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올림포스 독해의기본 1 Chapter 10-11

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{4 톨출톨씌‘ r!,,,'j‘히 .... {"'.딩:센빼 II빼Ij_ {• l 허:ι!빼 II여톨IJ'~ {• I잉:’‘1빼 11빼lκ·

口 care 口 source 口 puppy 口 mirror

口 belief 口 network 口 whine 口 window
口 peer 口 brain 口 whimper 口 Opposite
口 tend 口 shift 口 howl 口 disguise
口 apparent 口 all of a sudden 口 alone 口 allow
口 cue 口 electricity 口 call out for 口 secret
口 questionable 口 unfamiliar 口 attention 口 physically
口 illegally 口 pattern 口 forget 口 amount
口 download 口 shiver 口 feel 口 reflect
口 tax 口 current 口 In secure 口 transmit
口 evasion 口 circuit 口 nOlse 口 direction
口 acceptable 口 cell 口 expression 口 totally
口 on the grounds that 口 require 口 anxiety 口 light
口 reflect 口 connect 口 train 口 observation
口 prejudice 口 imagination 口 comfortable 口 remain
口 associate with 口 collaborate 口 deed 口 lamp
口 share 口 collection 口 sociable 口 turn on
口 attitude 口 talent 口 companion 口 pass through
口 overestimate 口 exceed 口 remove 口 aswell
口 effect 口 produce 口 command

’ 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? Q8439-0037

We al1 care what those around us think , and our beliefs about the world are strongly
influenced by our peers. lndeed , when it comes to the crunch , most people would rather
be liked than be right , and they tend to . This is particularly
@ apparently in the case of fashion , where we take our cues from other people about what is
‘ coo1.’ We may also think that various forms of questionable behaviour - such as illegally
downloading music or tax evasion - are (A) Iacceptable / inadequate I on the grounds that
‘ cverybody does i t.’ However, since we tend to read things that (B) Iignore / reflect lour
prejudices and @ associate with people who share our attitudes , we sometimes overestimate
the extent @ to which other people think as we do. This is known as the false consensus effect.
*the crunch 매우 어려운 상황

CD follow facts that are supported by c1ear evidence

@ trust their judgment more than their peers' opinions
@ c1 early distinguish between what they like and dislike
@ adjust their beliefs to the norms of those around them
@ put priority on public interests rather than personal gain

I Vocab뻐 1훌훨펄훨훨꾀,---str때
• 필자가 말하'.:î!.자 하는 핵심 내용을 파악해야 한다.
1 글의 소재 파악 주위의 기준에 영흔k을 받는 사람들

2 빈칸에 들어갈 단서 파악 - 패션과 음악 불법 다운로드, 세금 회피 등의 예에서 알 수 있듯이, 사람들은 주위 사람들의 기

준에 따라 행동하는 경항이 있음을 알 수 있다.
3 단서를 종합하여 선택지 선택 주위 사람들의 기준에 따라 자신의 믿음을 조정하는 경항

口 peer 동료 口 cue 단서 口 questionable 의심스러운
口 illegally 불법적으로 口 evasion 회 피 口 on the grounds that ~라는 이유로
口 associate with "-'와 어울리다 口 overestimate 과대평 가하다
80 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 29쪽 r www.ebsi.co.kr

tendency to adjust beliefs to the 1 of other people

fashion take cues from other people about what is coo\

.2 down\oading music
music / tax
• tax evaSlO n

false consensus 3 the extent to which other people think as we

effect do

1 Ii뿜. (A), (8)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.


2 Ii룹l 밑줄 친 @"'@ 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

3 G탈펠 밑줄 친 everybody does it처럼 다른 사람의 행동을 따라 하는 여|로 언급된 두 가지를 영어로 쓰시오.

1 관계사 what은 선행사톨 포힐한 관계사로, 영사질을 유도하는 역힐과 관껴μ}의 역힐올 겸한다.
We all care [what those around us thinkl.
」 관계절
우리 모두는 [우리 주위의 사람들이 생각히는 것}을 신경 쓴다

2 관계훨 안에서 주어나 목적어와 갈은 필수 요소의 역힐이 아니라 부사어구처럼 장소에 관한 선택 요소의 역힐올 하는 관계사는
~ in the case of fashion , where we take our cues from other people about what is ‘cool:
때션의 경우에 그곳은 ‘멋지다’라는 것에 대해 다른 사람들로부터 우리의 단서를 가져오는 콧이다.

