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MKT4070 Integrated Brand Communications Tools &Strategies


TemsiriJirayukul M00322196


Module Leaders: Dr. Stephan Dahl

Coursework (Ellas Kitchen case study) Question: 1. Answer the following four questions briefly 1.1) What factors do you believe led to the campaigns success?

From the case studies there are a number of factors that can be attributed to the successes that led to Ellas Kitchens campaign successes. In my opinion, one of the initial factors is Paul Linleys vision that children are not unaware of healthy food but that most foods conveniently available are not nutritional and there has been an absence of appealing advertising linked to healthy foods. Furthermore, Paul Linley was able to identify that parents place their childrens nutritional uptake as a high priority but due to demanding careers and occupations, parents have to trade nutritional values for high quality of life for their families. This vision and identifying the market trends show to Paul that there is a significant market for childrens health food. Another significant factor that is very important is Paul Linleys meeting and agreement with VBS (Viacom Brand Solutions), the advertising sales house for Nickelodeon. The partnership provided mutual benefits for both party, Paul Linley is able to acqu the ire funds needed to launch and advertise his Smoothie Fruits by associating with VBS and Nickelodeon. Since Nickelodeon, an established and outstanding kids network, is in the greatest position and affinity as an intermediary between Ellas Kitchen and their viewers, the kids or Ellas Kitchens potential customers. The union with Paul Linleys Ellas Kitchen is also beneficial to VBS, who earlier is in the prospect of losing 5 million pounds in HFSS (High Fat Sugar Salt) advertisers, which is a result from the governments legislation to reduce childrens consumption of HFSS products. The government saw that advertising has contributed to an unhealthy diet for children and that TV advertising on childrens network was seen as a major perpetrator. However, VBS decided to embark on a campaign to demonstrate that advertising can be positively used for good, such as childrens health. Thus, the union with Ellas Kitchen, a healthy food producer, is a solution to both change the governments perception of TV advertising and also as an alternative advertising revenue generator in the prospective future. However, I strongly believe that the campaigns success is attributed and linked to the launch strategy of Ellas Kitchen. In 2005, over 100 million pounds was spent on soft drink advertising with 63 million pounds spent on TV, this shows the magnitude and scale of advertising which Ellas Kitchen could not hope to compete with. This situation shaped Ellas Kitchens strategy to one focused on a key strategic objective, the kids. This direction, I believe, was a major factor in the campaigns success against other competitors (such as Del Monte, Tropicana) strategy. Since these competitors have taken a stance in their targeting by attaching their products to the families gatekeeper or the mums, who are mainly responsible for dietary plans and needs of the family. I believe it is because other brands believe that healthy food are not a concern in childrens priority but it is a high priority for parents. However, as the case study has shown, availability of healthy food is not the issue but persuading kids in eating them is another matter. By associating and targeting their strategy and launch towards kids, by using an upbeat, energized and cool advertising through Nickelodeons programs, Ellas Kitchen was able to create the childrens awareness of health food and able to associate their consumption with other appeals and desires. This is one of the biggest and most important factor in Ellas Kitchens appeal and success with children, their intuitiveness in identifying that parents may have the money to buy foodstuff but it is the childrens who will dictate which to buy.


What are the ethical issues associated with the campaign? How well do you believe they were addressed? What would you recommend be done differently in the future and why?

