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Class X Exam 2022-23

English-Language and Literature (184)

Time Allowed : 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions:
1. 15-minute prior reading time allotted for Q-paper reading.
2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and LITERATURE.
3. Attempt question based on specific instructions for each part.

SECTION A- READING SKILLS 20 opportunities that you didn’t have, before.

I. Read the passage given below. 10 5. Being an active participant in social media is a great
way to learn new things. News outlets are constantly
1. Social media has become almost a necessity for us, in
using social media, to help keep people in the loop.
today’s world. It’s become so important and evolved
Social media is the way that news is heard, and it’s
so much, that we carry our social media with us
the way that news is spread. You can make the
throughout the day, on our phones.
argument that staying connected to social media is, in
2. One of the major benefits of social media is that fact, staying connected to life. It’s not only good for
you can connect with people all over the world, for sharing and spreading news, it’s a great place to find
free. This comes in handy if you have friends who out about people’s opinions on various topics. For
have travelled abroad. You can send them messages example, if you’ve built a sports community, you’ll
on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram, and they learn about the sports that you love. You can build
can respond quickly from wherever they are. Social communities around politics, business, cars, family,
media helps to fortify and maintain your personal education and pretty much whatever other topic you’d
relationships, even with people who are far away like. Social media will enhance your life. It will
from you. If you have a family member that’s provide you the chance to communicate, connect and
travelling, you won’t have to wait until they return to be involved like never before. You’ll stay connected
hear about their adventures. Just hop on Facebook or with news outlets, family, friends and virtually
Instagram and start chatting and exchanging pictures. whatever else you’d like to connect with.
3. This ability to communicate quickly and easily with Based on your understanding of the passage,
people overseas is also very convenient for those who
do business, in foreign lands. Social media platforms
answer the questions given below.
provide a cheap, easy way to quickly communicate
your point to your customers or clients, who are i. List 1 major benefits of social media.
across the world. You can send a private message,
publicly share something or video chat, for free. ii. Using social media for a company is :
Using social media for a company is very cost 1. very cost effective.
effective and time efficient. Staying connected to 2. time efficient.
these people is important to improve your business
3. very profitable.
relationship, and keep your company running
properly. (a) Only 1
(b) 1 and 2
4. Staying connected to your social networks on the
platforms that you use can be vital to your (c) 1 and 3
professional success. Through social media sites, you (d) 2 and 3
can find jobs, inform your community of business
opportunities and career openings, and you can even iii. Substitute the word ‘necessity’ with ONE WORD
monetize your accounts. Keeping a well-maintained similar in meaning, in the following sentence from
network will help you achieve success in your career. paragraph 1:
A good site to look at, if you’re trying to create a Social media has become almost a necessity for us, in
professional network, is Linkedln. The site is today’s world.
designed specifically to help you advance in your
career. You’ll open up plenty of new
iv. Which of the following is not a social media platform?
II. Read the passage given below. 10
(a) Facebook
1. Uttarakhand is located at the foothills of the
(b) Instagram Himalayan mountain ranges. The state shares borders
(c) Google with China (Tibet) in the north & Nepal in the east
(d) Twitter & inter-state boundaries with Himachal Pradesh in
the west & northwest & Uttar Pradesh in the south.
v. For whom is the ability to communicate quickly and Hindi, Garhwal & Kumaoni are commonly spoken in
easily with people overseas very convenient ? the state. English is the medium of education in many
(a) those who live away from their families of its schools. Uttarakhand has diverse geographical
features ranging from snowcapped mountain peaks in
(b) those who have connections with people in other the north to tropical forests in the south; its climate
countries & vegetation vary accordingly. The state was formed
(c) those who travel to foreign lands a lot in November 2000 by carving out the 13 hill districts
(d) those who do business in foreign lands of Uttar Pradesh. It was formerly named Uttaranchal.
2. The main railway stations in the state are Dehradun,
vi. Social media platforms that you use can be vital to Haridwar, Roorkee, Kotdwar, Kashipur, Udham
your professional success because through them you Singh Nagar, Haldwani, Ramnagar and Kathgodam.
can : Uttarakhand had 339.80 km of rail routes. The state
1. create a business circle and increase your is focusing on increasing the share of railways in
business connections cargo and passenger transport. Initiatives have been
2. inform your community of business opportunities undertaken to start monorails at Dehradun, Haridwar
3. find jobs and Rishikesh, on the inter-city linkage routes.
4. monetize your accounts 3. The state has two domestic airports : one at Jolly
5. inform your community of career openings Grant in the Dehradun district and another at Pant
(a) 1, 2 and 4 Nagar in the Udham Singh Nagar district. The state
intends to position air transport as a reliable all-
(b) 2, 3 and 4
weather transport option for the hills. With
(c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 Uttarakhand emerging as a hot tourist and industrial
(d) 2, 3, 4 and 5 destination, the state government is focussing on
upgrading the Jolly Grant airport as an international
vii. State whether the following statement is TRUE or airport, in coordination with Airports Authority of
FALSE: India. In 2018-19, Dehradun airport handled 7,374
LinkedIn is a good site to look at if you’re trying to aircraft movements and 709,227 passengers,
create a professional network. approximately.

