Amer 2013
Amer 2013
Amer 2013
PII: S0167-577X(13)00751-9
Reference: MLBLUE15345
Cite this article as: Walid Amer, Karima Abdelouahdi, Hugo Ronald
Ramananarivo, Mohamed Zahouily, Aziz Fihri, Yannick Coppel, Rajender S.
Varma, Abderrahim Solhy, Synthesis of mesoporous nano-hydroxyapatite by
using zwitterions surfactant, Materials Letters,
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Synthesis of mesoporous nano-hydroxyapatite by using
zwitterions surfactant
MAScIRFoundation, VARENA Center, Rabat Design, Rue Mohamed El Jazouli, Madinat El Irfane 10100-
Rabat, Morocco.
Faculté des Sciences, Université Mohamed V-Agdal, 4 Avenue Ibn Battouta, B.P. 1014-Rabat, Morocco.
Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique (CNRST), Division UATRS, Angle Allal
Fassi/FAR, B.P.8027, Hay Riad, 10000-Rabat, Morocco.
Laboratoire de Catalyse, Chimiométrie et Environnement, URAC 24, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques,
Université Hassan II, Mohammedia B. P. 146, 20650, Morocco.
CNRS, LCC (Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination), 205 route de Narbonne, BP 44099, F-31077 Toulouse
Cedex 4, France.
Université de Toulouse, UPS, INPT, F-31077 Toulouse Cedex 4, France.
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. National Risk Management Research Laboratory. Sustainable
Technology Division. 26 West Martin Luther King Drive, MS 443. Cincinnati, Ohio 45268, USA.
Mesoporous nano-hydroxyapatite (mn-HAP) was successfully synthesized via a novel
The systematic use of such a surfactant in combination with microwave energy input enables
the precise control of pore size in a narrow-size distribution range (36 nm). The comparison
of the specific surfaces area of dried and calcined mn-HAP (87 and 55 m2g-1) illustrates the
fundamental role of zwitterionic surfactant in the synthesis of mn-HAP. The controlled growth
transform infrared (FT-IR), Raman spectroscopy, powder x-ray diffraction (XRD), solid-state
(TEM) techniques.
Microwave Irradiation.
Corresponding author.Fax: +212 530279827.
Email address: [email protected] (A. Solhy).
1. Introduction
Since their discovery in the early 1990s, soft templating approaches have attracted
tremendous interest for the synthesis of many mesoporous and nanostructured materials [1-3].
This strategy opened the door for a large variety of materials featuring a narrow pore size
chemistry and materials communities because of their its wide accessibility, low density, large
specific area and pore volume, small size, mechanical properties, thermal stabilities and
surface permeability [6]. In addition, mn-HAP has also a greater potential in a nanoscale-
based delivery system due to its promising high capacity [7]; HAP crystals have been widely
used in delivery systems for genes [8], proteins [9] and various drugs [10-12] due to their non
toxic and excellent biocompatibility attributes [13-15]. Alternately, this material has potential
controllable morphologies like spheres, needles, rods, fibers, plates, and tunable wall
structures can be of particular interest for catalysis, adsorption, biomedicine, and hosts for
preferred for biomedical applications [19]. However, it’s very difficult to obtain mn-HAP with
the nanoscale dimensionality and controlled morphology through traditional methods, such as
dry processes [20], spray pyrolysis [21], and sonochemical synthesis [22].
Other techniques have been deployed to control the mesoporous structures of this
material, the most significant being emulsion system [23-24] and sol-gel [25-26]. Thus, the
component can generate well organized porous structures. A series of surfactants, including
pluronic P123 [29-30], sodium dodecyl sulfate [31], polyethylene glycol [32-33], citric acid
[34], polyvinyl alcohol [35], and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide [36-38], have been used
as templates for the synthesis of mesoporous HAP. These techniques are promising especially
when used in conjunction with a non-conventional alternative heating mode such as the
The surfactant molecule consists of two parts having different properties: a ‘head-group’
(hydrophilic) with a strong affinity for the solvent and a ‘tail’ (hydrophobic) with less affinity
for the solvent [41]. The head group may carry a negative or positive charge, giving rise to
surfactants which alter their ionic behaviour according to pH-value of the solvent [42].
