Slvaf 41 A
Slvaf 41 A
Slvaf 41 A
Application Note
A Long-Lifetime, Cost-Competitive Solution in Smart
Meters Based on the TPS61094
Table of Contents
1 Introduction of the Smart Meter............................................................................................................................................ 3
2 The Traditional Power Solution of the Smart Meter.............................................................................................................4
2.1 Connecting the Battery Directly..........................................................................................................................................4
2.2 The Pure Boost TPS61094 or TPS610995 Solution.......................................................................................................... 5
3 The TPS61094 with Supercap Solution.................................................................................................................................6
3.1 TPS61094 Description....................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 System Operation Description........................................................................................................................................... 6
4 Solution Comparison..............................................................................................................................................................8
5 Supercap Behavior and Design.............................................................................................................................................9
5.1 Supercap Life Time............................................................................................................................................................ 9
5.2 Supercap Leakage Currrent...............................................................................................................................................9
5.3 Supercap Parameter Design in TPS61094 Solution........................................................................................................ 10
6 Test Report Based on TPS61094 Solution..........................................................................................................................11
6.1 Test Waveform..................................................................................................................................................................11
6.2 Efficiency..........................................................................................................................................................................13
7 References............................................................................................................................................................................ 14
8 Revision History................................................................................................................................................................... 14
List of Figures
Figure 1-1. Typical Current Consumption of NB-IoT....................................................................................................................3
Figure 1-2. Capacity vs. Discharging Current and Temperature..................................................................................................3
Figure 2-1. Direct Battery Connection Solution........................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2-2. The Performance of ER26500 and HLC1520 at -25 degC........................................................................................4
Figure 2-3. The Performance of ER26500 and HLC1550 at -25 degC........................................................................................5
Figure 2-4. The Pure Boost TPS61094 or TPS610995 Solution................................................................................................. 5
Figure 3-1. The TPS61094 with Supercap Solution.................................................................................................................... 6
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List of Tables
Table 3-1. The Operation in TPS61094 of the Supercap Solution...............................................................................................7
Table 4-1. The Smart Meter Power Solution Comparison........................................................................................................... 8
Table 5-1. VINA Tech Estimation Lifetime – 3.0 V Series............................................................................................................ 9
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Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Introduction of the Smart Meter
Most smart meters are powered by LiMnO2 (lithium manganese dioxide) or LiSOCl2 batteries and need to
support 10 years or more of operation. Because the voltage of a LiSOCl2 battery (about 3.6 V) is higher
than a LiMnO2 battery (about 2-3 V), a LiSOCl2 battery can better support a 3-V electromagnetic valve,
which why it is a more popular choice for smart meter applications. The weakness of a LiSOCl2 battery is
that the maximum continuous current and pulse current capability is limited. Take an 8.5 Ah LiSOCl2 battery
(Tadiran TL-4920(ER26500)) as an example, the maximum recommended continuous current is 75 mAand
the maximum 1 sec. pulse capability is 200 mA (reference 2). Because of this, it is common to parallel the
hybrid layer capacitor (HLC) or the supercapacitor with the LiSOCl2 battery to support the high pulse current
for data transmission. Another characteristic of the LiSOCl2 battery is that the battery capacity is related to the
discharging current and the working temperature as shown in Figure 1-2 (reference 2). The battery capacity is
about 8.5 Ah with 3-mA discharging current at 25 °C, which is shown in the ER26500 data sheet. However, the
capacity drops to 2 Ah (a 76% reduction) with a 100 mA load. It is better to control the discharge current of a
LiSOCl2 battery to get a higher capacity and thus, increase the working lifetime (reference 3).
