Condition Monitoring

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ME6304: Maintenance Management

Condition Monitoring Equipment Purchasing Proposal

Name : Kulathunga KMCL

Reg. No. : EG/2018/3369
Date of Submit : 19.09.2022
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................4
1.Vibration Monitoring Equipment.............................................................................................................5
2.Thermal Imaging Camera.........................................................................................................................8
3.Megger Testing.......................................................................................................................................11
6.Required Budget.....................................................................................................................................19
List of figures
Figure 1: Competitive appropriate products for vibration analysis..............................................................5
Figure 2: Competitive appropriate products for thermal images..................................................................8
Figure 3: Competitive appropriate products for megger testing.................................................................11
Figure 4: Competitive appropriate products for visual inspections with videoscopes................................15

List of tables
Table 1: Competitive product comparison for vibration analyzing..............................................................5
Table 2: Competitive product comparison for thermal images....................................................................9
Table 3: Competitive product comparison for megger testing...................................................................12
Table 4: Competitive product comparison for visual inspections with videoscopes..................................15
Executive Summary
1. Vibration Monitoring Equipment
Vibration analysis is important for identifying the health of the machinery. Test data that are
obtained from vibration analysis equipment can be used for identifying possible future failures in
machineries at earlier stages. In production shop floors lot of machineries can be seen with many
moving machine elements and prime movers. Each and every machinery consist some vibration
and by analyzing vibration data frequently sudden breakdowns can be reduced it may result huge
cost reduction due to break downs.

Figure 1: Competitive appropriate products for vibration analysis

Table 1: Competitive product comparison for vibration analyzing

Product Fluke 810 Fluke 805 PHANTOM HT-1201 Digital

Feature Vibration Tester Vibration Tester ATEX Vibration Meter
1.) Place to https:// https:// https:// https://
buy www.myflukestor store.erbessd- collections/new- m/Akozon-
fluke-810- arrivals/products/product/wireless- Precision-
vibration-tester fluke-805-fc-fluke-
high-range- Acceleration-
connect-vibration-triaxial- Displacement-
meter-with-805es- accelerometer- Measurement/
for-condition- dp/
sensor monitoring- B07H2SXZWD
2.) Cost $ $ $ $
11,795.99 1,320.00 330.00 107.95
3.) Sensor Piezoceramic Accelerometer MEMS triaxial Piezoceramic
Type Accelerometer, accelerometer, Accelerometer
Triaxial Triaxial
4.) Possible, without Possible, but there Wireless data No. According to
Diagnosis any previous data are not lot of communication, the previous
auto about the relevant visualization tools there are no knowledge and
generating machinery, there with color display display only experiences user
feature are lot of sensor part. or analyzer
visualization tools Through free should decide
in the screen as software called what are the
well. DigivibeMX data diagnosis
can be analysis
5.) Sensor Magnetically It can be used with Magnetically Only one probe
mounting mounting external mounting, With that should touch
method magnetically coin, With an with the surface
mounting sensor adhesive
equipment probe
should touch on the
relevant machinery
6.) Battery Lithium-ion, 14.8 AA lithium non- Lithium battery 3 AA batteries
type (Power V, 2.55 Ah rechargeable CR2032 3V
Supply) (rechargeable with batteries (included) (Not replaceable)
8hrs life) [1200
7.) Weight 1900g 400g 177g 737g
of the
(in grams)
8.) 100 mv/g 100 mv/g 100 mv/g 100 mv/g
9.) Warranty 1Year 1Year 1Year 1Year
10.) 0.01 g to 80 g 0.01 g to 50 g 0.01g to 32g 0.01g to 20.33g
11.) Results Possible, Inside Possible, Further Possible, through Impossible.
exporting the equipment analysis such as wireless Gathered data
feature also FFT analysis FFT, Trendline etc. communication should be kept
can be done can be done in a data can be inside devices
further recordings computer. transferred to manually.
can be kept inside mobile devices
computers or data and recordings
base. can be kept.
12.) Data 4GB Non-volatile 3500recordings No according to No.
storage storage space is the mobile phone
inside the available or tablet storage
device it can be varied
13.) Unbalance, Overall vibration Overall vibration Overall vibration
Analyzing Looseness, measurement, measurement measurement and
and Misalignment and Bearing health only temperature
measuring Bearing Failures, measurement with readings
faultiest and Tachometer for Crest Factor,
parameters RPM Acceleration,
measurements Velocity, and
Displacement units
measurement with
spot IR sensor,
14.) Little Complex Technicians can do Complex, should Readings can be
Operating Technicians also the process have a easily taken but
feasibility should well train knowledge of analyzing them
to operate the operating mobile with base line
equipment, in phone apps readings is
engineers’ point properly. There is difficult
of view it is not an advantage of
complex remotely taking
the readings
within limited
15.) Minimum Maintenance is not Cleaning is the Cleaning and
Maintenance Maintenance is necessary for the M most important replacing the
Procedures necessary, meter, Cleaning is maintenance batteries are the
Cleaning the the most useful carried out for most important
equipment is maintenance in this sensor, mobile maintenance
major maintaining equipment, but phone apps procedures
action, Charging batteries can not be should be
the battery at charged after life updated properly
given time periods over they should be
is also very replaced.
16.) More Accurate More Accurate Accurate Less Accurate
ts accuracy
ding to the analyzed product features it can be seen that Fluke 810 is very expensive. However,
considering the accuracy and the features HT1201 is not suited for lot of applications, but it is
cheap. PHANTOM ATEX is also recognized product with wireless communications it only
consists sensor part. In PHANTOM ATEX life time is guaranteed therefore after predefined
amount of readings are taken new product should buy, it may not be cost effective due to the
inflation as well. Considering all economical and technical background it is better to go fluke
805 products, it is well recognized product as well as it costs moderate amount. Features of fluke
805 are not exact similar as fluke 810 but consisting features are sufficient for production plant.
When considering other equipment in the market some cheap equipment can be seen but working
with them may be difficult their accuracy may be very less as well as life span of them are less.
In fluke 805 batteries should be replaced after their life span over when considering its batteries,
they are cheap compared to the product cost ($ 1.5).

