Fuzhou Tianyu Electric Co., LTD.: KYN31-12 Armored Metal-Enclosed Switch Cabinet

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Armored Metal-enclosed Switch Cabinet

Operation Instructions

Fuzhou Tianyu Electric Co., Ltd.

Please read the Operation Instructions carefully before installing and using this product.

Your Safety Always Comes First!

⚫ The switch cabinet can only be installed in an indoor place that is suitable for the operation of
electrical equipment.
⚫ Ensure that the installation, operation and maintenance are carried out by trained professionals.
⚫ The on-site connection conditions of the electrical equipment, and the applicability and safety of
the working procedures must be guaranteed.
⚫ All operations related to the switch cabinet shall be in accordance with the corresponding
regulations in the Instructions.
⚫ Do not let the switch cabinet operate at the load beyond the scope specified in the technical
specifications under normal operating conditions.
⚫ Keep the Instructions accessible to all persons concerned with installation, operation and
⚫ The user’s full-time personnel shall be responsible for all the safety matters related to work, and
shall use the switch cabinet properly.
⚫ Special attention shall be paid to the precautions with this Danger sign ! in the Manual.

In case of any doubt about the Instructions, we are pleased to provide you with further information.

1 Overview
2 Working Environmental Conditions
3 Product Model and Explanation
4 Main Technical Parameters
5 Structural Characteristics of Switch Cabinet
5.1 Enclosure of Switch Cabinet
5.2 Removable Parts
5.3 Compartment of Removable Parts and Valves
5.4 Busbar Compartment
5.5 Primary and Secondary Cable Compartments
5.6 Positioning Device for Removable Parts
5.7 Earthing and Earthing Switch
5.8 Interlocking Device against Misoperation
5.9 Transport Vehicle of Extension Track for Removable Parts
5.10 Instrument Door and Relay Compartment
5.11 Secondary Terminal Compartment
5.12 Pressure Relief Device
5.13 Insulation
6 Incoming and Outgoing Mode
7 Transportation, Installation and Commissioning
7.1 Transportation
7.2 Installation
7.2.1 Basic Mounting Hole of Switch Cabinet
7.2.2 Description of Cable Trench
7.2.3 Foundation of Switch Cabinet
7.2.4 Positioning of Switch Cabinet
7.2.5 Assembly of Busbar in Cabinet (Busbar Compartment)
7.2.6 Installation of Switch Cabinet
7.3 Commissioning
8 Use
8.1 Circuit Breaker Handcart
8.2 Isolation Handcart
8.3 Contactor Handcart
8.4 Earthing Switch Operation
9 Maintenance and Repair
10 Attached Documents

1 Overview
The KYN31-12 armored metal-enclosed switch cabinet (hereinafter referred to as switch cabinet) is an indoor
complete set of power distribution unit of three-phase AC 50 Hz single busbar and single busbar subsection system.
Used to receive and distribute 3~10 kV network power energy, it controls, protects and monitors the circuits. It
complies with GB 3906, GB/T 11022, DL/T 404, IEC 60694, IEC 62271-200 and other applicable standards.
This type of switch cabinet features the functions of preventing misoperation of circuit breakers, preventing
pushing and pulling of removable parts with load, preventing live closing of earthing switch, preventing the earthing
switch from sending power at the earthing position, and preventing from entering into the live bay, which is known
as "Five Preventions".
2 Working Environmental Conditions
Value guaranteed by
No. Description
the Bidder

Maximum (°C) +40

1 Ambient temperature
Minimum (°C) -25

2 Altitude (≤ m) 1000

3 Solar radiation intensity (W/cm²) 0.11

4 Maximum icing thickness (mm) 10

Average maximum wind speed (m/s) at 10m above the ground

5 35
for 10 min

6 Ground horizontal acceleration (m/s2) 2

7 Safety factor of three cycles of sinusoidal resonance (≥) 1.67

Note: If the working environmental conditions are different from what is specified in the above, the user
should consult with the manufacturer.

