Summer Internship Report

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This is to declare that, I Sejal Mohan
 student of B.COM(H), have personally worked on the project entitled “A Critical Study on
Social Media marketing” The data mentioned in this report were obtained during genuine
work done and collected by me. The data obtained from other sources have been duly
acknowledged. The result embodied in this project has not been submitted to any other
University or Institute for the award of any degree .


Gratitude is not a thing of expression; it is more a matter of feeling. There is always a sense of
gratitude which one express for others for their help and supervision in achieving the goals. I too express my
deep gratitude to each and every one who has been helpful to me in completing the project report
successfully. I would also like to thank Almighty God for blessing showered on me during
the completion of dissertation report. First of all, I am highly thankful for allowing me to
pursue my Dissertation report on“A Critical Study on Social Media marketing

 I give my regards and sincere thanks to MS. SMITHI MAAM for her earnest coordination and
valuable efforts. She constantly encouraged me right from the inception to final preparation
of my project. She has been a constant source of knowledge, information, help and
motivation for me through his depth knowledge and experiences. Last but not the least; I
am hugely indebted to all the faculty members of my institute , my family members and
friends for their sincere advice & cooperation to complete my project in efficient & effective



Newspaper and magazine

A newspaper is a periodical publication containing written information about current
events and is often typed in black ink with a white or gray background.
Newspapers can cover a wide variety of fields such as politics, business, sports and art, and
often include materials such as opinion columns, weather forecasts, reviews of local
services, obituaries, birth notices, crosswords, editorial cartoons, comic strips, and advice
Most newspapers are businesses, and they pay their expenses with a mixture
of subscription revenue, newsstand sales, and advertising revenue.
The journalism organizations that publish newspapers are themselves
often metonymically called newspapers.
Newspapers have traditionally been published in print (usually on cheap, low-
grade paper called newsprint). However, today most newspapers are
also published on websites as online newspapers, and some have even abandoned their print
versions entirely.
Newspapers developed in the 17th century, as information sheets for merchants. By the early
19th century, many cities in Europe, as well as North and South America, published
Some newspapers with high editorial independence, high journalism quality, and large
circulation are viewed as newspapers of record.
With the advent of the internet many newspapers are now digital, with their news presented
online rather than in a physical format, with there now being a decline in sales for paper
copies of newspapers
A magazine is a periodical publication, generally published on a regular schedule (often
weekly or monthly), containing a variety of content. They are generally financed
by advertising, purchase price, prepaid subscriptions, or by a combination of the three.

industries in India Print Media is more than a century old and a well-established
industry. The print industry mainly comprises of newspapers and magazine publishing. India
has been one of the fastest growing world economies since the past many years. The
revenue sources for a magazine are subscription, single copy sales and advertisement.
India has 49,000 publications, but annual revenues total just $1.1 billion. Most of
them lack technology, marketing, and capital to grow which has resulted in a handful of
publications. In fiscal year 2020, the revenue generated from India's newspaper industry
amounted to over 295 billion Indian rupees, whereas the revenue generated from magazine
industry was about 10 billion rupees. Overall, the print industry in the country declined by
over eight percent in fiscal year 2020 compared to the previous fiscal year. Some of the major
challenges faced by newspaper and magazine industry are as follows:
 Reduced Revenue: People usually prefer for free content and they look for digital
magazines which are comparatively cheaper due to which it prevents any earning
going to the print newspaper/magazine industry.
 Online competition: Now a days trending news are most likely to be first available on
Twitter or Instagram and people tend to be active on social networking sites. It causes
a big problem for the magazine/ newspaper industry to keep up with the latest or the
trending news.
 Quality in Print Content: People have a demand for high quality print content and hence
it becomes a big burden for this industry to cope up to the
expectations of people and deliver high quality printed paper in affordable price.


Newspaper and magazine industries in India
Print Media is more than a century old and a well-established industry. The print
industry mainly comprises of newspapers and magazine publishing. India has been one of the
fastest growing world economies since the past many years. The revenue sources for
magazine are subscription, single copy sales and advertisement. India has 49,000
publications, but annual revenues total just $1.1 billion. Most of them lack
marketing, and capital to grow which has resulted in a handful of publications. In fiscal year
2020, the revenue generated from India's newspaper industry amounted to over 295 billion
Indian rupees, whereas the revenue generated from magazine industry was about 10 billion
rupees. Overall, the print industry in the country declined by over eight percent in fiscal year
2020 compared to the previous fiscal year.
Some of the major challenges faced by newspaper and magazine industry are as follows:

 Reduced Revenue: People usually prefer for free content and they look for
magazines which are comparatively cheaper due to which it prevents any earning
going to the print newspaper/magazine industry.

 Online competition: Now a days trending news are most likely to be first available on
Twitter or Instagram and people tend to be active on social networking sites. It
causes a big problem for the magazine/ newspaper industry to keep up with the
latest or the trending news.

 Quality in Print Content: People have a demand for high quality print content and

Any device that can display text on a screen may act as an e-reader; however, specialized e-
reader devices may optimize portability, readability, and battery life for this purpose. Their main
advantage over printed books is portability. This is because an e-reader is capable of holding
thousands of books while weighing less than one book, and the convenience provided due to
add-on features

n e-reader is a device designed as a convenient way to read e-books. It is similar in form

factor to a tablet computer,[5] but often features electronic paper rather than an LCD screen. This
yields much longer battery life — the battery can last for several weeks — and better readability,
similar to that of paper even in sunlight. [6] Drawbacks of this kind of display include a slow refresh
rate and (usually) a grayscale-only display, which makes it unsuitable for sophisticated
interactive applications as those found on tablets. The absence of such apps may be perceived
as an advantage, as the user may more easily focus on reading. [7] The Sony Librie, released in
2004 and the precursor to the Sony Reader, was the first e-reader to use electronic paper.[8]
Many e-readers can use the internet through Wi-Fi and the built-in software can provide a link to
a digital Open Publication Distribution System (OPDS) library or an e-book retailer, allowing the
user to buy, borrow, and receive digital e-books.[9] An e-reader may also download e-books from
a computer or read them from a memory card.[10] However, the use of memory cards is
decreasing as most of the 2010s era e-readers lack a card slot
hence it becomes a big
burden for this industry to
cope up to the expectations
people and deliver high quality
printed paper in affordable p

because people preferred to

read online and not take risk
with print editi


Lowering costs:
One of the most obvious benefits of eBooks is being able to do away with printing, packing,
distribution, and shipping expenses. As discussed earlier, 69% of publishers have priced their
eBooks lower than the print version to pass on the benefits of lowering put costs to
consumers. For example, on Amazon India, the average price of eBooks is INR 187 while
that of a physical book is INR 334. To leverage this cost advantage, countries across the
world like France and Thailand are experimenting with the use of
e-readers and tablets in education. This one-time cost is lesser than buying print books every
year which compound during the entire education life-cycle of a student. Several state
governments in India have also explored the possibility of providing e-readers/tablets to
students. The Indian Government’s own e-Basta project is also geared towards this. Given the
high annual expenditure on school books per student in India, it is important that course
material be digitized. This also becomes pertinent as the price elasticity of demand for books
globally has been estimated to be between -1.0 and -2.531, which means that a 10% decrease
in prices can increase the demand of books by 15% at the minimum and an increase of up to
30% in some cases. Online platforms such as Amazon report that the percentage fall in sales
of books due to GST at various price points is estimated to be a minimum of 1-5% fall for
inexpensive eBooks (up to INR 50), and a maximum of 90% fall in sales at higher price
points. The price elasticity of demand for eBooks is likely to be similar, especially in contexts
where eBooks are perfect substitutes for print books. Therefore, eliminating GST of 18%
could lead to a significant reduction in prices of eBooks, thereby increasing demand and
facilitating better educational outcomes. Improved
Access: All printed books are not available to students, especially those who reside in remote
areas where there are demand and supply constraints. Distributors have little incentive to
service areas where there is low demand for advanced books. The start of every academic
year witnesses reports of delays in distribution of NCERT textbooks in schools across the
country. This forces many Indian parents to rely on private publishers who often charge 3
times as much as NCERT for the same books. These problems of inequitable reach and
distribution exist in most developing countries. A 2008 World Bank study found that only
one out
14of nineteen African countries had adequate school textbook provisions. Hence many
African textbook publishers such as Via Afrika are increasingly adopting the digital route and
have been met with impressive demand, from having sold only 1,000 eBooks in 2012, to
selling an impressive 65,000 in 2015 alone. Likewise, since 2015 Indonesia has, through a
partnership between their Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Information and
Communications Technology, and local telco giant Telkom Indonesia, begun to support their
rural students who have limited access to print books to shift to digital education via its e-
Sabak project. The project seeks to convert much of the educational content into eBooks, and
disseminates them via tablets Space & Portability: E-Books are custom made to suit the
increasing pace of today’s life, given the mobility and portability of e-readers and
smartphones that carry e-reader apps. The negligible demand on physical storage space could
prove to be very useful for educational institutions and public libraries where providing e-
readers will allow readers to access a plethora of books, without having to bear the costs of
buying and storing the same. The Indian Government’s e-Basta project, for instance, has
created a framework to make school books accessible in digital form as eBooks to be read
and used on tablets and laptops. The objectives of the project clearly highlight the need to
reduce the burden of print books on students, in addition to reducing costs of education in the
long term. This initiative was launched as a response to the increasing reportage of health
issues triggered by heavy school bags. One survey found that the average weight of a school
bag is 17% of the average body weight of a student, outside the recommended range of 10-
15% of body weight. An other survey conducted by ASSOCHAM showed that more than
two-thirds of students below 13 years of age run the risk of backaches and hunchbacks due to
heavy school bags. Virtual
Given the net-savviness of library users, libraries are adopting digital content to satisfy user
demands. Public libraries across India, especially in schools, colleges, and universities, are
exploring virtual libraries where students and members can log in through their e-readers and
tablets. Through these libraries, students can have greater access to books from around the
world, even the more
15expensive ones. This had already become the norm for public libraries in developed
countries. For instance, 94% of U.S. public libraries now offer eBooks, a significant increase
in comparison to the 2010 figure, when only 72% of the public libraries in the U.S. had
eBooks available.