Depending on the molecular structure and type, a balance between hydrophilicity and
agents, and micelle forming types [43-44]. Zwitterionic surfactants are soluble and effective
in the presence of high concentrations of electrolytes, acids and alkalies and they exhibit
cationic behaviour near or below their isoelectric points and anionic behaviour at higher pH.
The isoelectric point depends on the structure of the surfactant. These surfactants may contain
two charged groups of different sign. Whereas the positive charge is invariably ammonium,
the source of the negative charge may vary such as carboxylate, sulphate, or sulphonate
groups. These surfactants have excellent dermatological properties and they are frequently
used in shampoos and other cosmetic products, and also in hand dishwashing liquids because
irradiation. The effect of surfactant addition on the morphology, size, crystallinity, surface
2. Experimental section
The lauryl dimethylaminoacetic acid (LB) surfactant was purchased from O.L.A.C. (local
company in Casablanca Morocco). All other commercial reagents were purchased from
Aldrich Chemical Company and were used without further purification. The microwave oven
from Strat-Synth (Milestone S.r.l.) and Sorvall WX Ultra Series centrifuge from Thermo
Scientific was used in these studies. For drying materials, a thermostatic vacuum dryer
((NH4)2HPO4) were used as calcium and phosphorous sources respectively for the synthesis
of mn-HAP. The zwitterionic surfactant, LB, was utilized as the templating agent. Two
mixtures were prepared (designated S1 and S2). For S1: 0.1 mol (11.8 g) of Ca(NO3)2.4H2O
was dissolved into 75 mL of deionized water and then 0.01 M of LB was added. This mixture
was stirred for 30 min at room temperature to form micelles. For S2: 0.06 mol (3.96 g) of
(NH4)2HPO4 was dissolved into 125 mL of deionized water. The pH of this solution was
maintained higher than 10 by adding ammonium hydroxide. The two solutions, S1 and S2,
were mixed and then placed in a microwave reactor for 30 minutes at a temperature of 80 °C.
After the reaction time, the resulting white precipitate was separated by centrifuging at 8000
rpm for 10 min. The separated product was washed with deionized water and ethanol three
spectroscopy (ICP-OES) from Yvan Jobin (Ultimate 2). TGA was conducted under air in a
TA Instrument Q500 apparatus with a 10°C/min ramp between 25 and 1000°C. Fourier
transforms infrared spectra of samples in KBr pellets were measured on a Bruker Vector 22
spectrometer. Raman spectra were recorded for powder samples on a Perkin Elmer Raman
spectrometer with 785 nm red laser irradiation. NMR solid-state experiments were recorded
on a Bruker Avance 400 (9.4 T) spectrometer equipped with a 4 mm probe. For 1H MAS and
P MAS single pulse experiments, small flip angle (~30°) were used with recycle delays of
5s and 20s, respectively.31P-NMR spectra were recorded under high-power proton decoupling
conditions. X-ray diffraction patterns of the samples were obtained at room temperature on a
Bruker AXS D-8 diffractometer using Cu-Kα radiation in Bragg-Brentano geometry (θ-2θ).
The crystal size was calculated using the Scherrer’s equation. TEM micrographs were
The specific surface areas were determined from the nitrogen adsorption/desorption
isotherms at -196 °C, and estimated in relation to the masses of the out gassed samples and
calculated from the BET equation. Pore size distributions were calculated from the N2
adsorption isotherms with the ‘‘classic theory model’’ of Barret, Joyney and Halenda (BJH)
[46]. The gas adsorption was performed on a Quantachrome Autosorb-1 automatic analyzer
using N2 (molecule cross-sectional area of 0.162 nm2) as the adsorptive gas. Prior to N2
growth reactions from zwitterionic surfactant under microwave irradiation heating conditions.
reveals that the Ca/P ratio matched the expected ratio for hydroxyapatite (~1.66).
