Design Automated Chemical Dosing System
Design Automated Chemical Dosing System
Design Automated Chemical Dosing System
We the members of this group have declare that all the works included in this document and other
related materials are our original work and no copying or plagiarism is there with our work. We
are responsible for anyone who comes with any reporting of plagiarism. We assure that we agree
with all written above with our signature as follows.
1. Ephrem Asemahagn--------------------------------------------------------
2. Engidawork Tadese---------------------------------------------------------
4. Getaneh Gabremedin-------------------------------------------------------
5. Getu Deresa-----------------------------------------------------------------
As the advisor of this group I declare that I manage and organize their work through the course of
this final mini project and all works included in this and other related materials are their work and
no plagiarism is takes place. I assure all the written words are mine with my signature as follows.
Mr Mohamed --------------------------------------
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our Advisor Mohamed who has contributed a
lot for the successful achievement of our work on this Final min project. In addition, we would
like to thank for other instructor who help us for their valuable guidance and advice; they guided
us greatly to work in this project. They willingness to motivate us helped tremendously. Our thanks
are also extended to Jimma University, Institute of technology & school of ECE. It is also
Grateful gratitude to our intimate friends who support us with ideas and information regarding to
material. Acknowledgment like this kind would not be complete without strong coordination of all
group members.
In our mini project, we try to identify some problem that related with controlling system in the
factory, first of all we analysis those problem during four month apparent program in factory. Our
final mini project report contains all the necessary information about our include detail
explanation of our work with necessary block diagram and internal circuit.
This final mini project report consists five chapter. The first chapter describes the background of
our final mini project, scope of work, problem statement, objective and limitation of the project as
well as include the methodology.
In the second chapter, we try to express literature review of our final mini project. In the third
chapter of the mini project we include the design of chemical dosing system with its internal circuit
and detail expression as well as include the design of temperature sensor use Arduino application
with its circuit and detail expression.
In the fourth chapter include the simulation result and decision with its simulation result. Finally
we include conclusion and recommendation at chapter five.
Table of Contents
DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................................... ii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... iii
APPENDIX I .............................................................................................................................................. vii
CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................................................. 1
1. INTRODOCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 SCOPE OF WORK ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT ................................................................................................................. 2
1.4 OBJECTIVE ....................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4.1 General Objective ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.4.2 Specific Objective ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.6 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.5 LIMITATION ..................................................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................................................. 5
2. LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 MODERN PROGRAMMING LOGIC CONTROLLER ................................................................... 5
CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................................................................. 7
3. DESIGN OF CHEMICAL DOSING SYSTEM. ...................................................................................... 7
3.1 DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM COMPONENTS. ............................................................................... 7
3.1.1 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). ...................................................................................... 7
3.1.2. Relays ........................................................................................................................................ 10
3.1.3: frequency converter .................................................................................................................. 12
3.1.4. Tank .......................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1.5. Timer ......................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1.6. Logic gate.................................................................................................................................. 13
3.1.7. Valves ....................................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.8. Motor......................................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.9. Level indicator sensor. .............................................................................................................. 14
Figure 1: General PLC architecture. ............................................................................................. 10
Figure 2: Relay.............................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 3: frequency convertor ....................................................................................................... 13
Figure 4: block diagram of chemical dosing system .................................................................... 15
Figure 5: internal Circuit diagram of dosing chemical in water treatment. .................................. 17
Figure 6: ladder diagram of chemical dosing process .................................................................. 18
Figure 7: three motor connect in sequential. ................................................................................. 19
Figure 8: Internal circuit diagram of two pump motor ................................................................. 20
Figure 9: ladder diagram of two pump motor ............................................................................... 21
Figure 10: Arduino Uno R3 .......................................................................................................... 22
Figure 11: Block diagram of temperature sensor use Arduino. .................................................... 24
