Manual Instalacao Elevador Evolution - Ing-1-1
Manual Instalacao Elevador Evolution - Ing-1-1
Manual Instalacao Elevador Evolution - Ing-1-1
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ThyssenKrupp Elevators Issuance Date
Dec 31, 2014
Up to 105m/min.
1 OBJECTIVE .................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Assembler’s Responsibility ................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Assembly Plan ................................................................................................................................... 5
2 SAFETY ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Safety when Installing Elevators ......................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Safety Icon ........................................................................................................................................ 9
3 TOOLING................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Required tools for assembly.............................................................................................................11
3.2 List of Tools used in the Process .......................................................................................................11
3.3 Equipment to be used for Hoisting ...................................................................................................13
3.4 Table of cables to use with hoisting winches .....................................................................................15
3.5 Equipment Hoisting Elements (guides, machine and car). .................................................................16
3.6 Tools to reach Quality Standards in the Installation ..........................................................................17
3.7 Calibration Tool ...............................................................................................................................20
4 LOGISTICS ................................................................................................................................ 21
Sequence of Volumes ...............................................................................................................................21
5 REQUIRED ITEMS FOR ASSEMBLY............................................................................................... 22
6 GABARITO DE PRUMADA NOS DOIS EXTREMOS DA HOISTWAY ....................................................... 23
7 INSTALLATION OF MACHINE BASE............................................................................................... 24
7.1 Position and leveling od supports ....................................................................................................24
7.2 Fastening/installation of the machine base .....................................................................................25
7.3 Assembly of the set on top of the base .............................................................................................26
7.4 Installation of the motor on the base ................................................................................................27
7.5 Situação das Vigas com a Máquina instalada ..................................................................................27
8 INSTALAR SCAFFOLD NO ÚLTIMO ANDAR ..................................................................................... 28
9 ASSEMBLY DOS SUPORTES PARA PENDURAR AS GUIAS ............................................................... 29
9.1 Electrical Installation of the Machine ...............................................................................................30
9.2 9.2 Positioning, Auto Transformer, Power Resistor, Plugação Box, UPS and Control cabinet. .............30
9.3 Posicionar, Auto Transformador, Resistor de Potência, Caixa de Plugação, Nobreak e Control cabinet.
Erro! Indicador não definido.
9.4 9.4 Connecting the Control cabinet and Traction Machine. ...............................................................32
9.5 Ligação do Control cabinet e Máquina de Tração...................................... Erro! Indicador não definido.
9.6 Steps using the TLS of the MCINV5SL for synchronization .................................................................33
9.7 Install Up/Down ..............................................................................................................................35
10 HANG THE GUIDES ................................................................................................................ 35
10.1 Guides in the Shaft ..........................................................................................................................35
10.2 Guide Tractioning ............................................................................................................................37
11 PRIMEIRA E SEGUNDA RODADA DE BRACKETS ........................................................................ 39
11.1 Drilling and Introduction of Anchors .................................................................................................39
11.2 Furação e Introdução dos Chumbadores .................................................. Erro! Indicador não definido.
11.3 Fastening the Brackets ....................................................................................................................40
11.4 Retifica das guias ............................................................................................................................40
11.5 Fazer Pé de Guia..............................................................................................................................42
12 COUNTERWEIGHT.................................................................................................................. 43
12.1 Tools used for the assembly process of the counterweight.................................................................43
12.2 Ferramentas utilizadas para o processo de assembly do counterweight .... Erro! Indicador não definido.
This manual describes the installation process for Evolution elevators, up to 105 m/min, machine
The assembler must execute the assembly plan meeting the deadlines for each step, following the
installation process described in this manual, respecting the guidelines of safety, productivity and quality.
The assembly plan provides the assembler the necessary steps and hours for complete assembly of a
specific elevator. The steps are summarized in specific activities of the installation process. In the assembly
plan, there is an appropriate location where information will be inserted, with or without a PDA.
Table 1
The procedures and guidelines described in this item of the manual are implemented so that we can offer a
safe work environment and protect our employees against work-related accidents. The purpose of this item is to
inform our employees on practices, rules, standards, and safety procedures, so that these employees will be
responsible for their safety and health at work.
In each phase of the process described in this manual, there will be illustrations drawing attention to the safety
that involves the kind of specific task.
1. Helmet
2. Glasses
3. Ear Protector
4. Mask
5. Safety Belt
6. Fall arrest and rope
7. Safety boots with steel tip
8. Gloves
2 6
3 7
4 8
Every site (the work piece) intended for the assembly team must be clean, dry and have the minimum conditions
of infrastructure and occupational health and safety.
Whenever the site (the work piece) has a problem, the job supervisor and occupational safety technician must be
informed and seek a solution to the case with the construction company, with the motor or the master builder.
When opening of the volumes to assemble the elevator, immediately dispose any material that will no longer be
used, not leaving boards and battens on the floor. Remove the nails from the wood and check with the
construction company the appropriate location for disposal.
When distributing materials on the floors, check if the job winch is in good condition.
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Dec 31, 2014
Always keep the protection sidings in the hoistway intended for the doors that are not being used. If you have to
remove them in order to work, re-install them as soon as you finish the work.
To work in the hoistway, always use a 8 mm steel cable and a 12 mm synthetic fiber rope (according to NR-28)
for an anti-fall system, fastening it to the machine room, with a length that reaches the shaft bottom, in a
continuous stretch (seams are prohibited).
