Indian Standard': 1$:6137 - 1983 (Reaffipmed
Indian Standard': 1$:6137 - 1983 (Reaffipmed
Indian Standard': 1$:6137 - 1983 (Reaffipmed
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Galaxy Test & Calibration Lab -
(Reaffirmed 2014)
bhiwadi([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
.- i. 1$:6137 -1983
4JDC 621'753~3:63l'ir+" :
( Second Reprint MAY 1998 1 4
3 6 26 24 8 6 12 1 4. - 2
6 10 32 29 10 7 15 1’6 55 0’5 3
10 14 40 36 12 8 20 2 7 0’5 4
14 18 46 42 14 10 22 2.5 9 1 5
18 24 52 48 16 12 24 2’5 12 1 5
24 30 54 50 18 14 24 2’5 12 1 6
30 40 60 55 20 15 25 4 16 1’5 7
‘IS : 5388-l 983 ’ Specificationfor hexagon handles for plain and threaded plug gauges ( second revision ) .
IS:6137 -1983
Note - For finishing of the~ends, see 3.2.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Galaxy Test & Calibration Lab -
bhiwadi([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS :6137 -1983
4. Gauging Dimensions - Gauging dimensions for plain plug gauges shall conform to IS ~3455-1971
’ Gauging practice for plain workpieces ( first revision ) ’ and IS : 2334-1975 ’ Gauging practice for
IS0 metric screw threads ( first revision) ’ for checking plain workpieces and minor diamater of
internal threads respectively.
5. Taper Shank - Shall be made to-fit the taper ring gauges applicable to its size according to
IS : 9529-1980 ’ Taper plug gauges and taper ring gauges to check taper bore of gauge handles and
taper shanks of gauging members ‘.
6. Air Groovas - For gauges used for checking blind holes, suitable air groove: shall be provided for
gauging sizes above 6 mm.
7. Designation
7.1 Gauging members for plain plug gauges shall be designated by nominal size of the hole and
tolerance class according to IS : 919 ( Part 1 )-1963 ’ Recommendations for limits and fits for engineer-
ing: Part 1 General engineering ( first revision ) ‘.
Examp le :
A GO or NO GO gauging member for plain plug gauge to check a hole of nominal size 25
mm and tolerance class H8 shall be designated as:
7.2 If tolerances other than those according to IS : 919 ( Part 1 J-1 963 are required, gauging members
for plain plug gauges shall be designated by the nominal size of the hole and its limits.
Examp le :
A GO or NO GO gauging member for plain plug gauge to check a hole of nominal size 25
mm and with tolerance of +0’04 shall be designated as:
7.3 Gauging members for checking the minor diameter of internal IS0 metric screw threads shalt be
designated by the nominal size of the thread and the tolerance class according to IS : 4218 ( Part 4 )-
1976 ’ IS0 metric screw threads: Part 4 Tolerancing system ( first revision ) ‘.
A GO or NO GO gauging member for plain plug gauge to check the minor diameter of inter-
nal ISO~metric screw thread of size M24 and tolerance class 6H on the minor diameter
shall be designated as:
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Galaxy Test & Calibration Lab -
bhiwadi([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
{s : 6s37 - I’*S3
‘?.4.Gau@ng:~ti&iu~d~ for checking a“blind hole shall be designated with a prefix BH before the
A GO or NO GO gau~ing member for plain plug gauge to check a blind hole 25 H8 shall be
designated %s:
8. General Requirenients — Other requirements for gauging members for plain plug gar.rges not
covered in this standard shall be as given in IS :7018 ( Part 1 )-1983.
9.7 NO GO gauges shall be painted with red paint on the groove provided on the taper shank of the
gauging member.
9.2 Certification Marking — Details available wtth the Bureau of Indian Standards.
This standard was originally published in 197T. First revision was brought out in 1980 to align
the standard with ISO 3670-1979 ‘ Blanks for plug gauges and handles ( taper lock and trilock ) and ring
gauges — Design and general dimensions ‘ , issued by the International Organization for Standardization.
This standard has now been revised again to bring it in !ine with the latest manufacturing
prabtices.followed in India. Modifications have been made in Fig. 1 to 3,
The design of the gauging members in the ranges specified in this specification is of taper lock
type. The taper lock design is particularly suitable for the smaller sizes of plug gauges. This type of
gauge is economical to produce and maintain.
It is a feature of the taper lock system that tha gauging msmbers are locked firmly in the handles
by engagement of the taper shanks in the taper holes and when properly made and assembled, they
have the rigidity of solid gauges. Dimensions and tolerances for the mating pans of gauging members
and handles have been so chosen as to ensure full interchangeability of these parts wherever manu-
factured. A drift slot or hole is provided near one end of the handle to enable the gauging member
to be removed when replacement is. ne;essary. In tha case of double ended gauges, the second
member is removed by running a rod through them.
Size ranges abova 40 mm w to and including 120 mm and above 120 mm up to and including
250 mm have been covered in IS :6244-1980 ‘ Specification for gauging members for plain plug
gauges, GO and NO GO members ( size ranga above 40 UP to 120 mm ) (first rwision ) ‘ and
IS :6246-1980 ‘ Specification for.gauging members for plain plug gauges, GO and NO GO members
( size range above 120 up to 250 mm ) (first revision ) ‘,
Reprography Unit, DIS, New Delhi, India