2.Thermal Imaging Camera

Thermal imaging cameras are very useful in electrical panel preventive maintenance and their
condition monitoring. If there are loose connections in electric panels wirings they may be
heated as well as sparks may be generated it may be really big hazard when considering fire
perspective view. In case of steam line inspection thermal image cameras can be used. While
steam is flowing through the steam line if there are insulation failures they can be easily
identified using thermal images. Moving machine elements are used in machine elements should
be lubricated properly otherwise they may fail and they cause for breakdowns. If moving
machine elements are not properly lubricated they can be identified by thermal images. Without
dismantling motors in production plant their condition can be identified through this thermal
image cameras. By using these cameras without stopping the plant operations conditions can be

Figure 2: Competitive appropriate products for thermal images


Table 2: Competitive product comparison for thermal images

Product Fluke TiS75+
Feature Thermal Camera
1.) Place Camera-With-Accessories-
to Buy product/thermal-
FLIR-MR265-Moisture- 115234680129.html?
Thermal-Imager/dp/ refresh=1
2.) Cost $ 5,899.99 $ 1,225.93 $ 525.62

3.) rechargeable battery
Lithium-ion field
Battery (≥3.5 hours continuous Rechargeable 3.7 V
rechargeable (Up to 6hrs
type (Power without WIFI (Actual nominal, 5400 mAh LiPo
battery life)
Supply) life depends on
settings and usage)