In order to determine the thermal behaviour of this material, the dried powder of the
mn-HAP was analysed by TGA (Fig. S2). Two major stages mass loss were observed: i) the
first one at 280°C≥ T ≥ Troom, is due to water evaporation, ethanol and after the template
combustion, and ii) the secondat 500 °C ≥ T ≥ 280 °C corresponds to the crystallization of
mn-HAP. Thus, we have adopted 500 °C as calcination temperature for all samples.
The FT-IR analysis of mn-HAP sample, prepared by this route is shown in Fig. 1A which
indicates that all bands correspond to mn-HAP. The band at 3572 is characteristic of OH
stretching of mn-HAP lattice [50]. The bending modes appeared at 602,566 and 472 cm-1 are
assigned respectively to ν4(PO43-), ν4(PO43-), ν2(PO43-) [49] and the absorption at 1027 cm-1 is
attributed to ν3(PO43-) [51]. In addition, the broad band centred approximately at 3400 cm-1
and the band at 1617 cm-1 show the presence of adsorbed water [50]. The bands
corresponding to 1420 and 1470 cm-1 indicate the presence of carbonate ions in the resultant
mn-HAP [51].
Fig. 1B shows the Raman spectra of mn-HAP synthesized in the presence of LB calcined at
500°C for 10 hrs. Apart from the hydroxyl bands, all the modes associated to the phosphate
were observed (ν1(PO4), ν2(PO4), ν3(PO4), and ν4(PO4) bands) [47]. The phosphate modes
1072 cm-1 (ν3(PO4),1046 cm-1 (ν3(PO4), 959 cm-1 (ν1(PO4), 608 cm-1 (ν4(PO4), 590 cm-1
(ν4(PO4)), 577 cm-1 (ν4(PO4)), 445 cm-1 and 432 cm-1 (ν2(PO4) are observed. We note that the
ν1(PO4) band at 959 cm-1 is very intense and characteristic of hydroxyapatite. This mode is
associated to the totally symmetric stretching mode of the ‘free’ tetrahedral phosphate ligand.
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1C illustrated the XRD patterns of the before and after calcination of mn-HAP
respectively. All the diffraction peaks corresponded to the standard characteristic peaks of
hexagonal symmetry (space group P63/m) indicating that the phase of the samples was highly
pure HAP, and this is expected since we have synthesized the mn-HAP at a pH higher than 10.
The both diagrams are identical in terms of existing phase. Moreover, in the case of the
calcined sample, the diffraction peaks are thinner (see (300) and (211) peaks), indicating an
The lattice parameters are presented in Table 1 which is in good agreement with data of the
JCPDS card no74-566. The Average crystallite size estimated by the Scherrer equation is
about 19 nm for the dried sample and 22 nm for calcined sample at 500 °C.
The PMAS NMR spectrum of the mn-HAP reveals the presence of a single isotropic
signal at 2.6ppm (Fig. 1D), which proves the existence of only one type of phosphorus (PO43-)
in the apatite structure. The 1HMAS-NMR spectrum of the mn-HAP presents two signals (Fig.
1D, inset). The first peak at 0.10 ppm is characteristic of the proton of the hydroxyapatite,
while the second peak at 5.45 ppm corresponds to the water molecule physisorbed on the
surface. The results of both NMR spectra are consistent with previous results and confirm the
images show rod-like mn-HAP crystallites with a uniform diameter and length of about 19 nm
and 69 nm, respectively (Table 1). Observing the SAED patterns (Fig. 2), spacing and angles
of the lattice fringes, can consistently be assigned to the structure of hydroxyapatite. We can
also, see that the spots corresponding to the (002) faces of mn-HAP were notably brighter than
the others, suggesting a preferred orientation of the mn-HAP nanoparticles according to the
[001] direction. This explains the high intensity of the (002) reflection in the XRD diagram.
The preferential orientation along the axis (002) of these nanocrystallites of mn-HAP may be
due to the high energy offered by the microwave system. Indeed, reduction of specific surface
energy is the principal driving force for crystal growth and morphology development [48].
Microwave irradiation provides a rapidly changing electric field, which cause the movement
and the polarisation of water molecules and PO43- ions. When the crystallites acquire the
energy needed, they are moving according to the plans of lower energy which are in this case
Fig. 2.
