FNR 05K180 JohansonDielectrics

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HOW TO ORDER Zinc Oxide Leaded Varistors

FNR __ 05 K 180 B
| | | | |
Non Linear Resistor Type & Diameter Tolerance Rated Packaging
Designation Designation Designation Voltage Method
First 2 digits are
K = ± 10% significant; B = Bulk
See Table A M = ± 20% Last digit is T = Tape & Reel
number of zeros
P/N Example: FNR ─ 05K180T


Table A
Type Varistor Rated D d W H T
Code Type Voltage Max ± 0.1 ± 1.0 Max Max
18 – 82 7.0 0.6 5.0 10.0 3.5
100 – 470 7.5 0.6 5.0 10.0 6.0
07 18 – 470 9.0 0.6 5.0 12.0 6.0
18 – 330 13.5 0.8 7.5 16.5 5.4
360 – 1100 14.0 0.8 7.5 17.0 8.5
18 – 330 17.0 0.8 7.5 20.0 5.4
14 360 – 1100 17.5 0.8 7.5 20.5 8.5
1800 25.0 0.8 15.0 30.0 12.0
18 – 330 23.0 1.0 10.0 27.0 5.5
20 360 – 1100 24.0 1.0 10.0 28.0 9.0
1800 25.0 1.0 10.0 30.0 12.0
25 30 1.2 15 33.0 12.0
32 47 - 1100 38 1.5 18 41.0 13.0 Note:
40 45 1.5 20 48.0 13.0 All dimensions in mm
Note: Type Codes 05, 07,10 and 14 available on tape and in bulk; all larger sizes in bulk only.


Temperature / Humidity: +40 ±2° C / 90—95%RH
1. No mechanical damage
Humidity load Applied Voltage: working voltage
2. Varistor voltage change: within ±
resistance 10% Duration: 500 hours
Measured after 24 hours at room ambient temperature
Temperature: +40 ±2° C
Varistor voltage change: within ±
Humidity: 90—95%RH
Maximum surge 10% per IECI000-4-5 standard;
1.2/50 µs - 8/20 µs voltage-current Number of pulses one (1)
combination pulse Surge pulse: 8/20 µs
Applied current: maximum surge current (Is)
Temperature / Humidity: +40 ±2° C / 90—95%RH
Varistor voltage change within ±
Maximum surge Number of pulses one (1)
10% per IECI000-4-5 standard:
energy 10/1000 µs current pulse Surge pulse: 10/1000 µs
Applied current: maximum surge current (Is)
ESD life 1. No mechanical damage Discharge: contact discharge
2. Varistor voltage change: within ± Voltage: 8,000V(level 4)
10%; ESD gun (IEC1000-4-2 Number of discharges: 10,000 times in 10 sec.
standard) C=l50pF R=330Ω
ESD test 1. No mechanical damage Discharge: Air discharge
2. Varistor voltage change: within ±
Voltage: 25,000V(special level)
10%; use ESD gun (IEC1000-4-2
standard) C=l50pF R=330Ω Number of discharges: 10 times in 10 sec

15191 Bledsoe St., Sylmar, CA 91342 Varistors

Tel (818) 364-9800 • Fax (818) 364-6100 Page 8 of 14

Note: All Surge Testing to be performed in both polarities.