Self-Publishing & Author Opportunities:

Due to their cost advantages, E- Books lead to lower entry barriers for new authors resulting
in an increase in available content/ information in the economy. In the US, according to
bibliographic company Bowker, the number of books self-published in all formats rose from
around 80,000 in 2006 to a staggering 800,000 in 2015-16. It is estimated that as many as two
thirds of US adult fiction sales are digital and almost half are released without the input of a
traditional publisher. This however, is not a US phenomenon alone. In the last few years, self
publishing has gained momentum in India too, with many authors choosing to forgo using
traditional methods of publishing to cut costs. On Amazon India, 74% of all self-published
books were sold as eBooks. In addition to this being an inexpensive and quicker option,
upcoming authors also opt to release digital versions of their books to retain better control
over their content. More importantly, self-publishing authors get 50%-70% royalties from the
official price of self-published books, which is a substantial leap from the usual 15%-17%
royalty they get from traditionally published books. This trend holds relevance for India.
India’s publishing has been sluggish, with the book title output per 100,000 people at 8 in
2009-10. This figure is much smaller than the corresponding number for countries like the
United Kingdom, the United States of America, France, and Germany. A low book title
output is especially concerning as India’s growing demographic of young and literate citizens
are keen to access published content at affordable prices. E- Books and self-publishing can
help in bridging this gap by increasing the volume of published content, thereby aiding the
growth of India’s knowledge economy in the coming years.
Promoting local content:
The government has been focusing on promoting content in Indian regional languages
through its initiatives such as the E- Pathshala and the National Repository of Open
Education Sources to make education more accessible. The Indian government has also made
the provision of local languages mandatory on
16mobile phones to improve the infrastructure around devices compatible with Indic
languages. A 2012-13 Report compiled by the German Book Office revealed a growing
demand for local content in Indian languages. The per capita number of titles published per
100,000 persons is 6.3 in Bangla, 6.2 in Gujarati, 5 in Hindi, 4.8 in Kannada, 4.2 in Telugu,
3.9 in Urdu, with the highest being Assamese at 7.760. These relatively small numbers
suggest that despite demand, the local language market segment in India remains niche and
small in comparison to the English one, possibly due to associated publication costs. By
reducing publication costs and eliminating physical distribution costs, eBooks can lower
entry barriers forindigenous authors. Realizing their potential, publishers also seem to be
investing more in eBook editions of regional books which are being made available at cheap
prices. Data from Amazon shows that 77% regional language eBooks are priced below Rs.
100,making them extremely affordable. This trend is enabling growth of contemporary
literature in local languages, a plus in a diverse country like India where Hindi and English
have long ruled the roost. In fact, 90% of multinational publishers have noticed a rise in their
local publishing program, mainly driven by higher demand for local content in India.
Privacy has been the bane of the publishing industry worldwide, and the Indian book
publishing industry has not been spared either. As far back as1999, a study of copyright
piracy in India sponsored by the HRD Ministry revealed that piracy in India primarily centred
on two factors -the price of the book and its popularity –and was largely confined to foreign
books and good indigenous books which were in demand and/or priced high. In addition to
popular fiction, the study revealed that piracy was widespread with respect to professional
books/texts for medicine and engineering, and encyclopaedias64. This trend also manifested
with respect to books published by the National Council of Educational Research & Training
(NCERT), the National Open School, and the Board(s) of Secondary Education because
despite being priced low, the supply of such books was much lower than the demand for
them. The 1999 study estimated that about 20-25% of the books sold then in India were
pirated. The numbers haven’t really shown much of a decrease; a 2014 CII study suggests
that piracy levels remain between 17-20%. The CII study also attempted to quantify the
estimated revenue loss due to piracy. This was understood to stand at INR 83,340 million
with the accompanying tax loss due to piracy estimated at INR 6875 million for the same
17With eBooks, the potential for piracy is reduced. The enforcement of strong Digital Rights
Management protections is done by either encrypting the eBook to be read only through e-
readers like Nook and Kindle in specific formats, or by offering them through online, paid,
low-cost subscription models like Scribd, Issue, iBooks etc. Also, unlike the case of print
books, those who engage in the supply of pirated eBooks do not always do so for making a
profit. Such behaviour is usually driven by the user’s attitude to piracy, and the presence of a
reciprocity mechanism. Thus, people who illegally download eBooks are largely ordinary
consumers, students and working professionals who access eBooks from a wide range of
digital sources, including online auction sites and via emails from friends. Such people can be
incentivized to leave piracy behind and move to reading eBooks legally, particularly if the
same is provided to them via subscription models, which allows them to access numerous
books at one go, without the hassle of having to pay for each individual book separately.
Environmental Sustainability: Since eBooks require no printing, they are also environment
friendly, and ensure a sustainable way of enlarging readership. The carbon released from the
amount of paper used for books in one year was estimated at 1.5 million metric tons, and
each book produced, gave off an estimated 8.85 pounds of carbon dioxide. In contrast,
according to estimates by the National Geographic, it takes 14 eBooks to produce as much
carbon as is needed to produce a paper book.
Thus, eBooks clearly emerge as the more environmentally sustainable option.

Recognizing that different readers have different needs and preferences, eBooks have the
potential to meet a wide range of accessibility needs, such as Braille and large font sizes (to
those who are visually impaired), text-to-speech (to those having learning disabilities such as
dyslexia) and lightweight devices (to those unable to hold a printed book due to physical
disabilities). E- Books also hold the potential to reach people in remote places which are not
serviced by printed books due to cost implications. 





YEAR\SEMESTER 3rd year\ 5th semester

UNIVERSITY NAME JIMS Engineering Management Technical




C56/12 sector
62 Noida Organization Sector
Organization Address Newspaper and Magazine Industry

Industry Type: DIGITAL READING (E-Reading)

Title of the project: A Reporton Marketing and Sales of E-

Reading product.

The primary objectiveof the summer internship was to
understand the various aspects of sales and marketing in
real time basis , work on customer acquisition and
business development by applying various marketing and
sales strategies to achieve the larger goal of creating brand
identity , increasing customer base, and profitability
throughout the E-Reading vertical.

