= Operating Allowance
RS= Rope Stretch due to payload.
TLSD= Track Limit Stopping Distance.
AZE= Arrestor Entry Zone.

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AL = DD+ H + SM
DD= Decceleration Distance.
H= height of the arrestor gear.
SM= Safety Margin.

Figure D.1-Clearance diagram and terminology


D2.1 Codes, regulations, standards and references

Unless specifically stated otherwise, the design of all buildings, structures and
related facilities shall be based on applicable parts of the latest revision of the codes,
specifications, standards, regulations, and other references listed in Section 1.2,
except as noted below.
D2.2 Materials – crane girders
Crane girders shall be designed in accordance with AISE Technical Report 13.
D2.3 Design loads and forces

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The minimum design loads shall be in accordance with IBC, SANS 10208-4, AISE
Technical Report 13, except as noted below:

 A concentrated design load of 22 kN to cover miscellaneous hoisting

operations shall only be applied to structural members immediately above
equipment to be lifted. The load is not to be applied to all members. This load
is not cumulative, nor carried to columns, and is not shown on drawings.

 A services allowance of 0.5–1.0 kPa, additional to all floor live loads, is

cumulative and carried to columns, and shall be shown on drawings.
Truck support structures, at a minimum, are as follows:

 wheel load = 70.0 kN (0.6 m × 0.25 m contact area); and

 axle load = 140 kN

Refer to AASHTO HB17 Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges for Wheel
Center and Axle Spacing.
Floors supporting fixed equipment shall be designed for the load from the
equipment, with appropriate impact factors over the floor area occupied by the
equipment, plus the applicable uniform live load over the remaining floor area.
Floors supporting vehicles shall be designed for the wheel loads from the vehicle,
with appropriate impact factors over the floor area occupied by the vehicle in the
most critical location, plus half the applicable uniform live load over the remaining
floor area.
Floors accessible by overhead cranes or monorails shall be designed for the load
equal to the capacity of the crane or monorail, with 30% of the impact distributed
over the floor area occupied by the load in the most critical location, plus half the
applicable uniform live load over the remaining floor area.
Live load reduction is allowed, as outlined in the IBC.
D2.3.1 Load combinations
Refer to IBC 2105, Section 1605.
D2.3.2 Load combinations with seismic
Refer to IBC 2105, Section 1605.
D2.4 Headframe and hoisting plant loads
D2.4.1 Hoisting plant operating loads
In addition to the climatic and live loads previously described, the headgear
structural design shall consider, but not be limited to, the following operating load
a) conveyance rope working loads;
b) vertical and horizontal conveyance travel operating loads;
c) skip operating loads during dumping cycle;
d) friction winder loads (to be supplied by winder manufacture):
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i) self-weight of hoist, including motor and ancillaries;

ii) winder starting torques;
iii) winder braking device loads; and
iv) magnetic pull where motors are connected directly to the rope carrier.
e) electrical, instrumentation and controls equipment loads;
f) service elevator/lift;
g) collar, safety and maintenance doors/gates operating loads;
h) rope installation and changeover loads;
i) conveyance banking and changeover loads;
j) floor and platform loads (5.0 kPa minimum);
k) skip material dump and chute loads; and
l) lifting device loads at collar, sheave decks and dump elevations.

D2.4.2 Emergency/special condition loads

a) Conveyance rope breaking load
b) Arrestor loads resulting from the conveyance over travelling and being
decelerated by arrestor gear at a rate of 0.9g
c) Impact load of the conveyance colliding with the crash beams (equal to the
breaking strength of hoist ropes)
d) Drop-back loads (catch gear), which are the downward loads applied to the
catch gear by a falling mass equal to the conveyance plus contents and tail
e) Winder motor short-circuit (emergency) torques
f) Auxiliary cage emergency breaking (dogging) loads
D2.4.3 Hoisting plant rope loads
The headframes will be designed for the following load criteria:
Rope working loads are defined as the loads exerted on the headframe and hoist
by the hoisting ropes during normal operation, and include the conveyance weight,
payload and rope self-weight from the head sheave to the shaft bottom.
Rope breaking loads are defined as the loads exerted on the headframe and hoist
by the hoisting ropes when stressed beyond their ultimate tensile capacity. For the
purpose of design, the breaking strength is as specified by the wire rope
a) Shaft No. 2 hoisting rope loads during shaft sinking
These are to be supplied by the shaft sinking Contractor.

