72019report On English Most Least Per Grade 2019
72019report On English Most Least Per Grade 2019
72019report On English Most Least Per Grade 2019
Department of Education
Region III
First Quarter
Grade Level MPS Most Mastered Least Mastered Issues and Concerns Recommendations
Grade 7 44.95 Supply other words or Use phrases, clauses, The periods allocated Provide 1-2 hour
expressions that and sentences for writing skills are writing activities per
complete an analogy appropriately and extremely rare. week to practice their
meaningfully skills.
Identify the genre, Use appropriate Most of the students Introduce the culture
purpose, intended reading strategies to are not acquainted of writing diorites and
audience and features of
meet one’s purpose with parts of speech. daily activities
various viewed texts such
as movie clip, trailer,
(e.g. scanning,
newsflash, internet-based skimming, close
program, documentary, reading, etc.)
Second Quarter
Grade Level MPS Most Mastered Least Mastered Issues and Concerns Recommendations
Grade 7 46.49 Use listening Transcode information Students have Introduce modern
strategies based on from linear to non- difficulty in techniques in terms of
purpose, familiarity linear texts and vice- comprehending texts. reading skills.
with the topic and versa
levels of
difficulty of short
texts listened to
Use a search engine to Summarize key Students have low Develop projects and
conduct a guided information from a degree of programs that will
search on a given topic text comprehension and enhance their ability
ability to organize to summarize.
Third Quarter
Grade Level MPS Most Mastered Least Mastered Issues and Concerns Recommendations
Fourth Quarter
Grade Level MPS Most Mastered Least Mastered Issues and Concerns Recommendations