This internship majorly
focuses on detailed analysis
and understanding customer
expectations, and improving
customer journey as well as
customer experience for the
company which increases
customer satisfaction, loyalty,
improves customer retention
conversion rate with the long-
term strategies.
The company asked me to
perform different tasks which
1) Carry out proper
segmenting, targeting and
positioning strategies in order
to generate
lead and convert them where
the minimum target was
2) I was asked to make a List
of 20 companies in 10 days
whose data may be used by
Magnik India in future.
Companies selected could be
from the following sectors
as Education, Pharma, IT,
Media, Hospitality, private
libraries Production (FMCG
FMCD) etc.
3) Usage of Digital Marketing
to increase brand awareness
and product placement all
over India.
4) Making a list of companies
which Magnik India may
collaborate with to promote its


Perception of customers
related to our brand

The impact of positive
Customer Experience helps in
creating long term goals for
the brand

Factors to consider while
curating Customer experience
and customer journey

Perception of people who
prefer reading magazines &
newspapers online or in print

Company was originally incorporated on July 20, 2020under the

Companies Act, 1956 as ‘Tenhard India Pvt Ltd’. The Company is still a
private unlisted company located in East Delhi (Noida). The Company’s sole
aim is to take digital reading to next level and provide a one-stop destination for
all the reading needs.
:It is committed to serve the end-to-end digital reading requirements by
providing various reading services such as Magazines, Newspapers, Blogs and
Articles from different genres..
E-Reading Industry in India


An e-book (short for electronic book), also known as an e-book or

eBook, is a book publication made available in digital form,
consisting of text, images, or both, readable on the flat-panel display
of computers or other electronic devices. Although sometimes defined
as "an electronic version of a printed book", some e-books exist
without a printed equivalent. E-books can be read on dedicated e-
reader devices, but also on any computer device that features a
controllable viewing screen, including desktop computers, laptops,
tablets and smartphones

Though still at a nascent stage of market development, eBooks have

slowly gained a foothold, given their many advantages including easy
accessibility, lower costs (compared to print books), and portability.
Nielsen India Book Market Report revealed that 56% of the
respondents surveyed in urban India bought atleast one eBook a year
and nearly half of these bought at least 3-4 eBooks a year, indicating a
growing demand for digital books in India

Market Size
According to the 2015 Nielsen report on the India’s Book Market,
India is home to both over 9,037 publishers who directly employ over
40,000 people, as well as to over 21,800 organized and unorganized
book retailers. India's overall book market, worth INR 261 billion
(USD 4 billion) in 2015 is understood to be the 6th largest in the
world, the 3rd largest with respect to books in English, and is
expected to grow at a CAGR of 19.3% to touch INR 739 billion (USD
11.311 billion) by 202. However due to a lack of regular market
analysis, estimates with respect to its worth and its exact growth
potential vary. Nevertheless, there is uniform consensus on the
sector’s upward growth, with the same being attributed to a variety of
factors, including India’s economic boom and the country’s
increasing literacy rate predicted to reach 90% by 2020. Apart from
English books that lead the pack with a 55% market share, India has
organized or semiorganized publishing in 16 languages. Within the
regional language market share, Hindi dominates at 35%, while the
other regional languages together make up the remaining market. The
Indian publishing sector is also mostly fuelled by its sale of textbooks
and educational content, with the trade books only amounting to a
miniscule 6%. Of the trade books sold in India however, 25% were
children’s books, 45% were nonfiction, with fiction constituting the
remaining 30%

In terms of book types, physical books and eBooks hold sway while
audio books are a small percentage. E-Books in particular, have
emerged as a game changer in the Indian book industry, estimated to
have a market segment volume of USD 125m in 2018. Potential
revenue growth in eBooks at CAGR of 14.3 % is expected to result in
a market volume of USD 214m by 202226. The Frankfurter Much
mess Report on Perspectives on Publishing in India (2014-15)
highlighted that the electronic consumer publishing sector had been
growing at 17%, which is almost thrice the growth of the overall book
industry at 6%

Magnik India Pvt.


 About Us….
Mission and Vision:
Mission and Vision:-
The aim of the company is to make the shopping experience of the
customers convenient and
easy. Its website is specially designed for access through your
favourite mobile / tablet. This
makes transacting through mobile as easy as it is on a PC
The aim of the company is to make the shopping experience of the
customers convenient and easy. Its website is specially designed for
access through your favourite mobile / tablet. This makes transacting
through mobile as easy as it is on a PC
MAGNIK INDIA is India‘s leading Magazine and Journal
subscription on-line store. We offer one of the most comprehensive
collections of magazines and journals. Now in the first year of
operation, we have successfully sold in the excess of ten thousand
subscriptions across the country, exceeding the growth rate of
30%.Our customer base spreads the length and breadth of the country
including Indian Army units, Libraries, Schools, Colleges,
Universities, Hotels, Resorts, Hospitals, Labs, Doctors, Govt.
Institutions and many more. We partner directly with publishers to get
you the best deals and special offers. We also provide
customized solutions for corporates and institutions,
like bulk ordering, branded covers, cover-on-cover, bulk gifting, and
special discount offers. Our unique and secure subscription sales and
management platform, not only provides a single-window
subscription ordering facility but also caters to the need of managing
these subscriptions year on year. The built-in renewal management
ensures timely renewals without any breaks. Our aim is to make your
shopping experience convenient and easy. Our website especially
designed for access through your favourite mobile / tablet. This
makes transacting through mobile as easy as it is on a PC.

 Magnik India Pvt. ltd. is a Private incorporated on 20 July 2020. It is

classified as Non-govt Company and is registered at Registrar of
Companies, Delhi. Its authorized share capital is Rs . 100,000 and its
paid up capital is Rs. 100,000. It is involved in Reproduction of
recorded media [This class includes reproduction of records, audio,
video and computer tapes from master copies, reproduction of floppy,
hard or compact disks, reproduction of non-customized software and
film duplicating]

Ownership Pattern
 Magnik India Pvt. ltd.'s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last
held on N/A and as per records from Ministry of Corporate Affairs
(MCA), its balance sheet was last filedon N/A.
 Directors of Magnik India Pvt. ltd. are Ajay Kumar Singh and Parul
Puri. Magnik India Pvt. ltd.'s Corporate Identification Number is
(CIN)U22300DL2020PTC366500 and its registration number is
366500.Its Email address is [email protected] its
registered address is J 68 LAXMI NAGAR DELHI East Delhi DL
110092 IN. Current status of Magnik India Pvt. ltd. is
 – Active
Product And Services
 Magnik India Pvt. ltd. Pvt Ltd is a leading name in the e-media
industry. We are publishers of renowned titles like Tenhard Traveler
and Food. We provide digital versions of media from various
publishers. Using the latest technology, we help people get the latest
news, digitally.T he products :E-Magazines E-Novels Blogs Tenhard
‘s sole aim is to take digital reading to the next level and provide you
with a
one- stop destination for all your reading needs. No more searching
for your favourite magazine or Magazine on different sites. Just read
on the go from a myriad of categories. We have listed the
magazine from every genre to make your search easier. Be it regional
or international; you will find every Magazine on our digital
We don’t intend to stop right there. Apart from popular magazines
and Magazines, you will be exposed to a wide variety of blogs and
articles from different genres. You can also binge-read on your
favorite novels and books from any corner of the world. We have
aligned all the books and novels from renowned authors into
distinctive categories so that you can easily filter them out. Reach out
to our blog section to go through our freshly brewed quality blogs on
topics that intrigue, excite, and entertain you. Tenhard has also started
its own issue of magazines that will satiate all your reading needs.
From travel, food, business, sports to celebrity and lifestyle, you can
find it all here.
 With the current pandemic situation, going digital seems to be the
ideal way to stay protected. We believe in digitalization. Hence, we
bring you everything you want to read under one roof. Read,
subscribe, shop; Tenhard is your next-door reading buddy that
understands all your needs!

There are 6 competitors of Tenhard Group-
1.-Star Paper Mills Ltd. 
 2.-Emami Paper Mills Limited. 
3.-Praveen India Ltd . 
4.-Agio Paper & Industries Limited.
5-International Conveyors Ltd.
 6.-Saregama India Limited. 