3 Product Model and Explanation
K Y N 31-12 ( ) / □ ( ) □-□-□
Primary scheme No.
Rated short-circuit breaking current (kA)
Rated current (A)
Environmental characteristics: (TH) for hot and
humid zone; (TA) for hot and dry zone; (G) for high
Type of operating mechanism: D for
electromagnetic operating mechanism; T for spring
operating mechanism
Main switch type
Rated voltage (kV)
Design No.
For indoor use
Withdrawable type
Armored Metal-enclosed Switch Cabinet
4 Main Technical Data
See Table 1 for Technical Data of Switch Cabinet. See Tables 2~10 for the technical data of the main
components. Refer to the sample and operation instructions for more information on the components. (Subject to
project design drawings)
Table1 Technical Data of Switch Cabinet
No. Item Unit Parameter
1 Rated voltage kV 3.6~12
800,1250 1600,2000,
630,800 630,800
2 Rated current A 1600 , 2500
1250 1250
2000 3150 ,4000
Rated short-circuit breaking
3 kA 20 25 31.5 40
Rated short-circuit making
4 kA 50 63 80 100
current (peak value)
Rated short-time withstand
5 kA 20 25 31.5 40
current (4s)
Overall dimensions (W × D × 800×1500×2340、840×1500×230
6 mm
H) 840 ×1650×2360、1000×1650×2360
7 Temperature rise test - 1.1Ir
Loss of continuity of operation
8 - LSC2
Permissible duration of internal Busbar compartment, switch compartment and cable
9 s
arc compartment: 0.5s, 31.5 kA, 80 kA
Weight (vacuum circuit breaker
10 kg About 600 About 900 (2,000A and above)
11 IP rating - IP2X, IP4X

Table 2 Technical Data of Circuit Breaker
Rated insulation level
Rated Rated Rated short-circuit Rated short-circuit Rated peak Rated short-time Lightning impulse
Power frequency
Model voltage current breaking current making current withstand current withstand current (4s) withstand voltage full
withstand voltage (1 min)
kV A kA kA kA kA wave
ZN21- 630、800、
20 50 50 20
12 1250
ZN21- 630、800、
25 63 63 25
12 1250
ZN21- 800、1250、
31.5 80 80 31.5
12 1600、2000
ZN21- 1600、2500、
40 100 100 40
12 3150、4000
25 63 63 25
12 42
31.5 80 80 31.5 95
40 100 100 40
Table 3 Technical Parameters of Voltage Transformer
Rated capacity of each grade (VA)
Model Rated voltage (kV)
Grade 0.5 Grade 1 Grade 3
JDZ-6 6/0.1
JDZJ-6 6/ 3 /0.1/ 3 /0.1/3
50 80 200
JDZ-10 10/0.1
JDZJ-10 10/ 3 /0.1/ 3 /0.1/3

Table 4 Technical Data of ZN21-12 Energy Storage Motor of Spring Operating Mechanism
Rated voltage and type Rated input power Rated energy storage time
Operating voltage range
-48≌110≌220 80 ≤11 85%~110%Ue

Table 5 Technical Data of ZN21-12 Closing/Opening Electromagnet of Spring Operating

AC DC Operating voltage range
Rated voltage (V) 110 220 48 110 220 85%~110% Ue (closing)
Rated current (A) 2 1 3.53 1.55 0.77 65%~120% Ue (opening)
Table 6 Technical Data of Current Transformer
Rated secondary load at Rated insulation level
Rated Rated Rated corresponding accuracy class Rated short-time Rated
voltage primary secondary dynamic Lightning
Model VA thermocurrent Power frequency
current current stable current impulse
cosφ=0.8 (lag) withstand voltage (1
kV A A kA withstand voltage
min, kV)
0.5 10P15 0.2 1 kA-s kV
200 32-1
15 10
300 32-2 80
400 20 15 (45-1)
15 36-2
-10 600 15 10 90
800 45-2
20 15 112.5
1000 5 (64-1)
10 75 42