The ethical issues that have been associated with the campaign revolve around the national concern about childrens health and dietary patterns. From the case study, it is shown that around 30% of children in the UK are medically overweight, with around 15% being clinically obese. These statistics are clear indicators that UK children in the modern world has been consuming food that are not entirely healthy and nutritional. This is evidence of the burdening lifestyles of parents who are concerned with achieving a higher quality of life but at the expense of time, which incidentally means less time concerned with dietary requirements. So parents choose convenience over nutritional values. Furthermore, with the difficulties of making children eat their healthy veggies and the childrens insistent beseeching to eat foods theyve seen on TV advertising, parents with their ever hectic daily life will ultimately surrender to the shrills of their demanding and picky children. So are these the main ethical issues? No. According to the case study, a main ethical issue is the advertisin companies, g specifically TV adverts. From the case study, the government believes that the nations childrens declining health and increasing obesity is related to the influences that TV advertising has upon them. The government believes that many of the foods and drinks advertising on childrens network channels are the main causes of their high consumption of HFSS (High Fat Sugar Salt) food. This could be true, since VBS is facing the situation of losing 5 million pounds worth of advertising revenues from HFSS advertisers, a result from the governments legislative to reduce childrens consumption of HFSS. So, from the case study we can see that the ethical issues being addressed is VBS responsibility concerning their role in promoting (even if it was not their purpose) and influencing unhealthy eating in children. This situation and the possible lost of revenue from HFSS advertisers has pushed VBS into an agenda to not only prove to the government and others that they are able to demonstrate that they had contributed to changing childrens eating habits positively and to also generate advertising revenue through healthier food and drink products. The resolution was found when Paul Linley, founder of Ellas Kitchen, came and met with Nick Bampton to outline his plans and visions for Ellas Kitchen. VBS saw in Paul Linleys brand the first solutions to their image problems and ethical issues concerning VBS connection to UKs childrens declining standard health. Ellas Kitchen was the perfect brand to help address the issues of advertising mediums role in promoting unhealthy diet through representation of large multi-national HFSS companies. By co-joining with Paul Linleys vision and product, VBS will be able to demonstrate to the government that TV advertising can build brands from scratch and that it was not simply just an intermediate to preserve large multinationals with large media budgets, since Ellas Kitchen did not have a budget with its small start. Furthermore, VBS hoped to promote Paul Linleys Smoothie Fruit products that could positively influence children into a better eating diet. This Meeting of the Minds between VBS and Ellas Kitchen proved an outstanding agreement that has help address the issues being raised concerning VBS by the government. VBS advertising for Ellas Kitchen has reached 66% of kids in the UK and results have shown that a close bond has been developed between Ellas Kitchens customers, many whom express relief and gratitude that a 100% organic fruit and vegetable brand has made healthy eating appealing to kids, according to customer feedback. Furthermore, it is of interest that 2 years after Ellas Kitchen initiative commenced, the government has also launched major advertising offensive Change for Life designed to get the public to eat more healthily and to also exercise more. This is a significant change in their policy of blaming just the advertising sales house (such as VBS). I would not recommend doing anything differently, since the union between t e two h was a match hard to find. With VBS ethical concern in their role in promoting bad diet and Paul Linleys identifying the ethical issues of the vast amount of unhealthy food products made available and promoted to children, their union and agreement will solve their respective issues, which has shown in Ellas Kitchens growing profitability, operation and customer loyalty to the brand.


Critique the ROI data presented how might their evaluation strategies be improved for the future?

The ROI data can assist us in analyzing and clearly see the situations of both Ellas Kitchen and VBS by see the amount of return they have received compared to their investment in the agreement between the two. From the case studys data, we can see that Ellas Kitchens sales have increased at each point after an increase in TV activity or advertising. Such as the increase in Smoothie cases sold weekly from below 2000 cases per week during low TV activity to around 4200 cases per week after TV activity peaks. This is a clear indicator that TV activity and advertising is a major influencer in customers purchase of Smoothie cases per week. According to the case study, VBS has enjoyed a significant return on their investment, with 547,000 in incremental advertising revenue from Ellas Kitchen between February 2006 to January 2009. Whereas, Ellas Kitchens performance has also been outstanding. With a sole advertising investment with Nickelodeon over 3 years of just 0.5 million, which represents less than 0.1% of food and drink category advertising expenditure, but the brand was able to generate 13.5 million in revenue despite an increasing in their operation cost from their nationwide expansion, such as number of staff and costs associated with increasing assets of Ellas Kitchen ( 0.03M in 2006 to 0.3M in 2007). These statistics show the effectiveness of Ellas Kitchens positioning by using VBS and Nickelodeon in reaching their target customers with their products appeal and presence. Furthermore, VBS has not only received return in the form of advertising revenue from Ellas Kitchen but also in the form of additional healthy food producers entering into agreements with VBS presently and in the future; such as Kidsnax, Rocks, Organic, Good Natured and Babylicious. As for future evaluations, I believe that advertising revenues from future healthy food sectors with VBS channels should be present to create a clearer view of their return on their investments and also government legislative laws or promoting of VBS concerning advertising for food and drink products. Since these two factors are the future main focuses of VBS in terms of return, as they are looking to find new replacement advertisers for the loss of their major HFSS companies and also greater collaboration with the government (instead of drastic measures such as cutting advertising) when it comes to healthy diet promotion. Whilst for Ellas Kitchen, I believe that an additional data for consideration would be the level of obesity or even level of unhealthy diet level in the UK after the launch of Paul Linleys vision and innovation (or maybe even level of HFSS product sales), since any of these can be indicators for a fall in unhealthy diet of UK. This is essential as Paul Linleys Ellas Kitchen was a product and creation aimed at addressing his discovery of modern childrens unhealthy diet and adverse attitude towards healthy food. Paul believed that parents lifestyle pressure, negative HFSS advertising and unappealing nature (both image and taste) of healthy food has all contributed to UKs obesity level. Thus, a comprehensive data collection of UK childrens health level would also present and show Ellas Kitchens social accomplishments as well as its economical, organizational and innovational successes.