The pores are formed by the removal of the intermediate assemblies of the charged
surfactant molecules. The nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms of the dried and calcined
mn-HAP samples can be categorized as type IV, with a distinct hysteresis loop. The BET
surface area is calculated to be 87 and 55m2g-1 for dried and calcined samples respectively.
The decrease of the specific surface area can be explained by the effect of heat treatment on
the pore network. The typical H1 hysteresis loop for two samples (Fig. 3A) indicated that
there were a great amount of cylinder-like open-ended pores inside the mn-HAP
nanoparticles, which corroborate the TEM results. The BJH pore size distribution of dried and
calcined samples, are analogous, they were centred approximately at 36 nm (Table 1). To
confirm the role of the template, we have also synthesized this material without using any
surfactant. The formation of small pores was observed, giving a low surface area not
exceeding 30 m2g-1 after heat treatment. Additional concentrations were also evaluated but the
results obtained are similar to the one discussed here. Similarly, the synthesis of this material
in the presence of surfactant but by conventional heating gives rise to mn-HAP powder with
low surface area, about 20 m2g-1. This demonstrates the definitive advantage of microwave
heating and its synergistic effect with surfactants to generate the organized mesoporosity.
Indeed, this study outlines the precise effect of this technique to control growth of mn-HAP.
Fig. 3.
Table 2
4. Conclusions
In this present work, we have developed a novel microwave process for the synthesis of
confirms that the synthesized material have a pure crystal structure corresponding to
hydroxyapatite. TEM observations illustrate the rod-like structure assemblies and the mean
size that varied between: 19/69 nm (diameter/length). However, the exploitation of the
adsorption/desorption isotherms via BET equation reveal that mn-HAP powders are
meso-structured in nature. The specific surfaces areas are 87 and 55 m2g-1corresponding to the
pore volume 0.886 and 0.963 cm3/g, respectively, for the dried and calcined mn-HAP. The
BJH isotherm shows the powder has a broad pore size distribution with average sizes toward
36 nm. These observations demonstrate the crucial role of the use of zwitterionic surfactant to
generate the calibrated pores, and then the nano-structuration of hydroxyapatite. The precise
control over the particle and narrow-size pore distribution broadens the scope of this material
The financial assistance of the Office Chérifien des Phosphates in the Moroccan Kingdom
(OCP Group): Industrial pole, Department of the R&D towards this research is hereby
acknowledged. We acknowledge also the financial assistance of the CNRST. We also thank
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Table 1. Lattice parameter, crystallite size, mean diameter and length, BET surface area, pore
volume and pore diameter for dried and calcined mn-HAP.
Crystallite size[c]/nm SBET[d]/ Vmeso[d]/ Pore
Material (Å) diameter
size[a]/nm m2g-1 mL g-1 (nm)[d]
a b Mean Mean
diameter Length
M1 87 0.886
9.399 6.865 22 19 69 36
M2 55 0.963
M1: Dried mn-HAP at 80 °C, M2: Calcined mn-HAP at 500 °C. [a] Calculated by Debye-Scherer equation. [b]
Mean diameter and length determined by TEM. [d] From nitrogen sorption analysis.
Fig. 1. (A) FT-IR spectrum of dried mn-HAP at 80 °C overnight. (B) Raman spectrum of
dried mn-HAP at 80 °C overnight. (C) XRD patterns of dried mn-HAP at 80 °C overnight and
calcined mn-HAP at 500°C for 10 hrs. (D) 31P MAS NMR spectrum of calcined mn-HAP at
500 °C for 10 hrs and (inset) the 1H MAS NMR spectrum of calcined mn-HAP at 500 °C for
10 hrs.
Fig. 2. TEM micrograph and SAED pattern of calcined mn-HAP at 500 °C for 10 hrs.
Fig. 3. (A) Nitrogen adsorption isotherms on mn-HAP powders: dried at 80 °C overnight (a),
and calcined at 500 °C for 10 hrs (b). (B) BJH pore size distribution for mn-HAP by action of
0.01M of LB surfactant: (a) dried material at 80 °C overnight, and (b) calcined material at 500
°C for 10 hrs.
► This way enables the precise control of pore size in a narrow-size distribution range (36