JREC Application Form

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Joint Research Ethics Committee for University of Zimbabwe

College of Health Sciences and Parirenyatwa Group Hospitals


Details of Research
Name of Principal Investigator (P.I) Kudakwashe Magogo
Existing Qualifications “O” and A levels, BSc Optometry level 4.2
Academic Title Mr
Institution & Dept. University of Zimbabwe, Department of primary care
Postal address House No. 8314, Tshovani township, Chiredzi
E-mail address [email protected]
Telephone No. 0782054778
Is this research expected to lead to the award of a higher degree? Yes
University/Institution where registered University of Zimbabwe
Co-investigators Names Qualifications Institution/Department
Mr George Moyo PhD(ongoing) UKZN

Details of the Proposed Research

Title of proposed research. Visual Outcomes Post Cataract Extraction : A Retrospective Cross Sectional
Study at Sekuru Kaguvi Eye Hospital

Proposed starting date 09 May 2022

Proposed ending date 10 July 2022
Performance site Sekuru Kaguvi Eye hospital
Total number of study personnel 2
Budget (state currency) 54 usd
Name and address of Funding agency: N/A
Status of funding : NA a)Submitted for funding NA b)Pending NA c)Funded NA
STUDY IMPACT: Does the study impact on other hospital departments such as (Nursing,
Pharmacy, Labs, Imaging,

Pathology, Medical Records, etc) or need specialized committee approval? YES - NO

If YES, have appropriate approvals been obtained from affected departments? YES - NO
(List departmental approvals and obtain appropriate signatures)

Departments/Committees Impact Departmental/Divisional

Approval Signature

Pharmacy Yes- No- 

Pathology Yes -No

Nursing Services Yes-No

Diagnostic Imaging Yes-No

Public Health laboratory Yes -No

Other Yes –No

Has this proposal received prior scientific peer review? YES 

Has this proposal received prior ethical review by another Research Ethics Board? NO

Population : Proposed inclusion criteria Type of study (check all that applies)
(Check all that apply)
Males : Survey :
 Secondary data :
Females : Program Project :
 Clinical community trial :
Adolescents (12 – 17 years) : Case control :
Children (Under 12 years of age) : Longitudinal study :
Pregnant women : Record review :
Foetuses : Course activity :
Elderly (over 65 years) :
Prisoners : Other (specify)  :
Cognitively impaired …Retrospective cross sectional
: Hospital inpatients :
study… ……………………………..
Consent Process (Check all that applies) N/A
Written : Oral : English : Local Language : None :

Proposed sample size


Reading level of consent document : Below Grade 3 Below Grade 6 Below Form 2
Below Form 4 Above O level Graduate level

Determination of Risk (Check all that applies)

Does the research involve any of the following YES NO

Human exposure to ionizing radiation NO
Fetal tissue or abortus NO
Investigational new drug NO
Investigational new device NO
Existing data available via public archives/sources YES
Existing data not available via public archives YES
Observation of public behaviour NO
Is the information going to be recorded in such a way that subjects can be identified NO
Does the research deal with sensitive aspects of the subjects behaviour, sexual behavior, alcohol use or illegal NO
conduct such as drug use
Could the information recorded about the individual if it became known outside of the research, place the subject NO
at risk of criminal prosecution or civil liability
Could the information recorded about the individual if it became known outside of the research, damage the NO
subjects financial standing, reputation and employability?

STUDY LOCATION: Where will this research take place?

Parirenyatwa Hospital ___Mbuya Nehanda Hospital ___Sekuru Kaguvi Hospital 


___Inpatient _______Outpatient ______________Ward clinic ____ ____________

 Do you consider the proposed research
A) greater than minimal risk
B) minimal risk
C) no risk 
Minimal risk is a risk where the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in
the proposed research are not greater in and of themselves than those ordinarily encountered in
daily life or during the performance of routine physical, psychological examinations or tests. For
example the risk of drawing a small amount of blood from a healthy individual for research
purposes is no greater than the risk of doing so as part of routine physical examinations.


the Institutional Review Board (IRB) includes individuals with varied backgrounds
and education. Investigators are therefore required to attach a 2-3 page (maximum 4
pages) Research Proposal Summary using the headings provided below in terminology
that is understandable across disciplines.