General Usage Zinc Oxide Leaded Varistors 18 – 100 VDC
Maximum Maximum
Maximum Maximum Capacitance
Varistor Clamping Withstanding Rated
Operating Energy (Reference)
Voltage Voltage Surge Current Watts
Part No. Voltage (J) 1KHz
(8 x 20 µs) (8 x 20 µs)
VDC AC DC VC IP 2 Times 1 Time 10/1000
2ms (W) (Pf)
(v) (V) (V) (V) (A) (A) (A) µs
FNR-05K180 18 11 14 40 1 50 100 0.3 0.4 0.01 1600
FNR-07K180 18 11 14 36 2.5 125 250 0.8 0.9 0.02 3500
FNR-10K180 18 11 14 36 5 250 500 1.5 2.1 0.05 7500
FNR-14K180 18 11 14 36 10 500 1000 3.5 4.0 0.1 18000
FNR-20K180 18 11 14 36 20 1000 2000 10.0 11.0 0.2 37000
FNR-05K220 22 14 18 48 1 50 100 0.4 0.5 0.01 1300
FNR-07K220 22 14 18 43 2.5 125 250 0.9 1.1 0.02 2800
FNR-10K220 22 14 18 43 5 250 500 2.0 2.5 0.05 6000
FNR-14K220 22 14 18 43 10 500 1000 4.0 5.0 0.1 15000
FNR-20K220 22 14 18 43 20 1000 2000 13.0 14.0 0.2 30000
FNR-05K270 27 17 22 60 1 50 100 0.5 0.6 0.01 1050
FNR-07K270 27 17 22 53 2.5 125 250 1.0 1.4 0.02 2000
FNR-10K270 27 17 22 53 5 250 500 2.5 3.0 0.05 4000
FNR-14K270 27 17 22 53 10 500 1000 5.0 6.0 0.1 10000
FNR-20K270 27 17 22 53 20 1000 2000 15.0 18.0 0.2 20000
FNR-05K330 33 20 26 73 1 50 100 0.6 0.8 0.01 900
FNR-07K330 33 20 26 65 2.5 125 250 1.2 1.7 0.02 1500
FNR-10K330 33 20 26 65 5 250 500 3.0 4.0 0.05 3000
FNR-14K330 33 20 26 65 10 500 1000 6.0 7.5 0.1 7500
FNR-20K330 33 20 26 65 20 1000 2000 20.0 13.0 0.2 17000
FNR-05K390 39 25 31 86 1 50 100 0.8 0.9 0.01 500
FNR-07K390 39 25 31 77 2.5 125 250 1.5 2.1 0.02 1350
FNR-10K390 39 25 31 77 5 250 500 3.5 4.6 0.05 2600
FNR-14K390 39 25 31 77 10 500 1000 7.0 8.6 0.1 6500
FNR-20K390 39 25 31 77 20 1000 2000 54.0 26.0 0.2 15000
FNR-05K470 47 30 38 104 1 50 100 1.0 1.1 0.01 450
FNR-07K470 47 30 38 93 2.5 125 250 1.8 2.5 0.02 1150
FNR-10K470 47 30 38 93 5 250 500 4.5 5.5 0.05 2200
FNR-14K470 47 30 38 93 10 500 1000 8.5 10.0 0.1 5500
FNR-20K470 47 30 38 93 20 1000 2000 30.0 33.0 0.2 13000
FNR-05K560 56 35 45 123 1 50 100 1.0 1.3 0.01 400
FNR-07K560 56 35 45 110 2.5 125 250 2.2 3.1 0.02 950
FNR-10K560 56 35 45 110 5 250 500 5.5 7.0 0.05 1800
FNR-14K560 56 35 45 110 10 500 1000 10.0 11.0 0.1 4500
FNR-20K560 56 35 45 110 20 1000 2000 35.0 41.0 0.2 11000
FNR-05K680 68 40 56 150 1 50 100 1.2 1.6 0.01 350
FNR-07K680 68 40 56 135 2.5 125 250 2.5 3.6 0.02 700
FNR-10K680 68 40 56 135 5 250 500 6.5 8.2 0.05 1300
FNR-14K680 68 40 56 135 10 500 1000 12.0 14.0 0.1 3300
FNR-20K680 68 40 56 135 20 1000 2000 40.0 46.0 0.2 7000
FNR-05K820 82 50 65 145 5 200 400 1.7 2.5 0.1 250
FNR-07K820 82 50 65 135 10 600 1200 3.5 5.5 0.25 550
FNR-10K820 82 50 65 135 25 1250 2500 8.0 12.0 0.4 1800
FNR-14K820 82 50 65 135 50 2500 4500 14.0 22.0 0.6 2900
FNR-20K820 82 50 65 135 100 4000 6500 27.0 38.0 1.0 5500
FNR-05K101 100 60 85 175 5 200 400 2.0 3.0 0.1 200
FNR-07K101 100 60 85 165 10 600 1200 4.0 6.5 0.25 500
FNR-10K101 100 60 85 165 25 1250 2500 10.0 15.0 0.4 1400
FNR-14K101 100 60 85 165 50 2500 4500 18.0 28.0 0.6 2400
FNR-20K101 100 60 85 165 100 4000 6500 30.0 45.0 1.0 4800

