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SPE 68758

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The Integrated Production Database in Unocal Indonesia
Debasis Chatterjee, Schlumberger-GeoQuest; Steve Palar, SPE, Unocal Indonesia, and Louis Rothenberg, SPE, Unocal

Copyright 2001, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

This paper describes an integrated G&G and production data
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and management system based on the Finder data management
Exhibition held in Jakarta, Indonesia, 17–19 April 2001.
system and details how such a system improves employee
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at A phased approach has been adopted for implementation of
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of the solution. The first phase involves consolidation of the
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is legacy databases into a commercial master database that is
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous built on an industry standard data model. In the second phase,
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
the field data capture process will be improved and the current
proprietary allocation and balance system will be replaced
with a commercial solution.
Unocal has been a leading developer of Indonesia's energy The final result will be a single data repository providing
resources for more than 30 years. In the late 1960s, Unocal Unocal Indonesia staff with validated, approved and easy-to-
Indonesia signed one of the world's first production-sharing use data that is accessible via built-in data browsing facilities
contracts with Pertamina, Indonesia's national oil company. and inter-application data exchange utilities. In addition, the
Currently, Unocal Indonesia operates 11 producing oil and gas commercial system will require a smaller support staff,
fields offshore East Kalimantan, including Indonesia's largest thereby freeing up more Unocal Indonesia team members to
offshore oil and gas field, Attaka, which the company focus on maximizing the production and the recovery of
discovered in 1970. The cumulative production of Unocal reserves.
Indonesia to date is 890 MMB of oil and 1.87 TCF of gas.
Each day, a wealth of data related directly or indirectly to the Unocal Indonesia operates offshore in East Kalimantan
volume of hydrocarbon production is collected at various (Figure 1). Although there are scattered oil and gas fields,
points of oilfield operations. These data are transmitted to there are four major hubs of operation: Northern offshore
Unocal Indonesia’s office via e-mail and are further processed (Attaka), Southern offshore (Sepinggan), Northern onshore
for plant balance, gas allocation and monthly allocation. The (Santan terminal) and Southern onshore (Lawe-lawe terminal).
raw and processed data can be accessed via Unocal Figures 2 and 3 show various field production facilities.
Indonesia’s Intranet for further data analysis and usage in Production data originates from these four field sites and are
simulation, mapping and general surveillance. transmitted via e-mail to the city office at Pasir Ridge
(Balikpapan). A team of petroleum engineering technicians
Until recently, a suite of four separate computer systems input the data into various production databases for
managed the production data. In 2000, Unocal Indonesia’s subsequent processing, including daily gas balance, gas
Petroleum Engineering department decided to streamline the allocation and monthly allocation for wells and zones. The
heterogeneous and proprietary solution by adopting a data also are used for Web reporting and creating hard copy
commercial master database and data management solution reports. Figure 4 shows this workflow. This workflow is
similar to the parallel data management effort in the known as the Unocal Indonesia Production Data Management
Geological & Geophysical (G&G) domain. This effort is in System (PDMS).
line with the vision of knowledge management that can be
created by integrating business processes and sharing PDMS at Unocal Indonesia
information to manage the life cycle of Exploration & For easy understanding the PDMS can be subdivided into
Production (E&P) assets. several modules (Figure 5). These modules are data input,

modeling and mapping, data processing such as gas allocation, INFOWELL the connectivity to other applications came with
reporting and connectivity to other applications. Each existing a price. It typically consisted of multiple steps of intermediate
historical system (PIRS, Javelin, and INFOWELL) can be processes that needed careful monitoring.
subdivided into these generic modules. The following
subsections in this paper briefly introduce some of the key Drive for change
points of the PDMS: By 1999, Unocal Indonesia had developed a set of useable

