Em Tec 1012

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Program Undergraduate
Course Introduction to Emerging Technologies
Course code EmTe1012
Instructor Mr. Kasahun T. (MSc. In Computer Sc)
Email: [email protected]

Course Descriptions
This course explores the current and potential future impacts of new, emerging, and rapidly
evolving technologies. Students will gain insights of evolution of technologies, programmable
devices, data science, clustered computing and Hadoop ecosystem. Other topics include artificial
intelligence, Internet of things and Augmented reality with their applications. Finally the course
will introduce Professional ethics and other emerging technologies such as Biotechnology,
nanotechnology, blockchain technologies..etc In general the course explores current breakthrough
technologies and disruptive innovations that have emerged over the past few years.
Course Objectives
✓ To develop knowledge about Industrial Revolutions
✓ Identifies and understand the programmable device
✓ learn more about data science, data vs. information, data types and representation, data
value chain, and basic concepts of big data
✓ Describe artificial intelligence, history, types, and applications in different sectors
✓ learn about the overview of the Internet of Things (IoT), how it works, IoT tools and
✓ look at the overview of augmented reality, the difference between virtual reality (VR),
augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR), architecture of AR systems, and its
application of AR systems such as in education, medicine, entertainment...etc
✓ explain the connection of emerging technologies with professional ethics, privacy,
✓ introduce other emerging technologies like nanotechnology, biotechnology, block-chain
technology, cloud and quantum computing, autonomic computing, computer vision,
embedded systems, cybersecurity, and 3D printing

1. Chapter one: Introduction to 2.4. Basic concepts of big data
Emerging Technologies 2.4.1. What Is Big Data?
1.1. Evolution of Technologies 2.4.2. Clustered Computing and
1.1.1. Introduction to the Industrial Hadoop Ecosystem
Revolution (IR) Clustered Computing
1.1.2. The Most Important Hadoop and its
Inventions of the Industrial Ecosystem
Revolution 2.4.3. Big Data Life Cycle with
1.1.3. Historical Background (IR Hadoop
1.0, IR 2.0, IR 3.0) 3. Chapter three: Artificial
1.2. Role of Data for Emerging Intelligence (AI)
Technologies 3.1. What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)
1.3. Enabling devices and network 3.1.1. Need for Artificial
(Programmable devices) Intelligence
1.3.1. List of some Programmable 3.1.2. Goals of Artificial
devices Intelligence
1.4. Human to Machine Interaction 3.1.3. What Comprises to Artificial
1.4.1. Disciplines Contributing to Intelligence?
Human-Computer Interaction 3.1.4. Advantages of Artificial
(HCI) Intelligence
1.5. Future Trends in Emerging 3.1.5. Disadvantages of Artificial
Technologies Intelligence
1.5.1. Emerging technology trends 3.2. History of AI
in 2019 3.3. Levels of AI
1.5.2. Some emerging technologies 3.4. Types of AI
that will shape the future of you 3.4.1. How humans think
and your business 3.4.2. Mapping human thinking to
2. Chapter two: Data Science artificial intelligence
2.1. An Overview of Data Science components
2.1.1. What are data and 3.5. Influencers of artificial intelligence
information? 3.5.1. Big Data
2.1.2. Data Processing Cycle 3.5.2. Cloud computing and
2.2. Data types and their representation application programming
2.2.1. Data types from Computer interfaces
programming perspective 3.5.3. The emergence of data
2.2.2. Data types from Data science
Analytics perspective 3.6. Applications of AI
2.3. Data value Chain 3.7. AI tools and platforms
2.3.1. Data Acquisition 3.8. Simple AI application
2.3.2. Data Analysis Chapter four: Internet of Things
2.3.3. Data Curation (IoT)
2.3.4. Data Storage 4.1. Overview of IoT
2.3.5. Data Usage
4.1.1. What is IoT? 6.2.3. Professional
4.1.2. History of IoT leadership
4.1.3. IoT − Advantages principles.
4.1.4. IoT – Disadvantages 6.3.Digital privacy
4.1.5. Challenges of IoT 6.3.1. Information Privacy
4.2. How does it work? 6.3.2. Communication
4.2.1. Architecture of IoT Privacy
4.2.2. Devices and 6.3.3. Individual Privacy
Networks 6.3.4. Some digital privacy
4.3.IoT Tools and Platforms principles
4.3.1. IoT Based Smart 6.4.Accountability and trust
Home 6.5.Treats and challenges
4.3.2. IoT Based Smart 6.5.1. Ethical and
City regulatory
4.3.3. IoT Based Smart challenges
Farming 6.5.2. Treats
5. Chapter five: Augmented 7. Chapter 7: Other emerging
Reality (AR) technologies
5.1.Overview of augmented reality 7.1. Nanotechnology
5.2.Virtual reality (VR), Augmented 7.1.1. How it started
Reality (AR) vs Mixed reality 7.1.2. Fundamental
(MR concepts in
5.2.1. Virtual Reality (VR) nanoscience and
5.2.2. Augmented Reality nanotechnology
(AR) 7.1.3. Applications of
5.2.3. Mixed Reality (MR) nanotechnology:
5.3.The architecture of AR Systems 7.2.Biotechnology
5.4.Applications of AR Systems 7.2.1. History
5.4.1. AR In education 7.2.2. Application of
5.4.2. AR In Medicine biotechnology
5.4.3. AR In 7.3.Blockchain technology
Entertainment 7.3.1. History
6. Chapter 6: ETHICS AND 7.3.2. Blockchain
7.3.3. The Three Pillars of
6.1.Technology and ethics
6.2.New ethical questions
7.3.4. How Blockchain
6.2.1. General ethical
7.3.5. Why do people use
6.2.2. Professional
the peer-to-peer

7.3.6. Application of 7.7.2. Basic Structure of
blockchain an Embedded
7.4.Cloud and quantum computing System
7.4.1. Cloud computing 7.8. Cybersecurity
7.4.2. Advantages of cloud 7.8.1. Definition cyber
computing 7.8.2. Cybersecurity
7.4.3. Quantum computing measures
7.4.4. Advantages of 7.8.3. Types of
quantum computing cybersecurity threats
7.5.Autonomic computing (AC) 7.8.4. Benefits of
7.5.1. Characteristics of cybersecurity
Autonomic Systems 7.8.5. Cybersecurity
7.6.Computer vision vendors
7.6.1. History 7.9. Additive manufacturing (3D
7.6.2. Definition Printing)
7.6.3. How computer 7.9.1. 3D Printing: It's All
vision works About the Printer
7.6.4. Applications of 7.9.2. Additive
computer vision Manufacturing: A
7.7.Embedded systems Bytes-to-Parts
7.7.1. Advantages and Supply
disadvantages of
embedded system

Activity Weighting
Quiz 10%
Assignment 20%
Mid exam 30%
Final 40%
Total 100%

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