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4 Analog Input/Output Module 07 AC 91

16 inputs/outputs, configurable for ±10 V, 0...10 V, 0...20 mA,
8/12 bit resolution, 2 operating modes, CS31 system bus

1 2


Fig. 5.4-1:
Analog input/output
module 07 AC 91

Contents • The PLC offers an interconnection element

ANAI4_20 for measuring signals of 4...20 mA (refer
Intended purpose .................................................. 5.4- 1
to 907 PC 331, connection element library).
Display and operating elements
on the front panel ........................................... 5.4- 1 The module 07 AC 91 uses up to eight input words on the
Electrical connection ............................................ 5.4- 1 CS31 system bus plus up to eight output words. In the
Configuration ......................................................... 5.4- 3 operating mode "8 bits", 2 analog values are packed into
Measuring ranges of analog channels ................... 5.4- 4 one word.
Addressing ........................................................... 5.4- 6 The operating voltage of the unit is 24 V DC. The CS31
Normal operation ................................................... 5.4- 6 system bus connection is electrically isolated from the
Diagnosis and displays ......................................... 5.4- 6 rest of the module.
Technical data ....................................................... 5.4- 8
Front panel foil and outside dimensions ......... 5.4-11 The module offers a number of diagnosis functions (see
chapter "Diagnosis and displays").

Intended purpose Displays and operating elements on the

front panel
The analog input/output module 07 AC 91 is used as a
remote module on the CS31 system bus. It contains 16 1 8 green LEDs for channel selection and diagnosis
analog input/output channels that can be configured in
two operating modes: 2 8 green LEDs for analog value display of a channel

• Operating mode "12 bits": 3 List of diagnosis information relating to the LEDs,
when they are used for diagnosis display
8 input channels, individually configurable
±10 V or 0...20 mA, 12 bit resolution plus 4 Red LED for error messages
8 output channels, individually configurable
±10 V or 0...20 mA, 12 bit resolution 5 Test button

• Operating mode "8 bits": Electrical connection

16 channels, configurable in pairs as inputs or
outputs, 0...10 V oder 0...20 mA, 8 bit resolution The module can be installed on a DIN rail (15 mm high) or
with 4 screws. The figure on the next page shows the
• The configuration is set with DIL switches. electrical connection for the input/output module.

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 05.2001 Hardware 5.4-1 07 AC 91

Operating mode "12 bits": 8 analog inputs (terminals 4 to 19) and 8 analog outputs (terminals 27 to 42),
configurable for ±10 V or 0...20 mA, resolution 12 bits
Operating mode "8 bits": 16 analog channels configurable in pairs as inputs or outputs for
0...10 V or 0...20 mA, resolution 8 bits
The terminals Analog input
CS31 bus
SHIELD of the
CS31 system
bus and PE of Analog ground
the supply
voltage are not

Cabinet ground
analog inputs/outputs analog inputs/outputs

Analog inputs for oper. mode "12 Bit"

Electrical bus
Analog channels for oper. mode "8 Bit"

The analog
part and the
supply voltage A/D conversion and D/A conversion
(L+ and M) Diagnosis function
are not Bus coupling
An. outputs for oper. mode "12 Bit"

converter for
An. channels for oper. mode "8 Bit"
the supply of
the analog
part and the
digital part

analog inputs/outputs analog inputs/outputs


With a binary 1 signal (24V) Analog ground

at these terminals, all analog
outputs are enabled. Both
terminals are electrically
isolated. Analog output

Cabinet ground
The connections of all analog value sensors and receivers must
Caution: The process voltage must be electrically isolated from their installation environment.
be included in the grounding concept The cable shields of the analog wiring must be connected to cabinet
of the control system (e.g. grounding ground where they enter the cabinet.
of the minus terminal).
Setting of the module address and configuration of the analog
channels is done with the DIL switches (see next page).

