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Software Engineering Notes (Unit-III)

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Software Engineering

Building the Analysis Modeling
Goals of Analysis Modeling
• Provides the first technical representation of a system
• Is easy to understand and maintain
• Deals with the problem of size by partitioning the system
• Uses graphics whenever possible
• Differentiates between essential information versus implementation information
• Helps in the tracking and evaluation of interfaces
• Provides tools other than narrative text to describe software logic and policy

A Set of Models
• Flow-oriented modeling – provides an indication of how data objects are transformed
by a set of processing functions
• Scenario-based modeling – represents the system from the user's point of view
• Class-based modeling – defines objects, attributes, and relationships
• Behavioral modeling – depicts the states of the classes and the impact of events on
these states

Requirements Analysis
• Specifies the software's operational characteristics
• Indicates the software's interfaces with other system elements
• Establishes constraints that the software must meet
• Provides the software designer with a representation of information, function, and
– This is later translated into architectural, interface, class/data and component-
level designs
• Provides the developer and customer with the means to assess quality once the
software is built

Overall Objectives
• Three primary objectives
– To describe what the customer requires
– To establish a basis for the creation of a software design
– To define a set of requirements that can be validated once the software is built
• All elements of an analysis model are directly traceable to parts of the design model,
and some parts overlap

Analysis Rules of Thumb

• The analysis model should focus on requirements that are visible within the problem
or business domain
– The level of abstraction should be relatively high
• Each element of the analysis model should add to an overall understanding of software
requirements and provide insight into the following
– Information domain, function, and behavior of the system
• The model should delay the consideration of infrastructure and other non-functional
models until the design phase
– First complete the analysis of the problem domain
• The model should minimize coupling throughout the system
– Reduce the level of interconnectedness among functions and classes
• The model should provide value to all stakeholders
• The model should be kept as simple as can be

Domain Analysis
• Definition
– The identification, analysis, and specification of common, reusable capabilities
within a specific application domain
– Do this in terms of common objects, classes, subassemblies, and frameworks
• Sources of domain knowledge
– Technical literature
– Existing applications
– Customer surveys and expert advice
– Current/future requirements
• Outcome of domain analysis

– Class taxonomies

– Reuse standards
– Functional and behavioral models
– Domain languages

Analysis Modeling Approaches

• Structured analysis
– Considers data and the processes that transform the data as separate entities
– Data is modeled in terms of only attributes and relationships (but no operations)
– Processes are modeled to show the
1) input data,
2) the transformation that occurs on that data, and
3) the resulting output data
• Object-oriented analysis
– Focuses on the definition of classes and the manner in which they collaborate
with one another to fulfill customer requirements
Elements of the Analysis Model

Flow-oriented Modeling
Data Modeling
• Identify the following items
– Data objects (Entities)
– Data attributes
– Relationships
– Cardinality (number of occurrences)

Data Flow and Control Flow

• Data Flow Diagram
– Depicts how input is transformed into output as data objects move through a
• Process Specification
– Describes data flow processing at the lowest level of refinement in the data flow
• Control Flow Diagram
– Illustrates how events affect the behavior of a system through the use of state

Diagram Layering and Process Refinement

Scenario-based Modeling
Writing Use Cases
• It is effective to use the first person “I” to describe how the actor interacts

with the software

• Format of the text part of a use case

Example Use Case Diagram

Activity Diagrams
• Supplements the use case by providing a graphical representation of the
flow of interaction within a specific scenario
• Uses flowchart-like symbols
– Rounded rectangle - represent a specific system function/action
– Arrow - represents the flow of control from one function/action to
– Diamond - represents a branching decision
– Solid bar – represents the fork and join of parallel activities
Example: Activity Diagram

Class-based Modeling
Identifying Analysis Classes
1) Perform a grammatical parse of the problem statement or use cases
2) Classes are determined by underlining each noun or noun clause
3) A class required to implement a solution is part of the solution space
4) A class necessary only to describe a solution is part of the problem space
5) A class should NOT have an imperative procedural name (i.e., a verb)
6) List the potential class names in a table and "classify" each class according to some
taxonomy and class selection characteristics
7) A potential class should satisfy nearly all (or all) of the selection characteristics to be
considered a legitimate problem domain class

