Competency Mapping
Competency Mapping
Competency Mapping
What is Competency?
Any underlying characteristic required for performing a
given task, activity, or role successfully can be considered
as competency
Organizational Strategy
Core Competencies Stakeholder Interest
Vision, Mission, Values, Strategic,
Intent, Corporate Governance, (Organizational wide) Market Positioning
Corporate Social Responsibility & Ethics
Teamwork Strategy
Leadership, Communication Team Competencies Profit Center Orientations
Conflict Management, Interpersonal (Project driven) Team Development & Synergy
Skills, Project Orientation, Self
Managed Teams (SMT)
Role Strategy
Ability, Autonomy, Multiskilling, Performance Accomplishment
Role Competencies
Task identity, Performance (Role wise)
Evaluation & rewards and performance Individual Development
Who does?
Competencies can be identified by one of more of the
following category of people: Experts, HR Specialists, Job
analysts, Psychologists, Industrial Engineers etc. in
consultation with: Line Managers, Current & Past Role
holders, Supervising Seniors, Reporting and Reviewing
Officers, Internal Customers, Subordinates of the role
holders and Other role set members of the role (those
who have expectations from the role holder and who
interact with him/her)
Methods used for Competency Mapping
The various methods used in combination for
competency mapping
Group work
Task Forces
Task Analysis workshops
Use of Job descriptions
Performance Appraisal Formats etc.
First: A job analysis is carried out by asking employees to
fill in aquestionnaire that asks them to describe what
they are doing, and what skills, attitudes and abilities they
need to have to perform it well