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Chapter 1 Thesis

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A Study on Shekinah Learning School Junior High Satisfaction Rate of Supreme Student

Government Performance S.Y. 2017- 2018 : Basis in Developing Leadership Program

Chapter I

SLS JH's Satisfaction of Supreme Government Performance


The leading team is someone who encourages others to follow for the benefit of everyone

who's under their authority and as for themselves also (Moore\2002). Warren Bennis wrote on

his work (Why Leaders Can't Lead, 1976) leaders should know their skills and deploy them

effectively. When a leader shows effective leadership, he/she empowers the community, because

leadership gives empowerment to the people to be part of government (2000). In addition, James

Hunter asserts in his book (The Servant, 1998) that accomplishing the tasks and responsibilities

while building relationship between the leaders and the commoners is the key of having a


Leadership plays a pivotal role in our lives. Leadership can be seen in the government,

community, family, organizations, small groups, church, and schools because without leadership,

our community or every group will fall into ruin.

In schools, there is a student organization that leads the students and it is called Student

Council. John Dewey (1917) states that Student Council often serves to engage students in

learning about democracy and leadership (Democracy in Education, 1917). Based on the Student

Council Constitution of St. Laurence College, a student council is a group of students that has an

ability to be involved in school affairs, working in partnership with school management, staff

and parents for the benefit of the school because student council is a representative body of
students; whereas, the student council officials have a responsibility to be the voice of their class

or section that deals with students issues within the institution. Also, students who participate in

student councils, under the supervision of a teacher or administrator, learn about the democratic

process, civic responsibility, leadership, problem-solving, and teamwork (Student Council

Constitution of Saint Laurence College of Cincinnati, Education Act of 1998). In addition to,

Student council has a purpose to improve collaboration and cooperation between faculty,

students, and /or the community by encouraging them to participate the school’s and student

council’s programs and activities (Conrady Junior High, Hickory Hills, IL.) These are the proofs

that Student Government is needed because they help students voice out their interest, ideas, and

concerns. Also, they have the power to connect every member of the school, from students to

every staffs and to faculty members up into the administrators. They can help build every

relation of each and everyone in the school community and make it stronger to have cooperation

and unity.

The National Student Council is a program of the National Association of Secondary

School Principals (NASSP) and is located at the NASSP national office in Reston, VA. The

National Student Council seeks to provide a valuable leadership partnership between students

and their school. It creates the opportunity for students to become effective leaders. The

NatStuCo believes that having an empowerment in students can bring positive change in schools

and also to their community and student leaders have a responsibility of being a role model

where it also plays a pivotal role in preserving the democratic process.

Every leader has a different style of leadership-laissez-faire, autocratic, participative,

transactional, and transformational ( R. Johnson, 5 different types of leadership). Every different

leadership styles, subordinates’ satisfaction with the leader and perceived effectiveness


Background of the Study

Leadership experiences contribute positively to student development (Chapman & Aspin,

2001; Myers, 2005) because students will follow and support the leaders if their leadership’s

motives, values, competence, and styles (Stafford, LeaderShip) can bring motivation to them


Here in the Philippines, The Student Government Program (SGP) is the Philippines'

program for pupil governments in elementary schools student governments in secondary schools

of the Department of Education (Wikipedia, 2017) The Student Government Program of the

Philippines has a unified student union with different names but still, it is all about governing the

student by having authority from the school administration- Supreme Pupil Government for

elementary department, and Supreme Student Government for High School department (DepEd

Order No.11, series of 2016)

Supreme Student Government was institutionalized way back 2003 and on 2005

an institutionalized Constitution and By Laws of the Supreme Student Governments were

enforced through a Department Order No. 43, s. 2005 asserts that the Supreme Pupil

Governments are institutionalized. Currently the program is now under the Office of the

Undersecretary for Regional Operations.

Based on the DepEd Order No. 49, series of 2011, The Supreme Student

Government is a student organization authorized to operate and implement programs, projects

and activities for the benefit of the school, students, and other constituents of the academe

institution. It also lays the groundwork for good governance, volunteerism, unity, and

cooperation which may be defined as the cores of having an effective leadership by providing the

student's various venues where they can improve their leadership knowledge, skills and attitudes

because student government offers exposure and experience. It also trains students to become

better members of society in accordance with the ideals and principles of participatory

democracy and good citizenship (DO 49, s. 2011, Programs, Projects and Activities of the

Supreme Student Government).

This study is worth pursuing and we believe that we need to study about this because

with this, students, teachers, the SSG and administration may determine if the Junior high school

students are satisfied to the performances and services of the Supreme Student Government.