Bild 5.4-2: Electrical connection of the analog input/output module 07 AC 91

2 07 AC 91 5.4-2 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 05.2001

Configuration of analog channels and settings of the module address on the CS31 bus
The 16 analog channels can be configured in two operating modes with DIL switches (located under the slide
cover on the right side of the module housing (see following figure):
Operating mode "12 bits": 8 analog inputs (terminals 4 to 19) plus 8 analog outputs (term. 27 to 42),
configurable for ±10 V or 0...20 mA, solution 12 bits
Operating mode "8 bits": 16 analog channels configurable in pairs as inputs or outputs for
0...10 V or 0...20 mA, solution 8 bits

DIL switch 1 DIL switch 2 Address DIL switch

Printed circuit
Terminals Terminals Module address board
Operating mode

Operating mode "12 bits"

Analog input Analog output

OFF: Channel-No. < 7

Each switch of the DIL switches 1 und 2 configures ON: Channel-No. > 7
one channel: OFF = ±10 V, ON = 20 mA Bit significance 1 Module
Bit significance 2 address;
Bit significance 4 bit signifi-
Example: DIL switch 1, position 1 = OFF: Bit significance 8 cation
analog channel 0 is configured for ±10 V. Monitoring of measuring
range limits, OFF=yes, ON=no
reserved (set to OFF)
Operating mode "8 bits"
OFF: oper. mode "12 bits"
Analog input Analog input ON: oper. mode "8 bits"
Analog output Analog output The module address is calculated from the
sum of the significances of the swiches
that are in position ON.
Example: Switches 6 and 7 ON
Input or output / 0...10 V or 0...20 mA
Module address: 2 + 1 = 3
in pairs, e.g. together for two channels
with two switches per pair
Left switch OFF = Both channels analog inputs The analog outputs must be enabled with
Left switch ON = Both channels analog outputs a binary 1 signal (24V) at terminals 25 (+)
and 26 (-).
Right switch OFF = 0...10 V
Both of these terminals are electrically
Right switch ON = 0...20 mA
isolated, which means that the reference
signal and the control signal must be
Example: DIL-switch 1, positions 1 and 2: Without connecting the enabled signal, the
Analog channels 0 and 1 are configured as analog voltage outputs are set to 0 V and
inputs for 0...20 mA. the current outputs to 0 mA.

Fig. 5.4-3: Configuration of the analog channels and setting of the module address on the CS31system bus

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 05.2001 Hardware 5.4-3 07 AC 91

Operating mode "12 bits": Examples:
For configuration see preceding page. If input values over- Measuring range Range of numerical display
flow or underflow the measuring range, the values 32767
or -32767 are output. -10 V...0...10 V -32760D....0....32760D
Resolution in the control system:
All measured values will be converted with a resolution of 0...20 mA 0...32760D
12 bits which are either 11 bits + sign or 12 bits without 0000...7FF8H
sign. The relationship between analog signal and converted nu-
merical value is shown in the following figure.

Bit in word 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
-100 50 25 12.5 6.25 3.13 1.56 0.78 0.39 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.02
0 0 0
% % % % % % % % % % % % %
±10 V -10V 5V 2.5V 1.25V 625mV 313mV 156mV 78mV 39mV 20mV 10mV 5mV 2mV 0 0 0
0...20 mA 10mA 5mA 2.5mA 1.25mA 625µA 313µA 156µA 78µA 39µA 20µA 10µA 5µA 0 0 0

Bit values -32768 16384 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

Measuring range ±10 V: 11 bit resolution plus sign, measuring range 0...20 mA: 12 bit resolution
without sign, the value range of -100...+100 % corresponds to the numerical values of 8008H...7FF8H
(-32760...+32760), overflow: 7FFFH (32767), underflow: 8001H (-32767)

Conversion formula
for voltages: +32767 7FFF Error
+32760 7FF8
100 % of input voltage pro-
duces a number of 32760,
i.e. 1 % more input voltage
increases the output number
by 327.6 +16384 4000

0...20 mA 0 0000

-16384 C000

-32760 8008
-32767 8001 Error

-100 % -50 % 0% +50 % +100 % Measuring range

-10 V -5 V 0V +5 V +10 V +/-10 V
0 mA 10 mA 20 mA 4...20 mA

Fig. 5.4-4: Relationship between analog value and numerical value and position of bits in the word

2 07 AC 91 5.4-4 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 05.2001

Operating mode "8 bits": The smallest difference that can be detected on the ana-
log side (e.g. 40 mV in the range of 0...10 V) results in a
For configuration please see second preceding page.
change of the numeric value by 1 in the PLC program.
Resolution in the control system:
The converted analog values of two analog channels are Examples:
packed into a word with 8 bit each (low byte and high 0...10 V 0D....255D
byte). 00H...FFH
0...20 mA 0D....255D
The relationship between analog signal and converted nu-
merical value is shown in the following figure.

