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Final Test

Name: ___________________________________ jumped out of bed in the dark and bumped into a
Class: ___________________________________ door! Luckily, the cut was not very 4                      ___ .
Total: _________/11 Unfortunately, I was a bit nervous for the whole
______________ of our stay, imagining there might
Vocabulary be another quake, but I still had a good time.
1 Choose the correct words. /1
1 Be careful that bee doesn’t sting / burn you.
2 You should put a first aid / plaster on that cut. Grammar
3 Pollution from cars causes global / climate
warming. 4 Choose the correct option.
4 Making sure everyone has clean water to drink 1 I would have done better in my exams if I worked
can keep / save lives. / had worked harder.
5 Please return to your seat and fasten / tie your 2 Your bag isn’t here. It might be / might have
seatbelt. been in your bedroom.
/1 3 Our train was late, that / which was annoying.
4 I will invite / would invite more people to my
2 Complete the words in the sentences. party if I had a bigger house.
1 There are not enough people in the 5 I wish my brother doesn’t / didn’t keep
v _ _ _ _ _ _ ry s _ _ _ _ r to help out with all of borrowing my things without asking!
the disasters happening right now. /1
2 It hurts so bad! I think I’ve d         l _ _ a _ _ d my 5 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Three
shoulder. sentences are correct.
3 As e _ _ _ _ y c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n increases, we 1 It’s really cold today. I wish the weather is
need more sources of power. warmer!
4 I love chocolate, cakes and all s _ _ _ t foods.
5 After several accidents in the factory, they found 2 Paris is capital of France.
that s _ _ _ _ y s _ _ _ _ _ _ ds were not being ________________________________________
met. 3 You wouldn’t be good at English if you didn’t
/1 watch lots of American movies.
3 Complete the text with the correct form of the
words in the box. There are three words you don’t ________________________________________
need. 4 If you want to learn about journalism, why don’t
break bruised width long you talk to Ana, who father works for a
high strong strike depth newspaper.
I visited San Francisco last year with my family. Our
hotel was near the city centre, and from the
windows you could see the amazing 1___________ 5 My grandparents would visit us every week when
I was young.
of the hills above us. On the second night, I woke up
suddenly. I could feel my bed moving, and I knew
immediately that it was an earthquake. Fortunately, ________________________________________
the 2                   ____  of the quake wasn’t very 6 Tigers, that are nearly extinct, used to be
extreme, and it was only about thirty seconds long common in India.
so it wasn’t a big deal. I had a small 3                       __ ________________________________________
and a cut on my arm, but that was because I’d

© Pearson  2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Final Test

________________________________________ 7 Complete the text with one word in each gap.

7 You wouldn’t have missed the start of the film if Last year I decided to run the London Marathon to
you would have arrived ten minutes earlier. raise money for charity, so I joined my local running
________________________________________ club. My friend Ellie, 1_______________ mother
________________________________________ regularly runs marathons, also joined. We had a
brilliant coach who made 2_______________
8 I can’t stand watching TV – it’s so boring!
________________________________________ prepare really well for our big day. We had to run
three times a week for four months before he said
9 Jo’s mother is doctor.
that we were ready. On the day, I 3_____________
not really expecting to do very well, but in fact I
finished in the top 100, 4_______________ I was
10 I believe that the government should provide the
very pleased with. I know it’s all because of my
education for all children.
coach. If I hadn’t trained so hard, I’m sure I wouldn’t
________________________________________ 5
_______________ done so well.
8 Complete the text with the correct form of the
words in CAPITALS.
Use of English
Advice for travellers to Asia
6 Decide which answer, A, B, C or D, best fills each
It’s important to try to eat a BALANCE
gap. 1
_________________ diet during
Last summer I went camping with some friends. We your travels, especially if you are
stayed at a really beautiful campsite near the coast. travelling for a long period. Don’t eat
We had to hike uphill for about an hour to get there, too much spicy food at first, and it is INFORM
but its location on the mountain 1___ gave us risky to be 2_________________
amazing views of the sea. We all helped to put 2___ about foods that you should avoid
the tent, which was big enough for six people. The LOCAL
entirely. Dangerous foods may only
campsite had boats you could use, so we spent quite be found in a specific
a lot of time on the water. The people who ran the 3
_________________, so learn all
camp warned us about the 3___ currents in the sea, you can before you go.
but we were confident we could handle it. We were
fine until a storm blew up and the 4___ sea nearly If you become seriously ill, you
tipped our boat over. Actually, we are strong enough should see a doctor. You may have E
sailors so, when we came 5___ a smaller boat in to pay for an appointment, and you
trouble, we managed to help the people in it. It was will probably have to pay for a
scary at the time, but now I’m proud of what we did. _________________ if one is
necessary. And if you feel ill, don’t
1 A edge B ridge C away D bank
2 A off B out C up D over think your whole holiday is ruined.
3 A strong B hard C wide D large The 5__________________ of the
4 A tough B tall C rough D deep human body is amazing, and you’ll
5 A along B into C at D across
feel better before you know it.