AC adapters are supplied for all equipment for charging

Weight of
the 885g 392g 700g
(in grams)
Thermal 40mK <150 mK 300mK @ 30 ºC
Two-years (standard) 10 Year 2 Years
7.) (-20 °C) to 550°C (not
Measureme calibrated below -10 32 to 212℉ (0 to 100℃) (-10 ºC) to 350 ºC
nt range °C)
8.) Focus
Manual Fixed Manual
0.15 m 0.1m 0.3 m
26.7 cm x 10.1 cm x
Dimensions 17.7 cm × 8.9 cm × 3.6 cm 21 cm x 12cm x 9cm
14.5 cm
11.) is2, BMP, GIF, JPEG, Radiometric JPEG JPEG
image PNG, TIFF
Internal Up to 1 000 images on
500 images 15000 images
storage SD card supplied
13.) Dew
Point Possible Possible Impossible
Infrared 384x288 160(W) x 120(H) pixels 47 x 47-pixel array
15.) Field
42° x 30° 57° x 44° 20º x 20º
of view
9 Hz 9 Hz 8 Hz
Frame Rate
Spectral 8-14μm 8-14µm 8 -14 μm
Ingress IP 54 IP 54 IP 54
19.) Drop
2m 2m No Test Data

Picture in picture,
Assets Tagging,
Temperature Picture in picture, Report
20.) measurements and preparation feature,
measurements and
Extra humidity measurements, Sequence Record,
Features Report preparation Persistent Manual setting,
measurements, Report
feature, Laser Pointer Laser Pointer
preparation feature,
Wireless Connectivity

When comparing all three products it can be identified that Fluke TiS75+ Thermal Camera is
very expensive one with lot of features its maximum identifying temperature is 550 0C. FLIR

MR265 equipment consist lot of features as Fluke TiS75+, but maximum temperature which can
be identified is key feature for these thermal image cameras in production plants. In FLIR
MR265 maximum temperature value that can be identified is 1000C then it may not suitable for
checking steam lines insulation conditions. All three equipment have same IP number IP 54
which tells us,

 Ingress of dust is not entirely prevented, but it must not enter in sufficient quantity to
interfere with the satisfactory operation of the equipment; complete protection against
 Water splashing against the enclosure from any direction shall have no harmful effect.

It is good for production plant environment. SKF TKTI 10 is cheapest product among three of
them. SKF is also a highly recognized machine elements and equipment manufacture. When
considering SKF TKTI 10 some parameters such as thermal sensitivity, infrared resolution
comparatively low, but it is suited product for production plant monitoring with its extra features
as well. Weight of the equipment is also in moderate value as well as using the equipment may
easy for technicians as well. Therefore, in case of thermal imaging cameras SKF TKTI 10 is the
best option to go. Some of cheaper products are available in the market, but their life span is less
as well as very less accuracy.

3.Megger Testing

Figure 3: Competitive appropriate products for megger testing

Table 3: Competitive product comparison for megger testing

Product Fluke 1503 ETCR 3480B Insulation Resistance Uni-t-Ut513

Feature Insulation tester Tester Digital

1.) Place to https:// https://

Buy detail/Tester-Contact-Resistance-
en/product/ Tester-ETCR3700B-
electrical-testing/ Low_62369645434.html? om/UNI-T-
insulation-testers/ spm=a2700.7735675.0.0.5e51260ecF Digital-
fluke-1503 NrXp&s=p

2.) Cost $ $ 245.00 $

629.99 439.00

3.) Insulation 0.01 MΩ to 2000 0.1MΩ-400GΩ 1MΩ-1000GΩ

Resistance MΩ
testing range
4.) Test 500 V and 1000 V 50V,250V,500V,1000V,2500V,5000 500V/1000V/
Voltages V 2500V/5000V

5.) Short 1 mA nominal >=2mA max <1.8mA

6.) Power Four AA batteries DC 1.5V 8pcs of 1.5V
Supply (NEDA 15A or (LR14) batteries
Method(Batt IEC LR6)
eries) or power
adaptor (input
voltage 230V,
100mA, input
DC15V, 1.3A)

7.) Operable with up Operable with up to 1 µF load Operable with

Maximum to 1 µF load up to 1 µF load
8.) 0.1 V 1V 1V
9.) Size (H x 5.0 x 10.0 x 20.3 9.4x 15.5x 20.2
W x L) cm 7.6×17.5× 21.2 cm cm