Also, the student body will benefit in this study because they can voice out their views and

suggestions about the performance and services of the Student Government. Additionally, this

study can give information to the Administration if the Student Government is competitive and

active and is fulfilling their job and roles as the student body which is super headed by the school

administration of Shekinah Learning School.

Theoretical Framework
Disconfirmation Theory states that satisfaction is connected to disconfirmation which

will be the result when you compare service performance to expectations. Based on the

quantitive statistical analysis of Szymanski and Henard, disconfirmation is best and easiest way

to foretell how satisfied a person is. In 2004, Ekinci et al mentioned Oliver's contemporized

definition of satisfaction which expresses that satisfaction is the gratifying experience that the

product or service is giving to the guest- pleasurable under the level of fulfillment or over it.

Figure 1 Disconfirmation Theory Model

Matilla discusses that among all the theories about the satisfaction, the disconfirmation

theory is the most popular. Altogether, satisfaction is the result of direct experience of product

and service which and is seen when you compare the service performance to one's standard or

expectations. Further research about satisfaction said that how the service outcome is delivered is

more important than the service process and dissatisfaction of a person happens when the service

do not meet that person's standard.

This theory is related to our study because we believe that the Disconfirmation Theory

can help us to determine the satisfaction level of the student body to the Supreme Student

Government performance.
Conceptual Framework

The researchers illustrate the concept of the study through the IPO diagram.

An IPO (Input-Process-Output) Model of a diagram developed by Davis in 1998 is used to

describe the structure of information- processing programs or other processes (Goel, 2010). In an

IPO diagram, there is Input which may be materials, human resources or information. The Input

will undergo a process and then will result into an outcome called Output. The Output can be

consumables, services or new information (Waring, 1996).

The researchers attempt to facilitate the study through the IPO diagram that follows:

Figure 1.2 Conceptual Framework that facilitates the study

In this diagram, the Input the factors of Supreme Student Government which are the

officials/leaders, leadership, programs, policies, projects, reforms, and behavior. Next, the

Process will be performance and services because through this process, it will determine if the
SSG are doing their mandated jobs and role; moreover, this process will also help the researchers

to identify the Output which is if the students are satisfied or not.

Statement of the Problem

This study attempts to assess the satisfaction rate of Junior High School students of

Shekinah Learning School S.Y. 2017-2018 in terms of level of performances, services and

policies of Supreme Student Government.

The study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the level of satisfactions of Junior High School students on the performance of

Supreme Student Government in terms of:

a. DepEd mandated programs, projects and activities

b. School policies

2. How significant is the difference between the results of level of satisfactions of Supreme

Student Government officials in terms DepEd mandated programs, projects and activities

and school policies?

3. What leadership program or training may be proposed and implemented based on the

result of the study?


The following hypothesis will be tested:

1. 1.There is no significant difference between the results of level of satisfactions of

Supreme Student Government officials in terms DepEd mandated programs, projects and

activities and governing policies.

Significance of the Study

The researchers deem that the study is beneficial and significant to the following:

Administration. This study is significant to the administration because this study will

determine if the officials of the student government are doing their responsibilities because

Supreme Student Government is under and supervised by the Administration. It also determines

how the Supreme Student government implements the rules and regulations of the institution.

Also, the Supreme Student Government serves as a bridge between the administration and

students; moreover, the students want to reach the attention of the Administration by the action

of the Supreme Student Government.

Teachers. This study will be beneficial to the teachers because Supreme Student

Government is an organization that leads the entire students of Shekinah Learning School, and

also the Supreme Student Government is a representative structure of studentry. It will also be

beneficial to the teachers because they are also under the Administration like similar with the

Supreme Student Government. This study is also determine if their advisory (if they are High

School teachers) are fully satisfied and will participate to the projects and programs of the

Supreme Student Government.

Supreme Student Government. This study is significant to the Supreme Student

Government because this study will give information, data and statistics of the students’

satisfaction regarding their performance and services.

Students. This study is significant to the students because students will voice out their

satisfaction and gave them some information of why we have Suprene Student Government and

to know the performance and services of the Supreme Student Government of the Shekinah

Learning School. Also, the students will be the foundation of this study.

Future Supreme Student Government officials. This study is significant to the future

supreme student government official because this study will give information on how the

students are satisfied to the performance and services of the Supreme Student Government.

Future researchers. The study is significant to the future researchers because they can use

the study as a reference for the other works and research related to the topic. Moreover, the study

can be a basis of theories and studies of different scholars about Satisfaction in Supreme Student

Government performance.