Procedure of how and when to use the steel cable or synthetic rope with anti-fall:
When working in the hoistway, always use an 8 mm safety steel cable or a 12 mm synthetic fiber rope
cable (the anti-falls are for specific use for steel cable or synthetic rope cable);
Fasten in the machine room and go down the entire length of the hoistway;
Never use the steel cable or synthetic fiber cable fastened to hoistway beams;
Always use safety belt with anti-fall set to the safety ropes, to work on scaffolds over the car;
Never use the anti-fall inside the car (with assembled structure) with rope fastened to the machine
The steel cable (8 mm thickness) or of synthetic fiber cable (12 mm thickness) must be used by one
person, as well as the anti-fall will be for individual use of the assembler and/or helper;
Safety cable and anti-fall coupled to use.
Fig. 1
Note: The anti-fall for steel cable (8 mm thickness) is different from that used for the of synthetic fiber cable (12 mm
Fig. 2
The signs “MEN AT WORK IN ELEVATOR SHAFT – DO NOT THROW DEBRIS” must be installed on all floors, close
to the elevators doorways.
Fig. 3
The safety brakes of the platforms must be clean and lubricated constantly.
Respect the maximum load of the platforms.
There must be an ID on the platform with the maximum load of 200 kg. (1 Assembler, 1 Helper and tooling).
There may not be two teams working simultaneously on two different levels of the same hoistway.
If it is necessary to work in twin hoistways, in which one of the elevators is already operating normally and the
other in assembly, it is required to separate the hoistways by a screen or wood.
Work on the platform only with the definitive traction cables.
The safety icons’ purpose is associated with the use of PPE approved by the company. The table below lists
these icons, indicating the mandatory use.
The use of safety helmet with chinstrap while at the job in all
activities is mandatory.
Nitrile Glove
To use with chemicals in cleaning activities of elevator parts and
guides, in lubrication and handling oil, grease, degreasers and
cleaning products.
PVC Glove
The use of safety glasses will be 100% of the time during the
Safety Glasses installation work, because it is necessary to protect eyes against
flying particles.
Fall Arrest
Table 2
Responsibility Tool
Assembler Hoist
Table 3
This step is intended to provide technical data that will serve to define the type of tool appropriate for each
assembly task, as well as its dimensioning to ensure safe work, both for the operator and the handled
Equipment pulling phase:
To move any type of equipment, we have to know the weight to be moved, in order to use the
appropriate tool and also its dimensioning to support the weight being handled.
Based on the above, we elaborated a weight table of the main elements that are moved in elevator
VELOCIDADE Capacidade [pessoas]
[m/s] 16 à 20 21 à 26
3X.5300.DY.2 3X.5300.DY.4
DAF270M002 DAF270L014
PN:16.3kW; IN:35A; PN:20kW; IN:43.5A;
Table 6
Table 6
Executive Project Table
Below is a table where we can see the capacity of the Manual Hoist Chain, and the necessary measure of
the hook that supports this load. Made of sheet steel, mobile piece of steel alloy, tested according to
standard ABTN NBR 10401.
Fig. 4
Table 7
Fig. 5 Fig. 6
Electric Hoist - FACI 00546 Stand for Electric Hoist
Fig. 9
Fig. 7 Fig. 8 FACI 00650
Code 030000-EM-002 Code TKE 3W.0700.JX.1
Capacity 1800kg
Cable ½” (12,7) Code DTEC 33161.0
Cable ½” (12,7)
Temporary Control Cabinet
Fig. 10
Code TKE 3Y.6505.L.1 Code DTEC 33176.9
João Lenz
Aplicação Código Cabo Descrição Informações Soquete Manilha Gancho
cabo (m)
Issuance Date
CABO GALV. 6X19AFS 1/4" P/MINIF TR50 150 UMA EXTREMIDADE Capacidade 0,3T Curva 5/16" com porca e cupilha, carga de
Minifor TR50 10067746 150 Conforme fabricante QUALITY FIX, Carga de trabalho 1120 kgf-
LIVRE E OUTRA COM SAPATILHA E GANCHO GIRATORIO AUT Diâmetro do cabo 6,5 mm trabalho 750 kgf - C.S. 6x Carga de trabalho
C.S. 4x Carga de trabalho (10126919)
Capacidade: 1,8T Tipo Cunha SC-13 QUALITY FIX, Carga Gancho Giratório Automático 8-GGA-10
PORCA CUPILHA P/2TON Curva 1/2" com porca e cupilha, carga de
* Cabo de 150 m apenas quando G1 CJ CABOS DE ICAMENTO C/CUNHA 100M LACO A 1/2 6X41AA FX AM
Ø do Cabo: 1/2’’ (12,73)mm de trabalho 2200 kgf - C.S 5X Carga de
trabalho 2000 kgf - C.S. 6x Carga de trabalho
QUALITY FIX, Carga de trabalho 3150 kgf-
tiver sido alterado para o tambor trabalho C.S. 4x Carga de trabalho
Reviewed by
Jorge Soares
Capacidade: 0,6T
Table 8
Ø do Cabo: 1/2’’ (12,73 mm) (Alma Tipo Cunha para cabo 7-8 mm, Carga Gancho Giratório Automático 8-GGA-06
Curva 5/16" com porca e cupilha, carga de
Guincho G2 - Aranha 10165747 CJ CABO DE ICAMENTO C/CUNHA 3/8 50M G2 ESP 5/16 LIVRE C/SOQ de 50 de trabalho 1600 kgf - C.S. 5x Carga QUALITY FIX, Carga de trabalho 1120 kgf-
trabalho 750 kgf - C.S. 6x Carga de trabalho
aço) de Trabalho C.S. 4x Carga de trabalho
cables to use with hoisting winches
Capacidade 0,6T
Table of cables
CJ CABO DE ICAMENTO C/ CUNHA 300M CABO DE ACO 12.73MM Tipo Cunha SC-13 QUALITY FIX, Carga Gancho Giratório Automático 8-GGA-10
Ø do Cabo: 1/2’’ (12,73)mm (Alma de Curva 1/2" com porca e cupilha, carga de
Máquina Guincho 10124123 (1/2") 6X41 WAR RINGTON SEALE + AACI TORCAO REGULAR A 300 de trabalho 2200 kgf - C.S 5X Carga de QUALITY FIX, Carga de trabalho 3150 kgf-
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Polyester Strap and Steel Core Cable to hoist equipment
Fig. 11
Polyester strap with handles (length 7m)
Fig. 12
Polyester strap with hooks (length 7m)
Fig. 13
Quick-fitting: steel core cable ¾ (quick-fitting type, 3m and capacity of 4,250 Kg)
Guide Clamp
Table 9
Fig. 16
Guide Clamp for High Loads Beam for Guide Clamp for High Loads
Fig. 17
Splint to Hoist Guides (universal for all types of guides without corner, yellow, with 4 holes)
Shim for Splint (request 2 parts for each splint)
Cable unwinder
With Brake
FACI 00179
Fig. 18
Fig. 20 Fig. 19
Minimum length of 1 meter Guide seam alignment device adjustable for all types of
guides of approximately 50 cm.