LMZB3 2000
50 50 50 50
-12 2500
4000 15 25 10 20 80 130

Table 7 Technical Data of XRNP Fuse

Maximum breaking
Rated voltage Rated current Rated current of fuse Time-limited current peak value of breaking limit
Model current
kV A A short-circuit current (kA)
XRNP-6 6 20 5.2
20 0.5、1、2
XRNP-10 10 12 4.5
Table 8 Main Technical Parameters of AC Silicon Rubber Insulated Gapless Zinc Oxide Arrester
DC 1 mA Lightning Residual Switching
System Continuous Nominal 2 ms square
Model Arrester rated Reference impulse voltage at impulse
rated running discharge wave flow Remarks
voltage voltage residual steep impulse residual
voltage voltage current (kA) capacity
kV kV voltage current voltage
kV kV (peak value) A
(peak value) ≤kV ≤kV ≤kV
HY5WS-10/30 6 10 7 15.0 5 30.0 34.5 25.5 100 Power
HY5WS-17/50 10 17 12.7 25.0 5 50.0 57.5 42.5 100 distribution

HY5WZ-10/30 6 10 7 14.4 5 27.0 31.0 23.0 150 Power

HY5WZ-17/45 10 17 12.7 24.0 5 45.0 51.8 38.3 150 station

HY5WR-10/30 6 10 7 13.8 5 27.0 - 21.0 400

HY5WR-17/45 10 17 12.7 23.0 5 45.0 - 35.0 400

Table 9 Technical Data of Capacitor

Rated voltage Nominal capacity Nominal capacitance
kV kvar μF
BW6.3-12-1W 6.3 12 0.96
BW10.5-12-1W 10.5 12 0.35

Table 10 Technical Data of HV Vacuum Contactor and HV Vacuum Contactor - Fuse Combined Appliance
Rated insulation level
4s rated Power
Rated peak Lightning
Rated Rated Rated short-circuit Rated making short-time frequency
withstand impulse
Model voltage current breaking current current withstand withstand
current withstand
kV A kA kA current voltage
kA voltage
kA 1min
4 (ultimate breaking
JCZ11-7.2 7.2 400 4 10 4 32 60
JCZR11-7.2 7.2 250 40 (expected) 100 (expected) - - 32 60

5 Structural Characteristics of Switch Cabinet
The switch cabinet consists of cabinet body and removable parts. The enclosure of the cabinet and the partition
of functional units are made of premium aluminum-coated zinc plates or premium steel plates, which are bent and
then connected by self-tapping screws.
See Fig. 1 ~ Fig. 2 for the outline and internal structure of the switch cabinet.

1 Small Busbar Compartment

2 Inward Swinging Door
3 Pressure Relief Device
4 Valve
5 Bushing
6 Main Busbar
7 Branch Busbar
8 Main Busbar Compartment
9 Contact Box
10 Current Transformer
11 Interlocking Mechanism
12 Primary Cable
13 Cable Compartment
14 Earthing Switch
15 Earthing Busbar
16 Lower Valve
17 Arrester
18 Circuit Breaker Handcart
19 Middle Valve
20 Compartment of Removable Parts
21 Secondary Plug
22 Upper Valve
23 Relay Instrument Compartment

Fig. 1 Schematic Diagram of Internal Structure of Switch Cabinet (Feeder Cabinet)

1 Small Busbar Compartment
2 Inward Swinging Door
3 Circuit Breaker Handcart
4 Pressure Relief Device
5 Main Busbar Compartment
6 Wall Bushing
7 Incoming Line Compartment
8 Branch Busbar
9 Incoming Main Busbar
10 Insulator
11 Contact Box
12 Current Transformer
13 Arrester
14 Earthing Busbar
15 Lower Valve
16 Fan
17 Valve
18 Compartment of Removable Parts
19 Middle Valve
20 Secondary Plug
21 Relay Instrument Compartment
22 Upper Valve