Potential classes General Selection Characteristics


• General classifications for a potential class

– External entity (e.g., another system, a device, a person)
– Thing (e.g., report, screen display)
– Occurrence or event (e.g., movement, completion)
– Role (e.g., manager, engineer, salesperson)
– Organizational unit (e.g., division, group, team)
– Place (e.g., manufacturing floor, loading dock) – Structure (e.g., sensor, vehicle,


• Six class selection characteristics

1) Retained information
– Information must be remembered about the system over time
2) Needed services
– Set of operations that can change the attributes of a class
3) Multiple attributes
– Whereas, a single attribute may denote an atomic variable rather than a
4) Common attributes
– A set of attributes apply to all instances of a class
5) Common operations
– A set of operations apply to all instances of a class
6) Essential requirements
– Entities that produce or consume information

Defining Attributes of a Class

• Attributes of a class are those nouns from the grammatical parse that reasonably
belong to a class
• Attributes hold the values that describe the current properties or state of a class
• An attribute may also appear initially as a potential class that is later rejected because
of the class selection criteria
• In identifying attributes, the following question should be answered
– What data items (composite and/or elementary) will fully define a specific class
in the context of the problem at hand?
• Usually an item is not an attribute if more than one of them is to be associated with a

Defining Operations of a Class

• Operations define the behavior of an object
• Four categories of operations
– Operations that manipulate data in some way to change the state of an object
(e.g., add, delete, modify)
– Operations that perform a computation
– Operations that inquire about the state of an object
– Operations that monitor an object for the occurrence of a controlling event
• An operation has knowledge about the state of a class and the nature of its associations
• The action performed by an operation is based on the current values of the attributes of
a class
• Using a grammatical parse again, circle the verbs; then select the verbs that relate to
the problem domain classes that were previously identified
Example Class Box

Example: Class Box

Association, Generalization and Dependency
• Association
– Represented by a solid line between two classes directed from the source class
to the target class
– Used for representing (i.e., pointing to) object types for attributes
– May also be a part-of relationship (i.e., aggregation), which is represented by a
• Generalization
– Portrays inheritance between a super class and a subclass
– Is represented by a line with a triangle at the target end
• Dependency
– A dependency exists between two elements if changes to the definition of one
element (i.e., the source or supplier) may cause changes to the other element
(i.e., the client)
– Examples
• One class calls a method of another class
• One class utilizes another class as a parameter of a method Example Class Diagram

Example: Class Diagram

Behavioral Modeling
Creating a Behavioral Model
1) Identify events found within the use cases and implied by the attributes in the class
2) Build a state diagram for each class, and if useful, for the whole software system

Identifying Events in Use Cases

• An event occurs whenever an actor and the system exchange information
• An event is NOT the information that is exchanged, but rather the fact that information
has been exchanged
• Some events have an explicit impact on the flow of control, while others do not
– An example is the reading of a data item from the user versus comparing the
data item to some possible value

Building a State Diagram

• A state is represented by a rounded rectangle
• A transition (i.e., event) is represented by a labeled arrow leading from one state to
– Syntax: trigger-signature [guard]/activity
• The active state of an object indicates the current overall status of the object as is goes
through transformation or processing
– A state name represents one of the possible active states of an object
• The passive state of an object is the current value of all of an object's attributes
– A guard in a transition may contain the checking of the passive state of an

Example State Diagram

Example State Diagram

Design Engineering
Five Notable Design Quotes
• "Questions about whether design is necessary or affordable are quite beside the point;
design is inevitable. The alternative to good design is bad design, [rather than] no
design at all." Douglas Martin
• "You can use an eraser on the drafting table or a sledge hammer on the construction
site." Frank Lloyd Wright
• "The public is more familiar with bad design than good design. If is, in effect,
conditioned to prefer bad design, because that is what it lives with; the new [design]
becomes threatening, the old reassuring." Paul Rand
• "A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely
foolproof was to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools." Douglas Adams
• "Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to
your work your judgment will be surer. Go some distance away because then the
work appears smaller and more of it can be taken in at a glance and a lack of harmony
and proportion is more readily seen." Leonardo DaVinci