Fig. 21
FACI - 00178
Fig. 22
Up-Down Control Base Bolt Striker Set
Fig. 24
Fig. 26
Fig. 27 Fig. 29
Fig. 28
Drill, Drill with Impact and Cutting Pliers / Needle-Nosed
Drill without Impact. Screwdrivers Pliers / Universal Pliers
Power of 1010W
Fig. 30 Fig. 31
Center Plummet 1.5 to 10 mm Allen Wrenches Fig. 32
Fork Wrenches
Fig. 34
Fig. 35
Fig. 33
Fig. 36
Face Plummet Stiletto
Fig. 37
Fig. 38 Fig. 39
Measuring Tapes (2m, 3m and 5m) Laser Measurers (60 to 120 meters)
Fig. 40
Maximum admissible value of 10 ohms.
Cable Puller
Fig. 42
Fig. 41
Code TKE 3X.0701.B.1
Code TKE 3X.0701.B.1 Code DTEC 80678.9
Code DTEC 09128.6
Fig. 43 Fig. 44
Traction Type Horizontal Type
Sequence of Volumes
Upon unloading by the carrier, the customer must check the material accompanied by the employee of
Thyssenkrupp Elevators, assembly third party and/or pre-installation or by the carrier itself. In case
there is a lack of any material, it must be written on the back of the invoice and/or acknowledgement
and communicated immediately to the unit.
Fig. 45
The materials must be conditioned according to the location intended for each volume.
Fig. 46
Power box
Fig. 47
Window to set Speed Regulator
Fig. 51
- Making a proper template at the shaft bottom or wood frame that serves to assemble the car structure to
fasten the plummeted lines;
- Loosen the plummet template guide rectification lines on the top of the hoistway;
- Check hoistway untwisting regarding the installed marks, using as reference the LPC informed for elevator
- Stop the lines at the shaft bottom with weights and fasten.
7.1 Position
Position and leveling of
of supports
To support the machine base, bottom shoes must be positioned on the concrete beams at the job, in order
to increase the support area of the Machine Base.
These shoes must be positioned and fastened with rods/bolts that come with the kit. For cases of twin
elevators, there will also be, shoe according to Fig. 53, elevators in single hoistway will only use shoes
according to Fig. 54.
• Their position must be according to the Executive Project.
• Level the shoes with spirit level for the correct laying of the machine base.
Figure 54
Figure 53
Fig. 52
Fig. 53 Fig. 54
To fasten the machine base, it must be positioned according to the executive project, on the shoes that are
already fastened to the concrete beams.
The beams must be welded to the shoes after the definitive positioning of the machine base, as in Fig. 56.
Figura 54
Figura 53
Fig. 55
Fig. 56
100x100x50 rubbers must be positioned in the 06 spaces in a 105x105 square format, on the front beam, rear
beam and side beam on the side of the traction machine, as shown below.
Fig. 57
Position the traction machine already fastened with the appropriate screws on the side plates, on the base
assembly, placing between the plates in “U” and the machine beams, 100x100x50 rubbers, code
Fig. 58
7.5 Situation
Situation of Beams with the
the Machine installed
Fig. 59
Only use scaffold that meets safety
standards and certified by DIIN of
ThyssenKrupp Elevators.
Fig. 60
Depending on the thickness of the metallic beam of the machine, support 1 or 2 must be used the seat support
must be fastened to the concrete beam. The support set to install an elevator, comprises 4 (four) parts, whereas
3 (three) support “1” if 238 mm beam machine and 1 (one) seat and on the 125 mm beam repeat obeying the
Fig. 61
Assemble the machine; install wiring leaving the machine ready to run.
There must be rigid conduits from the power board to the control cabinet, from the control cabinet to the speed
regulator and from the control cabinet to the machine, with gauges according to the executive project.
There must be wirings from the power board to the control cabinet, according to the table of the executive
NOTE: The motor power wiring must have a minimum distance of 50 mm from the Encoder.
CQ = conduit that connects the control cabinet of the elevator with the traction machine.