Product Portfolio :-
 Magazines (print and digital edition)
 Newspapers (print and digital edition)
 Books
 Blogs

Name of the products:

• Agriculture World
• Arogyadham
• Autocar India
• Autocar Professional
• Bike India Magazine
• Business Today
• Car India Magazine
• Civil Services Times
• Health Vision
• Ideal Home And Garden Magazine
• India Today (Hindi/English)
• IndiaMix
• Krishi Jagran
• Mother and Baby Magazine
• PrintWeek India
• Reader’s Digest
• Robinage Newspaper
• Smart Photography Magazine
• Stuff India
• T3 India
• Teacher Plus
• Textile Value Chain
• The Caravan
Name of the products:
• Agriculture World
• Arogya dham
• Autocar India
• Autocar Professional
• Bike India Magazine
• Business Today
• Car India Magazine
• Civil Services Times
• Health Vision
• Ideal Home And Garden Magazine
• India Today (Hindi/English)
• India Mix
• Krishi Jagran
• Mother and Baby Magazine
• Print Week India
• Reader’s Digest
• Robin age Newspaper
• Smart Photography Magazine
• Stuff India
• T3 India
• Teacher Plus
• Textile Value Chain
• The Caravan
• What HI-FI ?
• Woman’s Er
.Vydya loka
•What HI-FI
• Woman’s Er
Progress of the project
Progress of the project
Progress of the project
of time.
The project is focused on two major tasks set by the company mentor
which are
Task 1- Marketing & Sales
Task 2- Marketing Research & Strategy Making.
Here in as per the task schedules by the company mentor, the
following work has been done. Task 1- Marketing & Sales: This task
was set in order to learn the practical measures of the STP concept
learnt in the class which would further help us to generate leads.
Task was set to understand consumer behaviour and customer
interaction. 15 days were allotted to complete the task of
Marketing & Sales in which a target of 15,000/- worth of sales
was set. In this task, I made a funnel of 06 people which included
avid readers & people from different industries to maximize
Magnik India’s reach. out of these 50 got convinced and sales of
5994 /- was made within a period of 10 days. I was the first
one to complete the task within the given period of time.
Strengths Weaknesses
The extending product line and Low Presence in
strengthening technical platform, overall market.
through strategic acquisitions and

collaborations, with various authors
and publication houses help the Lesser advertising as compared to
company gain a competitive advantage. competitors
 
The company provides a variety of e- Lack of trust amongst prospect
book content, clients being a new
along with blogs, newspapers and entrant in the industry
articles which helps it to expand its
user base across various verticals

Opportunities Threats
-The company focuses on new author Stiff competition from other
acquisition and genre upgrade on a leading E
regular basis, which enables it to serve
the changing needs of the market.
Reading websites.
Considering the current pandemic 
situation and being an E-Reading Competitive Pricing of other E
website, Tenhard can spread its roots in -
the E-reading industry and creating a
brand for itself by Reading websites
Focusing on delivering compelling 
reading experiences, Lack of reading options in niche
eliminating the need for physical books genre.
as well as newspapers


•To Analysis the Customer Satisfaction towards

Services of Social Media Ads Provided By Magnik
India Pvt. Ltd. in UP.

•To study the Role of Display Network Marketing.

•to study the consumer attitude and perception towards

social media marketing

•to analyse the marketing strategy of Magnik India Pvt.

Ltd. of social medium platform

•to know the influence of social media marketing

activity on purchasing behaviour of consumer 

lead and convert them where
the minimum target was
2) I was asked to make a List
of 20 companies in 10 days
whose data may be used by
Magnik India in future.
Companies selected could be
from the following sectors
as Education, Pharma, IT,
Media, Hospitality, private
libraries Production (FMCG
FMCD) etc.
3) Usage of Digital Marketing
to increase brand awareness
and product placement all
over India.
4) Making a list of companies
which Magnik India may
collaborate with to promote its
Research refers to the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources to  establish
facts and reach new conclusions. Research comprises "creative work undertaken on  a systematic
basis to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humans,  culture and society, and
the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications." It is  used to establish or confirm
facts, reaffirm the results of previous work, solve new or existing  problems, support theorems, or
develop new theories. In the broadest sense of the word, the  definition of research includes any
gathering of data, information, and facts for the  advancement of knowledge.

1)Carry out proper segmenting, targeting and

positioning strategies in order to generate
lead and convert them where the minimum target
was 15,000.

2) I was asked to make a List of 20 companies in

10 days whose data may be used by
Magnik India in future. Companies selected could
be from the following sectors such
as Education, Pharma, IT, Media, Hospitality,
private libraries Production (FMCG & FMCD)

3) Usage of Digital Marketing to increase brand

awareness and product placement all over India.

4) Making a list of companies which Magnik India

may collaborate with to promote its

4.1 Title of The Research 

A Study on customer Satisfaction Level Of The consumer

4.2 Objective of The Research  

• To analyze the current satisfaction level of the constomer who consuming magnik india

4.3 Research Design 

The research design is descriptive in nature. The research design is a blueprint for
fulfilling  the objective & answering. A research design is the set of methods and
procedures used in  collecting and analyzing measures of the variables specified in the
research problem  research.. A research design is an arrangement of conditions or
DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH DESIGN has been applied in Quantities Research. In that 
CROSS SECTIONAL SYUDY gas been applied, as units are measured from a sample of
the  population. 
A research design is a systematic approach that a researcher uses to conduct a scientific 
study. It is the overall synchronization of identified components and data resulting in a 
plausible outcome. To conclusively come up with an authentic and accurate result the 
research design should follow a strategic methodology, in line with the type of research 
chosen. To have a better understanding of which research paper topic, to begin with, it is 
imperative to first identify the types of research.



Two methods have been used to collect the
relevant data, which are essential for the study,
they are:
Primary Data:
The data which is collected from first-hand experience is known as primary data. This
data  serves as the main source of data for any research based project work. The source
from which  the primary data is collected is called the primary source. The data can be
collected in many  ways as mentioned below: 
• Questionnaires 
• Observation

4.5 Data Collection Method 

The data collection method used in this research is survey method. Here the data are 
systematically recorded from the respondents. Questionnaire is been used as form of
research  instrument

4.6 Data Collection Instrument  

For the collection of data, we have used Structured Questionnaire.

4.7 Sample Size 

I serve my questionnaire which is among 50 people where Survey was done with a sample
size of 21 respondents.



A structured questionnaires is used to collect the data and data will be
analysis with the help of percentage table, respective graph, bar graph
and piecharts.



Why did you choose our product rather than a competitor’s?  
21 responses

Your products are genuine .

User friendly
Your products are of high quality
Because of my sister
It good
It is unique
Because it is more reliable
Good quality
It was unique then products of others.
Satisfied with the quality
Bcoz its better from others
some of the features are different
cause it’s good






 Here we have 21 respondents. 
 Among all the respondents, most of the respondents belonged to the age range of 18- 37. 

 Majority of the respondents (12) were female while the other 08 were males. 
 Most of the respondents were graduates (10) .10 of the respondents are 12TH pass
 Most of the respondents(09) believe that magazine of magnik India is good no need to
improve there product. Some of them  have a neutral feeling for the same and (09) of
them have a very good product 1 of the respondents don’t have a great experience
 Majority of the respondents are not want any changes in previous product.. A few want
some upgradation in product. 
 Most of the people were purchases are product again (71.4%). And some are may be
purchase again (23.8) .and few choose option 5 .
 Most of the respondents favourite product is business today(38.1%). And for some
favourite product is health vision (33.3%). The other (28.6%) favourite product is India
today (Hindi\English).
 (9.5%) of the respondents think that we need to improve there experience for the
future . . and other have a mixed feeling that (All good ,By providing more product,…I am
okay with all, …N/A ,Nil ,Nothing, Other ,You don't have to its,…it’s good no sometimes.)
 (61.9%) of the respondents have visit are company profile last month more than once.
And some visit once in a month how visit are company website (23.8%). Few other of
them not visit are company profile in past month (14.3%).
 Majority of the respondents really have a primary reason for your visit to website
(52.4%) to find more information before making a purchase in-store . and (33.3%) of them
think To make a purchase. And the rest of them have primary reason to visit are company to contact
customer service (14.3%).