Bits in the word

High Byte Low Byte
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
50 25 12.5 6.25 3.13 1.56 0.78 0.39 50 25 12.5 6.25 3.13 1.56 0.78 0.39
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

0...10 V
5V 2.5V 1.25V 625mV 313mV 156mV 78mV 39mV 5V 2.5V 1.25V 625mV 313mV 156mV 78mV 39mV

0...20 mA
10mA 5mA 2.5mA 1.25mA 625µA 313µV 156µA 78µA 10mA 5mA 2.5mA 1.25mA 625µA 313µA 156µA 78µA

Bit values
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

Measuring ranges 0...10 V, 0...20 mA, 8 bit resolution

The value range of 0...+100 % corresponds with the numerical values 00H...FFH (0...+255)

Conversion formula
for voltages:
+255 FF
100 % of input voltage pro-
duces a number of 255, i. e.
1 % more input voltage in-
creases the output number
by 2.55 +128 80

0 00

0% +50 % +100 % Measuring range

0V +5 V +10 V 0...10 V
0 mA 10 mA 20 mA 4...20 mA

Fig. 5.4-5: Relationship between analog value and numerical value and position of bits in the word

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 05.2001 Hardware 5.4-5 07 AC 91

As shown in the table, the module occupies 8 analog in-
puts and 8 analog outputs on the CS31 system bus.
If the module is confiugured in operating mode "8 bits"
Each module must have an address installed to enable only for inputs or only for outputs, only 8 analog inputs or
the central unit to correctly access the inputs and out- 8 analog outputs are used on the CS31 system bus. In
puts. this case, not occupied input or output addresses can be
A detailed description about "Addressing" can be used by other modules.
found in the chapter "Addressing" for the central pro- If the address DIL switch No. 8 is switched to ON, all
cessing unit and couplers. channel numbers change by 08, i.e. address AW n,00
The setting of the address must be done with the DIL switch changes to AW n,08, etc. This applies for the address
located under the slide cover on the right side of the mod- assignments for inputs and outputs in both operation
ule housing (see Fig. 5.4-3). When using central units modes.
07 KR 91, 07 KT 9x as bus master, the following address
allocations result: Normal operation
• After the supply voltage was switched on, the
Central units 07 KR 91 / 07 KT 9x
module initializes automatically. During initialization
process all LEDs are switched on.
Operating mode "12 bits",
• If the CS31 system bus does not (yet) run, the red
Address DIL switch No. 1 in OFF position
error LED will light up. If an error occurs during the
Address in Address in initialization process, the red error LED will also
Channel PLC Channel PLC
program program light up.
E0 EW n,00 A0 AW n,00
E1 EW n,01 A1 AW n,01 Diagnosis and displays
E2 EW n,02 A2 AW n,02
E3 EW n,03 A3 AW n,03 The module 07 AC 91 offers the following diagnosis func-
E4 EW n,04 A4 AW n,04 tions:
E5 EW n,05 A5 AW n,05
E6 EW n,06 A6 AW n,06 • Analog value is out of measuring range
E7 EW n,07 A7 AW n,07
• Storing this information and possibility for recall
(kind of error and location of error)
Operating mode "8 bits",
Address DIL switch No. 1 in ON position If an error occurs, the red LED lights up. The error mes-
sage will be transmitted to the central unit or the
Address in Address in
Channel PLC Channel PLC coupler.
program program
In the central units 07 KR 91 / 07 KT 9x, the errors are
E00 EW n,00 Lo A00 AW n,00 Lo
displayed as follows:
E01 EW n,00 Hi A01 AW n,00 Hi
E02 EW n,01 Lo A02 AW n,01 Lo • Out of range
E03 EW n,01 Hi A03 AW n,01 Hi
E04 EW n,02 Lo A04 AW n,02 Lo Error classification 4 (FK4) M 255.14
E05 EW n,02 Hi A05 AW n,02 Hi Error recognition: 10 dec. -> MW 255.08
E06 EW n,03 Lo A06 AW n,03 Lo Module type: * 01/03/05 -> MW 255.09
E07 EW n,03 Hi A07 AW n,03 Hi Group number: -> MW 255.10
E08 EW n,04 Lo A08 AW n,04 Lo Channel number: -> MW 255.11
E09 EW n,04 Hi A09 AW n,04 Hi
E10 EW n,05 Lo A10 AW n,05 Lo In the initial state after initialization, channel 0 is selected
E11 EW n,05 Hi A11 AW n,05 Hi and the corresponding analog value ist displayed (see also
E12 EW n,06 Lo A12 AW n,06 Lo figures 5.4-6 and 5.4-7).
E13 EW n,06 Hi A13 AW n,06 Hi
E14 EW n,07 Lo A14 AW n,07 Lo
E15 EW n,07 Hi A15 AW n,07 Hi

n: Group number of the address, set at

address DIL switch with switches 5...8. _____________________
Addresses for 07 KR 91 / 07 KT 92 /
* 01 if only inputs are configured
07 KT 93 as bus master: 00...05, as of 07 KT 94
03 if only outputs are configured
also 08...15. Lo = low byte, Hi = high byte
05 if inputs and outputs are configured

