Course Outline Head Nursing and Staffing 1 1

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Republic of the Philippines


Lucinda Campus, Brgy. Ungot, TarlacCityPhilippines 2300 (045) 493-1865 Fax: (045) 982-0110 website:
Awarded Level 3 Status by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines Inc (AACCUP)


First Semester S.Y. 2022-2022

COURSE TITLE: Nursing Leadership and Management

INSTRUCTOR: Bianca Camille Mercado-Tibayan, RN, MSN


This course deals with concepts, principles, theories, methods and strategies of
management and leadership in the delivery of care based on professional standards of nursing
practice. The learners are expected to perform beginning professional management and
leadership skills and apply sound ethico-legal and moral decision- making in any setting.

COURSE CREDIT: Theory: 4units ( 72hrs); RLE: Clinical/ Community 3units (153hrs.)

PLACEMENT: Fourth Year, First Semester



1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities to
the practice nursing
2. Perform safe, appropriate and holistic care to individuals, families, population groups,
and community utilizing nursing process
3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence based practice in the delivery of care
4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical, and moral principles
5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing, and presenting using culturally
appropriate language
6. Document to include reporting of up-to-date client are accurately and
7. Work effectively in collaboration with inter, intra and multi-disciplinary and multi-
cultural teams
8. Practice beginning management and leadership skills using systems approach in the
delivery of client care using a systems approach
9. Conduct research with an experienced researcher
10. Engage in lifelong learning with passion to keep current with national and global
developments in general, and nursing and health developments in
11. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride in being a Filipino
12. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and process in health care delivery
13. Adopt the nursing core values in the practice of the profession
14. Apply entrepreneurial skills in the delivery of nursing care

I. Physical Set-up
- Different areas/ section of the ward
- Hospital policies/ standards
- Organizational structure, functions
- Nursing staff and other personnel
- Resources/health care facility
II. Head Nurse/ Senior Nurse/Nurse II:
• A professional nurse who assumes responsibility for managing the human and material
resources of a nursing unit to provide quality patient care and an environment conducive
to staff growth and satisfaction.

A. Patient Care management- assumes responsibility for the delivery of quality patient care
for the nursing unit.
B. Management of nursing personnel- provides leadership and direction to nursing
personnel in accordance with organizational and departmental goals and objectives.
C. Management of patient Care units- maintains an environment that encourages quality
patient care and staff satisfaction.
D. Educational responsibilities- assist in staff development activities in the unit.
- Assists clinical instructors of affiliating colleges of nursing in planning,
implementing and evaluating the learning experience of the students.
- Assumes responsibility for own learning and developmental needs.
E. Acts as Supervision nurse in the absence of one and when so delegated.
F. Staffing- the process of determining and providing the acceptable number and mix of
nursing personnel to produce a desired level of care to meet the patient’s demand.


- Method of grouping patients according to the amount and complexity of their
nursing care requirements and the nursing time and skill they require.
- Serve in determining the amount of nursing care required, generally within
24hours and the category of nursing personnel who will provide the care.
• The nurse manager or head nurse must determine the following;
1. The number of categories into which the patients should be divided
2. Characteristics of patients in each category
3. Type and number of care procedures that will be needed by a typical patient in each
category and
4. The time needed to perform the procedures that will be required by a typical patient
in each category.

Classification categories:
- Way of classifying patient care according to the acuity of their patient’s
• Level I – Self Care or Minimal care- patient can take a bath on his own, feed and
perform his activities of daily living. Average amount of nursing care hours
(NCH) per patient per day is 1.5. ratio of professional to non-professional
nursing personnel is 55:45.
• Level II- moderate Care or Intermediate Care- assistive in bathing, feeding or ambulating
for short periods of time.
- Have slight emotional needs, IV fluids, blood transfusion; semi-conscious and
exhibiting some psychosocial or social problems, periodic treatment.
- Average NCH per day is 3 and the ratio of professional to non-professional
personnel is 60:40.
• Level III- Total, Complete or Intensive care- completely dependent upon the nursing
- Provide complete bath, are feed, on continuous oxygen therapy, with chest or
abdominal tubes, unconscious, marked emotional needs.
- Require close observation at least 30minutes for impending hemorrhage,
HPN or cardiac arrhythmias.
- NCHs per patient per day is 6 with a professional to non-professional ratio of
• Level IV- Highly specialized Critical Care- need maximum nursing care with a ratio of 80
professionals to 20 non-professionals.
- Continuous treatment and observation, IV piggy backs, V/S every 15-
30minutes, hourly output.
- NCHs per patient per day may range from 6-9 or more and the ratio of
professional to non-professionals range from 70:30 to 80:20.