15191 Bledsoe St., Sylmar, CA 91342 Varistors

Tel (818) 364-9800 • Fax (818) 364-6100 Page 9 of 14

General Usage Zinc Oxide Leaded Varistors 120 – 360 VDC

Maximum Maximum
Maximum Maximum Capacitance
Varistor Clamping Withstanding Rated
Operating Energy (Reference)
Voltage Voltage Surge Current Watts
Part No. Voltage (J) 1KHz
(8 x 20 µs) (8 x 20 µs)
VDC AC DC VC IP 2 Times 1 Time 10/1000
2ms (W) (Pf)
(v) (V) (V) (V) (A) (A) (A) µs
FNR-05K121 120 75 100 210 5 200 400 2.5 0.4 0.1 170
FNR-07K121 120 75 100 200 10 600 1200 5.0 7.8 0.25 450
FNR-10K121 120 75 100 200 25 1250 2500 12.0 18.0 0.4 1100
FNR-14K121 120 75 100 200 50 2500 4500 20.0 32.0 0.6 1900
FNR-20K121 120 75 100 200 100 4000 6500 40.0 55.0 1.0 3800
FNR-05K151 150 95 125 260 5 200 400 3.0 4.8 0.1 140
FNR-07K151 150 95 125 250 10 600 1200 6.0 9.7 0.25 350
FNR-10K151 150 95 125 250 25 1250 2500 16.0 22.0 0.4 900
FNR-14K151 150 95 125 250 50 2500 4500 25.0 40.0 0.6 1500
FNR-20K151 150 95 125 250 100 4000 6500 50.0 70.0 1.0 3000
FNR-05K181 180 115 150 315 5 200 400 3.5 5.5 0.1 110
FNR-07K181 180 115 150 300 10 600 1200 8.0 1.0 0.25 300
FNR-10K181 180 115 150 300 25 1250 2500 18.0 25.0 0.4 700
FNR-14K181 180 115 150 300 50 2500 4500 30.0 50.0 0.6 1250
FNR-20K181 180 115 150 300 100 4000 6500 60.0 85.0 1.0 2500
FNR-05K201 200 130 170 355 5 200 400 4.0 6.5 0.1 80
FNR-07K201 200 130 170 340 10 600 1200 10.0 13.0 0.25 250
FNR-10K201 200 130 170 340 25 1250 2500 20.0 30.0 0.4 500
FNR-14K201 200 130 170 340 50 2500 4500 35.0 57.0 0.6 1000
FNR-20K201 200 130 170 340 100 4000 6500 70.0 95.0 1.0 2000
FNR-05K221 220 140 180 380 5 200 400 4.5 7.0 0.1 70