2 07 AC 91 5.4-6 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 05.2001

Diagnosis functions can be selected individually for each With each successive pressing and releasing of the test
channel with the test button. The initial actuation of the button, the process is repeated for the other channels.
test button selects channel 0. The diagnosis LEDs 0 to 3
display the channel number in hexadecimal code. After interrogating the last channel and pressing the test
button once more, an LED test is initiated. All LEDs of the
module must light up. Following this, the position of the
DIL address switch is displayed for about 3 seconds (mod-
ule address on the CS31 system bus). In this case, LED
LED 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 shows the position of switch 1 (LEDs 0...7 are assigned
to switches 1...8).
Significance 8 4 2 1
Display of an analog value
The channel address results from the sum
When the test button is not pressed, the analog value of
of the bit significances of the LEDs that light up.
the selected channel is displayed with 8 LEDs.
Example: LEDs 0 and 1 are lit
Channel address: 8 + 4 = 12 Explanation:
all LEDs OFF -> minimum value
Fig. 5.4-6: Display LEDs for channel all LEDs ON -> maximum value
selection and diagnosis

After releasing the test button, the diagnosis information LEDs

of this channel is displayed for about 3 seconds by the Analog value

green LEDs 0 to 7.
Explanation of lit LEDs: Fig. 5.4-7: Display LEDs for
0 not used an analog value
1 not used
2 not used
3 not used Minimum and maximum values are:
4 Out of range
5 not used Configuration Min. value Max. value
6 not used all LEDs OFF all LEDs ON
7 not used
Explanations for the LEDs are also printed in English on +/- 10 V -10 V +10V
the front panel. 0...10 V 0V +10 V
The error messages on the module and on the central unit 0...20 mA 0 mA +20 mA
go out again as soon as the error has been corrected, no
new errors have been recognized and the error correction
was acknowledged. Fig. 5.4-8: Minimum and maximum values
for the analog display
Acknowledging an error after error correction:

• by pressing the test button for about 5 seconds, or Example:

• with the PC, or Configuration ±10 V and 0 V at E0
• with the PLC program in the central unit Display:
The current input has a self-protecting feature for the
measuring range 0...20 mA. If the current gets too high,
the current input shunt is switched off and the value for
"overflow" is output. Re-activation is attempted again in
increments of approx. 1 second to facilitate the correct
measurement as soon as the current regains accept-
able limits.

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 05.2001 Hardware 5.4-7 07 AC 91

Technical data for 07 AC 91
In general, the technical system data listed under "System data and system configuration" in chapter 1 of volume 2 of
the "Advant Controller 31" system description are valid. Additional data or data which are different from the system data
are listed as follows.

Technical data for the complete unit

Permissible temperature range during operation 0...55 °C
Rated supply voltage 24 V DC
Max. current consumption 0.2 A
Max. power dissipation 5W
Protection against reversed polarity of power connection yes
Number of binary inputs 1 as enabling input for the analog outputs
Number of analog input channels 8 or 16, depending on the operating mode
Number of analog output channels 8 or 16, depending on the operating mode
Electrical isolation CS31 system bus interface from the rest of the unit,
1 binary input from the rest of the unit
Address setting and configuration Coding switch under the cover located on the
right side of the housing
Diagnosis see chapter "Diagnosis and displays"
Operation and error displays a total of 17 LEDs,
see chapter "Diagnosis and displays"
Method of connections removable screw-type terminal blocks
supply terminals, CS31 system bus max. 1 x 2.5 mm2 or max. 2 x 1.5 mm2
all other terminals max. 1 x 1.5 mm2
Max. length of the analog cables,
two-core shielded and cross section > 0.5 mm2 100 m
Conversion error of the analog values
(non-linearity, factory calibration and resolution) typ. 0.5 %, max. 1 %
Max. permissible potential difference between
terminal M (minus of the supply voltage) and
terminals AGND (minus of analog inputs and outputs) ±1V
Common reference potential for all analog signals AGND (minus terminal of analog inputs and outputs)
Electrical isolation of analog signals none (see also Fig. 5.4-2).

