Heen P and R
Heen P and R
Heen P and R
To obtain baseline data of the client’s functional abilities
To assess the general health status of the client
To obtain data that will enable the nurse to establish nursing diagnoses and plan client care
Equipments / Materials:
Pen Light Cotton swabs
Snellen Chart Watch w/ second hand
Tuning Fork Examination Gloves
10. Inspect for the evenness of Hair evenly distributed; Loss of hair; scaling and
hair distribution and skin intact; Eyebrows flakiness of skin;
alignment / symmetry, skin symmetrically aligned;
quality and movement. Unequal alignment and
equal movement.
movement of eyebrows;
Eye Lashes
11. Inspect for the evenness of Equally distributed; Turned inward.
hair distribution and direction Curled slightly outward.
of curl.
Eye lids
12. Inspect for the surface Skin intact; no discharge; Redness, swelling,
characteristics, position in no discoloration; Lids flaking, crusting,
relation to the cornea, ability close symmetrically; plaques, discharge,
to blink and frequency of
Approximately 15-20 nodules, lesions; Lids
involuntary blinks/ min.; close asymmetrically,
bilateral blinking; incompletely, or
When lids open, no
visible sclera above Rapid, monocular,
corneas, and upper and absent, or infrequent
lower borders of cornea blinking; Ptosis,
are slightly covered. ectropion, entropion;
rim of sclera visible
between lid and iris.
14. Inspect the palpebral Shiny, smooth and pink Extremely pale (possible
conjunctiva (lining the eye or red. anemia); Extremely red
lids) for color, texture and (inflammation); Nodules
presence of lesions by
or other lesions.
everting the eyelids.
15. Evert the upper eyelids, if a
problem is suspected.
16. Inspect and palpate the No edema or tenderness Swelling or tenderness
lacrimal gland over lacrimal gland. over lacrimal glands.
17. Inspect and palpate lacrimal No edema or tearing. Evidenced of increased
sac and nasolacrimal duct. tearing; Regurgitation of
fluid on palpation of
lacrimal sac.
18. Inspect the cornea for the Transparent, shiny and Opaque; surface not
clarity and texture. smooth; details of the smooth (may be the
iris are visible; result of trauma or
In older people, a thin,
grayish white ring Arcus senilis in clients
around the margin, under age 40 is
called arcus senilis, abnormal.
maybe evident.
19. Perform corneal sensitivity to Client blinks when the One or both eyelids fail
test the function of the 5th cornea is touched, to respond.
(Trigeminal) Cranial Nerve. indicating that the
(Use a wisp cotton and brush
trigeminal nerve is
against the lower or lateral
cornea to evaluate the intact.
corneal reflex).
20. Inspect the anterior chamber No shadows of light on Cloudy; Crescent-
for transparency and depth. iris; Depth of about shaped shadows on far
3mm. side of iris; Shallow
21. Inspect pupils for the color, Black in color; Equal in Cloudiness, Mydriasis
shape symmetry of size. size; 3-7 mm diameter; (dilation of the pupil),
Round, smooth border, Myosis (constriction of
iris flat and round. pupils) , Anisocoria;
Bulging of iris toward
22. Assess each pupil for light Illuminated pupil Neither pupil constricts;
reaction and accommodation. constricts (direct
(Shine light into pupil for 1 Unequal responses;
response). Non-
second with opposite eye
illuminated pupil Absent responses.
covered. Observe for pupil
restriction and dilation. constricts (consensual
Repeated on opposite.) response).
23. Inspect for the color and White, without Discoloration; yellow
clarity exudates, lesions, or (jaundice) or blue
foreign bodies. (osteogenesis
24. Inspect for the color and Entire iris is illuminated. Narrow angle of anterior
shape chamber.
Extraocular Muscles
25. Assess six ocular movements to Both eyes coordinated, Eye movements not
determine alignment and move in unison, with coordinated or parallel;
(Hold a pen at a distance from the
parallel alignment.
One or both eyes fail to
client and ask to keep head still and follow a penlight in
follow the pen with the eyes only.
specific directions, such
Move the pen towards the right and
left eye, then towards the ceiling and as strabismus (cross-eye
floor. Repeat on the other side.) or squint.