76% reduction
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The Traditional Power Solution of the Smart Meter
The disadvantage of the direct battery connection solution is customers must choose HLC1550 instead of
HLC1520. Because the LiSOCl2 and HLC package has the poor performance at cold temperature (-25 degC or
-40 degC) , like in Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3. Figure 2-2 is the performance of ER26500 and HLC1520 at high
pulse current (250 mA / 250 ms). In the waveform, the voltage of the battery package is down to 3.4 V at high
pulse current. It is too little margin to power the whole system. Figure 2-3 is the performance of ER26500 and
HLC1550, because HLC1550 has a bigger size and higher current capability, the voltage is down to 3.6 V, and it
can support the whole system and do the transmission. But HLC1550 has bigger size and higher cost.
Another disadvantage of this solution is the discharge current of LiSOCl2 is uncontrolled. In the Figure 2-2 and
Figure 2-3, the discharge current of LiSOCl2 is up to 15 mA and 5 mA, respectively. The LiSOCl2 cannot achieve
the maximum capacity, referring Figure 1-2.
3.6V Offset
Ibat 10mA/div
Iload 500mA/div
Figure 2-2. The Performance of ER26500 and HLC1520 at -25 degC
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Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated The Traditional Power Solution of the Smart Meter
V out
3.6V 3.6V Offset
3.6V Offset
Ibat 10mA/div
5mA 15mA
Ibat 10mA/div
Vsup 2.0V Offset
Iload 500mA/div
The weakness of the pure boost solution is that the discharge current of LiSOCl2 battery is uncontrolled.
We cannot get the maximum LiSOCl2 battery capacity, and the end-off voltage of the battery package is not
controllable. If the terminal voltage is too low(< 2 V), it has unrecoverable effects on the battery lifetime.
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The TPS61094 with Supercap Solution
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Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated The TPS61094 with Supercap Solution
The TPS61094 operation is as shown in the Table 3-1. During stand-by operation in the smart meter, because
input voltage is higher than output voltage + 100mV, the TPS61094 enters auto buck mode. The bypass MOS
turns on and NB-IoT is powered by LiSOCl2. TPS61094 charges the supercap until it is fully charged. When the
NB-IoT does the Rx / Tx transmission, there is a high pulse current at the output of TPS61094, because LiSOCl2
can’t support high pulse current, the input voltage will drop. When TPS61094 detects the input voltage is lower
than output voltage + 100mV, the boost mode actives automatically. So the supercap mainly supports the high
load current.
Table 3-1. The Operation in TPS61094 of the Supercap Solution
System operation Condition TPS61094 operation
Stand-by; low-current consumption Vin > Vout_target + 100mV Active buck charging mode; charge supercap and keep it fully
Bypass MOS turns on; Vout connects with Vin; NB-IoT is
powered by LiSOCl2.
Doing Rx / Tx transmission Vin >= Vout_target Active boost mode; at high-pulse load, supercap mainly supports
Vout = Vout_target the load.
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Solution Comparison
4 Solution Comparison
There is a summary of these three power solutions in Table 4-1. TPS61094 could provide a cost competitive and
long lifetime solution in the smart meter. This solution can help smart meter customers exchange hybrid layer
capacitor (HLC) to supercap, which could have lower total solution cost.
The TPS61094 with the supercap solution can support 18.4 years and increase operation time by 20% than the
pure boost solution. And because the TPS61094 shares the same inductor and input/output capacitors in the
supercap charging and discharging, the TPS61094 reduces component count by 50%.
Table 4-1. The Smart Meter Power Solution Comparison
Solution Lifetime estimation (years) Advantage Disadvantage
The direct battery connection 18.1 Simple design Big size HLC1550 (Tadiran)
The pure boost(TPS61094 or 14.9 Smaller size HLC and no sensitivity Cannot get the maximum
TPS610995) solution to the vendor, like SPC1520 LiSOCl2 capacity because
LiSOCl2 discharge current is
LiSOCl2 discharge end-off voltage
is uncontrolled; it may have
unrecoverable effects on the
battery lifetime
The TPS61094 with the supercap 18.4 Cost competitive with the supercap The supercap has leakage
solution Control LiSOCl2 discharge current current, need to use lower
terminal voltage, like 2 V
and end-off voltage
Automatically transition; No need
for MCU control
The smart meter lifetime estimation is based on the following conditions:
• Calculation is based on Tadiran(LiSOCl2 TL-5920) and the capability de-rated according to the Figure 1-2.