ENCODER = conduit that connects the control cabinet of the elevator with the traction machine encoder;
CQA = conduit that connects the control cabinet of the elevator with the traction machine and the speed
Fig. 62
Fig. 63
This electric distribution follows along with the control cabinet (fastened to the door).
Fig. 64
9.3 Connection
Connection of the Control Cabinet and Traction
Traction Machine.
Fig. 66
j) Motor pole synchronization with zero point
of the encoder;
Step 3: Press repeatedly the asterisk * key on the TLS to reach the ENCODER menu.
Example: ENCODER 0 > EXIT
* > NEXT # > ENTER
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Dec 31, 2014
Step 5: Press the Enter key (#) in the TLS. In this other sub-menu, the number of encoder pulses and a request
to make an up command through the control cabinet will appear.
Example: Forca0 cmd up
Position 07398
Step 7: Press the screen (#) in the TLS, the absolute counter will be zeroed.
Step 8: Press (zero) in the TLS until the pulse counter appears.
Example: Pulse Cont.
Example: Pulse Cont.
Step 9: Press screen 1 in the TLS to see if the absolute counter is zeroed.
Example: absol position.
Example: Position absol.
00000 [pulses]
Step 10: Press the down and up command in the control cabinet and see if the motor meets the commands
correctly (up and down)
9.5 Install
Install Up/Down
Use 1 floor of the definitive traveling cable of the elevator to make the up-down.
Connect the end of the traveling cable in the control cabinet.
Lower the other end of the traveling cable.
Connect to the up-down control at the other end of the traveling cable.
T25+ p/ HIDRO SF 2
T2+ p/ FDN/FDG SF2
10.1 Guides
Guides in the Shaft
Fig. 71
Raise the first counterweight or car guide through the hoisting process, and then join other guides with the
splints until reaching the upper end of the hoistway (shaft).
Remove the cable from the guide-lifting pole and place it on the hoisting splint with a rope sling.
Fasten with wire the end of the lifting pole on the steel cable.
Fig. 72 Fig. 73
Pull 5 meter guides along the hoistway (string guide rail), and in the last (bottom) to complete the process,
used parts of guides as shipped from the factory which may vary among: 0.5 / 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 /
4 / 4.5 / 5 meters.
The arts of guide ends will have their seams in the bottom shaft.
Guide seams must be found.
IMPORTANT: Always use the meter gauge during the guide seams to ensure the straightness.
Fig. 74
Guide fastening diagram
Check the straightness of the guides by using a gauge, with at least 1 m length, as shown below,
and after tightening the screws.
Fig. 75
With help from the up-down command, move the guide rail, adjusting with the spike to insert the
screw in the guide and splint.
Fig. 76
With the first guide at the upper end, use the guide hanger that is fastened at the end of the guide
as shown below.
When the guide rail reaches the total length of the hoistway, it will be necessary to move it laterally
to the hanger connection.
Hang the guides on the guide hanger bracket that is on the wall of the hoistway using the universal
guide hanger according to the model below.
Activate the up-and-down command with pulsed tones until the hanger rod exceeds the base in 30
mm or so. Assemble the thick flat washer, pressure washer and two nuts. Activate the up-and-
down command downwards and remove the cable from the hanger to hoist guides with the hook.
Remove the splint from the first “string guide rail” and reinstall the next hoisting performing the same
procedure with the car hanger and counterweight.
Use all fastening screws between the guides and the hanger.
It is mandatory to use nut and locknut.
See the location of the supports for the hangers as shown below
When drilling, we must observe the required depth, which corresponds to the anchor length.
Fig. 77
Enter the anchors in the drilling moderately hammering the head of the anchor bolts.
Once the anchors have been completely introduced, remove the screws, by unscrewing manually.
It is not necessary to use a wrench, as they will not be tight.
Fig. 78
Using a hammer and a striker, expand the anchor introducing the plunger.
Fig. 79
Fasten the brackets to the walls or concrete beams using the previously removed screws from the
Fig. 80
Using the bracket, mark the position of the holes for the anchor bolts.
The brackets must always be fastened to the concrete beams.
Fig. 81 Fig. 82
Guide Positioning
Fig. 83
Fasten the rectification templates and install the unwinding nylon line.
Fig. 84
In order to align and rectify the guides regarding the plummet lines, slightly loosen the bolts and move
the supports and guides through levers and hammer, then fastening.
Guide rectification comprises measures between the car guide and counterweight, alignment and
unwinding of the guides.
After rectifying the first floor guides, repeat the process for the other floors to the last floor.
NOTE: For counterweight
counterweight guides,
guides, use
use the same procedure used for the car guides.
Fasten the first two rounds of car brackets and counterweight, corresponding to the shaft bottom and
the immediate higher floor.
Bracket Round
Fig. 86
NOTE: The concrete beams cannot be plastered and do not forget to clean the area of the beam or concrete
wall where the support will be fastened.