What are the likely competitor responses to the success of Ellas Kitchen?

First, we must identify who are the main and potential competitors of Ellas Kitchen in the market. Some of Ellas Kitchens competitors would be those in the same business sector of healthy food manufacturer, such as Kidsnax, Rocks Organic, Good Natured and Babylicious. These competitors, whom produce similar products to Ellas Kitchen may start to enter the same business model as Ellas success becomes widely known. They may start to enter into similar risk-sharing agreements with other networking channels or even propose a better deal for VBS. Any such method would only mean greater competition for Ellas Kitchen in terms of accessibility to their customers. As more advertising from other brands would mean less advertising viewers for Ellas Kitchen on Nickelodeon. Alternatively, other health food manufacturers may just ride the positive affects being generated by Ellas Kitchen. By placing their own health products for children near Ellas Kitchen, they may benefit from customers desire to try other products. Since Ellas Kitchen health food for kids do not have an extremely varied range of menus. There are only 4 varieties of Smoothie Fruits, a line of baby food, and the 3 range of Pasta Sauces (Italian, Indian and American). So competitors in the health food business may seek to delve into other menus and culinary tastes that may appeal to an expansive array of customers or even niche customers. Another major competitor against Ellas Kitchen would be the limitless media budgetwielding multi-national giants of the HFSS industry. With the governments policies and media blitz against the HFSS companies being responsible for the detrimental condition of UK kids health, these companies may very well enter the health food sector themselves. By having their large media budget, the HFSS companies entrance into Ellas Kitchens healthy eating children market could very well mean an intensive competition for Paul Linleys health food brand as the conglomerate enterprises pool their media resources into quickly building and establishing their brand in this growing but full of potential markets. This could be disastrous for Ellas Kitchen who has only begun to establish their presence in the market for the past 3 years, and Paul Linley does not have the resources available to pursue other advertising partnership and coverage that these competitors would easily find at this stage. An additional scenario would be the HFSS companies increasing activity in promoting their products to increase its slightly dropped sales. As we have already known, there is a possible link between the HFSS advertising and a childs unhealthy eating diet. Thus, with an increase competition from the growing healthy food producers such as Ellas Kitchen, these companies may decide to just revamp their advertising activity (unless the government has a strong stance and implementation against HFSS advertising in the future) which is a strategy that Paul would have little success of going against since Ellas Kitchens advertising strategy lies solely in the risk sharing agreement with VBS (through Nickelodeon channel). Any of these scenarios shows the possible competitors of Ellas Kitchen in the future. Paul Linley should be careful in future strategies of Ellas Kitchen, since any entry or implementation of strategies by these competitors would been Ellas security in the market could be threaten, which means that their risk-sharing advertising agreement and their innovative re-sealable packaging may not cut it in the near future competitive market of childrens healthy food products.


Develop an IMC campaign for 2011-2012, based upon, and in line with your answers in section 1. Present this is an acceptable professional format, and remember to justify and choices you make!