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b) Shaft No. 2 hoisting rope loads during development and production

Auxiliary cage rope loads
No. of ropes: 1
Rope diameter: 28 mm
Rope type: 6 × 27 FS
Rope weight: 3.31 kg/m
Working rope loads: 101 kN
Rope breaking loads 587 kN

Production (skip) rope loads

Head ropes:
No. of ropes: 6
Rope diameter: 50.8 mm
Rope type: full lock coil
Rope weight: 14.42 kg/m
T1/T2 ratio: 1.32:1

Rope working loads: 424 kN each

Rope breaking loads: 2,411 kN each

Tail (balance) ropes:

No. of ropes: 6
Rope diameter: 60.325 mm
Rope type: 34 × 7 non-rotating
Rope weight: 14.09 kg/m
Rope breaking loads: 1,886 kN each

Service cage/counterweight loads

Head ropes:
No. of ropes: 6
Rope diameter: 50.8
Rope type: full lock coil
Rope weight: 14.42 kg/m
T1/T2 ratio: 1.16:1

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Cage working loads: 429 kN each

Cage breaking loads: 2,411 kN each
CWT working loads: 429 kN each
CWT breaking loads: 2,411 kN each

Tail (balance) ropes:

No. of ropes: 6
Rope diameter: 60.325 mm
Rope type: 34 × 7 non-rotating
Rope weight: 14.09 kg/m
Rope breaking loads: 1,886 kN each

D2.4.4 Hoisting plant loading combinations

Load combinations used in the design of structures shall be in accordance with IBC
and AISE Technical Report 13, except as noted below:
Tower-mounted friction hoist headframe:
a) 1.2 or 0.9 * dead loads + 1.6 * wind loads
b) 1.2 or 0.9 * dead loads + 1.6 * live loads
c) 1.2 or 0.9 * dead loads + 1.6 * wind loads + 1.6 * all hoisting wire ropes @
working loads
d) 1.2 or 0.9 * dead loads + 1.6 * live loads + 1.6 * all hoisting wire ropes @
working loads
e) 1.2 or 0.9 * dead loads + 0.7 * [1.6 * live loads + 1.6 * wind loads] + 1.6 * all
hoisting wire ropes @ working loads
f) 1.2 or 0.9 * dead loads + 1.6 * wind loads + [1.1 * one set of tight side hoisting
ropes @ breaking load] + [1.1 * one set of slack side hoisting ropes @ 1/2 *
breaking load]+ [1.6 * all other hoisting wire ropes @ working loads]
g) 1.2 or 0.6 * dead loads + 0.7 * [1.6 * live loads + 1.6 * wind loads] + [1.1 * one
set of tight side hoisting ropes @ breaking load] + [1.1 * one set of slack side
hoisting ropes @ 1/2 * breaking load]+ [1.6 * all other hoisting wire ropes @
working loads]
Load combinations with seismic loads

a) 1.0 * dead loads + 1.0 * seismic loads

b) 1.0 * dead loads + 1.0 * live loads + 1.0 * seismic loads
c) 1.0 * dead loads + 1.0* live loads + 1.0 * seismic loads + 1.6 * all hoisting wire
ropes @ working loads

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Rope breaking conditions are not to be combined with the effects of seismic loads.
The 0.9 dead load factor shall be used for uplift and stability calculations.
D2.5 Deflection limitations
The headgear shall be designed to restrict deflections under service loads as

Headframe side sway: h/500

h is the height above collar elevation.

