- In symbols,
Exponential equation Logarithmic equation log ⌄ MN =log ⌄ b M + log ⌄b N .
- In symbols,
THE LOGARITHM OF A NUMBER log ⌄ b M / N=log ⌄ b M −log ⌄b N
- The logarithm x of a number N to the 4th Law of Logarithms: Logarithm
base b is the exponent of the power to of Power
which b is raised to obtain N. In
symbols, 𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒃𝑵=𝒙 if and only if 𝒃𝒙=𝑵. - The logarithm of the power of
a positive real number is equal
to the exponent time the
Property of Equality for Logarithmic logarithm of the number to the
Equations given base.
- Let 𝒃 be a positive real number and - In symbols,
𝒃≠𝟏. Then, 𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒃𝑴=𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒃𝑵 if and only log ⌄ b M a=alog ⌄ b M
if 𝑴=𝑵.
Interest (I) – amount paid or earned for the Compound amount (F) – also called
use of money. maturity value, it is an accumulated amount
obtained by adding the principal and the
Maturity Value or Future Value (F) – amount compound interest.
after t years that the lender receives from the
borrower on the maturity date; equal to the Conversion period (m) – the number of
sum of principal and the interest earned. times in a year the interest will be
Formulas: The following are the common conversion
periods in a year:
● I ⌄ s=Prt
● F=P+ I ⌄ s ,∨F=P+ Prt annually :m=1
semi-annually :m=2
¿ F=P(1+ Prt ) quarterly :m=4
monthly : m = 12
● P=I ⌄ s /rt∨P=F−I ⌄ s
● t=I ⌄ s/ Pr Number of conversion periods (n) – the
● r =I ⌄ s / Pt total number of times interest is calculated
for the entire term of the investment or loan.
Annual interest rate or nominal rate (r)
I⌄s - simple interest – the stated rate of interest per year.
P - principal Periodic rate (i) – the interest rate per
conversion period.
r - rate of interest or simply rate
Present value of F (P) – this is the
t - time ( in year) principal P, that will accumulate to F if
there is an interest at periodic rate i for n BONDS
conversion periods.
- It refers to the interest-bearing
STOCKS security which promises to pay
(a.) a stated amount of money
- It refers to the share in the ownership on the maturity date, and (b.)
of a company. regular interest payments
called coupon.
- It can be bought or sold at its current
price called market value. - It is the debt of a firm.
Terms to remember: - It is a certificate which proves
that a company or corporation
Dividend - It refers to the share in the borrowed money from a
company’s profit. certain group of individuals or
Dividend per share - It is the ratio of the investors for a definite period
dividend to the number of shares. of time at a fixed rate.