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systems (PIRS, JAVELIN, and INFOWELL) to capture field
• Production data and well production data and process that data for final
• Typical data processing delivery to reports and applications. Yet, the E&P community
• Typical Web reporting required closer integration between production data and the
• Connectivity to other applications Finder master database that was already operational with
G&G data. In response to this need, a project was launched in
Production data 2000 (with planned follow-up in 2001) to enhance the reach of
There are two kinds of data in the production domain. The Finder and accommodate production data. Figure 8 shows the
first type are measured data from meters, various equipment, status before integration whereas Figures 9 and 10 show the
well test operations, fluid analysis and product movement. status after integration. The major reasons for the change
The data frequency is usually once per day for these types of were:
data. The exception being well test data, which can be • the spirit of knowledge work
sporadic. Secondly, there are derived data generated by certain • the integration of data into one database
processing such as daily or monthly allocation or even simple • the implementation of data modeling standards
rollup calculations that use the basic measured data. This • the replacement of obsolete vendor and proprietary
category also includes living plan and forecast figures that are systems
generated from parallel studies and incorporated into the • the adoption of a commercial solution.
database on a monthly or yearly basis. Table 1 provides a
partial list of typical production data and attributes. Knowledge Work
Unocal Indonesia attaches the highest value to data and is
Typical data processing constantly searching for methods to improve data usage. This
Two types of data processing techniques are commonly philosophy is best captured in the words of a POSC
applied to the basic data. First, plant balancing is executed for perspective3 stating that “essentially, knowledge work means
processing plants to balance input and output volumes. If the transforming data into information, which can be used by
resulting difference is large a recalibration of the measurement teams to make wise decisions. Wise decisions improve return
meters is usually required. Figure 6 shows a block diagram of on investment.
a typical plant balance process. Another common processing For most E&P assets, the process is a loop of rediscover,
process is the monthly allocation of oil and gas to wells and redefine and redevelop throughout the reservoir life cycle. The
zones. The daily field production figures are then rolled up to asset life cycle can span 50 or more years. In the life cycle
calculate monthly production figures. Next the volumes are approach, knowledge work will evolve. Data is collected when
prorated to individual wells and producing zones, based on the asset’s life begins and continues throughout all phases of
production estimates from well test theoretical figures and also the life cycle. Any person, at any time, is able to use any data
from reservoir split calculations. collected. Thus different teams working on different problems
concurrently can share data across applications. Teams in the
Typical Web reporting future can return to original data and reassess the information
Unocal Indonesia believes in providing easy access to when enhanced recovery or better software is developed.
master data for all authorized users. For this reason, as soon as Under the concept of Knowledge Work, data becomes a
daily processing is finalized the data are stored in a master more valuable resource. Tools are in place to manage the data.
database. That data is in turn accessible from the company’s Processes are developed to support workflow. And people are
Intranet via web-enabled reports. Figure 7 shows a typical web free to do what only people can do: think”.
One database
Connectivity to other applications “Effective data management integrates the geological and
Unocal Indonesia’s PDMS provides finalized production geophysical data and interpretations used in the exploration
data for other important applications including composite and development process, making the information available to
maps for G&G users which combine surface contour and the production engineer. Integrated use of these data sources
production data from selected reservoirs. Additional supports more efficient field maintenance and field
applications include production data surveillance by OFM, management operating decisions, leading to reductions in
reservoir simulation and reserves management by RIMS lifting costs per barrel”.5
software. In the historical system utilizing PIRS, Javelin and

A simple illustration is that of stratigraphic interpretation Implementation of the solution

by geoscientists defining reservoirs with top and bottom The mission of the implementation project is to ensure a tight
depths, computation of net-pay and average porosity by using integration of all the operational databases. Currently, the
petrophysical log data, and the use of these properties to G&G database uses GeoQuest’s Finder software. This project
calculate reservoir splits. The PDMS can now more efficiently is designed to extend the capability of the current Finder
calculate such split figures that are used in the monthly master database to include production data. It is anticipated