Differential deflection of the winder is not to exceed the manufacturer’s tolerances.

D2.6 Shaft system structures (shaft steel)
D2.6.1 Shaft steel design classification
The shaft steel structures shall be designed in accordance with SANS 10208-4
– Design of Structures for the Mining Industry – Part 4: Shaft System Structures for:
 Shaft Zone A; and

 Shaft Condition Classification B – Average.

D2.6.2 Shaft steel design loads
The shaft steel design shall consider, but not be limited to, the following operating
and emergency load conditions:
a) Normal operating loads
i) dead loads, including steel self-weight, service pipes, cables and ducts;
ii) conveyance guide roller lateral loads;
iii) slipper plate (slamming) lateral loads; and
iv) slipper plate vertical loads.
b) Emergency loads
i) arrestor loads at shaft bottom: loads resulting from the conveyance over
travelling and decelerated by arrestor gear at a rate of 2.0g; and
ii) impact load of the conveyance colliding with the crash beams at shaft
bottom (equal to the breaking strength of hoist ropes).
D2.6.3 Shaft guide lateral displacement
The lateral displacement of the conveyance shall not exceed the limits specified in
SANS 10208-4.

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D2.6.4 Shaft station structure design loads

The shaft station structure design shall consider, but not be limited to, the following
load conditions:
a) Station steel
i) Conveyance chairing or slinging load.
ii) Secondary maintenance platform shall be designed for a uniformly
distributed live load of 5.0 kPa.
iii) Station overhead protection (hoods).
iv) Ventilation pressures.
v) Horizontal loads on brattice/screen panels.
vi) Pipe supports at stations shall be designed to resist loads resulting from:
 static pressure;
 flow in pipe;
 dynamic loads, such as water hammer; and/or
 thermal expansion and contraction.
b) Station floor (footwall)
i) Uniformly distributed floor loads equivalent to that of the service cage
floor capacity.
ii) Wheel loads equivalent to mobile equipment lowered in or slung below
the service cage.

D2.6.5 Shaft steel load combinations (as per SANS 10208-4)

Operating conditions:

 1.5 * dead loads+ 1.3 * pipe contents loads

 1.2 or 0.9 * dead loads + 1.3 * pipe contents loads + 1.6 * horizontal
conveyance operating (slipper plate action) loads + 1.6 * horizontal
conveyance operating (guide roller action) loads + 1.6 vertical operating loads
Emergency conditions:
 1.2 or 0.9 * dead loads+ 1.3 * pipe contents loads + 1.05 * lateral and vertical
emergency conveyance load (on one conveyance) + loads on the other
+1.6 * horizontal conveyance operating loads (slipper plate action)
+ 1.6* horizontal conveyance operating loads (guide roller action)
+ 1.6 vertical operating loads

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Appendix E. Sand, dust and snow accumulation loading diagram for roof

Based on 100mm sand dust on 1:12 roof


Figure 1

Figure 2

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Appendix F. Chinese Building Codes and specific design parameters

Structures may only be designed to the codes and standards below with the
approval of the Engineer. The following information shall be considered and
reviewed in addition to the criteria in Sections 1 and 2 of this specification and the

Chinese Building Codes and Specifications

 GB 50003 Code for Design of Masonry Structures.

 GB 50007 Code for Design of Building Foundations.

 GB 50009 Loading Code for Design of Building Structures.

 GB 50010 Code for Design of Concrete Structures.

 GB 50011 Code for Seismic Design of Buildings.

 GB 50016 Code for Fire Protection Design in Buildings

 GB 50017 Code for Design of Steel Structures.

 GB 50018 Technical Code of Cold Formed Thin Wall Steel Structures.

 GB 50021 Code for Investigation of Geotechnical Engineering.

 GB 50040 Code for Design of Dynamic Machine Foundation.

 GB 50051 Code for Design of Chimneys.