Scope and Limitation

This study attempts to discuss the effectiveness of the leadership of Supreme Student

Government. The researchers will also focus on the fundamental factors that make up the

Supreme Student Government as a leadership organization in schools. Moreover, this study will

determine if the Shekinah Learning School Junior High School students are satisfied in their

performances and services.

However, this study will not discuss the types of leadership. The researchers also do not

aim to explain the qualities of perfect leaders. Instead, the researchers merely imply that there are

factors that can make a leader into an effective leader that can empower his/her followers.
The study is conducted among of Junior High students of Shekinah Learning School

determined through stratified random sampling. This research will be conducted in Shekinah

Learning School of San Jose GMA Cavite Inc. during the S.Y. 2017-2018


 Student Council. (n.d.). Retrieved September 28, 2017, from


 (n.d.). Retrieved September 28, 2017, from https://www.nasc.us/utility/about

 (2016, March 08). Retrieved September 28, 2017, from http://www.deped.gov.ph/orders/do-


 (n.d.). Retrieved September 28, 2017, from http://wiki.c2.com/?WhatIsLeadership

 (2011, June 30). Retrieved September 28, 2017, from http://www.deped.gov.ph/orders/do-


 Section 1. Learning How to Be a Community Leader. (n.d.). Retrieved September 28, 2017,

from http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/leadership/leadership-functions/become-


 (n.d.). Retrieved September 28, 2017, from https://www.nasc.us/utility/about

 "The Leader: Dealing with Negative People" by Fred Roach 1. (n.d.). Retrieved September 28,

2017, from http://www.bridgepointconnections.org/leader-negative-people/

 5 Different Types of Leadership Styles. (n.d.). Retrieved September 28, 2017, from


 https://www.kusom.edu.np/uploaded/pdf/KUSOM%20Occasional%20Paper%205.pdf

 http://researchonline.nd.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1096&context=edu_article

 Democracy and Education. (n.d.). Retrieved September 28, 2017, from


 Student Government in the Philippines. (2017, September 26). Retrieved September 28, 2017,

from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student_Government_in_the_Philippines
Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents a review of literatures and studies from local and foreign sources

which are relevant to the present studies. Literature and studies about the effectiveness of good

leadership of Supreme Student Government based from the satisfaction rate of the students will

be beneficial as guide in developing training/leadership programs.

Review of Related Literature

Supreme Student Government

According to DepEd Order 49, series of 2011, the Supreme Student Government (SSG) is

the foremost co-curricular student organization authorized to operate and implement pertinent

programs, projects and activities in schools nationwide. It lays the groundwork for good

governance, volunteerism, unity and cooperation by providing the students various venues where

they can improve their leadership knowledge, skills and attitudes. It trains students to become

better members of society in accordance with the ideals and principles of participatory

democracy and good citizenship. More importantly, it helps the Department cf Education

(DepEd) achieve its thrusts as indicated in the Education for All (EFA) Goals, Millennium

Development Goals (MDGs) and the Basic Education Social Reform Agenda (BESRA)

Mandated Programs, Projects and Activities of the Supreme Student Government

In order to synchronize its programs, projects and activities (PPAs), the following are mandated

to be implemented annually by the SSG in the school and community:

a. organize the participation of students and volunteers in the annual Brigada Eskwela;
lead/participate in the National Greening Program (NGP) and other environment-related


b. conduct activities and awareness campaigns to encourage parents to enlist their five-year

old children for kindergarten;

c. conduct book and toy drive and other school supplies for donation to schools with


d. conduct activities to prevent students from dropping-out of schools;

e. conduct English Speaking Campaigns, and Reading and Tutorial Services;

f. conduct activities to support Anti-Drug Abuse Education and Campaign;

assist in ensuring that the school is a smoke/tobacco free place;

g. lead students in organizing activities which start during the Teachers' Month Campaign

every September and which culminate during the World Teachers7 Day celebration on

October 5; and

h. encourage and support the participation of students in recognized co-curricular

clubs/organizations and activities.

Organizational support mechanisms

The following organizational support mechanisms shall be provided by DepEd at all levels to

ensure that the abovementioned PPAs are implemented:

1.establishment of Federations of SSGs in the division, regional and national levels as ready

mechanisms for student consultations and as sources of feedback and policy recommendations

on issues and concerns that affect them;

2.adoption of the Revised Standard Constitution and By-Laws of the SSG pursuant to DepEd

Order No. 79, s. 2009 by all public secondary schools;organization of the Division, Regional and

National Advisers Associations of SSGs as support groups for the implementation and

monitoring of the Student Government Program (SGP);

3. conduct of recognition and awards programs and activities for outstanding SSG organizations,

officers and advisers through division, regional and national led initiatives;