Fig. 2 Schematic Diagram of Internal Structure of Switch Cabinet (Overhead Cable Incoming Cabinet)

5.1 Enclosure of Switch Cabinet

The enclosure of the switch cabinet is made of premium aluminum-coated zinc plates and cold-rolled steel
plates, which are bent and then connected by bolts, self-tapping screws and rivet screws, and it is divided into
removable parts compartment, busbar compartment, cable compartment, and relay instrument compartment. Each
unit is independently grounded.
5.2 Removable Parts
The removable parts (handcart), whose frame is made of bent steel plates connected by bolts. According to the
purposes, they can be divided into circuit breakers, isolators, contactors, and other removable parts. Removable
parts of the same type and specification can be used interchangeably, and removable parts of different types cannot
be used interchangeably. The removable parts have three positions in the cabinet, i.e. isolation, test and operation
(isolation and test are in the same position). Each position is provided with a positioning device to ensure that the
removable parts cannot move. During pushing or pulling, the interlocking mechanism must be operated. When the
circuit breaker is in the closing state, the removable parts cannot swing in and out.
5.3 Compartment of Removable Parts and Valves
The compartment of removable parts is in front of the switch cabinet. The primary isolation contact box is

located on the rear blanking plate of the compartment of removable parts, and the operating connecting rod of the
earthing switch passes through the right side of the compartment.
The valve is made of metal steel plates and installed on the rear blanking plate of the compartment of removable
parts. When the removable parts are pushed to the working position, the valve opens automatically. When they are
pulled to the isolation or test position, the valve will automatically close. The upper and lower valves can be opened
or closed independently.
5.4 Busbar Compartment
The busbar compartment is located at the rear upper part of the cabinet, and the three-phase main busbar is
arranged vertically. The metal partition between cabinets is equipped with bushing made of pressed epoxy insulation
materials, which fixes the busbar and avoids the accident of this cabinet affecting the adjacent cabinets.
5.5 Primary and Secondary Cable Compartments
The primary cable compartment of the switch cabinet is set behind the cabinet, and the cable hole is 300 mm
away from the rear blanking plate. If the switch cabinet is installed against the wall, the cable hole is 550 mm away
from the rear blanking plate. The cable compartment is provided with a fixed position for the cable head. The cable
compartment can be installed with up to 3 groups of cable heads. (If more cable heads are required, please consult
with the manufacturer to appropriately increase the depth of the cable compartment.) Unless otherwise specified by
the user and indicated in the technical agreement, the busbar at the cable overlapping position shall be made
according to Fig. 3.
The secondary cable compartment is arranged in the relay instrument compartment of the switch cabinet and
extends downward along the left and right side walls of the switch cabinet to connect the secondary cable trench.
The external leads are introduced from the 130×55 mm square hole at the lower right or left of the compartment of
removable parts. The small busbar compartment is arranged at the top of the relay instrument compartment, with
built-in small busbar support, through which the small busbar is fixed on the cabinet. The small busbar can be ф6
copper bar or 6 mm2 insulated wire.