• Describe briefly the background of the study, and state reasons for conducting it.
• State objectives of study.
• Study design and rationale for that design. Explain how the study will be performed.
• Population : Sample size, outline criteria for selection and exclusion of subjects, gender, ethnic group,
performance sites (provide justification for single gender or group). For larger sample sizes on greater
than minimal risk studies, provide justification of the sample size.
• Subject's state of physical health. Indicate if healthy, ill, seriously ill or terminally ill.
• Special populations, such as, minors, foetuses, abortuses, pregnant women, prisoners, mentally retarded,
mentally disabled.
• If subjects are from one of the above special populations explain the necessity for including them.
• Specify source of participating subjects, e.g. hospitals, clinics, institutions, prisons, industry, unions,
schools, general population, etc. NOTE: If you plan to advertise for patients, the ad must be submitted
to the IRB, for review and approval prior to its publication and/or posting.
• List all research procedures and/or interventions involving human subjects (when applicable) including
tests to be conducted and the analysis of samples (where applicable including where the analysis is to be
done – if outside the country please justify including how the samples are to be shipped).
• Distinguish procedures which are part of routine care from those that are part of the study
• Questionnaire/interview instrument (when applicable)
If the study includes either of these, a copy of the instrument is to be appended to this application.
If the instrument is in development stages, provide an outline of the types of questions to be asked
and the expected date of completion and submission to the IRB.
 Methods of intervention Will any new drugs or biologic agents be administered to the
subjects, or will previously used agents be used in a new manner? If yes, please note that you
are also required to file a separate application with the Medicines Control Authority of
Zimbabwe (MCAZ) and may not conduct your study without the approval of the MCAZ .
Methods for dealing with adverse events
 Methods for dealing with illegal, reportable activities (e.g child abuse)


• Describe in detail any potential risks - physical, psychological, social, legal, ethical (e.g. confidentiality), or
other and assess the likelihood and seriousness of such risks (none, low, moderate, and high). Include the
incidence of complications if known. You may use a narrative description if more appropriate or a table with
3 columns (Potential adverse effects, seriousness and likelihood of complications (Incidence if known.)
 Describe procedures for protecting against or minimizing potential risks.
• If the activity involves women who could become pregnant and is potentially harmful to a fetus, describe
steps that will be taken to prevent pregnancy or exclude pregnant women.
• Assess potential benefits to be gained by the individual subject and explain why the benefits outweigh the
• Assess benefits which may accrue to society in general as a result of the planned work.


• Will subjects receive any compensation, monetary or other? If monetary, how much? Will subjects be asked
to assume any out-of-pocket costs for participating in the research? If yes, what? Identify expenses such as
additional transportation, laboratory tests, supplies, cost of study drug if it becomes commercially available,

• Any kind of contact with human subjects requires a disclosure/consent process.
• Attach a copy of the consent form. Indicate how (verbal or written) informed consent will be obtained If
subjects are minors or mentally disabled, describe how and by whom permission will be granted.
• Where will the record of consent be stored? (Consent forms must be kept for three years after the
completion of the investigation, unless otherwise stipulated by the MRCZ).

Describe any means by which the subject's personal privacy is to be protected and confidentiality of data maintained.
Include information on the following:
• Any sensitive information that will be gathered.
• Plans for record keeping
• Location of the data
• Data security
• Person responsible and telephone number
• Who will have access to the data
• Plans for disposal of the data upon completion of the study

CONFLICT OF INTEREST (real or apparent)

 Other than the normal scholarly gains, are there any other gains you might receive from taking
part in this study?

 Provide letters of approval from collaborating institutions’ IRBs and from other local IRBs from
other sites.


• Include plans for dissemination and utilization of study results

• .

Please note : Attach 2 COPIES of the full research proposal, as paper and electronic
versions. The full proposal should include the following: Title, objectives, background and
literature review, methodology (to include research design, subjects and methods, ethical
considerations, timetables etc. references, budget etc . Investigators may submit the full proposal
in a funding agency format as long as it covers the above headings.
Please also attach copies of curriculum vitae for the Principal Investigators and all Co-
investigators. The CVs should include the following : Name, Postal address, Employers name
and address, Qualifications, Present Position, Past research experience (relevant) and Published
Papers (relevant). Principal Investigators or co-investigators who would have already submitted
their CVs during the current year are exempted from this requirement.



Please note that you are required to submit a separate application to the Medicines
Control Authority of Zimbabwe for authorization to test a drug or medical device.
1. Which of the following will be used?
a) investigational drug(s)
b) new therapeutic applications for MCAZ approved drug (s)
c) new combination of any of the above
d) medical device
2. Briefly describe how this drug or device is a part of the proposed investigation.

3. For each drug or device to be used, please provide the following information:

Generic Name Trade or Brand

N/A Name Manufacturer N/A

4. Please give the risks, hazards, known contraindications.

5. Please give reasons for choice of drug(s) for this study. Include pertinent animal
clinical tests or appropriate citations.

6. Please provide dose schedule, route of administration, and duration of therapy.

7. Please describe assessment of patient while receiving therapy including clinical

observations and laboratory tests.

Principal Investigator's Assurance Statement:

I certify that the information given by me is correct to the best of my knowledge and
I agree:

(Please check all that applies)

1. to accept responsibility for the scientific and ethical conduct of this research study;

2. to obtain prior approval from the IRB before amending or altering the research
protocol or implementing changes in the approved consent form;

3. to immediately report to the IRB any serious adverse reactions and/or unanticipated
effects on subjects which may occur as a result of this study;

4. to complete and submit the Continuing annual Review Form annually (when due) as
well as the Final/Study termination form at the end of the proposed study.

Signature: _K Magogo_______________________________________________

Date: 23/05/22___________________________


Signature of Co-Investigator:

Date: 24/05/22


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