Reproductive System
Reproductive System
Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System
External Structures
• Penis: external male sex organ
- Circumcised: removes some or all of foreskin
- Uncircumcised: foreskin not removed
• Scrotum: sac of skin and muscle containing testicles
Uncircumcised Circumcised
Male Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System
Internal Structures
• Prostate: exocrine gland of male reproductive system
• Vas Deferens: tubes connecting epididymis to ejaculatory ducts
• Epididymis: organ where sperm matures
• Testicles: organ where sperm is created
• Urethra: tube that connects bladder to outside of body
• Cowper’s Gland: secretes lubricating fluid
• Seminal Vesicle: make semen (seminal fluid)
The Sperm Pathway
Seminal vesicles
Ejaculatory duct
Prostate gland
Testicular torsion is
the twisting of the
spermatic cord, which
cuts off the blood supply
to the testicle and
surrounding structures
within the scrotum.
Testicular Torsion
Prostate Cancer
Signs include…
collection of fluid in the scrotum
lump or enlargement in either testicle
Unexplained fatigue
Performing Testicular Self-Exams
Step 1: Draw a warm bath to relax the scrotum
Step 2: Get familiar with your body
Step 3: Place one leg on an elevated surface
Step 4: Use one hand to support testicle
Step 5: Use the other hand to gently roll testicle
between thumb and index finger
Look for: Hard lumps, tenderness,
hardness of testicle or discharge of
the penis
Impotence is a common
problem among men
characterized by the
consistent inability to
sustain an erection or the
inability to achieve
ejaculation, or both.
Cause of Impotence
Inguinal Hernia
Inguinal hernias occur
when part of the intestine
protrudes through a weak
spot in the abdomen —
often along the inguinal
canal, which carries the
spermatic cord in men
Medical professional
Specializes in the urinary tract of males and
females and in the reproductive system of males
Female Reproductive
Female Reproductive System
External Structures