 Most of the respondents  Are you able to find what you're looking for on the website
homepage (92.5%). And few of them not are you able to find what you're looking for
on the website homepage 1(4.8%) .
 (52.4%) did them purchase these products for self. (19% ) did them purchase these
products for On behalf of a business . and some of them (14.9%) did them purchase these
products for Friend. Few of them (9.5%) did you purchase these products for Family

 (66.7%) of the respondents are strongly yes  to recommend there family, friends, or
colleagues. Out of which (23.8) are may not be recommend there family, friend, or
colleagues about are product. And few of them are strongly not and may not be
recommend there family, friend, colleagues about are product i.e (4.8%) and (4.8%)
 6-4(23.8%)of the respondents feel that are company provides thembetter quality as
compare to our competitor .and other think we providing same concept as are competitor
2(9.5%) and the rest think we provide a worst product as compare to competitor 4(19%)
and 3(14.3%). 
 11(52.4%) of the respondents think that other options did you consider before
choosing our product is India today (hindi\english). And 5(23.8%) of respondent think
that other options did you consider before choosing our product is india
mix .3(14.9%) of respondent think that other options did you consider before choosing
our product is women er. And few of the think that other options did you consider
before choosing our product is option 5 (9.5%)

 We ask our costumer that Why did you choose our product rather than a
they respond as follow:-

 variety
 Good quality
 N/A
 Neatness
 It was unique then products of others.
 no
 Satisfied with the quality
 Bcoz its better from others
 some of the features are different
 Reliable and quality
 Your products are genuine
 User friendly
 Ok
 Your products are of high quality
 Because of my sister
 It good
 It is unique
 Reliable
 Because it is more reliable
 cause it’s good
 na

 8-6 of the respondents have feeling easy is it to navigate our website . 4-3 of the
respondent have mixed feeling easy is it to navigate our website . few of them are
facing issue or hard to find something on our website i.e 1-2.
 4(19%) of the respondent thing that If they could change just one thing about our
product, what would it be nothing . and few of them think If they could change just
one thing about our product, what would it be price 1(1.49). some other think if If
they could change just one thing about our product, what would it be packaging
 7-7 of the respondent think that are product is unique and good value of money that they
can describe in a single word .some of them think are product is useful .
 10(47.9%) of the respondent think The company did everything they could to make my
process as easy as possible . 4-3 . think that The company did not put full potential
they could do to make my process as easy as possible . 4 of the rest think The
company did not do everything they could to make my process as easy as possible.
 Majority of the respondents think that their personal time the use in reading magnik
india books (10). The other 10 respondents don’t think that their manage  respects their
personal time. 

 11 of the respondents have a neutral level of satisfaction while 4  of them are

satisfied . 6 of the respondents are unsatisfied and .

With the advancement in technology and with

rigorous use of internet, E-reading industry has
reached the highest peak over the years. There are
currently, a lot of companies providing E-Reading
subscription in India out of which a few which are
a real time of Tenhard are listed below.

So, the main three competitors of Tenhard India are

 1.Kindle
 2.Scribd
 3.Bookmate

Amazon launched its eBook subscription service Kindle

Unlimited in 2014, and in a short time, the platform became
one of the big players in the industry. Kindle Unlimited offers
unlimited reading on any Amazon device or Kindle app,
contrary to the popular notion that it’s available only for e-
reader devices. A major downside of the Kindle Unlimited
subscriptions is that among the wide selection of books you
won’t be able to find titles from the “Big 5” publishers
(Hachette, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Penguin Random
House, and Simon & Schuster).The Kindle store lacks best-
selling authors and contemporary literature, but it offers a
great choice of indie and self-published authors. When it
comes to reliable rating systems, Kindle Unlimited beats the
competition. Just like any other product on Amazon, books on
Kindle unlimited also get thousands of reviews. So, if reading
reviews helps you avoid lousy books, then Kindle Unlimited
may be the best eBook subscription service for you.

Key Features
Readers get unlimited access to over 1 million eBooks and
The Kindle reading app is available for free on iOS,
Android, Mac, Web, and Windows.
A great selection of magazines including Time and People
The platform offers a reliable rating system.
User-friendly app.
Customer support team available via live chat 24/7.
Unlimited reading for $9.99/month.
30-day free trial.
SCRIBDScribdis considered “the Netflix of
books” and for a good reason.For $8.99/month you
get unlimited access to Scribd’s entire database of
eBooks. We're talking about 1 million eBooks,
plus Scribd’s amazing digital library which
includes audiobooks, magazines, sheet music,
academic papers, and court filings.You can also
upload and share your own papers and eBooks
with over 700,000 monthly subscribers.Scribd is
the perfect platform for keen readers eager to
browse through thousands of books and students
looking to gain access to academic papers.Key
FeaturesOver 1 million eBooks, audiobooks,
magazines, and documents.Access to over 1,000
publishing houses including Penguin Random
House, Macmillan, HarperCollins, and
Hachette.Users can upload their own papers,
documents, and books.Users subscribed to
Scribd get free access to other cultures-and-arts-
oriented platforms including MUBI, AUDM, and
Farfaria.Available on Web, Android, iOS,
Kindle Fire and Nook devices.Available
worldwide.PricingUnlimited reading for
$8.99/month or $84.99/year.60-day free trial
42BOOKMATEBookmateis a mobile reading app
and an eBook subscription service.Bookmate's
users can browse through 12 million titles
organized by genre and editorial lists.What sets
Bookmate apart from its competitors is that the
platform offers users a chance to browse through
friends’ feeds and bookshelves. Users can also
upload their own EPUBs and FB2 books and sync
them across all devices.Bookmate offers an
amazing reading app which is well-designed and
has a user-friendly interface. Users can highlight
words, look up definitions, and use translation
words.One downside of Bookmate is that
Bookmate’s library lacks well-known titles, so
don’t expect to find recent New York Times
bestsellers.However, if you're interested in
discovering new titles, Bookmate is a good
choice.Key FeaturesUsers get unlimited access
to 12 million books from 600 different
publishers.Books are available in 12
languages.Users can upload books in EPUBs and
FB2 formats.Amazing comics
selection.Readers can save audiobooks on their
devices and listen offline.Bookmate is available
on Web, Android, iOS and Windows
Store.PricingUnlimited reading for
$9.99/month or $99.96/year.7-day free trial.

The job that I was offered at Tenhard India Pvt Ltd was the position of
Intern in the marketing and sales department. In this department the
main aim of all them members was to communicate the product of the
company through various campaigns and other marketing techniques to
the potential customers of the company. Along with this we have to sell
the product of the company to the customers sales was the primary role
assigned to us in this internship.


This part explains the various responsibility that I was assigned during
my internship period.

Brainstorming: Our most important task here was to brainstorm and

come with ideas that are unique in accordance with the product of the
company and implement these ideas in order to boost the sales and
meet the timely targets assigned to each of us.

Planning: We have to plan that how and when to approach the potential
customers and reach our target market and attract more potential
customer for the company and along this we had to plan
about the potential companies with whom we can collaborate with in
order to achieve Pan India presence

.Day to day operations: As an Intern there were some day to day task in
sales department that we have to pitch customer about our company
product along with this we have to continuously work on the achieving
our targets. We had to implement various sales and marketing
techniques on daily basis in order to achieve optimum results for the
betterment of the company.

Furthermore ,we were assigned an additional task where we had to

create a list of prospect companies from various fields like Pharma, IT,
Education ,Media and advertising with which Tenhard can collaborate
and tie-up with in order to increase it’s readership and presence in
overall market.



The internship involves on job sales and marketing

of the company’s product using various sales and
marketing techniques and based on the feedback
received understanding the customer behaviour
and modify the previously used techniques in
order to achieve the desired targets.

What is sales?

Sales is a term used to describe the activities that

lead to the selling of goods or services. Businesses
have sales organizations that are broken up into
different teams. And these sales teams are often
determined based on the region they're selling to,
the product or service they're selling, and the target
customer. Salespeople reach out to contacts that
might be interested in purchasing the product or
service that their company is selling —prospects
that demonstrate interest through actions like
visiting the company website or interacting with
the company on social media. The goal is to reach
out to leads who have shown interest in or fit the
description of the company’s target customer, in
hopes of providing them with a solution that
results in a purchase of your product or service.
Types of Sales Strategies:

1. Inside Sales As an inside sales rep, you

would be responsible for maintaining existing
client relationships. You are the main point of
contact for your company’s clients and are
expected to retain their business and build a strong
business relationship. In recent years, there has
been a significant shift in sales activity from
outside—or traditional—sales to inside sales,
where inside sales are now considered more
effective and efficient when used in tandem with
inbound marketing strategies.

2. Outside- Sales Outside sales is considered as

a traditional method in that it is face-to-face,
done primarily outside of the office in direct
interaction with their customers. An outside sales
rep will typically spend more time in their
customers’ offices than in their own. In order to be
successful in outside sales, you’ll need to be self-
motivated and goal-oriented in meeting your own
deadlines with little to no supervision.
3. Sales Support As team-based sales operations
are becoming a more common strategy, working in
sales support does precisely what its title suggests:
you work to support the sales reps. Working
primarily “behind the scenes,” sales support takes
care of the details to help sales reps—those who
perform client-facing roles like outside sales—
close their deals faster. This is a dynamic role,
capable of cutting time and costs from the
company budget. Sales support can be responsible
for a number of duties such as investigating leads
and creating customer profiles, analyzing data, and
performing research.