Technical data of the binary input (enabling input for analog outputs)
The analog outputs must be enabled by a binary 1 signal (24V) at terminals 25 (+) and 26 (-).
Signal level 0 signal (-30...+5 V) voltage outputs are at 0 V,
current outputs are at 0 mA
1 signal (+13...+30 V) analog outputs are active
Electrical isolation yes, i.e. the reference potential and the
control signal must be connected

2 07 AC 91 5.4-8 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 05.2001

Technical data of analog inputs
Number of channels per module, oper. mode"12 bits" 8
Number of channels per module, oper. mode "8 bits" up to 16
Configurability oper. mode "12 bits" ±10 V, 0...20 mA (each channel can be configured
Configurability oper. mode "8 bits" 0...10 V, 0...20 mA (channels can be configured in
Signalization of input signals see diagnosis
Input resistance per channel voltage input > 100 kΩ
current input approx. 330 Ω
The current input has a self-protecting feature. If the current gets too high, the current input shunt is switched off and
the value for "overflow" is output. Re-activation is attempted again in increments of approx. 1 second to facilitate the
correct measurement as soon as the current regains acceptable limits.
Time constant of the input filter 470 µs for voltage,
100 µs for current
Conversion cycle (over 8 inputs + 8 outputs) 8 ms
Resolution range ±10 V oper. mode "12 bit" 5 mV (11 bit plus sign)
range 0...20 mA oper. mode "12 bit" 5 µA (12 bit without sign)
Resolution range 0...10 V oper. mode "8 bit" 40 mV (8 bit without sign)
range 0...20 mA oper. mode "8 bit" 80 µA (8 bit without sign)
Relationship between input signal and hexcode -100 %...0...100 % = 8008H...0000H...7FF8H
operating mode "12 bits" (-32760...0...32760 decimal)
Relationship between input signal and hexcode 0...100 % = 00H...FFH
operating mode "8 bits" (0...255 decimal)
Voltage inputs not used can be bridged to increase noise immunity
Current inputs not used are low in ohms, can remain open

Technical data of analog outputs

Number of channels per unit, oper. mode "12 bits" 8
Number of channels per unit, oper. mode "8 bits" up to 16
Configurability oper. mode "12 bits" ±10 V, 0...20 mA (each channel can be configured
Configurability oper. mode "8 bits" 0...10 V, 0...20 mA (channels can be configured in
Signalization of output channels see diagnosis
Output loadability as voltage output max. +20 mA (source, current flows out of the
max. -10 mA (sink, current flows into the output)
Output load resistance (burden), if current output 0...500 Ω
Resolution see "analog inputs"
Relationship between output signal and hexcode see "analog inputs"
Outputs not used remain open

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 05.2001 Hardware 5.4-9 07 AC 91

Connection to the CS31 system bus
Interface standard EIA RS-485
Electrical isolation from the rest of the unit

Mechanical data
Mounting on DIN rail according to DIN EN 50022-35, 15 mm deep.
The DIN rail is positioned centrally between the upper
and the lower edges of the module.
Mounting with screws by 4 screws M4
Width x height x depth 120 x 140 x 85 mm
Wiring method removable terminal blocks with screw-type terminals
supply terminals, CS31 system bus max. 1 x 2.5 mm2 or max. 2 x 1.5 mm2
all other terminals max. 1 x 1.5 mm2
Weight 450 g
Installation dimensions see Fig. 5.4-9

Installation instructions
Installation position vertical, connector terminals must point upward and
Cooling The natural convection cooling must not be blocked
by cable ducts or other components installed in the

Ordering data
Module 07 AC 91 Order No. GJR5 2523 00 R0101
Scope of delivery Analog input and output module 07 AC 91
1 2-pole terminal block (grid space 3.81 mm)
1 3-pole terminal block (grid space 5.08 mm)
1 5-pole terminal block (grid space 5.08 mm)
4 8-pole terminal blocks (grid space 3.81 mm)

2 07 AC 91 5.4-10 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 05.2001

The imprint on the
front panel foil
shows the address
assignment in
operating mode

120 85



94 All dimensions in mm.

The depth of the device is 85 mm. If a DIN rail is used for the installation, the depth must be increased by the
depth of the rail.

Fig. 5.4-9: 07 AC 91, Front panel foil and outside dimensions,

dimensions for mounting holes are shown in bold print

Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 05.2001 Hardware 5.4-11 07 AC 91

2 07 AC 91 5.4-12 Hardware Advant Controller 31 / Issued: 05.2001

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