10.) Weight 550 g 1230g Approx. 2000g


11.) Working (-20°C) to 55°C (-10℃) ~40℃ 18℃ ~28℃

12.) ± (1.5% + 3) No data found ± (2%+5)
13.) Voltage 0V~600V 0V~750V 30V~600V
Range AC
14.) Display Large, backlit 4 digital LCD display, contrast clear Digital: 9999
Mode display counts
Analog bar

15.) 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year

16.) Probes Remote probe, High voltage bar test wire : Red crocodile clips
and Test leads, 1PCS ; Probe test wire : Black hard case
accessories Test probes, 1PCS ; Alligator clip test wire :
Alligator clips, 1PCS;Alligator clip:1PCS test leads
17.) Power Tester can perform Standby: about 40mA (backlight off) No Specific
Consumption at least 1000 ;Start up with backlight about Data
insulation tests 50mA;Measurement:about 100mA
with fresh alkaline (backlight off)
batteries at room
temperature. These
are standard tests
of 1000 V into 1
MΩ with a duty
cycle of 5 seconds
on and 25 seconds
18.) Resistance AC/DC Voltage test AC/DC Voltage
Additional measurements test
s that can be

Insulation resistance is degraded with the time and the environmental conditions. Insulation
failure may lead to a fire as well. In case of insulation failure spark can be generated as well as
high heat can be generated. Life span of equipment can be expanded through frequent megger
tests. Most machineries in production plant consist three phase motors. Frequently performing
megger testing is necessary for motors in order to prevent from sudden break downs. If motor
winding fails due to insulation failure then motor should rewind it may cost lot. When comparing
above three products for megger testing Fluke 1503 Insulation tester is the most expensive one.
However, Fluke 1503 Insulation tester consist a smaller number of test voltages it is not suitable
for high voltage applications. Uni-t-Ut513 Digital Insulation Resistance Tester is also can be use
for high voltage applications but some data are not available for this equipment, also its accuracy
is less. When considering transformers high voltages are applied therefore if company has a high
voltage applicable megger meter it can be used for monitoring the conditions of transformers as
well. Considering all these factors ETCR 3480B Insulation Resistance Tester is good for
application. ETCR is a good recognized brand and the manufacture gave all the required data.
ETCR 3480B Insulation Resistance Tester has a moderate weight and it is easy to use. Also,
ETCR 3480B Insulation Resistance Tester is the cheapest product among these three as well.
ETCR 3480B Insulation Resistance Tester can be recommend as a megger testing equipment.
Videoscope is very important as a visual inspection tool. In production plants monitoring
machine inside is very difficult without dismantling the machine parts. When some breakdown
maintenance is going on finding the issues is very difficulty without proper vison. Videoscopes
helps to get clear photographs and videos of the defects in machineries.

Figure 4: Competitive appropriate products for visual inspections with videoscopes

Table 4: Competitive product comparison for visual inspections with videoscopes

Product Vividia 3.5" LCD Fluke DS701 Diagnostic Videoscope PCE-VE

Feature Monitor Flexible Scope 250

1.) Place to https://

Buy product/industrial-imaging/
Vividia- fluke-ds701# english/measuring-
Recordable- instruments/test-meters/
Inspection- videoscope-pce-
Borescope- instruments-videoscope-
Endoscope/dp/ pce-ve-250-
B00LDZ20WW det_5855768.htm?
2.) Cost $ 269.88 $ 2,339.99 $ 381.31
3.) 1m 1.2 m 0.9 m
4.) 3.9mm Flexible 8.5 mm (0.33 inches), 4.5 mm, semi-flexible
Videoscope Cable optional 3.8, 5.5- and 9-mm
Probe probes available, Detachable,
Diameter semi-ridged, waterproof,
and type immersible to 1 meter or
more in depth

5.) Lighting 4 white LED lights Adjustable LED, on front, 6 white LEDs (adjustable
with adjustable one side (53 Lux intensity)
brightness illumination)

