(Adventure) Pyramid Raid DND 5e

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The passage describes an adventure in which adventurers are asked to investigate a pyramid and deal with grave robbers nested near it. The pyramid is located in a desert region and is full of dangers.

It is a large and complex pyramid structure that has long lured adventurers with promises of riches. It is guarded by a stone snake.

The outpost that serves as an entrance to the pyramid is frequently overrun by bandits and grave robbers trying to enter the pyramid.



5e Adventure

The Pyramid Raid

Short Desert Adventure for a party of adventurers of Level 6-7 in Prsh’Un

Homebrew Setting for use with the fifth edition ruleset

Average Party Level : 7th

Art Credits
Background - TheDigitalArtist (Pixabay)
Page 1 - Wewa of MikWewa Maps
All maps - Wewa of MikWewa Maps
Adventure - Mikey of MikWewa Tales
he Pyramid Raid is a free

short adventure nested in the
Adventure Hook
desert areas of the colorful Heading back home from the long quest, a party
homebrew world of Prsh’Un, of tired adventurers stops in Ridgeloor, a vast
created by the MikWewa RPG desert town scarcely populated by scared common
duo. The adventure takes place folk who can endure the aggressive temperature
in Sameeria, where an ever- changes and the perpetual sun. The river Sameer
expanding desert hides many perils, and the passes through the city, creating a gorgeous oasis
ancient architecture, most notably pyramids, in the narrow city center.
are spread throughout the entire region. This After having no trouble finding a proper meal,
adventure uses Pyramid Outpost moonlight adventurers join one of the campfires in one of
variant and Pyramid Dungeon 1st floor maps, and many squares of Ridgeloor, where they learn of the
it’s made for a party of adventurers of level 6-7. nearby Naga Queen’s Pyramid.
Being informed that seasoned adventurers are in
Adventure Back- town, the town’s mayor joins the campfire and asks
the adventurers to investigate the inside of the
ground pyramid and report to him for a hefty reward.

Desert of Sameeria, a seemingly ordinary mega- Adventure Reward

desert, is a living entity that devours everything in The adventure is dangerous, and the reward
its wake. It’s not directly perilous for travelers, but should be appropriate. The monetary
over time, it mercilessly erases the settlements compensation for the adventure should be around
and cites from both memory and existence, 1,500 gold pieces, given to the adventurers by the
making it the perfect killing machine that will mayor of Ridgeloor.
devour the entire world at some point, leaving only After the final fight, the adventurers should also
the dust of entire civilizations behind it. loot one random rare magic item or one of the
The desert weakens everyone who spends fantastic custom-made items we’re sure DMs have
some time in it: while a magic-user is unfocused, piled up.
dextrous rogue feels sluggish, and muscles of a
mighty barbarian feel sore. They all seek refuge in
one of many pyramids and ruins in the desert. The
sand takes them and turns them into one of many Adventurers have stumbled upon the pyramid
undead enemies future adventurers face. with enormous riches and decided to investigate
Albeit offering shelter, pyramids hide vicious, (raid) it. They will face the grave robber gang and
undead dangers, and the most experienced a bunch of mummies inside the pyramid, solve a
adventurers often bite the dust. couple of riddles, get shot by random darts, loot
the magic items, and escape the pyramid, their
What’s going on? backs turned to the explosions and settling dust.
Pyramid of a Naga Queen, a large and complex They will return to the tavern and toast another
structure, has always lured adventurers and unnecessary adventure where the most valuable
roamers to crack open its walls and bathe in loot was a scar in the unpleasant place.
unnamed riches of the pyramid.
Nowadays, a long-abandoned outpost serves as
GM Tips
a vanguard to the grandiose entrance guarded by a The adventure aims to be as flexible as possible. A
vigilant stone snake. The site is frequently overrun few things to consider while running this:
by bandits and grave robbers who try to enter the • Depending on the player’s experience or
pyramid but seldom manage due to fear, respect, party strength, add or remove weaknesses
or something else. caused by the desert. Deficiencies manifest
The Mayor of Ridgeloor, a nearby town, seeks as occasional disadvantages or slightly
help from the adventuring parties to deal with higher save DCs
a criminal group of grave robbers nested in the • The pyramid is nested in any desert region,
root of the pyramid, trying to get into the ancient and you can quickly drop it to your current
structure. campaign.
• Rewards are entirely up to you. Award the
players with the items you already prepared
for them, and you don’t have to be familiar
with eventual prizes in this adventure. Party
& DM styles vastly differ, as you know.