600A及以下 600A以上
600 A and below Over 600A
Fig.3 Cable Lapping Hole

5.6 Positioning Device for Removable Parts
The locking device of the removable parts is composed of positioning holes on the tracks on both sides of the
compartment of removable parts and positioning rods on the removable parts (matched with mechanical
5.7 Earthing and Earthing Switch
The cable compartment of the switch cabinet is provided with an earthing busbar, which is installed below the
middle of the switch cabinet. The earthing connection between the removable parts and the cabinet is crimped by
copper moving and fixed contacts and then connected to the earthing busbar to form the earthing system in the
cabinet. The earthing busbar has wiring holes for the interconnection between cabinets and connection with the
earthing wires of adjacent cabinets.
The earthing switch is installed on the middle partition of the switch cabinet cable compartment. When the
switch cabinet is installed against the wall, the earthing switch is installed behind the cabinet. The operating
connecting rod passes through the middle partition from the right side to the cable compartment, and the special
operating handle is used for opening and closing operations. To prevent live earthing, the electromagnetic lock may
be used for electrical locking. (See Fig. 4)
The earthing switch can be operated only when the circuit breaker is in the test position, and the circuit breaker
cannot enter the working position when the earthing switch is closed. The interlocking device between the earthing
switch and the rear blanking plate of the switch cabinet can prevent the operator from entering the live bay by
Note: The earthing switch is optional and shall be installed according to the user's requirements.

Fig. 6-1 Schematic Diagram of Fig. 6-2 Schematic Diagram for Operation
Earthing Switch Operating Handle of Lower Valve and Earthing Switch

Fig. 4 Schematic Diagram for Operation of Lower Valve and Earthing Switch

5.8 Interlocking Device against Misoperation
The reliable interlocking device is provided for switch cabinet to prevent misoperation:
a) Prevent opening and closing of circuit breaker by mistake;
b) Prevent removable parts from being pushed and pulled under load;
c) Prevent live closing of earthing switch;
d) Prevent the earthing switch from sending power at the earthing position;
e) Prevent from entering into live bay.

5.9 Transport Vehicle of Extension Track for Removable Parts

When the switch cabinet is delivered out of the factory, each cabinet shall be attached with two extension track
transport vehicles, which are used to carry the removable parts and push and pull the removable parts. The height
of the storage platform of the vehicle is adjustable to meet the connection requirements of the cabinet with the
5.10 Instrument Door and Relay Compartment
The instrument door and relay compartment are located at the upper part of the switch cabinet for installing
instruments, relays and other secondary equipment.
5.11 Secondary Terminal Compartment
The terminal compartment for internal wiring of the switch cabinet is located at the bottom of the relay
compartment, and about 150 pieces of SAK terminals can be installed in the terminal compartment.
5.12 Pressure Relief Device
Pressure relief devices are provided above the removable parts compartment, busbar compartment and cable
compartment of the switch cabinet to release pressure and discharge gas in case of failure of circuit breaker or busbar
and cable compartment, so as to prevent the accident from expanding and avoid the accident of this cabinet affecting
the adjacent cabinets.
5.13 Insulation
The main circuit of the switch cabinet adopts air insulation and composite insulation types.
6 Incoming and Outgoing Mode
The incoming and outgoing mode of this switch cabinet can be cable mode, as shown in Fig. 1, or bus overhead
mode, as shown in Fig. 2.

7 Transportation, Installation and Commissioning
7.1 Transportation
Note the following points during transportation and
storage of switch cabinet:
a) No tipping, inversion or intense vibration;
b) If the switch cabinet needs to be moved, it is not
allowed to pull or push on the ground (such as cement ground)
directly, except when there are steel plates laid or specific
grooved rails;
c) No exposure to rain to avoid been influenced by
d) During lifting, the angle between sling and upper
end face of switch cabinet shall be greater than 60° (see the
right figure), and while transferring the switch cabinet, it is
recommended to use the original packing box base;
e) If storage period of the cabinet is short, a clean and dry place is required;
f) It is strictly prohibited to lift the handcart inside the cabinet;
g) It is strictly prohibited to lift two cabinets at the same time, which is extremely dangerous.
7.2 Installation
The switch cabinet shall be placed according to the layout plan and arranged in single row, double row or other
arrangements. There are holes on the side wall of the cabinet for cabinet’s combination. After the switch cabinet is
arranged and assembled, the holes are used to fasten the cabinets with the accompanied fasteners.
7.2.1 Basic Mounting Hole of Switch Cabinet
For the installation and fastening of the switch cabinet, please refer to the specification of this instruction and
fix it on the foundation channel steel by electric welding or bolts.
See Fig. 5-1 for foundation installation holes
See Fig. 5-2 for the foundation holes for wall-mounted cabinet.