FNR-07K221 220 140 180 360 10 600 1200 10.0 14.0 0.25 250
FNR-10K221 220 140 180 360 25 1250 2500 23.0 32.0 0.4 450
FNR-14K221 220 140 180 360 50 2500 4500 40.0 60.0 0.6 1000
FNR-20K221 220 140 180 360 100 4000 6500 75.0 100.0 1.0 2000
FNR-05K241 240 150 200 415 5 200 400 5.0 8.0 0.1 70
FNR-07K241 240 150 200 395 10 600 1200 10.0 15.0 0.25 200
FNR-10K241 240 150 200 395 25 1250 2500 25.0 35.0 0.4 400
FNR-14K241 240 150 200 395 50 2500 4500 40.0 63.0 0.6 900
FNR-20K241 240 150 200 395 100 4000 6500 80.0 108.0 1.0 1800
FNR-05K271 270 175 225 475 5 200 400 6.0 8.5 0.1 65
FNR-07K271 270 175 225 455 10 600 1200 12.0 18.0 0.25 170
FNR-10K271 270 175 225 455 25 1250 2500 30.0 40.0 0.4 350
FNR-14K271 270 175 225 455 50 2500 4500 50.0 70.0 0.6 750
FNR-20K271 270 175 225 455 100 4000 6500 90.0 127.0 1.0 1600
FNR-05K301 300 200 250 525 5 200 400 6.0 9.0 0.1 55
FNR-07K301 300 200 250 500 10 600 1200 13.0 20.8 0.25 150
FNR-10K301 300 200 250 500 25 1250 2500 27.0 42.0 0.4 325
FNR-14K301 300 200 250 500 50 2500 4500 55.0 75.0 0.6 650
FNR-20K301 300 200 250 500 100 4000 6500 105.0 135.0 1.0 1400
FNR-05K331 330 210 275 580 5 200 400 6.5 9.0 0.1 60
FNR-07K331 330 210 275 550 10 600 1200 14.5 22.0 0.25 150
FNR-10K331 330 210 275 550 25 1250 2500 30.0 44.0 0.4 325
FNR-14K331 330 210 275 550 50 2500 4500 60.0 80.0 0.6 650
FNR-20K331 330 210 275 550 100 4000 6500 105.0 155.0 1.0 1400
FNR-05K361 360 230 300 620 5 200 400 7.5 10.0 0.1 50
FNR-07K361 360 230 300 595 10 600 1200 15.0 25.0 0.25 130
FNR-10K361 360 230 300 595 25 1250 2500 25.0 47.0 0.4 300
FNR-14K361 360 230 300 595 50 2500 4500 65.0 93.0 0.6 550
FNR-20K361 360 230 300 595 100 4000 6500 120.0 163.0 1.0 1200