CHAPTER 03 • UNrT 10 긴 어구 민칸 81
01 c띔 민칸에 들어갈 말로 7땅 적절한 것은? g 없39 - 0038

The source of every new idea is the same. There is a network of neurons in the brain , and
then the network shifts. All of a sudden , electricity flows in an unfamiliar pattern , a shiver
of current across a circuit board of cells. But sometimes a single network isn ’ t enough.
Sometimes a creative problem is so difficult that it requires people I connect / to connect I
their imaginations together; the answer arrives only if we collaborate. That ’ s because a group
is not just a collection of individual talents. Instead , it is a chance for those talents to exceed
themselves , to produce something greater than anyone thought possible. When the right
people come together and when they collaborate in the right way, what happens can often
feel like magic. But it ’ s not magic . There is a reason why
* neuron 신경 세포

CD imagination is considered crucial for creativity

@ labor division practices aren ’ t more reasonable
@ creative ways of thinking sometimes do wonders
@ some groups are more than the sum of their parts
@ we must determine what talents individuals in a group have

1 다음 영영사전 뜻풀이에 해당하는 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오

be better than , surpass •

2 너|모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.

口 source 원전 口 shift 달라지다 口 all of a sudden 갑자기

口 shiver 띨림 口 current 전류, 흐름 口 connect 연결시키다
口 collaborate 협력하다 口 collection 모임, 무리, 더미 口 talent 재능이 있는 사람
口 exceed 능가하다
82 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과해설 29쪽 -

02 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 딛 8439-0039

A puppy will often cry, whine , whimper, or howl when he is left alone. This is basically his
way of calling out for attention , of calling out @ make sure that you know he is there and that
you have not forgotten about him. He feels insecure when he is left alone; for example , when
you are out of the house and he is in his crate , or when you are in another part of the house
and he cannot see you. The noise he is making is an expression of the anxiety he feels at I5
being alone , so he needs @ be taught that being alone is O K. You are not actually training the
dog to stop making noise; you are training him to feel comfortable when he is all by himself
* crate (운반용) 상자

CD giving rewards for good deeds

@ raising a sociable dog companion
@ removing the need to make the noise
@ teaching him to act on simple commands
@ showing you are not happy with the noise

1 밑줄 친 @, @를 어법에 맞게 각각 고쳐 쓰시오.
@ @

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 빈ξ뻐| 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

When left alone , a puppy will make noise because he feels

캠괜 반
口 口 口

W g
口 whine 칭얼거리다, 끔끔거리다 口 howl( 길거1) 울다[울부짖다]
·m m e

口 call out for rv을 요청하다 口 deed 행동



口 sociable 사교성이 있는 디 remove 없애다

口 command 명렁

CHA마ER03 ' UNπ 10 긴 어구 빈칸 83
; 정답과해설 30쪽 l

03 c띔 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 밀 8439-0040

How do one-way mirrors , the ones used in interrogation room , work? A one-way mirror
seems to be a mirror when seen from one side , but as a window when seen from the opposite
side_ Thus the window is @ dlsg U1 smg as a mirror to allow secret surveillance. Physically,
. That is , the amount of light reflected from one side is the
same as that reflected from the other. The light transmitted in one direction is the same as
that transmitted in the opposite direction. How then does a one-way mirror work? First, the
mirror isn ’ t totally reflecting. It transmits half the light and reflects the other hal f. The second
requirement has to do with lighting. It is essential that the observation room @ remains dark,
because if a lamp were turned on, some of that light would pass through into the interrogation
room as well. 10

* interrogation room 취조실 * * surveillance 감시, 감독

CD the brightness affects the individual ’ s emotions

@ the amount of light can be measured
@ there is no such thing as a one-way mirror
@ one-way mirrors and windows are constructed the same
@ reflections from the opposite side are impossible

1 밑줄 친 @,@를 어법에 맞게 각각고쳐 쓰시오.

