List of Youngest Birth M..
List of Youngest Birth M..
List of Youngest Birth M..
This is a list of the youngest known birth mothers younger than 12 years of age.
1 Youngest mothers
2 See also
3 References
4 External links
Youngest mothers
Mother Age of mother Father Location Notes
1939: Entering precocious puberty
at the age of 8 months[1] (some
reports say 2.5 years[2]), Medina
gave birth to a 2.7 kg (6.0 lb) son,
named Gerardo, by caesarean
section on May 14, 1939 in Lima at
age 5. Her parents, who assumed
their daughter had a tumor, took her
5 years, 7 months, Lima,
Lina Medina Unknown to a hospital, where she was
21 days Peru
determined to be seven months
pregnant. Although Medina's father
was arrested on suspicion of child
sexual abuse, he was later released
due to lack of evidence, and the
identity of the biological father who
impregnated Medina was never
1934: 6-year-old girl Yelizaveta
"Liza" gave birth naturally in 1934 in
Ukraine after being impregnated by
her grandfather, a sailor. The baby
was stillborn because Soviet doctors
didn't want to deliver the baby via
Yelizaveta Liza's Soviet Caesarean section which was
6 years
Eлизавeтa grandfather Union deemed to be dangerous at that
time.[4] After the incident, the family
moved to Vladivostok, while Liza's
grandfather stayed with the family.
The story is well documented and
confirmed in several videos made by
Mum-Zi was member of Chief
Akkiri's harem on the island of
Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria. Her daughter also
Mum-Zi 8 years, 4 months Chief Akkiri
Nigeria gave birth extremely early, making
Mum-Zi a grandmother at age
2006: A girl from Huánuco, Peru,
gave birth to a baby weighing 2 kg
(4.4 lb) by caesarean section at a
One of her Huanuco, hospital in Lima in December 2006.
Unidentified 8 years, 11 months
two cousins Peru Her ninth birthday occurred a
couple of days later.[7] She became
pregnant after being raped by two of
her cousins.[8]
Janmuk's 27-
husband; Thai 2001: Wanwisa Janmuk gave birth
Wanwisa Janmuk law allows for Phetchabun, in February 2001 to a girl at a
9 years
วันวิสาข the marriage Thailand hospital in Phetchabun, a northern
of minors province of Thailand.[9]
arranged by
their parents.
Trujillo's 22-
cousin, who
was staying in 1957: Hilda Trujillo gave birth to a
her family's Lima, girl weighing over 6 lb (2.7 kg) at a
Hilda Trujillo 9 years, 7 months
one-room Peru hospital in Lima, Peru in December
house at the 1957.[10]
time, was
arrested for
July 1980: Venesia Xoagus gave
Otjiwarongo, birth to a healthy 3 kg (6.6 lb) boy
Venesia Xoagus 9 years Unknown
Namibia at 9 years of age, by cesarean
2004: A Singaporean girl gave birth
to a boy in 2004 after being
impregnated by a fellow student at
her school. Her mother initially
Unidentified 9 years Unknown thought she had a urinary tract
infection, but, upon taking her to the
doctor, learned she was already six
months pregnant. The baby was
placed for adoption.[13]
2005: A girl gave birth to a baby
The girl was boy by caesarean section at a
raped by the hospital in Butare, Rwanda, in
Unidentified 9 years family's December 2005. The child
domestic underwent breast development at
servant. age six and menarche at age
2006: A girl of the Apurinã, an
indigenous people from the Amazon
Rainforest in Brazil, gave birth to a
Unidentified 9 years Unknown Brazil baby girl weighing 2.2 kg (4.8 lb) by
caesarean section at a hospital in
Manaus in July 2006. Police are
investigating the case.[15][16]
2010: Girl gave birth to a healthy
Changchun, boy weighing 6 lb (2.7 kg) in
Unidentified 9 years Unknown
China Changchun, China, February
2010: A 9-year-old girl from
Penang in Malaysia gave birth to a
A 14-year-old Penang,
Unidentified 9 years healthy baby boy in May, 2010. No
neighbor Malaysia
police report was made by the
1834: Sally Deweese of Butler
County, Kentucky, was reported by
Butler Dr. D. Rowlett to have delivered a
County, baby girl weighing 7.75 pounds
Sally Deweese 10 years, 13 days Unknown Kentucky, (3.52 kg) on April 20, 1834.
United Deweese allegedly developed
States breasts within weeks of birth and
began menstruating at 12
1979: A girl aged 10 gave birth to
Indianapolis, twins six weeks premature, both
Indiana, weighing 3 lb 6 oz, at a hospital in
Unidentified 10 years Unknown
United Indianapolis. She is thought to have
States been the youngest mother of twins at
the time.[21]
13 July 1982: A girl aged 10 gave
Houston, birth to a premature baby, weighing
Texas, 4 lb 8 oz, at Hermann Hospital in
Unidentified 10 years Unknown
United Texas. All other details withheld by
States request.[22]
The girl
pregnant after
being raped
2006: A girl from Jaral del
by a 47-year- Jaral del
Progreso, Guanajuato, Mexico gave
old neighbor, Progreso,
Unidentified 10 years birth naturally to a baby girl weighing
who was Guanajuato,
2.3 kilograms (5.1 lb) on April 3,
sentenced to Mexico
11 years, 6
months in
prison for the
Her pregnancy
was the result
of a rape
committed by
the 65-year- San Lorenzo 2007: A girl from San Lorenzo
old landlord of Cacaotepec, Cacaotepec, Oaxaca, Mexico gave
Unidentified 10 years
the house Oaxaca, birth to a baby boy on July 2,
which her Mexico 2007.[35][36][37][38]
rented. The
man was
Gutierrez- St. Anthony, 2008: In St. Anthony, Idaho, U.S.,
Juarez was Idaho, a girl gave birth to a 6 pounds
Unidentified 10 years
jailed on one United (2.7 kg) baby at Madison Memorial
felony count of States Hospital.[39]
The girl is
suspected to
have been
Bogdana 2004: Buganda Cerenkov gave
Korenkova Kharkov, birth to a baby boy weighing 8.4 lb
11 years by a 26-year-
Богдана old neighbor, Ukraine (3.8 kg) at a hospital in Kharkov,
Коренкова who fled in the Ukraine in January 2004.[46]
fear of facing
See also
External links
Live Births by Age and Race (United States) (