Situation Analysis There is without a doubt that Ella's Kitchen, a small family-run organic food manufacturer, has found the perfect ingredient to achieving their stunning success in the organic food industry of UK. There were many factors that have contributed to their success and growth in the organic sectors of UK. The case study has clearly pointed out that organic food products are becoming increasingly an important and favored food products in the kids' food market. This is because of the government's perceived linkage between HFSS contributing to the nation's obesity issues and problems in UK childr n (with around 30 e percent being medically overweight). This national problem has prompted the government to enforce a stronger and stricter legislative and policies to monitor HFSS advertisers. Coupled with Paul Linley's desire to see healthier diets for children and mixing it with his extensive experience and first-hand research method throughout the years, he was able to bring healthy organic foods into children's attention by presenting them in a fun and creative method without reducing its nutritional values and effectiveness. His creative and efficient re-sealable package proved to be a smashing success in terms of fun for children and convenience for the parents. Ella's Kitchen's success is also linked with UK's parents' decision and choice of providing a healthier nutritional diet for their own children, despite a higher average cost, has helped create the buying market willing to spend more for Ella's Kitchen products. Even with Ella's Kitchen success and innovative strategies in their products and advertising, the baby food market is predominately dominated by a few major companies. The main players of the industry includesOrganix, Heinz, Plum, Cow & Gate, and other recent players such as HiPP brands. According to Soil Association's Organic yearly report, the organic product market in the UK has been growing consistently since 1995, at 140 million to 2,113 million in 2008 . However, following the year of 2009, due to economic downturn and recession ac ross the globe, the organic food industry has taken a significant downturn from its amazing streak of growth. In 2009, the organic food industry decreased by 12.9% from 2008 to 1,840 million. The downturn has caused a drop in sales of most organic products across the board, but with one single exception; organic baby food. Despite the three biggest categories of organic food in terms of sales value dairy, produce (fresh fruit, vegetable and salad) and fresh meat seeing sales fall by 5.5%, 14.8% and 22.7% respectively, organic milk, organic baby food and home cooking ingredients were the only categories that resisted the nationwide trend. Sales of these categories have increased by 1%, 20.8% and 1.4%. As of 2009, the organic baby food has exceeded 100 million for the first time. These statistics have shown that the organic baby food industry is a viable and steadily growing market with willing buyers and consumers. These are the market situations of UK's organic food industry, so how will Ella's Kitchen be able take advantages and strive in these opportunities or how will unforeseen problems be solved and overcome. Additionally, certain information provided has also shown that the recent slowdown in the organic food industry may be due to limitations and shortages in local supply. Despite the overall growths of the industry, it is relatively small in comparison with other farming method, making up only 0.7% of the food and drink market. Furthermore, according to the Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA), as of 2008 around 682, 196 hectares of agricultural land in UK are either organic or in-conversion, which represents only 3.9% of the total available agricultural land. These limitations may prove to be a large constraints for the future of Ella's Kitchen, because even with a large and ever growing market, if there is no supplies of organic food such astounding demand would be pointless. As we can clearly see, UK parents have become increasingly more aware about the importances of nutritional diet, especially for their children. Thebirth of a first child often stimulates or heighten the awareness of the importances of healthy eating for their baby. Also, with recent research and media coverage into the effects created and made by children's consumption of non-organic food. Such research has raise the awareness of the unhealthy side-effects from consuming food injected with hormonal stimulants, sprayed with poisonous pesticides or unconventional rearing. With a raised awareness of how contemporary foods are prepared and made, parents around the world has turned to organic