Figure 12: design of temperature sensor use Arduino application ............................................... 25
Figure 13: simulation of chemical dosing process ........................................................................ 26
Figure 14: simulation of two water pump motor. ......................................................................... 27
Figure 15; Arduino output for temperature sensor. ...................................................................... 28
PLC:-programmable logic controller
PC:-personal control
AC:-alternative current
DC:-direct current
As we know that there are so many problem phase in industry that reduce the profit of the different
company in our country, among those problem use manual system in different plant is the common
one. present day every activities of human being support by computer and automated system which
simplify daily activities of human being, but when we observe most of the activists in different
factory in our country they supported in manual system, meaning most activates done in those
factory is not automated system, therefore we consider this problem and we try to mover come this
problem by the knowledge we gain from campus. As we know that different factory use different
chemical for different application. Our project is focus on the automated chemical dosing system
the factory by using programmable logic control (PLC) and Arduino software application. This
system is work mainly for a factory which produced different soft drink. Present day economic
and environment concerns require business to take a pragmatic approach to managing productivity
improving quality of product or service, reducing downtime and operating costs. Automation can
be defined as the use of scientific techniques to automate the operation and/or control of
equipment, process, or system, with the aim to minimize human intervention and achieve the above
objective. Automation can be as simple as a time based operation of a traffic signal or as complex
as single room control of a large petroleum refinery. Arduino is an open-source platform used for
building electronics projects. Arduino consists of both a physical programmable circuit board
(often referred to as a microcontroller) and a piece of software, or ide (integrated development
environment) that runs on your computer, used to write and upload computer code to the physical
The Arduino platform has become quite popular with people just starting out with electronics, and
for good reason. Unlike most previous programmable circuit boards, the Arduino does not need a
separate piece of hardware (called a programmer) in order to load new code onto the board – you
can simply use a USB cable. Additionally, the Arduino ide uses a simplified version of C++,
making it easier to learn to program. Finally, Arduino provides a standard form factor that breaks
out the functions of the micro-controller into a more accessible package.
1.4.1 General Objective
Design Automated chemical dosing system using program logic controller in the factory for
simplification the process.
Design two motor sequentially operate to pump dose chemical to other plant using program
logic controller.
Design temperature sensor and regulate the temperature when it increase more than 40 degree
This project is automated chemical dosing system in factory using chemical dosing
include three main system. First of all we design four tank that is tank one, tank two, tank three
and tank four. the capacity of tank one and tank two are the same 800 liter, as well as tank three
and tank four are the same 1000 liter. first tank one full by water and tank two full by chemical,
when we press start bush button, two way normal closed solenoid valve become open and start to
pass water from tank one and chemical from tank two at the same time, but we adjust the flow
meter to allowed 50 liter of liquid per a minute. Therefore coil one open for the first four minute
and become stop after it pass 200 liter of chemical into tank three. coil two start the same time
with coil one but it operate until 16 minute to pass 800 liter of water from tank two into tank three,
after it complete 16 minute coil two automatically stop and send signal to coil three which dose
chemical with water. latter two minute, after coil three start operation oil four start to pump the
dose chemical from tank three into tank four for storage purpose. Tank three have its own level
indicator sensor which indicate the amount of water in the tank weather its high or low. when coil
four is start operate high level indicator coil five become display for the next 16 minute until level
of water decrease from 1000 liter to 200 liter.
when the level of water decrease below 200 liter low level indicator sensor coil one become
display for two second and reset the system.
The other system in this project is automated the system which pump dose chemical into other
factory’s this case we design three motor sequentially, one motor as a reservoir and two
motor operate for four hours in this programing logic control design when we press
start push button the first coil, meaning motor one become operate for the first four hour, then
become stop and send signal to the next motor. Coil two, meaning motor two start running and
pump the dose chemical to other plant for the next four hour and recycle the system until you press
stop bush button.
To extend this application throughout the country there is some limitation which becomes will
overcome in the future. Among those limitation some of them is. No more professional person on
this programing logic controller in different factory, Programing logic controller is somewhat it is
cost it need more educated employer to manage and operate with this program, but more worker
those work in the factory have no more concept on this program. Additionally, most of the factory
owner is not willing to accept the project and apply it in their company. The manual of those some
of programing logic control material and different machines are written not in a general standard
symbol, for instance most of electronics which produce in Germany is somewhat difficult to
understand for electricians and other operator in the company except engineers also, There is no
lack of employer in the country is one also raise as a reason not enforce the factory to develop this
automation system.
A digitally operating electronic apparatus which uses a programming memory for the internal
storage of instructions for implementing specific functions such as logic, sequencing, timing,
counting and arithmetic to control through digital or analog modules, various types of machines
or process. The first Programmable Logic Controllers were designed and developed by Modicon
as a relay re-placer for GM and Landis. These controllers eliminated the need for rewiring and
adding additional hardware for each new configuration of logic. The new system drastically
increased the functionality of the controls while reducing the cabinet space that housed the logic.
