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the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

[B.Tech. Programme accredited by NBA]
MES College of Engineering Kuttippuram
Thrikkanapuram P.O, Malappuram Dt, Kerala, India 679582


I, hereby declare that the seminar report ”Life-detection radar based on wideband
chaotic signal”, submitted for partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
degree of Bachelor of Technology of the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological Univer-
sity, Kerala is a bonafide work done under the supervision of Mr. Badharudheen P,
Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering. This submission represents
my ideas in my own words and where ideas or words of others have been included,
I have adequately and accurately cited and referenced the original sources. I also
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any degree, diploma or similar title of any other University.

Place: Kuttippuram
Date: 13-12-2022



This is to certify that the report entitled “Life Detection Radar Based On
Wideband Chaotic Signals" submitted by Muhammed Khaleefa Zayed, to
the APJ Abdul Kalam University in partial requirements for the award of the Degree
of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering is a bonafide record
of the seminar work carried out under my guidance and supervision. This report in
any form has not been submitted to any other University or Institute for any purpose.

Seminar Guide Dr. Anil K Jacob

Mr. Badharudheen P Professor & Head
Assistant Professor Dept.of Computer Science and
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering.
Engineering . MES College of Engineering
MES College of Engineering
I am grateful to Dr. Rahumathunza I, Principal, MES College of Engineer-
ing, Kuttippuram, for providing the right ambiance to do this project. I would like
to extend our sincere gratitude to Dr. Anil K Jacob, Head of the Department, CSE,
MES College of Engineering, Kuttippuram.
I am deeply indebted to the seminar coordinator Dr. Asha G, Associate Profes-
sor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering for her continued support.
It is with great pleasure that I express deep sense of gratitude to our seminar
guide Mr. Badharudheen P, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
Engineering, for her guidance, supervision, encouragement and valuable advice in
each and every phases.
I would like to thank all other faculty members and fellow students of MES Col-
lege of Engineering, Kuttippuram for their warm friendship, support and help.


We propose a novel life-detection radar using a wideband Boolean-chaos sig-
nal as a probe signal. The range between the radar and the human target can be ob-
tained by correlating the echo signal from the target with its delayed duplicate. This
range is modulated periodically by human chest’s displacements along the record-
ing time axis and the modulation frequency is the same as the respiratory frequency.
Therefore, the authors propose a life-detection algorithm based on correlation method
to detect the human target’s respiratory frequency and range. Experimental results
demonstrate that the authors’ radar can simultaneously detect the respiratory fre-
quency and range of the human target behind a 20-cm-thick wall. In addition, the
high range resolution and excellent anti-jamming property of the chaotic radar have
been demonstrated by their previous studies, which make it perform superbly in com-
plex electromagnetic environments.


Contents Page No.

Chapter 3. METHODOLOGY 5
3.1 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2 Generation and characteristics of Boolean-chaos signal . . . 7
4.1 Measure principle and life-detection algorithm . . . . . . . 10
5.1 Experimental results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Chapter 6. CONCLUSION 14

No. Title Page No.

3.1 EXPERIMENT SETUP: Experimental setup of the proposed life-

detection radar based on wideband chaotic signal. PD: power divider.
AMP: amplifier. TA: transmitting antenna. RA: receiving antenna.
OSC: oscilloscope. PC: personal computer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2 TABLE.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.3 Characteristics of the Boolean-chaos signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.4 Characteristics of the Boolean-chaos signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4.1 Measure principle of the proposed life-detection radar based on wide-

band chaotic signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


Life-detection radar, with advantages of high range resolution, high sensitivity,

anti-environment disturbance, and good wall penetration ability, has important appli-

cations in homeland security, cardiopulmonary monitoring, anti-terrorism, military

operation, and disaster rescue

A continuous-wave (CW) Doppler radar, since the early 1970s, has been widely

used for searching victims under earthquake rubble [5]. It transmits a single-tone CW

signal and demodulates the phase variation of the reflected wave to obtain respiratory

and heartbeat frequencies of the human target. This is because the phase variation

of reflected wave is linearly proportional to chest’s displacement due to cardiopul-