• Assumption that ten months is 25 ℃ and two months' temperature is lower than 0 ℃.
• NB-IoT power consumption is about 134 mAh each year at supply voltage is 3.6 V
• LiSCL2 Battery self-discharge: 25 ℃: 1 % / year, 40 ℃: 2 % / year
• Hybrid layer capacitor self-discharge: 25 ℃: 3 μA, 40 ℃: 6 μA
• Super capacitor leakage current: for 3 F cap, working at 2.0 V can reduce the leakage current to 20 %, the
leakage current: 25 ℃: 1 μA (5 μA * 20 %), 40 ℃: 2 μA
• Battery activation is about 30.4 mAh each year
• Valve power consumption is about 35.8 mAh each year
• Standby power consumption (including MCU, counting hall sensor, anti dismantling hall sensor, power supply,
NB-IoT standby power consumption) is about 87.6 mAh.
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Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Supercap Behavior and Design
8 NAB F8 6 NAB F6
tref Reference lifetime (hours)
Vref Reference applied bias voltage (V)
Tref Reference aging temperature (K)
The smart meter customer can lower the operation voltage according to their life time and operation temperature
requirement. There is the estimation lifetime from VINA Tech 3.0V series supercap, as shown in Table 5-1
Table 5-1. VINA Tech Estimation Lifetime – 3.0 V Series
Temp 25 °C 30 °C 40 °C 50 °C 60 °C 70 °C 75 °C 80 °C
Voltage (V) Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year
2.1 180.5 127.7 63.8 31.9 16.0 8.0 5.6 4.0
2.2 127.7 90.3 45.1 22.6 11.3 5.6 4.0 2.8
2.3 90.3 63.8 31.9 16.0 8.0 4.0 2.8 2.0
2.4 63.8 45.1 22.6 11.3 5.6 2.8 2.0 1.4
2.5 45.1 31.9 16.0 8.0 4.0 2.0 1.4 1.0
2.6 31.9 22.6 11.3 5.6 2.8 1.4 1.0 0.7
2.7 22.6 16.0 8.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 0.7 0.5
2.8 16.0 11.3 5.6 2.8 1.4 0.7 0.5 0.4
2.9 11.3 8.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.4 0.3
3.0 8.0 5.6 2.8 1.4 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.2
Note: 30% capacitance degradation is considered as the end of life (reference 9).
5.2 Supercap Leakage Currrent
The supercap leakage current is an important part of performance in the smart meter, which is related to
the operating life time. The leakage current depends on temperature, working voltage, capacitance and other
parameters (similar to charge duration and short-term history) (reference 10).
For the leakage current, when the supercap working voltage decreases, the leakage current could also
decrease, similar to Figure 5-1. For example, the supercap works at 1.8 V, the leakage is about 8 uA (18 %
of data sheet spec) at 25 ℃.
The supercap leakage current is related to working temperature, too. The supercap leakage current at 65 ℃ is
about 3~4 times as the 25 ℃, in the Figure 5-1.
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Supercap Behavior and Design
60 25(
1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3
Working voltage (V)
1 1
2OQLAN?=L = Û % Û :812 F 822 ; = Û % Û :22 F 0.72 ; = 1.755%
2 2 (3)
The supercap discharge power should be higher than the total loss of NB-IoT transmission, 4.8 J, so smart
meter could choose 3 F supercap.