4. subject to existing DepEd policies and guidelines on voluntary contributions, collection of not

more than Sixty Pesos (PhP60.00) as SSG Developmental Fund is encouraged to finance its

programs, projects and activities;

5. conduct of the synchronized SSG elections and requisite turn-over of responsibilities, financial

statements and other records and properties;

6. implementation of the synchronization of elections of all other school-based co-curricular


7. conduct of student-leadership trainings at the division and regional levels provided prior

coordination with the Center for Students and Co-Curricular Affairs (CSCA) is done for

purposes of uniformity and compliance with SSG and SGP-related standards and policies;

attendance in the annual National Leadership Training for Student Government Officers


8. creation of the school's respective SSG Facebook Page to create a virtual network among other

SSGs for purposes of establishing direct exchange of information, sharing best practices, and
giving feedbacks and suggestions. These social networking accounts shall be linked to the

official Facebook Page of the CSCA (http://www.facebook.com/csca.deped); and,

monitoring, evaluation and rating of SSGs' implementation of the mandated programs, projects

and activities and submission of elections and other required reports.

Related studies

Numerous studies (e.g., Chen & Silverthorne, 2004; Erkutlu, 2008; Gillespie & Mann,

2004) have investigated the impact of leadership styles on effectiveness. Having an effective

leadership can bring empowerment to the people by giving them a chance to work with the

leaders ( Why Leaders Can’t Lead,p.21) Effective Leadership needs an effective leader that can

influence (K.Blanchland,), build relationships(T.de Marco), having visions that make it into

reality (W. Bennis), and conducting good values. 

Alviento studied the Effectiveness of the performance of the student government of North Luzon

Philippines State College, this study is based on important factors such as students' and student

leaders' perceptions of the effectiveness of the Student Government of North Luzon Philippines

State College's performance. Based on the findings, the following conclusions were reached: The

Student Government, to some extent, is fulfilling its role in the college by informing students of

their political rights. They simply need to hold regular leadership training seminars so that

students, particularly student leaders, can learn how to become more mature and effective

leaders. It should serve as a liaison between the administration and any other student

organizations as needed.

Alviento, S. G. (2018). Effectiveness of the performance of the student government of North

Luzon Philippines State College. Research in Pedagogy, 8(1), 1–16.


Beltran, R. M. (2019) studied the leadership orientation of the student-organization presidents of

Isabela State University: An assessment, this study looked into the connection between and

among the personal and socioeconomic profiles of Isabela State University student-organization

presidents and their leadership orientation. The study specifically determined the leadership

orientation of student-organization presidents as evaluated by themselves, their organization

advisers, and other officers. This study was conducted among the student leaders and

organization advisers of the Isabela State University composed of the Supreme Student Council
(SSC), Student Body Organization (SBO) and Societies/club officers of the ten (10) campuses

namely Cabagan, Ilagan, San Mariano, Cauayan, Roxas, San Mateo, Angadanan, Echague,

Jones, and Palanan, participated in this study. Six hundred fifty three (653) people participated in

the study, including 93 student-organization presidents, 95 organization advisers, and 465 other

student organization officers. From the results of this study, this undertaking strongly

recommends that the results should be submitted to the university, campus and college officials

for discussion during their meetings which will provide meaningful and valuable feedback on the

leadership orientation of student- organization presidents and that the student-organization

presidents must sustain their high leadership orientation as this is essential in ensuring the

realization of the goals and objectives of their own respective organizations. This can be realized

by sustaining the different programs, projects and activities provided to the student leaders of the


Beltran, R. M. (2019). Leadership orientation of the student-organization presidents of Isabela

State University: An assessment. International Journal of Advanced Research in Management

and Social Sciences, 8(10), 254-322.

Lucero, J., (2021), studied the Students’ Satisfaction on the Supreme Student Government

Services: Basis for Action Plan. This study assessed students' levels of satisfaction with the

Supreme Student Government's participation in Congressional High school that is integrated.

Using a descriptive research design 353 people were randomly chosen to participate in the study

via the survey method. selected students from both junior and senior high schools departments of

Congressional Integrated High School. The research did not dwell on the other school

stakeholders' perceptions of the SSG's services.  Similarly, no significant relationship between

the Participants' profiles are linked to their responses. The findings of this study could serve as a
foundation for improving the Supreme Student's services Government among Congressional

Integrated High School students School.

Lucero, J., MPMG, M., MAN, R., SHC, F., FRIEdr, F. I. I. E. R., & FSASS, F. (2021). Students

satisfaction on the supreme student government services: basic for action plan.


School Leadership Practices Towards Enhanced Classroom Management, School Environment,

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