foods and farming for theirs and their children's nutritional intakes. According to the reports, UK's organic food has shown impressive growth, despite recent economic downtu rns. This is especially so for the organic baby food sector that has plowed ahead and continued to show growth. With the factors of parent's awareness of unhealthy production of food, growing concerns of their own and children's health, concerns about the environment have led many consumers to turn to organic food. However, the modern lifestyle does not allow for much meal preparation time so the nutritional values of organic food can be overcome by the conveniences of HFSS products. Thus, with Ella's Kitchen innovative re-sealable packaging, parents are offered a product brimming with nutritional properties plus the equally important convenience in handling and preparing. This is an ideal condition for Ella's Kitchen future growth and expansion as there is a viable and growing market as greater number of people become more health-conscious. Unfortunately, expansion would not be probable due to Ella's constraints. With parents' busy lifestyle, they do not always have time to read all the labels and certain communications cannot fully reach them. Thus, Ella's Kitchen strategy of sharerisk partnership with VBS's Nickelodeon has empirically proven its effectiveness of a small start-up firm with limited capital being able to effectively convey their marketing communications to their target market, the children. However, this success and method may not be possible in the future for the company. Since many other companies have also turned their attention towards organic food, and many of these companies are major players in the food industry with near limitless marketing budget. This is why Ella's present strategy may prove not enough for future expansion as their strategy has many limitations. First of all, the campaign is targeted towards a certain group of audience and may not have enough coverage for future expansions and plans. This is why Ella's Kitchen will need to make changes in their communication methods or acquire more resources to help with their future plans in growth. Objectives It can be clearly stated that Ella's Kitchen's success is not a result of only their innovative and well researched product but also their unique partnership in marketing strategy with VBS. By partnering with VBS's Nickelodeon, the company was able to target children, one of the main influencer in family buying decisions. Unfortunately, there are limitations to this, for example current and future potential audiences are only subscribers of Nickelodeons and mostly children. In order to remain successful and a step ahead of future and present competitors, the company will have to make changes to their marketing scheme by increasing potential audiences for their products. Additionally, Ella's Kitchen future marketing strategy will also be targeted to parents because despite the successes at targeting children, in the end the final decision making process purchasing is still made by the parents. Furthermore, present marketing strategy is mainly focused on presenting in a fun and creative way the positive advantages of healthy diet to children in an engaging and attractive media. However, parents are much more objective in purchasing products. Visually engaging and cartoon characters are unlikely to persuade parents to purchase the product but nutritional informations, which are not abundantly present in their advertising, are the main factors for parents to decide. Thus, Ella's Kitchen updated marketing method would be mainly to generate more awareness of their product and communicate product differentiation to the parents whom have been mainly left out of the marketing loop previously. So, the company must find a method that would be able to convey these information towards parents in an effective way since an informative TV advertising would be costly and expensive in order to showca all se the nutritional values of Ella's product. A solution to this situation would be periodic exhibitions across UK's major cities and locations (for example, small temporary displays in shopping centres and malls, in company reception areas, and in public places such as schools.) much like a trade show. The exhibitions would allow greater first hand experience of the product, an important factor for parents. In this strategy, children are the primary target market, as they consume the product, whereas the parents will be the secondary target market as they have the buying power. The objective of the exhibition would be to create greater awareness of healthy lifestyle, attract new customers, opportunities for product testing for children. Whereas, the objectives of targeting parents is to repeat brand awareness, promote existing products, stimulate buying decisions and future brand loyalty. By setting up these exhibitions would

allow Ella's Kitchen to collect greater amount of data first hand and to tailor their marketing strategy for the future or even create wider range of products. Additionally, with the issue of shortages of local supply of organic food, Ella's Kitchen may have to consider alternatives for their sources. Many producers and retailers are already sourcing their products from outside of UK. Ella's Kitchen could use this opportunity to create greater awareness in parents especially. Since many of these organic food suppliers are from developing countries. By associating their product raw material sources from these developing countries, Ella's Kitchen can help raise awareness and support for these developing nations to the ever growing population of socially-conscious adults. Marketing Communications Campaign Main Body As of now, Ella's Kitchen is entering its maturity stage of the life cycle and in order to expand its positionin the organic food industry, certain changes will have to be made in its marketing strategies. Typically, a marketing communications campaign can be broadly defined as the performance and integration of all promotional activities into a programme designed to achieve interrelated goals (Parente et al. 1996). Thus, a methodthat can be used in order to achieve this goal is for Ella's Kitchen to set up an exhibition of theirproducts and company, which will travel and be presented at various important and famous locations.The exhibition is designed to help raise greater awareness of the brand and its product to other UKpopulations. In order to attain the objectives it has set its sight on, Ella's Kitchen's 20112012 campaignwill be consisted of elements relevant to the IMC Mix, how marketing communications work from the sender of the communication to the receiver of it (Pickton and Broderick, 2005). There are as follows: 1) Sales Promotions 2) Advertising 3) Personal Selling Each of these elements are focused on raising the awareness of the existence of Ella's Kitchen as a brandas an alternative product for customers. Each section of the IMC Mix has a purpose in helping achievingthe objective. However, another main reward of an exhibition is the possible data collection and information feedback from the attending customers. At the events, Ella's Kitchen can bring out anddisplay its new range of products and collect feedback about customer responds. At such events, using salespromotion tool to draw a stronger and quicker buyer response (Kotler and Keller, 2006) such as coupons, which can help motivate potential customers into switching brands or even try outElla's products. Furthermore, at each exhibitions Ella's Kitchen will be providing advertising medias about its company brand, product and vision throughout the events for the attendees. First of all, the company could set upactivities and events that are engaging towards the children, such as live shows conducted by staffsdressed up like Nickelodeon's charact rs. e Additionally, to reach a large number of potential customers face-to-face at a cost far below that of calls by salespeople (Pickton and Broderick, 2005), personal selling staffs can be stationed throughout the event in order to provide thesecondary target audience, the parents, with their own information specifically nutritional values and properties of Ella's products. Whereas, the children will be gathering experiences and visual values fromthe event that would further establish the image that Ella's Kitchen is promoting, of healthy eating in a fun, dynamic, creative and engaging way. However, the exhibition is more focused on satisfying theinformation needs of the parents, whom are the final decision makers in the family, concerning thebenefits of Ella's products. By providing personal selling staffs, the firm is able to provide first handinformation and experiences for the parents in seeing how organic and healthy food can be presented in an appealing form for children and yet be convenie nt enough for the every busy lifestyle of the parents. Ultimately, the exhibition is an outlet and communication tool that allows attendees to gather informationrather than make a purchase, even if there is no purchase there should be an interest and attention capturedcustomer. Not unnaturally, the exhibition industry itself reports that exhibitions are very effective in generating sales leads and other benefits (Pickton and Broderick, 2005). IMC is a communication tool that helps in coordinating all the marketing communication tools, avenues, functions and sources into a seamless campaign that will