Fig. 5-1 Foundation Reference Drawing

Fig. 5-2 Foundation Reference Drawing for Mounting against Wall

7.2.2 Description of Cable Trench
The cable incoming trench shall be at the corresponding position of the cable incoming line, as shown in Fig.
The cable trench of the special wall-mounted cabinet shall be at the corresponding position of the cable
incoming line, as shown in Fig. 6-2.

Fig. 6-1 Fig. 6-2

7.2.3 Foundation of Switch Cabinet

The foundation ground of the switch cabinet must be flat, the foundation channel steel horizontal, and the
flatness shall not exceed 2mm/m2. The horizontal plane of the foundation shall be measured and ensure it satisfy
the corresponding requirements, otherwise the switch cabinet will be deformed, thus affecting the interchangeability
of handcarts and causing poor contact of primary contact.
7.2.4 Positioning of Switch Cabinet
Only when the technical requirements mentioned in 7.2.1 and 7.2.3 are satisfied can the switch cabinet be
positioned and installed. See 7.2.6 for the switch cabinet positioning checking.
7.2.5 Assembly of Busbar in Cabinet (Busbar Compartment)
Because the cabinet is metal armored, the installation and assembly of the bus in the cabinet is of standard and
fixed structure. The bus in the bus chamber is supported by a special bus bushing (see Fig. 7). The bus bushing is
connected to the side plate of the switch cabinet by bolts. For different bus sizes and specifications, the bus bushing
has a variety of available inner hole sizes, which brings great flexibility and convenience for installation and
maintenance. The bus overlapping shall be flat and firm, and meet the requirements of relevant national standards.
After installation, dust and sundries on the equipment in the distribution room and switch cabinet shall be
cleared. After ensuring that there are no other foreign matters in the switch cabinet and on the handcart, the
adjustment test can be carried out.

Fig. 7 Schematic Diagram of Main Bus Support Bushing

7.2.6 Installation of switch cabinet (see table 11)

Table 11 Installation of Switch Cabinet
No. Instructions Diagram Note:

1 Move the switch cabinet

to the installation position.

Move to 2 The method of

1 installation moving the switch cabinet
mounted on the horizontal
foundation is shown in the
item number 3.

Check the horizontal line

with a vertically hanging
hammer as shown in Fig. a.
Horizontal calibration is
required in the front, rear,
left and right of the switch
2 cabinet. Adjustment can be
conducted by inserting
gaskets as shown in Fig. c
and make A=B.
The allowable deviation of
floor level in length is less
than 2mm per meter.

No. Instructions Diagram Note:

After the
move to the
3 of switch
cabinet second cabinet
and repeat the
procedures of
Item 2.

The cabinets
shall be

Fixing connected by
4 between bolts and
tightened bolts
shall be

Installation of See 7.2.2 for

switch cabinet
5 description of
cables cable trenches.

7.3 Commissioning
7.3.1 When the handcart is in the test position, the circuit breaker shall be able to close and open, and so shall
the earthing switch. When the handcart moves between the test position and the working position, the circuit breaker
shall be in the tripping state and ensure that it is open and a closed earthing switch is not allowed. The earthing bus
in the cabinet shall be firmly grounded, and the earthing circuit in the switch cabinet shall be checked.

