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The chapter presents the data gathered together with the corresponding analysis and

interpretation. The data are presented in tabular form organized in a sequential manner,

following the order of presentation of the specific problems posed in the first chapter of the


1. Profile of the Respondents

The succeeding tables present the frequency distribution of the respondent according to

the profile variables considered in the study. These are Age, Year Level, and Sex.


Age refers to the years of the respondents of the study has live or existed. The determines

the level of maturity and rational ability of the person. Table 1 present the frequency distribution

of the respondents as to the

Table 1

Distribution of the Respondents in terms of age

Age F %

18 – 20 8 13.3

21 – 23 34 56.7

24 – 26 18 30

Total 60 100
1.2 Year Level

Year Level refers to the current year level, which is the year level of the student's class

cohort and the level at which the student spends most of their time at school

Year Level f %

1st Year 7 11.7

2nd Year 18 30

3rd Year 23 38.3

4th Year 12 20

Total 60 100

In the table 1.2, it shows the different year level and frequency of target respondents. Based on

the result, majority of the respondents were 3rd year with the frequency of 23 which is equivalent

to 38.3 percent followed by 2nd year with the frequency of 18 and equivalent to 30% and 4th year

students with the frequency of 12 or 20 %of the total respondents.

1.3 Sex

Gender refers to a set of characteristics distinguishing between male and female. These

characteristics of maleness and femaleness was assumed to have some influence in the way the

respondents perceive the subject of the study

Table 2.

Distribution of the Respondents in terms of Sex

Sex f %

Male 31 51.7

Female 29 48.3

Total 60 100
It can be observed in the table 1.3 that male outnumbered the female respondents. Male

got a total frequency of 31 or 51.7 percent of the respondents. On the other hand, female

respondents got the frequency of 29 or 48.3 percent of the respondents.

The outcome is somewhat predictable that most LSPU students are male, according to

population statistics accessed by the researchers.

2. What is the academic performance of students in the year 2020-2021?

Table 3.

Academic Performance f %

Excellent 1 1.7

Very Satisfactory 2 3.3

Satisfactory 21 35

Fairly Satisfactory 30 50

Passed 6 10

Total 60 100

It was clearly shown in the table that the majority of the students' academic performance

was fairly satisfactory with the frequency of 30 which equivalent to 50 percent of the

respondents followed by satisfactory which attained a frequency of 21 or 35 percent. Next is

"Passed" with the frequency of 6 or 10 percent of the respondents, very satisfactory with

frequency of 2 or 3.3 percent of the respondents, and last is excellent with the frequency of 1 or

1.7 percent of the of respondents.

The results of Academic Performance of the respondents implied that students just

attained a Fairly satisfactory performance which the researchers believed they could do more in

their performance.

3. To what extent the Broken Family experienced by the students of LSPU in terms of;

3.1 Cognitive

Table 4

Statement Mean Rank Verbal


I am having a hard time to focus on my 4.10 1 Often


I feel mentally drained whenever I am at 3.65 5 Often


I am having difficulty in decision making 3.68 2.5 Often

I stay up late at night thinking my what ifs

2.5 Often
in life. 3.68

I feel frustrated for making my Mother/

4 Often
Father proud of me 3.67

Composite Mean 3.76

Legend: 1.00-1.50 Never 1.51-2.50 Rarely 2.51-3.50 Sometimes 3.51-4.50 Often 4.51-5.00 Always

As clearly presented in the table 4, Cognitive matter, it attained a total composite mean of

3.76 which is interpreted as Often. To say the overall result, in the statement 1 (I am having a

hard time to focus on my studies) it attained a mean of 4.10 which interpreted as Often and

received a rank of 1, followed by the statement 3 and 4 "I am having difficulty in decision

making" and "I stay up late at night thinking my what ifs in life" attained a same mean of 3.68

and same rank of 2.50, while in statement 5 " I feel frustrated for making my Mother/ Father

proud of me" attained a mean of 3.67 and attained a rank of 4, and lastly statement 2 " I feel

mentally drained whenever I am at home" with a mean of 3.65 and rank of 5.

The result implies that the majority of the students are having a hard time to focus on

their studies and some of them are staying up late at night thinking about their what ifs in life. In

consistent with the study of Tus (2021) It is mentioned in her study tht Academically, slowed
educational performance is another common way for children to be influenced by parental

separation. The emotional burden of separation alone may be enough to stunt students' academic

success, but a broken family's lifestyle changes and dysfunction can lead to poor educational

performance. This insufficient academic progress may caused from challenges including home

environment volatility, madequate financial resources, and erratic practices. It also included what

robert (2019) said that Having a broken home can change a person's mindset, life, and insight

towards the family. Filipino students involved in this situation feel difficult to accept their

concerns and think it is their fault, which will soon lead to them being distracted in their studies.