 GB 50068 Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Building Structures.

 GBJ 3068 Code for the Design of Steel Storage Tank Ground-
Works and Foundations in Petrochemical Enterprises.

 GB 50191 Seismic Design of Special Structures.

 GB 18152 Safety Regulation of Ore Dressing Plant.

 GB 16424 Safety Regulation of Metallic and Non Metallic Underground Mine.

 JTJ 01 Highway Engineering Standard.

 JGJ 94 Technical Code for Building Pile Foundations.

 JGJ 81 Specification for the Welding of Building Structures.

 JGJ 82 Code for the Design, Construction and Acceptance of High

Strength Bolts.

 CECS 102 Technical Specification for Steel Structure of Light-weight

Buildings with Gabled Frames.

 CECS 138 Specification for Structural Design of Reinforced Concrete Water

Tank of Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering.

 11G101 Presentation and Detail for Concrete Construction Drawing.

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Earthquake loads – for design according to Chinese Building Codes (based on

475-year return period earthquake)
a) Earthquake loads are defined as the static horizontal and vertical forces
equivalent in their design effect to the dynamic loads induced by ground
motion during an earthquake.
b) All buildings, structures, and components shall be designed for earthquake
forces according to Chinese Building Codes GB 50011 and GB 50191.

 Design basic ground acceleration = 0.06 g on bedrock.

 Fortification intensity = VI for a structure within the north-west outcrop

area, or greater for a structure within the rest of the Oyu Tolgoi site.

 Structure/Building Type B.

 Construction site category depending on building locations. Category = I

shall be assigned to a structure within the north-west outcrop area.
Category = 2 shall be assigned to the remainder of Oyu Tolgoi site area,.

 Design for near-earthquake.

c) Seismic load is the operating load and applicable portion of other loads as
defined in Chinese Building Code GB 50011.
d) Every structure, building, and foundation shall be designed to resist the effects
of overturning moments caused by earthquake forces as specified. The
overturning moment due to seismic forces shall not exceed ⅔ of the resisting

Live loads except roof live load

When designing to Chinese Building Codes, the loads shall be no less than those
loads in Section 3 of GB 50009.

Snow loads and rain loads

a) Unbalanced snow loads shall be considered as per GB50009.
b) Rain on snow surcharge loads shall be considered as per GB50009.

Wind loads – for design in accordance with the Chinese Building Codes
a) All buildings, structures, components, and cladding shall be designed to resist
wind effects according to GB 50009.
b) Wind load shall be separately computed for all supported equipment, ladders,
and stairs, except for vessels whose wind increase factors have already been
accounted for.
c) No reduction shall be made for the shielding effect of vessels or structures
adjacent to the structure being designed.
d) The overturning moment due to wind shall not exceed ⅔ of the resisting
moment of the structure during its lightest possible condition after plant
construction is complete.

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e) Flexible wind-sensitive structures, including vessels, are defined as having at

least one of the following conditions:

 height exceeds 5 times the least horizontal dimension; and

 fundamental frequency less than 1 hertz.

f) Induced dynamic loads shall be taken into consideration, such as vortex
shedding on cylindrical shapes extending over 30 m above grade or having a
height-to-diameter ratio in excess of 1.5.
g) All buildings, structures, components, and cladding shall be designed to resist
wind effects according to the Chinese Building Code GB 50009, and as stated
within this specification:

 Roughness Category A as indicated in Section 7.2 of GB 50009

 Expected maximum mean wind speed, V0 = 34 m/s

 K = characteristic value of wind load (kN/m2) = Z S E O

Z = dynamic effect factor of wind as indicated in Section 7.4 of GB 50009
S = shape factor for wind load as indicated in Section 7.3 of GB 50009
E = exposure factor for wind load as indicated in Section 7.2 of GB
O = wind reference pressure, and shall be V02/1600 = 0.7 kN/m2 as
indicated in Section 7.0 of GB 50009
h) Wind loads and other loads shall be combined as indicated in Section 2.2 of
GB 50009.