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allocation of hydrocarbon production per well, per reservoir. that by having an integrated database, the company will
benefit by having more efficient processes and workflows, and
Data modeling standards a byproduct of this will be an improvement in data quality.
“As geoscientists mix interpretation from the four major
disciplines – geology, geophysics, petrophysics and reservoir The project implementation team comprised of data
engineering – the foremost need is for a standard exploration management professionals with a mix of domain expertise,
and production data model: a system for organizing and including IT, petroleum engineering, G&G, and project
defining geoscience information and interrelationships management. As is typically required in such a project, the
between data to model the reservoir”.4 Since the Finder team employed the standard development cycle involving
system, which is based on Oracle RDBMS, was already in use requirement gathering, specification, development, testing and
at Unocal Indonesia, a natural choice was to utilize the deployment. Figure 12 illustrates this cycle. This approach
production extension of Finder for its POSC-compatible data helps avoid future misunderstandings about the scope of work
model. performed. After obtaining user and management agreement
Figure 11 explains the underlying principles of this model, on the project specifications, the project team proceeded with
which describes field production and operation data by four the implementation.
major entities: activity, facility, material and property. In
addition, reference entities help data integrity by providing Replacement of each legacy system involved the following
source of lookup. As an example, a well test can be described steps:
as an activity (type = well test) performed on a facility (type =
production string/completion of a well) to measure a property • mapping the old system’s data into the Finder data model
(flow rate) of one or more materials (oil, gas, or water). • migrating historical data into Finder as per the above
mapping and performing adequate QC of the data during
Replace an obsolete vendor system transfer
One part of the previous PDMS at Unocal Indonesia was • data rejection of any historical data was managed by
an obsolete database and reporting system named Javelin. following up with the users and reloading the corrected
There was no standard naming convention for Javelin data data
attributes. Daily propane production for the Serang field could • creating a new data input mechanism using form based
be called SERANG_PROPANE_TODAY, whereas daily entry and batch loading
propane production for the SANTAN field could be called • replacing processes of the old system, for example,
PROPANE_SANTAN_TODAY. The attribute names also reservoir split in INFOWELL was replaced by an
could differ from one year to another, because Javelin data equivalent feature in Finder
typically was stored in separate MDL files such as 1994.MDL • changing data binding of Web and other reports from the
or 1995.MDL. Such lack of data organization prevented old system to the new repository
Javelin data custodians from doing QC on historical data
• connecting target applications, such as OFM to the new
spanning many years. Table 2 shows the potential data
data source
rationalization of Javelin.
• documenting policies and procedures on how to utilize the
new system
Commercial system
• testing the replacement system
By the year 2000, Unocal Indonesia also decided to move
away from in-house software development, especially for core • doing adequate parallel runs and comparing results from
E&P databases and applications. An analogy can be drawn both the old and new systems
from several other companies who have opted to adopt • training users on the new system.
industry-standard enterprise, resource, planning (ERP)
solutions to replace in-house business data processing Phased approach
software for finance or human resources needs. By deciding to The stakeholders in the transition project understood in
move to a commercial software package for its PDMS solution late 1999 the necessity of changing various procedures such as
Unocal Indonesia expects to benefit from future advances that the need for database consolidation, which would provide one
will be provided as part of vendor supplied software stop shopping for production data. There was also the
maintenance. necessity for improved Field Data Capture (FDC) and the
desire for a commercial software program for back allocation
(BA). However, because of the nature of the changes and a

limit on resources, as well as a desire not to disrupt the Indonesia is also investigating newer technology such as XML
operations substantially, the company agreed to phase in the and OpenSpirit middleware that allows greater openness
changes gradually. In 2000, the company implemented between software products. The Unocal Indonesia integrated
database consolidation. A planned extension phase in 2001 is database project is very much in line with the latest emerging
scheduled to introduce a commercial field data capture system technology in the energy sector.
and commercial back allocation software with facility network