monary activity. Although CW Doppler radar has a simple structure, it is a typical

narrow-band system and suffers from limitation in range resolution [6]. In order

to provide accurate range information and vital sign estimation, linear-frequency-

modulated CW (LFMCW) radar [6], stepped-frequency CW (SFCW) radar [7], and

impulse-radio ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) radar [8] have also been proposed. LFMCW

radar and SFCW radar transmit a linear-frequency-modulated CW and a stepped-

frequency CW, respectively, and then detect the frequency/phase variation of the echo

signal and corresponding variation history along the recording time axis to obtain the

human’s range and vital sign information. However, their signal generators require

low phase noise, fast settling time, and precise frequency control, thus radar struc-

tures are complex, and the costs and power consumption are high [9]. Impulse-radio

ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) radar transmits an ultra-short pulse and then obtains range

information and vital sign estimation by detecting the time-of-flight (TOF) of the re-

flected impulse and corresponding TOF variation along the recording time axis. Not

very strong signal-energy levels can be then transmitted, thus reducing the signal-to-

noise ratio (SNR), and hence, compromising the precision [6]. In addition, the above

radars are easily affected by the noise and radio frequency interferences (RFIs).

To overcome the deficiencies of different radar systems, some hybrid radars

are presented, such as hybrid FMCW-interferometry radar [10], portable real-time

digital noise radar [11], and chaos life-detection radar with sinusoidal wave modu-

lation [12]. The FMCW/noise/chaos mode is responsible for range detection, while

the single-tone CW mode is used for tiny physiological motion monitoring. Although

hybrid radars incorporate the advantages of the two modes, they usually require some

complex structures or costly devices.


Life-detection radar based on wideband chaotic signal Hang Xu,Ying Li,Liqiang

Li,Jianguo Zhang,Hong Han,Li Liu,Bingjie Wang

In this paper, they propose a novel life-detection radar, which transmits a wide-

band Boolean-chaos signal as a probe signal.

The Study of UWB Radar Life-Detection for Searching Human Subjects Author links

open overlay panel WuChunming , DingGuoliang.

This paper gives a simple introduction for the UWB radar and its definition. The

principle of the radar will be a represent in details. Excellent materials penetration is

a fundamental advantage to UWB radar. This point can be used to detect the signals

of life without touching anyone. Since the human body’s chest wall movement can

be assumed a simple harmonic motion, the chaos theory can be applied to detect the

low-frequency signal. There are several advantages including high resolution and

accuracy. This method is simpler compared with the traditional means.

Application of Wavelet Analysis Technique in the Signal Denoising of Life Sign De-

tection Dec 2012,Zhang Zhen, Liu. Fang

In life sign detection, radar echo signal is very weak and hard to extract. For

solve this problem, weak life signal de-noising based on wavelet transform is studied.

Through the studies of wavelet threshold de-noising method, the use of it in weak

life signal de-noising in strong noise background, and the verification of simulation

by Matlab, the results shows that wavelet threshold de-noising method can remove

the noise signal from weak life signal effectively and be an effective de-noising and

extraction method for weak life signal.



Figure 3.1: EXPERIMENT SETUP: Experimental setup of the proposed life-

detection radar based on wideband chaotic signal. PD: power divider. AMP: am-
plifier. TA: transmitting antenna. RA: receiving antenna. OSC: oscilloscope. PC:
personal computer.

The experimental setup of our proposed life-detection radar based on wide-

band chaotic signal is shown in Fig. 1. The Boolean-chaos signal generated by a

field programmable gate array (FPGA) is divided equally into two parts through a

power divider (PD1, A-INFOMW GF-T2-20-3000). One serves as a reference signal

S ref (tf). The other is up-converted by a mixer (Mixer1, MARKI M2-0026), ampli-

fied by an amplifier 1 (AMP1, CONQUER KG-RF-10), and then transmitted via a

broadband ridge horn antenna (TA, A-INFOMW LB-10180-NF). A sinusoidal wave

with a frequency of 2.4 GHz provided by a sine-wave generator (CETC AV1487A) is

served as the local oscillator signal of mixers. The echo signal from the human target

