2 Gas

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Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930



Amatul Munazza [1] Rupa Tejaswi [2]

Dept. ECE Dept. ECE
GITAM School of Technology GITAM School of Technology
Bengaluru, India Bengaluru, India

Tarun Kumar Reddy [3] Mrs. Saranga Mohan [4] (Guide)

Dept. ECE Assistant Professor, Dept. ECE
GITAM School of Technology GITAM School of Technology
Bengaluru, India Bengaluru, India


Safety plays a major role in today’s world access easy with multiple internet linked
and it is essential that good safety systems devices (computer, tablet, mobile phone)
are to be applied in places of education and at the similar time anywhere in the world.
work. This work modifies the existing With Internet of Things (IOT), we can
safety model connected in industries and control any electronic equipment in homes
this system also be used in homes and and industries. Additionally, you can read
offices. a data from any sensor and analyse it
graphically from anywhere within the
The foremost object of this work is to
world. FPGA KIT fetches an information
monitor gas leakage in any industries
of numerous gas sensors like MQ5 sensors
using gas sensor and Spartan 6 FPGA
and process it and provide it to ESP82666
process. Structure a cloud-based
module. ESP8266 is a Wi-Fi module, it is
monitoring system is very important to
one of the top platforms for internet of
reduce the cost of preserve servers, to
avoid data misplaces and to make the

Keywords: Gas, sensor, FPGA, ADC,


Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 597

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

IoT technologies offer the possibility to

I. Introduction
transform agriculture, industry and energy
The internet of Things is a developing production and distribution by increasing
topic of technical, social, and economic the availability of information along the
significance. value chain of production using networked
Consumer products, hard-wearing goods,
cars and trucks, industrial and utility Here, we can read gas leakage industries at
Components, sensors, and additional a time we can measure and upload it to a
everyday objects are being united with ThingSpeak cloud using FPGA and
Internet connectivity and powerful data ESP8266- module. FPGA KIT fetches a
analytic competences that promise to data of different gas sensors like MQ5
transform the method we work and all sensors and process it and give it to an
other routines as well. ESP82666 module. ESP8266 is a Wi-Fi
module, it is one of the leading platforms
The Internet of Things (IOT) is a
for internet of Things, which transfers data
significant topic in technology industry,
to IOT cloud.
policy, and engineering circles and has
become front-page news in both the
specially press and the popular media. This II. Literature Review
technology is embodied in a wide
In the year 2019 a paper: “Gas Leakage
spectrum of networked products, systems
Detection Based on IOT” [1] put forth a
and sensors, which take the advantages of
new planned system which is
development in computing power,
microcontroller-based application of gas
electronics miniaturization, and network
booking and gas detection systems using
interconnection to offer new abilities not
IOT. The sensor used in this model can
previously possible.
sense and detect the leakage of the gas,
An abundance of conferences, reports, and and the user receives notification regarding
news articles discuss and debate the to remaining percentage of gas in the
prospective impact of the “IoT revolution” cylinder as well certain action can be taken
from new market opportunities and to pre-book the new cylinder without any
business models to concern about security, barrier. This unit can be simply combined
privacy, and technical interoperability. with an alarm unit, or a visual indication of
the LPG awareness for further benefits.

Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 598

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

This planned system can be beneficial in constant monitoring. The choice of using a
marketing sectors like hotels, shop etc. The real time gas leakage monitoring and
main purpose of this work is to ensure safe detecting the output levels of has been
and easier way of gas booking and gas clearly detected by the of this system.
leakage detection to avoid disasters that
In the year 2019, “An IoT based LPG
may occur due to carelessness.
Leakage Sensing and Alerting System” [4]
In the year 2013 a paper: “GSM based gas the paper focus on framework produced
leakage detection system” [2] described a utilizing the Raspberry Pi 3. Raspberry Pi
new method for gas leakage detection may be digital computer which might
system at a low concentration. The leakage create and adjusted completely different
is sensed with the help of MQ-6 gas ways it permits us to run different projects
sensor. Sensor sends a signal to and moreover bolster distinctive
microcontroller. In the following step peripherals that are to ways in which it
microcontroller sends an active signal to permits us to run different projects and
additional externally connected devices. moreover bolsters numerous peripherals
Multiple SMS can be sent by altering which are to be utilized in our framework
programming GSM module. To change the MQ6 sensors are introduced on the point
SIM card, we have to make variations in of the LPG Supply to acknowledge the
program. spillage of gas, Once the button edge is
achieved it will send an alarm message to
In the year 2018 a paper: “Internet of
power versatile, The message is send to
Things (IoT) based gas leakage monitoring
Email. LED is warned while gas spillage
and alerting system with MQ6 sensor” [3]
takes places. The sound sign is associated
focuses on gas leakage and monitoring
with the framework. This data is kept in a
system was shown by functioning the
webpage utilizing it. The whole working
Raspberry pi3 model attached with
on the framework can be accomplished by
embedded system with required input and
executing a python code and by
output gas level with aid of gas sensors.
introducing the required sensor libraries.
This result in a more efficient in operation
because it is connected to a common free In the year 2016, “FPGA-GSM based gas

