EF4e Uppint Filetest 03a Answer Sheet
EF4e Uppint Filetest 03a Answer Sheet
EF4e Uppint Filetest 03a Answer Sheet
File Test 3
Answer Sheet A
Exercise 1 Exercise 7
1 ____________________ 5
____________________ 1 unfortunately __________
2 ____________________ 6
____________________ 2 altitude __________
3 ____________________ 7
____________________ 3 said __________
4 ____________________ 8
____________________ 4 absolutely __________
5 evacuation __________
Exercise 2
1 ’d been flying / ’d flown Exercise 8
2 such a good / a so good 1 ob|vious|ly
3 so / such 2 se|cur|ity
4 had swum / had been swimming 3 il|le|gal
5 so little / such little 4 a|ppa|rent|ly
6 ’d seen / ’d been seeing 5 con|nec|ting
Exercise 3
GVP total 50
1 _____________________________________________
2 _____________________________________________ READING
3 _____________________________________________ 1 _____ 2 _____ 3 _____ 4 _____ 5 _____
4 _____________________________________________
5 _____________________________________________
Reading and Writing total 20
6 _____________________________________________
Exercise 1
Speaker 1:
Exercise 4
Speaker 2:
1 j_________ l__________ 4 c___________________
Speaker 3:
2 t____________________ 5 o____________________
Speaker 4:
3 s____________________ 6 a____________________
Speaker 5:
Exercise 5
Exercise 2
1 off / up 4 out / up
1 became a published author / read a lot / didn’t enjoy
2 off / on 5 in / through writing
3 out / in 6 off / out 2 didn’t earn enough money / wanted to be more
creative / didn’t want to work in a secondary school
Exercise 6
3 camera / smartphone / notebook
1 eventually even just
4 only in the UK / in a magazine / by a friend
2 eventually definitely lately
5 she lost her job / her short stories were successful /
3 ideally obviously apparently
she gave up writing short stories
4 hard even hardly
5 yet nearly still
6 specially actually especially Listening and Speaking total 30
7 gradually ideally in fact
8 Basically Obviously Gradually
English File fourth edition Upper-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2020