15191 Bledsoe St., Sylmar, CA 91342 Varistors

Tel (818) 364-9800 • Fax (818) 364-6100 Page 10 of 14

General Usage Zinc Oxide Leaded Varistors 390 – 1800 VDC

Maximum Maximum
Maximum Maximum Capacitance
Varistor Clamping Withstanding Rated
Operating Energy (Reference)
Voltage Voltage Surge Current Watts
Part No. Voltage (J) 1KHz
(8 x 20 µs) (8 x 20 µs)
VDC AC DC VC IP 2 Times 1 Time 10/1000
2ms (W) (Pf)
(v) (V) (V) (V) (A) (A) (A) µs
FNR-05K391 390 250 320 675 5 200 400 8 12 0.1 50
FNR-07K391 390 250 320 650 10 600 1200 17 25 0.25 130
FNR-10K391 390 250 320 650 25 1250 2500 40 60 0.4 270
FNR-14K391 390 250 320 650 50 2500 4500 70 100 0.6 500
FNR-20K391 390 250 320 650 100 4000 6500 130 180 1.0 1000
FNR-05K431 430 275 350 745 5 200 400 9 13 0.1 45
FNR-07K431 430 275 350 710 10 600 1200 20 28 0.25 110
FNR-10K431 430 275 350 710 25 1250 2500 45 65 0.4 250
FNR-14K431 430 275 350 710 50 2500 4500 75 115 0.6 450
FNR-20K431 430 275 350 710 100 4000 6500 140 190 1.0 900
FNR-05K471 470 300 385 810 5 200 400 10 15 0.1 40
FNR-07K471 470 300 385 775 10 600 1200 20 30 0.25 100
FNR-10K471 470 300 385 775 25 1250 2500 45 70 0.4 230
FNR-14K471 470 300 385 775 50 2500 4500 80 125 0.6 440
FNR-20K471 470 300 385 775 100 4000 6500 150 220 1.0 900
FNR-10K511 510 318 415 840 25 1250 2500 45 70 0.4 200
FNR-14K511 510 318 415 840 50 2500 4500 80 125 0.6 380
FNR-20K511 510 318 415 840 100 4000 6500 150 220 1.0 800
FNR-10K561 560 350 455 925 25 1250 2500 45 70 0.4 180
FNR-14K561 560 350 455 925 50 2500 4500 80 125 0.6 345
FNR-20K561 560 350 455 925 100 4000 6500 150 220 1.0 700
FNR-10K621 620 380 505 1025 25 1250 2500 45 70 0.4 130
FNR-14K621 620 380 505 1025 50 2500 4500 85 125 0.6 250
FNR-20K621 620 380 505 1025 100 4000 6500 150 220 1.0 500
FNR-10K681 680 420 560 1120 25 1250 2500 45 70 0.4 130
FNR-14K681 680 420 560 1120 50 2500 4500 90 130 0.6 250
FNR-20K681 680 420 560 1120 100 4000 6500 160 230 1.0 460
FNR-10K751 750 460 615 1240 25 1250 2500 50 75 0.4 120
FNR-14K751 750 460 615 1240 50 2500 4500 100 143 0.6 230
FNR-20K751 750 460 615 1240 100 4000 6500 175 255 1.0 420
FNR-10K781 780 485 640 1290 25 1250 2500 50 80 0.4 120
FNR-14K781 780 485 640 1290 50 2500 4500 105 148 0.6 230
FNR-20K781 780 485 640 1290 100 4000 6500 180 265 1.0 420
FNR-10K821 820 510 670 1355 25 1250 2500 55 85 0.4 110
FNR-14K821 820 510 670 1355 50 2500 4500 110 157 0.6 200
FNR-20K821 820 510 670 1355 100 4000 6500 190 282 1.0 400
FNR-10K911 910 550 745 1500 25 1250 2500 60 93 0.4 100
FNR-14K911 910 550 745 1500 50 2500 4500 120 175 0.6 180
FNR-20K911 910 550 745 1500 100 4000 6500 215 310 1.0 350
FNR-10K102 1000 625 825 1650 25 1250 2500 65 102 0.4 90
FNR-14K102 1000 625 825 1650 50 2500 4500 130 190 0.6 150
FNR-20K102 1000 625 825 1650 100 4000 6500 230 342 1.0 320
FNR-10K112 1100 680 895 1815 25 1250 2500 70 115 0.4 80
FNR-14K112 1100 680 895 1815 50 2500 4500 140 213 0.6 150
FNR-20K112 1100 680 895 1815 100 4000 6500 250 383 1.0 300
FNR-14K182 1800 1000 1465 2970 50 2500 4500 240 337 0.6 100
FNR-20K182 1800 1000 1465 2970 100 4000 6500 400 625 1.0 200