10 A Long-Lifetime, Cost-Competitive Solution in Smart Meters Based on the SLVAF41A – MARCH 2021 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2021
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Phase 1 Phase 3
Phase 2
Figure 6-1. The Performance Overview of the TPS61094 with Supercap Solution
The dark blue signal (Channel 1) is TPS61094 output voltage, The purple signal(Channel 1) is LiSOCl2 battery
output current, The green signal(Channel 4) is the supercap voltage, The light blue signal(Channel 2) is load
6.1.1 NB-IoT Data Transmission
The NB-IoT data transmission (phase 1) zoom in waveform is as shown in the Figure 6-2 and Figure 6-3. It
can be seen that during high pulse current load emulating NB-IoT module, the output voltage of TPS61094 is
regulated at 3.3 V to maintain normal work of system. At the same time, the output current of LiSOCl2 battery
is about 5 mA or 6 mA both at -25 degC and 25 degC, so that the LiSOCl2 battery lifetime can be maximized
referring Figure 1-2.
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Test Report Based on TPS61094 Solution
3.3V 200mV/div
3.6V Offset
Ibat 10mA/div
Vsup 2.0V Offset
Iload 500mA/div
3.6V Offset
Ibat 10mA/div
Vsup 2.0V Offset
Iload 500mA/div
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Figure 6-4. The Performance of the Supercap from Charging to Charging Finished
6.2 Efficiency
The Figure 6-5 is the 3.3-V Vout efficiency graph in boost operation. The efficiency is about 93 % at Vin=2 V
Vout=3.3 V Iout=250mA.
Efficiency (%)
65 VIN = 1.0 V
VIN = 1.5 V
60 VIN = 2.0 V
VIN = 2.5 V
1E-6 1E-5 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 0.5
Output Current (A) effi
The Figure 6-6 is the 3.6-V Vin efficiency graph in buck operation. The efficiency is about 88 % at Vin=3.6 V
VCHG=2 V ICHG=2.5 mA.
Efficiency (%)
ICHG = 2.5 mA
ICHG = 5.0 mA
50 ICHG = 10 mA
ICHG = 100 mA
ICHG = 500 mA
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
VCHG (V) effi
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7 References
1. ZM8300G NB-IoT/eMTC Module User Manual ZTE
2. MODEL TL-5920 International size reference: C, ER26500 Tadiran Lithium Batteries
3. Texas Instruments, How to Extend Operating Time of a LiSOCl2 Powered System application brief
4. Texas Instruments, Power Supply for NB-IoT Modems in Smart Meters with LiSOCl2 Batteries reference
5. Texas Instruments, TPS61094 60-nA Quiescent Current Bi-directional Buck/Boost Converter withBypass
Mode data sheet.
6. P. Kreczanik, P. Venet, A. Hijazi and G. Clerc, Study of Supercapacitor Aging and Lifetime Estimation
According to Voltage, Temperature, and RMS Current, in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.
61, no. 9, pp. 4895-4902, Sept. 2014.
7. A. El Mejdoubi, A. Oukaour, H. Chaoui, H. Gualous, J. Sabor and Y. Slamani, Prediction Aging Model for
Supercapacitor's Calendar Life in Vehicular Applications, in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.
65, no. 6, pp. 4253-4263, June 2016. A. Hammar, P. Venet, R. Lallemand, G. Coquery and
8. G. Rojat, Study of Accelerated Aging of Supercapacitors for Transport Applications, in IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Electronics, vol. 57, no. 12, pp. 3972-3979, Dec. 2010.
9. Allen Son from VINA Tech
10. Sauer D U , Kowal J , Avaroglu E , et al. Detailed Analysis of the Self Discharge of Supercapacitors[C]//
ESSCAP 2008. 2008.
11. *M. Lauridsen, R. Krigslund, M. Rohr and G. Madueno, An Empirical NB-IoT Power Consumption Model for
Battery Lifetime Estimation, 2018 IEEE 87th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring),
12. 3GPP, Cellular system support for ultra-low complexity and low throughput Internet of Things, TR 45.820
V13.1.0, 11 2015
8 Revision History
NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version.
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