© Pearson  2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Final Test

lucky stars that he had this idea before we had made

any final decisions.
The tiny home seemed perfect during the daylight
9 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
hours. It had a lovely seating area, a perfectly usable
similar meaning to the first. Use between two and
kitchen, and the bathroom – though extremely small
five words including the word given.
by anyone’s standards – was certainly adequate to
1 No student in our class is as tall as Freddie. our needs. But when it was time to go to sleep, it
THE was a different story. The bed was in a tiny space
Freddie                                              ________  in under the roof, and once I’d managed to get up
our class. there, I felt as if I’d put myself into a drawer for the
2 Please stop making so much noise! WISH night! The area was certainly wide enough, but it
was so shallow that sitting up even halfway was a
I                                              ___________  so much
challenge for me. And for my husband, who is nearly
two metres tall, it was pretty much life-threatening.
3 They acted quickly, so they didn’t die. WOULD We did manage to sleep a little, but I kept hearing a
They                                               _________ if they bang, followed by a loud ‘Ouch!’ and knew that my
hadn’t acted quickly. husband would be covered in bruises in the
4 I’ll finish my homework and then I’ll go to bed. morning.
SOON We survived three days in the tiny house before
giving up. We are still talking about downsizing, and
I’ll go to bed                                             _________ 
it’s possible that there is a tiny home designed for a
my homework. semi-giant and his claustrophobic partner. I rather
5 I don’t have many friends! ONLY think, though, that we will look for a smaller but
If                                              ______  more friends! more traditional place. Our children, who were
/1 excited at the beginning, have expressed some
disappointment. But when I pointed out that they
may need a place for an extended stay in the future,
Reading they changed their minds and congratulated us on
10 Read texts 1 and 2 and choose the correct going a more traditional route.
answer, A, B, C or D.
Text 2
Text 1 There are a number of reasons which influence the
choice to move into a tiny home. The fact is, though,
After our children had left home for good, my that the number of people doing so is increasing
husband and I came to the conclusion that we really quickly. A study of people who have an interest in
needed to find ourselves a smaller house. Our house tiny living showed that 20% of them are already
had far too many rooms, which meant constant living tiny, while a large majority are planning to
cleaning, and it was over a hundred years old, so make the change as soon as they can. The
problems were constantly coming up. After watching percentage of people actually living in tiny houses is
a couple of TV shows and doing a bit of research still small when compared to the general population,
online, we decided that a tiny, in other words very but it is definitely a growing trend and may continue
small, home was the right solution for us. We didn’t to be so.
need to keep all of the things we had, and a tiny Why are so many making the change? For one thing,
home on wheels would give us the opportunity to people feel that their houses are too large, that they
move it wherever we fancied. have too many things, and that going tiny will help
Instead of immediately putting our old house up for them simplify their lives and give them more free
sale, however, my husband – who is down-to-earth time. The environment is another major factor. As
and practical – suggested renting a tiny home in a one expert says, ‘Living tiny reduces the harm you
holiday spot for a week. All I can do is thank our do to the environment enormously. You use far

© Pearson  2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

Final Test

fewer building materials, a lot less energy for D it was dark and unattractive.
heating and lighting, and you simply take up less
space in our increasingly crowded environment.’
Money is also a big influence. Housing is expensive, 4 According to the article …
especially in large urban areas, and some people are A fewer people are moving to tiny homes.
simply not willing to work more just so they can pay B 20% of all homeowners live in tiny homes.
for an unnecessarily large dwelling. A tiny home is C tiny homes can be adapted to every lifestyle.
far cheaper than a conventional home to buy and D many people choose tiny homes for economic
maintain, and even though you may have to rent a reasons.
piece of land to put it on, it still costs far less in the
long run.
5 Both texts emphasise the point that …
Is everyone happy with their choice to go tiny? We
A you should try something before you commit to
interviewed one tiny home dweller in Cambridge,
England who has ended up with mixed feelings
B tiny homes are great for people who work from
about her decision. Kim Layton said: ‘I design and
make clothes for a living, and I’ve worked from
C tiny homes are a temporary trend.
home for years. For some reasons I thought I could
D moving to a smaller home is necessary for some
make the tiny space function for my business, but I
simply couldn’t make it work. I’ve ended up renting
a space, which of course is an added expense. On
the other hand, it means I’m not constantly /2
surrounded by my work, which I’m finding to be
really relaxing.’
In conclusion, if you’re thinking about going tiny
consider all of the advantages and disadvantages
before making a decision. And if you have the
chance to try it out before deciding, by renting a tiny
home for a short period for example, that is
definitely the best way to go.

1 A reason for moving to a different house NOT

mentioned by the writer is …
A the expense of keeping up the house.
B the age of the house.
C the size of the house.
D the number of people livng there.

2 The writer feels that renting a tiny home

A turned out to be a waste of time.
B saved them some money.
C gave them more time to think.
D showed them the realities of tiny home living.

3 The main problem with the tiny home was that …

A the bathroom was unusable.
B the space was generally too small.
C the sleeping arrangements were very

© Pearson  2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

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