Levels of Care NCH Needed Per patient Ratio of Prof. to Non-

per Day Prof
Level I – Self Care or Minimal care 1.50 55:45
Level II- moderate Care or Intermediate 3.0 60:40
Level III- Total, Complete or Intensive 4.5 65:35
Level IV- 6.0 70:30
Highly specialized or Critical Care 7 or higher 80:20


1. Full Time equivalent (FTE)- uses nursing care hours and annual hours of work
provided by one full-time equivalent.
- Measures of the work commitment of a full time employee works 5days a
week or 40hours/week for 52 weeks a year. This amounts to 2,080hours of
work time.
- Total Nursing care hours x days in a year
Total annual hours per one FTE

2. Forty-hour Week Law- based on the National league of Nurses (NLN) or R.A. 5901
otherwise known as the Forty-hour Week Law.
- ABO x NCH = Total number of personnel in 24hours
No. of Working hours

Where: ABO- Average Bed Capacity; NCH- Nursing Care Hours

a. Standard Value for NCH:

Area NCH Area NCH
Surgery 3.4 Nursery 2.8
General Ward 3.5 Medical 3.4
Pediatrics 4.6 OB 3.0
Mixed M/S 3.4

b. Percentage (%) of professional and Non-Professional (in ratio)

Area Ratio Area Ratio
Surgery 60:40 Pediatrics 70:30
General Ward 60:40 Nursery 55: 45
OB 60:40 ICU 80:20

c. Distribution per shift:

Morning or day shift = 45- 51%
Afternoon shift = 34-37%
Night Shift = 15- 18%
R.A. 5901 Forty Hour Week
Rights/Privileges given to each personnel Working hours per week
40hours 48hours
Vacation Leave 15 15
Sick Leave 15 15
Holidays (Legal & Special 12 12
Continuing Education program 3 3
Off duties R.A 5901 104 52
Total non-working days/year 149 97
Total Working Days 216 268
Total working hours/year 1,728 2,144

d. 40hour/week – for personnel working in hospitals with 100 bed capacity or over or
which are located in a 1million population.
e. 48hour/week – for personnel who work in agencies with lesser bed capacity or
which are located in communities with less than 1million population


and Venzon, 2009)
1. Determine type of hospital whether it is primary, secondary, tertiary or special tertiary
• Hospital A is a 250 bed capacity tertiary level hospital. Find the number of
nursing personnel needed for 250patients in a tertiary hospital.

2. Categorize patients according to levels of care

Percentage of patients in Various levels of Care
Type of Hospital Minimal Moderate Intensive Highly Spl.
Care care Care Care
Primary hospital 70 25 5 -
Secondary hospital 65 30 5 -
Tertiary hospital 30 45 15 10
Special tertiary 10 25 45 20

250 x .30 = 75 patients needing minimal care

250 x .45 = 112.5 patients needing moderate care
250 x .15 = 37.5patients needing special care
250 x .01 = 25 patients need highly specialized nursing care
Total: 250 patients

3. Find the number of nursing care hours (NCH) needed by patients at each level of care per
75 patients x 1.5 (NCH needed at Level 1) = 112.5 NCH/day
112.5 patients x 3 (NCH needed at Level II) = 337.5 NCH/day
37.5 patients x 4.5 (NCH needed at Level III) = 168.75 NCH/day
25 patients x 6 (NCH needed at level IV) = 150 NCH/day
Total. = 768.75 NCH/day

4. Find the total NCH needed by 250patients per year (365days)

768.75 NCH/day x 365days/year = 280, 593.75 NCH/year.

5. Find the number of working hours per year.

• 40hours/ week – 216 x 8 hours = 1728 working hours per year

• 48hours/week – 2144 working hours per year

6. Find the total number of nursing personnel needed.

a. Total NCH/year = 280,593.75 = 162
Working hrs/year 1728
b. No. of Relievers needed= No. of personnel x 0.095
c. Total Nursing personnel needed – 162 + 15 = 177

Note: The average yearly absence of an employee total 35days. Dividing 35days by
365days is 0.095. This includes mandatory leaves and other absences.