The first PLC, model 084, was invented by Dick Morley in 1969 .The first commercial successful
PLC, the 184, was introduced in 1973 and was designed by Michael Greenberg. The programming
logic controller was start in 1968, at this time it is not more developed, but 1969 hardware central
processing unit controller, with logic instruction,1k of memory and 128 input and output point.
This software in 1980 better knower and it have intelligent input output models developed
enhanced and more it introduce in different industry system for controlling different system.
Automation direct and its partner Host Engineering in Johnson City, Tenn., had developed the PC-
based direct soft PLC programming software product. This Windows-based software was a
superior alternative, both in terms of ease of use and compatibility with modern PC-based
applications. The photo shows a PLC typical of those used in a four pump station. The discrete
input cards are rated at 120 Vac. There’s one four-channel analog input card bringing in suction
pressure, discharge pressure, and flow rate, with a 4-20 mA output card to drive local indicators.
The PLC drives relay outputs that interface to the motor control centers. The bottom
communication port is configured as a Modbus master and is used to read tank level. The top port
is used to communicate to a text panel. From 1998 to 2002, the main treatment plant was expanded
again, this time to 106 million god, and 11 more PLCs were installed as part of the plant expansion.
In 1995, the control system migration to PLCs commenced with an update to the water treatment
plant’s filter control system. In a typical water treatment facility, dual media filters are used to
purify the water. These filters have a layer of charcoal and sand which helps capture any remaining
particles that don’t settle out from earlier processing stages.
When the filter is online and producing water, the water flow is modulated based on filter level.
The filter level will vary based on how long the filter has been on online and on how much water
the plant is treating. After about 40 to 120 hours of runtime, depending on water quality, the filter
must be backwashed. During the filter backwash, hundreds of thousands of gallons are normally
used in a complex series of controlled steps. At our facility, about 335,000 g of water are used to
wash a filter. About 35,000 g wash the surface of the filter, while the remaining 300,000 g are used
in a reverse flow direction to lift and clean the filter media. Since 1995, the district has standardized
on automation direct for PLCs and related control system hardware. Currently, we have 31 PLCs
at the treatment plant and 129 in the distribution system. The distribution system units are primarily
used in the pumping stations. The end result is that a 106 million god water utility is running its
water treatment plant and distribution system fully on PLCs. As the plant expansion project was
ending, the plant staff was able to convert from the old serial network to an Ethernet-based
network. The Ethernet network was easy to cable up, uses standard hardware, and runs at high
speed. Modern Ethernet switches run at speeds of 1 GB/sec, are inexpensive, and resolve CDMA
collisions and other issues. This year we converted the PLC network to gigabit Ethernet
technology, and have been wholly satisfied with the results.
3.1.1 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).
2. Process it
3. Generate outputs to control various devices, it achieves machine control as a result of;
Advantages of PLC:-
PLCs have been gaining popularity on the factory floor and will probably remain predominant for
some time to come. Most of this is because of the advantages they offer which are.
(a) Flexibility: In the past, each different electronically controlled production machine required
its own type of controller. But now one model of a PLC can serve as the controller for any of
the machines
(b) Implementing Changes and Correcting Errors: With a wired relay-type panel, any program
alterations require time for rewiring of panels and devices. When a PLC program circuit or
sequence design is made, the PLC program can be change from a keyboard sequence in a
matter of minutes. No rewiring is required for a PLC-controlled system.
(c) Lower Cost – Increased technology makes it possible to condense more functions into smaller
and less expensive packages. Now, you can purchase a PLC with numerous relays, timers,
counters and other function for a few hundred dollars.
(d) Large Qualities of Contacts: The PLC has a large quantity of contacts for each coil available
in its programming. Time will be taken to procure and install a new relay or relay contact
block when a design change is made requiring more contacts.
(e) Visual Observation: A PLC circuit’s operation can be seen during operation directly on a CRT
screen. The operation or disoperation of a circuit can be observed as it happens. Logic paths
light up on the screen as they are energized. Troubleshooting can be done more quickly during
visual observation.
(f) Speed of Operation – Relays can take an unacceptable amount of time to actuate. The
operational speed for the PLC logic operation is determined by the scan time, which is a matter
of milliseconds.