26. Perform eye cover test. Uncovered eye does not Uncovered eye move to
(Repeat previous procedure but move from fixed point focus on fixed point,
with one eye covered. Repeat on when the other eye is indicating it is not well
the other side.) aligned before other was
covered; it is shifting from
Newly uncovered eye, if lateral to central gaze.
well aligned, does not
Newly uncovered eye
move when index card is moves to focus on fixed
removed. point, indicating it was not
well aligned when covered.
Visual Acuity
27. Test for near vision. Able to read newsprint Difficult reading
(Ask client to read newsprint.) at a distance of 36 cm newsprint unless due to
(14 in). aging process.
Visual Fields
29. Assess Peripheral visual fields. When looking straight Visual fields smaller than
ahead, client can see normal (possible
objects in the periphery. glaucoma);
30. Inspect for color, symmetry of Color same as facial skin;Bluish color of earlobes
size and position. (eg. Cyanosis); Pallor (eg.
Symmetric position. Line
Frostbite); Excessive
drawn from lateral angle
redness (inflammation
of the eye to point
or fever) ;
where top part of auricle
joins head is horizontal. Low-set ears associated
with congenital anomaly,
such as Down
31. Palpate for the texture, Mobile, firm, and not Lesions (eg. Cyst); Flaky,
elasticity and areas of tender; scaly skin;
(Pull the auricle upward and Pinna recoils after it is Tenderness when moved
backward (>3 y.o.); downward folded. or pressed (may indicate
and backward (<3 y.o.). inflammation or
Pull the pinna forward (it should
infection of external
be recoil. Push in on the tragus
and apply pressure to mastois
Ear Canal
32. Inspect cerumen, skin lesions, Distal third contains hair Redness and discharge;
pus and blood. (Use a follicles and glands; Dry Scaling; Excessive
penlight.) cerumen, grayish-tan cerumen obstructing
color; or sticky, wet canal.
cerumen in various
shades of brown.
36. Perform the Weber’s Test to Sound is heard in both Sound is heard well in
assess bone conduction by ears or is localized at the impaired ear, indicating
placing the activated tuning center of the head a bone-conductive
fork on the client’s skull.
(Weber negative). hearing loss (eg. Due to
obstruction), or sound is
heard well in ear without
a problem, indicating a
37. Perform the Rinne’s Test to Air-conducted (AC) Bone conduction time is
compare air conduction to hearing is greater than equal to or longer than
bone conduction by placing bone-conducted (BC) the air conduction time,
the ringing tuning fork at the
hearing, that is, AC>BC that is, BC>AC or BC=AC
mastoid process until no
sound is heard and then place (positive Rinne). (negative Rinne;
the prongs of the tuning fork indicates a conductive
in front of the client’s ear hearing loss).
External Nose
38. Inspect external nose for any Symmetric and straight; Asymmetric; Discharge
deviations in shape, size or from nares; Localized
color and flaring or discharge No discharge or flaring;
areas of redness or
from the nares.
Uniform color. presence of skin lesions.
39. Inspect the nasal cavities for Mucosa pink ; Clear, Mucosa red, edematous;
redness, swelling, growths watery discharge; No Abnormal discharge (eg.
and discharge using penlight. lesions. Purulent); Presence of
lesions (eg. Polyps).
40. Inspect the nasal septum Nasal septum intact and Septum deviated.
between the nasal chambers in midline.
noting its position.
41. Test patency of both nasal The examiner can hear The examiner can not
cavities. (Assess the patency or feel air passing out of hear or feel air passing
of the nares by asking the the unobstructed naris. out of the unobstructed
person to occlude one ala nasi naris.
while breathing through the
42. Palpate for any tenderness, No tenderness. Tenderness on
masses and displacements of palpation.
bone and cartilage. No lesions.
(Palpate up on the frontal sinuses Presence of lesion.
from under the bony brows,
avoiding pressure on the eyes.
Press upon the maxillary sinuses.)
43. Locate / palpate / identify Not tender. Tenderness in one or
sinuses and note for any more sinuses.
44. Evaluate if findings from the To provide proper
physical assessment is within nursing care.
normal limits.
45. Document and report To obtain baseline data.
significant findings.