11.7 Frilo Fire Concrete Manual
11.7 Frilo Fire Concrete Manual
11.7 Frilo Fire Concrete Manual
Comparison between the accurate temperature analysis and the temperature assessment on the
basis of temperature profiles as per DIN EN Annex A
Until recently, the temperature profiles stated by DIN EN 1992-1-2 Annex A were used in fire safety analyses.
The profiles were based on the following border conditions:
Flame exposure on four sides in accordance with the standard temperature-time curve
Specific heat = 0.7
Component moisture 1.5 %
Thermal conductivity with its lower limit
Convective heat transfer coefficient c = 25 W/(m²∙K)
Circular cross section, d = 300 mm and square cross section, h = 300 mm
Fire resistances R30, R60, R90 and R120
These relatively inflexible assumptions required a typical design solution by approximation with other cross
section sizes. The calculation was based on the assumption that the spacing of the temperature ISO-lines to the
border in good approximation can also be used with larger or smaller cross sections. Therefore, the tempera-
tures are slightly higher with larger cross sections (h > 30 cm), i.e. they are on the safe side. With smaller cross
sections (h < 30 cm), the temperatures are slightly too low. The deviations become greater with increasing fire
The thermal analysis feature of the TA application assesses temperature fields accurately for any cross section
dimensions and border conditions.
The comparison below shows the difference in temperature between the approximation and the more accu-
rate method whereby the other border conditions remain unchanged. The temperatures in the corner bars are
considered. The required reinforcement was calculated with the reinforced concrete column application B5
and the B5 hot design add-on module.
The result of the thermal analysis depends also on the selected grid. The results match best with the tempera-
ture profiles as per Annex A if a coarser grid is used.
With cross sections differing from the original dimensions, the deviations vary more or less as expected.
With smaller cross sections, the temperatures assessed in accordance with Annex A tend to be slightly too low
due to the overestimated thermal capacity.
In the example, the temperatures on the squared cross section are identical for both methods whereas those
on the circular cross section differ considerably by approximately 60 °C.
Due to the approach by approximation, the thermal capacity of larger cross sections is underestimated and the
temperatures are slightly too high. On the S60 squared cross section, the differences are relatively low and
range from 6 to 16 °C. The differences in the corner reinforcements (item E) are the lowest. They increase in
the middle bar (item M) and in the interior of the cross section (item I).
On the C60 circular cross section, however, considerable deviations from 40 °C can be observed.
The examples show that the TA application produces more economic results in some cases and prevents
uncertain results in others.
The component humidity and the bulk density are not specified as such but the assumption of k = 3 % and
= 2400 kg/m for the assessment of the design diagrams with the simplified method as per Annex A can be
First, the influence of the parameters is examined individually for each parameter on the S30 cross section with
R90 fire resistance. In the examination, the temperatures in the corner bar (point 1 (X1 = 12 cm, Y1 = 12 cm))
and the inner cross section (point 2 (X2 = 7.5 cm / Y2 = 7.5 cm)) are considered. The coordinates refer to the
centre of the column.
The examination reveals that higher component moisture produces lower temperatures and so does higher
bulk density, whereas a higher limit of thermal conductivity produces higher temperatures.
When you compare the parameter sets of Annex A and Germany's NA, the following can be observed:
In the corner bar, the temperature increases only slightly by approximately 5 °C whereas, in the inner concrete
cross section, it increases considerably by 30 °C.
The next step is to combine the influencing parameters in such a manner that a minimum and maximum steel
temperature results for the corner bar. For a simple cantilever column, the effects on the hot design are dem-
G = 132 kN
CC 30/37
30/37BSt 500
500 S(A)
Phi= 2.46
Phi = 2.46
Bewehrung in den Ecken
Reinforcement in the corners
The maximum temperature specified in the table above corresponds also to the most unfavourable value
stated in the German NA, unless the most favourable assumption of a high component moisture and a high
density is considered to be justified as in the validation example CC 4.10 (in German) , for instance.
The minimum temperature can result in combination with other National Annexes (see the following page, e.g.
Austria), if applicable, and if a favourable bulk density (high) and component moisture (high) are assumed. The
resulting temperature values vary considerably which also affects the design results of course.
Temperature variations of such order can have considerable effects on the fire safety verifications. There-
fore, the input parameters for the thermal analysis should be selected with utmost care.
Comparison of temperature profiles with the border conditions of various National Annexes
Compo- Density Conductivity Default in Tempera-
nent as per NA TA application ture
moisture [kg/m ] 0
[ C]
Austria 1.5 2300 Standard l l 741
High strength u u 760
UK 1.5 2300 Standard l l 741
High strength u u 760
Netherlands 1.5 2300 Lime aggregate l l 741
Gravel aggregate u u 760
Belgium 1.5 2300 Lime aggregate l l 741
Gravel aggregate m u 760 *1
Lightweight concrete l 741 *2
Czech Republic 1.5 2300 l … u l 741 *3
Germany 3 2400 u u 746
*1 According to the Belgian NA, a conductivity value m between the upper and the lower limit applies with
gravel aggregate. When using the upper limit, the results are on the safe side.
*2 According to the Belgian NA, a conductivity value n below the lower limit applies with lightweight ag-
gregate. When using the lower limit, the results are on the safe side.
*3 According to the Czech NA, the conductivity value is freely selectable within the limits of l and u.
The default value is l in accordance with the assumptions of Annex A.
Since specifications concerning the component moisture and the bulk density are not given with the exception
of the German NA (see above), the assumptions forming the basis of the temperature profiles of Annex A are
used .
Currently, a thermal conductivity beyond the limits l and u cannot be taken into account.
For reasons of comparison, the table above indicates the steel temperatures with the default settings of the
application for the example S30/R90.
Fire safety analyses in accordance with DIN EN 1992-1-2/NA cannot be based on the temperature profiles of
Annex A any longer. Since Germany's NA was introduced in the beginning of 2011 and the hot design is per-
formed in accordance with the Eurocode in particular cases, the regulations of the NA apply also to the hot
The new FRILO TA application allows the temperature assessment for rectangular and circular cross sections
with any dimensions typical for reinforced concrete in accordance with Germany's NA and other National An-
nexes to the Eurocode.
Temperature analysis TA is available as optional add-on feature and currently implemented with the following
B2 - cross section design and stiffness assessment in the accidental design situation fire
Due to the great impact the assumptions have on the resulting temperature, the editing of the default thermal
parameters in B2 requires the explicit confirmation of the experienced user.
In addition to flame exposure on four sides, future versions will provide options for exposure on one, two or
three sides in the fire safety analysis of columns.
In principle, you can optionally take fire curves other than the standard temperature-time curve and natural
fire models as per EN 1991-1-1 into account.
Currently, the application of natural fire models is only allowed in exceptional cases after coordination with the
construction supervision authorities. We will see whether demand will arise in this respect.
Reference literature
/1/ DIN EN 1992-1-2:2010-12
/2/ D. Hosser, Grundlagen und Hintergründe der Heißbemessung,
in: Tagungsband der Gemeinschaftstagung „Eurocode 2 für Deutschland“
/3/ DIN EN 02/01/1991:2010-12