Haccp Plan
Haccp Plan
Haccp Plan
1. ASSEMBLE HACCP TEAM (Well Trained/knowledge of the HACCP Principles)
RECEIVE PHY- Plastic, Dirt, SOP on receiving WHAT Delivery Car Check the Products at Conduct inspection 3 Delivery Car checking
Insects Vendor Accreditation WHEN When there is Room Temperature days before baking record
BIO- Salmonella Allergen Mgt Program NOT CCP 20C - 25C an Order Call the attention of Time Incoming temp
CHEM- Pesticides WHO Receiving owner the Delivery Car Check record and Record ( record
ALLERGEN- milk, eggs HOW Calibrated temp daily sheet )
STORAGE PHY- Dirt, Crumbs SANITATION WHAT Room Temp Call the Assistant Conduct inspection 3 Storage temp log
BIO- Salmonella STANDARD OPERATING WHEN Every Day baker to check the days before baking report by the Ass.
CHEM- Cleaning PROCEDURE Control WHO The Baker’s Temp Time Baker
NOT CCP 20C - 25C
Agents storage Temp HOW Record Temp of Check record and
ALLERGEN- milk, Room Temp/Storage temp daily
eggs Temp
PREPARATION PHY- Hair, Insects PPE/BAKING WHAT Tools Sanitize, Teach the Ass. Baker Conduct inspection 3 Sanitation
BIO- Salmonella UNIFORM Visual Proper Handwashing to wash a proper days before baking preparation report
CHEM- Cleaning Inspection Time and CCP 50ppm WHEN During hand washing if Time Hand gloves, mouth
Agents, Sanitizers Temp Control Chem No bare-hand Preparation gloves are not Check record and mask gear, etc.
ALLERGEN- milk, control Allergen Mgt contact WHO Baker Available temp daily
eggs Prog HOW Washing Hands
COOKING PHY- Hair, Egg Shell, PPE WHAT Bake according Check the food if Conduct inspection 3 Assistant baker
Insects Inspection Time and to the temp already Cook days before baking report to the baker if
BIO- Salmonella Temp Control of 204C – 232C WHEN During Baking Check the Ass. Baker Time burnt basque
CHEM- None Baking CCP WHO The Baker if a wearing Proper Check record and cheesecake is baked
ALLERGEN- milk, Chem control HOW Check the Uniform temp daily already
eggs Allergen Mgt Prog Cheesecake if already
HOLD PHY- None Sensory checking WHAT Chiller Temp Train Ass. Baker how Conduct inspection 3 Conduct an
BIO- Salmonella Time and temp WHEN After Baking to use and Wearing days before baking inspection every
CHEM- None 5C – 8C WHO The Baker Gloves and Mark Time time while
ALLERGEN- milk, CCP HOW use clean Labels Check record and Cheesecake is chilling
eggs thermometer temp daily Holding temp Ass.
Baker Record
SERVE PHY- None BAKING BIB APRON, WHAT Proper Instruct Ass. Baker is Conduct inspection 3 Hand gloves issuance
BIO- Salmonella personnel hygiene No Handwashing to wear Gloves and days before baking Report Staff
bare hand contact CCP 5C – 8C WHEN While on Duty Acrylic Mouth Mask Time training record
CHEM- None Time/temp control WHO Assistant Baker Mark labels for Check record and Inspection report
ALLERGEN- milk, mgt, special label HOW Wash Hand special Instruction temp daily
eggs Properly