Act 1: The Outpost 3. Clearing
The navigator of a borrowed boat guides them The clearing in front of the entrance to the
through the shallow parts of an otherwise deep pyramid is crawling with robber groups and
river, using the big oar, showing them the sights their leaders. The moon lights the clearing, and
and telling them the history of the Sameer region. if players spend one minute counting the grave
The voyage lasts until the night falls on the desert robbers, they will count 4 groups of 3 grave
region, and the full moon lights the way. robbers and a grave marauder. They are led by 3
The last river curve is gone, and an impressive leaders, using the veteran stat blocks. The grave-
stone pyramid bathes in moonlight, showing off robber leaders guard the oasis, grave robber camp,
the wonders of construction. The dock of the and one random location.
ancient outpost is in front of them, a few feet away. Albeit being stationed on their posts, the leaders
Suddenly, a whooshing sound rips the air, and can join any fight and aid their groups at DM’s
the arrow from above hits the navigator in the discretion.
throat, killing him on the spot. 4. The Oasis
1. Shooting Practice At least one grave robber leader guards the oasis,
Imbalanced after the navigator’s death, the boat and it somehow benefits them. Water touched
turned around and started sinking rapidly, giving by the bright moonlight has healing powers and
players just enough time to jump to the dock. generally sharps the senses of those who drink
Athletics (Strength) or Acrobatics (Dexterity) from it.
check of 12 is required to land on the shore. If • Encounter
failed, characters fall into the river and spend a The leader and a robber group guarding there
turn to get out of the water. has an advantage on initiative checks, +1 AC and
• Encounter +1 on all attack and damage rolls, as well as the
Three grave robbers and a grave marauder with advantage on Constitution saving throws.
light crossbows hide above and behind the half The oasis effect lasts for 10 minutes and in other
covers, shooting the adventurers. fights. Once the effect ends, players cannot benefit
from it for the next hour.
Note: use the bandit stat block for grave robbers 5. Grave Robber’s Camp
and bandit captain stat block for a grave
marauder. • Encounter
On the northeast part, atop a small hill, is a grave
robbers’ encampment guarded by another group of
2. Hermit, Catses & Obelisk criminals commanded by their leader. Witnessing
After clearing the welcoming party, adventurers the adventurers fighting their comrades, this group
can reach the obelisk surrounded by cat statues. will rain arrows on the approaching adventurers,
At the bottom of the obelisk, a hermit hides from having the advantage on initiative rolls.
the robbers pillaging the pyramid and crying The adventurers must climb the hill to reach the
maddeningly. camp, and they need to roll a Stealth (Dexterity)
Players must succeed the Persuasion check of 20 to climb unnoticed. Otherwise,
(Charisma) check of 15 to calm the hermit down. a guard will spot them and shoot them. After
He is a challenge to understand, as he keeps clearing the encampment, players will loot one +1
repeating “to gibs coinses to the catses” and eating weapon at DM’s discretion.
maniacally everything the adventurers give him. 6. Pyramid Entrance
After he ate, he will run towards the river and
disappear. Above the grandiose entrance, a colossal naga
Hermit has the stat block of a commoner and statue warns everyone away from the pyramid.
will die on the spot of a heart attack if players Survival (Wisdom) check of 12 reveals that many
attempt to intimidate him. footprints entered the pyramid, but none of them
To decipher the inscription on the obelisk, leads out.
players will have to cast Comprehend Language
spell. Inscriptions on the obelisk are the inamorata
messages of ancient cat owners, describing the
cats breaking the vases and chasing the mirrored
sunlight around the house.