Purpose of Design
• Design is where customer requirements, business needs, and technical considerations
all come together in the formulation of a product or system
• The design model provides detail about the software data structures, architecture,
interfaces, and components
• The design model can be assessed for quality and be improved before code is
generated and tests are conducted
– Does the design contain errors, inconsistencies, or omissions?
– Are there better design alternatives?
– Can the design be implemented within the constraints, schedule, and cost that
have been established?
• A designer must practice diversification and convergence
– The designer selects from design components, component solutions, and
knowledge available through catalogs, textbooks, and experience
– The designer then chooses the elements from this collection that meet the
requirements defined by requirements engineering and analysis modeling
– Convergence occurs as alternatives are considered and rejected until one
particular configuration of components is chosen
• Software design is an iterative process through which requirements are translated into
a blueprint for constructing the software
– Design begins at a high level of abstraction that can be directly traced back to
the data, functional, and behavioral requirements
– As design iteration occurs, subsequent refinement leads to design
representations at much lower levels of abstraction
From Analysis Model to Design Model
• Each element of the analysis model provides information that is necessary to create the
four design models
– The data/class design transforms analysis classes into design classes along
with the data structures required to implement the software
– The architectural design defines the relationship between major structural
elements of the software; architectural styles and design patterns help achieve
the requirements defined for the system
– The interface design describes how the software communicates with systems
that interoperate with it and with humans that use it
– The component-level design transforms structural elements of the software
architecture into a procedural description of software components
From Analysis Model to Design Model

Task Set for Software Design

1) Examine the information domain model and design appropriate data structures for data
objects and their attributes
2) Using the analysis model, select an architectural style (and design patterns) that are
appropriate for the software
3) Partition the analysis model into design subsystems and allocate these subsystems

within the architecture

a) Design the subsystem interfaces

b) Allocate analysis classes or functions to each subsystem

4) Create a set of design classes or components
a) Translate each analysis class description into a design class
b) Check each design class against design criteria; consider inheritance issues
c) Define methods associated with each design class
d) Evaluate and select design patterns for a design class or subsystem
5) Design any interface required with external systems or devices
6) Design the user interface
7) Conduct component-level design
a) Specify all algorithms at a relatively low level of abstraction
b) Refine the interface of each component
c) Define component-level data structures
d) Review each component and correct all errors uncovered
8) Develop a deployment model
a) Show a physical layout of the system, revealing which components will be
located where in the physical computing environment

Design Quality
Quality's Role
• The importance of design is quality
• Design is the place where quality is fostered
– Provides representations of software that can be assessed for quality
– Accurately translates a customer's requirements into a finished software product
or system
– Serves as the foundation for all software engineering activities that follow
• Without design, we risk building an unstable system that
– Will fail when small changes are made
– May be difficult to test
– Cannot be assessed for quality later in the software process when time is short
and most of the budget has been spent
• The quality of the design is assessed through a series of formal technical reviews or
design walkthroughs

Goals of a Good Design

• The design must implement all of the explicit requirements contained in the analysis
– It must also accommodate all of the implicit requirements desired by the
• The design must be a readable and understandable guide for those who generate code,
and for those who test and support the software
• The design should provide a complete picture of the software, addressing the data,
functional, and behavioural domains from an implementation perspective
Design Quality Guidelines
1) A design should exhibit an architecture that
a) Has been created using recognizable architectural styles or patterns
b) Is composed of components that exhibit good design characteristics
c) Can be implemented in an evolutionary fashion, thereby facilitating
implementation and testing
2) A design should be modular; that is, the software should be logically partitioned into
elements or subsystems
3) A design should contain distinct representations of data, architecture, interfaces, and
4) A design should lead to data structures that are appropriate for the classes to be
implemented and are drawn from recognizable data patterns
5) A design should lead to components that exhibit independent functional characteristics
6) A design should lead to interfaces that reduce the complexity of connections between
components and with the external environment
7) A design should be derived using a repeatable method that is driven by information
obtained during software requirements analysis
8) A design should be represented using a notation that effectively communicates its