6.) Camera 640 x 480 800 x 600 (480,000 pixels) 720 x 576 Pixel
7.) Field of 57 Degrees 68 Degrees 60 Degrees
8.) Storage Micro SD card (4 6 GB Internal Memory 4GB Micro SD card
medium GB)
9.) Still JPG JPG JPEG
10.) Video AVI AVI AVI
11.) Video 30 frames/second N/A N/A
Frame Rate
12.) Power 4x AA batteries 6400mAh 3.7-volt Li-ion battery (2600-
Supplying with 7 hours rechargeable internal li-ion mAh) (4 hours in
Method continuous use, battery (3 hours at 50 % LED continuous operation)

13.) Weight 355g 880g 750g

of the
14.) N/A 0 °C to 45 °C (32 °F to 113 In air: -10 … 50°C / 14 ...
Operating °F), 50 °C (113 °F) for less 122°F
Temperatur than 10 minutes In water: 5 … 50°C /
e of probe 41 ... 122°F

15.) IP IP67, dust tight and IP68, dust tight and IP67, dust tight and
Rating of immersion of water immersion of 1 meter or immersion of water for
the Probe for small durations more depth small durations

16.) Liquid N/A Main Unit, IP54, dust Machine oil, light oil or
resistance protected and protected saline solution
main unit against water projected from 5%
a nozzle

17.) 1 Year 2 Year 1 Year

18.) Focal 20mm to Infinite. 25 mm to infinity 30mm to infinity
Range Fixed focus

19.) Display 3.5" full color LCD 17.73 x 22.48 cm 3.5" TFT LCD

According to the above discussed features and specifications of the products, in cost point of
view Fluke DS701 Diagnostic Scope is very expensive and it is comparatively large equipment
as well. However, in Vividia 3.5" LCD Monitor Flexible Borescope some important features are
not available even it is the cheapest product among them. In Videoscope PCE-VE 250 product
lot of features are available as well as its size is moderate its size, weight and the cost are
moderate. With the given warranty period and comparing with features and ratings of other
videoscopes available in the market Videoscope PCE-VE 250 can be recommended for the plant.
6.Required Budget
1) ERBESSD INSTRUMENTS. 2022. ATEX Certified Triaxial Wireless Vibration Sensor.
[online] Available at: <
triaxial-wireless-vibration-sensor/> [Accessed 16 September 2022].
2) 2022. Portable Vibration Meter Analyzer Meter Ht-1201 Digital Split Type
Vibrometer Predictive - Buy Vibration Meter,Split Type Vibrometer Vibration
Meter,Vibration Analyzer Vibration Meter Product on [online] Available at:
ht_60806912044.html> [Accessed 16 September 2022].
3) 2022. [online] Available at: <
810-Vibration-Tester-Manual.pdf> [Accessed 17 September 2022].
4) 2022. [online] Available at: <
21/Building-and-Industrial-Thermal-Imagers/> [Accessed 17 September 2022].
5) 2022. TiS75+ Thermal Camera. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 18 September
6) 2022. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 18 September
7) 2022. Fluke 1503 Insulation Resistance Tester. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 18 September 2022].
8) 2022. Megger Tester Price-Megger Tester Price Manufacturers, Suppliers
and Exporters on [online] Available at:
ylP1pCkfifgB988rs3sk6MZvFrBoCXwIQAvD_BwE> [Accessed 18 September 2022].
9) Vividia Technologies: Borescopes, Videoscopes, Microscopes, Inspection Cameras.
2022. Vividia 3.5" LCD Monitor Flexible Borescope. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed
19 September 2022].
10) 2022. Fluke Videoscope Borescope DS701 Diagnostic Scope. [online]
Available at: <>
[Accessed 19 September 2022].
11) Instruments, P., 2022. Videoscope PCE-VE 250 | PCE Instruments. [online] Pce- Available at: <
det_5855768.htm?_list=kat&_listpos=7> [Accessed 19 September 2022].

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