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- It is the art of arranging, correcting, and selecting the quality and type of news.
- Sometimes, it’s also called COPYEDITING.
- The one who edits copies is called a COPYREADER or COPYEDITOR.

1. Edit errors in grammar (Spelling, Tenses, Agreement, etc.)
2. Edit Errors of FACT (Accuracy/Fact Check)
3. Edits VERBOSE copy.
4. Deletes opinion or slant in libelous statements.
5. Writes the headline (Lead)


- The numbers 1-9 are written in words while the numbers 10 and above are written in figures. Ex. Nine
students, 14 Children
dates, address: always in figures
proper nouns, may be written in figures/words
Beginning of sentence, always in words
events, 1st-9th is allowed

– Look for misspelled words.
(Here in the Philippines, American English is used, NOT British English) Ex. Color, NOT Colour
- If a word has more than one accepted spelling, the shortest one is preferred.
Ex. Judgment, instead of Judgement

- The first letter of the sentence is ALWAYS capitalized.
Proper nouns are capitalized; common nouns are not.
Ex. singer, Regine Velasquez
- Small letters are usually used for title or position.

- Spell out Dept., Gov’t, and other abbreviations
- The abbreviations Jr. and Sr. are allowed in names.
- A title or position of a person may be abbreviated if it appears before the name but not simply used in a

- Acronyms are usually written in capital letters. Ex. HCPSMSHS
- Always check if the letters of the acronym are in the correct order.
- When an acronym appears for the first time in a news story, it is written after its meaning, and it is enclosed
in parentheses (). Ex. Department of Education (DepEd)

- The first sentence of a paragraph is indented.
- In news stories, the rule is ONE SENTENCE, ONE PARAGRAPH only.

- There should be no names of unknown persons in the lead.
- Check for buried leads.
- The standard lead answers the 5W’s and 1H (Grammatical Beginning Lead).

Check for errors in:
- Tenses of Verbs
- Subject-Verb Agreement
- Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement (agreement in gender and number)
- Articles (a, an, the)

Punctuation (Period)
- It is used for declarative and imperative sentences.
- It is used in abbreviations such as p.m., a.m., Jr., Sr. Pres., Sen., Rep., Gov., Gen., etc.
- Acronyms of schools, organizations, and offices do not need periods.

Punctuation (Comma)
Use commas to:
- Separate the month and day from the year.
- Separate the street, barangay, town, province, etc. in an address.
- Separate facts concerning victims and suspects.
Do not use commas to separate the abbreviation Jr., Sr., or III from the name.

Punctuation (Hyphen)
Use hyphen:
- in most compound nouns. Ex: editor-in-chief, officer-in-charge
- in fractions. Ex: two-thirds, three-fourths
- in numerals. Ex: twenty-two, fifty-nine

Punctuation (Quotation marks)

- Quotation marks are used in direct quotations. Indirect quotations .do not need them
Ex. “I forgot my book.” He said.
He said he forgot it.
- Periods and commas are written first before closing quotation marks.
Ex. “I am going to SM, do you want to join?” He said.
- Quotation Marks are used to set off titles of events, shows, movies, books, etc.
Ex. “The Titanic” “The Three Little Monkeys”
- Quotation marks are used to set off the alias or nickname.

Punctuation (Apostrophe)
- Apostrophes are used in the possessive form of the noun; Ex. The teacher’s Table
- Or, In contractions. Ex. I’m (I am)

- Watch out for jumbled letters, words, or paragraphs.
- Check for joined/disjoined words. Ex. class room, newteacher
- Delete editorializing/opinion words or phrases.
- Check for redundancies (recurring words/phrases/paragraphs, synonymous or redundant terms). Ex. The
concert the concert ended.
- REMEMBER: After editing the news story, write 30 at the end of the article. If the article is not yet
finished, write more at the bottom of the page.

Headline – An assemblage of words written in bigger, bolder letters than the usual page text at the beginning
of the news. It is NOT a title.

Functions of a Headline
1. To attract readers
2. To tell the story (In a summary)
3. To add variety of type (to break monotony in a sea of type)
4. To identify personality of newspaper (use of font/style letters)
5. To index/grade the news (Big type for important news; small type for less important)

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