Design Concepts
• Abstraction
– Procedural abstraction – a sequence of instructions that have a specific and
limited function
– Data abstraction – a named collection of data that describes a data object
• Architecture
– The overall structure of the software and the ways in which the structure
provides conceptual integrity for a system
– Consists of components, connectors, and the relationship between them
• Patterns
– A design structure that solves a particular design problem within a specific
– It provides a description that enables a designer to determine whether the
pattern is applicable, whether the pattern can be reused, and whether the pattern
can serve as a guide for developing similar patterns
• Modularity
– Separately named and addressable components (i.e., modules) that are
integrated to satisfy requirements (divide and conquer principle)
– Makes software intellectually manageable so as to grasp the control paths, span
of reference, number of variables, and overall complexity
• Information hiding
– The designing of modules so that the algorithms and local data contained within
them are inaccessible to other modules
– This enforces access constraints to both procedural (i.e., implementation) detail
and local data structures
• Functional independence
– Modules that have a "single-minded" function and an aversion to excessive
interaction with other modules
– High cohesion – a module performs only a single task
– Low coupling – a module has the lowest amount of connection needed with
other modules
• Stepwise refinement
– Development of a program by successively refining levels of procedure detail
– Complements abstraction, which enables a designer to specify procedure and
data and yet suppress low-level details
• Refactoring
– A reorganization technique that simplifies the design (or internal code structure)
of a component without changing its function or external behavior
– Removes redundancy, unused design elements, inefficient or unnecessary
algorithms, poorly constructed or inappropriate data structures, or any other
design failures
• Design classes
– Refines the analysis classes by providing design detail that will enable the
classes to be implemented
– Creates a new set of design classes that implement a software infrastructure to
support the business solution
Types of Design Classes
• User interface classes – define all abstractions necessary for human-computer
interaction (usually via metaphors of real-world objects)
• Business domain classes – refined from analysis classes; identify attributes and
services (methods) that are required to implement some element of the business
• Process classes – implement business abstractions required to fully manage the
business domain classes
• Persistent classes – represent data stores (e.g., a database) that will persist beyond the
execution of the software
• System classes – implement software management and control functions that enable
the system to operate and communicate within its computing environment and the
outside world

Characteristics of a Well-Formed Design Class

• Complete and sufficient
– Contains the complete encapsulation of all attributes and methods that exist for
the class
– Contains only those methods that are sufficient to achieve the intent of the class
• Primitiveness
– Each method of a class focuses on accomplishing one service for the class
• High cohesion
– The class has a small, focused set of responsibilities and single-mindedly
applies attributes and methods to implement those responsibilities
• Low coupling
– Collaboration of the class with other classes is kept to an acceptable minimum
– Each class should have limited knowledge of other classes in other subsystems

The Design Model

Dimensions of the Design Model
Dimensions of the Design Model

• The design model can be viewed in two different dimensions

– (Horizontally) The process dimension indicates the evolution of the parts of the
design model as each design task is executed
– (Vertically) The abstraction dimension represents the level of detail as each
element of the analysis model is transformed into the design model and then
iteratively refined
• Elements of the design model use many of the same UML diagrams used in the
analysis model
– The diagrams are refined and elaborated as part of the design
– More implementation-specific detail is provided
– Emphasis is placed on
• Architectural structure and style
• Interfaces between components and the outside world
• Components that reside within the architecture
• Design model elements are not always developed in a sequential fashion
– Preliminary architectural design sets the stage
– It is followed by interface design and component-level design, which often
occur in parallel
• The design model has the following layered
– Data/class design
– Architectural design
– Interface design
– Component-level design
• A fifth element that follows all of the others is deployment-level design

Design Elements
• Data/class design
– Creates a model of data and objects that is represented at a high level of
• Architectural design
– Depicts the overall layout of the software
• Interface design
– Tells how information flows into and out of the system and how it is
communicated among the components defined as part of the architecture
– Includes the user interface, external interfaces, and internal interfaces
• Component-level design elements
– Describes the internal detail of each software component by way of data
structure definitions, algorithms, and interface specifications
• Deployment-level design elements
– Indicates how software functionality and subsystems will be allocated within
the physical computing environment that will support the software

Pattern-based Software Design

• Mature engineering disciplines make use of thousands of design patterns for such
things as buildings, highways, electrical circuits, factories, weapon systems, vehicles,
and computers
• Design patterns also serve a purpose in software engineering
• Architectural patterns (evolved from Creational, Structural & Behavioural design
– Define the overall structure of software
– Indicate the relationships among subsystems and software components
– Define the rules for specifying relationships among software elements
• Design patterns
– Address a specific element of the design such as an aggregation of components
or solve some design problem, relationships among components, or the
mechanisms for effecting inter-component communication
– Consist of creational, structural, and behavioural patterns
• Coding patterns
– Describe language-specific patterns that implement an algorithmic or data
structure element of a component, a specific interface protocol, or a mechanism
for communication among components

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