(g) Ladder or Boolean Programming Method: The PLC programming can be accomplished in the
ladder mode by an electrician or technician alternately; a PLC programmer who works in
digital or Boolean control systems can also easily perform PLC programming.
Inside A PLC
The Central Processing Unit, the CPU, contains an internal program that tells the PLC how to
perform the following functions. Execute the Control Instructions contained in the User's
Programs. This program is stored in "nonvolatile" memory, meaning that the program will not be
lost if power is removed. Communicate with other devices, which can include I/O Devices,
Programming Devices, Networks, and even other PLCs.Perform Housekeeping activities such as
Communications, Internal Diagnostics, etc.
There are three basic steps in the operation of all PLCs; Input Scan, Program Scan and Output
Scan, These steps continually take place in a repeating loop. Three Steps In The PLC Operations.
1) Input scan: Detect the state of input device that are connected to the PLC.
2) Program scan: Execute the user created program logic.
3) Output scan: Energizes or de-energize all output devices that are connected to the PLC.
Programming Language Is Used To Program A PLC
Ladder Diagram (LD) Traditional ladder logic is graphical programming language. Initially
programmed with simple contacts that simulated the opening and closing of relays, Ladder Logic
programming has been expanded to include such functions as counters, timers, shift registers, and
math operations.
Function Block Diagram (FBD) - A graphical language for depicting signal and data flows through
re-usable function blocks. FBD is very useful for expressing the interconnection of control system
algorithms and logic.
A point need to consider when choosing A PLC
There are many PLC systems on the market today. Other than cost, you must consider the
following when deciding which one will best suit the needs of your application
The system be powered by AC or DC voltage.
Does the PLC have enough memory to run my user program
Does the system run fast enough to meet my application’s requirements.
What type of software is used to program the PLC.
Will the PLC be able to manage the number of inputs and outputs that my application requires.
If required by your application, can the PLC handle analog inputs and outputs, or maybe a
combination of both analog and discrete inputs and outputs.
How am I going to communicate with my PLC.
Do I need network connectivity and can it be added to my PLC.
Will the system be located in one place or spread out over a large area.
3.1.2. Relays
A relay is usually an electromechanical device that is actuated by an electrical current. The current
flowing in one circuit causes the opening or closing of another circuit. Relays are like remote
control switches and are used in many applications because of their relative simplicity, long life,
and proven high reliability. Relays are used in a wide variety of applications throughout industry,
such as in telephone exchanges, digital computers and automation systems. Highly sophisticated
relays are utilized to protect electric power systems against trouble and power blackouts as well as
to regulate and control the generation and distribution of power. In the home, relays are used in
refrigerators, washing machines and dishwashers, and heating and air-conditioning controls.
Although relays are generally associated with electrical circuitry, there are many other types, such
as pneumatic and hydraulic. Input may be electrical and output directly mechanical, or vice versa.
1. Latching relay
2. Impulse relay
Figure 2: Relay
1. Latching relay
Power consumption: the power consumed by the coil when the rated voltage is applied to it. Single
Side Stable: The switch contacts in the relay remain in a normal or stable position as long as no
power is applied to the coil. When power is applied to the coil, the contacts move to a new position,
but stay in that position as long as power is applied to the coil. Single-winding, latching type: This
type has one coil that serves as both the set and reset coil, depending on the direction of current
flow. When current flows through the coil in a forward direction, it serves as a set coil; when the
current flows in the reverse direction, it functions as a reset coil. Dual-winding, latching type:
This latching relay has two coils: set and reset. It can retain the ON or OFF states even when a
pulsating voltage is supplied or when the voltage is removed. Latching relays often have one set
of terminals designated for the positive voltage and another for the negative voltage used to power
the coil. Such a polarized coil allows one action to take place when the coil voltage is positive,
and an opposite action when the coil voltage is reversed. The difference between a single side
stable relay and a latching relay is like the difference between a momentary action switch and a
maintained action switch.
2. Impulse Relay.
Impulse Relay: A special version of the latching relay. A pulse of current to the coil results in the
contact changing position. The contact remains in that position until the coil receives another pulse
of current that moves the contacts back to their original position. Polarity is not important to the
impulse relay; therefore, it can be actuated by AC or DC.
3.1.5. Timer
There are different types of timer are exist, among those type of timer we use.
a) On delay timer.
b) Off delay timer.
c) On/off delay timer.
3.1.7. Valves
There are different types of solenoid valves.