15191 Bledsoe St., Sylmar, CA 91342 Varistors

Tel (818) 364-9800 • Fax (818) 364-6100 Page 11 of 14

Lightning Arrestor Zinc Oxide Leaded Varistors 47 - 680 VDC

Maximum Maximum
Maximum Maximum Capacitance
Varistor Clamping Withstanding Rated
Operating Energy (Reference)
Voltage Voltage Surge Current Watts
Part No. Voltage (J) 1KHz
(8 x 20 µs) (8 x 20 µs)
2ms (W) (Pf)
(v) (V) (V) (V) (A) (A)
FNR-25K470 47 30 38 89 40 1250 15 1.0 10000
FNR-32K470 47 30 38 89 40 2500 25 1.2 11000
FNR-40K470 47 30 38 89 40 5000 40 1.4 15000
FNR-25K560 56 35 45 106 40 1250 18 1.0 8000
FNR-32K560 56 35 45 106 40 2500 30 1.2 10000
FNR-40K560 56 35 45 106 40 5000 45 1.4 14000
FNR-25K680 68 40 56 129 40 1250 21 1.0 7000
FNR-32K680 68 40 56 129 40 2500 32 1.2 9000
FNR-40K680 68 40 56 129 40 5000 50 1.4 13000
FNR-25K820 82 50 65 156 200 5000 23 1.0 6000
FNR-32K820 82 50 65 156 200 10000 35 1.2 8000
FNR-40K820 82 50 65 156 200 20000 60 1.4 12000
FNR-25K101 100 60 85 190 200 5000 25 1.0 5000
FNR-32K101 100 60 85 190 200 10000 38 1.2 7000
FNR-40K101 100 60 85 190 200 20000 75 1.4 11500
FNR-25K121 120 75 100 216 200 5000 28 1.0 4000
FNR-32K121 120 75 100 216 200 10000 42 1.2 6000
FNR-40K121 120 75 100 216 200 20000 90 1.4 11000
FNR-25K151 150 95 125 270 200 5000 30 1.0 3000
FNR-32K151 150 95 125 270 200 10000 50 1.2 5000
FNR-40K151 150 95 125 270 200 20000 120 1.4 10500
FNR-25K201 200 130 270 360 200 5000 35 1.0 2400
FNR-32K201 200 130 270 360 200 10000 70 1.2 4700
FNR-40K201 200 130 270 360 200 20000 160 1.4 10000
FNR-25K221 220 140 180 385 200 5000 40 1.0 2200
FNR-32K221 220 140 180 385 200 10000 90 1.2 4300
FNR-40K221 220 140 180 385 200 20000 180 1.4 9500
FNR-25K241 240 150 200 420 200 5000 60 1.0 2000
FNR-32K241 240 150 200 420 200 10000 120 1.2 4000
FNR-40K241 240 150 200 420 200 20000 220 1.4 9000
FNR-25K271 270 175 225 473 200 5000 90 1.0 1700
FNR-32K271 270 175 225 473 200 10000 150 1.2 3500
FNR-40K271 270 175 225 473 200 20000 260 1.4 750
FNR-25K361 360 230 300 612 200 5000 120 1.0 1400
FNR-32K361 360 230 300 612 200 10000 180 1.2 3000
FNR-40K361 360 230 300 612 200 20000 300 1.4 6000
FNR-25K391 390 250 320 663 200 5000 150 1.0 1200
FNR-32K391 390 250 320 663 200 10000 220 1.2 2500
FNR-40K391 390 250 320 663 200 20000 340 1.4 5000
FNR-25K431 430 275 350 731 200 5000 180 1.0 1100
FNR-32K431 430 275 350 731 200 10000 260 1.2 2250
FNR-40K431 430 275 350 731 200 20000 380 1.4 4500
FNR-25K471 470 300 380 799 200 5000 220 1.0 1000
FNR-32K471 470 300 380 799 200 10000 300 1.2 1900
FNR-40K471 470 300 380 799 200 20000 420 1.4 3600
FNR-25K621 620 385 505 1054 200 5000 260 1.0 1500
FNR-32K621 620 385 505 1054 200 10000 340 1.2 3200
FNR-40K621 620 385 505 1054 200 20000 450 1.4 3300
FNR-25K681 680 420 560 1160 200 5000 300 1.0 1200
FNR-32K681 680 420 560 1160 200 10000 380 1.2 3000
FNR-40K681 680 420 560 1160 200 20000 500 1.4 3000