Deflection, camber and drift criteria for design based on Chinese Building Codes
The requirements for deflection limitations for flexural members shall conform to
GB 50017 Section 3.3, except as noted:
a) Maximum dead plus live load deflection of operating floor beams shall not
exceed L/400 in machine areas.
b) Maximum dead plus live load deflection for main beams and girders shall not
exceed L/400 (GB 50017, Section 3.3). Main members are defined as
connected beams and girders between columns. Deflection for beams
connecting girders shall not exceed L/250.
c) Elements supporting masonry shall be designed so that their vertical deflection
will not exceed L/600 of the clear span under total loads.
d) Deflection for purlins and girts shall not exceed L/180.
e) Camber requirements to ensure proper roof drainage and to control deflection
of large-span trusses and girders shall conform to Chinese National Code
GB 50017.

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Oyu Tolgoi LLC

f) Storey drift limitations due to seismic loads shall conform to GB 50011, Section
g) Storey drift limitations due to wind loads shall conform to GB 50017, and not
exceed 1/400 of the storey height. Horizontal deflection at the top of a multi-
storey framed structure due to wind shall not exceed 1/500 of the total height
of the structure.

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Oyu Tolgoi LLC

Appendix G. Conveyor load combinations

Design Load Load case combinations

component case D Bop Bst Bsd Bmax LLn L Lr S W E T Pg LLmax
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
4 1 1
5 1 1 1 1 1
6 1 1 1 1 1
7 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75

8 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75

9 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
10 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
11 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
12 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
13 1 0.75 0.6
14 1 0.75 0.7
15 1 0.75 1
16 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
17 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
18 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
19 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
20 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
21 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
22 0.6 0.75 0.6
23 0.6 0.75 0.7
24 0.6 1
25 0.6 1
26 0.6 1
27 0.6 1

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Oyu Tolgoi LLC

Design Load Load case combinations

component case D Bop Bst Bsd Bmax LLn L Lr S W E T Pg LLmax
28 1 1 1

29 1 1 1 1

30 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75

31 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75

32 1 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75

33 1 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
34 0.6 0.75 0.75 0.75
35 0.6 0.75 0.75 0.75

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Oyu Tolgoi LLC

Design Load Load case combinations

component case D Bop Bst Bsd Bmax LLn L Lr S W E T Pg LLmax
36 1.2 1.6 1.6 1.6 0.5
37 1.2 1.6 1.6 1.6 0.5
38 1.2 1.6 1.6 0.5 1.6
39 1.2 1.6 1.6 0.5 1.6
40 1.2 1.0 1.6 1.6 0.8
41 1.2 1.0 1.6 1.6 0.8
42 1.2 1.0 1.0

43 1.2 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0

44 1.2 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0
45 1.2 1.2
46 1.2 1.2
47 1.2 1.2
48 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.5 0.5
49 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.5 0.5
50 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.5 0.5
51 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.5 0.5
52 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.5 0.5
53 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.5 0.5
54 1.2 1.0 1.0
55 1.2 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.2 1.0

56 0.9 1.2
57 0.9 1.2
58 0.9 1.2
59 0.9 1.0 1.0
60 0.9 1.0 1.0

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Oyu Tolgoi LLC

Design Load Load case combinations

component case D Bop Bst Bsd Bmax LLn L Lr S W E T Pg LLmax
61 1.2 1.2 1.2

62 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 1.2 1.2


63 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 1.2 1.2


64 1.2 0.5 0.5 1.2 1.2

65 1.2 0.5 0.5 1.2 1.2

66 0.9 1.2 0.5 0.5 1.2 1.2

67 0.9 1.2 0.5 0.5 1.2 1.2
68 0.9 1.2 0.5 0.5 1.2 1.2
69 0.9 1.2 0.5 0.5 1.2 1.2

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