Detailed Lesson Plan in Math
Detailed Lesson Plan in Math
Detailed Lesson Plan in Math
I. Learning Objectives
a. define a polygon
b. identify the different kinds of polygon according to the number of sides
and number of angles
c. relate the polygon in a real-life situation
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Different kinds of Polygon
References: Learners Module Mathematics 7
Materials: Visual aids (cut out shapes, cartolina, print outs)
Subject Integration: English
III. Instructional Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
Before we start, everybody
stand up for a prayer.
b. Greetings
Good morning class. Good morning ma’am.
c. Checking of attendance
Class monitor, kindly check
the attendance.
B. Review
What was our topic last Last meeting our topic is all about
meeting? kinds of angles.
Now, what are those kinds of The different kinds of angles are
angles? acute angle, right angle, obtuse
angles and straight angle.
C. Motivation
I have here a figure that will
help you formulate the
definition of a polygon. I will
paste on the board. Class take a
look at figure on the board and
study about it. The students study the figure.
The following are polygons
Very good!
And as have you notice, how There are three (3) or more line
many minimum numbers of segments.
line segment does a polygon
Very good!
Also, we can name this polygon
as quadrilateral because of its
prefix “quad” means four. Yes ma’am!
Very good!
We call this polygon as
pentagon because of its prefix
“pent” means 5.
Pent means 5.
Again, what does “pent”
No, ma’am.
Excellent class!
Is it clear?
F. Activity
This time we will have an
activity. But before that I will
group you into four (4).
Activity: By Group
The students will make an art
using the different kinds of
A polygon is a close plane figure
G. Generalization made up of three or more line
Based from our discussion, segment joined at their end points.
what is a polygon?
Yes, Yronn?
The different kinds of polygons are
Very good! triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon,
Now, what were the different hexagon, heptagon, octagon,
kinds of polygons that we nonagon, and decagon.
already discuss?
It is a triangle.
Very good! Now, what kind of From the prefix “tri” means 3.
polygon that having 3 sides and
Do you have any questions?
IV. Evaluation
In ¼ sheet of paper.
Direction: Tell what kind of polygon is stated in the statement below.
1. It has four equal sides
2. A polygon with five sides
3. A four-sided polygon with two pairs if parallel lines
4. Three-sided polygon
5. It has 8 sides
V. Assignment
(in a short bond paper)
Observe your surroundings at home. List down all the things that represent
polygon including the number of its sides. Draw them in a short bond paper.
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