19 mm Fork wrench
13 mm Fork wrench
17 mm Fork wrench
¾ Flat spanner
½ Flat spanner
Disaggregated Counterweight Drawing
1) Serving Superior
2) Side Lane - Right - 3Y.0447.CX
3) Serving Side - Left - 3Y.0447.CX
4) Support of slides - 3Z.0091.LR
5) Screw B.0012.X20
6) Lower Lane - 3Y.0447.CY
7) Internal Lane - 3Y.0447.CC
8) Strengthening (protection) - 3Y.0415.S
9) Rod Threaded (limiter) - 3Z.0077.JC
10) Cj.Tirante of Counterweight
11) Nut N.0010.X1
12) Screw B.0008.X30
13) Flat Washer W.0008.L1
14) Pressure Washer W.0008.P1
15) Nut M8 N.0008.X1
16) Lock Weights - 3Z.0315.EY
17) Screw B.0008.X20
18) Screw B.0012.X35
19) Nut N.0012.X1
20) Washer Lisa W.0012.L1
21) Pressure Washer W.0012.P1
22) Support for Lifter - 3Z.0091.PE
Fig. 87
1) Pulley Protection
2) Cj.Deflection roller
3) Plate (key)
4) Screw B.0012.X25
5) Screw B.0008.X20
6) Nut N.0008.X1
7) Pressure Washer W.0012.P1
1) Proteção da Polia
Fig. 88
a) Assemble the inner beam with the left or right side, fastening the 4 b) Assemble the lower beam the inner plate, fastening the screws on the side.
screws, nuts and washers;
Fig. 90
Fig. 89
With a square, ensure the 90º indicated in the figure above.
c) Assemble the upper beam with support of runners and fasten the screws d) Fit in the deflection roller set on the upper beams, as shown below.
on both sides.
Fig. 91 Fig. 92
e) After fitting in the deflection roller, place both reinforcements, on both sides; g) Place the threaded rods (3 units) that are the cable restrainers;
f) Fasten the cotters (both sides) locking the pulley axis;
Fig. 93 Fig. 94
Reinforcement that serves as well Positioning of cotter
i) Place the upper protection of the deflection roller of the counterweight; h) Fasten the supports of the tethers of the counterweight on the upper beams;
Fig. 96
Fig. 95
j) After placing the weights, fasten the tethers of the counterweight. p) Place the weight locks (side beam support);
Fig. 97 Fig. 98
Detail of the fastening of the weight locks.
Upper part of the fastening of the tether of the counterweight.
Fig. 99
Detail of the fastening of the tether in the tube.
12.4 Position
Position Counterweight Battery in Hoistway
Fig. 100
Fig. 101
Fig. 102
13.1 Install
Install and Position Car Structure (disassembled car)
Using the structure support tool, or if necessary, a wooden scaffold (rafters), these positioned at the shaft
bottom, start the assembly of the car structure.
Place on this scaffold, supported on the lower beam.
Lower Beam
Fig. 103
Fig. 104
At this point of the assembly, any parallelism discrepancy between the two parts that make up the
lower beam must be considered and the error found must be divided. Thus, the level observation work
is of utmost importance.
In the assembly of the side structures (spars), it is essential that the angles of the side structures are
The horizontal leveling of these angles must be checked. If necessary, shims may be placed between
the two parts of the bottom plate and the corners of the side structures.
Upper Beam
Lower Beam
Fig. 105
Install the upper beam on the side structures, hoisting it with help of the hoisting cable.
Center it regarding the guides and fasten it with the screws.
Check the hook fastening during hoisting and the fastening of the upper beam.
In the assembly of the structure, the plummet must be used on both internal spars to ensure a 90º
Fig. 106
When the car structure is welded, take it in position on the scaffold, support.
Insert the clamping jaws of the safety device in the guides, centralizing them regarding the guides.
Fasten the corners to the side structures.
Fig. 107
NOTE: The two beams that will fasten the door operator on the spar must be parallel in the horizontal plane, the
example of the corners of the side structures, shown in the figure.
Fig. 108
NOTE: Check the Car model.
Temporarily position and fasten the upper and lower runners of the car, taking care not to leave out of the
plummet and level.
The final adjustment must be made after the passage of the traction cables. As follows:
I. Insert 3 mm shims on the runners, as shown below, so that gaps “A” (anterior) and “B” (posterior) are
equal (3 mm);
Fig. 109
II. Fit in the runners in the guides and fasten them on the car structure observing the following items:
Fig. 110
Fig. 111
After confirming the correct position, fasten runner sets on the upper and lower beams of the car
Remove the shims used as a template and pin the runners.
NOTE: Support spacer code 3Z.0095.CC.1 was removed, and it was used only in the lower runner, as it served
to distance the runner of the safety device block;
Fig. 112
Loweer Runner with
Support 3Z.0095.CC Current Runner
Fig. 113
Evolution Elevators can use sliding runners or roller runners. Whereas the rollers a Customer choice or by
project necessity.
The roller runner specification follows:
Fig. 114
Check the centralization of the platform regarding the car structure, leaving the gap on the left side
equal to the right.
Fig. 115
With the spirit level positioned as shown below, check the leveling of the platform.
The car sill must be positioned with a minimum distance of 3 mm of the corners intended for fastening,
(nominal 5mm).
Fig. 116
Fig. 117
Table 10
b) Position pulleys on beam and fasten with the cotter plate and screws.
Fig. 118
Fig. 119
Fig. 120
Fig. 121
Fig. 123
Fig. 124
Fig. 125
Fig. 127
Fig. 128
Table 11
19.1 Install
Install Traction cables – Process using roller (Assemble scaffold on top floor)
Car suspension
suspension plate together with load
load weigher fastened on Machine Beams.
Counterweight suspension
suspension plate,
plate, fastened
fastened on front support beam of machine
C.J – 111520-
NOTE: Springs must be placed in this position according to Standard NM 207 item 9.4 requires. Figure 129
The speed regulator has its front part turned to the center of the hoistway. It can be fastened with support on
the guides or wall, see the executive project.
The speed regulator can be fastened on support that will fasten to the car guide, may be used support fastened
directly on the wall of the hoistway, according to detailing of the Executive Project.