7.3.2 When the handcart arrives at the working position, note the following:
a) When the handcart is in the working position, the secondary plug must be in good contact and cannot be
pulled out, the circuit breaker can be operated reliably to open and close it (electrically), and the earthing
switch shall not be closed;
b) The primary moving and fixed contacts shall be engaged, with the fitting size of quincunx contacts
between 15 mm and 25 mm; see Fig. 8
c) In order to prevent the circuit breaker from tripping by due to mistakenly handcart pulling, after the circuit
breaker is closed, there shall be specific manual locking conditions for the mechanical interlocking part
(with padlock);
d) The handcart earthing device can ensure that the handcart housing is reliably connected to the earthing
circuit, and the contact resistance is not more than 1000μΩ.

Handcart quincunx contact

Fixed contact
Handcart conductive arm

Fig. 8 Schematic Drawing for Moving and Fixed Contacts Cooperation

8 Use (see Fig. 9 and Fig. 10)
8.1 Circuit Breaker Handcart
Firstly, lift the circuit breaker trolley (see Fig. 10) to place it on the transport trolley (see Fig. 9). Pull the handle of
the circuit breaker handcart inward to move the trolley, and lock the trolley locating pin into the locking square hole
on the transport trolley. Then, push the transport trolley to the front of the switch cabinet door, adjust the height of
the trolley to make the locating pin of the transport trolley correspond to the locating hole on the cabinet, push the
trolley, and firmly connect the trolley to the cabinet through the fixing hook on the transport trolley. Pull the handle
of the circuit breaker handcart inward to separate the handcart locating pin from the square hole on the trolley, push
the circuit breaker trolley into the cabinet, and clamp the handcart locating pin in the guide rail groove plates on
both sides of the circuit breaker chamber. Insert the secondary plug. After the door is closed, insert and rotate the
operating handle clockwise to move the handcart to the working position. When the handcart reaches the working
position, there will be a click sound.
When the circuit breaker trolley exits, rotate the handle counterclockwise; do not remove the handle until the
handcart returns to the test position. The open the cabinet door and pull out the secondary plug. Push the carrier

trolley to the door of the cabinet and hook it. Pull the handle inward to separate 1 from the groove plates on both
sides and pull the circuit breaker trolley out of the cabinet. Remember to lock the locating pin in the square hole on
the trolley to prevent it from falling off.
Electric operation: When the circuit breaker needs electric energy storage at the working position, set the energy
storage switch on the instrument door to the "energy storage" position to enable the circuit breaker to store energy.
Then the white light of the energy storage indicator on the instrument door is on. After energy storage, the energy
storage indicator of the circuit breaker shows the "energy storage". Now, if the "closing button" on the instrument
door is pressed, the circuit breaker will be closed, and its "closing/opening indicator" shows the closing "|", and the
closing indicator on the instrument door is on. If the circuit breaker needs to be opened, press the "opening" button
on the instrument door. The "closing/opening indicator" of the corresponding circuit breaker shows the opening "-"
and the opening indicator on the instrument door is on.
Manual operation: When manual energy storage of the circuit breaker is needed at the working position, open the
middle door, align the energy storage handle (Fig. 10) with the manual energy storage shaft hole of the circuit
breaker, and rotate the energy storage handle clockwise and counterclockwise until the "energy storage indicator"
points to the "energy storage" position. If the circuit breaker needs to be closed, turn the closing/opening knob
clockwise, and the closing/opening indicator will show the closing "|". If the circuit breaker needs to be opened,
turn the closing/opening knob counterclockwise, and the closing/opening indicator will show the opening "-".

Circuit breaker

Locating pin of
Fixed pulling bar the transport

Transport trolley

Fig. 9 Schematic Diagram of the Purpose of Transport Trolley

Handcart locating pin

Fig. 10 Schematic Diagram of Circuit Breaker Handcart

8.2 Isolation handcart (see Fig. 11)

When the isolation handcart is pulled to the test position, the electrical equipment can be reliably disconnected
from the primary HV live part, so as to make the maintenance and test of electrical equipment easier and ensure the
safety of workers. The isolation handcart is equipped with a position locking electromagnet. When the bus coupler
circuit breaker of the bus coupler cabinet is opened, the electromagnetic lock is unlocked (electrical locking), and
the isolation handcart is movable. Now, turn the isolation handcart counterclockwise to shake the handle, and the
handcart for section isolation leaves the working position to the test position. When the bus coupler circuit breaker
is closed, the electromagnetic lock is locked (electrical lock), and the isolation handcart chassis is locked by the
electromagnetic lock at the handcart position, and is not movable, so the isolation handcart cannot be shaken. Only
when there is no power on the HV side can the isolation handcart be operated.