viii. Based on your reading of the text, list any 2 features Transport• Strengthenroadnetworkin
of social media.
1. urban areas and upgrade national
•Develop two major all-weather airports
with connectivity to metro cities.
ix. Choose ONE WORD from paragraph 5 that clearly Affordable healthcare with focus on
states the meaning of the phrase ‘further improve the disease prevention.
Health Provide
• state funded maternal and child
quality or value of something’.
healthcare, especially in rural areas.
Promote the state as a global tourist

x. Which of the following is an appropriate title for the destination by showcasing its spiritual,
passage ? cultural and adventure tourism
Target 0.5 million international
(a) The Beneficial Social Media tourists by 2022.
Tourism •
(b) Social Media - A Necessity
(c) Importance of Staying Connected Through Social
(d) The Revolution of the Whole World Around the
Social Media
Agriculture • Improve yield and quality by iv. Based on your reading of the text, list any 2 features
providing irrigation facilities and of Uttarakhand.
latest technology. 1.
• Create cold chain infrastructure 2.
and success to market intelligence
for farmers. v. When talking about environment, by 2022,
Infrastructure • Hamess hydro-power for 100% Uttarakhand wants to :
electrification in the state and I. have perfect waste water management in the state
supply power to other states. II. harness hydropower for 100 % electricity in the
• Connect major cities through multi- state
lane highways and proper roads for III. have a 100 % solid waste management in the state
IV. promote the state as a green economy
Environment • Promote the state as a green (a) I and II
economy by focusing on section
such as IT. Agriculture, tourism,
(b) I and III
hydro-power and education. (c) II, III and IV
• 100% solid waste management, (d) I, III and IV
waste water treatment and
recycling. vi. Choose an option that lists the main factors
Industries • Become a world leader in green considered in Uttarakhand’s vision of 2022.
energy by leveraging hydro-power 1. Education
potential. 2. Agriculture
• Promote micro and small 3. Development
4. Transport
Education of skill • Quality primary education to be 5. Tourism
development provided to all children. 6. Mining
• Job oriented vocational training 7. Environment
facilities and establishment of
(a) 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7
higher education institutions.
(b) 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7
Based on your understanding of the passage, (c) 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
answer the questions given below. (d) 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7

i. Which of the following language is not a commonly vii. Suppy 1 point to justify the following:
spoken language in Uttarakhand? Uttarakhand is emerging as a hot tourist and
(a) Kumaoni industrial destination.
(b) Hindi
(c) Punjabi viii. What is the international tourist visitation target of
the state of Uttarakhand by the year 2022?
(d) Garhwali
ix. Complete the follwoing analogy correctly with a word
ii. State whether the following statement is TRUE or from paragraph 2:
rickshaw : carry :: elevator :
The state of Uttarakhand was formed by carving
(Clue : Just like a rickshaw is used to carry people,
out the 11 hill districts of Uttar Pradesh.
similarly an elevator is used to...)