@ @

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오

The amount of light being an d transmittεd from one side of the
mirror is the same as that from the other , meaning that the mirror does not work on
one side

흩웰'!8훌훌톨톨 i월a뿔뿔훌햄

口 opposite 반대의 口 disguise 위~하다, 속이다, 변Ef하다 口 allow 허용하다

口 reflect 반사시키다 口 transmit 전달하다. (빛올) 투과시키다 口 essential 필수적인
口 aswell 역시
84 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
수행평가 10
적、 인터넷 사용에 관한 찬반 의견 작성하기

평가일 ( )월 ( )일 Student ID Name

STEP 01 1m훌휩l 인터넷 사용에 대한 자신의 의견을 뒷받침하는 근거를 작성해 봅시다.

Children ’ s use of the Internet should be limited.

What is your position?

1 1’ m in favor of the idea because

2 1support the idea because

3 1disagree with the idea because

41 ’ m opposed to the idea because

personal information should not be accessed expose

unlimited access new connections

STEP 02 뱉챙l 인터넷 Àf용에 대한 자신의 의건으로 아래 표를 작성해 봅시다

Introduction 1 (agree I disagree) with

「 First of all ,
Second ,

Third ,

Conclusion Therefore ,

접수 과제 완성 (10) 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

CHAPTER 03 • UNIT 10 긴 어구 빈칸 85

STEP 01 1 1’m in favor of the idea because personal information can be exposed to strangers.

2 1 support the idea because there is a wealth of Internet contents that should not be accessed by

3 1 disagree with the idea because unlimited access to information through the Internet is valuable.
41’m opposed to the idea because children can make new connections with people living in other
countries via the Internet

1 disagree with the idea that children ’ s use of the Internet should be limited.
First of all , unlimited access to information through the Internet is valuable.
Second , children can make new connections with people living in other
countries via the Interne t. Third, the Internet helps children improve their
creativity. Therefore, we should not restrict children ’ s use of the Internet.

86 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
연결어(구) 넣기


{4 훌훌톨매 ~r~l.~섬"' {• I 잉 :ι!삐삐삐. (• I 잉~,~,.빼.,빼 1κ· {• l 딩~,~,.빼 u빼 i’,,-

口 experiment 口 highly 口 liberalization 口 assign

口 fleet 口 charged 口 privatization 口 vanous
口 taxicab 口 delay 口 process 口 p이 itical
口 be equipped with 口 conversation 口 implementation 口 historical
口 brake 口 conflict 口 progress 口 factor
口 innovation 口 attention 口 due to 口 inadequately
口 vastly 口 mental focus 口 reglon 口 sew
口 improve 口 goodwill 口 characterize 口 operate
口 unequipped 口 put off 口 relatively 口 sewing machine
口 observation 口 indefinitely 口 trigger 口 purchase
口 make for 口 spoil 口 economic boom 口 fabric store
口 exactly 口 address 口 except 口 traditional
口 opposite 口 resurface 口 short-lived 口 spinner
口 accident rate 口 intensified 口 historically 口 weaver
口 markedly 口 discussion 口 birth rate 口 tailor
口 inferior 口 take up 口 remarkably 口 potter
口 reduce 口 ease 口 despite 口 virtually
口 additional element 口 connection 口 enthusiastic 口 occupation
口 safety 口 productive 口 nevertheless 口 umplre
口 recklessly 口 in contrast
연결어(구) 넣기

’ 다음 글의 빈칸 (A) , (8)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 믿 8439-0041

In an experiment in Germany, part of a fleet of taxicabs in Munich was equipped with

antilock brake systems (ABS) , a technological innovation that vastly improves braking.
The rest of the fleet was left unequipped , and the two groups were placed under careful and
secret observation for three years. You would expect the better brakes to @make for safer
driving. __(A_) _ , that is exactly the opposite of what happened. Giving some drivers
ABS made no difference at all in their accidεnt rate; in fact , it turned @ them into markedly
inferior drivers. They drove faster. They made sharper turns. They braked harder. _ _(B)
the ABS systems were not used to reduce accidents; instead, the drivers used the additional
element of safety to enable them to drive faster and more recklessly without increasing their
risk of getting into an acciden t. 10

(A) (B)
Q)However On the contrary
@ However In other words
@ In addition For example
@ In addition On the contrary
@ Therefore In other words

• 빈ξ떨 중심으로 글의 흐름을 이해해야 한다.