on the handcart

Fig. 11 Schematic Diagram of Isolation Handcart

8.3 Contactor handcart (see Fig. 12)
The contactor handcart is mainly to protect HV motor and transformer. Mechanically, it enables 300,000 times of
operation and frequent operation is also allowed. The operation of contactor handcart is the same as that of circuit
breaker handcart. When the short-circuit current passes through the fuse, the three-phase fuse must be deployed at
the same time. After opening the contactor, turn the handle to move the contactor handcart to the test position, open
the cabinet door, pull out the secondary plug, move the contactor handcart to the transport handcart, and then replace
the fuse.

Fig. 12 Schematic Diagram of Contactor Handcart

8.4 Earthing switch operation (see Fig. 4)

When "closing" or "opening" the earthing switch is needed, pull down the shutter plate of the operating hole
of the earthing switch, pull open the shutter plate, align the operating handle of the earthing switch with the operating
hole, rotate the handle clockwise or counterclockwise, and then a "click" sound can be heard. The earthing indicator
shows the "closing" or "opening" of the earthing, and when the handle is pulled out, the shutter plate is automatically
reset and covers the operating hole. If the shutter plate cannot be opened, the earthing switch is not allowed to be
operated. Forced operation is forbidden!

! Warning

● When the switch cabinet is powered off for maintenance, before the maintenance, please ensure the incoming
line power supply is disconnected; the circuit breaker is opened; the earthing switch is closed; the live display device
is powered off; the electromagnetic lock is openable; all mechanical interlocks are released. Otherwise it will
endanger personal safety.
● The spring energy release of the circuit breaker operating mechanism shall be ensured during maintenance of
the circuit breaker.
● When the vacuum switch handcart is subject to insulation test outside the cabinet, X-ray shall be prevented.

9 Maintenance and Repair
9.1 When the circuit breaker trips once due to short circuit, the primary isolating contact and the circuit breaker
must be checked. The rear blanking plate of the switch cabinet can be opened only when the earthing switch is
closed. When observing the inside of the switch cabinet, please turn on the lamp switch of the cable room to light
up the lamp.
9.2 The operating parameters of the switch cabinet shall not surpass the values specified in Table 1. In addition to
regular lubricating oil filling, the vacuum circuit breaker does not need maintenance. If any fault occurs, the trained
and qualified technicians shall be invited to do the troubleshooting. Similar handcarts are in good interchangeability,
and to avoid accidents, different specifications of handcarts shall not be pushed into the cabinet forcibly.

10 Attached Documents
a) Qualification certificate
b) Installation and operation instruction;
c) Wiring diagram for installation;
d) Packing list.

Attachments: Normative References

GB/T 191 Packaging—Pictorial Marking for Handling of Goods
GB/T 762 Standard Current Ratings
GB 1984 High-voltage Alternating-current Circuit-breakers
GB3906 Alternating-current Metal-enclosed Switch Cabinet and Controlgear for Rated Voltages
above 3.6 KV and up to and Including 40.5 KV
GB/T 4208 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosure (IP Code)
GB/T 13384 General Specifications for Packing of Mechanical and Electrical Product
DL/T 404 Indoor AC High-voltage Switch Cabinet Panel
JB/T 8754 Organization of the Types of High-voltage Switch Cabinet and Controlgear
GB/T 13384 General Specifications for Packing of Mechanical and Electrical Product

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