3.1.8. Motor
Five three phase motor. Those are
Inlet water
8 800L
become stop automatically meaning it is not manual system. In this case we use timers, contactors
and different type of pulse which express in the above.
2 LCD (16*2) MODEL:.LCD (16*2) Model use in this project to display output of the
temperature which measured by temperature sensor. This LCD direct display the
temperature that measured by temperature sensor.
3. Temperature sensor: It help us to measure temperature of the plant. As we have to know
that, there is a lot of temperature sensing device especially for industrial application
4 .Fan to regulate temperature; This electronics material is use in this project to adjust the
temperature of plant when it increase greater than 40 degree centigrade
5. Source. We use source for this design from battery or DC source five voltage is take as input.
3.9.2 Working principle
According to the circuit design temperature sensor is connect to Arduino Uno R3 and to the
battery above menschen Arduino Uno R3 have 14 digital pin, we connect those pins
according to below design. After we compile the program on Arduino application, copy the
compile result and we install on proteus application after we design those material as correct
way. In this circuit when we start run the system, the temperatures sensor start to measure the
temperature and LCD is start to display the result of the temperature. According to program until
temperature rich 40 degree centigrade it simply display the temperature value, but when it rich
40 degree centigrade the fan start to run to regulate the temperature of the plant.
Figure 11: Block diagram of temperature sensor use Arduino.
How to design the temperature sensor.
General speaking we design temperature sensor in the following manner. Arduino Uno R3 have
14 digital pins and six analog pins. We connect those analog and digital pins with temperature
sensor and LCD respectively.
Pin one of temperature sensor is connect to source or battery, Pin two of temperature sensor is
connect to A0 pin of Arduino Uno R3,Pin three of temperature sensor is connect to the ground,
Pin 12 of Arduino Uno R3 is connect to RS pin of LCD.Pin 11 of Arduino Uno R3 is connect to
enable pin of LCD,Pin 5 of Arduino Uno R3 is connect to D4 Pin of LCD,Pin 4 of Arduino Uno
R3 is connect to D5 pin of LCD,Pin 3 of Arduino Uno R3 is connect to D6 pin of LCD,Pin 2 of
Arduino Uno R3 is connect to D7 pin of LCD,Pin 1 of Arduino Uno R3 is connect to lamp, Pin 0
of Arduino Uno R3 is connect to fan.
The simulation output of chemical dosing system is look like the following, from this diagram
when we press start push button, the first coil two coil (Q1) and (Q2 )become energize for the first
two minute then Q1 become stop but Q2 is running for the next eight minute. When Q2
automatically stop seed signal to coil three (Q3) start running. After two minute coil four (Q4) start
Generally we try to design the automation system for chemical dosing system in industry and
design automated system that pump the dose chemical into other plant without apply excess human
power on it. Automation in general leads to quality improvement, fewer error, and higher
productivity per person as well as reduction in time require to complete a particular process.
Programming logic controller have great roll in automation system. The general overview of this
project is automated chemical dosing system using program logic controller and we use Arduino
application to design and regulate the temperature of plant.
Generally to automate the overall system of this plant we automated two main process using
programming logic controller application those are chemical dosing system and pump that
chemical to other plant also, we automated temperature sensor system use Arduino application.
The following is our recommendation on final mini project;
The factory must provide the PLC training to their electricians or employ the educated man
The owner of the factory must willing to apply this automation design for their factory to
reduce running cost and for rapped development.
We recommend the owner of the factory to work co-ordinate with University for project done
for common benefit.
We recommend Jimma University Institute of technology for search sponsor for the project
using different social media.
We recommend Jimma University Institute of technology school of Electrical and Computer
Engineering to think on the duration of final mini project, since it is not copy paste other project
the given period short.
[1].Franz J.Monssen; Electronic Device and Circuits Theory; Eighth Edition.
[5].R.W.Liwes programming industrial control system using IEC 1131-1, IEE press, 1998.
Arduino interfacing code of temperature sensor
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
int temppin=A0;
Float readval;
int fan=0;
int lamp=1;
int temp;
Void setup () {
lcd.begin(16, 2);
lcd.print ("hello");
delay (1000);
Void loop () {
// (note: line 1 is the second row, since counting begins with 0):
//readval=analogRead (temppin);
lcd.print (temp);
digitalWrite(lamp, HIGH);}
// lcd.print(millis() / 1000);