15191 Bledsoe St., Sylmar, CA 91342 Varistors

Tel (818) 364-9800 • Fax (818) 364-6100 Page 12 of 14

Lightning Arrestor Zinc Oxide Leaded Varistors 750 - 1800 VDC

Maximum Maximum
Maximum Maximum Capacitance
Varistor Clamping Withstanding Rated
Operating Energy (Reference)
Voltage Voltage Surge Current Watts
Part No. Voltage (J) 1KHz
(8 x 20 µs) (8 x 20 µs)
2ms (W) (Pf)
(v) (V) (V) (V) (A) (A)
FNR-25K751 750 460 615 1275 200 5000 350 1.0 1100
FNR-32K751 750 460 615 1275 200 10000 430 1.2 2700
FNR-40K751 750 460 615 1275 200 20000 550 1.4 2500
FNR-25K781 780 485 640 1326 200 5000 370 1.0 1050
FNR-32K781 780 485 640 1326 200 10000 480 1.2 2600
FNR-40K781 780 485 640 1326 200 20000 600 1.4 2450
FNR-25K821 820 510 670 1400 200 5000 400 1.0 1000
FNR-32K821 820 510 670 1400 200 10000 530 1.2 2400
FNR-40K821 820 510 670 1400 200 20000 640 1.4 2400
FNR-25K911 910 550 745 1550 200 5000 420 1.0 900
FNR-32K911 910 550 745 1550 200 10000 580 1.2 2200
FNR-40K911 910 550 745 1550 200 20000 700 1.4 2200
FNR-25K102 1000 625 825 1700 200 5000 450 1.0 800
FNR-32K102 1000 625 825 1700 200 10000 630 1.2 1900
FNR-40K102 1000 625 825 1700 200 20000 800 1.4 2000
FNR-25K112 1100 680 895 1870 200 5000 500 1.0 700
FNR-32K112 1100 680 895 1870 200 10000 700 1.2 1700
FNR-40K112 1100 680 895 1870 200 20000 850 1.4 1800
FNR-32K182 1800 1000 1465 3060 200 10000 750 1.2 1600
FNR-40K182 1800 1000 1465 3060 200 20000 1000 1.4 1600


AMMO Packaging per EIA 468 Quantity per Ammo Box

Type 18 – 270 300 – 470
05 2500 2000

07 2000 1500

10 2000 1500

14 1500 1000

Type Codes 05, 07,10 and 14 available on
tape per the above table.

15191 Bledsoe St., Sylmar, CA 91342 Varistors

Tel (818) 364-9800 • Fax (818) 364-6100 Page 13 of 14

Item Dimension (in mm)

Type Code in Part Number 05 07 10 14

D Body diameter 7.5 max 9.0 max 13.5 max 16.5 max

T Body thickness Table A Table A

d Lead-wire diameter 0.6 ± 0.1 0.8 ± 0.1
P Pitch between capacitors 12.7 ±1.0 25.4±1.0
P0 Feed hole pitch 12.7 ±0.3 12.7 ±0.3
P1 Feed hole center to lead center * 3.85 ±0.7 7.5 ±0.8
P2 Feed hole center to capacitor center 6.35 ±1.3 12.7 ±1.3
F Lead spacing 5.0 +0.8/-0.8 7.5 +0.8/-0.8
∆h Capacitor alignment F-R 0 ±2.0 0 ±2.0
W Tape width 18.0 +1.0/-0.5 18.0 +1.0/-0.5
W0 Hold-down tape width 12 min 12 min
W1 Hole position 9.0 ±0.5 9.0 ±0.5
W2 Hold-down tape position 3.0 max 3.0 max
For straight
H Height to seating Lead type
20.0 +1.5/-1.0 20.0 +1.5/-1.0
(See Note) For Kinked 16.0 ±0.5 16.0 ±0.5
H0 Lead type Outside Kink Inside Kink
H1 Capacitor height 32.25 max 40 max
e Lead-wire protrusion 1.0 max 1.0 max
D0 Feed hole diameter 4.0 ±0.2 4.0 ±0.2
t Total tape thickness 0.7 ±0.2 0.9 ±0.2
L Length of snipped off leads 11.0 max 11.0 max
C Coating rundown on leads 2.0 max 2.5

Note: OUTSIDE Kink and straight leads available on 05 and 07 Type Codes; INSIDE Kink and straight leads
on 10 and 14 Type Codes; STRAIGHT LEADS only on all other Type Codes.

15191 Bledsoe St., Sylmar, CA 91342 Varistors

Tel (818) 364-9800 • Fax (818) 364-6100 Page 14 of 14

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