Speed regulator
24.1 Connectors
Connectors and line arrangement
Fig. 140
24.1 Ducts
Ducts and Traveling cable
Fig. 141
Fig. 142
When lowering the cables, be careful they are not lowered twisted, avoiding rework.
Ensure that the cables are not lowered behind the guide supports or car structure.
The seio of the traveling cables must be defined with the elevator level on the 1st floor.
In the machine room, you must leave a gap in the footage of the traveling cable for later plugging in the
Fig. 143
NOTE: For high-route elevators and speeds above 90m/min, use a wire between brackets.
Fig. 144
When this is not possible, the buffer is fastened during the assembly process as follows:
Use reference lines released by the template plummet and fasten to the shaft of the elevator through the lower
wooden frame or supports.
The reference lines to position the concrete pillars are: two (2) lines in the core of the car guide and two (2) lines
in the core of the counterweight guide.
Inform the measures of the wood frame to the builder to make the pillar, observing the height and width that the
buffer base must have regarding the level of the first floor.
Request for the job, that concrete bases be made to fasten the buffers.
NOTE: Always consult the Executive Project to provide information to the customer, as there are different car dimensions
that use varied buffer measures and quantities.
Fig. 145
Fig. 146
Fastening the buffers at the shaft bottom is quite simple. They must be aligned on the plates of the counterweight
bumpers and car, as shown below.
Drill the pillar put the anchor. Be careful so that the holes are positioned at least 80mm of from the edges of the
pillar so that the concrete bases do not crack, when the anchor bolts are hit.
As the surface are concrete, shims may be used between the base plate of the buffers.
Screw the buffer set in the anchor bolts and make the grip.
In the installation process of the Hydraulic dampers, used for speeds above 90 m/min, both in the car and the
Fig. 147
Fig. 148
Fig. 149
25.5 Inspection
Inspection and Correction of the Hydraulic Dampers
Check oil level of hydraulic damper: Types of recommended oil, if completing is required:
1) Clean with dry rag and grease the surface of the
2) Check the oil level through the display or rod Castrol Hyspin AWS 46 or AWS 68
depending on the type of piston. If it is low,
communicate to supervision of the installation.
Mobil DTE 26 Heavy Medium
3) Compressing the piston as much as possible, this Shell Telus 68
must return alone in less than 90 seconds. Ipiranga Ipitur AW 68
Table 12
Fig. 150
Fig. 151
300 mm
Fig. 153
Fig. 154
NOTE: Observe quotas of 70 and 40 to fasten clips.
Fig. 155
Fig. 156
Instant safety device (45m/min)
Fig. 158
Fig. 159
Fig. 160
Fig. 161
Fig. 162
Check if the electrical contact of the safety device is connected in series with the safety circuit of the elevator
(UP-DOWN command), in the contacts normally closed (NF). Then, adjust the gap of 2mm with tolerance of 1
mm, thus the roller must be free without touching the support in “L”.
It is very important to check the activation of the electric contact of the safety device.
Fig. 163
For the GRS electric contact connection, it must be connected in series with the safety circuit of the elevator:
Contact Normally Closed (NC).
The GRS contact caster must be 7 mm (tol. + 0.5 mm) of gap with the ramp.
Fig. 164
NOTE: After connecting the safety circuit, check the activation of the contact, so that when triggered (open), the
safety circuit in the Control cabinet is cut.
Fig. 165
The test can only be performed with the fixed guides, i.e. after making the 1st and 2nd rounds. The
safety device must also be clean and lubricated.
With the elevator OFF, enter the shaft and check the overall condition of the safety device and the
mechanical operation.
In the machine room, with the elevator OFF, check the mechanical operation of the speed regulator.
Make the complete assembly of the elevator with the steel cable of the speed regulator on the
“smaller” pulley.
Change to the larger pulley when you put the elevator in automatic.
28.1 Install
Install Plates and Limits
Install the stop limits in the car structure, fastening it to the spar, in the holes that are normally
used for the standard cam-fastening arm using nylon clamps.
Install the temporary plates on extreme floors in order to activate the limits.
Fig. 166
Fig. 167
NOTE: The limit must be activated being positioned to platform at -100mm from leveling. To activate the
contact, count as the activation moment the edge of the stop plate that is fastened on the guide one every
upper and lower ends of the hoistway through clips. The stop plate must have a small angle to facilitate the
activation of the limit caster.
Fig. 168
Fig. 169
respective clips.
Check the positioning of the lines before
installing the rectification templates with
unwinding nylon.
Intending to placing the guides in the definitive
position, slightly loosen the screws and move
Guide Rectification Template
Fastening Screw
Fig. 172
Chain Links
Kit hole;
Two links must be “lying” on the plate (link
face with the plate face);
One link must be “standing” (within the
plate cutout)
The first and last links will be outside the
A second plate will enter on these links
forming a “sandwich”, where two screws, will
fasten the entire plate set.
Leave the plate set loose with the chain in
position in the center of the fastening tube Kit
Fig. 173
Fig. 175
Fig. 177
Fig. 178
NOTE: This procedure is very important, as it will
prevent the tie from sliding over the chain.
Fig. 179
Fig. 181
Fig. 182
NOTE: For one chain, install the bracket assembly “L”
in the center of the counterweight, fastening it with
two screws.
Fig. 184
Fig. 185
1st Position
Fig. 186
2nd Position
Fig. 187
Fig. 188
NOTE: Do not concrete buffer beams with dimensions larger (E.g.: Height), than those specified in the executive
Elaborated Reviewed by Approved
Supervisors Jorge Soares João Lenz
MI - 017
Page: 90 of: 136
ThyssenKrupp Elevators Issuance Date
Dec 31, 2014
Fig. 189
Fig. 191
For connections of the shaft circuit, we must release the wiring with the connectors (PV1, PV2, PV3).