Act 2: The Pyramid Bless of the Undergod
1. Entrance & Cat Statues The touch by the hound-like god of lost souls and
death, any creature feels in their bones. The bless
Six cat statues are the first things adventurers provides 1 hit point to any creature reduced to zero hit
see after entering an immense pyramid. They look points and immunity to mummy rot curse. Bless can last
like ordinary cat statues, but an Investigation up to 24 hours or until the effect is triggered. Upon
(Intelligence) roll of 17 and higher will reveal activation, the curse immunity disappears. A creature can

that each of them has a paw with a coin-shaped be blessed only once in its lifetime.

dent, as if they’re asking for a gold coin. If given,

each cat will aid the adventurers in fights at DM’s
discretion. If refused, they will side with the enemy In the room on the east, 10 unusually shiny
in battles at DM’s discretion. Cats use the stat spiders will try to escape from the adventurers
block and appearance of a panther. and will stay still if exposed to a direct source of
The doors on the left are closed and locked, light. If ignored and not killed, they will turn into
without a knob and a visible lock. gems, each worth 100gp. Spiders have 1 AC, 1 hit
point and will not attack. If killed, they turn to dust
2. Backstabbing Mummies immediately.
• Encounter Doors on the far east can be unlocked by lifting a
Little further north, in a small opening lit by simple bar and entering area 1. Players will notice
flickering torchlight, two mummies lie in their that the cat statues are gone.
stone sarcophaguses. Players can loot and inspect 5. Inscribed Obelisk
them; they will remain still. Unless incinerated,
In the central-western part, in an oval room, is
mummies will attack players after they leave the
a seemingly inactive obelisk. No skill check will
area, having +1 on initiative rolls.
reveal anything helpful about it.
3. Darty Pillars Invisible to the naked eye, an inscription carved
The large room in the middle of the ground floor is into the obelisk describes how to remove mummy
nothing but ominous in its calmness and stillness. rot curse. The inscription is written in invisible
Push plates are scattered around the floor and ink, and players can read it if they find a way to
triggered when a creature sized small or bigger reveal it. It says that the curse can be removed by
steps on them. From the pillars, darts dipped in wrapping a used mummy’s bandage around the
various hazardous liquids shot the players. cursed creature’s throat and casting any healing
Adventurers can spot traps with an spell or using a healing potion.
Investigation (Intelligence) check of 15 and more Players will have to use a Comprehend
and only a 5ft. radial area around the character Language spell or speak ancient Human to read
looking for them. Disarming each trap requires a the inscription.
Thieves tools (Dexterity) check of 15.
The dart damage is 1d6, and roll 1d4 die to
determine the damage type: necrotic, poison, Mummy Rot
acid, or piercing. Characters feel the damage after The cursed target can’t regain hit points, and its hit
they leave the pillar room. point maximum decreases by 10 (3d6) for every 24 hours
that elapse. If the curse reduces the target’s hit point
4. Southwest Area maximum to zero, the target dies, and its body turns to
dust. The curse lasts until removed by the remove curse
The southwest area, accessed by the first door spell or some other spell.
on the left of the pillar room, consists of several
rooms. The first room holds not that old crates
with dry food common loot, things needed by
adventurers and given at the DM’s discretion.
In the south room, a broken pharaoh’s bust lies
on the floor. If carried to area 10 and repaired
the fractured statue, players will receive the Bless
of Undergod, which lasts as long as players are
inside the pyramid, or the effect is triggered.