maximise the message impact on their target audiences. So, in terms of a marketing tool for Ella's Kitchen, the IMC is a tool that assist the company in integrating and coordinating all the firm's various messages into a single coherent consistent marketing message to the target audience. In Ella's case, that is the message of its promotion of healthy eating, innovative and convenient packaging, nutritional benefits of the products and its dynamic and creative presentation to children. This is important because an inconsistent advertising messages can create confusion and misunderstanding that would deter potential customers from purchasing their product. So it is paramount that all the components in Ella's communication process are integrated into a coherent message. This can be done by specific information given to personal selling staffs, events and activities designed to reflect their messages and promotional schemes that would motivate customers into trying the product. Another part of IMC that is relevant and important to Ella's business vision and structure is the concept of 4 C's not 4 P's, as follows: 1) Consumers, not Product 2) Cost, not Price 3) Convenience, not Place 4) Communication, not Promotion Each of these components is very much relevant and linked between the IMC and the exhibition. First of all, the 4 C's is focused on the Consumer and not the Product, that means that the exhibition should be mainly on the wants and needs of the consumers. Ella's Kitchen has a clear vision of customer needs and wants that would be presented at the exhibition and relayed to the parents and children that are unaccustomed with their product. The point of Cost and not Price is based on viewing that cost of the customer in satisfying their needs or wants, which the price of the product may only be a small part. Ella's Kitchen is aware of the problems and costs parents have in alternating from HFSS to organic food, which is the time in preparation. However, with innovative packaging method, Ella's can present this feature first handed for parents to witness and try out at the exhibitions. Convenience over place is based on the concept of convenience of the buying experience that then relates to the delivery mechanism. This means that Ella's Kitchen should provide a buying experience appealing to the parents (who will be doing most of the grocery shopping). For example, the exhibition could promote the extensiveness of the brand throughout UK like the number of stores that stocks their goods, in order to show the image of ease in searching out the product for purchase. Finally, communication and not promotion. Despite the marketing tool of using promotional tools, the promotion of the product should not be the primary driving force in the exhibition. The promotional tools such as coupons and premiums are only a side tool to entice potential customers into trying out the product and maybe switching brands. However, the main focus is the communication, how each medium works together to present a unified message with a feedback mechanism to make a two-way communication. Thus, Ella's Kitchen must beware of each of its communication components at the exhibition, that each time attendees hear or gather information at the event, the message would be same in nature and vision, and that each subsequent message would rein force and desired concept and ideals and not to create different ones that would create confusion or misunderstanding in customers. Ideally, the exhibition should be able to create a greater awareness in parents of the products and also help children understand greater about healthy eating, brought about by first hand experience and higher degree of involvement with product and the company. This is why, the IMC model is suited in explaining and achieving this as it is used to send out the same message to existing and potential customers which when cumulated will create a greater impact than an individual message from a single communication medium.

References: Department of Environment Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) (online) Available from <URL:http://www.defra.gov.uk/> Kotler, P., Keller, K.L. (2006) Marketing Management (12 edn), New Jersey, Prentice Hall Parente, D., Vanden Bergh, B., Barban, A. and Marra, J. (1996) Advertising Campaign Strategy. Orlando, The Dryden Press Pickton, D. and Broderick, A. (2005) Integrated Marketing Communications (2 edn), Essex, Prentice Hall Soil Association, Organic Market Report 2009 (online) Available from < URL: http://www.soilassociation.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=GPynfoJoPh0=&tabid=116>
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