Fig. 192
31.2 Conn
Connectors to use Switches and Indicat
To crimp switch connectors and position indicators, use pliers or similar to close them.
Fig. 193
NOTE: This connector will leave the factory with one end already crimped on the switch pigtail or indicator, the
other end must be fastened to the shaft pre-wiring during elevator installation, as below.
OTE: There is a resource to level magnet
Fig. 194
Measure the distance from the
magnet to the car guide.
Fig. 195
Fasten and screw the cam set of the limits in Fig. 196
the plummeted car structure.
Fig. 197
Up Stop Limit
Fig. 198
Fig. 199
Table 15
Before starting to install the doors, we must check the gap of 30 mm between sills and the plummet of the
floor marks already installed in the pre-installation.
Fig. 202
30 mm
With the installation of the mark, it will be required only to fit and screw the doors at the top
beam of the mark (making the bottom of the set mobile).
Then, fasten the top, mark the fastenings of support “L” (which will fasten the sill assembly)
on the beam and make the hole to place the support anchor. Fasten the support to the beam
using a 10 mm anchor bolt and screw the sill in this support.
The door assembly is fastened in the floor pre-marking.
With the door installation, the floor must be finished by the client to the floor sill.
Fastening of the
Door Floor
Fig. 203
Fig. 204
Fig. 205
Fig. 206
Latch Circuit
Fig. 207
33.3 Door Adjustment Detail
Fig. 208
Central Opening Side Opening
Door adjustment:
Regulate the gap between the lower roller and the ruler, using a 0.1mm shim.
The door leaf must be parallel regarding to the floor sill, within 1mm.
The center of the ruler must be aligned with the sill face.
The door must have a gap of 6 mm between the door (32mm) and the sill face.
Adjust the door leaf height regarding the sill.
The door leaf must be plummeted, on the face and the side.
Door alignment (parallelism) is adjusted on the runners and support.
NOTE: The door carts must be centered in the assembly. For this centering, the stop is used. After centering the
carts, adjust the contacts at 7mm.
Fig. 209
Fig. 210
Fold out the latches of the external beams of the platform, taking care to bend the top ones, if the car
is cold floor and lower, if the floor is “Paviflex”.
Check the square of all the panels and columns at the time of installation.
Fig. 211
Car Sub-
Fig. 213
Fig. 214
Sill Installation
Fig. 215
Fig. 216
NOTE: Position and fasten the sill in the sill support, with help of the level, so that it is not fastened unevenly.
Car Amazon
Car Export
Fig. 217
NOTE: Position and fasten the platform assembly on
the corner of the car structure, with the rubber
Fig. 218
Fig. 220
Check the distance between the car sill and the floor sill.
Check the distance between the car sill and the drag device and the distance between the floor sill and
the car hinged ramp.
34.4 Detail
Detail of Latch Adjustment
NOTE: After adjusting the whole door assembly, the
latch must be locked in the closed position.
Fig. 222
34.5 Taring
Fig. 223
Fig. 224
Observe the numbering of each plug, of the control cabinet, the traveling cable plug and the shaft pre-wiring.
For the traveling cable plug identified as CM3, connect the CM3 plug in the connection box and to the CM3 plug
in the control cabinet.
After checking everything, remove the “bridges” from the control cabinet:
The drawing below shows a plugging box diagram where all connections must be made.
Fig. 225
When replacing a switch or display at the job, you must record it with the number of the job and the floor to which it is
When selecting the number of the job and floor, the MCP automatically assigns the corresponding column and line
Recording a device for a floor containing two access doors to the car, you need to select the type of device considering the
existence of two devices installed at the same coordinates, one at each access.
One of the access doors will use types BOT and ID, and the other access door will use types BTE and IDE (if the opening of
both doors is combined) or BTI and IDI (if the opening of the doors is independent, opening only on the side that made the
call). The same must be done if recording a device for a car that contains two totems.
“Record device”
With this option, you can (re) record the device (switch or indicator) plugged into the test/record connector.
The recording process is to assign an address to the device (on addresses, see section I-2). In other words, you must
inform the type of device and where it will be installed. The figure below shows all the steps of this process:
Fig. 226
Recording is individual, so connect one device at a time;
If there is a communication problem between the MCP and the device, the screen below will appear:
BOT - Switch
It is the default type, preferably used.
Fig. 230
High Protection
Car Export
Car Switches
Installations Car - Export
Car switch
switch keyboard
The position indicator must always be the TK-XXI Car and Fig. 233
vice versa. New Soft Press with red led
Cars Amazon e Export
Fig. 234
Keyboard (biotracking is optional
Column clearance
Although the maximum number allowed for a column is
31, using by convention, a number between 01 and 25,
assigned according to the number of the job for which Fig. 236
the device is intended.
Cars Amazon and Export
Fig. 237
TK-99 Car
Car Amazon
TK-921 Plus
The informed indicators are installed on the floor marks or
The electrical connections are made through plugging
between male and female connectors, on the wirings of
ducts. Black Stainless Steel
Fig. 238
Repeater Module (MRPT), when inserted in the
middle of a current loop, turns it into two, because it TK-921
makes an electrical isolation between the XA, XB
pair on one side and another, repeating a loop
signal to other.