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visualization. Finder and OFM are registered trademarks of
Enhanced usage POSC is a registered trademark of the Petrotechnical
As the monthly production data for wells and reservoirs Open Software Corporation.
became available in the integrated master database, the users Excel and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft
will reap benefits by making maps in the form of production Corporation.
bubble maps, pie maps and production graphs. Figure 13 is an
example of a pie map. Because other types of input data for Nomenclature
maps are available in the same database, users can create Given below is a list of all acronyms or product names that are
composite maps with a mix of G&G data. Examples include used in the document.
contour maps from reservoir tops, maps displaying
geographical data such as coastlines and other graphical BA Back Allocation is used to calculate production
objects, and production data such as cumulative volumes of allocation within a production network from a set
production. of known production and theoretical volumes.
BRIO Software for Data access, reports development,
Data export, analysis, connectivity and more from BRIO technologies.
Production from the master database is typically linked via (www.brio.com)
ODBC with data analysis tools, such as OFM. In addition, E&P Exploration and Production
selected production data can be exported for use in reservoir ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
simulation and reserves management applications. The Excel Spreadsheet application from Microsoft
popular data mining software BRIO also has been installed for Corporation (www.microsoft.com)
ad-hoc data analysis (Figure 14). Applications utilizing FDC Field Data Capture system
Microsoft Excel have been written to provide the users with Finder Flagship Data Management System from
ad-hoc data extraction and charting capability in the Microsoft Schlumberger-GeoQuest (www.slb.com)
Windows environment (Figure 15). G&G Geology and Geophysics
INFOWELL Monthly Production system (Unocal Indonesia
Conclusion in-house)
The historical production databases had served Unocal Javelin Obsolete database system, used for Daily
Indonesia adequately by providing customized and tailored production data processing, reporting in Unocal
functionalities to its operations. However, as the amount of Indonesia
data grows, and is anticipated to grow even larger with LEX Liquid extraction plant, part of onshore
forthcoming deepwater operations, the need for a better hydrocarbon processing facility of Unocal
production database has increased. In addition, there is a Indonesia
growing need for faster interpretation and more efficient work MDL Proprietary binary format of Javelin database
processes in the current competitive workplace, which lead to ODBC Open Database Connectivity
the compelling need for an integrated database. These are the OFM Oil Field Manager software from Schlumberger-
reasons why Unocal Indonesia decided to replace its existing GeoQuest. (www.slb.com)
production database. OpenSpirit Framework capable of integrating data and
application from multiple sources in the E&P
Replacing the legacy systems module by module provides industry. (www.openspirit.com)
small measurable phases with precise deliverables. This plan Oracle RDBMS software from Oracle Corporation
causes minimum disruption to operations, and provides more (www.oracle.com)
time for personnel training. The plan allows for flexible Pasir Ridge Name of area in Balikpapan (East Kalimantan,
internal commitment and provides sufficient time for parallel Indonesia) where Unocal Indonesia Headquarter
testing before the old database is switched off. is located.
PDMS Production Data Management System
Unocal Indonesia is increasing its knowledge in the area of PE Petroleum Engineering
e-technology. Work has begun to build a company-wide portal PIRS Production Information & Reporting System
to replace the current Intranet. Some of the channels of this (Unocal Indonesia in-house)
portal will be populated by validated master data (both G&G Portal Synonymous with gateway, for a World Wide
and production) from the integrated master database. Unocal Web site that is a major starting site for users.

Typically contains several channels of

POSC Petrotechnical Open Software Corporation – is
uniquely designed to unite industry people, issues
and ideas to collaboratively address E&P
information challenges and opportunities.

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RDBMS Relational Database Management System
RIMS Reserves Management system (in-house)
SAP e-business platform providing solutions and
services from employee portals to mobile
business solution. (www.sap.com)
SmartMap Data-driven mapping software from Finder.
VBA Visual Basic for Application (with Excel)
XML eXtensible Markup Language is a flexible way to
create common information formats and share
both the format and the data on the World Wide
Web, intranets, and elsewhere.(www.xml.org)

The authors would like to thank Susan Ganz, Jim Barnett and
Indro Widodo for their help in the technical review and editing
of this paper. The success of the replacement project in the
year 2000 is due to excellent effort by Eric Isupradipto, Yudha
Satriya, Budi Sulistyo, Dwi Nugroho, Edward Baidillah,
Chairul, Eddy Harianto, and Suyatno. Last but not the least,
thanks are due to Unocal Indonesia management for release of
this paper.

1. SPE 54297 (1999) : Implementation of a Company-wide
Production Monitoring System by Noor Hidayat and Asli
Gadjah Mada.
2. SPE 38118 (1997) : EXPRIS – An Integrated System for the
management of E&P Technical Data in Abu Dhabi by M. Taher
Shehata and D. Chatterjee.
3. E&P Knowledge Management – A POSC perspective by Bill
Bartz and David Archer.
4. GeoByte (1992) : Taming the Geoscience Data Dragon by Steve
Darden et al.
5. Schlumberger white paper (1999) : A Way of Looking at E&P
Data Management by Ken Landgren

Frequency Data table Data attributes

Daily Field production summary Date, Field, Volume of hydrocarbon produced

Platform production Date, Platform, oil/gas/water produced

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Stock report Date, Storage facility, opening, closing stock, loss/gain
Process plant remarks Date, name of plant, remarks
Crude shipment Date, source, volume shipped, destination
Compressor readings Date, Compressor name, run hours, temperature, gas
Chemical usage Date, chemical type, volume used, where
Hydrocyclone data Date, inlet deoiler (pressure, flow), outlet deoiler
Monthly Forecast per field Month, Field, volume forecast
Barrel plan per field Month, field, volume planned
Well production Month, well, oil, water, gas, on-days
Well/reservoir production Month, well, reservoir, oil, water, gas
Sporadic Well test Date, well, string, pressure, tested fluid volume
Gas well test Date, well, string, pressure, tested fluid volume
Reservoir split Date, well, reservoir, split percentage Oil etc.