4. Client Services Working in client services is

similar to working in inside sales. As client
services, your responsibility is to work with
customers to ensure their needs are met and to
nurture a strong business relationship. By ensuring
customer satisfaction, client services work to
increase company growth through the existing
client base. If you like to go beyond what is asked
of you, create real relationships, and are always
asking the right questions, then this role may be
the right fit.

5. Lead Generation/Development Lead

generation/development is responsible for
conducting research and networking to make new
business contacts. The right research could lead
you to discover untapped sales potential. You’ll
also be responsible for assessing the viability of
the connection and to what extent it’s worth
pursuing and forecasting potential results. With
growing technology, there are a number of ways to
generate leads through inbound marketing
techniques such as eBooks or blogs.

6. Business Development Managers Business

Development Managers bring in new business for
your company through a number of methods
ranging from cold calling to door to door. Like
outside sales, they most often make their sales
face-to-face. To succeed in this role, you’ll need to
be consistently bringing new sales and clients to
the company.

What is Marketing ?Marketing is the process of

getting potential clients or customers interested
in your products and services. The keyword in this
definition is "process". Marketing involves
researching, promoting, selling, and distributing
your products or services. The definition of
marketing is the action or business of
promoting and selling products or services,
including market research and advertising .Today,
marketing is something that every company and
organization must implement in its growth
strategy. Many companies use marketing
techniques to achieve their goals without even
realizing it. Marketing refers to actions a company
or organization takes to promote themselves and
increase sales of their product or service. It is one
of the key aspects of business. People often do not
know exactly what marketing is and, when asked,
they define it as selling or advertising. While these
answers are not wrong, they are only a part of
marketing. It involves many other things like
product distribution, promotion, designing and
creating materials like landing pages and social
media content, building customer experience,
doing market research and establishing target
markets, and much more.

The 4 P’s of Marketing:

According to E. J. McCarthy,

The 4 Ps of Marketing are a simple formula

for identifying and working with the essential
elements of your marketing strategy.

Having a product is key and is the root of all
things marketing. A product could be anything
that a company offers consumers to satisfy a need.
The best thing to do is to decide on your product
or service based both on the needs and motivations
of consumers and how the product would benefit
the consumer, rather than on the object’s physical
characteristics or attributes.

Strategic merchandising locations can be anything
from an online store to a channel of physical stores
across multiple towns or countries. The goal of the
distribution strategy is to enable potential clients to
have easy access to your products/services as
well as offer a good experience throughout the
purchasing process.

How we price our products and services is an
extremely important part of The marketing
strategy. This factor affects other factors such as:

- The margin we hope to obtain.

- What target market do we want to present
ourselves to and what purchasing power do our
consumers have?
Do we want to enter the luxury market or bet on
the mass market?
-The company's financial goals.
- How does the competition price their products
and what possible product substitutes are there?
- Trends and fads.
- Increased price in order to give a better
perception of quality.

 Promotion. This refers to all the marketing

and communication actions we carry out in order
to diffuse the benefits and characteristics of our
product or service within the market. This is how
we increase sales.

Types of Marketing:
The following marketing strategies were
implemented in the tenure of the internship to
improve the overall business of the company.

1. Relationship marketing This type of marketing

is basically focused on customer building.
Enhancing existing relationships with customers
and improving customer loyalty.

2. Word of mouth It totally relies on what

impression you leave on people. It is traditionally
the most important type of marketing strategy.
Being heard is important in business world. When
you give quality services to customers, it is likely
that they’d promote you.

3. Internet marketing It is also known as cloud

marketing. It usually happens over the internet.
All the marketing items are shared on the internet
and promoted on various platforms via multiple

4. Transactional marketing Sales is particularly the

most challenging work. Even for the largest
retailers, selling is always tough especially when
there are high volume targets. However with the
new marketing strategies, selling isn’t as
difficult as it was. In transactional marketing
the retailers encourage customers to buy with
shopping coupons, discounts and huge events. It
enhances the chances of sales and motivates the
target audience to buy the promoted products.

5. Diversity marketing It caters diverse audience

by customizing and integrating different
marketing strategies. It covers different aspects
like cultural, beliefs, attitudes, views and other
specific needs

Consumer behaviours the study of how people

make decisions about what they buy, want, need,
or act in regards to a product, service, or company.
It is critical to understand consumer behaviour to
know how potential customers will respond to a
new product or service. It also helps companies
identify opportunities that are not currently met.
For E.g. recent situation of pandemic where
washing hand and maintain social distance and use
of mask is the new behaviour. Consumer
behaviour Are affected by three factors they are

Psychological Factors
In daily life, consumers are being affected by
many issues that are unique to their thought
process. Psychological factors can include
perception of a need or situation, the person's
ability to learn or understand information, and an
individual's attitude. Each person will respond to a
marketing message based on their perceptions and
attitudes. Therefore, marketers must take these
psychological factors into account when creating
campaigns, ensuring that their campaign will
appeal to their target audience. Personal Factors
Personal factors are characteristics that are specific
to a person and may not relate to other people
within the same group. These characteristics may
include how a person makes decisions, their
unique habits and interests, and opinions. When
considering personal factors, decisions are also
influenced by age, gender, background, culture,
and other personal issues.
For example, an older person will likely exhibit
different consumer behaviours than a younger
person, meaning they will choose products
differently and spend their money on items that
may not interest a younger generation.
Social Factors The third factor that has a
significant impact on consumer behaviour is social
characteristics. Social influencers are quite diverse
and can include a person's family, social
interaction, work or school communities, or any
group of people a person affiliates with. It can also
include a person's social class, which involves
32income, living conditions, and education level.
The social factors are very diverse and can be
difficult to analysis when developing marketing
plans. So, while preparing or designing an
advertisement we have to jot down the behaviours
of the customer and plan our campaign
accordingly to attract more potential customers
from the target market.


A target market is a group of consumers or

organizations most likely to buy a company’s
products or services. Because those buyers are
likely to want or need a company’s offerings, it
makes the most sense for the company to focus its
marketing efforts on reaching them. Marketing to
these buyers is the most effective and efficient
approach. The alternative -marketing to everyone -
is inefficient and expensive. To determine who
your best target market consists of, start by
answering three basic questions:

What problem does your product or service

Does it help soothe teething babies? Does it make
men feel taller? Does it help companies garner
more publicity?
Who is most likely to have this problem?
In what situations do they use it?
This is where you start breaking down who you
should be focusing on. Is it individuals?
Businesses? Families?

Are there different groups with different needs?

You may have more than one target market, or
market segment, based on how they use a product
or service. For example, a bike shop may help
families with young children choose a safe bike for
their 5-year-old, while a 30-something athlete may
want advice in choosing a professional racing bike.
Once you are clear about who is most likely to
need or want your product or service, it’s time to
get even more specific about this group, or groups,
of people. There are several different ways to
define your target market, based on different
characteristics. You should decide which approach
comes closest to exactly describing your perfect

Consumer or business–Start by clarifying if you

have a B2B (business-to-business) or a B2C
(business-to-consumer) offering.

Geographic–Local brick-and-mortar stores may

find that their most likely customers are within a
two-mile radius of their store, or within a
particular zip code. This target market is defined
geographically, based on where they live or work
or vacation or do business.

Demographic–Describing your best customer

demographically means that you define your target
market in terms of their gender, age, income level,
education level, marital status, or other aspect of
their life.

Psychographic–Sometimes customers don’t fit

into a particular group based on outward
characteristics, but more based on internal
attitudes and values. These are psychographic

Generation–Many companies today define their

target market based on which generation they were
born in, such as baby boomers or Gen Y.

Cohort–Other companies find that their target

market is better defined by looking at cohorts, or
groups of people who had similar experiences
during childhood, such as being raised by a single
mom or attending boarding school.

Life stage–Other target markets are more alike

because of the stage of life they are in, whether it’s
post-college, retirement, newly married, newly
divorced, or parenting young children, for
example. Husband wife with two children, joint
family or nuclear family etc.

Behavioural–Another approach is simply based

on frequency of use, or behaviour, which could be
a good choice for nail salons, car washes, or
vacation rentals Specifying your target market
reduces the cost and increases the benefit
from the campaign and advertisement as right
things are shown to right group of people.