6. Guards’ Resting Place 9. Bone Naga’s Rest
The southeastern area is a broad room with a high • Final Encounter
ceiling, with the dust of ancient furniture that was After the sphinxes let the players through, the
once here. One shiny sarcophagus is at the bottom party can hear a horrific mixture of clicking and
of the room, and four lesser sarcophaguses lie hissing somewhere from the scarcely lit room.
near the sidewalls. Two bone nagas emerge from the darkness and
• Encounter attack the players. They have an advantage on
When the players attempt to open the golden initiative rolls unless the players have made the
sarcophagus, 4 armored mummies emerge from precautions before entering the room.
their resting places. They were dwarves who All the remaining cats join either the adventurers
guarded the pyramid grounds. Mummies wear or bone nagas in the final fight. After the monsters
surprisingly pristine chain mails, bumping their are defeated, players can loot the chest with an eye
AC to 16. From the central sarcophagus, players rune inscribed to it, gaining a random rare magic
loot an uncommon random magic item or anything item, at the DM’s discretion.
the DM sees fit. The cages in the south part of this area suggest
that bone nagas dwelled in the cells and were
GM Tip: Don’t forget to add cats from the pyramid habituated to enslavement and vigilant guard long
entrance to the fights! after death.

GM Tip: If you feel that the fight is too easy or too

7. Dusty Vase Room hard, add the cats accordingly to aid players or the
In the eastern-central room, a door with final monster. As for the loot, award the players
inscription bars the passage to the room with with unique loot, as we know you have a stash of
countless clay vases. The insignia in ancient magic items you eagerly wish to give them!
human language says: greed.
A room can occupy only one character, and the 10. Broken Statue
door shuts after entering. Doors open from within
the room, and only after solving the riddle. All the After two sets of stairs, the players reach the
vases contain one gold coin, except one. A player northern room, with two statues guarding the
must place anything of value in the only empty statue that is missing the headpiece. If the
one. An Investigation (Intelligence) check of 15 adventurers figure out how to fix the statue with a
is required to find the empty vase. If a player steals bust they’ve found in area 4, they will receive the
the gold from the vases before solving the riddle, Bless of the Undergod.
they will suffer 1d4 force damage per coin stolen, 11. Medicine Lab
same as per vase broken. The damage manifests
as ghostly pain throughout the body, and the The north-western room looks like something a
characters are aware of it. man of science would use.
After the riddle was solved, doors open, and Atop the table in the middle of the room is a
players can loot a total of 10d10 gold coins. seemingly freshly wrapped mummy, and the open
book isn’t as dusty as it should be. If the players
grab the book, it will reveal the weak spot of any
GM Tip: If a player struggles with figuring out
mummy, thus having +1 on initiative rolls and +1
what they should do, you can reveal the inscription
on attack rolls against a mummy.
on the wall saying what to do, at some reasonable
However, to understand the embalming book
Perception DC
properly, the one who reads it has to make a
Medicine (Intelligence) check of 17.
8. Sphinxes
In the room in the northern part of the pyramid Act 3: Conclusion
dungeon, two sphinxes guard the entrance After the nagas are defeated, a familiar sound rips
silently. To enter the room, players have to answer from within the pyramid. The supporting pillars,
two riddles correctly. On a wrong answer, players gnawed down by the tooth of time, decided to give
suffer 1d6 force damage. If a character’s hit points in. Adventurers have little to no time to leave the
are reduced to zero due to incorrect answers, they pyramid, but they make it in time while the dust
die, and their bodies turn to statues. settles behind their back. The pyramid episode is
behind them, and the time for wetting the throat in
one of the Ridgeloor’s taverns is nigh!
Riddle Answer

What can bring back the dead; make you cry, make you
laugh, make you young; is born in an instant, yet lasts a Memory

This thing all things devour: birds, beasts, trees, flowers;

gnaws iron, bites steel; grinds hard stones to meal; slays Time
kings, ruins towns; and beats high mountains down. 4
Appendix: Battle maps
Pyramid Outpost: Moonlight

MikWewa Tales

Pyramid Dungeon 1st Floor

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