iii. Which of the following states/countries do not

x. Which of the following clearly explains the meaning
surround Uttarakhand from any side?
of the word ‘initiatives’ ?
(a) Uttar Pradesh
(a) standards
(b) Nepal
(b) visions
(c) China
(c) talks
(d) Bangladesh
(d) measures
As he was crossing the road, a car him down.
Attempt ANY TEN of the following questions. 10 (a) was knocking
(b) had knocked
i. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to (c) knocked
complete the sentence.
(d) would have knocked
If only he us truth in the first place, things
would not have gone wrong.
vi. Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word
(a) has told in the bracket.
(b) would have told The woman in the pool (swim) well.
(c) had told
(d) should have told vii. Report the dialogue between Mannu and Annu, by
completing the narration:
ii. Read the conversation between Prateek and Raghav. Mannu: Where are you going to?
and complete the narration that follows. Annu: I am going to the market. Do you want
Prateek: I don’t feel well today. anything?
Raghav: What can I help you, Sir?
Mannu asked Annu where she was going. Annu
Prateek: Can you take me to the doctor?
replied that she was going to the market and she
Raghav: Yes, Sir.
further asked .
Prateek told Raghav that he did not feel well that
day. Raghav asked respectfully what he could help viii. Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the
him. Prateek asked Raghav..................Prateek replied correction.
in the affirmative. I met her by chance then I gone to get some Medicine
which Sister Amy used to give.
iii. Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the
Use the given format for your response.
given line.
If I dyed my hair green, everybody laugh Error Correction
at me.
(a) would
(b) should
ix. Transform the following direct speech into reported
(c) may
(d) can I said to him, “Where have you lost the pen I brought
for you yesterday ?
iv. Select the option identifies the error and supplies the
correction for the following line:
x. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to
As far as climate change is concerned, South Asia is complete the sentence.
one of a world’s most sensitive areas. I remember my promise. I help you in the
Option No. Error Correction hour of your need.
(a) can
(a) change changes
(b) would
(b) is was
(c) will
(c) most many (d) might
(d) a the
xi. Select the correct option to complete the narration
of the dialogue between a teacher and a student.
v. Complete the given sentence, by filling in the blank
with the correct option : Biology Teacher : I instructed you to draw the
diagram of bacteria. Why did you submit a blank
sheet? Sameer : Sir, I had drawn the diagram of
bacteria, but you can’t see it because it is not
visible to the naked eye.
The biology teacher had instructed Sameer to draw
Indians to get cancer in their life -time, that is every
the diagram of a bacterial cell and asked him why second or third family would have to face this disease.
he had submitted a blank sheet. Sameer respectfully This is partly due to high levels of benzene in the air
answered that he had drawn the diagram but and also that the metros are exposed to high levels of
pesticides in their foods. In order to check the steady
(a) he can’t see it because it is not visible to the growth of cancer in the country, the Government shall
naked eye. have to give priority to preventive action. At the same
(b) he couldn’t see it because it is not visible to the time measures to undertake improvement in facilities
for the treatment of cancer shall have to be adopted.”
naked eye.
(c) he could see it because it is visible to the naked Or
B. The maps below show the village of Stokeford in
(d) he could not be seen it because it is not visible to
1930 and 2010. Write an analytical paragraph in 100-
the naked eye.
120 words by selecting and reporting the main
features, and making comparisons where relevant.
xii. Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the
There are a little countries in the world where the
population is not growing fast.

Use the given format for your response.

Error Correction


All the names and addresses used in the questions are
fictitious. Resemblance, if any, is purely coincidental.

1. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5

A. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner
bringing the problem of insanitary conditions in your
colony to his notice and request him to take urgent
action in the matter.

B. You are Apoorva/Arpit. You bought a refrigerator
from Ganesh Electronics and Electricals, Gandhi
Marg, Nagpur. It does not function properly. Write
a letter to the Sales Manager of the shop,
complaining about the defect and asking for
immediate replacement or repair, as necessary.

2. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5

A. Given below is a newspaper report on the state of
cancer prevailing in India. You have been asked to
write an analytical paragraph on ‘Cancer - a silent
killer’ Taking information from the clipping given
below together with your own ideas, write this
paragraph in 100-120 words.
“In India, cities are more cancer-prone than rural
In the early 1990’s, we expected one out of 10-15
were hindering him in his work. He buried his face in
V. Reference to the Context 10 his handkerchief. Then he heard a voice say from the
doorway, “What is it? A cold or hay fever?” Before
1. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. 5 he could think, Horace said, “Hay fever,” and found
1.A The policy of apartheid created a deep and himself sneezing again. The voice went on, “You can
lasting wound in my country and my people. All cure it with a special treatment, you know, if you
find out just what plant gives you the disease. I think
of us will spend many years, if not generations,
you’d better see a doctor, if you’re serious about your
recovering from that profound hurt. But the work. I heard you from the top of the house just now.”
decades of oppression and brutality had (A Question of Trust)
another, unintended effect and that was that it
i. Infer one reason for the following, based on information
produced the Oliver Tambos, the Walter in extract:
Sisulus, the Chief Luthulis, etc., men of such Horace was sneezing.
extraordinary courage, wisdom and generosity
ii. Which magazine could have published the article
that their like may never be known again.  mentioned in the given extract?
(a) Paws & Claws
(a) Whom does ‘my’ refer to in the passage ? (b) Outdoors & Landscaping
(b) Name two persons of extraordinary (c) Interiors
courage, wisdom and generosity mentioned in (d) The Investor
the passage ?
iii. Choose the image that correctly describes the location
(c) Trace a word from the passage which of the safe, based on the given extract.
means the same as ‘a period of ten years’.
(d) What created a lasting wound in Nelson’s
country ?
(e)Explain Apartheid
(a) Option (1)
1.A How foolish people are when they own valuable things,
(b) Option (2)
Horace thought. A magazine article had described this
house, giving a plan of all the rooms and a picture of (c) Option (3)
this room. The writer had even mentioned that the (d) Option (4)
painting hid a safe! But Horace found that the flowers
iv. In the line – Before he could think, Horace said, “Hay
fever,” –the response was
(a) rehearsed.
(b) spontaneous and natural.
(c) hesitant.
(d) rapid and hostile.

v. Write a line from the extract that can be considered

an example of sarcasm.

2. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given.

2.A And no one buys a ball back. Money is external.

He is learning, well behind his desperate eyes,
The epistemology of loss, how to stand up
Knowing what every man must one day know
And most know many days, how to stand up.
What is
(a) The philosophical theory of knowledge VII Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50
(b) The philosophical theory of work words each. 2#3=6
(c) The philosophical theory of behaviours i. Why was it difficult for Hari Singh to rob Anil ?
(d) None of these
ii. Did Horace Danby get the jewels from the
ii. What piece of advice is being given to the child by Grange safe? Then why did the Police arrest
the poet? him?

iii. What is the poet trying to tell us in this poem? iii. Describe the ‘parting scene’ between Tricki
(a) That age once lost can’t be regained and Mrs Pumphrey’s house hold?
(b) That ball once lost can’t be regained
(c) That all the balls are useless
VIIIAnswer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120
(d) None of these
words. 6
iv. Complete the following analogy correctly with a word i. “The young seagull was “trying to find some
from the extract:
means of reacting his parents without having
logorrhea : words :: wealth :
(Clue : Just like logorrhea is an excess of words, to fly”. Was he successful in doing so?
similarly wealth is an excess of...)
ii. Imagine Anne Gregory grows up to be a motivational
v. Why does the poet say ‘Money is external’ ?
(a) He means money can buy everything
(b) He means money can’t buy everything
(c) He means money can buy everything except balls
(d) None of these


2.B.Some say the world will end in fire Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favour
1. (a) How do the people think of the world ? 
(b)The poet’s opinion is that the world ………… .
(c)’Ice’ here means …….. .
(d)Who is the poet of this poem ?
(e) ’Fire’ here means ……..
VI Answer ANY FOUR of the following in about 40-
50 words each. 4#3=
i. Why did the postmaster want to help Lencho?
And how did he do that?
(A Letter to God)
ii. What arguments did Anne give in her essay titled
‘A Chatterbox’ ?
(From the Diary of Anne Frank)

iii. What did Mandela think about the oppressor

and the oppressed?
iv. What is the theme of the poem ‘How to Tell Wild
Animals’ ?
v. “Still they – took no notice of him.”What did the seagull
do to draw the attention of his family?
IX Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120
words. 6
i. Readers believe that Griffin was a man without a
conscience. You have a class discussion on why our
conscience plays a vital role in shaping our character.
Present a summary of your views on this.
ii. Presence of mind is basically mental preparedness or the ability to think and act wisely in a dangerous or surprising
situation”. Explain/Discuss with reference the story.

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