7. Categorize to professional and non-professional personnel. Ratio of professionals to non-

professionals in a tertiary hospital is 65:35.
a. 177 x .65 = 115 professional nurses
b. 177 x .35 = 62 nursing attendants

8. Distribute by shifts:
a. 115 x .45 = 52 nurses- AM shift
b. 115 x .37 = 42 nurses –PM shift
c. 115 x .18 = 21 nurses –Night shift
Total 115 nurses

Nursing attendants:
a. 62 x .45 = 28 –AM shift
b. 62 x .37 = 23 – PM shift
c. 62 x .18 = 11- Night shift
Total: 62 Nursing attendants

Schedule- is a timetable showing planned work days and shifts for nursing personnel.
- Desirable distribution of off-duty days can be achieved and the individual
members of the nursing team will that they are treated fairly.
Objective: To assign working days and days-off to the nursing personnel so that adequate
patient care is assured.

Factors to be considered in Making Schedule:

1. Different levels of nursing staff
2. Adequate coverage for 24hours, seven days a week
3. Staggered vacations and holidays
4. Weekends, long stretches of consecutive working days
5. Evening and night shifts
6. Floating

Assessing a Scheduling system:

1. Ability to cover the needs of the unit- minimum required number of staff must meet the
nursing needs of the patients in the units at all shifts
2. Quality to enhance the nursing personnel’s knowledge, training and experience
3. Fairness to the staff- fair share of weekends, holidays offs, rotation patterns for the whole
year including assignment to difficult or light or undesirable units or shifts.
4. Stability- advance their schedule of assignment
5. Flexibility- ability to handle changes brought by emergency leaves, scheduled or
unscheduled leaves of absence.
Types of Scheduling:
1. Centralized Schedule- one person, Chief Nurse or her designate, assigns the nursing
personnel to the various units of the hospital.
2. Decentralized Schedule- The shift and off-duties are arranged by the Supervising nurse or
Head or Senior Nurse of the particular unit.
3. Cyclical Schedule- covers a designated number of weeks called the cycle length and is
repeated thereon. It assigns the required number of nursing personnel to each nursing unit
consistent with the unit’s patient care requirements, the staff’s preference, their education,
training and experience.

Variables of Scheduling:
1. Length of scheduling period whether 2 or 4 weeks
2. Shift rotation
3. Week-ends offs
4. Holiday offs
5. Vacation leaves
6. Special days (birthdays, wedding anniversary)
7. Scheduled events in the hospital, training programs or meetings
8. Job categories
9. Continuing professional education (CPE) programs

Advantages of Cyclical Schedule

1. It is fair to all. Favoritism is minimized as all nursing personnel get their fair share of rotation
to the various shifts.
2. It saves time as the schedule does not have to be redone every week or two
3. It enables the employees to plan ahead for their personal needs preventing frequent
changes in schedule.
4. Scheduled leave coverage such as vacation, holidays and sick leaves are more stable
5. Productivity is improved.

Rotating Work Shifts:

- Common in most hospitals.
- Desirable that there be equal share of morning, afternoon and night shifts as
prolonged night shifts may affect the health of the personnel.

VII. JOB DESCRIPTION- is a statement that sets the duties and responsibilities of a
specific job.
- are specifications of duties, conditions and requirements of a particular job
prepared through a careful job analysis. This is also known as performance
- Include the needed characteristics or qualifications of the individual to
perform such duties successfully.

- Recruitment, selection, of qualified personnel
- To orient new employees to their jobs
- Guidance and direction
- Evaluation of performance
- Job placement, transfer or dismissal
- Reduction of conflict and frustration,
- Avoidance of overlapping of duties
- Facilitating working relationships with outside bodies such as professional
- Basis for staffing
- Identify training needs
- Budgeting purposes- Serving as basis for the employees’ salary range.
- Serve as channel of communication.

Contents of Job Description:

1. Identifying data- position title, department
2. Job summary- essential features of the job that distinguish it from the others
3. Qualification requirements- educational preparation, training and experience necessary
to fill the position
4. Job relationships- source of workers
5. Specific and actual function and activities.

ACTIVITY: September 17, 2022 to be submitted on or before 6:00 PM.

By using an infographic, formulate a Job description of a Head nurse, Staff nurse and
Nursing assistant following the different major roles and responsibilities based on
the contents of Job Description stated above.
Instruction: Infographic job description will be presented individually. Compile your
output in a google link and arrange your name per folder.

Crestita B. Tan, Text and Workbook in Leadership and Management in Nursing; A
Transformative and Reflective Patient Care 2nd edition
Nagtalon & Venzon, 2016,Nursing Management Towards Quality Care 5th edition

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