STD 6 Computer CH 3 Qa
STD 6 Computer CH 3 Qa
STD 6 Computer CH 3 Qa
b) The day SUN is entered in the cell Al and TUE in A2 Select the two days and using
fill handle drag to the cell A5. What series will you get?
c) Which of the following type of data are sorted by the Sorting feature?
Ans. i). Textual ii). Numeric
Page number : 2
then click Import. The list gets added to the List entries and the Custom
list box.
v). Clock OK in both the dialog boxes.
e) How will you sort data on one column in ascending order quickly?
Ans. The steps to sort data on one column in ascending order quickly are :
1) Select a cell in the column according to which you want to sort the data.
2) Click Home tab. In the Editing group, click the Sort & Filter button. A drop-
down list appears. Click Sort Smallest to Largest for ascending order.
Click Data tab. In the Sort & Filter group click Sort A to Z button
for ascending order.