3.2 Social

Table 5

Statement Mean Rank Verbal


I experience chronic anxiety whenever I 3.87 1 Often

am socializing with other people.

I feel embarrassed or ashamed to share to 3.47 4 Sometimes

other people that i have a broken family.

I experience being bullied because of 3.27 5 Sometimes

having a broken home.

I have hard time to express myself to 3.62

3 Often
other people even to my friends.

I have trust issues to anyone around me. 3.72

2 Often

Composite Mean 3.59

Legend: 1.00-1.50 Never 1.51-2.50 Rarely 2.51-3.50 Sometimes 3 4.50 Often 4.51-5.00 Always

In the table 3.2, Social factor, it attained a total composite mean of 3.59 which interpreted

as Often. In the indicator " I experience chronic anxiety whenever I am socializing with other

people" attained a mean of 3.87 which ranked as number 1. followed by statement 5 "I have

trust issues to anyone around me" received a mean of 3.72 and rank 2, followed by statement

"have hard time to express myself to other people even to my friends" attained a mean of 3.62

and a rank of 3, On the other hand, the statement "I feel embarrassed or ashamed to share to

other people that i have a broken family" attained a mean of 3.47 with the rank of 4 and lastly,

the statement "I experience being bullied because of having a broken home" attained a mean of

3.37 and rank of 5

The result in table 5 shows that the majority of the students are often having a chronic

anxiety whenever they are socializing with other people and the others have a trust issue to

anyone around them. In consistent with the study of Baguio (2019) Itvwas being mentioned that

other children may experience anxiety, which can make it difficult for them to seek positive
social interactions and engage in developmentally beneficial activities such as teen sports. Teens

from broken familles might develop a cynical attitude toward relationships and harbor feelings of

mistrust, both toward their parents and potential romantic partners, explains psychologist Carl

Pickhardt in the article, "Parental Divorce and adolescents" published in Psychology Today.

3.3 Emotional

Table 6.

Statement Mean Rank Verbal


I easily get sad whenever I see a complete 3.83 1 Often


I envy my friends for having both mother 3.63 4 Often

and father

I am usually quite at times most specially 3.60 5 Often

when at home.

There are times that I decided to live on

3.82 2 Often
my own.

I prefer to stay outside rather than staying

3.77 3 Often
at home.

3.73 Often
Composite Mean

Legend: 1.00-1.50 Never 1.51-2.50 Rarely 2.51-3.50 Sometimes 3.51-4.50 Often

4.51-5.00 Always

In the table 6, emotional factor, it attained a total composite mean of 3.73 which

interpreted as Often. In the statement 1 "I easily get sad whenever I see a complete family" it

attained a mean of 3.83 and rank of 1, followed by statement 4 "There are times that I decided to
live on my own" with a mean of 3.82 and rank of 2, followed by statement 5 " I prefer to stay

outside rather than staying at home" with a mean of 3.77 and rank of 3, followed by the

statement 2 "I envy my friends for having both mother and father" with a mean of 3.63 and rank

of 4, and lastly statement 3 "I am usually quite at times most specially when at home" with a

mean of 3.60 and rank of 5

The findings imply the respondents were literate to respond to the purpose of the study

and majority of them easily get sad whenever they see a complete family. In consistent with a

study of Manlapaz (2020) Parents should provide a solid parental support and other about to help

their child. It's very necessary for a child to know that he is still wanted and loved. some of the

main effect of having a broken family to the life and development of a children is having envious

to other people. It is proven to the result of his study that most students are affectedly negatively

due to the losing of their self esteem and confidence socilizing other people

4. Is there a significant relationship between the respondents’ perceived impact of

broken family and their academic performance?

Table 7.

Variables df X2- value P-value Decision Remarks

Cognitive 12 10.974 0.531 Accept Ho Not Significant

Social 12 8.182 0.771 Accept Ho Not Significant

Emotional 16 17.225 0.371 Accept Ho Not Significant


In this table it shows the significance between 3 factors— Cognitive, social and motional to the

Academic Performance of students. In cognitive factor it attained a P value of 0.531 with a

remarks of Not Significant. Same as to Social Matter, it received a P-value of 0.771 with a

remarks Not Significant. As well to the Emotional Factor, it attained a P-value of 0.371 with a

remarks of Not Significant. Based on the overall results the researcher's therefore conclude that

there is no significant relationship between the respondents’ perceived impact of broken family

and their academic performance. Thus, the null hypothesis is hereby accepted. Lanozo et al