The repeater is required in the following cases:
• in each control cabinet, connecting the columns,
when it is a system in group; Black Stainless Steel
• in the middle of the shaft, dividing the column into
2 loops to avoid overloading when the job has a Fig. 239
column with more than 32 devices.
The repeater is the only network device that does
not receive an address, because its function is only TK-100 TK-300
to interface.
• ID Indicator
It is the default type, preferably used. Fig. 240
• IDE Extra Indicator
The IDE is used in the same cases where the BTE
is used, that is, when we need another indicator at
the same Column x Line coordinates of an already
present ID in the network.
NOTE: If the indicator is 2 minutes without receiving
updates, it flashes displaying “FL” (failure).
Fig. 242
Fig. 243
Fig. 244
Fig. 245
Fig. 246
- Floor network
network between MCP7S and MRPT of the shaft:
To check the resistance of these resistors, turn off the QC and measure the PV2 connector of QC plugging with a
multimeter, the ohmic resistance between lines XA3 and XB3, this value must be 60 ohms +/- 10%. The resistors of
MCP7S and MRPT are placed through bridges in the modules themselves
- Floor network
network between MRPT of the shaft and the network end connector:
To check the resistance of these resistors turn off the QC and measure on the network end connector (shaft bottom) of the
shaft wiring, with a multimeter, the ohmic resistance between lines XA3r and XB3r, this value must be 60 ohms +/- 10%.
- Car network between MCC3S and/or PSC and switches and the car indicator:
To check the resistance of this resistor, turn off the QC and measure on connector K4 of MCC3 (through the car operation
panel) with a multimeter, the ohmic resistance between lines XA and XB, this value must be 120 ohms +/- 10%.
36.1 Checks, adjustment and tests before moving the elevator in automatic
Model 18 (Power
(Power and signal together).
Table 16
With auto adjustment finished and the reduction points defined, definitely adjust the parameters necessary for operation
of the elevator at high speed, as follows:
At maximum speed, temporarily adjust the "tp curve" value so that the elevator stops in the leveling zone (open
Definitively adjust the "LA position" value so that the car stops with zero leveling, both going up and down. If the
car stops negative, increase the value of the "LA position”. If the car stops positive, decrease the value of the
“LA position”.
Still at maximum speed, definitively adjust the "tp curv" value, so that the elevator moves between 10 to 30 mm
at the leveling speed before stopping.
In the "adjust menu", parameters "cell offset", "cell gain" and "cell iqsmax", they are responsible for the comfort at
the start, well adjusted provide a soft start without jolts and car return. To adjust these gains, proceed as follows:
"cell offset" - to adjust the cell offset parameter, transport the value of "cell load" BUTTON _4 to "cell offset"
in the adjustment menu (TLS_MCINV), for this, position the car without load as follows; For elevators with double
shot, position the car at the upper end and for single shot elevators position the car in the middle of the shaft.
"cell iqsmax" - with the elevator in maintenance, empty car positioned at the top floor, perform downward
movements, increasing the parameter until the car does not return at the start. Initial value 200. Values too high
result in jolts at the start, and very low values cause the car to return at the start.
"cell gain" - with elevator in automatic, car with full load (100%) positioned at the first floor, perform upward
movements, increasing the parameter until the car does not return at the start. Initial value 200.
Comfort Review
Travel inside the car, up and down, at all speeds, checking comfort during movement of the elevator. To correct possible
vibrations, jolts at start, etc., review and adjust the parameters in the "PID" menu, as described below:
KI--SLIP – corrects the actual curve with the standard at nominal speed. Adjust the zero torque, greater value, greater zero
torque, that is, it does not let the elevator return when the brake is released. Usual value: 10
- A very high value causes overshoot;
A very low value the actual curve does not follow the pattern.
Fig. 247
INERTIA GAIN – with a very high value you can feel jolts and swings in the curve transitions because the correction gain
makes the answer to be very faithful to the command, and with the very low value, feeling of a very stuck elevator will be
slower . Usual: 15
KP--SLIP – corrects the actual curve with the standard curve, the whole travel. Usual value: 1.5 for greater gain elevators.
A very high value increases the correction gain, causes vibration and motor noise.
Fig. 248
After finishing all assembly items, we will clean and lubricate the elevator, the hoistway, machine
room and floors.
To do so, we will require some cleaning materials, such as:
- Rag;
- Brush;
- Oil;
- Broom;
- Shovel;
- Vacuum Cleaner.
Clean Elevator
With rag, brush, oil, kerosene, clean and lubricate all mechanical parts of the car such as door operator, runners,
and upper and lower beam and safety device. Remove the plastic from the panels and clean the car inside. Check
the excess oil on the car, so it does not fall onto the panels.
Clean Floor
For a good customer impression, clean with a rag and kerosene; doors, marks, switches and floor indicators.
Collect Waste
Check all leftover materials that were not used in the installation of the elevator, collecting all useful material.
General Lubrication
Lubricate all parts necessary for proper operation of the elevator. Such as: guides, door operator, stops, safety
device, etc.
Table 17
Table 18
Table 19
This document must - even in part - only be reprinted or reproduced with the permission in writing
of ThyssenKrupp Elevators.
Any type of reproduction, distribution or storage in a data support of any form or type not authorized
by ThyssenKrupp Elevators constitutes a violation of copyrights and will be subject to legal
Subject to change
Subject to technical changes that serve to improve our products, or which raise the standard of
safety. We reserve the express right to make changes even without special notice.
ThyssenKrupp Elevators
Address: Rua Santa Maria, 1000
Guaíba – RS
Phone: 55-51-2129-7568