Performance # 3.1 ISLAM
Performance # 3.1 ISLAM
Performance # 3.1 ISLAM
Performance # 3.1
Name: ______________________ Grade & Section: __________________
1. What were the various societal and religious developments in the Arabian region that
necessitated Muhammad’s founding of a new religion?
- Between 610 and 661, many societal changes occurred under Islam, including
Muhammad's mission and the authority of his four immediate successors who
formed the Rashidun Caliphate. According to several historians, developments in
areas like as social security, family structure, slavery, and women's rights improved
on what was already there in Arab culture. According to Bernard Lewis, Islam
"from the beginning condemned aristocratic privilege, rejected hierarchy, and
accepted a formula of the talent-based profession." Other academics disagree, with
Leila Ahmed claiming that historical evidence demonstrates that many of the
apparently progressive behaviors that authors like Lewis’s credit to Islam existed in
pre-Islamic Arabia.
- Mecca was not a kind; friendly culture and these tribes all worshipped many
different gods. They are polytheistic. An angel appeared to Muhammad when he
was around 40 years old to him in the guise of a guy This revelation was quickly
followed by others regarding the one true God. Muhammad was a mortal with
amazing characteristics, and he preached a powerful social justice message about
equality and poverty. Muhammad gradually gained disciples, the majority of whom
were young and of poor social position.
2. Why are the Five Pillars of Islam integral in the unity of the Muslim people?
- The Five Pillars are an essential component of Islam. They serve as a framework
for worship as well as a symbol of loyal dedication. The five pillars also bring the
Muslim community together. In a separate way, each pillar strengthens the notion
of Tawhid, or union. The witnessing of God is the first pillar of Islam. It
guarantees that all members of the faith see Allah's oneness and share the same
monotheistic creed. This provides a common basis for all Muslims to stand on. The
second pillar of Islam is prayer. During prayer times, when Muslims gather and
face Mecca, they are all one. In the significant rite, they endure spiritual
purification together. The third pillar is wealth redistribution. Without being
charitable, this behavior strengthens the society by assisting the less fortunate.
Community members who need assistance do receive assistance, but they must
work for it by doing something within their skill set. This results in a society of
individuals who are willing to work and collaborate. The wealth redistribution
pillar enhances the community by emphasizing the concepts of helping your
neighbor and having a strong work ethic. The fourth pillar is fasting. During
Ramadan, the community comes together to share a similar experience: hunger. It
demonstrates religious and societal cooperation to bear hunger. It encourages the
sort of social equality on which Islam was founded and reminds everyone
individual to think about their fellow man. The evenings of celebration and eating
serve to emphasize this oneness. The ritual might be regarded as a message of
solidarity through good and bad times, a reminder that the religious community is
bonded together by its religion, for better or worse. Hajj, or pilgrimage, is the fifth
and final pillar. Millions of Muslims undertake the lengthy journey to Kaba to
perform hajj. It is not a required pilgrimage, but one that a devout person may
choose to do if they are physically and financially capable of doing so. The devout
march in unison towards Mecca. The excursion validates a man's spiritual sense of
his life's journey. This process has a feeling of community as millions of people
walk through the trials together, united by Islam.
3. Formulate your own initial idea about Islam. Did you have any misconceptions about
Islam? After studying this lesson, was there a changed about your misconception/s?
- Our placed was surrounded by Islam people and since I opened my eyes on this
world, I practically grew up having them as our neighbor. Islam people are friendly
also, but they are also dangerous when you go against them. They are friendly and
caring as a neighbor, they are also helpful. In one of the pillars they have, it is
mentioned that they prayed at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and nightfall,
well that is true because I already used to hear them praying everyday at those
times that are mentioned. I even wonder or be shocked if their prayer time will be
late than the usual because I already memorized the time when they do prayers.
After this lesson, it changed my misconception about Muhammad, well I know he
is a prophet, but I thought they recognize them as one of their God but no, their
God is Allah only.