is received by another identical ridge horn antenna (RA, A-INFOMW LB-10180-

NF) is amplified by an AMP2. The amplified echo signal is down-converted and

demodulated into I/Q channels (S ech-I (tf), S ech-Q (tf)) by a PD3 (A-INFOMW

GF-T2-1-18), two mixers (Mixer2 and Mixer3, MARKI M2-0026), and a 90° Bridge

(A-INFOMW DQ-T-1018). Then, I/Q output signals (S ech-I (tf), S ech-Q (tf)) and

the reference signal S ref (tf) are recorded simultaneously by an oscilloscope (OSC,

LeCroy SDA 725Zi). Finally, a computer is used for algorithm processing and result

displaying. For each signal, 500 data sets where each set includes 20 K sampling

points are collected, during the observation time of 50 s. The typical parameters of

the devices in our radar are shown in Table 1.

Figure 3.2: TABLE.1

3.2 Generation and characteristics of Boolean-chaos signal

The Boolean-chaos signal based on an autonomous Boolean network can be

generated by a FPGA. Using non-ideal effects of logical gates in the bidirectional

ring topology, this network structure can generate the wide band Boolean-chaos sig-

nal[16]. As shown in Fig.3a, this network consists of seven nodes assembled in a

bidirectional ring topology with nearest-neighbour coupling and interval feedback,

where six nodes are exclusive-OR (XOR) logical gates and one node is a XNOR log-

ical gate (inverse of the XOR). Fig.3 b shows its corresponding prototype board with

a size of 6.9 cm×7.1 cm.

The temporal waveform in Fig. 4 a indicates the Boolean-chaos signal has a

random time interval between adjacent pulse rises. This chaotic signal has a wide

power spectrum shown in Fig. 4 b, which extends from DC to beyond 2.6 GHz.

In addition, the Boolean-chaos signal has a delta-function-like autocorrelation trace

with a narrow peak, as plotted in Fig. 4 c.

Figure 3.3: Characteristics of the Boolean-chaos signal

Figure 3.4: Characteristics of the Boolean-chaos signal


4.1 Measure principle and life-detection algorithm

The range and respiratory frequency of the human target can be obtained si-

multaneously by measuring the round-trip time of chaotic signal and corresponding

range variation along the recording time axis. Assuming that a human target is lo-

cated at a fixed range of d 0 with a time-varying chest displacement x (ts), the range d

(ts) between the radar and the human target is modulated to vary periodically around

d 0 due to respiration, which can be expressed as

where ts is the slow time corresponding the recording time axis, Ar and fr

are the displacement amplitude and frequency of the respiratory signal, which can

be approximated as a sinusoidal signal. As shown in Fig. 4, d (ts) is modulated in

slow time ts by human chest’s periodic displacements, and the modulation frequency

consists with the respiratory frequency. d (ts) can be obtained by correlating the echo

signals and reference signal in fast time tf which is the time axis of signal propagation.

In addition, the echo signals also include other undesired signals, such as the noise,

static background clutters generated from the other static targets, linear trend in slow

time caused by the unstable amplitude of the radar hardware system and RFIs.

Figure 4.1: Measure principle of the proposed life-detection radar based on wideband
chaotic signal


5.1 Experimental results

The experiments are performed in through-wall scenarios, where a cinder

block wall with 20-cm thickness is constructed. A human target stood facing to wall

with a distance of 1 m from the surface of human chest to radar antennas, as shown

in Fig. 5 a. Figs. 5 b –g show the detection results after performing the life-detection

algorithm from step 1 to step 6, and the vital sign signal become increasingly clear.

As shown in Fig. 5 g, the respiratory frequency and range of the human target behind

the wall can be simultaneously detected as 0.35 Hz and 0.94 m, respectively.


In short, we propose a life-detection radar based on wideband chaotic sig-

nal. Experimental results demonstrate our proposed radar can simultaneously detect

respiratory frequency and range of the human target behind a 20-cm-thick wall. In

addition, our previous studies have proved that the chaotic radar has the advantages

of high range resolution [13] and anti-jamming property [15].


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