Table 1 : Typical production data types

D a t a o f 2 -M a y -2 0 0 0
S E D A N D A N G G A S S A L E S TO D A Y 2341
S E D A N D A N G G R O S S O IL TO D A Y 124
S E D A N D A N G S O L G A S TO D A Y 2219 Intermediate table
S E D A N D A N G W A TE R 321
S E G U N I G A S S A L E S TO D A Y 3451
S E G U N I G R O S S O IL TO D A Y 154
Field name
S E G U N I S O L G A S TO D A Y 3321 Date of transaction
S E G U N I W A TE R 289 Gas Sales
S E JA D I G A S S A L E S TO D A Y 1287 Gross Oil
S E JA D I G R O S S O IL TO D A Y 176
Solution Gas
S E JA D I S O L G A S TO D A Y 1065
S E JA D I W A TE R 264 Water
D a t a o f 3 -M a y -2 0 0 0
S E D A N D A N G S O L G A S TO D A Y 2287
S E D A N D A N G W A TE R 314
SEDANDANG 2-May-00 2341 124 2219 321
S E G U N I G A S S A L E S TO D A Y 3376 SEDANDANG 3-May-00 2441 132 2287 314
S E G U N I G R O S S O IL TO D A Y 132 SEGUNI 2-May-00 3451 154 3321 289
S E G U N I S O L G A S TO D A Y 3200 SEGUNI 3-May-00 3376 132 3200 287
S E G U N I W A TE R 287 SEJADI 2-May-00 1287 176 1065 264
S E JA D I G A S S A L E S TO D A Y 1276
SEJADI 3-May-00 1276 166 1052 243
S E JA D I G R O S S O IL TO D A Y 166
S E JA D I S O L G A S TO D A Y 1052
S E JA D I W A TE R 243

Table 2 : Javelin data (before and after rationalization)



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Northern Area
Fertilizer Plant
LNG Plant
Santan Terminal Attaka Field

Refinery Southern Area
Lawe-lawe Terminal

Figure 1 : Area of operation for Unocal Indonesia

Figure 2 : Northern Area Operation


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Figure 3 : Southern Area Operations

At Petroleum Engineering
From Northern area offshore

Processes Web reports

From Northern area onshore

maps and other
From Southern area offshore


From Southern area onshore

Data analysis using

From other sources

Figure 4 : Data flow from the field to the office


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Gas balance, Monthly
Policies, allocation
Web, hard-copy

• Data
Data Input Mapping
Connectivity to
• Data other
Migration applications

Figure 5 : Modules of the Production Data Management System (PDMS)

Unocal LEX Plant Balance

LEX input gas (cu ft)
Static input (conversion factor
LEX input condensate from gallon of liquid to cuft of
(bbl) gas
Field factor
LEX output gas
(cu ft) LEX Plant
LEX output liquid
(propane, butane etc.) equation Allocated
in bbl figures for
input output input to LEX
LEX output - gas plant
flare in cu ft

Fluid analysis data

(propane etc.)

Figure 6 : Schematic of plant balance


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Figure 7 : Sample Web report

1999 Allocation
Other input from
Finder, manual

Monthly Excel DB
Infowell Web Report

Data export/link
Excel for OFM, Zycor,
Excel Excel Javelin Report VIP
Daily Gas
Daily data Alloc.


PIRS Web Report

Figure 8 : Situation before database integration


2000 Monthly

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Monthly Excel DB
data Other Report

Web Report
Daily data
Daily Gas
Alloc .
Data export/link
for OFM, Zycor ,

Ex-IWL Split

Figure 9 : Situation after database integration

2001 BA/NVT
Daily & Monthly
Alloc. + Split

Monthly data Web
Field View FVF Link Finder Report
Daily data

Data export/link
for OFM,Zycor,

Figure 10 : Continued streamlining of operations (planned follow-up)


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Figure 11 : Parts of the data model

User, software software

engineer engineer

Requirements Specifications
Existing Unocal
new ideas from
users High Level Design

Release to
Release Implementation

GQ+Unocal DM Testing

Figure 12 : Typical software development cycle

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Figure 13 : Sample usage of production data

Figure 14 : Data analysis using BRIO

SPE 68758
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SPE 68758

Figure 15 : Data extraction and charting using Microsoft Excel


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