Marketing trend is nothing but a technique to Keep

up with the way your consumers shop and research
your products and services (and those of your
competitors') Stay up to date with changes in
consumer behaviour and priorities. ... Stay relevant
in your target marketplace and among your
competitors Marketing trends allow you to:

A. Keep up with the way your consumers shop

and research your products and services (and those
of your competitors')

B . Stay up to date with changes in consumer

behaviour and priorities

C. Ensure you're ahead of the curve in terms of

knowing who your target audience is and what
they need from your business

D. Listen and respond to changes in the market to

help you save money
E. Stay relevant in your target marketplace and
among your competitors E-Reading sector
has to keep keen eyes on market trends as it affects
them majorly



Distribution Scenario in the India in today’s E-

Reading market, the challenge to the company and
intermediaries is two pronged:

Building faith about the company in the mind of

the client

Intermediaries being able to build personal

credibility with the clients Prior to digitalization,
the book and reading sector in India opted for
various different techniques for the distribution of
books in the market. The various conventional
techniques used by various publishing houses were

1.Direct Sales
2.Independent book stores
4.Online retail
5.Local stores
6.Author events Out of the above-mentioned
conventional techniques, some are not applicable
to the E-Book distribution while some are still
prevalent and quite effective in the current
scenario as well. Whilst, the traditional books
distribution can be done via various channels, the
E-Reading distribution can be only done through
online distribution via various mediums. Abroad
categorization of channels and mediums currently
being used in the distribution of E-reading
products is presented below-

Direct Sales: -
Direct sales is the largest distribution channel of
almost all E-reading companies, comprising a
large forces that targets various customer
segments. The sales of the products can be done
directly by the company itself by hiring a
professionally abled staff that is an expert in
handling the overall operations and achieving the
target on regular basis. The strength of direct sales
channels lies in an aggressive strategy of
expanding and procuring quality business. With
focus on sales & people development, this method
has emerged as a robust, predictable and
sustainable business model. Educational
Institutions-The new strategy that various E-
reading companies have opted for these days is via
Educational institutions. There are various benefits
of opting for Educational institutions as a
distribution channel.
Large reader strength
Proactive age group
Trusted readers which can be carried on for a
longer time

Tech savvy readership which is comfortable with

digital reading Corporates-
This section deals with analysis of distribution
channel via corporate companies. Corporate
distribution in its simplest form is the distribution
of E-reading products through a corporate
companies’ distribution channel. E-Reading
companies see corporates as a tool for increasing
their market penetration and premium turnover.
The major advantage of corporate distribution is
advertisement of the product on international level
via its readership. Internet Marketing-The growth
of the Internet has led to a great deal of speculation
and discussion regarding its potential impact on
traditional distribution channels. India is joining
the fast-growing breed of net users, using net for
reading has over the time caught up. Internet
marketing can be done through various platforms
Email Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Online Ads
Sponsorships and Paid promotions

Why E-Book is important and a thing for the

future. The aim of eBooks is to simplify and
enhance the overall learning experience. Digital
Books make the learning process more interactive
and engaging. The main reasons for people buying
e-books are possibly lower prices, increased
comfort (as they can buy from home or on the go
with mobile devices) and a larger selection of
titles. With the advancement in technology and in
order to level up with other industries going digital
,E-books are the thing for the future since they are
Easily accessible , reusable , printable, portable
and much more.

1. One Device, Many Books: eBooks are portable

and lightweight, making it easy to carry around.
Instead of carrying multiple bulky books, one
eBook reader can hold thousands of eBooks. It
saves a lot of space-in your home and in your bag.
One doesn’t have to worry about the storage limit.
A single device is enough to read any number of
books you want. Students benefit the most out of it
as they do not have to carry a bag full of books
every day. It allows the user to store plenty of
books on the device, way more than anyone can
read in their lifetime.

2. Accessible Everywhere: eBooks can be

downloaded and stored for later use. One can carry
the eBook around and read them whenever they
want. Students and employees can go through the
learning material while at home and even while
travelling. It is convenient for people on the go.
Some e-readers come with the option of offline
accessibility, allowing people to use it even in the
absence of an internet connection.
Unlike printed books which have to be ordered or
purchased from the bookstore, with time lost in
waiting for delivery or travelling to the bookstore;
readers can easily access any eBook anytime and
3. Easily Updates: The contents on the eBooks are
mostly cloud-based, meaning it can be updated any
time. Authors and publishers can always add the
up-to-date information, providing users with the
latest digital content. This saves reprinting costs
and the time involved in the process.

4. Shareable Content: You can share the eBook

contents with multiple users. The social feature on
the e-book allows sharing and liking of content,
which is not possible with printed books. You
might share a printed book with one person at a
time, but an eBook can be shared with many
people at once. Students and employees can use
this feature to collaborate with their peers.






Marketing Management, By Philip Kotler


Table : Descriptive result of Demographic Profile of
the Respondents
18- 30
31- 39
40- 49
50- 59
Over 60
Marital Status
Employment Status
Full-time employment
Part-time employment
Below Rs10000
Rs10000- Rs15000
Rs15001- Rs20000
Rs20001- Rs25000
Rs25001- Rs30000
Rs30001- Rs40000
Above Rs40000
Facebook is the most widely used social media
sites throughout the world because of
itsacceptance throughout the world. Facebook is
really affecting anf created a newdimension in the
social media marketing by adding different
features for advertising.Researcher has asked three
questions regarding the Facebook to the
respondents in thesurvey. The 35% of the overall
respondents were strongly agreed with the
researchquestions, 30% were agreed and only 4%
and 8% consecutively were somewhat agreedor
disagreed with survey questions which refer the
respondents are very much positive
about the positive impacts of Facebook on Magnik
India Pvt. Ltd.‘s customers.
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. From 100 respondents, 25% were strongly agreed
with the survey questionsGP1,GP2 and GP3 where
11% were somewhat agreed. 19% were somewhat
Strongly Agree35
Neither agree nordisagree%
Strongly Disagree%
whether only 2% were strongly disagreed. The
average mean of the survey questions‘
frequency is .74 which all refers the positive
opionion of the respodnets regarding theGoogle
Plus. Besides, the mode value is 3.9 which refers
the somewhat agreed of therespondents. Overall
survey findings show that respondents are
somewhat agreed aboutits impacts.
Do you think the content of Google plus is
appropriate to meet customers queryTable :
Descriptive result of Google PlusGoogle
PlusStrongly Agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly Disagree
Total Number of Respondents
Figure : Descriptive result of Google Plus
SomewhatagreeNeither agreenor
Google Plus
Twitter is widely used social media site mainly in
the western countries; it can enable theusers to
give 130 words short tweet facilities with the
photo and video sharingopportunity. Magnik India
Pvt. Ltd. uses twitter to conducts social media
marketing.Researcher has used TW1, TW2 and
TW3 code to use three survey questions for
gettingthe response from the respondents. 27% of
100 respondents were strongly agreed, 10%were
somewhat agreed, 9 % were neutral whether 15%
strongly disagreed, which refersrespondents are
positive towards to the effectiveness of the twitter.
The average meanwas 5.32 which refers the
somewhat agree of the respondents whether the
average mode
is low which also justify the mean‘s findings.
Is Twitter helping Magnik India Pvt. Ltd. to
influencing customers positively?Table :
Descriptive result of TwitterTwitterStrongly Agree
Somewhat agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly Disagree
Total Number of Respondents
Figure : Descriptive result of Twitter
Strongly AgreeAgree
Somewhat agreeNeither agree nor
disagreeSomewhat disagreeDisagree
Strongly Disagree
LinkedIn is now become the biggest professional
sites in the world with huge coverage ofcorporate
personnel. Magnik India Pvt. Ltd. uses LinkedIn
for attracting potentialemployees and find the
corporate buyers. Respondents showed that
average 15% werestrongly agreed the three survey
questions, 12% were agreed with survey questions
but16% were somewhat disagreed and 9% were
strongly disagreed. The average mean is
5.14 and mode is 4.5 which all refer the
respondents‘ positive opinions regarding the
impact of LinkedIn in customer purchase intent.
So, it can be concluded that respondentsare
somewhat agreed with the survey questions.
Has LinkedIn linked Magnik India Pvt. Ltd.
with different potential customers?Table :
Descriptive result of LinkedInLinkedIn
Strongly Agree 15Agree
12Somewhat agree 11 Neutral 7Somewhat disagre
e 16Disagree 10Strongly Disagree 9
Total Number of Respondents
Figure : Descriptive result of LinkedIn
YouTube is another great medium of social
networking sites which huge number ofvideo. It
has become a biggest platform to exhibit the
products and its services throughvideo clips.
Magnik India Pvt. Ltd. uses the YouTube as a part
of social mediamarketing. Of all the 100
respondents, 16% of the respondents were strongly
agreed with
the researcher‘s three survey questions. 20% were
somewhat agreed, 19% were neutral
whether 9% were disagreed and 8% were strongly
disagreed. The mean and mode isconsecutively
5.56 and 4.9 which all refer the respondents
showed positive impacts aboutthe YouTube on
customer purchase intent.
YouTube can help Magnik India Pvt. Ltd. to be
more competitive in social mediamarketing?Table :
Descriptive result of Friend-FeedYoutube
Strongly Agree
Strongly Agree Agree
agreeNeutral Somewhat disagree Disagree
Strongly Disagree