(2021) Having a broken family has harmful effects on children because of the lack of attention,

and they are not well cared for. The students are distracted from learning because of their

situation, and they are unlearned to study at home. The children who have enough attention,

communication, and interaction with biological parents were more stable and showed

consistency in their academic scores. As shown, having a broken family negatively influences

students’ accomplishments and academic performance. But in accordance with a study of

Abrantes & Casinillo (2020) it is mentioned in their study that there is no significant difference

between the academic performance of students from single-parent homes and two-parent

homes. It is also found out that problems encountered by students from single parent homes

does not affects their studies and learning attitudes. It was being mentioned that based on the

result it suggest a highly significant relationship between problems encountered by the

students and their academic performance which means that students turns their problems into
a motivation that made them to strive in their studies. In this present study, the academic

performance of the respondents is fairly satisfactory. Despite of receiving a result of not

significant, the researchers believe that students can do more, can achieve more than fairly

satisfactory performance.



This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations based on the

data gathered and presented.


Based on the data gathered and after careful and thorough analysis of the investigation, the

following are the findings of the study in summarized form:

1.Profile of respondents

1.1 Age

Majority of the respondents belonged in the age bracket of 21 - 23 years old having a frequency

of 34 which is equivalent to 56.7%. Close to this figure were those respondents aged 24-26 years

old with a frequency of 18 and percent of 30. Those who belonged in the age bracket of 18-20

years old got a frequency of 8 and total percent of 13.3

1.2 Year level

In the table 1.2, it shows the different year level and frequency of target respondents. Based

on the result, majority of the respondents were 3rd year with the frequency of 23 which is

equivalent to 38.3 percent followed by 2nd year with the frequency of 18 and equivalent to 30%

and 4th year students with the frequency of 12 or 20 %of the total respondents.

1.3 Sex

Based on the result, majority of the respondents were 3rd year with the frequency of 23

which is equivalent to 38.3 percent followed by 2nd year with the frequency of 18 and equivalent

to 30% and 4th year students with the frequency of 12 or 20 %of the total respondents.

4. Academic Performance
Majority of the students' academic performance was fairly satisfactory with the frequency

of 30 which equivalent to 50 percent of the respondents followed by satisfactory which attained a

frequency of 21 or 35 percent. Next is "Passed" with the frequency of 6 or 10 percent of the

respondents, very satisfactory with frequency of 2 or 3.3 percent of the respondents, and last is

excellent with the frequency of 1 or 1.7 percent of the of respondents.

3. To what extent do the factors of broken Family experienced by the students of LSPU in

terms of;

3.1 Cognitive

Cognitive matter, it attained a total composite mean of 3.76 which is interpreted as Often and

marked as not significant

3.2 Social

Social factor, it attained a total composite mean of 3.59 which interpreted as Often and marked

as not significant

3.3 Emotional

Emotional factor, it attained a total composite mean of 3.73 which interpreted as Often and

marked as not significant

4. Significant Relationship

Based on the overall results the researchers therefore conclude that there is no significant

relationship between the respondents’ perceived impact of broken family and their academic

performance. Thus, the null hypothesis is hereby accepted.

Based on the aforementioned findings of the study, the following conclusions were derived.

1. Majority of the respondents belonged in the age bracket of 21-13 who are now in a 3rd year

level in college

2. Majority of the total number of respondents who are experiencing broken family were Males.

3. Among the 3 factors, it resulted as not significant. However, the results showed that they could

have showed a high performance but home learning environment hindered them to do so.

4. Since the result is not significant, there could be other factors that might affects their academic

performance in which for the future researcher to find out.


Based on the findings summarized and conclusion drawn, the following recommendations

are hereby offered:

1. The Department for Education and Commission on Higher Education may ensure that students

are given an extra understanding and considerations especially in the midst of Pandemic where

students learn in their own learning environment at home which truly affects them

2. The Department for Education and Commission on Higher Education can also make the

process of having back the face-to-face classes immediately considering those students who are

having a hard time studying at home.

3. The school/university could create an activity that will give motivations to the students most

especially those who are battling with different challenges in their studies and life
4. The teachers should be more considerate especially to the students who come from a broken

family and to help their boost their self-esteem and tohelp them encourage to do good or to

excel in school despite of their familyproblems.

5. The students who come from a broken family are encourage through this study to become a

good student and to inspire them to be more productive and positive with the emotional stress

that they have encounter.

6. The Parents could be more understandable in the situation of their children and make an

immediate step to help them.

7. Further research may be required to provide a deeper understanding to the other factors of

broken family that lead children to attained just a fairly satisfactory performance in which they

can do more.

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