IoT based web page specially built to leakage Detection System” [5] focus on,

notify or email the responsible authority detecting gas concentrations anywhere

automatically so reduces the stress of from 200 to 10000 ppm and has fast

Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 599

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

response time. In FPGA, the data from Methane. It can detect gas sensor
ADC is measured and compared with a anywhere from 300 to 10000ppm and has
threshold. If a leakage is sensed, a decision fast response time. The sensor’s outputs an
is made to initiate a call by reading the analog resistance. An 8-bit ADC changes
mobile number stored in a memory and the sensor analog voltage into digital. In
transfer it to the GSM module. A universal FPGA, the data from the ADC is measured
Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter and compared with threshold. If a leakage
(UART) is used as an interface between is detected, a decision is made to initiate a
the FPGA and GSM module for sending warning by the buzzer as well as SMS alert
the data. to the user and indication of the level of
leakage in ThingSpeak cloud.

V. DESIGN & Working

This proposed system consists of Spartan-

6 FPGA starter kit, ESP8266-WiFi
Module, 2 Gas Sensors, GSM Module
SIM900S, Relay and ADC converter.

IV. System Overview

An overview of the gas leakage detection Fig 5.1. System block diagram
system is shown in fig 5.1. It consists of 2
Structuring a cloud-based monitoring
sensors, Analog to Digital converter
system is very vital to reduce the cost of
(ADC), FPGA and a WIFI module. The
preserving servers, to avoid data losses and
sensor detects the gas leakage. Here MQ-5
to make the access easy with multiple
sensor is used as it is suitable for sensing
internet connected devices at the identical
LPG concentration in air. They are also
time wherever in the world.
suitable for detecting LPG, coal gas,

Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 600

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

Here we can read gas leakage in industries. VI. Hardware Description

Also, we can read any information from a
sensor and analyse it graphically and 6.1 Spartan 6 FPGA kit
transfer it to the ThingSpeak cloud using
The Spartan 6 FPGA Project Board is a
FPGA and ESP8266 Module.
digital system development board which

FPGA KIT fetch a information of various features Xilinx Spartan6 FPGA, 4Mb of

gas sensors like MQ5 sensors and process external non-volatile memory and enough

it and give it to ThingSpeak cloud via I/O devices and external connectors to

ESP8266 Module. interface a variety of digital applications. It

consists of several peripherals, power
If the gas leakage is sensed more than the
supply and supporting device circuitry
Threshold, the warning alarm will be
systems. Spartan-6 Board provides a basic
generated by the buzzer and also the GSM
development platform for the FPGA
modem gets command message, “Gas
device by all I/O accessible to the user.
Leaking” from the microcontroller, it will
The device may be programmed i circuit
send the message to the mobile number
through the JTAG port from the PC. We
which is already stored in the
meet all the basics specifications standards
microcontroller. This alarms the user that
with this product.
there is gas leakage in the particular area.
Alternatively, the main power supply is
turned off by the relay and the exhaust fan
is turned on to prevent further leakage.

Fig 6.1. FPGA KIT

6.2 ESP8266-WiFi Module

Fig 5.2. Overall hardware setup The ESP8266 WIFI module is a self-
sufficient SOC with integrated TCP/IP
protocol stack which can give any
microcontroller access to your WIFI
network. The ESP8266 is capable of either

Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 601

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

hosting an application or offloading all 6 pins; 4 pins are used to get signals when
Wi-Fi networking functions from spilling happens. The other two pins are
alternative application processor. This not used. The other four pins are digital
module comes with AT commands output, Analog output, VCC and GND.
firmware which allows you to get The VCC contain a positive power supply
functionality like Arduino WIFI shield, in between (2.5 to 5.0)
however we can load different firmware’s
Features of Gas sensor
to make your own application bon the
modules memory and processor. It’s a very 1. High affect ability to LPG, gaseous
economic module and has huge and petrol, Town gas
growing community support. This module
2. Small affect ability to liquor, Smoke
has on board 80Mhz low power 32-bit
processor which can be used for custom 3. Fast Reaction
firmware’s. This also means that we can
4. Stable and long life
host small webpages without any external
controller. 5. Simple drive circuit.

Fig 6.3. MQ5 Gas Sensor

Fig 6.2. WIFI Module

6.3 MQ5 Gas Sensor 6.4 Analog to Digital Converter

An analog to digital converter is a system

This the MQ5 gas detection module which
that converts an analog signal, such as a
is mostly used for investigation gas
sound picked up by a microphone or light
spilling in the particular area of this sensor
entering a digital camera, into a digital
module. It is mainly used to judge
signal. An ADC may also offer an isolated
concentration. It is mostly identifying
measurement such as an electronic device
LPG, Coal, Alcohol etc. It mainly contains

Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 602

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

that converts an input analog voltage or

current to a digital number representing the
scale of the voltage or current.