1 글의 전개방식을 예상 향상된 브레이크 시스템을 장흐「하여 사고가 줄 것으로 예상했다. • 정반대의 결과 발생
2 빈칸 앞뒤 논리관계 파악 (A)의 앞뒤에는 상반된 내용이 소개되고 있으며, (6)의 앞뒤에는 비슷한 내용을 부연 설명하고

3 정답고르기 (A)에는 역접을 나타내는 연결사를, (6)에는 요약, 부연 설명하는 연결시를 고른다.

口 fleet 전(全) 보유차량, 함대 口 antilock 앤티록(식)의(급브레이크 때에도 바퀴의 회전이 멈추지 않는)
口 innovation 혁신 口 vastly 대단히. 매우 口 opposite 정반대
口 markedly 현저하게, 눈에 띄게 口 inferior 열등한 口 element 요소

口 recklessly 무분별하게
88 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과 해설 32쪽 「빼w. ebsi ∞ krl


the introduction of 1
(antilock brake system)

expectation safer driving by improving 2

turning people into 3

opposite result 4 drivers

• no difference

1 를뽑l 밑줄 친 @ make for의 문맥상 의미를 정의할 때 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.
to to make something possible

2 EEI 밑줄 친 @ themOI 가리키는 것을 쓰시오

3 G탑펠 글의 요약문을 완성할 때, 빈효뻐| 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오

Improved systems did not contribute to driving.

목적률 나타내는 t。부정사의 부사적 용법:-하기 위해서

In olher words , Ihe ABS syslems were nol used 1o reduce accidenls; inslead , Ihe drivers used Ihe addilional
L. 10부정시구 (동시구 수식)
elemenl of safely to enable them to drive faster and more recklessly without increasing their risk of getting
L. 10부정사구 (동사구 수식)
inlo an acciden t.

다시 말해서. ABS 시스템은 사고를 줄이는 데 사용되지 않았다 대신. 운전자들은 이 추가적인 안전 요소를 사고에 처할 위힘을 증가시키지
않으면서 그들이 더 빨리 운전하고 더 무분별하게 운전할 수 있도록 하기 위해 이용했다.

CHAPTER 03 • UNπ 11 연걸어께 넣기 89

01 c띔 글으| 빈칸 (A) , (8)에 들어갈 말로 쟁 적절한 것은? g 없39-0042

When emotions are highly charged , it makes good sense @ to delay conversation about
conflict until attention , mental focus , and goodwill have returned. Once everyone is calm
and enjoying themselves again , __(A_) _ , these conversations are often forgotten or
put off @ indefinitely. No one wants to talk about conflict and risk spoiling the good time.
(B) , the issues often don ’ t get addressed at all , and they usually resurface later in a I5
new and often intensified conflic t. If you do choose to put off discussion about a conflict,
remember to take it up later, @ while a time of ease and sweet connection , when it can be
most productive.

(A) (B)
CD therefore In addition
@ therefore As a consequence
@ for example In contrast
@ however As a consequence
@ however In contrast

1 밑줄 친 @"'@ 중, 어법상 틀린 것을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

2 글의 내용과 일치하도록 번칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

If you choose discussion about resolving a conflict , you
should remember to later , during a time of ease and
sweet connectlO n

口 charged (감정이) 격한 口 indefinitely 무기한으로

口 address(문제 상황 등에 대해) 고심하다[다루다] 口 resurface 다시 떠오르다
口 intensified 강화된 口 take up (오랫동안 언급되지 않던) '"을 계속하다

90 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
정답과해설 32쪽 -

02 c띔 글의 빈칸 (A). (8)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 딛 8439-0μ3

In the case of China and Eastern Europe , it is clear that market liberalization has helped a
lo t. Until about 1998 , the East European privatization process and the implementation of a
market economy progressed in fits and starts due to all sorts of political maneuvers. But by
1998 the region was characterized by a strong private sector and relatively free markets. This
triggered an economic boom. _ _(A_) _ , this cannot be the whole story. Latin America is I5
also free but - except some short-lived episodes - has been historically characterized by
slow economic growth. In addition , that region has a relatively high birth rate. _ _(B)
its wealth-per-person growth was remarkably slow from 1998 to 2008. This is true of all
Latin American countries , including Brazil , despite the enthusiastic media reports about that
country. 110

* in fits and starts 단속적으로[하다가 말다가** maneuver 조치 , 책략

(A) (B)
CD Similarly In addition
@ Similarly As a result
@ Nevertheless However
@ Nevertheless As a result
@ For example In addition

1 글의 제목을 아래와 같이 정할 때 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오

: Is It Enough for Economic Growth?