Somewhat agree
 Neither agree nor disagree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly Disagree
Total Number of Respondents
Figure : Descriptive result of YouTube
Instagram is the most popular medium of the photo
sharing social media site.Respondents showed that
average 8% were strongly agreed the three survey
questions,8% were agreed with survey questions
but 16% were somewhat disagreed and 16%
werestrongly disagreed. The average mean is 4.23
and mode is 3.21 which all refer the
respondents‘ positive opinions regarding the
impact of Instagram on customer purchase
intent. So, it can be concluded that respondents are
somewhat agreed with the surveyquestions.
Strongly AgreeAgree
Somewhat agreeNeither agree nor
disagreeSomewhat disagreeDisagree
Strongly Disagree

6.Do Magnik India Pvt. Ltd. regularly update its
content to make it more dynamic?
Table : Descriptive result of InstagramInstagram
Strongly Agree 8%Agree
8%Somewhat agree 11% Neutral 18%Somewhat d
isagree 16%Disagree 23%Strongly Disagree 16%
Total Number of Respondents
Figure : Descriptive result of Instagram
Strongly Agree Agree
agreeNeutral Somewhat disagree Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Customer Purchase Intent (CPI
Customer purchase intent has become the biggest
focused issue in the whole businessworld.
Customer are now getting more preferences and
organisations are trying toinfluences the customer
purchase intent. Researcher has designed 3
questions for thesurvey to identify the customer
purchase intent and researcher has found that 55%
werestrongly agreed, 25% were agreed, 7 were
neutral whether 3% were disagreed and 2
werestrongly disagreed. It refers respondents were
very positive about the customer purchaseintent.
The average mean and mode are consecutively
6.44 and 6 which also refersrespondents showed
positive opinion about customer purchase intent.
7 . Is Social media marketing really influencing
customer purchase intent?Table : Descriptive result
of Customer Purchase Intent (CPI)Customer
Purchase Intent (CPI)
Strongly Agree 55%Agree
25%Somewhat agree 7% Neither agree nor
disagree 2%Somewhat disagree 6%Disagree
3%Strongly Disagree 2%
Total Number of Respondents
Figure : Descriptive result of Customer Purchase
Intent (CPI)
Correlation Analysis
The researcher applied statistical analytical tools to
calculate the correlation of thevariables. The
researcher has found the relation between the
customer purchase intent andsocial media
marketing of Magnik India Pvt. Ltd. stores by the
following correlationanalysis,
Table : Correlation Matrix
Correlations MatrixFacebookGooglePlusTwitter
LinkedIn FriendFeed OrkutFacebook
1.00Google Plus 0.94 1.00Twitter 0.27 0.39 1.00Li
nkedIn 0.57 0.00 0.19 1.00
Strongly AgreeAgree
Somewhat agreeNeither agree nor
disagreeSomewhat disagreeDisagree
Strongly Disagree

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 CPI 0.96 0.85 0.55 0.79 0.85 0.85This research
findings showed that all the variables are highly
correlated with each
other because almost all the values are more than 0
.5 which refers the positive relationshipexist
between the variables.
Regression Analysis
Table : Model Summary of Customer purchase
intentModel Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error o
f the Estimate1 0.214 0.858 0.846 0.737a.
Predictors: (Constant), Facebook, Twitter, Google
Plus, YouTube and LinkedInThe researcher has
found that there is a positive relation of 84.6%
between thedeterminants. So the R square is
calculated 84.6%. This means there is 45% impact
of thesocial media marketing on the customer
purchase intent. This explains that 1% change
inthe social media marketing of the Magnik India
Pvt. Ltd. stores changes the customer buying intent
by 0.45%.
Table : Coefficient of
ardizedCoefficientst Sig.
(Constant) 7.121 1.220 5.835 0.000Facebook 0.07
8 0.137 0.644 0.570 0.570

 Twitter -0.141 0.115 0.543 -1.229 0.222Google Pl
us -0.162 0.101 0.237 -1.609 0.111Instagram -
0.188 0.105 0.442 -1.802 0.075LinkedIn 0.233 0.1
22 0.478 0.689 0.605YouTube 0.058 0.185 0.309 
0.130 0.235From the following table, the effects of
the independent variables on customer
purchaseintent can be measured and referred. The
independent variable attention towards detailhas
the value of beta 0.644 on Employee Motivation,
Twitter has 0.543, Google Plus has0.237,
Instagram has 0.03, LinkedIn has 0.36 and
YouTube has 0.15. it can be said thatindependent
variables has positive effects on the dependent
Which one is the most attractive and
influencing social media?
For finding the most perfect social media
marketing tools, researcher has added aquestion on
the survey for getting response from the
respondents. From 100 respondents,47% referred
that Facebook is the most attraction and influential
social media site.Besides, twitter has got 23%,
YouTube has got 20% and Instagram has got
10%responses. So, it can be concluded that
Facebook is the most effective and
influentialsocial media marketing tools.
Facebook, 47
Twitter, 23
Youtube, 20
Instagram, 10
Which one is the most attractive and influencing

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Google plus ofMagnik India Pvt.Ltd. is
efficientenough to influencecustomer
Section Three: Twitter
Twitter is becoming agreat tool of socialmedia
I personally visitedthe Twitter ofMagnik India
Pvt.Ltd. and it issatisfactory
Twitter is helpingMagnik India Pvt.Ltd. to
influencingcustomers positively
Section Four: LinkedIn
LinkedIn has linkedMagnik India Pvt.Ltd. with
different potential customers
It effective tool ofsocial mediamarketing
It effective toinfluence customer purchase

Section Five: YouTube
YouTube is influecngthe customersthrough it
I believe YouTubecan help MagnikIndia Pvt. Ltd.
to bemore competitive insocial mediamarketing
It really efficient toolto influence
customer purchase
Section Six: Instagram
Instagram content ofMagnik India Pvt.Ltd. is
satisfactoryand appropriate to
meet customers‘
demands and query
Magnik India Pvt.Ltd. is using it toinfluence
customer purchase behaviour
Magnik India Pvt.Ltd. has regularlyupdate its
content tomake it moredynamic
Section Seven: Customer Purchase Intent (CPI)

Customer purchaseintent of Magnik
India Pvt. Ltd.‘s
customer are positiveenough
Social mediamarketing is reallyinfluencing
customer purchase intent
Customer purchaseintent can be increase
if the customers‘
demand ofknowledge andinformation isfulfilled
fully whichcan be done by thesocial
Other Questions1.
Which one is the most attractive and influencing
social media?
Facebook b)
Google Plusd)
Through which social media you are getting
influenced mostly for purchasingthe products of

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Google Plusc)
3.Facebook’s advertisement policy is less disturbing
than other social media?
a)Yes b)No
4.Twitter has more customized features for its
advertising policies than Facebook?
a) Strongly Agree b)
Somewhat Agreed)
 Neither Agree nor Disagreee)
Somewhat Disagreef)
Strongly Disagree

8 Background: This internship majorly

focuses on detailed analysis and
understanding customer expectations, and
improving customer journey as well as
customer experience for the company which
increases customer satisfaction, loyalty,
improves customer retention and conversion
rate with the long-term strategies.
Methodology: The company asked me to
perform different tasks which were: 1) Carry
out proper segmenting, targeting and
positioning strategies in order to generate lead
and convert them where the minimum target
was 15,000. 2) I was asked to make a List of 20
companies in 10 days whose data may be used
by Magnik India in future. Companies selected
could be from the following sectors such as
Education, Pharma, IT, Media, Hospitality,
private libraries Production (FMCG &
FMCD) etc. 3) Usage of Digital Marketing to
increase brand awareness and product
placement all over India. 4) Making a list of
companies which Magnik India may
collaborate with to promote its magazines.
Findings:  Perception of customers related to
our brand  The impact of positive Customer
Experience helps in creating long term goals for
the brand  Factors to consider while
curating Customer experience and customer
journey strategy.  Perception of people who
prefer reading magazines & newspapers online
or in print

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