The ADC converts the waveform to a

binary value that can be stored in memory,
operated upon and displayed on a screen.
Fig 6.5 GSM Module SIM900A
Almost all modern microcontrollers have a
built in ADC, the most common being the
Arduino based on the AT Mega 328p with
a 10-bit resolution and the TM32 with s 6.6 Relay
12-bit resolution. Relay are the switches which aim at
closing and opening the circuits. When the
contact is open (NO), the relay isn’t
energizing with the open contact.
However, if it is closed (NC), the relay
isn’t energize given the close contact.
Fig 6.4. ADC Converter
However, when the energy is supplied, the
6.5 GSM Module SIM900A states are prone to change.

The Global System for Mobile

Communication is a standard developed by
the European Telecommunications
Standard Institute to describe the protocols
for second generation digital cellular
networks used by the mobile devices such
as mobile phones and tablets. A GSM
requires a SIM Card to be operated and
Fig 6.6 Relay
operates over a network range subscribed
by a network range subscribed by the
network operator. It can be connected to a
computer through serial, USB or Bluetooth

Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 603

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

VII. Operation of system being “executed” as if on some form of a

processor chip.
7.1 ThingSpeak Cloud
VIII. Result
ThingSpeak is an IoT analytics platform
service that allows you to aggregate Monitoring and detection system are
visualize and analyse live information planned and when a small leakage occurs,
streams in the cloud. ThingSpeak provides the system sensors detects the leakage and
instant visualization of information posted the sends the alert message to the user and
by your devices to ThingSpeak with the activates the alarm. On the other hand, the
ability to execute MATLAB code in system monitors the amount of leakage
ThingSpeak you can perform online occurred.
analysis and processing of the information
as it comes in ThingSpeak is often used for
prototyping and proof of concept IoT
systems that need analytics.

7.2 VHDL

VHDL (VHSIC-HDL) (Very High-Speed

Integrated Circuit Hardware Description
Language) is a hardware description Fig 8.1. Gas Sensor 1 Output
language which is used in electronic
design automation to describe digital and
mixed-signal systems such as field
programmable gate arrays and integrated
circuits. VHDL can similarly be used as a
general-purpose parallel programming

A VHDL model is interpreted into the

“gate and wires” that are mapped onto a
programable logic device such as a CPLD
or FPGA, then it is the real hardware being Fig 8.2. Gas Sensor 2 Output
configured, moreover the VHDL code

Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 604

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

can bring benefits to human life. This

project enables collection of the data about
the gas leakage and analyses it and prevent
the leakage occurred.

The estimated source location of gas

leakage can be determined by analysing
the gas leakage level reading detected on
different gas sensor position.

Fig 8.3. SMS Alert from GSM Module Besides, by merging IoT system, the gas
leakage can be easily analysed anywhere
If the gas leakage is sensed more than the
in the world.
Threshold, the warning alarm will be
generated by the buzzer and also the GSM At the end of this project, the user can
modem gets command message, “Gas easily monitor the safety of the house or
Leaking” from the microcontroller, it will industry in case of gas leakage even from
send the message to the mobile number far place.
which is already stored in the
X. References
microcontroller. This alarms the user that
there is gas leakage in the particular area. 1. Gas Leakage Detection Based
Alternatively, the main power supply is
on IOT
turned off by the relay and the exhaust fan
Suma V, Ramya R Shekar, Akshay
is turned on to prevent further leakage.
Kumar A. Dept. of Information Science
and Engineering.

IX. Conclusion
In the nutshell, gases are essential in our DETECTION SYSTEM
surrounding due to today’s developments. Ashish Shrivastava, Ratnesh Prabhaker,
Gases are everywhere. Gases helps human Rajeev Kumar and Rahul Verma
and gases also can harm human if not Associate Professor, Galgotias College of
handle properly. Engineering and Technology, Greater
From this project the hope is very high to
make it successful because this innovation

Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 605

Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

3. Internet of Things (IoT) based

gas leakage monitoring and
alerting system with MQ6 sensor

Rohan Chandra Pandey, Manish Verma,

Lumes Kumar Sahu, Saurabh Deshmukh
Kalinga University, Department of VLSI
and Embedded system, Chhattisgarh.

4. An IoT based LPG Leakage

Sensing and Alerting System

P. Kanaka Maha Lakshmi, P.S. G Aruna

Sri, P. Gopi Krishna

5. FPGA-GSM based gas leakage

Detection System
Arpitha. T, Divya Kiran, V.S.N. Sitaram
Gupta and Punithavathi Duraiswamyi,
Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, M. S.
Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences,

Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 606

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