2 라틴 아메리카 국가들의 개인당 부의 성장이 느렸던 이유 두 가지를 우리말로 쓰시오.

口 liberalization 자유화 口 privatization 민영화 口 process 과정

口 implementation 실행 .0 1 행 口 progress 진행되다, 발전하다 口 characterize 특징을 나타내다
口 private 민간의 口 sector 부문 口 relatively 비교적
口 trigger 유발하다, 야기하다 口 boom 호황 口 short-lived 일시적인, 단명하는
口 episode 사건, 방송의 1 회분 口 remarkably 현저히 口 enthusiastic 열정적인

CHAPTER 03 • UNfT 11 연결에구) 넣 기 위
정답과해설 33쪽

03 [띔 글의 빈칸 (마. (8)에 들어갈 말로 7땅 적절한 것은? Q8439-0044

Men and women are often (a) Iassigned / assigning I roles for various social , political , or
historical reasons. When these f.'a ctors are inadequately understood , they can appear to be
quite arbitrary. _ _(A_) _ , (b) I despite / a1though I sewing clothes for the family is thought
of as women ’ s work in North America (most men have never operated a sewing machine
or made a purchase in a fabric store) , among the Ecuadorian men and traditional Hopi of
Arizona , men are the spinners , weavers , and tailors. Also among the Hopi , women are
the potters and not the men; however, in U.S. culture both men and women can become
potters. _ _(B_) _ , women in U. S. society have been virtually exc1 uded from a number of
occupations (such as jockey and Major League Baseball umpire) , even though men have no
particular biological advantage over women in performing thεsejobs. 10

• arbitrary 임의적인

(A) (B)
φ For example Otherwise
@ For example Moreover
@ However As a result
@ However Moreover
@ Therefore Otherwise

1 (a). (b)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것을 쓰시오.

(a) (b)

2 밑줄 친 these jobs가 가리키는 직업 두 개를 쓰시오.

口 asslgn 할당하다, 임명하다 口 sew 바느질하다 口 fabric store 포목상
口 spinner 실 잣는 사람 口 weaver 베 짜는 사람 口 potter 옹기장이
口 VI 야 ually 거의 口 jockey (경마의) 기수

92 올림포스 독해의 기본 1
수행평가 11 자신이 발명하고 싶은 알람시계

평가일 : ( )월 ( )~
E프 Student ID Name

STEP 01 .걷쉴l..n.ì l ~ fJ. 자신이 사용하고 싶은 특이한 알람시계(혹은 발영하고 싶은 알람시계)를 그림으로 표현해 봅시다.

{ ’ My Alarm Clock

STEP 02 많웰 완성된 그림을 바탕으로 아래 표를 작성해 봅시다.

Name of Your Alarm


How It Works I2


STEP 03 렐훌웰 위의 표를 바탕으로 끓 완성해 봅시다.

1 want to have an al따m called . It looks lik:e

접수 과제완성 ( 1 이 내용 (5) 언어 사용 (5)

CHAPTER 03 • UNπ 11 연결어(구) 넣기 93 .


} ’

STEP 02 Name of Your Alarm Flying Alarm

Appearance It looks like a helicopter. There is a propeller on top of the alarm clock.
1 Set the time when you want to wake up in the morning.
How ItWorks 2 If the alarm goes off, you must catch the clock.
3 While the clock is flying , it makes sound until you hit the button.
Expectation While trying to catch the alarm , you will wake up completely

1 want to have an alarm called Flying Alarm. It looks like a helicopter.
There is a propeller on top of the alarm c1 ock. Here is how it works. First,
set the time when you want to wake up in the moming. When the alarm goes
off, you need to catch the c1 0ck as it flies around the room. It will make
sound until you hit the button to stop the alarm. While trying to catch the
c1 ock, you will wake up completely.

94 올림포스 톡해의 기본 1

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